PAGE SEVEN WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE; 1( MEDFORD MATL TTCIHUTTC. .MTWFOIU). OREGON. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1931. jbSJ i -I ttead rj id on thU page 0D will probhly ftno exactly tht thin oo want Co on) at sell . U " lnt there. deef Use . . ' pensive, effective Par word fire insecuo ( Minimum uoci tfeofi addluauO Insertion. 1C I Minimum 100 ) Pe Un P month without cop J changes 13 75 rOB WANT YD8 LOST AND FOUND Return to 624 No. BlwwWe- LOST 1 dog missing call 116 WANTED FEMALE HELP JmJOOBAPHBRWANTEDl-Not over 28 years of age. Apply in peon at office Mann's TCpartmentStore Sawi'mlddle-agod worn an tor general housework: 12 50 "r month. Mrs. T. J. Malmgren. Phoenix. W4NTEDReileble girl out of school, or middle aged woman tor .general homework and care ot children. 716 8. Jackson. Phone 92o-L. WANTED Reliable young woman out of school, help with housework, care children; pleasant home; board, room and reasonable wages. Refer ences required. Phone gaa-W. YOUNo"wOMAN over 30 years o! age tor genarl house work Oood home and moderate wages Permanent po sition for right party Address Box 3073. care Mall Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Salesmen, local concorn. steady work. Write Box 3547. Mail Tribune. TOUNO MAN WANTED, to prepare lor operation and- repair ol high speed DIESEL ENGINES. Must be now employed and willing to study in spare-time. Small tuition cost. For Information write 3506, Mall Tribune. YOUNO MAN WANTED who Is Inter ested in eleotrlclty, and would 'ike to work in a power station, starting as oiler. Must be at present em ployed and willing to prepare for opening at home in spare time study until qualified to enter this work at good pay. Small tuition cost. For particulars, write Box 3467, Mall Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD MECHANIC wants to do car and tractor repair work on your place. Phone 364, Central Point. CHILDREN cared for In my home. 840 E otb. WANTED-M1B0ELLANE0U8 WANTED Model T Ford In good con- dltlon: reasonably priced. Call WANTED To buy wardrobe trunk Phone 523-Y. WANTED Lightweight drag saw. Box 3398, Tribune. WANTED Room and board for two babies and room for parents; close In. Rex Cafe, afternoon. WANTED To buy trash burner. Tel 394-Y. ENCLOSED van truck going south Load wanted. Phone 333. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city limits of Mcd (ord Must be cheap Box 808 Mali Tribune. FURNITURE re-upholstered. 969-R Thlbault. Phone JUNK WANTED We pay oasn for TUNS 8A1TERIES AND RADIATORS ALUMINUM BRASS COPPER and lunk of all descriptions. MED FORD BAKOAIN BOUSE 7 Wo arape Tel 1062 BATES BJC , w A..N I KiJ wool, monair. mass uu k V pelts See us before rou sell woo) Bargain Bouse, I"7 N. Orape St Phone 1062 WAJn TO BUT 1939 Ford. Must be cheap SSI W and I WAJTD Warrant Redden Oo WANTED BouseDoLd food etoves tools or what have yon MMiord Bargain House 37 H Orape St rei 1002 FOR RENT B0PBE3 FOR RENT Nlc mfurnished bouse; 3 bedrooms; oioae la. 33 Almond 3 oath rooms, sleeping porch, furn ished or unfurnished Only rIisole. permanent tenants r?ed apply. 714 West 10th. FOR REN1 Homes furn;ned oi unfornisned Brown Walte FOR RETVT fl-mom rooderD house and grie. 1' mtiss from Med ford Mrs JeA&: M. U;nar Kings highway. FOR REVT Larg eaodern bous with shade trees and lawn 3)1 aV Jerk son atreei. inquire J. W. Jacooe, P4 Floe tueew FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Small furnished apart, ment; private Bath. 321 Apple. FOR RENT Desirable furnished apt. Hotel Grand. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RArES very moderate at 718 E Main ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 Orape FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Large room with hot and com water, shower; close in. ow. Fir. FOR RENT Sleeping room for em ployed woman or girl. 402 No. Oak dale. RENT Attractive sleeping room; board If desired; or 2-room apart ment, new. close in; reasonable. 204 W. Jackson. ROOMS Well furnished, heated. Phone 304-L. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO LEASE For 6 months, very rea sonable, the Convalescent Home in Ashland, consisting of large build ing, annex, and 10 cabins, all pretty well filled. Going south. Mr, and Mrs. Barber, 153 Orants St., Ash land, Ore. FOR RENT Ranch. Phone 267-H. FOR RENT 10 acres, Improved, close in; irrigated, see or pnone uiareuco Pierce. FOR EXCHANGE TRADE .25-35 rifle for cow. F. Wedge, 1 mile west Talent school. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oat hay Isaac's, next to Radio Station. FOR EXCHANGE 1029 model A Tord sedan and 2 lots In Med lord for late model Ford V-8 Tel 407- 1 EXCHANGE Furn ra-upbotstenng for lumber, wood, tub poise end reels Phone 998-R. FOR SALE OK rRAUE white electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. ITibuue- FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 acres provided In two 16-A lots on King's highway. In quire 524 No. Riverside. TO THE MAN wro contemplates building a nice home 1 will sell the finest view site In Medford at a REAL sacrifice. TRY ME. 3496. Tribune. TO THE MAN who contemplates building a nice home 1 will sell the finest view site In Medford at a REAL sacrifice. TRY ME. 3496. Tribune. A BARGAIN My largt lot. on Ben nett St., excellent soli, fruit, nut trees end berries Will sacrifice on terms or oash Box .58. Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son Co Bldg sa Loan Assn Tel 195 63 ACHES near Applegate P O; II A cultivation, free water right: bal ance tunoer; improvements. Paul Erdman. Applegate, Ore. ' WHEN you think ol real estate, think ot Brown & Wbtte FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Work horse, 1000 pounds to J800 pounds, wagons and har ness. 4 mile north Midway road on old Medrord-Central Point highway. FOR SALE Two milk cows. R. E. Dean, Berrydale Ave.. Box 37, after noons. FOR SALS One Guernsey bull. 18 months old. Fat hogs. J. ?. Wea ver, Gold Hill. FOR BALE Shropshire ewe lambs. A. L Ferns, Fern Valley. FOR BALE 7-year-old mare; weight 1600: IVx mile southwest Phoenix on Pioneer road. J. W. Ayres. FOR SALE Dairy cows and heifers. Bert Nichols, 1 mile north Ashland on highway. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire rsms. L. A. flalade. Central Point. FOR SALE Some good Ramboulllet rams. P- E. Bybee. Medford. FOR SALE 24 rabbits and hutches Third house south city hall, Jack- Two JERSEY betters, coming fresh In spring, snd coming 9-year-old colt Priced reasonable. Inquire at W B Medley's. Rt 4. Box 136. Medford. FOR SALE POULTRY PURE Bronx torn Oockrtn' prlw tock 15 Jwm Net. Rt I AJiiland TOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALK Persian kittens. 3S Myrtle St. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES PALL APBCIAl IN USED CARS iM For4 Ooupe. Hudson; 192S ItudtMUr Sedan. Unwell Touring, MA, trust good rubber. Atu4tker aari tftrflce. -w DURAKT . "toe Ior "S1" i7---:4. OOOD VSEO CARS 19J: tnt Ooupi. :90 Sruts T-piLeM Tiger Sedan. 193 iAAaile Ooupe. ;93B JDTot ooupe. vr, cmrrsie. 4 fitedan. 1T iJhrroln Ooupe. 1994 .MS iVdan. ARMSTRONO MOTORS. TNC. 34 ! Riverside. Phone 18 FOR SAlJft Cud lilac Victoria (4 seats) 139 North Riverside. Harry Cun rath. AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS nsn VIRES AND TIBF3 Bonded guars nted Ton cannot nuy tires anywhere in Orgoc cheaper than a the Sunrise Super Service Bts Ron. Utb and .rt:t:i!de. FOB SALE nnSCEJXANEOUS FOR f.K'.t Graphs ani crane Juice at Lr.a Lwil V.Qfysrd, Rt. 2, Medlord, FOR SALE mSCELLANEOaS FOR SALE Bay's new accordion. Never been ued. Hall price. Box 3409, Tribune. FOR SALE Cull awet potato quash iov cow feed. J. 8. Vandorfy, first house .south of Fairground. Pacific highway. FOR SALE PI a no, 50. Rt. i. Box 82. FOR SALT Juice and jelly (Tapes 15 Rose Ave. FOR SALE Jonathan apples. Tel 17-F-14. FOR SALE Large Simmons crib; good condition. Phone 1081-J. FOR SALE 4 -Inch pump and engine. 136 Portland. Phone 855-R. FOR SALE Tokay Trapes, So lb., ready to u- All that come and get this week get discount. Bring con tainers. Riley Myers, Central Point. FOR SALE Practically new Winches ter .32 special carbine at a good price. Phone 678-w. FOR SAE Dry wood any kind any length. 515 Pennsylvania. FOR SALE Tomatoes, lo on vines. John Maoe. dirt road right before overhead crossing, Tolo. Follow red arrows. FOR SALE $50 Majestic slide trom bone, slightly used. 115. Phone 746-J. 116 Willamette. FOR SALE Plenty of Petite prunes and tomatoes at carpenter s ttanon. J'vllle Highway. PEACHES & GRAPES mile south wnitc school on ariirin creek, Henry Huklll. FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine val ued at C20.00 for light car. Across from Medford Riding Academy. FOR SALE Circulating heater, kitch en cabinet. Byi'man, north of Cen tral Point, on highway. FOR SALE Ranches. Easy terms for quick sale. J. B. Andrews, owner. Business College Bldg. FOR SALE Jonathan apples. Call 17-F-14. FOR SALE Fine tomatoes, lo on vines, watermelons John Mace, dirt road right before overhead crossing Tolo, follow red arrows. GENUINE INDIANA CANNF.R toma toes, 75c a big lug oox. delivered Phone 8-P-4. Ted Pish. FOR SALE Buescher Melody O saxo- pnone, oattery radio 90 Eastman Kodak postcard size, portable rlc trola. 7 golf clubs and bag, house hold appliances, fruit Jars and tools 622 Cedar. FOR SALE Grain, oats and barley oags sieuiord Bargain House 37 N Grape St Phone 1062 ALL MAKES of washing mschlnes re paired. Pick's Hardware. 131 West Main. FOR SALS Deed tewing machines, ell makes; terms 11 desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewlnp Machine Co 24 N Bartlett POR SALE Canning peaches. Bert Standi!! Phoenix. FOR SALE 3 burner oil store, roil top desk, s.lila. automobile hot wat er heater, lace type rubber boots other miscellaneous articles Extra special taboo violin and 16 00 ease 40 00 Leaving, must sell at once Call at 22 Keene Way Drive. TIER WOOD Dry fire. pine, oak and laurei, on ground or delivered. Tel 722. BUSINESS CHANCES 1500 INVESTMENT In rich est.ib- iisnea piacer property will net you from (30.000 per year up. Open to one party. Investigate the property thoroughly. Mera, 73 Union, Ash land. MISCELLANEOUS "DIESEL NEWS" Amazing facta and pictures, latest developments end opportunities for trained Diesel men. Free copy. Write "Diesel News," 2121 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, Cs). PRUNES FOR8ALB-lc lb. TeCli DENTISTRY Dr I. Main a Oove 235 E BOAT I-RAILER Cash Register Add ing Machine, rypewriter. Boots Shoes, Huntlng-Flshlng Equipment 317 Nortb Riverside GRAIN SACKS Jackson County Peed Co.. 4th end Bartlett Bts. DOOS examined tree. Dr. stone. 4th and Bartlett. FOR 8ALB Equity lo house. Call 026 Haven. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKHUN CO. ABSTBAC'l CO. Abstract jt lltu and Title Insurance, The only complete nil 8 y e t to la ; season County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. -Abstract of rule. Rooms I and o. No. t'd Nortb Ceotral Ave. upstairs. Rial to Phone 1616-T. Expert Window Cleaners LET OEUKOE DO 11 - Tel. UVJ House Cleaning. Floor Waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning specially Money tu Lend MONEY LOANED ON PUKNITUKfc. CARS ETC Prompt service &d gal rates W B THOMAS A 8 Central State license No 8 157 Mulc Writing and pong Sertlrt HAIOHT Music Writing snd Song Service. Composing, smngtnj? Song lyrics. Publishing. Copy rights. Mlmeixrsph copies of mu sic. 318 Liberty Bid.. Medford. Ore Transier EALW? rRANSFTR Si STURAOl CO -Office 1016 no ntrsJ Pbne 416 Prices right serv've fijsranteed HAWUEY rKANSPCK - Cipert pscs r snd ODuTsrs Special tivators mot ins; equipment. Price rtot 810 Nortb, p&uae l(H4-X BUSINESS DIRECTORY Piano Instruction. APOLLO PIANO STUDIO. 218 E. Mam. Classical and popular muaie. Pri vate and class lessons. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Pianist, com poser, teach of piano and harmony. Original MELOHORD method, mod ern piano playing. Studio, 318 Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Ore. PERSONAL REV. EVELYN MARSHALL, spiritual readings dally. 316 So. Riverside. Painttnt and rapcrhangtng si. A. BUSS Painting and paper banging Tel 646 w ...8 8 Orape M. A. BLISS Painting and paper, hanging. Tel. 646. W. 313 8. Orape IVall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAP EH CLEANING. 1c per 1 ft. Mi Black 310 N Bartlett. LEGAL NOTICES Summons for Publication. Xn the circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Jackson County. Anna M. Bertelson, J. H. Prultt, E. R. Fuller and Elizabeth Fuller, hus band and wife, Fred B. Sweeney, and Mary R. Sweeney, husband and wife; a. s. Butler, and Alice B. Butler, husband and wife; Western Loan and Building Company, & Utah corporation; Alberte E. Tuck er, Brasler Bailey, Nellie Brlggs, a widow; Union Savings and Loan As sociation, an -Oregon corporation; Charles H. Carey, Corporation Com missioner of Oregon, Receiver; The 8tate of Oregon, represented and acting by the World War Veterans' State Aid Commission; Grover C. Owen end Rozella s. Owen, hus band and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. John P Butler, and Jane Doe Butler, his wife, If married, (true name un known), their heirs If deceased, also all other persons or partlea un known claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein. Defendants. To each and all of the above named Defendants; In the namo of the State of Ore gon, you, and each of you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint of the plaintiffs on file herein against you or otherwise plead thereto within four weeks from the date of the first publication ot this Summons, same being the 19th d(,y of September, 1934. And you will please take notice that If you fall to so sppear and answer or otherwise plead to ssld complaint, the plaintiffs will take a decree against you for the relief demanded In said complaint to-wlt; For e Judg ment and decree quieting the title of the above named Plaintiffs In and to Lots one (1) to thirteen (13) Inclu sive and lots fifteen (IS) to eighteen (18) Inclusive in Creston Heights Ad dition to the City of Medford. Jack son County, Oregon, which real prop, erty la the subject matter of this suit as against all of the above namnd Defendants or any one claiming by. through or under them, end decree. ing that Plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of said premises, and for their costs and disbursements herein to be taxed. This Summons Is published by order of Hon. H. D. Norton, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Ore gon, which Order was made on the 18th day of September. A. D. 1934. and requires publication of this Sum mons once a week for four coniecu tive weeks. a. A. CODDING. Attorney for Plaintiffs, p. O. Address: Courthouse, Medford, Oregon. Notice In the County court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of John Greb. Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given that the undersigned Executrix has filed her h'il Tribune Daily ACROSS PoisesRss A simian ts Equipage Of nonaetjuence Old musical note Reproductive body of a tlowerless plant Perfsctly Tennis stroke Type measure Crusted dish Nothing Branches ot learning Inclined walk By Supplication Perceive vliuslly Shrubs of the genus Rhus Military students Commotion Corrupt And: Latin Part of the ay Calamitous Cemtn pf the cow Qoddeis of the harvest Afuln: prtflx Remote For the reason that Solution of Yeitsraiy Puzzle A D A A R N E N E W CIO NTT B. J V. E sMTeTn E 5 TpjPjE N D jlsjTU BW O Y C O N T A Mi I M TnVT Q N s A ve iVA R T 1 1 E 5 EkulT'l mNM aTd oM JPiiiL e s 0o ul e iosflB i p liTslslHPl 19. Chief gods of the Teutonic pantheon 13. Old cloth measure 53. Too fWp for rdlnsry compr irsh en sion SR. Piece out Si. Adlpoie T. slaicullne Qlcknsme ' 2 3 W( K I4 7 1 W? 11 zM !L!lL Ji 32 34 "yfl Ta-.Ts XT 35 t&JZ ,7j I I m II II wA I 1 FINAL REPORT as the Executrix of the Estate of the above named dece dent, with the Clerk of said Court, and thst the Judge of said Court has made and entered an Order setting the hour of fa o'clock A. M.. ot Sep tember 29. 1934, as the time, and the courtroom of said Court In the court house at Medford, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to ssld report. All persons having any Interest In said Estate are directed to appear at ssld time and place and show cause, it any they have, why such re port should not be approved end the other reuer therein prayed for be granted. Listed and first published this 29th day of August, 11)34. LOUISA R, GREB, Executrix ot the Estate of John Qreb. Deceased. Notice of Meeting of Hoard ef tiiualUutlon To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Grants Pass Irrigation District will meet Tuesday. October 2nd, 1934, el 10 o'clock In the district office In the Court House Grants Pass. Oregon, acting aa a Board of Equalisation for the purpose ot reviewing ana correcting ita assess, menta and apportionment of taxes. This notice Is published by order of the Board of Directors of the Grants Pass Irrigation District, this 4th day of September, 1934. GRANTS PASS IRRIGATION DISTRICT, By E. Reed Carter. Secretary-Manager. Trail TRAIL. Sept. lfl. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Wash HuiI-hM of RnMhnm .rrlu. ed September 18 for a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. n ore nee Wat son and f&mllV. Ml-.. Wrnn mn,l Carroll drove down with them to Hamaker ranger station, where they wiu viii au. wauon, wno la sta tloned there. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney from nenr Ashlsnd were overnight guttata at the Boyd Tucker home Monday. The t&inneys were on their way to Whit key Creek, where their sou Is looking after their sheep on the summer pas-1 tyre, Mrs. Lowell Ash of Elk Creek has recovered sufficiently to return homa after a week In a Medford hospital.1 Mrs. Florence Watson and son. Car. roll, visited at the 8. W. Hutchinson ' home Friday and were overnight guests at the Boyd Tucked home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barrett of Eagle Point have moved Into a cottage near Sunset on the Roguo for the winter Mrs. Barrett Is tenohlng the Elk Creek school and Mr. Barrett drive the high school bus from here to Eagle Point and teaches In the grado school there. There are six girls go ing to high school from here. Mrs, Cecil Prltchart. who has been running the lunch room at Trail known as Cecil's Kitchen, has closed for the season and returned to her home near Shady Cove. Ray Merriman Is 'working at the summer home of Blamer and Young. Wllber Ragsdtile Is busy getting his corn husked for winter feed. Mr. and Mrs. Ryans and children of Medford called on friends hero September 10, The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Dick Johnson of Shady Cove are san to learn of the tragic death of their l(ttle daughter, Alice, September 10 Trail Extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Boyd Tucker Septem ber 13 with IS ladles present. Miss Malln, the acting demonstration agent, was present to assist those who wanted to make the guide pat tern. A covered dish luncheon whs served at noon. After lunch Tilly Payton, Evelyn Cobern, Tessio Vaughn and Millie disss, all from Cross -Word Puzzle . face 9. Let go 10 Sick U. Merry 13. 6 p here 17. Manner 19. Rubbed out 21. Of the nose " 2 a. Parts of curve rt. Get 16. Body thst has fallen to earth from outer space 7. Nuisances i!S. Dad i"), Kpeed contest it. Eyeglaaa for one eye II. Down: prefix 37. Straight 40. Mineral spring It. Tract of land drained by a river 44. Waves break Ing on the shore 41, Nourish 41, Ineeot it. Wild animal 41. Ocean 0. Indefinite smount II. Color 14. Part of the Utblsi sbbr. PA h NTjAbH elNlelstlftlVl DOWN 1. Belonging to him 1. Largeness ef diinenilnng J. Cylinder for winding thread 4. Exiit . I'ronoun . Delicately heaulltul 7. Terminal the MrCloud Unit, called and ex tended an Invitation to the Trull unit to join them in g.vlitff a local fntr September 33 at the home ot Mrs. Glass, which they accepted, so all are busy collecting things for the fair to which everyone Is Invited Llal Tucker, Rena Howe, Jennie Hutchinson. Eva Segues man and Alma Merriman met at the home of Mrs. Merriman September 17 to help Mrs. Seggessman do soma sewing for her Invalid slater at Eugene, Phoenix PHORNIX, Rapt. 19. (Spl.) Mrs. Florece Morton of Portland left for Roseburg last Wednesday, after hav Ing spent a two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Steadmsn here. Mrs. C. C. Hartley, Mrs. R. 8. Peter, son, Mrs. C. Morgan and Mrs. J. O. N. Poling are the delegates who will at tend the Preabyterlal executive meet ing at a rants Pass Wednesday. Mra. Nettle Hallcraft and Mrs. J. W. Watklns of the local unit attend ed the all-day home extension meet ing at the courthouse September 18. Mtss Armilda Weir underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Sac red Heart hospital last week. Rev. and Mrs. Peterson drove to the But to Falls, South Fork of Rogue River CCC oamp Friday evelng where Rev. Peterson conducted services. Misses Marjorie and Gweneth Poling, Addle Bolz and Roma McReynolda ac companied them, and presented sev eral quartette selection. Warren Poling, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. poling, suffered a broken arm while at play recently. Lee Burks left iox Crater Lake Mon day evening, where he has employ ment. A son weighing 1 pounds was born Sunday to Mr, and Mrs. J. A Blevlns of Medford, at the Puruckor Maternity home. Mrs. B levins was the former Bdna Briscoe. Mrs. William H. Day and Mrs. Caro. line Schuman of Ashland were guests at the J. B. Webster home last Tues day. Mrs. Gordon MacCracken of Ash lsnd also called on Mr. and Mrs. Web ster Tuesday. ! 4 I I I I II Climax CLIMAX, Sept. 19. (Spl.) Oeorca McLean visited hts parents Sunday. Everett and Nellie Qrlssom have moved to their Central Point home and Miss Net He will attend high school. Miss Roberta Werte left Sunday for Central Point to attend high school. She will live at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. WerU were Hosts Sunday at a dinner In honor of Mr and Mrs. Ted Kinney of Central point. whose marriage waa an event of Sat urday. Nineteen guests ware present. Sam Coy la ataylnf at his rsnoh here for a few days. The budget meeting of district JS was held last Wednesday, A tax of 421 waa voted by the district, Brownsboro - BROWNSBORO, Sept. 19. (Spl.) Mrs. J, r. Maxfleld returned Sunday from Cllmai, where she visited her mother, Mrs. Orlssom for a faw days, Lloyd Tucker called at tht Olasa and Wright homes, Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Barrows visited at the J, D, Henry home Thursday. Mr. Henry, who has been quite III Is recovering slowly. H. W. Wright and Bill Swain wero business visitors In Medford Friday. Mrs, Haagland or Eagle Point visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Barrows the first of the week. Two new pupils have entered school this term, Clarence Hayward of Cali fornia and Robert Baker. There arc U pupils enrolled. Mrs. Jesse Olasa, Mrs. Edna Monta, Mrs. Mary Charley and Irene Char ley attended the convention held at Saginaw last week. THE GRANGE Ijike Creek Orange. Members of Lake Creek Orange were favored at their last meeting by a visit from County Orange Deputy R, E. Nealon and Mrs. Noalon. During the lecture hour Deputy Nealon spoke, In his usual pleasing manner, on various topics which were of apeclal Intfeat to Grangers. Other numbers on the program ware piano aelscttons by Hsltn Brown, "Csttle and Their Place In the Hu man scheme," by rloyd Charley. Con test, "Ouesslng Kernels on Ear of Corn," In honor of Cerss. The Orange voted to contribute to the B. F. Irvine testimonial fund. Tha booster meeting will be held Ssturday evening, September 39. An open meeting will be held and abund ant entertainment provided for all, BURNED TO DEATH PORTLAND, Sept. 18. (JFl Fire, presumably caused by a olgarette, took the life of Vlijll A. Moore, die. abled war veteran, as fe slept In hi room today Mrs. Moore, awaksned In 4 smoke tilled roon, In another part of the house, ws burned on the hand snd race in futile attempt to aroUM her huabsnd. She led her four smsll children and two niece to ssfety. Moor already had tuffoeatd when firemen reached hi room. IJ-o Blue Herrlngbon tuning, 3180, made to meatur Klein the Tailor. Upstairs. Dm Mai) Trlbuo want ad. Courthouse News (Furnished by the Jacitsoa Count) abstract Co. 131 311th street) Marriage Mrensrs Newton A, Orlffls and Mabel R Terry. James E. Newton and Hasel Mc Millan. Charles 8. Steele and Elizabeth H. McDowell. Ira R. Hart and Ellen L. Wiley, Bay V. Mtllra aim Elizabeth V. Barron. Alfred M. Spenca and Myrtle B. Wright. Wilbur R. Hunt and Thclma L. Barnum. Allen Thomas Boeclier and Helen Lorraine Shipley. Circuit Court Rogue River Chevrolet. Inc., a Fred H. ,'ohnson, Jr. Chattel lien 1034 Chevrolet truck, motor No. T 3978843. I. h. Wilson va. F. H. Johnson, Jr. Chattel lien: same aa above. R. F. Singler vs. F. H. Johnson, Jr. Chattel Hen; same as above. Maud Potter vs. Boyd M. Potter Divorce. O. A. Mannings vs. C. B. Dunning ton et al For money; attachment en tered. A. B. Reamea vs. Estate of M. F. Hardy, decetised For money. R. F. Singler vs. F. H. Johnson, Jr.. Johnson Trucking Co. Chattel Hen. I. 8. Wilson vs. F. H- Johnson, Jr., Johnson Trucking Co. Chattel lien. Rogue River Chevrolet, Inc.. vs. F. H. Johnson, Jr. Chattel lien. Table Rock District Improvement Co. vs. Estate of Hattle May Hard man, h. R. Buckley, administrator Lien. Carl M, Bit in ark, Beatrice I. Bin- mark and F. J. Newman Incorporate as Hawkluson Tire Tread Co. Ruth Merrill vs. Charles Merrill Divorce. V. V. Caldwell, Ted Thomson. Wayne W. Wells and Ralph Thomas Incorporate aa Theta Delta Phi. Southern Oregon Normal School. Q. D. Jennings va the Dorrli Lum ber & Moulding Co. Logger's lien. Charles Jennings vs. the Dorris Lumber Sc Moulding Co. Logger's Hen. D. R. Jennings vs. the Dorris Lum ber & Moulding Co. Logger's Hen. Probate Court Guardianship of the estate of Sadie E. Hughes Probate. Estate of E. J. Mulr Probate. EBtate of Pearl E. Frees, deceased Admitted to probate. Ileal Rstate Transfers H. O. Youmans et u to A. W. Na pier W. D. to lend In DLC 19, Twp 37 8., R. 3 w. Otto W, Helder et px to Pearl E. Johstone Q. C. D. to 2 acres In OLC 45, Twp. 38 S., R. I W. J. C. Barnes et ux to William Pu- gere W. D. to 1 acre, being lot 90, Howard Park, Carter Land Co. to Charles W. Fra ley et px Q. 0. P. to 8.783 acres In OLC 43, Twp. 39 8.. R. 1 E. Gertrude M, Hawkins to Charles W. Fraley et ux q. 0. O. to 8.783 acrea In DLC 43. Twp. 39 3.. R. 1 C. MiUluda L. Prttett to Howard C Short et ux w. D. to lent) In sec I Twp. 86 8. R. 1 W. Bessie Rowena Barry to Russell P. Chapman W, D. to 8 Eli 01 the BW'.i of See. 30 Twp. 38 8. R. 1 E. A, W, Napner to H. O. Youmans et ux W. D. to land In PLC 19 Twp, 37 8. R. 2 W. Emll Brltt et ux to Ltidrlck T, Lar son et al W. O. to blocks 44 and 48, Jacksonville. Ray R. Kenaston et ux to Brasler Bailey W. D. to lot 7, Creston Heights Add. to Medford. A. M. Beaver to Dr. Meredith O. Beaver W. D. to W14 lot 24. N'-i lot 33, H..B. Carter Add. to Ashland. Albert E. Orr et ux to Oertrude E. Weeks W. D. to half Interest In N 187 feet lot 9, block 8, Cottage Add., lot on Clark street, and lot In bloek 8, Oalloway's Add. to Medford. Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc., to Elisabeth Conner w. D. to lot 10, S'-i lot 11, block 4, Narrsgan Add. to Medford. The tonnage cargo handled t the Oakland, Cal., port has Increased 107 per cent since 1938 to total ol 099,' 334 tons the last year. MIDWAY ROAD PAVILION ONE HALF MILE NORTH OF PINE 00 NX Saturday, Sept. 22 STARTING AT 1 P. M. SHARP 81 head nf rattle, consisting of thoroughbred and good high grade rows. Heavy springers, some with calves by side snd heifers. 14 head of Sheep. 14 head of lltirsea consisting of on 3100 lb. team, 8 and yrs. old, On 1300 Ih. black mare, broke to work and ride. I gentle plntu pony. I 4-yr, old 1000 lb. saddle hors. 1 young Ifioo lb. horse, broke to work and rlile. And many other. 1 let of harnei. to head of Meaner Pigs. 19 Ford Truck. 17 Chef. Trurk, -27 Studebaker Coop. Mahogany queen Ann Dining Set, M In. toble, rhalrs. blue leather top. t Library Table. 1 Phonograph. Restaurant Colfe I'M. 31 Chlr. I hr. 1 Dnuhl vvffle Iron, restaurant t)P. 1 MesUurant Tositer. 8 room of furniture, stoves, radio, nigs, te. And many other Item too numerous to mention. Artyorn havlnf anything they wish to sell, call in person at Van's Tirt. Shop, Riverside at 8th or Phone 116, UNDER NEW ED. IVANS, ELECTION OF CITY OFFICERS MED (Continued frwm page one) Building and Loan, who represented, his company as a major property hold er. Or. Elliott, Ooldy and Asabel Hubbard were appointed as a com mittee to meet with other property holders, the street and roads commit tee end the finance committee, in securing funds for the work. Cost of the project la estimated at 11700. No State Funds. Mr. Ooldy brought before the coun cil the Inconvenience te traffic la the present condition of the street, and. the resultant loss in property value. He stated that more than 80 per ecus of the owners are willing to pay their share In msklng the Improvement. Fred Scheffel, elty superintendent, stated that he has received word from the highway department that atetS) funda are unavailable. An effort was made to secure state funds througn the contention that Main atreet la a portion of Crater Lake highway. Superintendent Scheffel waa ap pointed to Inveatlgate the dlatrlbu tlon of 188,000 by the state highway department, whloh has been allocated for Junction City, Grants Pass, Med ford and Ashland, according to popu lation, and mileage of secondary and primary roads. An effort will be made to determine when and In what proportion the funda will be dis tributed. Conference Slated. Mayor Porter announced that ha has received a letter from Herman Kehrll, exeouttve secretary of the League of Oregon Cities, stating that Kehrll and Ormond R. Bean, commis sioner of public works of Portland, will pass through Medford, Friday, Saptsinber 31. Arrangements will be made for councilman and other oity offlolala to meet Mr. Bean and Mr. Kehrll, to discuss questions pertain Int to league activities, legislative work, general municipal problems and olty planning problems. Frank Farrell. city attorney, report ed that the city has received word front Portland that Robert Robinson, who received injuries in the recent Hotel Medford fire when struck by a fire hose. Is showing Improvement at a Portland hospital. A ohange in hour of the council meeting was announced, to be affec tive for the next session, which will begin t 7:30 Instead of at 8 o'clock- T E (Contlnuco. nom page one been situated. The house ws covered by Ins .ranee, but the loss Is esti mated at a figure much greater than the value of the building, due to the complete destruction of furniture and valuables. Xn explslnlng the origin of the blaze, Maust atated that he was at work picking pears In an adjoining orchard when it traah fire on the Bur ger property spread to 8 grass stretch along tha road, Burger pomptly noti fied Maust and the two thought they completely extinguished the fire with water. It Is believed to have flared up again, following grass and s fence to the Shepherd house, some few hundred feet away. Mr, and Mra. Shepherd had left early In the morning, aceomfianled by Mr. tnd Mrs. E. J. Llttlefleld. neighbors, and did not receive word of the tragedy until their return. On lookers stated that approximately 40 people had assembled In leas then 30 minute after the fire wss reported. a -mbxw R-A n n-v f-ti .a ejT-T '- I j- ii Absolutely Bonafide MANAGEMENT AUCTIONEER