MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31. 1934. PAGE THIRTEEN Local and Personal I . i rin. ratch Mr. Herbert Ouenther cught two fine ateelhead la Koeue rl-vex Wednesday. Wing Returns Chaa A. Wing, real tor returned thla'mornlng by train rrom three days' business trip to hi Francisco. " Stops for Day Mra. S. MoLeod of Wlnnepeg. Canada, stopped yesterday in Medford to visit her brother-in-law. James A. McLeod. belore contin uing to her home from the south. Stop at Port Captain Hoover and lieutenant Mill, flying from Pearson field to Sunnyvale. Calif., In a land observation plane, stayed over night in Medford Wednesday, continuing their flight south yesterday. T Besume Tralnlns Miss Helen Brassier left last night for Portland to resume her training at St. Vln oent's hospital, after having spent a two months' vacation here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Broesler, of route four. Go to Plnehurat Atoout thirty CCC men, from Camp Upper Rogue near Union Creek, who have been fighting fire in the Flnehurst section, were to return to their camp today, and 25 other enrollees were being sent out In their pieces. Entries Listed Orvllle O. Gibson, horseshoe champion of this company, will represent Upper Rogue River OCC camp In the district horseshoe meet to be held In Medford Labor day. The swimming team which will be enter ed In the district meet at Ashland will include Pred V. Wooldrldge, Herman B. Holt, Troy 0. Teague, Harry R. Dugger, Richard P. Chase and Alfred H. Trlplett. To Enter. Meet JWllllam Capltan will captain the Camp Rand swim ming team to be entered In the CCC Labor day meet at Ashland. All camps of the Medford district are eligible to compete in the tournament. Captain Capltan's team will be made up of Harry J. Coffee, John T. Burns, Mar lon W. Bushor and Edward H. Oawd Elk. Swimming has, been one of the major sports at Rand during the sum mer. A Crowd EVERY Saturday Night CAN'E Be Wrong . . DANC TILL J'VILLE A Good Town for a Good Timet 20c , Anytime Children loo Ends Tonlte WILLIAM GARGAN In "The LINE UP" SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN "MANAGED MONEY" Kriijy Kat Cartoon yA W Goes to PortlandMr. I T mnu. son left this morning for Portland. Ends Business Trip I. jj. sohuler returned by train this morning from a two days' business trip to Portland. To Roseburg ni Velma Partln left by train today for Roseburg, hav ing been visiting here for a few days. Leave Tomorrow Tomorrow Mrs. John H. Hueners and daughter, Min nie, will leave by tram for Chicago, to spend a month or six weeks. Ramlle Returns D. O. Randle of this city returned by train this morn ing from Dunsmutr, Cal., where he has been engaged In missionary work. Miss Sawyers to Portland Miss Ari zona Sawyers left by trsln this morn ing for Portland, to resume school work there. Visit In Ashland Miss Evelyn Long returned today by train from Ashland, where she has been visiting since Sat, urday. Plan Labor Day Trip Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dejarnett will leave this week end to vacation over Labor day at Brookings, Ore., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall. Here on Business Ed. Oelder of New York arrived In Medford this morning by train to spend the day here on business. Mr. Oelder Is an agent for leathor goods. Leaves for Home Kermit L. Lowry of Portland, who has been In south ern Oregon during the summer In the Civilian Conservation corps, left to day by train for his horns. - Leaves by Train Master Comey Myers left by train this morning for his home In Portland, after having spent tile summer In Medford visit ing Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Davidson. Jones Leaves Tonight W. L. Jones, forest service construction superin tendent, will leave late this evening for Dead Indian soda spring and South Pork of the Rogue OCO camp. He spent yesterday on bus neas at Elk creek. Retnm from Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Earl York returned Tuesday from a week's vacation spent at Bend, Eu gene, Astoria and Seaside. Mr. York, clerk at the Medford postoffloe, re turned to his work this morning, hav ing completed his vacation. In Medford Today Captain Robert Densmore, CA-Res., and Captain Olen p. Wallace, Inf-Res., ars among CCC camp commanding officers In Med, ford today on business. Captain Dens, more Is In charge of camp Applegate, and Captain Wallace command the South Pork of the Rogue company, Reports Accident Evelyn Combes of 643 Haven reported to city police yesterday the aocldent at the inter. section of Oak and Haven streets Wednesday night, In which David Bengtson of 107 North Peach and Minnie Moore of 506 Clark received cuts and bruises. Bengtson's car col Uded with the Combes auto In the center of the street and ran up over the curb. Minnie Moore was a passen ger In the Bengtson car. Continuous Shows Saturday 1 to 11 SATURDAY ONE DAY ONLY In a Dual Role aa the fighting cowboy sheriff, and aa the sher iff 'i double dealing brother. In -ALSO WTALMADGE PIRATt TREASURE f TMI 0IATH CRASH" Coming Sunday I .if ! fa- lr v m ma Lee Tracy, Helen Mack and a six- year-old youngster, David Jack Holt, whoa work In the film Is already winning him critical praise wherever the picture has been shown, are fea tured In "You Belong to Me," com ing Sunday to the Craterlan theater. His role a a second-rate comic In the film shows Tracy in an entirely different role than any he has por- r.yd on the screen. As a friend of Helen Mack and her son, David, Tracy trlea to help her make a come back on the stage after the death of her husband. Circumstances tangle up the three lives, finally, however, bringing them to a satisfactory cli max. Watson to Lake Dick Watson will leave tomorrow for Lake o' the Woods, to stay until Mondav night. Adults 20c K Anytime TODAY and rssplj. t A St. Also JOE PENNER In Cartoon, "MARCHING COMING lit ULIi 6 WHERE GAIETY AND RHYTHM REIGN SUPREME DANCE SATURDAY NIGHTS DREAMLAND On Studio Bill Jimmy the Ueut." picture star ring James Cagney. wilt be the fea ture attraction at the Studio theater today and Saturday. The story unveils In humorous vein the unique racket of heir chasing, that is, the hunting down of lost helre in order to Inherit unclaimed estates. And the two notorious heir chasers, James Cagney and Alan Dlno- hart, do not stop at bribing persons to act as heirs and coaching them Into perjured testimony. In Ashland X. E. St. John, Jr., of Portland, representative of the South era Pacific Motor Transport Co., is in Athland conducting business today, and will stop in Medford on business thle evening. Leaves Tonight Ralph Prazler of Denver, Colo., will leave tonight by train for his home, after spending the summer In Medford with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Armstrong of route 1. GOLD HILL SAT. RITE Kiddies 10c Anytime SATURDAY f$'arni TitDt 1 aiigh Smash tuth ''j TILL JAMES CAGHEY 8ETTE DAVIS i ihe filii wTiCft a rouah du.; i monu lain ior. a iinroii) nicMiac ws "Where Men Are Men" ALONG" News Reel. SUNDAY Y r1 Rialto Star kjM nk&u atK. As Inspector Trent, Ralph Bellamy again Is cast In ;ne role of the fam ous detective In "Girl In Danger," playing today - and tomorrow at the Rialto theater. This Is .the fourth time he has appeared In this role and. like Phllo Vance and Charllo Chan, Inspector Trent Is rapidly be coming one of the screen's favorite detective characters. In "Girl In Danger." Bellamy solves the mystery surrounding the disap pearance of a valuable emernld. Shir ley Grey, In the leading fe mini no role, playa the part of the society girl whose seeking of new thrills In volves the theft of the Jewel. Undergoes Operation George Mar grelter of Butte Palls underwent s, major operation at the Community hospital today. Shows Rnt. 1:00-3:00 7:00-9:00 TODAY and FOLLOWED THE FAMOUS CORTEZ EMERALD!! Sfy?'-lh'rir society plai girl Just for '&?ie'..tV t3t&r Ihrlll helped steal a priceless i'riV JT Jewel . . , but found herself wte jfc'v JfS tangled In a crlmlnnl weh with hW "taK" I ' li RALPH BELLAMY 1 SHIRLEY GREY 8Xt I ARTHUR HOHL 1 1 lt' anolher thrilling In- K -aitft&&$ spcclor Trent adventuret I! Edgat 1 A y Coming to Roxy Brother finite brother, ft frontier village is set afire end two cllffa are dynamited aa fcaturea of the Ken Maynard western, "Honor of the Range," which come to the Roxy theatre tomorrow. Maynard for the first time steps Into a dual role that of the honest sheriff. Ken, pitted against his twin brother, Clem, dissolute operator of the local general store.' Brief Vacation Mr. and Mre. Har old Woods and son Junior are leaving tonight for San Francisco, where they will remain over Labor day. Leave Saturday Pauline and George Paris, who havo been visiting during the summer at the home of their uncle, Sam Golfua of Medford, will leave tomorrow evening by train for their home In Oakland, Cal. Their mother, Mrs. Alex Paxla of Oakland, was also a Medford visitor earlier in the summer. FOH A REAL TIME DANCE and DINE at BONNEY'S C.H11.L Sat. Nite O Dance Till C Dnnclnft Every Night Adults 25 SATURDAY SUN M0N Their etery emotlnn cried out for each other two people forhltlflen to love by the very honor the whole world termed I rnm the sensntlniial novel hy A, 1. Tronln. Return from Lake Mr. and Mrs. Oss Roberts havs returned to Med ford from Diamond lake, where they have been vacationing for the past two weeks. To Move Here Captain Olen J. Key and family are moving to Medlord next week from Union creek. Captain Key, commanding officer at the Upper Bogus River CCO camp, was a busi ness caller at headquarters today, Iay Issued Today Approximately 20.000 Is being distributed today to COO enrollees In the twenty oamps within the Medford district. An ad ditional aioo.000 Is being mailed In checks to their dependants, ... To Cannda Miss Ruth Nye of Tal ent left Medford on the Shasta this morning, and wilt make a boat trip from Seattle to northern Canada for ten days. Miss Nye will then return to Portland, to teach this winter at Washington high school. . Returns North Otto Begley of Portland, who has been doing some auditing work here for the past two weeks, left today for the northern city. Mr. Bagley was In the hospital here for several days receiving treat ment to his ankle, during his stay In the city. Although French motor vehicles predominate In Algeria and Tunis, American automobiles account for ft lnrge share of the Moroccan market. Huny! Ends Tomorrow Night A World of Entertainment! On the Stage Mickey Mouse Presents . MEDFORD'S OWN "PINTO" COLVIG Bringing Imiglii and lurprUes u he ehoni no Mickey Moum car toons nnd Silly Symphonies art brought to life! On the Screen" :STARTS CtT Aunol L L ' f f . . action-packed itory of iS j f-' 'I'jQ a couple of I'ncle Sam's Jack- I fn'jjP tars whose private war almost "Sibs&J I A New . . . Different Lee Tracy! With a sensational new child star who will find his way to your heart . . . alone with "Little Miss Marker." to m" LEE TRACY HELEN MACK HELEN MORGAN lynnt Overman David Holt SALEM, Oro, Aug. SI, (AP) Th governor's office today honored the extradition of D, 8. Page, wanted la Alameda county, California, for for gery. He was arrested In Oregon City. . A. tabulation showed 33,O00,0O0 was disbursed on civil works pro jects In Missouri In four and one half months from ths start of the program. "String Along" "with your Hat on the side of your Head" DANCE "The Prize Walt" ORIENTAL . GARDENS Both Halls SAT.-NITE FEATURING Jack Bianchl Singing the Latest Dance Bits I Mats . . tse Eves . . S5c Klddles-lOo SUNDAY: Heart-warming romantlo drama with a real wal lop in this story of three people whose whole hap. plness depended upon each other . . . and the Joy they felt when they discovered itl III MEN 35c LADIES lOr 9Y s nsff BMaKSUtMuah N