I MEDFOTCD MATL TIxTRUXE, MET-FOIII). OT7EGOX. MONDAY. :mrST 13. mi. TAGE SEVEN AN Al MARKET PLACE FOR THE BARGAIN SEEKER F" hihr rfTTTfi if Head every id on thlt page To wlU probably rino exactly the thing yoo ml to on) ot tell . . u 11 Isn't ther. edver tlM . . . - '"' pensive, effective pes word fust insertion. (Minimum ioc iaiob addition! Insertion. per word 1 10 (Minimum loo) Per line per month without cop j cnangee 30 Phone 75 FOB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Kodak on summit of Slakl htMn Klamath river and 'Beaver creek. Notity Dr. Wilson. LOST If dog missing, call lalfl WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Office manager. Must be a compotent bookkeeper, able to furnlah bond, meet the public nd take general charge ot office in mercantile company. Reply In own handwriting, stating ae. education, experience, etc. Box 3783. Tribune. WANTED A few local men, mechan ically Inclined, to train for Delsel nglneerlng. Special proposition for those who can qualify. 8c Mr. Cogdell. Apt. 18. Scbuler Apta. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Mlddleaged woman for housework. Board and room. 810 month. Box 2691. Tribune. WANTED Several energetic, neat ap pearing women, over 30. for perma nent position. Address Dixie L. Rogers, General Delivery. Medtord. WANTED Waitress. Must be expert enoed. Apply Diamond Cate. WANTED SITUATIONS CHILDREN cared for In my home. 840 E. 9th. EXPERIENCED comptometer opera tor desires work of any kind. Office work preferred. Mrs. F. M. Mldden dorff. Rt. 4, Medford, care Mra. Woody. WANTED By neat, attractive woman housekeeping Job for an unincum bered man or elderly lady. Box 3753, Tribune. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0US WANTED Ledge or placer ground to operate on royalty oasu. v Tribune. WANTED Light used car. Inquire Vet e Service station, iicui,. 80 TO 100 SHEEP on shares. Box 3775, Mall Tribune. WANTED 2nd hand goods and Junk Pats, loofl rrune et. ruuw WANTED Have client for 8-room unfurnished home, around 820 a month. Charlea K. Kay, iteaiio Medtord Bldg. Phone 303. .ANTED 8-room furnished house Tjy responsible party: permanent. Rent not to exceed 825 with water. Have three children school age Telephone 163. WANTED 3nd hand furniture. We buy. sell and trade. Berrydale 3.id Hand Store, 1603 N. Riverside. Tel 268. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city llmlta of Med tord Must be cheap. Box 308, Mall Tribune. WANTED Sma,U furnlahed house or lower duplex. Close in. Permanent , renters, box -daw, inoum. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Pick Hardware, 131 W Main. WANTED A few pullets or young hens Must be good strain. Reds or Rocks. Rt. x, a rwjoo. FTJR.viTTJRE re-upholstered Phone 869-R Thlbauit. WANTED Wool, mobalr. bides and pelts See us before you aell Woo) bags and twine for sale Medford Bargain House. 37 N. urape ot Pbone 1063 UTQ- Household roods stoves 'tools ot what nave you Medford Bargain Bouse 37 N Grape si isi 1063 WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford. Must be cheap 833 W 2nd WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or more crusher amalgamator Advise price and where can be seen 417 Davis Bldg. Portland, ore JUNK W ANTED TVS pay Cash tor JUNE BATM'ERIES AND RADIATORS ALUMINUM BRASS COPPER and I'-ini ot all descriptions MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 No Orspe Tel 1062 WILL esre tor elderly tick perpie in my home Pbone 437.X WANTED WsrTsnt Redden & Oi FOR "ENT HOUSES FOR REST 122 Mistletoe. 6-room. overstuffed furnished, lower flat, hardwood floors, fireplace, few dori es and cooking utensils furnished. 423. Including wster. Ciia R Rv. Realtor. Medford B'.Atj. Phone 302. :R RFVT Small furnlahed house I! 34 8 Iiy. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 408 Park. 4-room. over stuffed furnlahed home; electric range; 011 heatrola; nice yard and flowers. 25. Including water. Chaa. R. Ray. Realtor, Medtord Bldg. Phone 302. FOR RENT Partly furnished 4-room house. Inquire 813 a. Newtown. DUPLEX 18 s. Newtown; excellent condition; 25.00, water paid. Tel. 1224, Mr. Kyle. FOR RENT 4-room partly furnished house, 819. Dresslera, Tel. 1589-Y. FOR RENT 1211 West Main. 7-room unfurnished home; fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, large yard, 135 00. Charles R. Ray, Realtor, Medtord Bldg. Phone 302. FOR RENT B o m e a. furnlahed or unfurnished Brown es White. FOR RENT A beautiful home within walking distance of business die trlct 23 W. Orange. Has hardwood floors, long living room, dining room. Horary, kitchen, malda room on first floor; tour bedrooms, Dish and trunk room upstairs; screened In back porch with laundry t'ibe and toilet; large basement with fur nace, fuel storage room, laundry room and fruit room; double gar age with a room upstairs; fruit, beautiful flowers and shrubbery all tor 45 a month, water paid. See 23 N Orange and then phone 1473 W Shown only by appointment. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished -apartment. Dwell. 329 No. Holly. Phone 1232-W. FURNISHED APTS Completely reno vated; hardwood floors, tile, Frlgld aire; 4 rooms. Holly Apta., 135 No. Holly. FOR RENT One-room apartment. Phone 753-M. . t -rw-iim.stMM my FOR RENT Furnished apta. Hotel Holland. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ATTRACTIVE room, separate en trance. 220 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. Im perial, au no. Front. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES very moderate at 718 E Main ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 S Orape. FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Large sedan for light car or equity in light car. Phone 347-W. 304 So. Holly. . FOR EXCHANGE Wood tor fresh cow. Rt. I, Box 381. FOR SALE Young turkeys or will u-aae in on late model automobile. (Coupe preferred.) Floyd Mabarry, latent, ure. FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 2 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8. Tel. 407- Y EXCHANGE Purn re-upholetering ror lumber, wood, fish poles and reeis. rnone utw-H. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light eeden Box 63B. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE Improved suburban acreage lor smaller property close In. 1297 Sunset Ave. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 24 acres on Bear Creek, 1 mile from Medford. Will sell In small tracts. Mrs. Fblpps, 1103 No. Kiversiae. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son Co. Bldg. 8c Loan Assn. Tel. 195 53 ACRES near Applegate P O ; 11 A cultivation, tree water right; bal ance timber; Improvement. Paul Erdman. Applegate, Ore. WHEN you think ot real estate, think of Brown A whtle. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUGUST SPECIALS USED CARS 1928 Durant sedan, nice shape 8125.00 Dodge truck, good rubber. etc 150.00 1930 Bulck DeLuxe sedan 395 00 1928 Studebaker sedan 250.00 Cabinet trailer 20.00 STUDEBAKER SALES Jl SERVICE FOR SALE '25 Chevrolet coupe. 1716 No. Riverside. FOR 8 ALE 1-ton truck. Interna tional. Phone 153, Jacksonville. USED CAR BARGAINS 80-DAY WRITTEN GUARANTEE 1931 Chevrolet Coupe, 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. 1929 LaSalle Coupe. 1927 Chev. 2-door Sedan. 1931 La Salle Sedan. 1933 Plymouth sedan: 6 wire wheels ARMSTRONO MOTORS, INO. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE, CHEAP Ford touring. Ford T sedan. Hlway Exchange, south of Phoenix. FOR SALE Model T Ford touring m good condition. Cheap tor cash Box .4 Tribune. TEHRAPLANE AND HUDSON demon strators at a substantia discount Trade snd terms Eakln Motor CO. next to Western Auto Supply. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Oood work horse or will trade for young cattle or hogs. W. R. Holman. Eagle Point. 8 Thoroughbred New Zealand white does with young; also buck. Phone 3-F-22. FOR SALE--Work horse"; some broke and some unbroken. Phone 1W7-X FOR SALE 2 cows, one Just fresh M L. Hartley, pnone -r-5. TWO JERSEY heifers, coming fresh In (tprin. snd coming 3-year-old colt. Priced reasonable. Inquire at W B. MMIcys. Rt. 4. Box 154. Medford. FOR SALE Prfsn oowa Adolf sV:nu.ts Bsle Ore PUKE Bronx, turv GocKeran . prtte wck. 15. JeeM ma. RV. I, AiiUand. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Irish aetter pups. Tel. 1267. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Bantams, 81 pair. Rid garden ot slugs. Ed Bechtel, Myers Lane near S. O. S. off Stewart Ave. FORSALE Ft f t y tier body fir, titty tier oak, laurel. 816 Pennsylvania. FOR SALE Tomatoea, 3c lb. Bring containers. Davla, 3 miles over Buckshot Hill follow Sprlngbrook signs. FOR SALE Petite prunes. Green Gage plums 3c; Italian and Sliver, 3c. Bartlett pears, bring boxes, pick them 25c. FOUND a bob-tailed fe male bird dog. Lauta Jones. 8 miles southwest Medtord. Griffin Creek. FOR SALE PEACHES Tuscan clings and J. H. Hale. Dolph Pnipps, Cra ter Lake highway. FOR SALE Elberta and Carmine peaches. Bring containers. Chas. E. Gray. 3 miles north of Gold Kill on highway. FOR SALE Peaches or trade for what have you. Phone 398. Jacksonville. FOR SALE B-flat clarinet, 830. 349-M. TIER WOOD Dry fire, pine, oak and laurel, on ground or delivered. Tel. 333. PICKLING CUCUMBERS, flowers. Mrs. Dressier, 1107 E, Main. Phone 1589-Y. TOMATOES No. ones. 81.50 cwt. at farm or delivered in town. Stewart Ave. at Orchard Home Drive. Phone 4-F-13, C. J. Logan. FINEST GRADE WESTERN Oil n your car, 10c quart; In your can. 36c gal.: bbl. lots. 30c. 100T, PURE PENNSYLVANIA oil. from Bradford crude, In your oar, 20c quart; In your can, 62c gal.; 6 gals. 1300. SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STATION. LATE cabbage plants. Mra. Welch. 1308 E. 11th. SPECIAL SALE Tuscan Cllnga. Hi to zc lb. Linn Orchards. Eagle Point Victor Teasitore. proprietor. PEACHES H. C. Best. Phone 539-R-2 ITALIAN PRUNES for sale. Tel. 7-F-4 PEACHES, plums, 114 miles from Jacksonville on Ashland-Phoenlx road. Turn first lane to the right at Green house. W. W. Gilbert. FOR SALE Siberian and Transcend- ant crabapplea. also p'.ums at Wing urcnaras. FOR SALE Sugar prunes. Phone i-F-ia. EXTRA FANCY ELBERTA PEACHES First house south of east end 01 Spring street. Charles E. Rose. FANCY canning Eloert. and Mulr peaches after oth. Geo. Alford. FOR SALE Equity In house. Call odo Haven. FOR SALE Grain, oats and barley baga. Medtord Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. FOR SALE Peaches: not Irrigated Carney Orchard. Blackwell hill, be tween central point and Gold Hill FOR SALE Canning peaches. Bert stancmi, phoenix. WATTS famous Elberta peache. 3c ID. Phone 46B-R-3. FOR SALE Hale and Elberta peacfea. 3c and 3c per lb. Bring containers. Phone 597-R-2. Pierce Hothouse FOR SALE Khaki drill umbrella tent. 2 camp stoves; excellent con dition. Phone 1094-R. FOR SALE Damson plums, a',o. J. H. Lin vine. Pacific Hwy north, op posite Dr. Sweeney's. FOR SALE Mulr peaches. No. 1 qual ity, ei'.ic r. c. ward, Tel. la-F-ai. FOR SALE Tuscan Cling peaches; spray rig, upright international en gine. Bagley Orchard, Talent. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Pick's Hardware, 131 west Mala. GET your canning peaches now at Aia vista packing Plant, south Fir. ONE 14-hosepower boat motor; al most new. Raai bargain. HUB BARD BROS. FOB SALE 0se Mring machines, all makes; terms u desired AD makes rented and repaired White Sewing Mactnot Co. 24 N Bartiett. MISCELLANEOUS DENTISTRY Dr. I. O. Oore 23S ft Main. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register Add ing Machine, Typewriter, Boots Shoes, Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County Peed Co- 4th and Bartlett 8U. DOGS ei a mined free. Dr. Stone. 4 to and Bartlett. BUSINESS CHANCES COFFEE ANN'S FOB SALE. 1100 AND light car in good running order buys best paying servloe sta tion on Redwood highway, near Kerby, account sickness. Ooldcn Rule Service. SOUTHERN OREGON'S finest camp ground; 27 acres, excellent location, beautiful grore, strictly modern, 18 unit, completely furnished, 1700 monthly income. Consider trade. A real sacrifice for cash sale; ex cellent terms. 15 N. Fir St. POR HAU Hl-way Inn Cat. and equipment. Rent 113 SO month Oold H1U. Ore. BUSINESS DIBECT0RY rValJ Paper cleaning. WALJvPAPER CLEAWNO. lo per V ft Mr Black 110 N Bartlett JOHN H LOCK-Ptlnting snd Oec-ir-sun Qualit; work at loer price. Pa. 953-R. He 124 King. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JAI'HKON CO. ABSTHAL'l CO. ! Abstracts j! ntu ana ! Title Insurance The , only complete Title j System in Jackson ! County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstrsou of Title. Rooms 8 and 6. No. S3 North Central Ave. upstairs. Rlalto. Phone 1815-Y. Expert Window Cleaners LET OEOROE DO IT Tel. 1172 House Cleaning. Floor waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty Job mming MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon Printing ot all klnda; book binding; loose leaf ledgers and blanka. billing systems, duplicating ca&h sales slips and everything In the printing line 38-80 N Grape Pbone 75 Money to Lend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE CARS ETC Prompt service and le gal rates W B THOMAS. 46 8 Central. State license No 8 157. Painting and Papernsnglng U. A. BUSS Painting and paper- hanging Tel 646-w o.s b urape EADS TRANSFER Si STORAGE CO - Office 1016 No central Pbone 116 Prices right. serVv guaranteed HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers ftfld movers Special llveatock moving equipment Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X PERSONAL REV EVELYN MARSHALL spiritual readlnga dally. 315 So. Rtveralde. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of SlirrKfs Sale By virtue of an execution In Fore closure duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the Coun ty of Jackfion, to me directed ana dated on the 10th day of August, 1934. In a certain action therein, wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane was plaintiff and George E. Zimmerman and Eliza beth It. Zimmerman, husband and wife; L. 3. .Scott and Margaret M. .Scott, husband and wife; Edwin P. Hughes and Ethel T. Hugt.es. husband and wife; L. H. Hughes; A. M. Beaver. Cora Denham. J. E. Weav er; Earl W. Weaver and Gold Hill Na tional Farm Loan Association, a cor poration were defendants. In which action The Federal Land Bank of Spo kane, a corporation recovered Judg ment against the defendant Gold Hill National Farm Loan Association, & cor poration for the sum of (87.50 with in terest at B per annum on $182.50 from December 11. 1930 to July 20, 1931 and with Interest on B7.50 at 8 per annum from July 20, 1931; $162.50 with Interest at S'f, per annum from June II. 1931; $162 50 with Interest at 8 per annum from December 11, 1931; $162.50 with Interest at 8 P annum from June 11, 1032; $1274.25 with Interest at 5 ! a per annum from June 11, 1932 to June 11. 1033 and Interest nt 4li per annum from June 11. 1933; $326.74 with Interest at Br per annum from July 23, 1932; $15.00 abstract charge, paid on the 22nd day of August, 1932; $30.70 in surance premium advanced August 16. 1932, amounting in all to $2540 83 together with Interest thereon at 8 per annum with costs and disburse ments taxed at One hundred three and 50-100 ($103.50) Dollars and the further turn of One hundred fifty and no-100 ($150.00) Dollars, as attorney's feea, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 2nd day of August, 1934. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS t. Deadly 4. Golf Instruc tor: colloq. I. Age 12. Muile drama 13. Mala sheep 14. Short for a girl's name 16. French city 1. Work 11 Things that match 10, Saltpeter 21. I la t form 23. Cover 25. Fit one Inside another 24. Insect 27. Thlnn to be done 19, Ate sparingly 11. That part or the Iris bor derlni the pupil of the eye IB, Enlarges 27. Corded fabrle 28. Spanish iiouse 41. KnglUh river 42, Mine entrance 42. Burnlni 45. Worship 47. Wool yam it, Neflt of a bird of prey Solution of Saturday's Puzzle lAlRlElClAW DIAIRIEIDHIEIflNlElaTAlTl lAMlMAlTlEHPhl KfJllIiiiS A L T ETR aJl a M aJt a l He i Rif NSSEIkE CITS A5AOELTAATTAlR TlON A L E FO sWo 5 E aMNEiaraaHife 1111111 N I c aJmjts P R I 60rME J Tit Wm, 9W-1-1 all U5 B. 1 til E-l-NI5IktilO?AV Elslsgg eMail IesitiaigIe 63. Before fit. Amsrlcan Indian Ci. Sailers: colloq. IS. Snug room fil Qaslto form of John 11. H.atlnl 1 12 13 r r pf i7 ia m r i 'l w s y;4;'S '7 '.VKy ' Zi ZT !W.Z3 24 vW,2S ' '',(; s 1r Tl If in ?l "vp"3i 32 aT 34 ' ' 51!M!lZZ Z"ll!LZZ ; j ;W 43 44 4S 4V W'"S W W: WW "jit ifiij . i iuu 47 40 yygVf Jo SI j I I ' ' Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the terma of the said execu tion, I will on the 15th day of Sep tember, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the front door ot tie Courthouse in the city or Mediora. in Jackson County, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provided by lav. all of the right, title and Interest that the aald defendanta. George E. Zimmerman and Elizabeth L. Zimmerman, hvtsbsnd and wife: L. S. Scott and Margaret M. Scott, hus band and wits; Edwin P. Hughes and Ethel T. Hughes, husband and wife; L. H. Hughes. A. M. Beaver; Cora Den ham: J. E. Weaver: Earl W. Weaver and Gold Hill National Farm Loan Association, a corporation had on the Ilth day of June. 1924. or now have In and to the following deacrtbed property, aituated In the County of Jaokson. State of Oregon, to-wlt: me southwest Quarter of Section Thirty, in Township Thirty-five. South of Range Two. West of the Wil lamette Meridian, excepting the North 60 acrea thereof described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Southwest Quarter, thence West slong the North boundary line of said Southwest Quarter, to the North west Corner thereof, thence South along the West boundary line there- of a distance of 60 rods: thence East. parallel with the North boundary line of said Southwest Quarter, to the East boundary line thereof; thence North along the East boundary line thereof 60 rods, to the nlaoe of be ginning, exoeptlng the East 27)4 acres mrreoi nereiorore reieasea. Together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging or In snywise appertaining. Dated this loth day of August. 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By oiga E. Anderson, Deputy. Notice to Creditors. No tie 1 hnrvhv cHvn thut T Vi been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon. Admlnls trator of the estte of Alice Flnley. deceased, and have qualified. All per. Duns uaving ciaunf! sgainsc sAia estate are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers and duly vers fled, to me at the office of Harry C Skyrman. attorney for said estate, it nwui u. Airaiora ucnter Bunaing, In Mtrifnrv1 rtMa-.m n.im,n m . from the dato of this notice. Dated a iitbv puDiienea jmy 30, 1034, C. 8. FINLEV, Administrator. HOW THEY eOT 1 air AM 1 0 I JJrV Jt. Coat W. L. Pet, Los Angeles 30 20 .600 Seattle 80 20 .600 Missions 28 22 .560 San Francisco .................. 27 23 .540 Hollywood 27 23 .540 Oakland 22 28 .440 Sacramento - - Iff 31 .380 Portland - - 17 33 .340 National W. L. Pet New York 70 30 .642 Chicago 66 43 .606 St. LouU 62 46 .574 Boston 54 54 .500 Pittsburgh 62 54 .491 Brooklyn 45 BO .429 Philadelphia 44 63 .411 Cincinnati . 37 71 .343 American W. L. Pet. Detroit' 71 37 .857 New York . 06 41 .617 Cleveland .. 57 49 .538 Boston 58 63 .523 Washington . 40 67 .462 St. Louis 47 67 .452 Philadelphia 41 81 .402 Cross -Word Puzzle f. Knock . Sign . Purr up 10. Cremontaa 11. Watchful 17. Wash llghtlr 19. Oot away from 21. Father 22. Tropical bird 24. Operated an autornatlo telephone 37 Condensed moletura 31. Plant of the vetch family 20. Former emperora tt. Attendant on a military officer II. Hawaiian wreath 91. Likely 16. Heavy and BlOW II. Cried Ilk. a crow 19. Before: nsutlcal 40. Alarm whlaUe 42. In the hack 44. Small esse 44. Hop kiln 41. Greek letter 60. Pronoun iU Superlative ending DOWN 1. Dude 2. South Amsr lcan rlv.r I. Whit, ant 4. Opsratlo atr. I. Final I. Wish is.d In drinking healths TlAfrlgHWElftW HIGHWAY SAFETY ESSAYS E WASHINGTON, D. C (Spl., In a period of increasing traffic mishaps and fatalities, the National Orange announces a renewal of Its annual SAfety campaign, according to L. J. Taber, national master, In a letter sent recently to lecturers of 8.000 subordinate or local granges through out the country. The grange, one of the dominant farm organisations of the country, consists of more than 800.000 members. "This contest," the national mas ter writes, "has been of great service in promoting highway safety and in recognizing ability among our young members." The campaign Is the tenth of a series of similar competitions among younger members of the grange. It takes the form of an essay contest that In other years had enlisted par ticipants from all of the 33 states where the grange is organized. The subject on which the essays are being written Is a challenge to the urban population of the nation with the question "Why the Grange Should Lead In Highway Safety." Grange leaders are said to be deter mined that the ratio of mishaps and fatalities due to automobile acci dents shall become less than In the metropolitan areas. Essays must not exceed more than 800 words and the rules provide that any member of the grange la eligible to take part who Is not more than IB years of age on AuguAt 15, 1034. The contest closes on that date. Essays are to be written with pen and ink or with typewriter and on one side of the paper only. The name of each con test-ant must appear tn the upper left-hand corner of the first page. The list of prlres and awards Is greater than In 1933. The ftrat prise Is a trip to the National Grange ses slons at Hartford, Conn., where the annual meeting of the organisation Is to occur, November 14 to 22. This trip will be given the young man or young woman whose paper ultimately Is chosen as the best of all those submitted. All expenses of transpor tation, room and meals while in Hart ford will be defrayed for the winning student. An award of $50 will be given the writer of the second best essay, while $30, $15 and $5 will be paid those whose essays rank third, fourth and fifth respectively. Numerous state prises also are available for those who earn state honors. For the best essay from each state a check for $5 and a sil ver medal will be given, while for the three next best essays from each state a bronae medal will be awarded. All prizes are donated by the Na tional Automobile Chamber of Corn- mere. The highway education board la assisting In the conduct of the contest. E AS SOUL OPIATE Fred M. Weatherford, pastor-evangelist ot the Church of the Nararene, challenged his audience last night, with a graphic picture when he spoke from tho topic "A Bleep Peculiar to Man," when he aald: "Sleep might be defined as the poor man's legacy, the prisoner's freedom. and the unbiased Judge between the high and the low. The man who Is asleep la helpless. His physical vigor and mental acumen Is no asset to him while asleep. He may be robbed or assaMlnated without protest. He la oblivious to any Impending peril. 'That woman who took five grains of morphine, when aha Intended to take five grains of quinine, became an almost lr rest stable sleeper. It was with great difficulty that her physio- Ian and friends kept her from Bleep ing the sleep of death. She begged to be left alone. But to aave her they walked her all night. It waa the drug that caused all consciousness of dan ger to disappear. But for the activity of all those who knew her danger, ahe would have fallen a helpless victim, "That la a picture of tin. It la an opiate. Men who are not duly fore warned, walk right into the death chamber while In tha grip of sin without any protest and without any apparent alarm. But Ood haa painted a graphic picture of aln and It re morseful consequences, In the Bible. "The Bible haa withstood the on slaught of its enemies down through the centuries. It haa gone through the crucible and has come forth with out the smell of fire. Its critics have wielded a heavy hammer, to break It In pieces, but It his survived the hammer. It pictures am aa non-con formity to tha law of Ood. "Except for thla moral guide, man would have no equitable rule for his actions. When man aeta up a code of morals of his own, he la subject ing himself to a peril that Is certain to bring him eternal defeat. That person who overrides hla conscience, to abuse his physique by the use of liquor In all of its blighting forma, or to become a gambler, a visitor to the brothela or any other of the mul tiplied forms of sinful habit, his enly built a watertight compartment a faiM barricade about himself, which will be exposed as false construction in the light of tha Judgment day he shall be found wanting. "The natural man 1a so obsessed In his sinful slumbers that It la dif ficult to awaken him to compare hla checkered record by a check on the word of Ood. But remember tt la by that word wa shall be Judged. Few I in our day grasp the mighty Import 01 peing stcu iioiu tta. u NAVY USES I alRstst Outstanding performance of the won Associated Oil company the United Stales Navy contract for the fourth year. Uncle Sam will ue the same New Cycol Motor OH In his battleships, air forces, submarines and Navy passenger cars that Is sold ta western motorists at all Smiling Associated Dealers. PREDICT JOHNSON S ASTORIA PREPARES OUSTER IN FIGHT OVER PRINT CODE WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. (AP) Senator Belial) (R, Minn.) predicted today that Prealdent Roosevelt may "fire" Hugh 8. Johnson "to set up a White House alibi" In the newsprint code dispute. Bchall, persistent critic ot NRA. la sued a statement attacking a pro poaal for a special board with au thority over newsprint prices a plan which publishers have opposed as monopolistic. Declaring the proposal a "menace to American publishers," Schall aald: "It la a foregone conclusion that, now that the Johnao NRA admlnia tratlon haa be.r. caught red-handed by the American publishers. Roosevelt will use the Incident for a dramatic grandstand play. He may even fire Johnson outright to set up a Whltn House alibi. He will doubtless use the opportunity to win the applause ot the dally press by a theatrical ges ture of discarding the newsprint code or at least, tha proposed enlarge- menta." The senator quoted from testimony he aald was presented at a recent hearing on proposed amendments to the effect that "the newsprint trust, under the protective arm of the NRA and by auspenslon of the anti-trust lawa, threatens American newapapera with a charge of S0 per ton for news print, which the protected combine sella to Europe at 30 end to Bouth American publishers at 20." I Meteorological Report August 13, 1034 Medford and vicinity: Fair but with Increasing cloudiness tonight and Tuesday. Not much change In temperature. Tuesday, but overcast on coast and Oreson: Oenerally fair tonight ana increasing cloudiness in Interior of west portion. Not much change In temperature. Temperature a year ago today: Highest 101; lowest 60, Total monthly precipitation, T. De ficiency for the month .05 inches. Total precipitation since September , 1033, 11 03 Inches. Deficiency for the season 0.87 inches. Relative humidity at S p. m. yester day 17 per cent; S a. m. today 03 per cent. Tomorrow : Sunrise 0:18 a. m. Sunset 7:T3 p. m. Observations Taken at B a, m., 20 Meridian Time. 8J to -a 9 ' u V i Gin Boise Boston . Chicago .I,, Denver - - Eureka Helena lo Angeles Medford N.w York - Omaha PhoenK Portland Reno Roaebure; Bo na jo Clear Cloud. Cloudy Cloudy S4 .01 54 Cloudy Cloudy 0 63 Clear ss .04 Cloudy 104 74 . 08 . 12 . B4 ea 68 64 63 08 64 58 64 63 64 44 Cloudy P. Cdy, Clear Clear Halt Ieke Ban Francisco. Cloudy .Seattle 74 Spokane - B4 Walla Walla 88 Washington, DO. 8 P. Cdy. Clear Clear Cloudy you, to what will you point aa your legacy, when you arrive at the seen. of changing worlde? Take It from me, upon tli. authority of Ood'a Word, It will b the Investment that you will have made ot your life, In the repletion It suatalna to the neat." Several responded to the speaker's appeal to accept Christ during the day. NEW CYCOL New solvrnl-retineU Cycol Motor Oil EOR LEGION MEET ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 13. (AP) More than 2000 legionnaires vera ex pected to attend the 1034 state con vention of the American lglon here August 33, 24 and 25, J. C. Wright, chairman of the convention commis sion, predicted today. Edward A. Hayes, national com mander, will be present, along with leaders of the 40 et 8, nine drum corps, three bands and the four junior baseball teams. The housing commit tee has already received requests for 600 reservations, Wright asserted. The convention program includes the seml-ftnals of the state baseball league, business sessions and a pa rade and fireworks for the first day; Commander Heyea' address, the base ball finals and state bathing beauty and drum corps contests for the sec ond, and election of officers for the third day. DB LAKE, Ore., Aug. lS.fAP) While his bride of seven months and hundreda of other beach visitors looked on Mortimer Langham, about 3ft, of Salem, former teller of a Port land bank, waa caught by the under tow and drowned here yesterday. A tug recovered the body nearly a mile from where Langham had been swimming, but efforts to revive him roved futile. 1 Langham Is aurvlved by hie widow and hla parents, who are residents of San Francisco. Canners Get Slash Code Prune Prices SALEM. Atts. 19. P) The contro versy over prices as first fixed by the prune control bosrd waa apparently ended tadny, following the announce ment by the board late Saturday night of a slight downward trend In the minimum price scale on green prunes, and a material revlaton or the grading system. The new price list wa the result ot an all-day bearing Saturday, con ducted by the control board, at which various cannera made representation regarding th. alleged unreasonable ness ot the code price first announced by the board. Dae Mall Tribune want ads. iA or School Days Scam day call for cnh. If won Deed extra money to get the children ready for school or for any other wor thy purpose call on as. Yon can get any amount up to 1300 here promptly and con fidentially. No indnrsen re q aired do lfrvesti Ration. Small weekly or monthly pay ments arranged to suit your convenience. Call, phone or whit for pvticnlart without obligation. Ore. St Washington Mortgage Co. 49 South Central Yi. B. Thomas, Mgr., License No. 8-137