PAGE ELEVEN &m AM Al MARKET PLACE FORTHE BARGAIN SEEKER MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, JfEDFORI), OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23, 193. '"ill Bead every d on tmi pae r00 rill probably find exactly the thing you want Co Du or sell . . U isn't there, dver tlM . . . If pensive, effective: RATES per word first infection . (Minimum 3&c) Cucb additional Insertion, net word . i i lc (Minimum 100) Per tine per mouth, without copy changes Phosie 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND XiOST Between Messenger mill and Bams Valley one triKit ure sso, mounted. Finder notify Messenger, Gold Hill. Reward. LOST 21 Jewel Waltham watch. grn goM case, Initial in bade P. G. V. Left in men's rest room at With am's. Return to Van's Tire Shop at 8th and Riverside. LOST Male fox terrier, white with black and some tan markings. 4. mo. old. Answers to name ol "Popeye." Call 81. Ira Luman. Reward. LOST Saturday night, in or south ol Medlord, transformer of special de sign. Absolutely of no use to any one else. Return at once to the Electric Wiring Company or phone 335, and Reward. LOST If dog missing, call 1510 . MALE OR FEMALE WANTED To get In touch with someone who understands making artificial flowers. M. C. Baremore, 1059 Court. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Housekeeper, age 35 to 35, k by single man on ranch. Box 2876. s -Trtbune. WANTED Girl out of school to as sist with housework and care of two children. Pleasant home and moderate wages. For Interview phone 692. WANTED Competent, unincumber ed woman for general housework. Tel. 1848-R. WANTED SITUATIONS RELIABLE, experienced orchard man tvante to manage orchard. Box 28tS5. ' Tribune. WANTED Housekeeper for mother less home. 35 N. Oakdale or P. O. 729. CHILDREN cared for In my home. 840 E 9th. WANTED--M1SCELLANE0US WANTED Portable electric drill; and three H. P. gas engine, must be in first class condition. Write price and particulars. Geo. A. Taylor, Box 37, Hornbrook, Calif. WANTED Light car between $75 and $100. Roadster or Phaeton. 208 Van couver. 4:30 5:30, afternoons. TANTED Best light car about $35 to 'geo will buy, (sedan preferred). Write Box 2799, care Tribune. WANTED 2nd hand furniture. Wc buy. sell and trade. Berrydale Hand Store. 1603 N. Riverside. Tei 266. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn . isiied house in ity limits of Med ford. Must be cheap, Box 308, Mall Tribune. . " PORN1TORB re-upholstered. Phone 969 -R. Tbibault. WANTED Wool, mohair, hides and pelts See us before you sell Wool bags and twine for sale Medford Bargain Rouse, 37 N. Orap 8t Phone 1062 WANTED Bo use no Id goods, stoves tools or what have you Medioro Bargain Bouse 37 N Grape St Tel 1062. WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford. Must be cheap 833 W 2nd .ITTTJK WANTED We pay oash foi JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS ALUMINUM BRASS COPPER and Junk of all "descriptions. , J) V MED FORD BARGAIN BOOSE WANTED Warrants Redden & Oo FOR SENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8 room modern home 2 bath rooms, sleeping porch, furn ished or unfurnished. Only reliable, permanent tenant need apply. 714 West 10th. HOUSE FOR RENT 417.50. water paid. Phone 1233-w. FOR RENT Five-room house, sleep ing porch, chicken house, brooder. 1 6 acre. Permanent tenants. 1704 N Riverside. NICELY furnished house. Call at 511 Park Ave. FOR RENT Modern 5 room furnish ed house. 415.00. Inquire 218 Ap pie St. POH RENT - Home furnished oi unfurnished Bruwo A WTnite FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FURNISHED A.PTS Coir.p'tt!r ttnn- ti. hardwood floors. t:!e. Prx-I-V're. roon-j. Holly Apta, U5 No FOB KENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM furn. apt. Adulta. Phone 753-M. FOR RENT Furnished apta. Hotel Holland. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD (BOARD & ROOM 153 No. Oakdale. RATES very moderate at 716 B. Main ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 3 Orape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 200 ACRES FARMING LAND, good house and barn, 4 miles from Med ford on Crater Lake road; known as the I. A. Pruett ranch. Phone 750-H or call 426 So. Oakdale, Med ford. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE or trade for wood, a three- burner oil stove with oven. Tel. 832-H. INCUBATOR to trade for what have you. Will Pyburn. Phone 1652-J. FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 3 lots tn Med ford for late model Ford V-8. Tel. 407-X EXCHANGE Purn. . re-upholstertng for lumber, wood, fish poles ana reels. Phone 969-R. FOR SALE Young turkeys or will trade in on late model automobile (Coupe preferred.) Floyd Maharry Talent, Ore. FOR Sale OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. Tribune- FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE OR PART EXCHANGE 8 acre ranch, all modern Improve ments, private electric light and pumping plant, five buildings, In cluding double garage and work shop (cement floors) a studio build ing within an enclosed cactus gar den, large chicken yard, and house, and pump house. Forty fruit trees. Navel, Valencia oranges, grapefruit, lemons, apricots, persimmons, palm, and other shade trees. 320 ft. boule vard frontage, on State highway, (Palms to Pines), no encumbrance. 1 ,000 cash, balance In exchange for Medford house and property, close In." Box 2987, Tribune. EXCHANGE For small home in Med ford. 20 A. In Fern Valley, 7 ml. S. E. of Medforu, 10 A. ready to plant. Call 276 B St., Ashland, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Medford Improved or unimproved property. 80 acres on McNeil Creek near Butte Falls Highway. Paid up water right. Electricity. Full particulars. R. Wy more. Butte Falls, or 333 Maple street, Medford, between 4:30 and 5:30 p. m. FOR SALE OR TRADE Five acres In cherries and peaches, with beauti ful home. White Box 308, Beau mont, Calif. FOR TRADE 5-rm. modern Ashland home. 518 So. Oakdale. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A REAL BUY A A 10 acre excellent free JK J llll soil, Irrigated, mostly In Ladlno clover and garden, family orchard. 6-room modern home, piped with artesian water; good barn, room for 40 tons hay, 10 cows. Garage. Located only one mile from high school annd grade school, good road. Total price $3200.00. Can be had on terms to responsible par ties. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC. (Exclusive Agents) 109 E. Main St. Phone 728 FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house, sleeping porch, two large lots, Ideal for gardening and chickens. $2,300 two cash. 320 Portland Ave. in formation at 310 Portland Ave. A BARGAIN My large lot, on Ben nett St excellent soli, fruit, nut trees and berries. Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box ,66. Tribune. FOR SALE 155-acre ranch, lower Applegate; fence4 and completely stocked; 100 acres In cultivation, balance timber; free water. 715 Alder St., Medford. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. Tel. 195 53 ACRES near Applegate P O ; 11 A cultivation, free water right; Dal ance timber; improvements. Paul Erdman. Applegate, Ore. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & Wn tie AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS FISK TIRES AND TUBES Bonded, guaranteed. You cannot buy tires anywhere in Oregon cheaper than at the Sunrise Super Service Sta tion, 12th and Riverside. FINEST GRADE WESTERN OIL n your car, 10c quart; In your can, aw sal.; bbj. lots, 30c. ioo" PURE PENNSYLVANIA Oil, from Bradford crude. In your oar, 20c quart; in your can, 62c gai-i 5 gals. $3 00. SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STATION. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS 30-DAY WRITTEN OUAR ANTES 1929 Ford Roadster. 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. 19:33 Plymouth Sedan. Side mounts. 1929 LaSalle 5-pass. Coupe. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. 1928 LaSalle Coupe. 1929 Essex Town Sedan. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. Also several older models at cheap prices. ARMSTRONO MOTORS, INC. 38 N. Riverside. 1934 HUDSON Sedan demonstrstor; new car guarantee; substantia dis count; trade and terms. Eaktn Motor Co . Hudson-Terraplane Deal er on So. Riverside. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Ual upright piano. Cheap for cash. Box 388J, Tribuni. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Ouln.aa. Mra. U H. HiUtiMi Ttl 19-r-S. puke Mrofue wri Cocx.rao pru. wet. IS. ; Nan. ai. I. Aaaiaaa FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 cows, one just fre&h M. u Hartley, Phone B-F-0. TWO JERSEY heifers, coming fresh In spring, and coming a-year-oid colt. Priced reasonable. Inquire at W. B. Medley's, Rt. 4. Box ISO, Medford. FOR SALK Fresh oowe. Adolf Seoul tz Beagle. Ore. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE 2 Golden Cocker spaniel puppies. Monarch Seed 4s Peed Co. PEDIGREED Cocker Spaniel puppies. Mrs. Jack Thrasher, Jacksonville. Phone 173. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOMATOES, No. 1, $1.50 per cwt. Phone 4-F-12, c. J. Logan. FOR SALE Seckel pears. L. G. Frlnk, Taieut. FOR SALE Furniture, i ml. west of Meehan's store on Jacksonville Phoenix road. FOR SALE 2 bedroom suites, com plete; living -room suite; dining room suite; General Electric refri gerator; electric range; piano. Mrs. J. L. El, Old Stage Road, Vi niile North Westslde school. TOMATOES, No. 1, $1.50; culls, 50c per cwt. Phone 4-F-12. C. J. Logan, FOR SALE Dresser, 2 study tables, electric heater, gal. glass jars, ft gal. fruit jars, straight chairs. 20 N. Orange. FOR SALE Fine potatoes 60 per hun drcd. we dig, you pick up. uring sacks. We work Sundays. John Mace, dirt road right before overhead bridge, Tolo, then 3 miles. Follow red arrows. $175 BUYS complete 3 pump Service Station equipment, doing good busi ness. Lease or buy property on own terms. (Reason sickness.) Nice busi ness for mlddleaged man or wo man. Golden Rule Service, near Kerby. FOR SALE Cletrac 20, mechanically perfect. 1130 Niantic. FOR SALE 3 burner oil stove, roll top desk, ski Is, automobile hot wat er heater, lace type rubber boots, other miscellaneous articles. Extra special $85.00 violin and $6.00 case $40.00. Leaving, must sell at once. Call at 22 Keene Way Drive. FOR SALE Electric fan. Tel. 1524-X. EASY mangle on table In perfect con dition, $65.00 cash for quick sale. 16 Mistletoe, side door. FOR SALE Vetch Inoculation. Mon arch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Sweet corn, cantaloupes, tomatoes and prunes. F. S. Carpen ter, Jacksonville Highway. FOR SALE Large Crawford Clings and Mulr peaches, 2c. C. C. Clemens, 203 Vancouver. Phone 1010-L. FOR SALE Kentucky Wonders, new crop Just on. 3 miles north on Sams valley road.. Phone 493-R. E. E. Stump. FOR SALE Inoculate vetch before planting to assure maximum growth use Nltragen. Monarch Seed fc Feed Co. FOR SALE Peaches. Fine Elbertas. 3c a pound, R. R. Guches, mile west of upper school house. Griffin Creek. Phone B57-L. 2 STOCK saddles for sale cheap. C. L. smith. Tel. 9-X-13. Butte Falls. DEER RIFLES, shotguns, $5.00 to sao.uu. eaaaies, tents, shoes, cloth ing $70.00. 5x7 camera $25.00. 817 North Riverside. PETITE PRUNES for sale. Tel. 7-F-4, EXTRA FANCY ELBERTA PEACHES. 2c. Bring containers. Lyman ranch, north Gold Hill, Sams Valley road, Limited supply. TIER WOOD Dry fire, pine, oak and laurel, on ground or delivered. Tel. 722. FOR SALE Siberian and Transcend ent crabapplea, also plums at Wing MISCELLAWE00 S AUTO INSURANCE at about 50 saving; class "A" plus Company Leg. Reserve. 206 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 350. DENTISTRY Dr Main. i. rt. Got 335 E BOA1 TRAILER. Cash Register Add. ing Machine, Typewriter. Boots Shoes, Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside ORATN SACKS Jackson County Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett St. DOGS examined free. Dr, Stone, 4tb and Bartlett. FOR SALE Equity In house. C 11 526 Haven. FOR SALE Grain, oats and barley bags. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grspe St. Phone 1082. FOR SALE Canning peachea. Bert atanclllf. Phoenix. ALL MAKES of waahlng machlnea re paired. FlcX i Hardware, 131 Weat Main. FUR 8ALE rjaed tAwlng machlnea. al) T'tea; term, if dealred All maXet rented and repaired WKIW sin Macnina Co. 34 N Bartlett BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SAli Hl-Way tqtupment Rent Oold Hill. Or Inn Cafa and 12 40 tnontb COFFEE ANN'8 FOR BALE. 1100 AND light car tn good running order buy. beat paying aerTloa ata tion on Redwood blrivay. oaar Kerb;, account alcXneaa. Oolden Rul. service. A cuatom la the Blue Oraae aec- tion of Kentucky la to build farm fates that can be opened from an auaomobll, aeat bjr Jerking t cord. PERSONAL ASTROLOGY readings, questions ans wered. Phone 809 for appointment. REV EVELYN MARSHALL spiritual readings dally 315 So. Riverside. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AostraiAS JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract ot TUU and Title Insurance The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of rttle. Rooms 8 and 6, No. 82 North Centra) Ave. upstairs. Rlalto. Phone 1615-Y. Expert window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173 House Cleaning, Floor Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty EADS rRANSnCR & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No Oentrai Phone 416 Prices right serv've guaranteed HA WLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special Uvea tuck moving equipment Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X Money to Lend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE CARS Ere Prompt service and le gal rates W E THOMAS. 45 6 Central State license No S 157. Painting and Papernanging M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging Tel 646--W uS 8 Orape Wall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANING lo per an ft. Mr Black 310 N Bartlett JOHN H LOCK Painting and Decor atlng Quality work at lower prices Ph 953-R. Res 124 King. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Dee Bowman, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Hon. Earl B. Day, Judge of the above entitled Court, as Executrix of said estate, and has duly qualified accord ing to law; all persona having clalma against aald estate are hereby noti fied to present samo. with proper vouchers and duly verified according to law, at the office of T. W. Miles, attorney for the undersigned. In the Jackson County Bank building in the City of Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publlshc-d August 16th, 1934. LEONA L. MARTIN, Executrix of the Estate of Dee Bowman, deceased. For Sale Miscellaneous packing house equip ment. Including conveyor belts, fruit wasners, nailing machines, and mis cellaneous material and property used In connection with the commercial packing of fruit and pears; two safes and other miscellaneous personal property of L. A. Banks and Edith R. Banks, and the Suncrest Orchards, Inc., excepting household effects and furniture. The property may be in spected, and bids received. Same to be sold at private sale, See J. F. Wort man, Pacific Highway South. J. F. WORTMAN, Trustee In Bankruptcy of estate of L. A. Banks As Edith R, Banks, and the Suncrest Orchards, Inc. Two old prints of the Oalvez fam ily, for which Galveston was named, were sent to the Galveston Rotary club by the Rotary club of Malaga, Spain. ' Mail Tribune Daily across . L Remove and keey apart from society t. Merchandise 11. One who betrays bis country U. Anoint IE. Wild buffalo of India It, Systematized course of living II. Parcels of ground 19. Statute 20. Volcnnle matter 21. Before 22. Diminished 2. Short for a man's nam 35. African antelope 27. Sun god 23. lo the direc tion of SO. Revoke at cards 32. Player of a certain rame M. Exlnt 36. You and 1 38. Extreme Interest Solution of Yesterday's Putzla NAP UiF A R IMO V A t5.E A LMTjR A V E L E R MrTTpMst EjwfA R 0 TR E PANiONEiii EERiRVElGR AND ANlikEyEEiBOY R ABQ.iE Lf.lu3E illl A RlMUTTE R AiHAM edl it lIONECATNlNE iiP-lNUDGNAR sp1yMt1r1oideg1&15 X9, Shop 41. Type squares 44. Greenland Kfiltleinent 1. Purpose 47. On the sum mit of 41. Having tw fet .'. Unfasten 61. Creamy-whlta hard sub stance s IT. Hime myrnicai bird 7 2 13 U 1 16 17 WMfi W f Y M J e m7 II0 fl24 S!L?L MLtMl ZZZ!LZZ!lZZZZSZ 7 fn3? ii!L ZZZZSZ!lZZZZZ I I m I I I I I 1 UNW Trail TRAIL. Aug. 33. (SpU Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Chamberlln of Chicago ar rived Saturday for a few days' visit with relatives here. Mr. Chamberlln la a brother of Mrs. E. E. Ash, Mrs. Eva Seggeasman shopped tn Medford Friday. Little Bobby Blaess Is home, after spending a week with his father at Diamond Lake. Mrs. Anna Brlggs la helping In the Howe store for a few days. Mrs. Sprat Wells has been quite sick, but u much better at this time. Miss Lena Zlmmerley la spending a few weeks with her mothtr on EU creek before school it arts. Miss Christine Zlmmerley Is help ing Mrs. Blaess In the store. Mrs. Irma cuahman, Wanda Howe and George Howe were In Medford Thursday, calling at the hospital to see Mr. Ash, who It gradually Im proving. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Swingle and Mrs. Marie Bennett were shopping In Medford August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dawson of Chllo. quln spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson. Mrs, Rose Cushmau of upper Trail visited August 18 with her son, Char ley, and family. Roger Caste lion and Mr. Puddy have bought Dean De Void's place on Elk creek. Miss Bette Corn of Union Creek la spending a few days visiting Miss Laurabell LaDleu. L. Crawford wai shopping In Med ford, August 17. Mr. and Mrs. George Howe of Cen tralis are still here to be near her brother, E. E. Ash, who Is quite HI. Mr. and Mrs. L. Yancey and son. Bob, also his boy friend, Rodger, from Pal to Alto, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Young of San Francisco left for home the past week after spending several weeks' vacation at Sunset on the Rogue. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Hutchinson of Trail and Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hutch inson and little daughter, Shirley, of Klamath Falls left for Crescent City Sunday morning, where they will spend a week's vacation. On their return they expect to visit Gold Beach, Bandon .and Marshfleld. Brownsboro BROWNSBORO, Aug. 33. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Barrows of South Dakota moved Into one of the Wright cottages last week for the summer. They visited the Sunday school and Mr. Barrows gave an Interesting talk, taking his text from John 3-1. Mlsa Margaret Dally spent a few days last week with Mrs. Imogens Charley before returning to her home In Medford. Junior Matlock visited at the home of Bruce Hansen several days last week. Mra. Walter Marshall of the forest service camp will spend two weeks at home. The Marshalls and Ed Tucker are busy filling their alios. Mrs. Elisabeth Orlssom was a guest of her daughter, Mrs, J. D. Mayfleld, the first of the week. Mr. and Mra. Lyle Hard visited at the Mayfleld homo Saturday. , Use Mall Tribune want ada. Cross -Word Puzzle t. Witty persos 9. Indigo plant 10. Furnish with a crew , again 11. Lift 13. 1etttslator 17. Female sheep 19. Narrow road 23. Salary 2ft. lm,) oiled m. First name of the author of "Htn Hur" 21. Lkjuor SO. Clieene dlih 31 Tending to excite emotion 13, The rudimen tary vital element St. Chafed JU, Thwarted 1H, Edible bird if). Chin me pagoda 42. Watered appearance 4. Pay out in. Pronoun. 47. Architectural pier 49. Color BO. Kmploy S3, 100 square meters of land 1. Oriental P4. TlKht li. Feared OOWN 1. Not frpsh 2. Mistake 5. Soldier's metal flaik 4, Reclines 6. American Indian . Perform 7. Mission Briefs Lake Creek LAKE CREEK, Aug. 33. (Spl.) The Ladles' club spent an enjoyable day Thursday as guests of Mrs. Frank Farlow. Dinner was served at the picnic grounds near the creek. Miss Lucy Davis of Medford visited Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Amy Grlssom. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tonn Thursday were Mrs. O. T. Wil son and children, Betty and Dean, Mrs. Pete Burreson and daughter, Helen, all of Sams Valley and Miss Mabla Humble of Baker and Mrs. Hudson of California, who were house guests of the Burreson's. A boy was born August 14 to Mr. and Mra, Henry Peck. The young man has been named Henry Ervln. Sunday guests at the Short home were Mrs. Anna Walsh and children, Mrs. Nygren and Grandpa Settle. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hard of Apple gate were visiting friends In Lake Creek Saturday. Mrs. Amy Orlssom visited Mra. Elisabeth Grlaaom Saturday and Mra. Anna Tonn visited with her mother, Mra. Grissom Sunday. Lloyd and John Walsh, Darrel New strom and Billy Abbott returned Sat. urday from a hike and camping trip to Lake of the Woods, Fish Lake and a trip to the top of Mt. Pitt. Dorothy Monia and baby of Hilt, Calif., spent last week with Mrs. Mo il la 'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wll hlte. Threshing operations began in the valley Monday at the Hoof ft ranch, work being done by the machine of Raphael Gardner. Mra. Dorothy Ragsdale spent last week with her father, Herman Meyere, to do his canning. Mrs. Rebecca Springer returned to her home in Portland after spending several days with her niece, Mrs. U H. Wyant. Miss Wanda Wyant accom panied her aunt home to remain for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ragsdale of Ber keley spent Sunday and Monday with tun, Ragsdale'a mother, Mrs. 2. R. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith of Phoe nix spent Sunday at the Ted Hoefft home. Rudolph Peck of Medford spent several days last week with his sons, Henry and Adolph. of thla vicinity. Beagle BEAOLE, Aug. aa-(Spl.) Sunday guesta at the Sanderaon noma war. Karl and Olea Holbrook of Roxy Ann, Dorla Stelner of Central Point and Milton Sanderaon. Jna Pearl Lucaa la apendlng a few daya visiting with her aunt, Mr. Jordan and family, of Roaeburg. Mra. Dennlson and Mra. Chanel Walker went to Medford Monday to meet Mr. Dennlson 'a little son, Lau ael Dennlson, from Ohelham, Out., Can., who hue coma here to live. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker and family and Slolse and Helen Walker were Sunday guesta at th Jeaa Olaat home at Brownsboro. Mr. and Mra. Tom Perdu and fam ily from near Eagla Point wen Sun day guest at th Jame Martin home. Last week was th birthday of Mr, Hlnes, Sr.. and Mr. Htiies, Jr., and tlie event were - celebrated Sunday at the Hlnes home with over twenty guesta present. lo cream and cake were served at the close of th pitas ant oocaslon, Mra. Blschoff and Francis Bennett were callers at the Jame Martin home Monday. The DeArmond thresher la thresh ing grain on the home ranoh thla week, then will go to th river. Wilson thresher la threshing In the neighborhood this week. They ware at Nelson'a. Chaa. Walker and daughter, Char- lene, and son, Jeaae, left early Mon day morning for Salem to apend aev- eral week In th hop yards. Church services were held at the school house last Friday evening with Rev. Johnaon of Central Point In the pulpit. There will be aervlce again August 81, McLeod McLEOD, Aug. 33. (Spl,) Miss Erma Olass left Saturday for Califor nia, where ah haa secured employ mant. Mr. and Mra. Ray Vaughn and sons spent th week end at Crescent City. Mra. J. E. Peyton haa aa hr nous guest her sister, Mis Hanson, of Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Hoban Dltaworth and family are apendlng a two week' va cation visiting relative at Applegate and on the coast. A daughter waa bora recently to Mr. and Mrs. Alga Abbot of Butt Falls. Mr. Abbot will be remem bered aa Imogens Edmondaon. Mr. and Mra. Orrln Train and party of frlenda visited relatives her Sun day. Mr. Banty waa an overnight guest of his nephew, Bill Coburn, Tueaday night, O. W. Thomaa returned Tuesday after spending a few daya In Med ford. . Forest Creek FOREST CREEK, Aug. 2J. (BpU Jo Duggan, Jr., of San Francisco, accompanied by friend, arrived Au gust 14 to spend a fw day at th Duxgan aummer horn her. Harry Ayre of Annl Spring COO camp spent th past week end t home with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ayres and fem 117 apent Sunday on th Applegate river picking blackberries and swim- mtng. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce and fam ily and Valerie Pearce were guests at the wedding of Blossom Austin and Orral Van Dorfy of Medford at the Ad vent 1st church August IB. Mr. and Mrs, John Black and Lea Black made a business trip to the home of Herman Walters on Humbug creek Augtist 30. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Pearce and fam ily, accompanied by Mrs. Heuner gardt, Mrs. Buraell of Medford, Mrs. Meehan of Jacksonville, Miss Mabel Daugherty, Valence Pearce, Mr, and Mrs, Dan Pearce and family, Mr. and Mra. Painter of Wataonvllle, Cel., enjoyed a picnic at McKee bridge August 13. Mr. and Mra. Argraves and daugh ter. Carmen, of Phoenix were visit ors at the Paul Pearce home recently. Miss Ha eel Davtes, accompanied by Mra. Arthur Davles, Susan and Mary Da vies and Alloa Madaen, made a trip to Rogue river over the new Forest-Foot Creek road August 31, Climax CLIMAX, Aug, 33. (Spl.) Mennl fe Charley who la with the COO at Union Creek made a hurried trip home Monday to bring a load of pro visions for his parents. Mary Lou Gray, aged flvt broke her arm last Friday when aha fell off the porch. L, H. Werta, Frank Hurst and Mil roy Charley have helped Everett Orla som with threshing this week. Mra. Eva O'Conner and three small children of Lake view are visiting Mrs. O'Conner'a mother, Mra. Frank Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Warts were shopping In Medford Saturday, Mrs. Jennie White spent the week end at Central Point. Mrs. Coy of Eagle Point la visiting her son. Sam Coy, thla week. Mra. L. H. Werta and daughter Ro berta called on Mrs. Hurst Friday af ternoon. Mra. Frank Hurst and Mrs. Xva O' Conner made a trip to Medford Sat urday afternoon. Courthouse News I Furnished by th Jaokaon County Abstract Co. 131 E sixth Btnat) Marriage Licenses Paul P. Byera and Jean TJ. Andr son. Blroy X. M oO raw and Bit Ma Ilu- land. Mela O. H.lgert and Isabella B. Ed dl. Budd W. OaU and Margaret Pan- nlngton. Henry A. Baglay and Nona Praabt, Circuit Court Colonial Oarag vs. Thomas J. En- rlght; chattal lien. X. E. Whitman vs. John Conner, t 1: lien. Tom D. William n. V.lma L. WU- llanwi divorce. A. Bell Anderson VI. Ben Wbatr; for money. Francla Putman, at al, va. Molln D. Barns, et all possession of business property. F. O. Van Susan aaaume business nam of "Van' Tire Ship", Medford. M. O. Beaaonetto, cancellation of aaaumed business nam of "Pin Con Bar-B-Que," J. O, Beesonette aaiumea bualnes nam of "Pin Con Bar-B-Qu", Medford. Noah D. Nororaas, T. B. Ball, Prank P. Turvey, canosllatton of partnership and aaaumed bualnaa nam of "Th Elk Creek Lumber Company of Tratl." Frank P. Turvey assumes business nam of "Th Turvey Lumber Com pany". Trail, Oregon, Real K,tte Transfers Mrs. Mary Math to William P. An drews, at ux. WD. 110.00. Lot 90 Blk. 1 Medford Height Add. to Medford. William P. Andrews, et ux, to Mra. Mary Matties. WD. eio.00. Lot 30, Blk. 1 Medford Height Add. to Medford. Elmore J. Scott, at al, to William P. Andrews, et ux. WD. 800.00. Lot 30, Blk. 1 Medford Heights Add. to Med ford. Walter J. Ol mac he Id to Stat Mu tual Bldg. e Loan Association. SH. Dead. 1003 57. Lot 13 Sutherlln Ter rac. a Subdivision of Lot , Blk. S, Barr' Add. to Medford. Bardwell S. Smith, et al, to Minerva a. smith. QCD. 410.00. Lot 13, Chll der Eastern Addition, Medford. Jame W. Oeorge to Manual Shel ley, Deed. 110.00. BE of SW, SVt.of 6E See. ao and an see, so, twp. o, o. k. 3 East. Charles Wonnel to Oharlaa Humph rey. WD. tlO.00. H Int. In a ecree in Sec. 14, Twp. 38 S. R. 4 Weat. Jama H. Owen, et ux, to Mary Jana Roschelle, M. D. WD. 1080,00. . 85 ft. Lot 10, Byk. 3, Crown Heights Add., Medford. Albert J. Milton, et ux, to Annl H. Owing. WO. 810.00. Lot In Woodrlll (now Rogue Rlvr), Medford Corporation to J. O. Bee sonette. WD. MM. 00, Lou 14, IS and 18, Byk. 8. Berrydale Add., Medford. D. B, Millard to Lena J. Bayle. WD. 810.00. Lot 13,'Chlld.r'i Eastern Add., Medford. Lena J. Bayle, et rtr, to D. a. Mil lard. WD. 110.00. Land In DLO 41, Twp. 38 8. R. 1 East. AT RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 33. (AP) Senhora Darcy Vargaa, th wlf of President Oetullo Varga of Brasll today christened th big 10-ton fly ing boat, th Sikorsky "S-43," th "Brazllltan Clipper." The Clipper arrived her ystrday on lt maiden night for pan-American Alrwaya. bringing a party of newspaper executive who were pres ent at the cer.mony. CREDIT UNIONS TO PROVIDE FARMERS WITH NEEDED COIN Administration Starts Pro moting Idea to Help 'Lit tle Fellow Seven or More May Unite for Plan WASHINGTON, Aug. IS. (AP) The farm credit administration start ed promoting the Idea of credit un ions today to help the little fellow who needa cash. Under th federal credit union act It will oversee the organization of such unions throughout the country. oovernor wuitam I. Myers announced the appointment of Claude R. Orch ard of Omaha, aa assistant director of the credit union aectlon to asslat Herbert Emmerich, acting director. For Members Only. Credit unions. Myers explained. are cooperative thrift and lending In stitution organised by leven or mora persons. Their chief alms are to en courage thrift aad lend money to their members only for provident or productive purposes. "The law waa enacted to permit people of small means to borrow money from their fellow workers, as sociates, or nelghbora, through credit unlona formed for th purpose, and to encourage them to aave," Myera said. He aald It was not th purpos to set up new banking Institutions op erating lor profit. "Federal credit unlona may lend only to their mem bers. Profits Distributed. "All profits after provision ha been made, for loasea and reserve, are paid to th member-atockholder. whose number Include, of course, th borrowers." Under th law loans of 50 may b made on th security of the borrow. erM note alone. No on may borrow mor than 9300 or ten per oent of tn unlon a paid-in and unimpaired capital, whichever la greater. Members provide capital stock by purchaalng ahares at IS each. Paclflo coast offices aro at Berkaley. Cel., and Spokane, Wash. STEEUNOUSTRY NSW YORK, Aug. 33. (AP) No sign of an upturn In the Iron and steel business have appeared, aald Iron Asa today In 1U weekly review, and the national average of Ingot production haa dropped to 31 per oent of capacity. This la the lowest rate of the year, reached only once before, in the first week of July, and compares with 33 per cent average last week. "Widespread concern over federal policies," asserted the review, "par ticularly as they relate to money and labor, undoubtedly hag played a- large) part In holding back Industrial an terprlae, with the result that con sumer stocks of material accumu lated In June are lasting longer than had been expected." FORTllSTO HAVE MORE GUNS PORTLAND, Ore,, Aug. 28, (AP) Three batteries of railroad artillery have been assigned to Fort Stevens at the mouth of the Columbia river, Congressman Charles H. Martin an nounced, The batteries are on the east coast and will not be moved until congress meets again to appropriate the nec essary funds for the transfer. The Portland chamber of com merce and other civic organisations aeeklng better coast defense asked for transfer of the guns. POST FOR POLING ALB ANT, Aug. 33. (AP) Dr. D. V. Poling, Presbyterian clergyman, haa accepted a position aa field man for th stat board of higher educa tion. Dr. and Mr. Poling have returned from Eaat Orange, N. J., where Dr. Poling waa pastor of Presbyterian church. Their horn will be here, where they formerly lived. K will travel about the state as contact man between th high schools and state college. Poon 843 we'll nam away your refuse Olty Sanitary Oarrtc. A Good Buy in COPCO 6 Preferred Stock Addrem "Copco Stock" Mail Tribune