PAGE SEVEN M Von can (SET VOCD WAMT from fheVHW-imM MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JIEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. -TTLT 11, mi. fe Bead ever; ad od this page oc will probably flno exactly the thins too want to buy 01 sell . U Isn't there, adver tise .. . U' in" pensive, effective: RATES Per word first injection.- (Minimum 26c) Stab additional Insertion. per word (Minimum 10o) Per line pet month, without copy changes .1120 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND JotJNDBrlndle bulldog. Owner may have same by proving property and this ad. AODlv at Dow s y: " Cafe. LOST White gold Warlck 8-Jewe' lady's watch. No. 5008979. Reward. Phone Cantrall's, 1165-L. LOST Black and white fox terrier: carries one ear up and one down: black heart on left aide. Answers to 'Jerry.' Reward. Notify T. M Kurtz. Star route, box 11, Jackson ville, Ore. LOST Small white female pup Brown markings on head and ears Bob tailed. 242 N- Front. LOST If dog missing, call 1518. MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Experienced packers. Ap ply Bear Creek Orchards packing plant, south Pacific highway. WANTD Man and wife to make boxes and sort. John S. Weeks, Trail. WANTED A limited number of stu dents to attend packing school be ginning July 9 at the Ala Vista Packing House. Phone ia-F-14. Marian Stancllffe. 'wantedfemale help WANTED Experienced waitress. Diamond Cafe. WANTED Young woman for general housework: good wages; references required. Box 1976, Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Married man, no children, for dairy farm. Must be experienced milker. References. Box 2051, Tribune- WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Job with team. L. R. Hol brook, R 4, Box 44. UTJINCUMBERED, experienced wom an, will care for children In the home, reasonable. Small children preferred. Phone 919-R. ELDERLY, dependable lady wishes work by hour or day. Housework or care of children, etc. 234 W 6th St. RESPONSIBLE woman will care for children at her home Call 1228. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS "WILL THE RARTYwho has the Hu , - mane Society's cat trap please re turn It or Tel. 1516. WANTED Spraying of any kind. Tel, 258-W, ask for McGonagie. WANTED Small desk and some files. Box 1980, Tribune. LIGHT car, '25 to '28 model; must be cheap. State price and condition. Box 1979, Tribune. WANTED Warrants. Redden & Co WANTED 2nd hand goods and Junk Pat's, 1506 Prune St. Phone 547-L. WANTED 2nd hand furniture. We buy, sell and trade. Berrydale 2nd Hand store, 1603 N. Rlveresldn Telephone 266. WANTED Baby calvee. Rt. 1, Boi 895, Medlord. FURNITURE re-upholstered. 9S9-R. Thtbault. WANTED Wool, mohair, hides and pelts See us before you sell Wool bags and twine for salo. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St Phone 1082 .WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford. Must be oheap. 333 W 2nd. WANTED Household goods stoves tools or what Bave you. Medford Bargain Bouse 27 N Grape St Tol 1062. WILL care for elderly sick people in my noma. Phone 437- X WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or more, orusher amalgamator Advise price and where can be seen 417 Davit Bids. Portland, ore JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND KALUAITJKiJ ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER and unk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 No Orape fel 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES 4-ROOM furn. house. 375 S. Central. FOR RENT Furnished house, 305 S. Oakdale. , LARGE, furnished duplex, sleeping porch, wood-gas range. 212 3 orap! FOR RENT House. Plone 1232- W tPOR RENT 5-room furnished rou.e. Vnesr Roosevelt school. Call Haro'.d 5 H Brown, 19S; after 5, 1670. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT t-room duplex, inquire 512 No. Bartlett or Phone 341-R-l. FOR RENT Clean 4-room modern house, partly furnished, 1. Tel. 1568-Y. FOR RENT Fvtrnished house. 611 Pari Ave. FOR RENT 917 W. 11th. 711 King. 1025 W. 9th. 647 B. 9th. 1028 E. 11th. 513 Beatty, , Call Harold H. Brown, 19S: after 5, 1670. MODERN 6-room house, 39 Myers. HOUSES for rent or sale. Call Harold H. Brown. 195. FOR RENT 8 0 m e e. furnished 01 unfurnished Brown s Wolte. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments, land. Hotel Hoi- FORM. 2-room apts and garage. 601 W. loth. TWO-ROOM apts, 525 No. Riverside FOR RENT Furnished or unlurnish apartments. Carglll Court Tel 106 PARTLY furnished apt., gat range, bed, overstuffed davenport and chair. Light, hot and cold water furnished. Low rent. Apply Mall Tribune. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DESIRABLE ROOM Separata ent rance. 220 No. Oakdale. FOR RENT Bed room is living room private entrance. 1 block from 0. House. 117 Laurel St. FOR RENT Modern sleeping room. Hot and cold water. 345 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Large front room with 2 double beds Hot and cold water Close in. 20 S Fir. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing rooms, with garage accommoda tions, moderate rates. 325 So. River side Ave. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Boats at Four Mile lake. Vlda Rankin. FOR RENT Very fine East Side loca. tlon for barber shop and beauty parlor: rent reasonable. Good busl . ness already worked up for this particular site. Tel. 546 or 124. FOR RENT 2 cabins; furnished: water. 812 Summit. VACATION CABINS Deluxe, meals, cheap. Convalescent Home, facing park,. Ashland. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD 153 N. Oakdale. RATES very moderate at 716 E. Main ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 S Orape. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Baled alfalfa hay for hogs, wheat or barley. C. R. Natwick, Eagle Point. EXCHANGE Cows, heifer, for electric washer and weaner pigs. F. w. Houston, Box 73, Talent. OAT HAY Isaacs, Crater Lake Hghy, 2 ml, out. FOR SALE young turkeys or will trade In on late model automobile. (Coupe preferred.) Floyd Maharry, Talent, Ore., FOR EXCHANGE 1829 model A Ford sedan and 2 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8. Tel. 407-Y. EXCHANGE Purn. re-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, fish poles and reels. Phone 869-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE New homo, full basement, fine water system, on 6 acres 2 miles out of Medford. Will consider small home In Med ford as part payment. Earl Mell lng, owner. Phone 776-R-l. Ti ACRES rich sandy loam, new modern bungalow, basement, barn, large poultry house, garage, family orchard, alfalfa, berries; 3500; good terms. 15 No. Fir St. RANCH SACRIFICE DON'T FAIL CO see this. $1650 cash down will handle 140 acres, 65 cultivated, free water, productive free soil, barn with 30 stanchions, 90 tons cap . 6 rm. house, all equipment, team, cows, chickens, turkeys, hogs, fur niture, 75 tons hay, 20 acrea wheat, corn, garden, etc. No encumbrance on personal property and crops that go with this deal. $4600 total price. See Arthur E. Lalng, 19 N. Bartlett St. Tel. 1496. 40 ACRES bottom land. 27 acres un der plow, balance pasture. Upright house, barn for 25 ton hay, 6 miles north Rogue River Price 12500. See me for a deal. Pengre. Real Estate. 624 North Riverside. WHEN you think of real estate thick of Brown St WD tie FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS, con venient terms. C. A. Barnes. 1334 Reddy. Phone 14B-X or Warren Patterson. Central Point. Tel. 133. FOR SALE 8 acres west of Oa Plant. Good land Pangra Real Estate, 524 No Riverside. 53 ACRES near Appleuate P O ; 11 A cultivation, free water right: ball nce timber: Improvements. Paul Erdman. Applegat. Ore. FOR SALE DOGS PETS PEDIGREED cocker spaniel puppls Mrs. Jack Thrasher, Jacksonville Phone 173. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 11 CHINC. RABBITS, 15 00. Doran, Table Rock Orchard. FOR SALE Milk cow. Pearce. Eagle Point. John H FOR SALE Freeh cows, ScfiuiO, Beetle, Or. Moll FOR SALE POULTRY THREE fine young bantam roosters. Apply after 0 p. m.. aa iTipp. FOR SALE High grade healthy a. I. Red pullets. 538 Keene Drive. PURE Bronze tuns, Cockeran's prtte stock 66 Jesse Nell Rt 1. Ashland FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE 1932 Ford coupe. Run around 6,000 miles. Tribune, Box 2067. FOR SALE Ford coupe, T-model, In good condition, can vuo-j evenings. OOOD USED CARS 30-DAY WRITTEN GUARANTEE AT N. A. D. A. BOOK PRICES 1928 Dodge fast 4 Coupe. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels. 1930 Hudson-8 Sedan: a real buy. 1928 LaSalle Sport Coupe. 1927 Chrysler Roadster. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 N. Riverside. Tel. 18 FOR SALE 1929 LaSalle 5-passenger coupe. Good rubber, fine mechan ical condition. Price very reason able. Inquire H. F. Langc, 38 No Riverside. ONE EACH 1934 Terraplane and Hudson sedan; used as demonstra tors: at a substantial discount and new car guarantee. Trade and terms. Eakln Motor Company. Hud-son-Terraplane Dealer, South River- FOR SALE Model A Ford coupe, ex cellent condition, new paint. 109 E. 8th St. side. AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS FINEST GRADE WESTON OIL. 9o qt.; 36c gal.; 5 gallons with can, $1.75: 100 Pure Pennsylvania Oil. 15jC at.: 62c sal.: b gallons, $3.00. SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STATION FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Davenport and chair, like new, $35. 717 W. 14th St. FOR SALE Cabinet Vlctrola with 160 records. A real bargain. Phone 304 or call at 103 So. Riverside. fre1Tpiano LESSONS Summer terms your choice of teach ers with purchase or piano this week. Liberal allowance on your old piano. BALDWIN PIANO SHOPPE 123 W. Main. FOR SALE A small well established business, Just coming Into best pay ing season. Owner leaving town, must sell at once. 517 N. Central. FOR SALE Motorcycle at Stout's Garage, Prune St. FACTORY built" rowboat 222 West Jackson St. FOR SALE Apricots. Mrs. R. J. Earl, Phone 611-J-4. FOR SALE Crabapplea, 2lo lb rnone ioco-b. FOR SALE Equity In house. Call oao naven. FOR SALE Grain, oats and barley nags. Aieoiord Bargain House, 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms u desired. All makes rented and repaired White 8ewlng Machine Co 24 N Bartlett. MISCELLANEOUS YOU CAN SAVE nearjy'50 of your auio insurance witn a Legal Reserve Co. S. A. Kroschel, agent. Phone 350 DENTISTRY Dr Main. I It Gove 236 E BOAT TRAILER. Cash Register. Add- ing Aiacnine, Typewriter, Boots Shoes, Huntlng-Flshlng Equipment 317 North Riverside. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County Feed Co., 4th and Bartlett Sts. DOGS examined free. Dr. Stpne. 4tb and Bartlett. BUSINESS CHANCES SAW MILL for sale. 61100, terms. P. o. box 953, Medford. FOR SALE HI-Way Inn Cafe and equipment. Kent 912.50 month Gold Hill. Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKSON (10. 'ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of TltU ano Title Insurance The only complete ntle 8 y a t e m in Jackaon County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of ntle. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 82 North Central Ave. upstairs. Expert winnow cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1172 House Cleaning, Floor Waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty UANCI.NO schools LEARN NOVELTY DANCES from for mer Fanchon-Marco stsrs. Ted and Evelyn Schrader Studio opposite Rlalto. Phone 1615-Y. Transier EAD8 TRANSFER STORAQS CO. Office 1016 No Oentral Phone sit Prices right. serv'vA guaranteed HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers special livestock moving equipment. Prices ngbt 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X Money to una MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE CARS. ETC Prompt service and le gal rates W. E THOMAS, 45 8 Central, state license No 8 157. Jobrlnting MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern uregon printing oi an ainaa: dooi binding; loose leaf ledgers and blanks, billing systems duplicating caab laies ellpa and everything In the printing lines 28-80 N Orape phone 7fi Hall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANING. Ic per Vf ft Mr Black 310 N Bartlett Painting and Paperhenxlnc M. A. BLISS Palntint and paper hanging Tel. 946-W, e.l 8. Orape. LEGAL NOTICES Notice for publication. Department of the Interior. General Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 5th. 1934. Notice Is hereby given that Id I. Boothby, of Trail, Oregon, who, on August 22nd, 1927, made Homestead entry. Serial No. 017586, for BW'4 SW!i, Section 1, Township 33 S., Range 2 E., Willamette Meridian, nas filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish clslm to the land above described, before Victor A. Tengwald, U. S. Commis sioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the Ilth day of August, 1934. Claimant names as witnesses: Nelson M. Nye, of Prospect, Oregon: J. G. Phlpps, of Prospect, Oregon: David Neville, of Prospeot, Oregon; E. Fredericks, of Prospect, Oregon. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting Register. Notice to Creditor! in the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Jack on. In the Matter of the Estate of Elttt- beth Coulter, deceased. Notice la Hereby Olven that X have been duly and regularly appointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an or der of the County Court of Jackaon County. Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon June 18th, 1934. and all creditors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, with vouchers thereunto attached, and all persona owing said estate are notified to pay their said Indebtedness to me at the office of O. M. Roberts, my at torney, In the Medford National Bank Building, Rooms 201-203, Medford, Oregon, within alx months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 18'h day of June, 1934. LOUIS PUHL, Administrator of the Estate of Elizabeth Coulter, deceased. TriE GRANGE Pomona Grange. A special meeting of Pomona Grange Is called for Monday, July 16, at 8 p. m., at the Central Point Grange hall. The call la to discuss the forma tion of a gasoline and oil and fuel co-operative unit, which will be ex plained by George A. Falmlter, past master of the Oregon State Grange, and for any other business which may consistently come before the meeting. At last session of the Oregon State Grange the State Orange was ordered by the delegates to unite with the Washington State Grange and the Idaho State Grange In Joining the gas, oil and fuel co-operative which has done a tremendous business In the state of Washington for two years past, and which has saved Its mem bers many thousands of dollars. Every subordinate Orange member Is given an earnest Invitation to be present as the Information given out will be of Inestimable value to all Grangors. . For Grangers only. . . TO KLAMAT HFALLS. July 11. tP) Mrs. E. S. staner was In a Klamath Falls hospital today with dangerous head Injuries caused by an automo bile. Her husband has been detained at the county Jail and officers said charges would be filed against him this afternoon. Authorities said Mrs. Staner told neighbors her husband deliberately attempted to kill her with the ma chine. She later denied the story officers declared. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Rowing im plement 4. Fodder pit I. PI ere with fc pointed weapon 11. Title of a monk 13. Sour li. Roman garment lb. Womanly 17. Winglike 18. Small de pression It. Back of a boat 20. Anxiety 23. One who ob tains 25. In the back 27. Old card game 23. Southern con stellation 1L Closed LlrbUy 33. Lliardllke animal II. City n Bel- glum 10. Late: comb. form 11. Upright 19. Buries 42. Request! 42. Person of mixed Mood Solution of YeatertUy'a Punla BlPlllTlSsgLlOlTtSMSlLiei 45, Cosy home 47. Chief Norae god 41. Models 152. Sshaped molding II. American Indian 14. Devour BS. Cape or headland hp in in in m m ; 31 32 S33 34 WML! ''S. 43 44 4b -ft ff ffl 4T """" 111 """" zzzsfczzzszzz "111 HttI wx UMjlIklEFS Trail TRAIL. July U. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hutchinson of Seattle ar rived here Sunday, July 8, for a va cation of a few weeks at the home of his brother, S. W. Hutchinson. Miss Edith Malkemus Is working it Rogue El kdurlng the tourist season. The many friends of Mrs. Edna La Dteu are glad to know she has so far recovered from her recent Illness to be able to attend Sunday school and church Sunday. Miss Inez-Burk Is spending a few days In Medford as a gueat of her aunt, Mrs. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tucker of Ash land were week-end guests at the home of his brother, Boyd Tucker. Mrs. Eva Seggesman, who has been In the Sacred Heart hospital since the fourth, Is getting along nicely and hopes to be able to leave there Wed nesday or Thursday. Mrs. Estel Hutchinson and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Kate Hutchin son of Oakland, are spending a few weeks' vacation In the Hutchinson cottage. Mr. and Mrs. King, who have been staying at Sunset-on-the-Rogue for several weeks, returned to their home In Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson and son Carroll, who are spending the summer at Hamlker ranger station, were calling on friends here Tuesday morning. Mr. Watson was getting his carpenter tools, to be In readiness to do some building at the station. Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Ragsdale made a trip to Medford July 6. H. R. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson and Mrs. Rose Foellers were shopping in Medford July 9. Brownsboro BROWNSBORO, July 11. (Spl ) Mrs. Jesse Glass, Geneva Glass and Loland Dyslnger spent the fourth In Ashland. Lois Wright visited In Eagle Point a few days last week with her friend Frances Myers. She also made the trip to Diamond lake with the Myers family on the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hansen and son, Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hansen and children, Mildred and Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rohrer and son, Louis, picnicked the fpurth on the south fork of Little Butte creek. Mr. and Mrs. Mayfleld of Talent visited friends In this vicinity Bun day. Mrs. Edna Monla. Bill and Donna Monla, Mr, and Mrs. Simmons of California and the Floyd Charley family drove to Hilt, Calif., Saturday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Monla. They returned home Sunday. Gerald Hansen and Louis Rohrer enjoyed a trip to. Dead Indian Soda Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beam of Gait, Cali fornia are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Beam. Charles Kell and C, Leaverton of Absarokee, Mont., visited at the Jesse Glass and H. W. Wright homes last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Congers enter tained Mr. and Mrs. D. Wood and other friends of Medford with a wel ner roast at their camp Saturday evening. Cross -Word Puzzle i Horizontal piece over a door T. Poem I. Assert 9. tihdureh 10. Kdlble att. weed IL Farm build ing 13. Visionary 19. Mercantile establish ment VO. Ready money 3L Open court 23. Actualities 24. Utile child 26. Lease H9. tUone iO, tnsecte 32. Scotch rivet 34. Wrathful 17 Richly deco rated 40. Bseebell teami 41. Suraical thread 43. Orb of olgbt 44. Margin 46. Let it etand 43. Soft drink 49. Legal action 19. Woolly surf act of cloth 11. Pen 39. Confined 57. Secret ob .server DOWN t. Not OS t. 8x1st ' I. Male sheep 4. Rational I. Frosting Phoenix PHOENIX. July 11. (Spl.) Thursday evening, July 6, the Circle held Its regular meeting. The social hour was featured with a miscellane ous shower given in honor of Mrs, Leona Daugherty Olllnsky, a June bride. Q. J. Callender of Cascade, Idaho, Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hallcrs,(t. Mr. and Mrs. Hall- craft and sons and Miss Marjorla Cal lender motored to Hilt last Sunday. A large crowd was entertained Mon day evening at the Presbyterian church by the Cotton Blossom quar tet from the Plney woods of Missis sippi, The singers are on a good will tour In the Interest of the school, which is conducted for the under privileged Negro boys and girls In the black belt of the Mississippi, Mem bers of the group are: A. V. O'Nell, first tenor: Hugh Beaty, second tenor; Ellis Wlllburn, baritone, and T. J. Pruttt, bass. Negro spirituals, folk songs and plantation melodies were Included In the program which was not soon to be forgotten. . Mrs. Edith Thompson and Mrs. F. Fish are visiting friends In Oakland, Cal. Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Corliss have as their guest Mr. Corliss' father, Judge Corliss of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Colver and son Eldred returned Sunday from a week's vacation at Gold Beach, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Furry and son Leo drove to Yreka Saturday and re turned Sunday. Jack Allen and Chas. Ferns motor ed to Lost Prairie Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watkins speht the week-end at Diamond lake. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wold have as their guests their daughter Evelyn and her husband of San Francisco. Next Sunday evening, July 15, the high school Christian Endeavor so ciety will be In charge of the services of the Phoenix Presbyterian ohuroh All those who attended the summer conference at Glendale, Ore., are ex. pected to give a detailed report. All who are Interested In the new con ference site and the program of the summer conference are oordlally In vited to attend. Mrs. Worden's daughter and family from Kansas arrived for a visit here July 9. There will be an ice cream soolal July 12. given by the Thursday olub at the Engle building, from 6 to 0 p. m. The public is Invited, Sterling STERLING, July 11. (Spl.) The Cookery olub of Sterling enjoyed a neighborhood picnic July I. Day Dutton has been helping J. B. French with the haying the past weeiJ. Jack French of Bed Bluff, Cal., has been visiting his brother, J. D. French, the past two weeks. He left Monday for his home, accompanied by his brother, who will visit relatives In Bed Bluff. A dance was enjoyed at the Com munity hall July 4. Percy Beard, Albert Dutton and Edgar Nelson have enrolled In the CCC. Oliver Son and family have been spending the past several days fish Ing. Many friends and relatives of Ml, and Mrs. Clifford Dunnlngton Cele brated the Fourth of July at their home. Courthouse News .Furnished by the Jackson oount) Mtract Co. 121 E aixtn Street) Marriage Licenses. Harold Arnold Felt and Alice M, Cherry. Maynard O. drove and Jeannette McFadden, Albert L, Young and Mary Kim ball, Arthur V. Astley and Madge Bud' long. Lloyd E. Hack and Adlnt L. Han sen. John Bartley and Edythe OraneU William C, McCampbell and Elisa beth M. Silvers. Charles B. Seaman and Xlda O Ohelardl. Alvln F. Blatter and Mildred H Fields. Oeorge C. Wright and Fay D. Oar- rlson. Lee P. Hockaday and Eva L. Hen derson. Clrctitt Court, Otto Harria vs. B, de Cathellneau, lien, Rafael J. Simpson vs. Rita, 81mp aon, divorce. Catherine S. Freeberg ti. Boyd M. Potter, et al, foreclosure. Jane Kent vs. Charles E. Oates, at al., foreclosure. E. H. Mann, mi Mann'a Auto Serv ice vs. Dodge Coupe Automobile, 1629 model, motor No. H-iaa.fll, chattel lien, Alice Smith vs. James F. Smith, di vorce. E. B. Hanley vs. John Orow, tt uz, for money; attachment filed, J. O. Cooksey vs. A Dodge Coupe, chattel lien. Probate Court, Estate of W. M. Kline, deceased: probate. Estate Minnie Cordlner, deceased; probate. L. P. Jarnum, R. P. Wandrey, F. R. Oates assume business name of "Rogue River Transport Company." lirnl folate Transfers. The Investors' Mortgage Security Co.. Ltd.. to Frank O. Stratton. deed' to land In sec. 2U twp, 38 S. R, E. W. M. Mrs. Elizabeth T. Goodman to Jos. W, Ridge, deed to S'i lots 28 and 29 In Pracht'i addition to the city of Ashland. Charles S. Jacobs, et ux to J. P. Neeley, et ux, deed to 20.45 acres N. D. Smith D. L. C. No. 59, tp. 38, S. R. 1 W, W. M, Margaret L. Melllng to Earl Mell- lng, QCD to lot 6, Hanley sub. Walter J. Olmacheld to Amelia P. Toft, sheriff's deed to NW',4 sec. 14,1 tp. 34 8. R. 2 E. W. M. Robt. cole Holmes, et ux to Flor- l ence M. Johnson, deed to pt. lots 1 1 and 2, block 1, Lewis add. to the City of Medford. Maurice r. csariow, et ai, to una A. Barlow, QCD to NW',i NW ii see 10, tp. 39, R. I W. A. A. Morgan, et ux to John Faulds, deed to land In sec. 32, tp. 37 S. R. 4, W. W. M. Lee Phlpps to jnlted States of America, deed to land in D. L. C, 40, tp. 37 S. R. 1 W. W. M. Carl P. Beeson, et ux to The First National Bank of Ashland, QCD to land In D. L. C. 63 and 64, tp. 38 S. R. 1. W. Dewey A. Fabrlck, et ux to Margar et S. Fabrlck, deed to part lots 9 and 10, Frultdale addition to Medford. O. H. Corey to Minnie C. Meeker, et vlr, deed to lot 7. blk 2, Frultdale r !. dltlon to Medford. 0. B. Lamkln, et ux to JamcB O. Naylor, et ux, deed to land described in DR Vol. 14, page 186. Frances J. Murphy, et ux to C, B. Lamkln, deed to land described in vol. 14, page 186 DR. Clarence E, Roland to Bertha 0. Roland, deed to lota 9 and 10, High land Park add. to Ashland, Elmer L, Reynolds, et ux to Jas per E. Reynolds, deed to lot 1, block 3, Wellington Heights add. to Med ford. Chas. L. Reynolds, et ux Jasper S. Reynolds, deed to lot 7, block 1, Wellington Heights add. to -iedford. W. H, Stewart, et ux to Howard H. Hansen, deed to lot 15, block 3, Wllleke'a addition to Medford. Charles H. Carey to A. E. Peeder son, deed to part lot 7, block 2, Mlngus sub. to Medford. J. R. Schortgen to Gillie Cass, et al, QCD to land In seo. 25, tp. 38 U. R, 2 W. W. M. Frank E. Elllff, et ux to Harry Chlldera, et ux, QCD to 4 acres, block 4, J, J, Freyer's sub. to town of Eagle Point. W. P. Dodge, et ux to Marlon F. Robblns, et ux, deed to part lot 1, block 3, Barr's add. to Medford. Ella L. Heckathorn, et vlr to Efflo B. Potts, deed to 80 acres in sec, 28, tp. 84 B. R. J E. W. M. Raymond H. Price, et nl to Ella L. Heckathorn, deed to north 60 feot lots 1 and 2, block 6 of Frultdale add. to Medford, BRITAIN 10 HELP By HAROLD P. BR AM AS (Awux'lntetf Press Foreign Staff) LONDON. July 11. (ff) Lou la Bar thou, French foreign minister, tn dlcat(I today on his departure thn Britain wilt go to the aid of France In case the Franco-Belgian nrea Is invaded by a foreign power. Leaving for Paris nfter two days of conversations with British officials, he Indicated further that Orent Brit ain had sanctioned In principle tho eae tern security pacta In which Franco Is participating, although Blrtaln was not a signatory. The French statesman departed fhla afternoon declaring that France and Great Britain "are agreed on the European situation." He expressed the highest satisfaction with results of his visit, reiterating that no formal pact of any kind had been signed but that the two nations had reached a "friendly understanding." Whether general disarmament questions will be linked with the 1935 naval conference apparently re mained undecided, SALE, July 11. (API As the re sult of drive to put an end to fraudulent clalma for gas tax refund one arrest was made In Portland this week on a, warrant sworn out by an Investigator from the seoretary of Bute's office, It was reported to day. The claim Involved, the Investiga tor's report stated, was false In every particular, made use of equipment not owned by the claimant, and was made on Invoice blanks never Issued by the service station whose same appeared on the claim. Recent Investigations have result ed In the substantial reduction of many claims, and some refunds have been secured, it was stated. Several cases, Involving raised invoices and other Irregularities and apparent vio lations were under Investigation and were to be turned over to district at- I torneya In counties where the claim- ants reside. Convict Captors To Split Reward SALEM, July 11. P) Jess Davis, leader of the posse of three which captured the five trusties who es caped from the penitentiary July 4th. after they had been at liberty about 38, hours, today was paid the reward of I3i0 which the state offers tor capture of 'escaped convicts. Davis said he would divide the reward with hie two companions, all Of Sweet Home, near where the fugi tives were apprehended. Use Mall Tribune want ads. ESTATE ACCIDENT COMMISSION HAS NOTABLE RECORD SALEM, July 11. (API The num. Ibcr of appeals from the decisions of the state Industrial accident com. mission on workmen's compensations has been reduced more than 50 per cent the past year, and places the state among the lowest In appeals of 4 states which have such acts, It was reported today by members of the Oregon commission. It holds the low record on the Pacific coast. Out of about 20,000 claims during the year ending July 1, 1934, there have been but 49 appeals to the courts, Albert Hunter, chairman, state. The Industrial accident department Is supported entirely from private funds of employers and employes and dogs not require legislative appropri ations, and Is the only one In which workers pay a share, or about 13.1 per cent. Since the commission la allowed 10 per cent for administra tion, the workers pay more than costs of the enactment of the law. Further, Hunter declared, the com mission the past few years has oper ated below the ten per cent, as low as seven and a half, due to econom ical administration and low salaries being paid within the department. The commission received from con tributions under the workmen's act more titan $2,600,000 the past year, of which more than S2.250.0O0 has been paid out in claims and about 9200,000 added to the reserve fund. TOURIST INDUSTRY SALEM, Ore. (UP) The tourist Industry is a 100,000,000 business la Oregon, the third most Important in the state, Bridge Engineer O. B. Me Cullough declared today. He ranked lumbering first and live stock second. Exploitation of scenic resources of the state will bring other benefits from tourists, McGullough said. Among the visitors are many poten tial Investors and settlers, he pointed out. McGullough said bridges which combined the esthetic side of archi tectural beauty with strength and I utility were major attractions to tour ists. "People stop to study ft beauti ful bridge, to take pictures of It." The bridge, designed by McCul lough, across the Clackamas river between Oregon City and Portland re cently was Judged most beautiful of Its class built In the United States during 1033. The Italian government recently asked permission to translate a text book on bridge construction written by McCulIough for use in technical schools. LOCAL ENGINEERS PASSSTAJE QUIZ PORTLAND, July 11. (IP) The state board of engineering examiners announced today that 84 applicants who took examinations for certifi cates to practice professional engineer ing in Oregon passed the tests last week. The successful candidates Included: J. H. Bagley, Jr., and W. H. Stewart of Salem; R. 8. Daniels and D, F. Mc cormick of Medford; E. N. McKlnstry of Grants Pass; D. A. Lowe of Aunu vine; R, R, Osborn of Eugene; Robert Clarke of Jacksonville, and O. K. Krleger or Marshfleld. F. E. Mazier of Baker waa one of four men granted a certificate to practice In Oregon on a reciprocal agreement with other states. WASHINGTON, July It. IIP) Creation of a commtsaion to adminis ter NRA, with the probability of hit own retirement, has been recom mended to President Roosevelt by Hugh 8. Johnson. "I have recommended to the presi dent that this won't be a one man Job when It passes into the field of administration," Johnson said. "1 suggest a board or commission. The blue eagle chief Indicated the matter Is now up to Mr. Roosevelt. He hinted action might be taken on his recommendation within the next month or two. "Will you be here until congress meets?" Johnson was asked. "That la the probability,' although I'd like to get away " he replied. I BESET BY SHANGHAI, July U. (API Chi na's sge-old enemies, flood, famine, brought, locusts, heat and oholera again ere taking their toll as the hottest summer of more than 00 years sears the country. In the lower Yangtze valley and the coastal provinces extreme tem peratures, drought and locusts hnve threatened food supplies ftnd caused death, suffering and financial losses. The fear of famine la widespread. price of rice, the nation's sta ple food, Jumped 80 per cent within ft few days.