MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGOX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931 PAGE FIVE Local and Personal Cole to School Everett Colo kit by train this morning to attend the- Uni versity of Oregon. i Prom Phoenix Mrs. Chub Ander- on of Phoenix was Ylaltlng In Med ford yeaterday. Prom Central Point Mr. and Mrs. L. Hatfield of Central Point wera in Medford yesterday. Quest Today M 18 Ruby Fairbanks of Yreka, Cal., la a gueat in Medford today at the home of Mrs. N. S. Oat man. h To Teach School Mrs. Prancla Nandle of thla elty left recently to teach achool in Grant Pass thla win ter. Mr. Pellet Baa Visitor Mrs. Mar tin Pellet has as visitor today, her mother, Mra. L. D. Harris of Vina. Cal. Mra. Palm Returns Mra. Char lea Palm haa returned from a two weeks' vacation at her aummer borne near Band on. Prom Eagle Point Among vlaltora in Medford yeaterday were Mra. Rosa Whaley and Miss Hattle Howlett of Eagle Point. Mra. Swedenburg from Ashland Mra. F. G. Swedenburg waa in the city yeaterday from Ashland, vlaltlng friends. On Business A. C. Tltua of Los Angelea, representing the Marlon P, Gray Co., waa In Medford yesterday on business. K ell urn on Vacation H. B. Kellum of the California Oregon Power com pany left recently by motor for a two weeks' vacation on the coast. From Bay City Ford Brady, flan Francisco representative of the wey enberg Co. of Portland, spent several days on business and pleasure here recently. Issued Permit E. D. Elwood, 135 South Central, was issued a permit to reshlngle at a cost of 9135, yes terday at the city building depart ment. V Forfeits Ball 8. M. Bartelaon, 39, of Washington, forfeited $10 cash ball In city court Monday, having been arrested Saturday night by city po lios on drunkenness charges. Supervisor Here -Mrs. Ilia E. Per kins, traveling supervisor and stylist for the Flelaher Tarn company of New York, arrived on the Shasta to conduct a yarn-craft fashion show at the Handicraft Shop, 42 South Central, today and Thursday. Scherer Arrives and Departs Paul Scherer arrived on this -morning's Shasta from San Francisco, and ex pects to leave again this evening to attend an advisory board meeting in Portland. He will return to Medford the end of the week. Tire Representative in City "Curly Isbell of the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber company, with headquarters In Eugene, has been in the city on busi ness, and while here watched the high school team work out yesterday, expressing the thought that they should be able to beat the Marsh field outfit, which be has also seen practicing. 20c Anytime Positively Ends Tonitel I RADIO JOINS THI KMIN IN (MOANTK MtBOP Or STABS AND WTBTINMWT1 Aahland Visitor Gold le Wilson of MifM was a visitor In Ashland Monday, the Ashland Tidings states. From Climate City Mrs. Sofia Baker of Grants Pass was In Med ford yesterday, visiting friends. Crowley from San Francisco Ed Crowley of San Francisco will be in Medford on business for a few days. having arrived by train today. Have Minor Operations Thomas N. Robinson of this city and Mrs. I. N. MoCollom of 437 Columbus avenue both underwent minor operations to day at the Sacred Heart hospital. Receiving Treatment Among those receiving medical treatment today at the Sacred Heart hospital are Mrs. J. A, Thomas of 501 East Main and Mack Mackey of Klamath Falls. Undergo Operations Patients at the Sao red Heart hospital today who underwent operations yesterda are Mrs. Lorraine Wilson of Roseburg and Donald Bailey of Grants Pass, son of Dr. B. G. Bailey. Leaves Hospital The Sacred Heart hospital reported today that George Van Galder of Jacksonville, who un derwent a major operation yesterday, was able to return to hts home today, and la doing nicely. 'Oakes to Portland Harvey Oakes, S. O. N. S. athletic star of last year, la in Aahland today, and will leave tomorrow for Portland, where be will make his home. Brother Visits with Mayor Harry Porter of Portland stopped over be tween trains this morning to visit with his brother, Mayor George Por ter, and the mayor's son. Jack Porter. Alvln Winter Has Operation Alvln Wimer, 11, son of G. C. Wlmer of 34 Quince street, was taken to the Sac red Heart hospital last night for an emergency appendicitis operation, and is getting along nicely today. Go to Lakevlew Ralph Stevenson of Medford and W. M. Walls and Wil liam Grenbemer of Ashland will leave Wednesday for Lakevlew, where they plan to hunt on the opening day of the season. Ashland Tidings. From P. E. O. Meet In Portland- Mrs. E. A. Moore, treasurer of the local P, E. O., returned this morning on the Oregonlan from Portland where she has been attending a board meeting. , From Tennessee Eugene Montgom ery of Knorvllle, Tenn., is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Fay Trulove of Medford. Mr. Montgomery arrived Friday night, and will spend several weeks with his mother. Ashland Tidings. Livestock. PORTLAND, Sept. 19. (TV-CAT TLE: 300; active, fully steady, un changed. HOGS: 100: nominally steady: light weight, good and choice, (5.75-8 73 medium weight, good and choice, 18 00-8.75: heavyweight, good and choice, 5 80-8.35. SHEEP: 400: ateady, unchanged. Portland Produce Al. Chetn. & Dye , Am. Can Am. & Fgn. Pow, , A. T. ft T. Anaconda .. Atch. T. ft S. F. Bendlx Avla. ....... Beth. Steel California Pack'g. Caterpillar Tract, . Chrysler ............ PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 19. (API BUTTER Print A grade, 284c lb.; parchment wrapped cartons, 30c lb.; quantity purchases, leas; B grade, parchment wrapped, 27c lb.; do cartons, 39c lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A grade delivery at least twice weekly, 27-29c lb.; country routes, 25-2ftc lb.; B grade or delivery fewer than twice weekly, Portland, 26-3 6c lb.; country routes, 24-2So lb, O grade at market. EGGS Sales to retailers private firms: Specials, SOc; extras, 28c; fresh extra brown, 28c: standards. 24c; fresh mediums, 25c; medium firsts, 22c; pullets, 18c; do firsts, 10c; checks, 20c; bakers, 17c dozen. EGGS Buying price of wholesal ers: Fresh specials, 26-27c; extras. 25 -26c; fresh extra brown, 25c; extra firsts, 24c; fresh mediums, 23c; me dium firsts, 21c; pullets, 16c; do firsts 14c; checks, 15c; undergrade 15o doe. CANTALOUPES Standards, $1-1.36 per crate; DUlard, $1.75; Spear, 41.60. Cheese, milk, country meats, mo hair, cascara bark, hops, live poultry, onions, potatoes wool and hay, steady and unchanged. Curtiss-Wrlght DuPont .. Gen. Foods Gen. Mot. Int. Harvest. - I. T. ft T Johns-Man. . Monty Ward . North Amer. .... Penney (J. C.) Phillips Pet Radio - Sou. Pac. Std. Brands w St. Oil Cal. St. OH N. J. . Trans. Amer. . Union Carb. . Unit. Aircraft U. S. Steel Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Sept. 19 (AP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Cloae May .90Vi SOU .88 .88 Sept. MM .841,4 .84 34 Dec. .88 .87 .84 34 Cash: Big Bend blueatem, 94; dark hard winter, 13 per cent, 98&; do, 11 per cent, 91 14; soft white, north ern spring and western red, 83 western white, 82: hard winter, 87. Oats: No. 3 white, 34. Corn: No. 3 E yellow. 35.75. MlUrun, standard, $31.60. . Today's car receipts: Wheat, 60; barley, 10; flour, 11; corn, 3; oats, 10; hay, 3. CHICAGO, Sept. 19. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close Sept., old- .1.03 1.03 1.023, 1.03 New 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.03 Dec. old.. 1.03 1.04 1.02 1.03 New 1.03 1.04 1.02 1.03 May 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.03 Wan. Bn rm. h. taw tl i dick powHi.eiNoi. aooias a miui aaoa no noarro a.aNS 1 TOMORROW ONLY First Came "MEN IN WHITE" Now the "LADIES IN WHITE" Tell Their Story "REGISTERED NURSE" with BEBE DANIELS LYLE TALBOT JOHN HALLIDAY She Make, you re-lUe every mo ment of heart-break and triumph with her! 1404 CARS OP PEARS SHIPPED FROM ROGUE VALLEY UP TO DATE Pear shipments from the Rogue RWer valley up to last night totaled 1404 cars 766 to eastern markets and 648 to the canneries. Apple ship ments to date total 66 cars. Harvesting of the tomato crop Is proceeding apace. According to Ralph Koozer, manager of the Bagley Can nery company at Ashland, the toms toes are being received at the rate of between 60 and 60 tons per day. con. tlnuatlon of the present weather con ditions are hoped for, so the crop can be harvested before the heavy frosts. The tomato picking and pack lng Is expected to last until mid- October. Some of the pickers earn from 13 to 2.3S per day, and according to re port, a few have quit on the theory "we can get relief anyway." The names have been reported to federal relief agencies. It Is said. Picking of Winter Nell Is now un. der way In the orchards, and la ex pected to be completed early In Oc. tober. The bulk of the crop has been picked and packed. Operations of some of the packing plants have been reduced the past ten days. It was a short season. DANCE 5Q TON. I E 1h Muslo by MELODY HOTS Direction Reg. Flfer Dreamland 8. Oregon's Hottest Dance Band Men 35o Ladies 10c Ready to Burn Factory Blocks . Bundled Kindling LARGE LOAD $g.oo LARGE LOAD Chicago Wheat .130 7 e m 11 48 . 13 . 37 , 38 . 34 . Sl . 19 . 3 . 86 . 39 . 38 . 37 . V4 . 43 . 34 . 13 . 66 18 . 6 . 17 . 18 . 32 . 43 . 6 . 41 13 31 Silver NEW YORK, Sept. 19. (AP) Bar sliver steady, o higher at 49s. Ban Francisco Butterfat SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19. (AP) First grade butterfat 39 o f. o. B, San Francisco. I TO MEET MONDAY An Important meeting of the wal nut growers of southern Oregon haa been called for next Monday by W. A. Gates, who Is chairman of the agricultural committee of the Cham ber of Commerce. The meeting la called for 8 o'clock at the chamber and the purpose la to explain and discuss the AAA regula tions regarding local walnuts. Inas much as the new regulations make It almost prohibitive to buy the local product. All growers are particularly urged to be present. Wall St. Report NEW YORK, Sept. 19. (AP) The best rally In the stock exchange of September to date carried many lead ing Issues up 1 to 2 points today, and some of the volatile Issues made wider gains. Buying was not aggressive, however, and market analysts gener ally spoke of the rally as ''technical." The closing tone waa strong. Sales approximated 625,000 shares. The strength of stocks was accom panied by a good rally in the bond market, where demand for TJ. B. gov ernments revived rather Impressively, but In marked contrast to the action of securities, commodities generally declined. Both wheat and corn lost about a cent a bushel, and cotton was depressed. Today's closing prices for 32 selected stocks follow: TUXEDO AND SPATS PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 19. (API Police eyebrows waggled to a new high today when a negro transient, fresh from a boxcar journey, com plained bitterly he had been robbed of his tuxedo and a pair of spats. "I go first class aa far aa dresstng Is concerned, but I'm not so partlcu lar about transportation," the com plainant, Buddy Collins, explained He blamed a white youth, his fellow passenger on the freight train from Seattle. Warner Oland Has Role Rialto Film There'a a new twist In "Charlie Chan's Courage," which opened at the Rialto theater yesterday, that makes It different from sny other Charlie Chan picture. Aa soon as you get Into the atory, you know that there is skullduggery afoot. Finally, aided by the enigmatic Chan, you see the bloodstalna where ths supposed mur der was committed. But where Is ths body of the slain man? Any dyed-ln-the-wool mystery fan knows that Charlie will find the so lution of what appears to be a baf fling mystery, but It Is an Intricate maze of plot and counterplot that leada up to the startling climax. Even if you're seen all the Chan pictures, you won't solve thla one. Warner Oland Is even better than usual as the wily Chan. V. "State Fair" Opens at Roxy "3 x -i) v l 4 - - t WANTED Experienced worn n or girl lor general housework and care or children. Must be clean and willing to work. Room, board and IIS per month. Call or inquire Ashland Hotel Beauty Shop, Aahland, Ore. DODGE PARTS Oenulne Dodge fac tory parts for 1934 and older Dodges at H price while they last. Stock Includes fenders for '28, '29, '30 and '81 cars. Eakln Motor Co., So. Riverside. In tne Will liogurs lllm, "State fair" now playing at the Koxy the ater, Janet Oaynor is at her best as a little farm girl who learns about love from a dashing young newspaper man played by Lew Ayres. The comedy hit relates the adventures of middle western family at a state fair. I - llfclUAWll I 7:00-9:00 II lpjaplgjUSjl L3 Kiadleil0e Hurry! Ends Tomorrow Night! CAPACITY CROWDS DECLARE IT: The Greatest Chan Story of Them All...! Take Advantage of Direct from Factory Deliveries Timber Pr s Company PHONE 7 I. lid Norih t rntral "A Good Firm lo Irsile MHU" WARNER OLAND nth DRUI IEYTON DONALD WOODS IAIID O IARI IIOOtRS NOVEL "THI r"'"" ","!OT 4A JTFSawm.f I ! Mixing Chinese II I nrnverha with an II , ?'"'-1 uncanny Oriental II J mind t0 lve tH II 1 -' COMING senveaasasMsmssna sa,ai j ipuswnsowssssssasj Here Thursday y 13 i .J sonc hits, which also features Kitty Carlisle, recently seen In "Murder t the Vanities." Vaudeville Opens Craterian Tonight Med ford's first big vaudeville show opened this afternoon at the Cra terian theater, and will again be on the stage tonight. Chea Davis Chicago Follies, an ag gregation of mixed talent that should prove of utmost satisfaction for any one looking for "In the flesh" enter tainment, boasts of several show- stopping acts set against a background of lavish splendor. The Lit tie Johns, novelty act; Chet Wllley's Ten Barbarians, nationally known radio and recording orchestra; Frank Starr, offering Impersonations and Imitations; the Matthew Twins In a fast stepping dance routine; Anita Muth, vest pockot edition of Sophie Tucker; Lewis and Ethel In adagio and comedy dance routines; Pattl Patterson, wizard of the banjo; Ginger Stover In an eccentric acrobatic num ber, and several others, hold the spot light for their share of applause. 'Housewife, a comedy of modern life, with George Brent, Bet Dav.s and Ann Dvorak featured, la the screen feature. 4 Grubs of the Japanese beetle, an Insect pest, are located by their ene mies, a variety of wasp, by the wasp's sense of smell. Blonde, lissome Miriam Hopkins. In the role of a flamboyant little cabaret dancer, Is starred with Blng Crosby In "She Loves M Not," com ing tomorrow to ths Craterian thea ter. v First appearing In serial form In the Saturday Evening Post, and later as one of New York's most successful musical comedies, "She Loves Me Not' tells the story of a chivalrous college atudent who shields a night club dancer from pursuing police and gangsters, Involving himself in a series of comedy situations. The film gives crosby a chance to sing several new TOO LA1E TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Circulating heater; rea sonably priced, can y t(-j. FOR SALS Two acres, Rogue river frontage; 3 -room cottage; best gar den soil; free water. FNce bbso, Southern Oregon Realty Co., 44 N. Riverside. FOR SALE Cheap '29 Ford sport roadster, xe Vancouver. Tel. 1U03, SLIDE TROMBONE Phone 1233-W FOR SALE OR TRADE Klamath Falls potatoes. Phone 821-X. FOR SALE Whippet 6 coach; good condition. Will take some hay. See Bob Helvey at Electric- wiring Co. WANTED Experienced man to man age feed and seed store In nearby city. Write complete information to Box 3409, Mall Tribune. 8 DAYS STARTS llllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli.. 9flir Anytime TODAY All the Laughter, Excitement and Gaiety of a big State Fair ... A love idyll between a yearning country girl and a devil-may-care reporter ... a father and mother busy winning prizes with pickles and pigs . . And the ton finding adventure with a beautiful carnival girl. ( r i f tft V Mm Janet CAYNOR Will ROGERS Lew AYRES Sally EILERS Louise Dresser Victor Jory Norman Foster 4 Frank Craven STATU mm ALSO SP0RTLIGH1 "Around ths Calmrfur" "SUPPEE AT SIX" NEWS ; fKy-r-:4:l ROOM In private home for gentle man. Quiet; furnaoe heat, bath, shower, garage. Phone 703-R. MATERNITY HOME for aale; weil equipped; on paying basis; future business signed up. For further particulars, address Maternity Home, 039 E. 11th, Eugene, Ore. WATERMELONS and cantaloupes for sale. C. J. McCay, 3 miles north Jacksonville on Old Stage road. swsa arsf.i is i,iisj un , iihww-ihtito.w aa Here's a show to please everyone! Your money back if you don't say it's the greatest stage and screen show we've had for months! Broadway and Holly wood Headliners in a joyous parade of mirth and music 1 "CUNNEL" CUES DAVIS and his CHICAGO FOLLIES FEATURING The LITTLEJOHNS In "A Garden of Jewels" FRANK STARR MATTHEW TWINS Impersonations De-Luxs Stepping syncopated rhythms ANITA MUTH . PATH PATTERSON LEWIS and ETHEL OINGER BTOVER CHET WILLEY'S 10 BARBARIANS Radio and recording band agg' SCREEN i The Battle's On! TA ' ' 1A modorn wifo battling for r ft v &t' her husband against .a mod- HOUSEliliF J f I LI III I Special evening prices for this big attraction: ADULTS-40C CHILDREN-25C MM feT0H0RR0W! nWfilmm ?i ma, mJ mm "love in Bloom" I nasasSltaail W 1 yV. UM im a tot' JMI STARTING wins 1GVZ5MEIIQT KITTY CARLISLE Gloriously cock-eyed romantio o o ra e d y with BING spooning and crooning like he never has before!