'ME'DFOnU MAIL TRIBUNE, CEDFORD, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931. PAGE THREE Fast Douglas County Juniors to Enter State Legion Baseball Series ROSEBURG IRIS EUGENE 2 IN ROW FOR TITLE ITS Legion Juniors Defeat Rivals 18-2 and 54 to Enter Finals at Astoria Great Pitching Duel in First Tilt ROSEBURG, Ore., Aug. 13 (AP) The Roseburg Junion league baseball team became a contender for the state American Legion championship Sun day afternoon when the Eugene Juniors were beaten. 18 to 2 for Rose, burg s second consecutive victory. Sat urday's game, a thrilling 12-lnnlng battle, was won, 5 to 4. Eugene took a five-Inning consolation game Sun day. 0 to 7. Turpln, pitching for Roseburg, and Mauney for Eugene, gave the fans an exceptional pitch ing battle in Saturday's game, the outstanding contest of the series, me score was tied three times during the game. Eugene apparently had the game won In the first of the 11th. when Dutton cracked out a home run to break the 3 to 3 tie. But a three bagger by Baker in the second half ' scored McLaln to tie again, while hits by Wilson and Loffer In the 12th won the contest for Roseburg. Turpln allowed only four hits, while Mauney was rapped for nine. Baker, Roseburg's Blowball artist, held Eugene to four scattered hits In Ae opening game Punday, while the Roseburg batters tapped Russell, Mc Intyre, and Seales for a total of 16 hits. CUBS' COMEBACK BEATS BEAN BOYS AND 1 m A GAME LETNERS TO MEET 'WILDCAT IN Sad Sam Lethers, fast and loose grappler from Dallas, Texas, will meet George "Wildcat" Wilson, ex-all Am erican halfback from University of Washington, In one of the douole main-event matches on next Thurs day's card at the armory. Promoter Mack LlUard stated today In a tele phone conversation from Klamath Falls. Al Karaalck, Russian Lion, and Adolph "Hitler" Herman. German muscle-mangier, will grapple in the other one-hour match. With the selection of Lethers to meet the ex-all American, It is the common belief that one of the best combinations of the year has been signed up. Lethers has skyrocketed into popularity here in the last three weeks, during which he has won three straight main-event matches, exhibiting some of the cleverest, fast est and spectacular wrestling on the coast. His rubber legs are a constant threat to an opponent,, and a source of highly amusing entertainment to the audience. Wilson has recently taken all Cali fornia by storm, and Is rated as one of the best wrestlers In the game. He employs the dangerous sonnenberg. among other spectacular tricks of the ring. A circus event Is promised in the other bout, Karaalck versus Herman, as this combination brings together two colorful grapplers. Both are un hesltant about roughing It up, and ate old timers of the grip and grimace profession, who should fill out a per fect card of high class mat-work. Promoter Llliard has brought to Mecitord some of the best talent avail able this season, with this week's card bringing the list to a new high, and threatening to break last Thurs day's reaord attendance. TO n "Sad Sam's" Thursday Eve Foe i " ,J., f - V I 1 'rm-rr m .... .rfnif niri -iMffl.ii E SPEARS TOO WILD The Yakima Colored Giants wilt Invade Med ford this afternoon for a game with the Rogues. The game Is scheduled to start at 5:30, and will be played on the Fair grounds diamond. The colored team haa several eastern negro stars on thetr team. Including Lee Manager, who pitched for the Colored House of David team last year. Fans can always depend on two hours of first class entertainment In watching a negro team in ac tion. Hughes, Sargent and Spears will be available for pitching duty for the Rogues. George "Wildcat Wilson, 205-pound grappler from the University of Washington, who ranks ns one of the best football pUner ever chosen on an All-Amerlrnn team, and Is now acclaimed (he most versatile wrestler In California. Wilson, Promoter Mack Milord announced today will be the chief attraction In next Thursday's card at the armory, when ne nil) tangle with Pad Sam Lethers, 210-pound rubber-legged Texan. A brilliant recovery by the Chicago Cubs has revived Interest In the Na tional league race and left the Cubs with a good chance to stage another comeback In the coming home stand against the east. Five games behind the league-lead ing Giants after losing the first two games of a series to St. Louis, the Cubs regained a full game yesterday by beating the Cardinals 7 to 2 and 6 to 4 In a double-header while New York's game against Boston v halted by rain. In addition the Cubs performed In one day a feat which only two other cluba have accom plished nil season. They beat both the Dean brothers. Paul Dean, the younger, was the opening game victim as Billy and Babe Herman nicked him for a hom er apiece in the fifth, and he failed to survive the next frame. Brother Dizzy waged a close battle against Pat Malone for seven Innings of the after piece but was blasted out In the eighth when Chicago put together a triple, two doubles and a single for four runs. It was his fifth defeat against 21 victories. The Pirates defeated the Reds, 8-6, In the only other National league game yesterday. Detroit's Tigers, who have won so many games by late rallies that it has developed into a habit, did the trick again In the tenth inning to prolong their winning streak to 12 games and increase their American league lead over the Yankees to 4'a games. The Cleveland Indians were the victims and the final score was 6 to S. The Yankees helped attract a rec ord crowd at Boston but failed to get more than an even break with the Red Sox. While 4G.766 fans looked on and about 20.000 more couldn't get Into the park, Boston won the first game 6-4. New York came back to take the second game 7-1 behind the seven-hit flinging of bespectacled Johnny Broaca. The bis turnout was Inspired large ly by Babe Ruth, who, according t his own announcement, was making his last appearance as a regular In the city wnere his big league career besan. Gecree Earivhaw. wurklng for the . first 1500 bonus he is to get for each victory over 10. pitched the White Sox Into an cen break with St, Louis In a double bill. After the Browns won the opener 4-2. the Sox came back lo give Earnshaw brilliant sup po:t Mid win the afterpiece 3 to 2. Washington and Philadelphia start ed to play a doubleiieader but finish ed with one seven-lnnlng tie at 1 to 1 when rain ended their activities, ONQR TO LITTLE SAN FRANCISCO. Aug, 13. ,7P) Lawson Little. British amateur golf !nmpten. tods holds a new honor the northern California open title. Little won the state crosrn with medal a 'ore of 238 for 72 holes, four ftroy.es twtfr than the runner-up, Vnny ccltr.n, San Francisco, here yesteriay. The winner's score was even par for the California club course. CHICAGO, Aug. 13. P) -Noble Kizer, Purdue's head football coach, will head an all-big ten staff which will prepare 33 colloge stara for their big battle Against the Chicago Bears, national professional football . cham pions, at Soldier Field August 31. Ktzer was "elected" by fans of the country, who turned in a total vote of 617.000, of which he received 261. 845. Dick Hanley of Northwestern, and Robert C. Zuppke of Illinois, who ran second and third, will be Klzer's assistants. Hanley polled 49,046 votes. Zuppke got 245,048. Jimmy Crowley, head coach at P'ord ham, landed fourth In the poll, con ducted by the Chicago Tribune, with 243,702 votes. Slip Madigan of St. Mary's, came next with 241.080. anc! Harry Klpke of Michigan, followed with 240,728. E FROM FLAG RACE SALEM, Aug. 13. (A) Extra base hits, including a homo run by Lowell Grlbble, third baseman, and two doubles by Manager Leo d wards. were largely responsible for Salem's 6 to 3 win over Bend In their base ball game here Sunday. Bend's defeat eliminated the cen tral Oregon team from a four-way V.'t for first place In the state league R. H. E. Bend 3 1 Salem 6 13 I Batteries: Hatch, Gehrman and O' Leary; Wilson. Beck and Edwards. ALBANY, Avg. 13. (AP) The Al- beny Alcost kept pace with Eugene and Salerii atop the state league by drubbing the Portland Eagles 15 to 2 here yesterday. Home runs by Dean and Lapeyrl featured Albany's 19 hit attack. B. Adams held the Portland team to six hits. The Eagles' tallies came from home runs by Ed Adams and Heath. GOLD HILL LOSES J'VILLE. 22-10 EUGENE. Ore., Aug. 13. (AP) The Eugene Townies fell on Tel Pll lette, former Coast league hurler, for 14 hits as they outscored Toledo 13 to 6 In a State league game here yester day. The win kept the Townles In a tie for first place In the league. Eugene scored six runs on four doubles, a triple and a single In the fourth In ning. John Lewis hit a homer with one on In the fifth to put the game away. Using up five pitchers and Catcher Coy's complete vocabulary. Gold Hill's Cement Makers dropped a three and one-half hour bush league epic to Jacksonville's Miners yesterday after noon on the Jacksonville lot, 22-10. to mark the first defeat on that dta mond In more than two years. By virtue of their win the Miners claim both halves of southern Oregon's twirled series and the good side of .'our out of six meetings for the sum mer. Hostilities started off In the first frame when L. Foley, after singling, scoied on Tuffy Kelt's double. Min ers came back with four runs that frame when Pitcher Bill Hammersley walkeO Fera and Williams, and de livered hits to Runtz and Swanson. walking Hall and Doc Yakel. Si Sohnson's hard drive ended the bar rage. Geld Hill came back In the second cat.to to take a one-run lead, while Miners tied the score In their half. It wi,s nip and tuck till the sixth, when a Cement Maker pow wow kindled Miners' spirits to over take a two-run lead and leave their opponents lagging by 12 runs In next few hours of p'.ay, when the game threatened to be called because of sore feet. Miner stickers ' took Hammersley out of the box in one Inning, the redheaded youth having walked four, then blasted Wllmer Bailey from the mound In the fifth; pounded Tuffy Keil off the lot In thi sixth and F. Foley In the seventh, and greeted Pitcher Logan Gardner's first delivery In the eighth with a home run. Skinny Wilson, for Mlne.-s. held the visitors down to 11 clouts, finishing the game In an almost unbroken se ries of strikeouts. Home runs were gathered by Too ley Wllilsms, Don Greening, Doe Ya kel who completed the circuit twice and C. Keil. Greening, Kfll and Ferra tripled, while there wore so many doubles score keep era lost count, The box score: Gold Mill AB. L. Foley, ef. . 4 T. Keil, 3b-p. 4 T. Foley, rf-p. 6 Gardner. Ib.-p. 4 Emory, If. ................. 8 C. Keil, as. 5 Coy, o 4 110 Bailey, 2b-p 4 110 Hammersley, Ibp 4 0 0 1 Totals 37 10 11 4 Jacksonville AB. R. H. E. Ferra, rf 8 2 10 Williams, 3b. 6 2 2 0 Runtz. 2b-lf 5 3 4 3 Greening. , lb. 6 4 3 0 Swanson, ss 6 3 4 1 Hall, cf 4 4 2 1 Yakel. lf-2b 6 2 4 0 Johnson, c ................ 3 0 2 0 Dorothy, c. 3 110 Wilson, p. . . 6 13 0 Shata Inn ii Fire Snept. SACRAMENTO. Aug. 13 (AP) Fire of undetermined origin thia morning destroyed most of the busi ness section of Fall River Mills, Shasta county, wiping out 24 buildings with an estimated loss in excels of 1100,-000. Highway Mret Jet SALEM, Aug. 13. tPi A Joint K4 s.nn fc'txeen the Oregon highway rnnun.vv.on and Lacey Morrow, dl--icr of highways in Washington, tentatively K-t f-r Portland next Fr;.lat, Auu n. it was announced :--r tr-day bv r. H. Baldock, state fciChwiy ene:necr. Schilling SEATTLE, REVIVED By CAST-OFFS, IS The Northern California league All- Stars Invaded Medford yesterday and defeated the Rogues by the score of 10 to 8 at the Fairgrounds diamond. Nibs Spears started on the mound for the locals, but was wild as I March hare, walking five men in two I Innings, when he was relieved by Woodruff after four runners had crossed the plate. Woodruff pitched good ball for the balance of the game and with the exception of the eighth inning when four more runners came home, was never in trouble. Luke Lang, former Medford boy, now residing at Yreka, starred for the visitors, coming up with some hard hit balls In the pinches and banging out two nice hits. Bud Relnklng, Rogue lead-off man, crashed out a home run In the fifth to start a three-run rally. Halght, with three hits, led the Rogue batting at tack, while Relnklng. Norrts and Hughes each hit safely twice. Next Sunday the Rogues go to Yreka for a return engagement and play the Yakima colored Giants at the fairgrounds this evening at 6:30 p. m. Hooaler Hofrard, who went to Cali fornia yesterday to play with Nubleber In a championship series, will be back at his old position In center field to night. ATI-Stars. AB R 2nd 6 2 cf - 6 (ny the Awoclated Pre) Under Dutch Ruether's guidance the collection of rejected and castoff players that comprise the Seattle baseball club have developed Into the best team the Indiana have had In recent years. There's hardly a player on the Seattle roster the other seven cluba would not now grab up If of fered the chance. Best of all, Ruether'a renovated tribe has been packing In the pay ing customers. The Indians hereto fore regular tenants of the Coast leagi:- cellar climaxed a four game winning streak yesterday by thump ing Sacramento twice, 7-4, 11-7, be fore more than 10.000 fans to climb Into a first place tie with Los Ange les and walk off with the Senator series 4-3. In the three week-end games the Indians collected a grand total of 42 hits. Including Sunday four baggers by Joe Coscaret and Earl Sheely. Behind Dick Ward's six-hit tossing, the Angels could not shake off Ssn Pre n else and dropped yesterday's opener 6-5 and with It the series by a 5-2 margin. The champions then came back to slug the Seals into de feat O.i a Em ii Meola turned In an excellent six-hit mound performance. Hollywood handed Mission hopes of taking over the league lead a ruds Jolt over the week-end, trimming the? Reds 3-1 Saturday, and 5-4, 3-2 yes terday. Frank Shellenback, Joe Sulli van and Archie Campbell together granted the Missions only ten hits in the three games, which gave the Stars the series 6-2. Portland rallied from Its basement doldrums long enough Saturday to decision Oakland twice In a free hit ting afternoon, 7-4, 13-8. and cinch the series by a one-game margin. The Oaks came back to take advantage of Jack Wilson's wlldneas In the Sunday opener and four Beaver errors in tha nightcap and sweep the bargain bill, 11-3. Get your Crocks at Hubbard Bros. H gal. to 15 gal. Totals 48 22 26 6 Summary: Home runs, C. Keil, Ya kel 2, Williams, Greening. Three base hits. C. Keil, Qreonlng, Ferra. Struck out, by Wilson 13, Hammers ley 1, by Bailey 4, by Keil 1. by Fo ley l, by Gardner 1. Hits, off Wilson 11, off Hammersley 3, off Bailey 8, off Keil 5, of Foley 9, of Gardner 1. Bases on balls, of Wilson 6, off Ham mersley 4. off Bailey 1. Losing pitch er. Bailey. Time of game, 3:25. Um pires, Shafer and McKay. VALLEY CANTS AT $1.75J1TLAND PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 13. (AP) Trade In eggs and butter was strong even after price advances by the pro duce exchange, Buttcrfat was up lc lb. all around. The exchange advanced the price of specials, but other grades or sizes of eggs remslned unchanged. Light hens suffered chiefly In a further weakening of the local chicken market. Market for live ducks was In bad shape and efforts of receivers to force a movement even down to 8c for white Peklns were unsuccessful. Receipts were Increasing. Colored ducks were low as 6c. Cantaloupe receipts were moderate with southern Oregon stock moving at (1.75 and others generally telling Brcgie, F., Brogle, P.. Tyrer, 1 Martin, p ........ O'Nell. If Arnette. rf-p Lang. 3rd 4 6 4 6 O'Donnell, ss 4 43 10 10 2 Relnklng, 2nd Donavan, 3rd Norrls, cf ........... Prltchett, If Hughes, rf Halght. ss Sargent. 1st Harrington, o Spears, p Woodruff, p Neathamer .., for AB . 6 ...... 6 4 6 5 4 - 4 0 4 1 42 Harrington 13 6 the Batted ninth. Summary: Struck out, by Spears, none; Wocdruff, 4; Martin, 6; Arnett, 4. Base on balls, off Spears 6, Wood ruff, none; Martin, none; Arnett, 1. Two-base hit, Donavan, Halght (2), F. Brogle. P. Brogle, Lang, McDonald. Home runs. Relnklng. Sargent. Dou ble play, Halght to Sargent. Charge defeat to Spears. Credit victory to Martin. at (1.50 for beat. Peach trade was weaker, due to In creasing receipts from Yakima which Is moving Its crop and shutting the west from many markets. Early or Late Phone 668 f DON'S RADIO SERVICE 5 J 423 E. Main Nevt to Bridge GOLDEN RUU TO MSFRVirF lli'AS. n. H. c. MEABfR THE OH0EK II KUU ii0f Wt ail! I iTrwiwr. TM-r i'il soon relieved.and healing aided Willi jui, , JWI 1 Ml - Resino Wuncjarian laprika RVj red. Uelicale flavor. 3 Hotel Figueroa Hrueroa st al 10th. Lot Angeles Calif. One of Lot Angeles' newesi Z, " " J'M " Dontr.trn fling. In Connection Ritr. rrom 1.50 per 61 mihout Dalb 12.00 pfi di tth bilh $3.00 ptt da;, twin iwli and oath B. SMITH. Lriwa. I am.. I 100 Outside Room! of Comfort. An Age of Motorists Wc move on wheels, these days, ami it is Accordingly a desirable think' t lint n funeral director mske avail ihle ft suitable place for the parking of cars. Such facilities arc available at Perl's funeral home; our residential loca tion has utterly eliminated the troublesome parking problem. PERL FUNERAL HOME OFFICE OF COUNTY CORONER $ IX TH AT OAK DALE "PHONE 4 7 Jak You bet, fill 'er up with UMJUafJLZS JUarJl K&JIU O asouhe1 vj,, .... . . vl HERE'S THE SECRET OF CONTROLLED POWER R.d Lion ha tha Controllad Powar aacrat of 30-mlla ranga big guna. It bnrna alowly (1-32 of a aacond) and axarta a smooth, eom pltta puih on platon haad. That's what thousands of Northwest motorists are saying these days... because genuine new Red Lion ...the Controlled Power gasoline... is again available at all Gilmore Independent Dealers. Motors need Red Lion ... for it provides magical per formance! Here's the scientificrlly correct gasoline that captured the secret of the big guns. It has no sharp explosion (knock) but produces a smooth, con trolled power-push on the piston head for the full stroke. Give your motor this follow-through performance. Yes, "fill 'er up" with new Red Lion . . . and youH go places faster... and smoother than ever before I Qet CONTR OILED POWFR the gasoline with the Full Power-Push on the Platon-head! ...AT INDEPENDENT DEALERS...' It's the Results That Count MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS have proved themselves o profitable and inexpensive that they have be come a household and business necessity. READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 75