PAGE ELEVEN m AN A l MARKET PLACE FOR THE BARGAIN SEEKER BEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFOllD, OREGON, SUNDAY. AUGUST 26. 193. 1t Bead every id on Ctilp pace !"" Hill probably flnO exactly 'he "" oo want to nnj oi KU " " Isn't mere. adver tise . . I'- ,ne1' pensive, effective pet word first Insertion. (Minimum ioc Saab additional Insertion, -le pel word utnimnm lock Pet line per month without copy changes 1J6 FOE WANT A.D3 LOST AND 5P L06Tersonthat picked up hand bag on Sams Valley road please re- turn to Sams Valley store. LQST-Black and white Shepherd, male dog. white head. name Bailey. Nick Young, Eagle Point. Ore. Phone 4-P-8. LOST if dog missing, call 5ia MALE OK FEMALE WANTED Reliable companion to Chicago. Share expenses. Further Information. as viw " WANTED To get In touch with someone who understands making artificial flowers. M. O. Baremore. 1059 Court. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Mlddleagcd or elderly lady to be companion to married wom an. No work. Box 3022. , WANTED Girl but of school for gen eral housework and help care of two children. Call 025-L. 718 E. Jackson. bunted Permanent renter. Modern 'ft house, large chicken house, brooder. ' garden, business frontage Raise produce. Sell It at home. Outside city, highway. 1704 N. Riverside. SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT for married women. 16 weekly and your own dresses FREE representing nation ally known Fashion Frocks. No can vassing. No investment. Send drew sl2. Fashion Frocks, Dept. P-7l, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED MALE HELP MAn'wANTED for Rawlelgh route of 800 families. Good profits tor hust lers. We train and help you. Write immediately. Rawlelgh Co, Dept. OR-27-SA, Oakland, Calif. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Several choice openings In country and towns tor reliable men or wom en No capital or experience rc oulred. Write Mr. THOMAS. Supt., 426 Third St., Oakland, California. I WANT 3 MEN for local Tea and Cof fee Routes paying up to $60 a week. No capital or experience required but must be willing to give prompt service to approx. 200 steady con sumers. Brand-new Fords given es bonus. Write Albert Mills, Route Mgr., 6581 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Olo. ' WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO LADY wants general house work or care of children. Experienc ed. Box 3024, Tribune. WANTED General housework or care of children by competent girl. Ref erences. Phone 453-J, Ashland. WANTED Housekeeper for mother less home. 35 N. Oakdale or P. O. 729. CHILDREN cared for In my home. 640 E 9th. WANTED--M1SCELLANE0U3 WANTED Will pay cash for light car. 103 Jeanette. BIDS WANTED Man with truck for 2B mile lumber haul and loading. Phone 1455. Wa"ntED TO RENT by adults, furn ished bungalow with 2 bedrooms. Box 2896, Mall Tribune. WANTED TO RENT Small unfurnish ed home. Answer before Saturday noon, giving location, and descrlp t tlon. Box 3007, Tribune. WANTED Portable electric drill; and three H. P. gas engine, must be In first class condition. Write price and particulars. Geo. A. Taylor, Box 37, Hornbrook, Calif. WANTED 2nd hand furniture. We buy. sell and trade. Berrydale J. id Hand Store, 1603 N. Riverside. T 266. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city limits of Md ford Must be cheap. Box 308, Mali Tribune. FURNITURE re-upholstred. 969-R Tniotult Phone WAS'lTiLv-Wool mob sir. rude and pelts dee us DMure you ell Wool begs and twine foi sale Mdford Bargain House, 27 N. Grape 6t Phone 1062 WAN! TO BUT 19M Pord Muit be ehsp S33 w iaa JUNK WAVIKU . pay easb tot JUNK BA PIT5KI Efc AND HAUlA.-OHd ALUMINUM BRAA3 CUPPER nd luni 51 all descriptions MEOPOKD B ARii.Mr HUl'SE . j 3? No Orape I HW ! W A-STED Warrauu, Reudeu 6 Co FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSE FOB RENT Phone 1232-W. FOR RENT Modern S-room house 505 Beatty St. Rate reasonable. Tel. 111-J-l. FOR RENT Modern 5-room house. O. C. Boggs. FOR RENT S room modern home 2 bath'rooms, sleeping porch, furn ished or unfurnished. Only reliable, permanent tenants need apply. 714 West 10th. HOUSE FOR RENT 117.50, water paid. Phone' 1232-W. FOR RENT Modern 6 room furnish ed house, (15.00. Inquire 318 Ap ple St. FOR RENT B o m e a. furnished oi unfurnished Brown A Walt FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bachelor apt, (8.00. 445 So. Front. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Adult. Phone 753 -M. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Hotel Holland. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD & ROOM 153 No. Oakdale. RATES very moderate at 718 EC Main ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 Drape. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Pleasant sleeping room. 19 Mistletoe. Tel 638-W. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1029 model A Ford sedan and a lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8 Tel 407-? EXCHANGE Furn ce-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, fish polea and reels. Phone 068-R. FOR SALE Young turkeys or will trade in on late model automobile (Coupe preferred ) Floyd-Maharry Talent. Ore. FOR SALE OR TRAUE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box t3B. lrioune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE OR PART EXCHANGE 8 acre ranch, all modern Improve ments, private electric light and pumping plant, five buildings, in eluding double garage and work. shop (cement floors) a studio build ing within an enciosea cactus gar den, large chicken yard and house, and pump house. Forty fruit trees, Navel, Valencia oranges, grapefruit, . lemons, apricots, persimmons, palm, and other shade trees, 320 ft. boule vard frontage, on State highway, (Palms to Pines), no encumbrance. el.OOO cash, balance In exchange lor Medford house and property, close In." Box 2987, Tribune. EXCHANGE For small home in Med ford, 20 A. in Fern Valley, 7 mi. S. E. of Medford, 10 A ready to plant. Call 276 B St., Ashland, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE Five acres in cherries and peaches, with beauti ful home. White Box 308. Beau mont, Calif. FOR TRADE 5-rm. modern Ashland home. 518 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Ranch. Phone 267-H. FOR RENT 12 acres suitable for ber ries or turkeys. 3 miles from Med ford. Large modern house, city wat er, barn, large hen house, family or chard; cow if desired. Tel. 437-J. FOR SALE REAL4 ESTATE A GOOD BUY 10-room all log house, on 160 acre mountain ranch. 10 acres under cultivation. See or write C. L. Studwell, Sardine Creek, Gold Hill, Ore. FOR SALE OR RENT fi-room house. sleeping porch, two large lots, laeai for gardening and chickens. 42,300 $300 cash. 328 Portland Ave. In formation at 310 Portland Ave. A BARGAIN My large lot. on Ben nett St., excellent soil, fruit, nut trees end berries Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box .56, Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son Co Bldg & Loan Assn. Tel. 195 53 ACRES near Applegate P O; 11 A cultivation, free water right; bal ance timber; improvements. Paul Erdman. Applegate. Ore. WHEN you thlnx of real estate, think of Brown Si wn tie AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS FISK TIRES AND TUBES Bonded, guarantiee, iou cnuuuw uuy m anywhere In Oregon cheaper than at the Sunrise Super Service Sta tion, 12th and Riverside. FINEST GRADE WESTERN OIL n your car, 10c quart; in your can, 3oc gai.; ddi iois, auo. . iuuv PURE PENNSYLVANIA Oil. from Bradford crude, in your oar, 20c nuart: in vour can. 62c oal.; 6 gals J3 00 SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STATION. FOR SALE AUT0M0BILE8 vnn half Model T Ford Coupe good condition, 15. See at Camp With us. NO. Kiveraias. TTfiED CAR BARGAINS 30 Day Written Guarantee. 1129 Ford Roadster 1929 Essex Town Sedan 1029 Durant Coupe 1929 LaSalle Coupe Several older models on hand. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC 38 No. Riverside Tel 18 ion httixson fifdan demonstrator n.- viqrnntetv substantial dis count; trade and terms. Ekin Motor Co., Hudson-Terraplane Deal er on So Riverside. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS STEINWAY UPRIGHT PIANO Bar gain. Palmr Music House. FOR SALE Used upright piano Chvp for cash. Box 2Bft5. Tribune. BARGAINS In ud Band Instrument. with leooiis. Paimer Mumc House. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NINE registered Ramboullet ewes wm. Brlggs strain, snearing from is to 16 pounds wool. Cross bred year lings and lambs. Pure bred Shrop shire yearling rams and ram lambs. L. A. Salads Jr. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE Fine breeding ewes. Tel. 40i-j-a. FOR SALE Fresh Durham and Guernsey cow. W. E. Mann, i mile north 4 corners station on Midway road. FOR 6ALE a cows, one Just fresh M L. Hartley, Phone 9-F-5. TWO JERSEY heifers, coming fresh In spring, and coming 3-year-old colt. Priced reasonable. Inquire at W B. Medley's, Rt. 4, Box 156. Medford. FOR SALE Fresh oowa Schultz. Beagla Ore. Adoll FOR SALE DOGS PETS 3-YEAR-OLD thoroughbred spayed Pointer for small board bill. Call 234-J-2. FOR SALE Pure-bred St. Bernard male pups, on display at Monarch Seed and Feed Store Aug 37 to 29. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 50 nice thrifty Red pul lets, May hatched, also 25 yearling laying hens breeders. A few cocker els, high quality stock. Cummtngs Poultry Ranch, 6 miles out Mid way road, Central Point. FOR SALE Guineas. Hughes. Tel 19-F-5. Mrs. H PURE Bronze tons. Cockeran's prize 1HJCK 90 jeose nan ci iwuu" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fine canning tomatoes. Bring containers. 3 ml. over Buck shot hill. Follow Sprlngbrook signs. M. Q. Davis. FOR SALE 18-lnch Westlnghouse electric ian. jracnange ior cooit stove. Apply at City Gardens, Jack sonville High way. FOR SALE Petite prunes now ready lor canning or. drying. Pick them yourself at lc lb. F. S. Carpenter, Jacksonville highway. SELL EQUITY 1927 Chrysler roadster, rumble seat. Trade for cheaper car. Call Sunday, 801 N. Central. FOR SALE CHEAP Bridge lamp, ra dio, end table, breakfast set. 33 Rose Ave. FOR SALE; Peaches. Nloe Elbert as 2c per lb and box of windfalls free while they last with every 50 lb. order. R. R. Guches, Griffin Creek. FOR SALE Furniture, bedroom, liv ing room, dining room suites, etc. 425 Manzanlta. FOR SALE Model T Ford, milk cow. galvanized tank 3x7, 2 ft. deep. 15 ft. canoe. Will trade for woodr 2nd house east of Rogue River Academy on Jacksonville-Phoenix road. Tel. 447-M. FOR SALE Collection of taxidermy 10 deer heads, antelope heads and birds, etc. Also 2 tea sets of hand painted china and cut glassware. Mrs. J. L. Ely, 'i mile north West side school. USED Westlnghouse electric range for sale Automatic, equipped with regular sized porcelain lined bak ing oven. Also small porcelain lined broiling or baking oven. (Your fuel burning stove may be traded in.) Price Installed $30.00. The Califor nia Oregon Power Co. FOR SALE Wood, ftl.OO dc $1.26 tier; oak, laurel, fir. 300 tier dry. Inquire Jesse Taylor, Ruch. PEACHES Bring containers. O. E. Carpenter, 3i mile west of Phoenix on Huston road. WE can save you money on water pipe. Hubbard Bros., inc. FOR SALE FOR DELINQUENT STOR AGE Rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, dining table, kitchen table, kitchen cabinet, library table, bed and springs, floor lamp, lots of books and other miscellaneous ar ticles. 1015 No. Central. Eads Trans fer Co. "BAROAIM USED MACHINERY 6 tractors; 1 corn shelter, 1 fan ning mill. 1 grain grinder, disc har rows, tractor plows, 1 corn binder, HUBBARD BROS., INC. FOR SALE Italian and Petite prunes. Phone 7-F-14. TOMATOES. No. 1, 11.50 per cwt. Phone 4-F-12. o. J. Logan. FOR SALE Seckel pears. L. G. Frlnk Talent. FOR SALE: Furniture, i mi. west of Meehans store on Jacksonville- Phoenix road. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom suites, com plete; living-room suite; dining room suite; General Electric refri gerator; electric range; piano. Mrs. J. L. Ely, Old Stage Road, hi mile North Westslde school. FOR SALE! 3 burner oil stove, roll top desk, ski is, automobile hot wat er heater, lace type rubber boots, other miscellaneous articles. Extra special 185 00 violin and 96 00 case 140.00. Leaving, must sell at once. Call at 22 Keene Way Drive. FOR SALE Vetch inoculation, Mon arch Seed St Feed Co. FOR SALE Kentucky Wonders, new crop Just on. 2 miles north on Sams Valley road. Phone 493-R. E. E Stump. FOR SALE Inoculate retch before piantlng to assure maximum growth use Nltragen. Monarch Seed At Feed Co. FOR SALE Peaches. Fine Elbertas. 2c a pound. R. R. Guches. mile west of upper school house. Griffin Creek. Phone 857. L. DEER RIFLES, Shotguns, 1500 to 35 00 Saddles, tent, shoes, cloth Ing 17500. 5x7 camera 123.00. 317 North Riverside. PETITK PRUNES for sale. Tel. 7-F-4 TIER WOOD Dry fire, pine, oak and laurel, on ground or delivered. Tel j 722. ' PERSONAL PALMISTRY READING daliy Phone 463 J, Ashland, or appointment. 1 PERSONAL ASTKOLOGY readings, questions ans wered. Phone 809 for appointment. REV EVELYN MARSHALL spiritual readings dally 3 IS So Riverside. MISCELLANEOUS FREE DIESEL TOPICS 20.000 copies latest news on Diesel engine developments to be given away FREE. Write (or your copy now. Diesel Power Engineering Schools, 3320 20th St., cor. Folsom. Sim Francisco. America's Greatest System of Diesel Training. AUTO INSURANCE at about 50 saving; class "A" plus Company Leg. Reserve. 206 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 350. DENTISTRY Dr. t- A. Gove. 339 E Mam. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register Add ing Machine. Typewriter. Boots Shoes, Huntmg-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside. GRAIN SACKS Jackaoo Coucty Feed Co.. 4th and B art let t Sts. DOGS examined free. Dr. Stone, 4tb and Bartlett. FOR SALE: Equity Id bouse. Call 626 Haven. FOR SALE Grain, oats and barley bags Medford Bargain House, 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. FOR SALE Canning peaches. Bert Stanclllf. Phoenix. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Flck's Hardware, 131 West Main. i FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes: terms if desired AH make rented and repaired White Sewing ' Machine Co. 24 N Bartlett. WANTED - Household goods, stoves tools or what have you Medford Bargain House. 27 N Grape St. Tel ' 1062 BUSINESS CUANCES FOR SALE HI Way Inn Cafe and equipment Rent $12 50 month Gold Hill Ore. COFFEE ANN'S FOR SALE. $100 AND light car in good running order buys best paying service sta tion on Redwood highway, near Kerby. account sickness. Golden Rule Service. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JAI HSON CO. AHSTKALl CO. Abstract ot ntu ana Title Insurance The only complete Title System to Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave. upstairs. Rialto Phone 161&-Y. Transier EADS TRANSFER Si STORAGE CO -Offlce 1015 No Central phone J lo Prices right ierv've guaranteed HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special llveabjck moving equipment Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X "ST Aloney to tend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE CARS ETC Prompt service and le gal rates W E THOMAS 45 8 Central State license No S 157 Afoil Tribune Daily Solution of Yesterday'. Puzxta 1. Clans 8. Carefully ' wrought out 15. Uneven 16. Upper num her of a fraction 17. Pertaining to the clieek 18. City In Oklahoma 19. Pulled apart 20. Idolize 21. Color 22. Extreme and sudden GIAIPIEP E SI RETSiARTj L El 9. M mj . 1-N JL DOME Sip ARC Its O T A L I pTTN DjjP A M I D TEN A N IT HjT JJR AD s E E bLMkAil0 w PHC TATORg P E AiflyjOLOG EHBR OlT L SWT NEE tre eUp r yIIeIlMs frlKlit 23. Greek letter 24. Obstructions Choose 37. Article of apparel 29. siiKworm it American 63 Not dlffl DOWN Indians 68. Old musical I. Railroad 13. Short for ft Instrument signal man's name 63. Symbol for 3. Emitted rays It. Tropical nickel 3. Game played fruits 59. Accumulate on horse- 19. Harvests 60. Ingredient of back 11. Committed varnish Former theft 61. Oriental salu- rui,ri 12. Rwlrllnir tatlon: . 15. Very soft: variant rlucia musical 63, Nervo t. Structural alibr. network unit of a 17. The Emerald 64. Fleet animal plant cell title fit. Growing out 7. Crescent- 18. Constellation ftfl. Weakens shaped (9. Chafe S. Sign fl mires II. Came . 69. Shafts of light I. Among together 70. Ilehotdest 9. River bottom 2 p y 5 HI6 7 8 I? ' 2 3 4 zzz zzzz n jjr 2 if2' II22 tiu. 'liUti. a-- - . -r-. '-udA. fmr mrrr rT7T- 2? 23 Wr ZZZZZSllIiZZZ it 53 54 55 S? , 2J53 5T" """" i4 " 'fi". bS 11111111 j, H 1 1 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Painting and Papernnnguij M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging Tel 646 W 8 8 Grape Wall Paper Clean Int. WALL-PAPER CLEANING, lo per q ft Ur Black 310 N Bartlett JOHN H LOCK Painting and Decor- a ting Quality work at lower prices. Ph. 953-R. Res. 124 King. Expert Window Cleaners LET OEOHOE DO IT Tel. 1173 House Cleaning. Floor waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty LEGAL NOTICES For Sale Miscellaneous packing house equip ment, Including conveyor belts, fruit washers, nailing machines, and mis cellaneous material and property used in connection with the commercial packing of fruit and pears; two safes and other miscellaneous personal property of L. A. Banks and Edith R. Banks, and the Suncrest Orchards, Inc., excepting household effects and furniture. The property may be in spected, and bids received. Same to be sold at private sale. See J. F. Wort man, Pacific Highway South. J. F. WORTMAN, Trustee In Bankruptcy of estate of L. A. Banks & Edith R. Banks, and the Suncrest Orchards, Inc. OPEN FINAL WEEK OF TOGGERY SALE The Toggery will start -the final week of It's sensational $35,000 men's wear sale tomorrow, offering men of Medford and southern Oregon their final opportunity to take advantage of the low prices on nationally known lines of clothing, hats, shoes and fur nishings. Since the first night of The Tog gery's 16, the store hs been a popu lar place for both men and women shoppers who are eager to share In the savings. Many new fall suits and overcoats which arrived during the past week are going to be included In the final week's sale, according to William F. -Isaacs. Dark browns, grays, and blues In smart worsteds, cheviots, tweeds and serges are among the new colors and fabrics featured this season for the well-dressed man. Suits for all sizes and figures are available at The Toggery's store-wide sale. . The 935,000 merchandise sale has been an outstanding success thus far, according to Mr. Isaacs who expressed the opinion that the final week would be even more successful. Pope Honors Ctnclnnatluns. CINCINNATI (UP) Pope Plus XI has conferred knighthood on two Cin cinnati Catholic laymen, it was re vealed here. The men are Charles F. Williams and William H. Albers, who by the decree are knights commanders of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, with the privilege of wearing the placque, or Insignia of the order. The honors were bestowed in recognition of outstanding civil services. . When mosquitoes are to be mount ed for scientific study they are killed by electrocution because this process leaves the wings extended. , Cross -Word Puzzle 10. Correlative of either U. Assessment rating 12. Make amends 13. Type of lens 14. Uprlftht 23. Reverse ends of Im miner heads 25. Exist 26. Mineral spring ill. Leaping animal 30. Jewish month 82. Catch' night of 35. Consumed ao, Standard 37. Efttranues 38. Refined or tender feeling 40. Foundation timbers 4s. By birth 44. Leave 45. Move from east to west, as the equinoxes 46. English tavern 1,0. Annnlll 62. PannAngnrs curried for hire 5. Catkin 54. Servs food fcS. French river (r,. Scarcer 57. Light boat iiO Tardy 63 Body of water 64 Kind of mest 67, Old Dominion state i abbr. WAMT amp Spiritual Selene Church 815 South Riverside Avenue. Rev. Evelynn Marshall, Pastor. Services Sunday, August 26, 8 p. m. Subject, "Spirit Communica tion." Spirit mesagea will be given following the lecture by co-workers. The public Is Invited. Main Street Methodist Church, South N. D. Wood, pastor. Church school meet at 9:45 a. m. Sunday. It a. m. Sermon by the pastor. 7:00 p. m, Young people's meet ing. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service. First Presbyterian Chnrctt Sunday school, 0:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m., with Reverend W. F. Shields, former local pastor, preaching on the topic "The Sons of God." Christian Endeavor at the regular hour. ' There will be no tvenlng service. Church of God Corner Haven and Holly streets. D. M. Clemens, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Young people In charge of opening period to evening service, 7:50 p. m. Preaching directly thereafter. Prayer service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. All are welcome and urged to attend. First Christian Church Ninth and Oakdale streets. W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. L. O. Gentner, superintendent. Everyman's Bible class In court house auditorium at 9:45. Morning worship begins ,at 10:55. Sermon by the pastor. "Finding Christ on the Other Side. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Union church services la the Bap tist church at 8 o'clock. Free Methodist "A Picture oX Your Old Man and Mine" is the subject selected by Evangelist J. Lewis Arnold of Seattle for the 11 o'clock service at the Free Methodist church, corner Tenth and Ivy streets, Sunday, In the after noon at 2:30 Rev. Arnold will speak on the much discussed subject, 'The Mighty Baptism of the Holy Ohost and Fire." In the evening at 7:45 the subject will be "Do Demons Ex pect the End of the Age In 1035?" First Baptist Church. W. H. Eaton, minister. Sunday school, 9:48 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Young people's devotional groups, 7:00 p. m. Union service at this church 8:00 p. m. The pastor will be at home and will be the preacher at both morning and evening services. The musical pro gram will be in charge of the music committee. You are cordially Invited to enjoy these hours with us. Free Methodist Cnurch Corner Tenth and Ivy streets. K. N. Long, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mornlntr messaee. 11 o'clock, by Evangelist J. Lewis Arnold. Subject: "A Picture of Your Old Man and Mine." Afternoon service at 3:80. Subject: "The Mighty Baptism the Holy Ohost." T. P. M. S. meeting at o:o p. m. Evening service at 7:30, Subject: "Do Demons Expect End of Age In 1835?" You are cordially Invited to atwna these services. First Presbyterian Church Corner Eighth and Holly. William J. Howell, minister. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. We have a class for everyone. Come and bring your children. 11 a. m. Morning woranip. ser mon. Special music arranged by Mrs. Elsie O. Strang, director of cnoir, and Mrs. Eva H. Marsh, organist: prelude, Cantilena by Shelley; offer tory, Dreams, by Kopyloff; postlude, The Lost Chord" by aulllvan, Mrs. Garrett, soloist. (3:30 p. m. Young People's society. Meeting In charge of Mary Cum- mlngs. 8:00 p. m. Union services at the First' Baptist church. All welcome. 8t. Teter's Lutheran Church (Missouri synod) East Main and Portland avenue. H. H. Young, pastor. fiunday school this morning at 10 o'clock. There will be no Bible class this morning. The annual Mission Festi val will be celebrated today. Divine worahlp this morning at 11 o'clock. Pastor W. T. Oeorg of Portland will deliver the sermon. . Lunch will be served by the ladles of the congregation at noon In the church basement. Afternoon service at 9:30 o'clock, conducted by Pastor Henry Rlaohe of Dunsmulr, Calif. The lecture will not be Riven by Pastor Oeorg. The general publlo la cordially ln vlted. Tent Meeting. (Pull Oospel Tabernacle.) Newtown street, off Main street. J. Logan Stuart, paator. All meetings at the tent. Sunday school 9:S. Morning worship II. Evening evangellMle meeting 7:45. Evangelist Arne Vlck or Belltngham, Wash., will be speaking at both morn ing and evening eervlcea, and each evening through the week, except Monday, at 7:45. Rev. Vlck will be speaking Sunday morning from the text "A God-Directed Heart." T. subject for the evening will be "What la Spiritual Bulclde?" The tent was filled to Its capaelty last Sunday evening. Come early Vou will heartily enjoy the word of Ood. as Bro. Vlrk present It In Its purity and simplicity. "Pegasus" to Back at Pendleton V x Among the new bucking homes that will try the mettle ot the buckaroos at the Pendleton Round-Up, September 13, 14, and 15, will be "Pegasus", a sorrel thunderbolt, discovered In the John Day couutry and named for the tlylng horse of Greek myth ology. "Naturally", saya A. E. Horn, Jr., Oregon Division Mana ger of General Petroleum, "this Pegasus horse wins the sponsor ship and good wishes of our com pany and Its employes throughout the Northwest, tor the flying red Pegasus Is our emblem wherover Genoral Mobllgas and Mobllolls are sold. "The personnel of our organt tatlon", Horn stated, "la working for the success of the Tendloton Round-Up' 25th (Silver Jubilee) St. Murks Church E. 8. Bartlam, rector. Holy Communion, 8:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Church school, 10 a. m. First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel Streets. Joseph Knotts, Minister. Sunday school, BA6 a. m. K. J. Kepmann, superintendent. Visitors made welcome. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Wo have the pleaaure thla Sunday of lis tening to Dr. Clarence True Wllnpn. nationally known minister and lec turer, who will preach to ua on the moat Interesting theme: "Isaiah's Vi sion of Our Country." Tou will want to hear this sermon. Our splendid young people's choir, directed by Mra O. H. Faake, will alng. The Epworth League will meet at 7 p. m. The union service will be held this evening at 8 o'clock In the First Baptist church. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, aia North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, August 38, "Mind." Sunday school at 9:30. Applicant under the age of 30 may be admit ted. Wednesday evening meetings, which Include testimonials of christian Sci ence healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which la located at 401 In the Medford building, Is open dally from 7 a. m. to a p. m., except Sunday and holidays. The li brarian Is In attendance from 10 to 4. at which time the Bible and all au thorised Christian Science llcraturc mav be read, borrowed or purcnasca The publlo is cordially Invited to attend the services ana visn mo reading room. Church of the Naiarene. North Central Avenue at Jackson. Fred M. weathcrford, pastor-evan- oellst. will sneak from the local pul pit twice Sunday. At the 8 o'clock popular gospel evangelistic service he will be heard on the topic, "The Wind and the Power of Pontacost." This meaaage will hark back to the first century of the Christian era, but the apeaker will make the appeal appli cable to the 30th century. "Viewing the Cross of Christ" com poses the toplo on which he will be heard at the 11 o'clock hour Sunday Sunday school at 0:45 s. m. Arnold Kornstad, superintendent. A growing Sunday school that opens ts doors to all new comers. A special number In the Interest of Missions will be heard. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. MUs Helen Soheel, president. A cor dial Invitation Is extended young folks not regularly enlisted elsewhere to share In the program presented at this hour by a live, progressive group of young people. Peoples' meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. An hour made alive by personal Christian testimony, Bible study and prayer. Features of the day will Include special gospel music, both morning and evening. Reception of new mem bers Into church fellowship. A cor ldlal reception extended to visitors. i't II 1 1 i imn'f I celebration, talking It up and boosting It In every possible way. For 2 5 years the Pendleton Round-Up has been of untold ben oflt to the Northwest, attracting visitors from all parts ot the world, "Inquiries recolved at General Petroleum service stations throughout Oregon, Washington and California Indicate that Pen dleton's great frontier exhibition will attract a record breaking at tendance," Horn said, "It Is ob vious that the publlo continues to recognize the Round-Up as t h premier ot all Western exhibitions featuring bucking, roping and bulldogglng, and the one where the real world's championships are settled." Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church Fourth street near Oakdale ave nue. Oeo. P. Kabele, D. D paator. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning aervlce. Sermon subject: "Remember Lot's Wife." 8:00 p. m. Union service at tba Baptist church. Church of Christ Eagles' Hall, 317 W. Main. Services Sunday, 10:30 and 7:48. At the morning aervlces W. H. Miller of dranta Pass will occupy th pulpit. At the evening services tho regular minister will speak on the subject: "A Swarm of Bees." Church of the Foursquare Gospel Corner Fourth and Bartlett J, A. and Mary E. Blckerdlke, Pastors. "I was glad when they said unto me: Let ua go Into the House ot the Lord." Sunday school, 10 a. m. Lesson, "Hoses Preaches God's Love." Ho aea 11. Morning worship at 11, "A Shout In the Camp." Hear it ring. Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. "Two Hours to Live." If that were true of your life, how would you spend It? Thursday, 8 p. m., nild-week prayer meeting. Saturday at 1 p. m. Children's church. Wednesday at 3 p. m. the ladles of the church meet to sew and prepare garments that have been brought for distribution to those In need. We have many calls at this time just before school days come for chil dren's shoes. If there are any such In your home that have been out grown and not In use some needy child would be glad to use them. Bring them, or any cast-off garment, to the pastor's residence. 338 North Bartlett street, or phone 301-R-4 and a car will call for them. Thank you. Records Fall As Chevrolet Reaches Peak Chevrolet Motor company estab lished a production record for the month of July, building 93,947 pas senger cars and trucks, the highest July production since 1939, according to an announcement made by C. M. Hurd of Rogue River Chevrolet, Inc. Mr. Hurd said, "to meet the de mands of dealers, which continued on a high level, the heavy production schedule was maintained. In the last four full working days of the month 10.901 units were produced with a rec ord of 4953 cars in s single day." "Handicapped by a late start In the early part of the year, Chevrolet pro duction set pace during March and April which was maintained through June, July, and the early part of Au gust. It la significant to note that at the close of production August 4, Chevrolet had surpassed last year's total production figure, building 838. 303 units as compared with 838.377 units for the entire 13 months of 1S33." "July sales rivaled the June record In reflecting the current demand for Chevrolet cars. Deliveries made dur ing July totaled 88.570 unite," Mr. Hurd said. Retail sales for the month, as complied from dealers' report a1"1 Canadian and export deliveries, were the basis ot this announcement.