Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1934, Page 15, Image 15

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(Continued itwn page one)
revenue freight for the week ended
September 8 were 662,730 cars, a do
crease of 63,050 under the preceding
week due principally to the Labor
Day holiday. The loadings also were
16,303 cars under the corresponding
week In 1933 but wore 61,103 above
tbe corresponding week In 1833.
Miscellaneous freight loaded dur
ing the week was 305,635 cars, a de
crease of 28.003 below the preceding
week and 1,308 below 1033, but 33,
330 above 1033.
Lese-than-carlot merchandise total
ed 141,373 cars, a decrease of 31,406
under the preceding week, 7,173 un
der 1033 and 8,659 below 1033.
Continued decline In lumber orders,
hlpmenta and production was
ported for the week ending Septem
ber 8 by the National Lumber Manu
facturers' association.
Figures obtained by the association
from 1,348 mill throughout the
country showed a production of 173,-
883,000 feet for the previous week,
shipments of 107.967,000 feet agalnsi
314,040,000 and-orders of 169.391,000
feet compared with 104.699,000 feet,
Evangelist J. L. Isaacs of Seattle,
peaking at the Pull Gospel Taber
nacle last evening, used a text found
In El. 28.33-95, "Bells of Oold and
The evangelist held hla audience
In rapt attention as he told of the
garment of the high priest being
decorated with a golden bell anr.
pomegranate, typifying In the high
priesthood of our Lord. The gold ot
the bells typified divinity of Christ,
the ringing of the same, of life, and
ccentance In the presence or ooo
The pomegranate of graces or fruit
of the Christian life, the divine na
turn having been Imparted to the be.
llever. the goldon bells began ring'
lng In the church on the day of
Pentecost, and aa It was noised
abroad, multltudna came togother and
resulted In the salvation of 3000 souls.
The pomegranates of blue, of pur
ple and scarlet, on the robe of right
eousness with which every believer
la clothed, apeak of tho beauty and
fraerance of the divine nature or
Christ In the lire ot the child of
Clod, bursting forth Into abundance
of fruitage, the evangelist satd.
The subject for tonight will be
-Breaking, Up Fallow around."
. Erie Morris Cox, locnl youth, and
T.rto Harlan Smith, of Pasadena, Cal.,
plead guilty before Justice of the
Peace William R. Coleman, to the
theft of 93.16 worth of picture postal
cards from a rack In the East Side
Pharmacy, Ernest Smith, proprietor.
Smith, a touring motorcyclist, waa
advlpod by the court, "to hit the grit
for California as aoon ns you can get
your contraption fixed, and not to
ahow In Jackson county again." Cox
waa released upon his promise to
pay 14.60 costs next month. He Is ft
CCO worker.
Vo official notice of the revocation
of the license for the Tine Cone Inn.
a beer parlor located near the north
city limits, as reported from Salem
and Portland, has been received from
the state .lquor commission, by county
According to report, a petition pro
testing the operation of the resort,
signed by 100 people, was filed with
the etate liquor commission.
Under the law, the owners of the
resort are entitled to n hearing before
the liquor commission. No date has
been set yet. The manager of the
place went to Portlnnd for a meeting
with the commlMton.
The resort has been popular with
Rogue River valley beer drinkers since
Ita opening, and featured a large glass
cf brew.
hood mvrn. sept 14 ..n pinup
Connely, 31, COC worker from rinker
county, wsa fatally Injured on the
Mffhway west of here last night when
he ws struck by an oil truck as he
was walking along the Columbia River
Highway. Wesley sparks, his com
fisnlon. wis not hint, l.yiita from
another car blinded the two. Spark.
sid. and they did not art the truck
Walk upatalra and sve 110 Bank
er', gray suiting. SJ1 bO. made to
measure. Klein the Tailor.
Cll'N Repaired and Cleaned, fx
pert work. Mrdford Cycle. 3.1 N. Plr.
Mra. niiea Homer, formerly wtlu
Bowmen's, Is now at Adrlennes new
beauty action. Phone &77,
P. W. Bsrtlett. furrier and tsxl
dermlflt. In new shop, 20 8. C'ential
School Frocks
WUw Mothers will bring their Girls to
Mann'a tomorrow and fit them out In two
or throe of these New Cinderella Past Color
Wash Frocks for school. Dozens of new
patterns and styles to, choose from In size
7 to 14 years.
$ 1 00to$ 1 95
Mann' Second Floor
Back to School Hats
For the Young Miss
This Store Is Just Full of New Things for Fall - New School Things for Junior -
Miss - For the College Girl and New Clothes for Teacher!
Qtato rereair Qnifo Special
For the High School
- La.
(mih $298 j
-0 1 "Softees"
S1 S
You'll see many Swagger Suit on high school and college
campuses this Pall. These we offer at 916.05 were specially
purchased for the young women of high school and college
age. Each suit tailored by Betty Rone from lovely wools
and every one smartly silk lined. Two and three piece
styles with coats long enough to serve as a single garment.
New Betty Rose Coats
For Daughter about to go away to school, or for the
High School Miss we suggest one of these lovely Bett7
Rose Dress Coats. Tailored from fine imported and
domestic wools and silk lined they represent the utmost
In style and value. Complete selections of Autumn
shades snd sizes now ready at Mann's.
New Silk Dresses
For the College Girl we present the "Ellen Kaye", the
silk dress sensation of the season. Ellen Kaye frocks,
are made especially for young women from that new
oatmeal silk, a long wearing fabric ideal for school.
Ellen Kayea come In all the newest Autumn shades.
Suede Zipper
For School
Send Daughter to school this
Fall dressed In one of these
smart suede Jackets! A mighty
smart coat with zipper fastener
and offered In almost any color
you could wish. Sizes are 6
to 19.
Suede Raincoats
With Matching Hat
In the new styles and
colors Tricornes, Brims
and Berets.
in Nitcblu
Malacca . .
Piper Green
Millinery Second Floor
New Kayser Shorts
School and College Olrla will buy at y f.
our pair of these new "Kayser" Rayon r J m
at 30c per pair. They come in all
n a delicate tea rose shade. Special M M
nn'a a S
Balbriggan Pajamas
er Important Item In the school ,
Warm yet llitht In weight are ff "1 C Q
smnrt nalbrlggnn Pajamas. New styles TS I -J f
a and short sleevo models at Mann's H' I S J
Kiddies' Print Frocks
$ op
Sheer Chiffon Hose
New School Gloves
$ 29
New Neckwear
$ op
Back to School Luggage
$I6.95$22.50 I
The Newest in Knitted
Suits and Dresses
For High School and College Wear
Complete Daughter's school wardrobe with one of these newest Knit Suits or Knit
Drews. We bought them Just for the School Miss or Teacher. The sizes are 14
to 20 and you have 25 lovely models to select from. Including tho newest Autumn
ahadea and weaves. A marvelous value at this extra low price.
For the little Miss Just starting to school
we tuggeat these adorable fast color Print
Dresses with Panties to match. New pat
terns over light and dark ground... Sieclal
at Mnnn'a
Daughter cannot have too many palra of
good hose to start the school season with.
See these sheer chiffon and service weight
numbers on sale tomorrow at Mann's for
10c. rull fashioned and In the new ahadea.
Tli very best School Wove we've ever of
fered. Dlack and brown sllpon style leather
gloves made especially for school wear for
only i. at) pair. See them tomorrow
Mnnn'a Olove Section
Trim your school Frock with one of these
ne,w piece of neckwear. Smart satin,
pique and organdie etyles. mily or tailored,
high or low necklines. Your choice tomor
row at Mann's
Pack your Back to College Togs In one of
thre smart Genuine Leather t'ssea. They
are In the in -30-21 Inch aires, filled and
silk lined. Choice of black or brown leath
ers, at Mnnn's tomorrow
Unfitted Leather Cases at $7.95
1 tapipi
. l"-'-. l'-7lnVl..ri let,
Fast Color
We have selected 30 of our most
popular new patterns In 36-Inch
Fast Color School Prints and
marked them 13!c yard for Sat
urday, Included are plaids, checks,
dots and other all over designs.
Regular lfto yard. Special
1 2.
New Fall
54 Inches Wide
It Is a simple task to make
Daughter a smart Winter Coat or
Suit from thee new M inch wools.
Smart tweeds In check patterns,
fray, red, reen and brown.
$C 9 5
$ 1 4.9,
Mann'i Main Floor
t'VJ own
Women's World Patterns, 10c and 15c
mUVf axil
k l J:
,New Novelty
Wool Mixed
Youthful, Original
Styles in Both Plain
and Knit Effects . .
These new Novelty Wool Frocks Just
arrived from New York. They were
specially designed for street, sport
and school wear and feature many
new style Ideas. See them tomorrow
at Mann's. Sizes 12 to 20.
New Blouses
A new group of Women's and Misses'
811k Blouses In solid shades, stripes
and checks. These have a sherred
elastic waist assuring a snug fit.
Special $1.25
hp i ; ;i
X $i Kh
Mm '
Girls' W
For the Miss from 6 to 16 we suggest one or
two of these smart wool frocks. They are
In fancy weaves and plain shades, very
cleverly styled for the growing girl, and
Ideal for school wear. ,
l r
ooi uresses
Girls' Winter Coats
Sizes 6 to 16 Years
New arrivals In Navy Blue Chinchulla and Fancy Wool
Mixed Coats for School and Dress wear. These garments
have hats to match and are lined and lnter-llned. The
sizes are from 6 to 16 years.
Can't Bust 'Em Cords
For College and High School Men!
Take advantage of this Saturday special
on Men's and Young Men's genuine
"Can't Bust 'Em" Cords. These popular
pants come In cream and tan shades In
sit sizes snd lengths. Regular 3.60 pair.
Boys' Tom Sawyer Shirts
Buck to School Ssls of genuine "Tom Sswyer Shirts nd Button
on Blouses. These nationally known garments re pro-shrunk
nd color fast. They come In regular and sport style.i and sell
regular from H.OO to l 50 each. Many have tle to harmonize
and match the shirt. Sires from age 6 years to M'i neck. Extra,
special for this sale
New Models in
and Club
A new freedom tMi Pall In Men's Cloth
ing and what a welcome idea It 1st
Smait "Duncan FaUe" models by Kup
penheimer amt new Hl-Swlna from the
hou.e of Club. These hnnd tailored
lults from euh famous makers arc now
on dlplsy nt Mnm re.ut ftr your
election In ncv pjVoT-n. f'drs and
Men's Section
$1.00 to $1.50
Boys' Columbia Knit Full Zipper Brushed
Wool Sweaters in Blue Brown and Gray
For Fall 1 934
j 'WW'finBs
College and High School Men
sre buying tlirw new Hor.shrlm
S.roes. Buying the heavy ln
ter -el;hls fr school and
lighter H'tlghtt for dress. New
tans and blacks in the
of leathers.