PAGE KTN'H WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE WE bcluiovv 1 Vli I Vft x$&$ e&- i f Bead every id on 1 U .in nrubablj dnd I 'Al eiactli tat thing . ' I v.iiU d ",nt a V : - " u " lVvta,'' Isn't there, adver I ti . . " " T ' pensive, effective RATES Pat word first InaeetlML (Minimum 3oc) Sacs additional Insertion. pet word ' (Minimum 10c) Pat line per month without copj changes ,1Jt Phone 75 ' FOB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND QfSShcU colored kid. glove. Phone 110. YlOST Keys In brown leather case. Reward. Phone Jacksonville, 203. LOST Eastern Star pin. Finder please tel. SB9-J-5. L06T II dog missing, call loia MALE OR FEMALE CLERKS Men-women: 18-50 yre. to till vacancies caused by death, re tirement, expansion. Retail field Government work. For Interview covering special preparation wr.te Retail Merchandising Bureau or Civil Service Training Bureau, Ban 31, Mall Tribune. WANTED At once, reliable person to drive car to S. Dakota. k ml. north Baker's Store. Jack Harper. ' NTED Permanent renter. Modern house, large chicken house, brooder, garden, business frontage. Raise produce Sell It at home. Outside city, highway. 1704 N. Riverside. WANTED FEMALE HELP VANTED Young experienced walt- teas. P. O. Box 849, Medford. YOUNO WOMAN over 20 years of age for genarl house work. Good home and moderate wages. Permanent po sition for right party. Address Box 3072, care Mall Tribune. WANTED, PACKERS Only experi enced need apply. Call at Bear Creek Orchards packing house. WANTED Female help Experienced laundry ahlrt finisher and press op erator. Box 3053, Tribune. WANTED Capable maid for house work and cooking. References re quired. Phone 1452-Y. WANTED Middle aged woman for general house work on farm. Phone B83-M. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Ranch hand. Single man. Phone 355-R-3. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Several choice openings In country and towns for reliable men or women. No capital or experience required Write MR. THOMAS. Supt., 426 Third St., Oakland, Calif. WANTED A man to live at our or . chard or care taker, who under- 7 stands cutting blleht and pruning. References required. Phone evenings Young a Hull, 301-j-t. WANTED SITUATIONS CHILDREN cared for In my home. 840 s utn. WANTED-M1SCELLANEOUS NOTICE Have crew of 40 experienced pickers. Can save you money on your apples, also Neils. Will con tract by the box. Phone 268-W. n-iMTpn T hnw Mnrh. 10 A. or more. Free water, free soil. All nec essary equipment. Price must be cheap for casn. box ja, inouuc WANTEO Bulk tomatoes. Inquire Herbert's Grocery, Ashland. Tel. 59 WANTED Room, board and care f?r two children. Also room for parent. 113 Cottage. WANTED Portable electric drill; and three H. P. gas engine, must be In first ciass condition. Writ price snd partlculara. Geo. A. Taylor, box 37, Hornbrook, cam. wanted To buy large black walnut T trees. Write Box 304a, rnoune. HOW MUCH do you wsnt for your 1931 model A Ford, convertlh " cab riolet, sport roadster or sport toupe. Win pav c.Tsh lor bargain. Write Box 3182. Mall Tribune. WANTED To rent 4 or 8 room house, all or partly furnished with one or Hi seres. Will be permanent rent ers. 35 North Oakcisls. WANTED 2nd hind furniture. Vc buy. sell and trade Berrvdale J. id Hand Store. 1603 N Riverside. Ti 268. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished noune tn city limits uf Med ford Must be cheap Box 308. Man Trtoune. FURNITURE re-upholstered Pbone OM-R roioi-iit JUNK WA.N'I ED We pay east, lo? IUSK BAITEHlRfr AND HADM IOK4 ALUMINUM BRAS CoPTER and luni ot all descriptions MtDruRD BAROAIN HOUSE 97 No Orspe t'ei 10i WASHED - H-i'irWh.iid e N,ei t-iui of wnat rut tvj MedToro Rivs-n do-, il ti 0;ape 9l ret WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WAN I'BU Wool, mohair, tildes and pelts dee us before fou sell Wool begs and twine for sale Medford Bargain House, 97 N. Qrepe 8t Phone 1003 WAN1 ro BUT Ford. Uuat b aheap 83a W 3nd WANTED Warrants Redden & Ou FOR RENT Furnished 2-roora house 13.00. 9-room bouse '5.00. J. O. Vlall, Phoenix. FOR RENT High class furnlshod house. Res. B, Ideal Court, cor Myr tle and Taylor Su. Geo. Iverson. FURN, HOUSE and garage. 04 W. loth. FOR RENT 8 room modern horns 3 bath rooms, sleeping porch, furn ished or unfurnished. Only reliable, permanent tenants need apply. 714 West 10th. FOR RENT Boon furnished ot unfurnished Brows A Waits FOR RENT APARTMENT8 FOR RENT 3-room apt. Adults. 34 No. Bartlett. FOR RENT Desirable furnished apt. Hotel Grand. FOR RENT 3 rooms and sleeping porch. 344 No. Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Hotel Holland. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES very moderate at 716 a Main ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 3 Grape FOB RENT BOUSES FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. 804 Bennett. SMALL, modern, nicely furnished. Reasonable tent. Inquire f.1 Keene Way. FOR RENT Small bouse. 133 South Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Chicken ranch, 1 mile from Medford; large chicken house, lots of berries. Inquire J. W. Jacobs, 604 Pine St., Medford. FOR RENT Pleasant sleeping room. 19 Mistletoe. Tel 638-W. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE One wood circulating heater, for oil-burning circulator. Rt. 1, Box 439 or phone 14-F-22. FOR SALE OR TRADE Team, spring tooth, ditcher, harrow, tractor plow, spray-rig tank filler, Chevrolet truck, binder, thresher, Jersey heif er, fresh Oct. 3. Harold Crowl, Sun set Ranch, Roxy Ann Road. FOR EXCHANGE - 1929 model A Ford sedsn and 3 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8 Tel 407-X EXCHANGE Furn. .re-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, flab poles and reels. Phone 969-R. FOR SALE Young turkeys or will trade in on late model automobile (Coupe preferred ) Floyd Maharry Talent. Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE GOINO business on 101 highway near Plamo Beach. California, over-looking ocean. 200x110 ft. Want email ranch with producing placer mine or claim on creek acceaaable to auto. Box 279, Plsmo Beach, Calif. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FTR SAt.F Rmnil iicrfe. Imnroved: also sheep, cows, chicken, etc. Box 3044, Tribune. LEASE OR SALE 40-acre mt. ranch partly cleared. Box 185, JackaonvUls A BARGAIN My large lot. on Ben nett St., excellent soil, fruit, out trees ana berries Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box .68. Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son Co Bklg & Loan Assn. Tel. 195 S3 ACKEd near Applet ate P O.; 11 A cultivation, free water right; Bal ance timber; improvements. Paul Erdmaa. Applegate, Ore. WHEN you think of reaJ aetata, think of Brown A w n tie AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS F1SK TIRES AND TUBES Bonded, guaranteed. You cannot buy tires anywhere in Oregon cheaper man at the Sunrise Super service sta tion, 12th and Riverside, FINEST ORADE WESTERN OfL n your car, 10c quart; In your can, 30c sal.; bbl lota, 300. 100 PURE PENNSYLVANIA Oil. from Bradford crude. In your oar, 20c quart; in your can, S2o gal.; 6 gals 13 00. SUN RISK SUPER SERVICE STATION. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Whippet coupe In good condition. Oeo. L. Treichler, Central Point. Ore. TWO REAL BUYS I FORD V-8 sedsn with Karry-Keen trunk, hot water heater and good rubber. Excellent mechanical con dition. 1932 CHECROLET TRUCK Long weelbase model, new tires. A-l shsoe. TERMS OR TRADE. PIERCE-ALL EN MOTOR COMPANY 113 So. Riverside. Phone 150 L'SED CAR BARGAINS SO Day Written Guarantee. 1029 FM-d Roadster 1939 Dtirsnt Coups wn Leslie Coupe 1930 Pord Co'ipe 1927 Chrvr-4 Seln AHMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. S3 No. Riverside Tel IB STAR SEDAN 3-F-22. for sale cheap. Call FOR BALE Po:d coupe. 803 So. Riv erside. FOR PKXX. 1929 sedan, new tires snd paint. g?od motor. A real buy lor 150 00. S3 Rosa Court to 7 sv-nirs. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR BALE 30 head weaner pigs, reds. Also some milk cows and turkeys. Wagner Greek Road, Box 97-A, Rt. 1. FOR SALE Young 1100 lb. mare. Good for either working or riding. Phone S34-J-4. FOR SALE Milk cows your choice of 30 all heavy milkers seme fresh. D. R. Smith, Anderson Farm on An derson road, Talent. STRAYED One red hog. Owner may have same by paying feed and dam ages, also this ad. Phone 13U8. FOR SALE 1 yr. old Reg. Jersey bull. Mark Whipple. Rogue River, Ore. FOR SALE Good work horse, kitch en cabinet, 35 white leghorn hens, heater. Phlpps Orchard, i mile east Snowy Butte 8ta., crater Lake Highway. NINE registered Ramboullet ewes Wm. Brlggs strain, sneartng from 13 to 18 pounds wool. Cross bred year lings and lambs. Pure bred Shrop shire yesrllng rams and ram lambs. Ii. A. Salede Jr. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE 3 cowe. one Just fresh M L Hartley, Phone fi-F-S. TWO JERSEY heifers, coming fresh In spring, and coming 3-year-old colt. Priced reasonable. Inquire a: w B. Medley's, Rt. 4. Box 158. Medford. FOR SALE Freab cow. Schultz. Beagle Ore. Adolf FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 100 Barred Rock laying pullets. Frank Howell, Lozler Lane. PUKE Bronze coma cockeran s prise stock 15 Jease Nell Rt 1 Asblano FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Motorcycle Just over hauled. Reasonable price. Box suoj, Tribune. BANANA and Newtown apples for sale at Walnutmere. E. E. ross, lai ent. FOR SALE Italian prunes nearly gone, retires, rnone -r-i. FOR SALE Ear com. 7-F-14. SEVERAL PIANOS Including bungalow pianos nearly new and others, lor balance due. See Mon. As Tues. at 111 N. Fir. Cllne piano Co. 3.50 BUYS 12 gauge double-barrel shotgun, cleaner rod and aneua. Call at 610 N. Fir; rear. FOR SALE Lettuce, mayonnaise. lunch meats, bananas, oranges, lem ons, watermelons, cantaloupes, etc. at Franklln'a Grocery. 437 S. Cen tral. Open Sunday and Monday. BLUE LAKE canning beans, starting Wednesday; cucumbers, hoc gallon and up; targe peppers, 2 dozen 15c; hot peppera, 6c dozen, large size; tomatoes. I'jO lb. E, E, Stump, phone 493-R, 2 miles north Medford on same vauey roaa. we aeuver 91 order or more In city limits. FOR SALE Camp trunk. 602 So. Riv erside. GRAPES for sale. So. Peach, 8th house so. of Stewart. - FOR SALE 9 burner oil stove, roll top desk, ski Is, automobile hot wat er heater, lace type rubber boots, other miscellaneous articles Extra special 185.00 violin and CO 00 case 940.00. Leaving, must sen at once Call at 32 Keene Way Drive. FOR SALE Vetch Inoculation. Mon arch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Inoculate vetch before planting to assure mavmum growth use Nltragen. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Zenith and a Maytag wasning maenme. rnone vuw-n. FOR SALE Cletrac 20. Will take good used car aa part payment. 1130 Nl- antic t. DEER HUNTERS I It won't be long now. A few bargalna left. 65 Win chester, good aa new, 137 50. 30-40 Krag. fine shape. 111 50. 25-30 snd 32 ammunition, $1.10 box. 317 North Riverside. FOR SALE Peaches. Fine Elbertaa. 2c a pound. R. R. Guches. mile west of upper school bouse. Griffin Creek. Phone 857-L. PETITE PRUNES for sale. Tel. 7-F-4 TIER WOOD Dry fire. pine, oak and lsurel, on ground or delivered. Tel 723. MISCELLANEOUS SALE NOTICE We are sure you hsve forgotten something for that out ing. Franklin's Grocery, 437 S. Cen tral. Open Sundsy and Mondsy. APOLLO Piano studio 125 N. Holly. Jaza and classlcsl taught. Arrange ments for bsnd, orchestra, etc. Music set to lyrics. ACTO INSURANCE at about 30 saving: class "A" plus Compsny Lej Reserve. 208 First Nst'l Bank Bldg. Phone 350. DENTISTRY Dt. a. fL Gove 335 E Main. BOA1 TRAILER. Cash Register Add ing Machine. Typewriter. Boot, Shoes. Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside OKAIN SACKS Jackson Coucty Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett SU. D006 exs:nlned free, and Bsrtlett. Dr. Stone. 4th FOR SALE Equity In house. 526 Haven. Call FOR SALE Oram, oats and Barley oaga Medford Bsrgsin House. 27 N Grape St. Phone 1062. FOR SALE Canning peaches. Standi!!. Phoenix. ALL MAKES of washlnt machtnes re paired. Pick's Hardware, 131 Wast Main. FOR SALE Used sewing tnscbines all makes; terms if desired All makes rented snd repaired White Sewing Machin, Co 24 N Bartlett BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALB-HI-Wsy Inn Care and equipment Rent 113 50 moo'-b Oold Hill Ore COFTIX AXH rOB 6 AUK. BUSINESS CHANCES 100 AND light ear la good runntnt' j order buys best paying service sea. tlon on Redwood highway, oear Kerby, account sickness. Golden Rule Service. PERSONAL REV EVELYN MARSHALL spiritual readings dally 315 So. Riverside. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADSUUL'IS JAt hStIN CO. AbSTIUri CO. Abstracts of rttu and Title Insurance The only complete ntle System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of rule. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 83 North Central Ave. upstalra. Rlalto Phone 1815-Y. Transfer EAD8 rRANSFER S STORAGE OO Office 1015 No Oentral Pbone 115 Prices right aerVve guaranteed HAWLEY rRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special Livestock moving equipment Price right 6 IB North Riverside Phone 1044-Jl expert window Cleaner LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1173 House Cleaning. Floor Waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty Wall Paper Clean inn. WALL-PAP EH CLEANING, lc per q rt Mr Black 310 N Bartlett Painting and raperhanging U. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging Tel 846-. W t.8 S Grape Money 10 Lend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE CARS ETC Prompt service and le gal ratea W B THOMAS. 45 6 Central state license No 8 157 AS HER BETRAYER CHICAGO, Sept. 1. (P) Michigan's "cherry queen" of 1S33, Miss Oldham, filed suit today for 9.75,000 damages against George Eastman Dry den, alleging breach of promise to wed, seduction and assault. The 22 year old beauty charged that they agreed March 1, 1931 to marry and that subsequently Dryden prevailed on her to live with him as Fman and wife. Three weeks ago to day he refused to be her bridegroom, she alleged. Miss Oldham also charged that on Aug. II of this year Dryden and "cer tain other men brought to the apart ment for tills purpose" attacked and beat her and then evicted her from the rooms. Dryden. son of George B. Dryden, president of the Dryden Rubber com pany, was an hela to a share of the fortune of the late George K. East man, camera manufacturer. Eastman was the uncle of Mrs. George B. Dry den. f Return from Luke Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Centner returned Thursday from Crater lake, where they had spent a week's vacation. I? ail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Highways C. Except t. American humorist It. Obtcure or becloud li. Eastern state: abbr. IS. Piece bitten out IS. Open court 17. Turktch name tt Varieties 20. Court order 31. Part of a play 14. 8mallfit whol number ib. Jumbled tyite Z8. Former uni versal nega tive V. Decorate 19. riaceln proper order 11. Putting Solution of nmtomi on hoei li. Mnke prerlout t. Thoroughfare! 19 Ulut ) Like 10 An-!: Latin II. Eternity ti uuiaed II. Imnwiea it. Slljrhta In tentionally 41. Feminine name 49. An Alpine her'Hman 60. Poker term M. Urtce on fi5. SIlRhtiy iout ST. Km ploy M fclensurea of capacity; abbr. MICHIGAN BEAUTY SUES RICH YOUTH 3ijyNjspiTjo W I mCU LLSmM ORE A N dMr Tfop KORAN i c Tfc Ueifp a r e n t s u rIl yKp u p 0d e e T REE Wh O M O rMe R G uTh; U R a lMpJr o p A-ZIMHP-XKdMA R 1 teda1n1od1ebet u z i3 r s w i7 r iy r ' 12 13 III 14 'ML ZZZS24 WL SZ 32 33 v',h 35 -''A v', '' ', ss si S If Irnrranirc Church of Christ. Eagles' Hall. 317 W. Main. Morning services 10.30. Subject: "The Letters to the Seven Churches." Evening services, 7:45. Subject, "God's Challenge to Man1 We aim to make alt services bene ficial. First 'Baptist Church, W. H. Eaton, minister. Sunday school. 0:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Ser mon by the pastor, "A Labor Day Re flection." Music in charge of the music committee. Young peoples devotional and dis cussion groups, 7:00 p. m. Union service at the Zion Lutheran church, 8:00 p. m. Tou are cordially Invited to share these services with us. Full Gospel Tabernacle. Newtown at Main St. J. Logan Stuart, pastor. AU meetings will be at the tent. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon text, "In Hla Image." Evangelistic meeting, 7:45. Subject, "God'a Call to Man." Evangelist Vlck speaking at both services. Sunday night will be the clcee of the Vlck evangelistic meetings. All who have heard Rev. Vlck, have en Joyed his Inspiring messages from God's word, and will be present to hear thece last messages Sunday morning and evening. The Federated Churches. Jos. M. Johnson, pastor. Central Point, Oregon. The book of Mlcah brings aome most practical lessons for today. Read the entire message and come discuss these truths with us In Bible class. Vou will be welcome in any Bible school next Sunday. Correlated to other great Bible truths are the fine lesson n the young people's department. Another Invitation la given the young people to help "keep the home fires burn ing." Seven o'clock la the time for the devotional service. "The Hidden Life" will be the sub Ject of the sermon on Sunday morn ing: and "Christ and the Poor" will be the subject for the evening mes sage. If you like to sing the Gospel message come early and Join with us Church of the Naxarene. North Central Avenue at Jackson Fred M. Weatherford. pastor, will have guest speakers for the day at the 11 o'clock morning hour. Rev George Wilson will be the speaker of the hour. Mr. Wilson Is a young man who Is taking his place as a student minister. At the 8 o'clock evening evangelistic service Rev. Miss Ruth Scovllle who haa been attending the Bible Institute at Portland Oregon, will be the speaker of the hour. Miss Scovllle Is a young woman of sterling worth, who will finish her ministerial prepa ration this year. Bible school at 0:45 a. m. Arnold Kornstad, superintendent. A notable Increase In attendance wm marked last Sunday. Something Interesting for every attendant each Lord's Day. Visitors are especially welcome. Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. Miss Helen Scheel, president. Echoes from the Young People's DIstTlct con vention will be heard from the dele gates as supplementary to the evening program. People's meeting Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. Special muslo will feature the programs throughout the day. A cordial hospitable Invitation Is extended to strangers, and friends. Cross - Word Puzzle Yeaterday't Puzile t. American Indiana I. LI a lit repeat 9. Jewlah month 10. Draw it. The cream II. Slaughter tt. Hawaiian bird 20. Ualet JL Slameae eofni 12. Interieetlona 2S. Tip ih. Kitchen utenall . 21. Btlcka In the mud (0. Ring JL Pertaining to the earth ti. Clear profit 31. Scarlet 27. A game 39. Good -by 42. Take apeclal notice: abbr. 41. Boy attendant 4t. Faction 47. Auction 41. Weaken 61. Negative pre fit 11. Expreaalon oi rebuke ft. Kntriinh letter 69. Ahraham'a birthplace RID1!C - m II. Leaeee DOWN 1. Steal J. Jo pane.. aasb . Toward the tern 4. llembrahln charaea I. Type of veaitl: aiibr. I. Trade New Plymouth Added to Yellow Cab Fleet fii, r Wry jZSSSr '". f" .J I " t - Lee Smith, owner and manager riymotith DeLuxe sedan, purchased mouth dealers here. St. Mark's Church. E. S. Bartlam. Rector. Holy communion, 8:00 a. Holy communion and 11:00 a. m. Church school, 10:00 m. Main Street Methodist Church, South N. D. Wood, pastor. Sunday services as follows! 9:45 a. m Sunday school. 11 a. m. Sermon by Bar. B. U. Waldraven. 7.-00 p. m. Young People serv ice. 8:00 p. m. Inspirational services. 7.1on Evangelical Lutheran Church. West Fourth St., near Oakdale, Ave. Geo. P. Kabele, D.D., Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Labor Day sermon: "Work and wages." Union evening service, 8 p. m. a sermon for the times: "The Christian In Changing World." This will be the last union Sunday evening service for this summer. A cordial welcome for all. First Christian Church, Ninth and Oakdale streets. W. R. Bslrd, minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Centner, superintendent. L. O. Everyman's Bible Class In court. house auditorium at 0:45. Morning worship begins at 10:B5 Sneclal music bv the choir. Sermon by the pastor, "Rewards of Following Christ." Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m. Union services In the Lutheran church at 8 o'clock. First Methodlit Church West Main at Laurel Joseph Knotts, Minister Sunday achool 0:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Labor Sunday message by Roas Knotts. The choir will sing Felix Mendelssohn s beautiful anthem, "O For the Wings of & Dove." Epworth Leagues at 7:00 p. m. The high achool league meets In the church parlors. The Wesley League, for young people above high school age, meets In the church sanctuary. Union services at 8:00 p. m. In the Zlon Lutheran church. Free Methodist Church. Corner of 10th and Ivy streets. K. N. Long, paator, Sunday marks the close of our evan gelistic campaign with Evangelist J. Lewis Arnold. There will be three services on Sun day and Rev. Arnold will apeak on the following subjects: "X-Rsy Examination" at 11 o clock a. m. My Life Story from Theater Man ager to Evangelist," at 3:30 In the afternoon. A Lost Soul and the Judgment," 7:30 p. m. Sunday school meeta at 9:46 a. m. T. P. M. S. meeting, 6:45 p. m. First Presbyterian Church Corner Eighth and Holly streets. William J. Howell, minister. Mrs. w. S. Gllmore, director of religious edu cation. 3:45 a. m Sabbath achool. we have classes for all ages. Come and enjoy this time studying Gods Word with us. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Rev. E. A. Oldenburg, speaker. Sermon topic: "The Sllept Architect." Special music arranged by Mrs. Elsie Carleton Strang, director of the choir, and Mrs. Eva H. Marsh, organist. 6:30 p. m. Young People's eoclety. The Personsl Workers Group will Be In charge and all young people are urged to come. 8:00 p. m. Union evening services at the Eton Lutheran church. Dr. Kabele will be preaching and all are urged to attend. Come and worship with us today, St. Peter's I.tllhrran Churrh, (Missouri Synod) B. Main and Portland Ave. H. H. Toung, pastor. Sunday school this morning at o'clock. No morning worship. St. Paul's Lutheran church of Orsnta Pass Is celebrating Its annual Mission restl val this morning. This enneregatlon Is cordially Invited. Service at 11:00 o'clock. Church on E street, near second. Lunch will be served In the cltv nark. Pastor E. Elchmann will be the speaker. He will also conduct deaf-mute service for the deaf In the afternoon. Evening service here thla evening at 6:00 o'clock. Theme of the ser' mon: "The Deceitful church." Catechism Clasa meeta thla even 1m at 7:00 o'clock. The Sunday achool teachers meet Wednesday evening In the church. The public Is always welcome. 1 of the Yellow ( nh Compiiny or Metlfurd, standing by the side of a 1031 last week from the rierce-Allvn Motor Company, Dodge Brothers and Ply Phoenix rre.hyterlan Rer. Woston F. Shields recently of Enterprise, Oregon, but now residing In Medford, 855 West Second street. preaches In the Phoenix Presbyterian church today at 1 1 :00 a. m. Hla sub ject Is, "The Lifting Up of Christ." Spiritual Srlenre Churrh. 315 8outh Riverside Avenue. Rev. Evelyn Msrshall, Psstor. Services Sunday, August 36. 8 p. Subject, "spirit communication." Spirit messages will be given following the locture by co-workers. The public Is invited. Phoenix Christian Chnrch "The Mark of the Beast" la the aubject selected by J. M. Frees for the 11 o'clock services. Is the Mark of the Brast the NRA? Is It Sunday observance? If you are Interested In what the Bible says on this subject, come and bring your Irlenda. Phoenix Christian Mr. John Frees will preach at the Phoenix Christian church Sunday at 11 a. m. His subject will be, "The Mark of the Beast" Is It the NRA, Sunday observance, or what? No evening services. Vou are kind ly Invited. M. Brownrlgg, pastor, Church of the Foursquare Gospel Fourth and Bartlett. J, A. and Mary E. Blckerdlke, pastors. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together , . , and so much the more as ye see the day approaoh' Ing." Sunday services: 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. "Mlcah Champions the Oppressed." 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Holy communion. Sormon, "Communion Feasts." 7:45 p. m. Bvsngellstlo service. Ser mon, "Pictures from Life's Other Side." Thursday 8:00 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting. An evening of song, praise and prayer. Saturday 3:00 p. m. Children's church. A hearty welcome awaits all who attend any of these services. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Ohurch of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Msss. Service are held every Sundsy at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Sep tember 3, "Christ Jesus." Sundsy school at 0:30. Applicants under the age of 30 may be admitted. Wednesdsy evening meetings, which Include testimonials of Chlstlan Sci ence healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which la located at 401 In the Medford building. Is open dsily from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m-. except 8unday and holidays. The 11. brarlan la In attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all au thorlaed Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the rcsdlng room. A FOR MUTTS SEA! flAT.EM, Sept. I (VP) "TnjM" from the flrat congreaa tonal dlatrlct a ponded to the call to aasembly laat night, and 17S voter repreaentlng aeven conn tie met at the hall of rp rewntatlvea here and nominated m met Oulley of Newberfl, profeaeor at Pacific college, aa candidate for con- urewmin on an Independent ticket, A "drjr" platform, drawn up by aneelal committee of five, waa aut)- mltted and after dlacuMlon waa ac cepted unanlmoualy by the aaaembly, "The or tale the country la facing oalla for people of hth character and ldeala," dulley dv1arM in hla ac ceptance apach. "If you are willing to cooperate to the limit to develop thla dry. progreaalve movement In your respective counties, 1 gladly pledge my e if to work for you." Oulley will oppoee Jimn W. Matt, republican Incumbent, and R. R. Tur ner, democrat nominee, for congreaa man In the first dlatrlct. BROOKS. Ore. (UP) A white qulrrel with white eyea la the curlou pet of Raymond Ithmn. The little animal was caught by aome men who were hauling wheat. I MILLS ENDANGER ERING CODE WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. (AP) Unless the NBA "cracks down" oa 63 southern hardwood manufacturers accused of violating provisions of the lumber code, oollspse of the coda and at least the cost-protection pro visions of other codes is predicted by many lumbermen, It was learned. from a reliable source here vaster. dsy. While lumber code ofldals remain ed allent on reporta a Detroit auto mobile body company bad negotiated mo purcnaso Of 60.000.000 feet of oak and gum wood from aouthern man- uiacturers at an average of 13'.; ner cent below the authorized minimum cost-protection prices. It was learned mose ornciala consider the case the greatest challenge to industry self, government the NRA has yet en. countered. The charge of code violation waa forwarded to the code authority, as well aa NRA, by a divisional admin istrative agency of the authority In Memphis, Tenn. Authority officials admitted they had talked to NRA officials concern ing the accusation and, said "We pointed out that failure to take prompt action In this case, which Involves one of the largest corpora tions In America, would undoubtedly have aertoua effects." During the meeting of the lumber code authority here earlier In the summer, NRA officials were accused of noncooperatlon In enforcing thi cost-protection prices and some mem. bers of the Industry at that time suggested the entire code "be thrown out of the window" and members' of the Industry fight their way back to prosperity by their own Individual efforts. NRA officials declined to dlvulg plana concerning the reported deal, but It was reported from another source, that a man waa sent to Memphis last night to make an In vestigation. OF GIRL FRIEND ALAMEDA, Cel., Sept. 1. (API Police started an lnvestlgstlon Into the fatal shooting early today of Ralph M. Bryant Jr. 30-year old son of Alameda's city manager. He waa found by police lying on a bed In the home of Mrs. J. D. Walker, mother of Mlas Vona Walker, 18, girl acquaintance of the youth, where police were told he had been living for some weeks. An anony mous telephone call at 13:SS a. m brought authorities to the scene. Police Chief Verna Smith early to day ssld he believed , his death was a suicide and that he had found a note on the dresser nesrby In the boy's handwriting. Later he ssld ha thought Bryant waa "ehot accident ally." Mlas Walker denied the death waa a suicide. She told authorities young Bryant wanted a gun with which to ahoot bottles while on a fishing trip and she had found in old one of her father's In the basement. She brought this upstalra. ahe said, and gave It to 3ryant, who took It to his room. She aald Bryant aald he knew nothing about guns and that she did not know whether the gun was load ed. A few minutes later, she told police, she heard a shot and found Bryant lying on the bed. Toung Bry ant and ahe had been "going to nether" for about eight months, she said, and he had been living at tha Walker home "because his parents disapproved of me." raf-LIhtlngKllTedBaby. NKWCOMERSTOWN, O. (UP) Homer Spargroves. two, was killed when his father attempted to light a clgaret, while driving, lost control Of his automobile. The machine crashed Into culvert. OAKLAND BOY IS FOUND DEAD HOME