MEDFOTiD MAIL THIBUIvE, MEDFORD, OREGON. M0ND3T. JTLY 9, 1931 !pa"ge seyeit l nu nin mils YLT7M Msvzr2 v -r ww ix i MffJi iv . - mvtjwmw m mm mm M as iiui i i 11 jrv mi rami - - . , umm. aw : m m a, anav srm rtr ; a "w. R 11 m I ,ailateaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaalBaaalaaaaaaaasaiaKavBajB I aH n T T T7I ttlll 1 IB ws: II rutl -houses Bead every ad on thli page . . . you wW probably find exactly the thine yoo want to bu or sell ... U It Isn't there, adver tise . lt' Inex pensive, effective! BATES P0 word tlret insertion- ae jilnimum ovj additional Insertion. .lo (Mir11""1" per line per month, without copy cbaneea Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND 77ZZ small white temale pup ,u-itim on head and ears Brown ua."o" y Bob tailed. 242 N. Front. Hnsr-lt dog missing, call ism WANTED FEMALE HELP "Ai Doroi housework. Ad- mJs Mes Cantrall. Ruch. or call 22-F-23. Jacksonville. MALE OR FEMALE wanted A limited number ot stu dents to attend packing school be g nnlng Jul, 9 at the Ala Vista Packing House. Phone 16-F-U. Marian Stanclltte. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man to hoe. I O. Gould, lit miles south Talent. boatkSTwanted Would like address of experienced boatman whom I can hire by tele phone occasionally by the day to handle my light rowboat Irom Sun-set-on-the-Roguo to Dodge Bridge. Must be well acquainted with rap Ids between points mentioned. Will pJy $7.50 per day. Must have auto. "T mobile for going to and from work Box 1931, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS UNINCUMBERED, experienced - -woman, will care for children In the home, reasonable. Small children preferred. Phone 919-R,. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work. Phone 1273. ' ' ' ELDERLY, dependable lady wishes work by hour or day. Housework or care of children, etc. 234 W 5th St. RESPONSIBLE woman will care for children at her home. Call 1228. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WILL PAY CASH for cheap car. Mrs Laura Jones. Griffin Creek. WANTED Warrants. Redden Jc Co WANTED TO RENT Reaponslhle party desires small furnished house. Box 1930, Tribune. WANTED 2nd hand goods and Junk Pat's, 1506 Prune St. Phone 647-L. WANTED 2nd hand furniture. We i buy, sell and trade. Berrydale 2nd Hand store, 1603 N. Rlveresldo Telephone 266. WANTED Baby calves. Rt. 1, Box 395. Medford. FURNITURE re-upholstered. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. WANTED Wool, mohair, hides and pelts See us before you sell. Wool bags and twine for salo. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Drape at Phone 1062 WANT TO BIT? 1920 Ford. Must be cheap. 333 W. 2nd. WANTED - Household goods, stoves tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House, 27 N Drape St. Tel 1092. WILL care tor elderly sick people in mj home. Phone 437-X. WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mil or more, crusher, amalgamator Advise price and where can be seen. 417 Davu Bldg., Portland. Ore. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS, COPPER and unk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE J7 No. Qrape Tel 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES ft LARGE, furnished duplex, sleeping Porch, wood-gas range. 212 S. Qrape. POR rent 3-roonWurnlshed house, "? S. Holly. Inquire 129 S. Holly. roR REhrflirroorrfurnlshed house. 1015 Reddy Ave., Phone 1700. FOR RENT A modern 5-room fur rushed or unfurnished house, ncwlv finished inside and outside. Inquire 17 w. 2nd. "OR RENT 4-room duplex. Inquire s'3 No. Bartlett or Phone 341-R-l- POR rf.nt 5-room furnished hou.-e. hear Koosevelt school. Call Harold H. Rmn-n inc. ..... K 1 ATA FOR nr,NT-917 W. lfth" "i King. 10 W. 9lh. 1028 E 9th' "3 B-atty'11" Call Harold H. Brown, I9i after S. 10 ,0. k0.1?, RENT Partly furnished hou Mil(r paid. Phone 1232-W. Modern s-room house, 39 Myers. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 0-room o, on ' highway Phone 790-X. HOUSES tor rent or sale. Call Harold H. Brown. 196. FOR RENT Homos, furnished oi unfurnished Brown & White. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. 2-roora spts and garage. 601 W. 10th. TWO-ROOM apts, 525 No. Riverside FOR RENT Furn. apt., centrally lo cated. Call 1368-w. PARTLY furnished apt., gas range, bed. overstuffed ri HVAnnnrr an1 chair. Light, hot and cold water mrnisnea. uw rent. Apply Mail Tribune. FOR RENT Furnished or unturnlsh. apartments. Carglll Court Tel. 19S FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DESIRABLE ROOM Separate ent rance. 220 No. Oakdale. FOR RENT Bed room 4c living room H.tvuw: entrance. I OIOCK Irom C House. 117 Laurel St. FOR RENT Furn. sleeping roonu 375 So. Central. FOR RENT Modern sleeping room Hot and cold water. 345 N. Bartlett FOR RENT Large front room with 2 double beds Hot and cold water Close In. 20 s. Fir. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep, lng rooms, with garage accommoda tions, moderate rates. 325 So. River side Ave. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS VACATION CABINS Deluxe, meals, cheap. Convalescent Home, facing park, Ashland. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD 153 N. Oakdaie. RATES very moderate at 718 E. Main. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 3. Drape. FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Wood for hay. Rankin Estes. Phone 71. OAT HAY Isaacs, Crater Lake Hghy, 2 ml, out. FOR SALE or TRADE 6-ton (24 hrs.) ball mill, ore feeder, classifier, plates, belts, pulleys, shafting, en gine. 328 N. Riverside. FOR SALE Young turkeys or will trade in on late model automobile. (Coupe preferred.) Floyd Maharry, Talent, Ore. FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 2 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8. Tel. 407-Y EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholstering for lumber, wood, fish poles and reels. Phone 969-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for a smaller place, the Stelger Rambler Rose Garden Home, furnished or unfurnished at a sacrifice. 122 Ore gon Terrace. J. J. Stelger. owner. 47 A. on Crater Lako Highway 1 ml N. ot Reese Creek. 2 room house, 10 A under ditch. Sell cheap and easy terms or take Calif, property. Take car as down payment not later than 1931. Luke Ryan, R. 1, Nor walk. Calif. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RANCH SACRIFICE DON'T FAIL fO see this. $1650 cash down will handle 140 acres, 65 cultivated, free water, productive free soil, barn with 30 stanchions. 90 tons cap , 6 rm. house, all equipment, team, cows, chickens, turkeys, hogs, fur niture, 75 tons hay, 20 acrea wheat, corn, garden, etc. No encumbrance on personal property and crops that go with this deal, $4600 total price. See Arthur E. Lalng, 10 N. Bartlett St. Tel. 1496. FOR SALE OR TRADE Service sta tion. 2 acres. 7 rm. house. Box 167, Talent. LOG CABIN, Lake o' Woods two story partly furnished, fine beach, bar gain by owner. N. F. Ohrt, Trail. Ore. 40 ACRES bottom land. 27 acres un der plow, Daiance pasture, uprigns bouse, barn for 25 ton hay. 6 miles north Rogue River. Price $2500. See me for a deal. Pengra Real Estate, 524 North Riverside. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown oE wane. FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS, con venlent terms C. A. Barnes, 1334 Reddv. Phone 148-X or L. J. Knox, . Medford Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 62-R. FOR SALE! 8 acres west of Gas Plant. Good land. Pengra Real Estate. 624 No Riverside. COZY HOME of 4 rooms, bath and large screen porch, near school and walking distance town. Good condi tion throughout. $1000 full price, very good terms. See Arthur E Lamg? 19 N. Bartlett St. Tel 1408. FORb7leToR LEASE One of the best drive-out places In valley, do ing good business. Act quick party leaving. Box 2022. Tribune. 53 CRES near Applegate P O.: 11 A cultivation, ire .i.. ...... -- ence timber: Improvements. PJ1 Erdman. Apple;ate. Ore FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRA DE Spotted horse. service Sta., JaciC- MiviHe Highway. fMXrt grade . utm1i Mom third call, $35 H M. von Stein, McLeod. Ore- Fo.M.F-UvesioCik. oun Kpntlc mux cu. fSit SALE Frean cows. AdoU Scaulta, Besgie, Or. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FRYERS call avenlngs, 1813 No. Riverside. PURE Bronze toms, Cockeran's prize stock $5 Jesse Nell Rt 1. Ashland FOR SALE DOGS PETS PEDIGREED cocker spaniel puppies. Mrs. jack Thrasher, Jacksonville Phone 173. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford coupe. T-model, in good condition, call 706-J evenings. GOOD USED CARS 30-DAY WRITTEN GUARANTEE AT N. A. D. A. BOOK PRICES 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels. 1933 PJymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1930 Hudson-8 Sedan; a real buy. 1928 LaSalle Sport Coupe. 1927 Chrysler Roadster. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 88 N. Riverside. Tel. IB FOR SALE Good 1929 Buick. Also single work harness. 1109 w. Main. BUY NOW 1932 Studebaker 2-ton truck equip ped for fruit haul or freight ing. 1930 Bulck Deluxe sedan. 1930 Chrysler 77 sedan. 1928 Bulck coupe. 1927 Essex coach, $75.00. STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE So. Riverside FOR SALE 1929 LaSalle 5-passenger coupe. Good rubber, fine mechan ical condition. Price very reason able. Inquire H. F. Lange, 38 No. Riverside. ONE EACH 1934 Terraplane and Hudson sedan: used as demonstra tors; at a substantial discount and new car guarantee. Trade and terms. Eakln Motor Company. Hud-son-Terraplane Dealer, South River side. FOR SALE Model A Pord coupe, ex cellent condition, new paint. 109 E. 8th St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Quaker oil heater, used very little, excellent condition. Priced for quick sale, $60. Box 2038, Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Santa Rosa plums, 2c; Golden Bantam Corn, 20c; cabbage lc. F. s. Carpenter, Jacksonville Highway. FOR SALE Refrigerator. 75-lb. box: very cheap, call 1138-W. FOR SALE Peaches and early ap. pies. Dolph Phlpps, Crater Lake highway. FOR SALE Crabapples, 2)0 lb Phone 1566-R. FOR SALE Equity In house. Call 526 Haven. FOR SALE Grain, oats and barley Dags. Mcaiord Bargain House, 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. 1 25-LB. TOP 1CER. 1 50-lb. front leer. Refrigerators fine condition Bargain. Call 458-W. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, ail mskes; terms u desired. All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N Bartlett. FOR SALE 1924 Harley Davldeo'i juuurcycie ana sine car; accessories. Like new. Bargain. W. S. Stennett, 116 Central Ave., Ashland. Phone 293-R. FOR SALE Oat hay. Walter Tolls. Stewart Ave. PRODUCE bought and sold at Home market, bo. i-aclllo Highway. MISCELLANEOUS YOU CAN SAVE nearly 50 of your fiuw insurance witn a ijegal Reserve Co. S. A, Kroschel, agent. Phone 350. DENTISTRY Dr. I ft. Gove. 235 E main. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register. Add ing siacrune. Typewriter, Boots Shoes, Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside. FOR SALE Binder twine, hay salt. wiry cups, iruic oasKets, crates Monarch Seed Si Feed Co. FOR SALE -Dairy Fly Spray, 90c bi. urjng your container. Mon arch Seed Sz Feed Co. GRAIN SACKSJackson County Feed Co., 4th and Bartlett 8t. DOOS examined free. Dr. stone, 4tb ana earuen. BUSINESS CHANGES SAW MILL for sale. noo, terms. P. o. box 853, Medford. FOB SALE Hl-Wsy Inn Oafs nd equipment. Kens sii.oo month Qold Hill.. Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ansinicii JACKHON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts at ntu ana Title Insurance rhe only complete nt 8 y t to in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms and 5. No 83 Nortb Central Arc. upstairs. "Expert window 'Cleaners' LET OEORQE DO IT Tel. UT3 House Cleaning. Floor Waxing. Orl entsl Rug Cleaning specialty DANCING N IIOOLS LEARN NOVELTY DANCES from for. mer Fanchon-Marco stars. Ted and Evelyn Schrader. Studio opposite Rlalto. Phone 1SIS-Y. rransler EADS TRANSFER STORAOI 00 - Offlce tola No central pboue no Prices ngbt. 4enrvS guaranteed HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pic, era and movers Special UTtatuck moving equipment. Prices ngbt tie Nortb Ritersid Phone 104-X Money lb tend MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE CARS. ETC prompt lernce sno ie cat rites W E THOMAS 5 S Central. Stite license No. i 151. Job Printing MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon Printing of all kinds; book binding; loose leaf ledgers and blanks, billing syitems, duplicating css,h aalea slips and everything In the printing line. 38-30 N. Drape Phone 7o. Wall Paper C lean In r WALL-PAPER CLEAN. NO. lo per V ft. Mr. Black. 810 N Bartlett. Painting and rapernanglDg M. A. BLISS Painting and paper banging. Tel 646--W. d3 8 Qrape LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, BY VIRTUE OP THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ot that certain chattel mortgage made and executed on the 36th day ot September, 1933, and ap pearing of record In Volume 36 at Page 33 of the Mortgage Records of Jackson County, Oregon, to which mortgage and record reference la hereby made, and In which aald mortgage H. B. Fleming. Oeneral Manager Northern Cross Mine, Is mortgagor, and the undersigned, Allen D. Reed, (also known as Allen Reed) Is the Mortgagee, upon which said mortgage there la now due, ow ing and unpaid the full sum ot $250.00, and by virtue of the power given me In aald chattel mortgage to sell the mortgaged property therein and hereinafter described, that I will on Monday, the 30th day ot July, A. D. 1934, at the NORTHERN CROSS MINE, NEAR FORREST CREEK, In Sec. 26. T. 38 S., R. 3 W., W. M., Jack son County, Oregon, at the hour of 2:30 o clock P. M. of aald day, orfer for aale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described personal property covered by the said chattel mortgage, to-wit: 1 3.'a foot Huntington Mill 1 set amalgam plates 1 Studebaker engine 1 Miscellaneous lot of beltlnp. shafting and pulleys now situated on said mine 1 Sturtevant Crusher 1 Overland Engine 1 Water Tank 1 Truax Mine Car 350 Track feet, more or less, of mine rails 250 feet, more or leas, two Inch pipe, now situated on the NORTHERN CROSS GOLD MINE, near FORREST okeek, in Jackson County, Oretron. or so much thereof as may be necea aary and sufficient to satisfy the aald amount due on the said chattel mort gage, to-wlt: 250.00 with the coats, expenses and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Medford. Orecon. thl Bth day of July, A. D. 1034. ALLEN D. REED, (Alao known as Allen Reed) Mortgagee. COS! FOR JAKES In order that taxpayers may not be ( deprived, upon examination of their federal income tax returns of auto and traveling expenses Incurred for business purposes. J. W. Maloney. collector of Internal revenue, today caned attention to the necessity of substantiating such expenses by an Itemized account. Doctors, professional men and traveling salesmen have complained that these items were disallowed. This is generally found to be because of estimated deductions, which the ex amining officer Is not permitted to accept. The expense may be allowed Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Weep convul sively Voiceless consonant sounds Church sitting Feminine oame To pieces Kind of parrot Was concerned Domestic ton la Part of tire that touches the ground Small sharks Thing Spot on s play In card Exist Kind ot tree Hsrd-shelletf . fruit Ancient Oreek religious fes tival Weaving ma chine Sound of cattle Wagon tracks Place of nor ship Away Secura Thus Solution of Saturday' t'UTzle IAlK k E PiE RllgJODT P E A gONE RpOls . PRO URj A SB III Ml Aft S I S gj T IJM3R A N Q 6 RETOUCH SjjWK) U N G E B. B ilETT AUffljnftEGiS A L ME B T Sr iff n m IrIeIsItOlIeIaIpIsI 44. Oriental shl- captttn 45. Draw after 48. Squander 60. Smallest quantity M. Kinsman 61. Mechanical bar 17. Rowing imple ment II. One of the Muses 1 2 3 iy s i i7 8 wm r r m m zwzz 24, X 28 WMZ1 3o W3' 32 33 34 9 fa I I iff 1111 Bp 1 1 Valley View VALLEY VIEW, July 7. (Bpl.) Miss Lllah Van De Mark was a vis itor last week of her uncle, N. L. Hawk, and family. Mrs. Ida Nance and son were re cent business visitors in Valley View. Clifford Hendrlckson spent the past week visiting at the R. N, Cha ney home. Roy Hendrlckson, who Is employed near Bly In Klamath county, was calling on friends In Valley View one day last week. H, O. Oaley was a business visitor Thursday evening,' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fish of Oold Hill were callers In Valley View on Wednesday. Mrs. H. R. Westerberg was a busi ness visitor In Klamath Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilson enter tained the following guests last week at dinner: Miss Ida May Piper ot Ashland, Mrs. Kenneth Lansing of Portland, Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Leslie, Miss Dorothy Leslie and Keith Len nox. Mrs. Kenneth Lansing and little daughter, Peggy, .returned Saturday to Portland after a three weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lennox, and brother, Keith Lennox. George McCracken la home after a two weeks' attendance at the 4-H summer school at Corvalits. Mrs. J. R. Leslie and Miss Dorothy Leslie enjoyed a few days' visit In San Francisco and San Jose last week. Valley View Community olub held its annual picnic In Ashland park Thursday. There were about 25 present to enjoy a lovely dinner and visit afterward. Mrs. Marcla Ross and Miss Juanlta Ross called at the Stratton home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nichols are moving to Lake Creek to the Charles Terrell ranch with their dairy herd this week. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bostwlck and three children have moved to the H. Weagant ranch from Murphy, where they have been for the past year. Miss Frances Gallatin attended a party at Miss Janet Wilson's In Ash land Monday. Mrs. E. T. Newory and Miss Edna Newbry attended a shower at Mrs. L. Frlnk's in Talent Monday afternoon, honoring Mrs. R. Norrls, formerly Dorothy Baughman, a recent bride. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hawk and sons visited Tuesday at the Harrison home In Ashland. Mrs. Wm. Qlenn and Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Stratton attended the covered dish luncheon and party given by the Alph club at the Masonic hall In Ashland Tuesday. Miss Frances Gallatin returned home last week from a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Sawyer, and family of Myrtle Point. Friends of the Sawyers will be in terested to know that Mr. Sawyer has been appointed assistant county agent of Umatilla county and wilt be located at Hermlston. Dr. and Mrs. C. ,F. Tllton of Ash land were callers here Saturday, only when Incurred for business ex penses, and substantiated from actual records. If It la desired to secure the benefit of such travel expense for Income tax purposes, taxpayers must keep record to support their claim of same. Cross -Word Puzzle 6, To a higher point. 9, Enraptured 7. Hang bending downwsrd , I. Senseless 9. Strokes gently 10. Stn II. Manner IS. Orran of hear lng 11. Person with a certain dltoaae 32. Tola! U, Piece blttf out SB. Direction 28. Alack 21. Card game US. Heated 30. Alio 33. Carry 34. French revo lutionist 38. Frequently 39. Slice of be con 41. Come afttr 45. Cubic meter 47. Tiny 48. Withstood use 49. Epochs 61. English rlTr 62, Withered S3. Large plant (14. Cut short fiS. Ream (9. Id the di rection of ran 60. Unrefined metal 61, Secondary ii2. Reed again Hi. Born DOWN 1. Party 3. City Id Portu gal I. Empty i. Deprens in spirits Rogue River ROGUE BrVER, July 0. (0pl.) Live Oak Orange met In regular ses sion at their hall here Monday night. An interesting patriotic program was given. A small attendance was pres ent and had a fine time after the close of the Orange. One Of the fea tures of the evening was a salad talk and demonstration by Mrs. Lelah Shepherd. The members enjoyed the salads she made. The next meeting will be held July 18, with a pot luck lunch at 7:30 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. Mrs. Will Lore and youngest daugh ter of Mountain Home, Idaho, have bean visiting at the Al Love home here. Mrs. Love's visit was shortened by a message from home stating her husband was very 111. Miss Maxlne Love accompanied her aunt home and will spend most of the summer there. Miss Velma Smith left Friday for Vancouver. Wash., for a visit of a month or more with relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Inman of Evans creek, a girl, at the home of Mrs. Olsh here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witt and son Delbert left Thursday for Redmond. Ore., called by the serious illness, of Mrs. Witt's father, J. L, Julian. Mr. Julian at one time resided here and operated a store. His many friends regret to hear of his Illness. j Mr. and Mrs. Durham of Camas. Wash., arrived Monday to visit the J. A. Scott family, old-tlms friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eelson of Boise, Idaho, are visiting with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Bad ley. Miss Florence Snodgrsss of Van- couver, Wash., a cousin of Mrs. H. N. I Swank, is visiting at the Swank home. I . Mrs. Olive Ore on, a daughter of Mrs. Taylor Bailey, and her iw6 daughters. Thelma and Marjorle Peri slnger, 6f wapato, Wash., art visiting at the Bailey hdm. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Roberts are In Ashland where Mr. Roberts Is attend ing summer school at the Southern Oregon Normal. Mr. Roberts la sev enth and eighth grade teacher here in the public school. George M. Scott, who has been in the Veterans hospital at Roseburg, recovering from a broken leg, return ed home and was only home a day or so when he was rushed back to the hospital Buffering a severe pain tn his side, which was though to be ap pendicitis. His mtfny friends will tyi glad to know he did not havt to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Nelmuth he turned Sunday from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hull In O rants Pass, where they were week-end visitors. The Pourth was spent In various ways by the residents of Rogue River. Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Sandry went to Medford where they, joined others nd picnicked near Union Croek. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Dengler, Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Dengler, Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Nel muth. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott and children, Nell and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Hart and daughter Iona, made a picnic party who enjoyed the day on Rogue river above Oold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson J61ned relatives up Evans creek for a picnic. Mrs. Bertha Lund and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Kathan and Joan wete others picnicking up Evans creek. Others went to Ashland, some to Grants Pass, so the town was quite deserted. Bible study which has been held at the Presbyterian church, closed Friday with a plcnlo .on the school grounds. It was well Attended, Table Rock TABLE ROOK, July B. (Bpl.) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Deford of Ashland visited Mrs. De ford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hunsley, this wee. Mrs. Tom Wright ot Lozler lane spent Thursday here with Mrs. Ralph Wilson. Basil Blgham. who underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Med ford hospital last week, is oonrales clng satisfactorily. Fred and Earl Rorden, I. R. Bee Be and Bob Sage enjoyed a trip to Crater lake last Sunday, Miss Owen Houston of Kane, creek was a Sunday gtieat of her niece, Mrs. R. E. Nealon, last week. Miss Roberta Hamlin has been en joying s visit from Misses Betty and Marjory Holman of Monterey, Cal. The Hamlins and Holmans were neighbors In Petaluma. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson and son Dwlght spent the Fourth of July holiday at Orants Pass. The Ed Wil sons, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brlggs and Mr, snd Mrs. R, E. Nsslon spent the dsy st Ashlsnd. The Tuttle, Schafer, Mead, Hunsley, Sage and Hamlin fam ilies, Mrs. John Morris, Miss Llbby Hamilton and Chas. Swingle enjoyed swimming at Bybee bridge. The John Ncalons motored to Butte Falls and Mr. and Mm. Mel Atkins and children celebrated lit ApplegaU. Messrs. Beebe, Rslmer and Pruitt took In a large display ot their gladi oli for the show sponsored by the Medford Garden club Saturday. The gardens here are In full bloom now and are attracting many flower lovers. Mr. snd Mrs. J M. Dodge and chil dren of Medford were guests of the Nealon ranc:i July 4th. Misses The' ma and Marls Lyons, with a psrty of 10 young people from Medford, plcknlcked at Bybee bridge Wednesdsy. Miss Edith Ssga spent the holiday with friends at Lake o' the Woods. The Wilson and Nealon threshing machine Is opsratlng In the Phoenix section this reek. The grain crop of E. C. Hsmllton was threshed Monday but most of the grsin of this neigh borhood is stlU la the shock. Beagle BEAOLE, July 0. (Bpl.) Finis Mayfleld of the Meadows spent Sun day visiting his brother, Joe May field. Mr. Moon Is working at the Dodge orchard this week. Morris Frlnk. Lloyd, Robert and Ernest Bandera hiked to the hoy scout camp on Evans creek June 30 and spent the night. Jesss Walker took over the mall route to the Meadowa July 3. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Case and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walkor and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker snd family spent the 4th on the river below the Dodge bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sims and Ea telle Kelson and family spent the 4th on Rogue river. Those who spent the 4th at Mr. and Mrs. Blschoft's were the Ecfler broth ers, Mr. and Mrs. Morton and family, Mr, and Mrs. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Hlnes and Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and family. A basket dinner was served and the crowd went to Dodgo bridge In the afternoon for swimming and ended the day with fireworks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Martin and family of Reese creek spent the 4th at Union creek. Walter Grant has been unable to walk for the past two weeks on ac count of an abscess on his knee cap. The Blaine family spent the 4tn on Morrison creek. Milton Sanderson made a business trip to Klamath Falls Saturday. Eva Frlnk spent July 4 at Dead Indian, picnicking with friends." Mrs. Blaine and grandsons, Harry and Ward, returned to their home near Jacksonville Friday after stay ing a week here with Ray Blaine. Leo Martin left the last of the week for wineglass, where he Is sta tioned In the CCC camp. Williams Creek WILLIAMS CREEK, July 0. (Spl.) The business meeting of Williams grange was held Thursday. Don Hedgepeth was chosen manager or the baseball team of which Victor Sparlln is captain. Mrs. Flora Millar was elected to fill the office of lady assistant steward; Mrs, Joe Boat was eleotod Flora. The benefit clauce given Saturday night was attended by a large crowd. ' Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hartley and two children of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting Mr. Hartley's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Taylor Hartley ot Williams. Mrs, Bob Sparlln and daughter and Mrs. Layton Sutton and daughter, both of Klamath, are also visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Young are the new purchasers of the Davy John place and nave taxen possession. The new sawmill near the A. D Oray place, owned by C. Carter, la now in operation. Ho expects to put on several more men in the near fu ture. Barty Davidson, Prank Wright and A. M. Bunch have boon helping in the hay on the Charles Miller place. .Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Hartley's Sunday atternoon In dueled Mr. and Mrs. Jasper La rl more and son, Fernald, Mrs. Addle Pierce of Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lath rope and daughter, Esther of Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sparlln and daughter, Jean, Mr, and Mrs. At. fred Lartmore and daughter, Hazel, Mrs. Artlne Sorrels, all of Williams. Mrs. Billy Carl of Long Beach, Cal., was In Grants Pass Thursday on bus iness. Mrs, Carl formerly lived on Applegate, Mrs. Johnnie Klncade and daugh ter spent several days last week vis iting with her sister, Mrs. Gus Erlck ion of Vancouver, Wash., who has been visiting In southern Oregon and California. Jack Doak, an old-time resident of Williams Creek passed away at Grants Pass of a parayletlc stroke. Inter ment was In the Sparlln cemetery June 36. Services were conducted by the Masonlo lodge. His son Jim. wife and children from Junction City and aon Clarence and wife of Klam ath Falls, were present. The oldest son, Frank, la In New York. Members of Mrs. Oeorge Sparlln's lids of the Garden club contest met at her home one day last week to perfect plans. The date for the har vest festival has been changed to August 1 Instead of Labor day as previously voted, because a shortage of water Is feared. The booths with the displays of the opposing sides will be Judged In the morning fol lowed by a potluck dinner at noon for all, with an entertainment and games In the afternoon. In the ev ening there will be a two-hour pro gram given by the opposing teams snd their friends, to which a small admission fee will be charged. All are cordially Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shafer of King's Highway, Medford, visited Fri day at the 0. W. Roberta home. Sardine Creek SARDINE CREEK, July 0. (8pl.) Madge Croft of Medford spent the week-end here with her parents. She was accompanied by Ilene Dale of Medford. Mrs. F. Byrne, formerly of this place, now of Ashland, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H, H. Elhart to Port land last week, then continued to Seattle to spend a month visiting relatives there. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ira Drake and daugh ter, Mrs. Llllle Durkee, motored to McCloud, Calif., laat week to visit a few dsys with Mis. Drske's daughter, Mrs. Mlnnlt Young and family. Barney Governor and son, Bernard, who have been employed near Klam ath Falls for some time, visited rela tives here during the 4th ot July vacation. Among those from hero who at-1 tended the grange dance at Sams Vslley June 30 were Mr. and Mrs R. W. Dusenberry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bllee. tvsn and Ber nard Qovernor, Blossom, and Edward Durkee, Ralph Dusenberry, Mrs. Nine, Dusenberry and daughter, Mabel, Cieorge and Dick Ring. M. and Ms. h. Q, Pickell and son, Douglas of Medford. enjoyed a ptcnlo dinner July 4 at Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Dusenberry',. John Smith has finished binding grain for C. Vroman. .Ion HRmmlv and I, Zlerolf and will move bis binder to his ranch on Thompson creek to begin binding there next week, Mr. and Mrs. p. L. Walt and Mrs. Eva Newton were dinner guests of Mrs. Millie Walker In Gold Hill July 1. Mrs. Walker will move Into the telephone office Monday to aaaume full charge. Charles Smith hss been blnd'ij grain for his father. J. 0. Smith, Ed Ftene and S. A. Dusenberry, and will move his binder to the J. o. Plerca Place to beoln Work MnnH. one so far has reported an excellent urup oi grain. Bill Conner of Riverside visited hl friend, Charles Smith, Tuesday. Dole Smith of Ramsey canyon waa an overnight guest of Lester Dusen berry Tuesday. New orange and black signs hare been erected recently, directing mo torists o the "House of Mystery." Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Elhart and son, B'.lly, spent Sunday night with Mrs. P. L. Wolt on their return from a business trip to Portland. The fourth Is over and everyone Is getting back to normal after cele brating at Grants Psss or Ashland. Those attending both places report a good time and large crowd. Mrs. P. L. Walt has been suffering for the past week with a badly ulcer ated tooth. She hod the tooth ex tracted, but the Jaw Is still In a badly Inflamed and awollen condi tion. ' Communications Regimentation. To the Editor: Under the magna charts of Amer ica rlghta Incorporated In the phil osophy of a "New Deal", we find a definitely unified sequential In the plan and purpose of the "Great Work," begun by our president that frees our minds from any further ambiguity concerning what the "New Deal" haa done and wilt do to re store a modicum of balance to our wabbly civilization. Cavil there will be. And room for the distortion of fact to practice the abomination ot Intellectuality. Here I refer to prop agandizing the word "regimentation." What are the faota? From the root of every business, banking, merchan dising, ditch digging, etc, springs an orderly arrangement ot groups, each group performing the tast related to the general order of business. So all the world la regimented, even to the and me. Regimentation la repulsive to us, It conjures Italy, Germany, Austria, maybe Russia. We have then the wrong picture. No person under our system would lose his Individuality by being regimented. Rather, he increases ths usefulness and scope of his Individu ality In adding hla creative ef forts to the labor of others, Through training, disciplining and refining the moral and intellectual nature of our people we have per fected the groundwork for a culture to build In these United States the highest expression of a civilized stats In the world as history. This was amply Illustrated In the splendid spectacle of the pageant. With all Its wealth of tabelaux and Directs these could never have been realized without regimentation and In the big parade waa represented regimentation In Its perfect order, Let us then pass this bugaboo ot propaganda, lot us look at another tragically real picture, the chaotlo kalUoscope of the average mind to day bankers, manufacturers and po litical minds all suffering from an excess of knowledge without refer ence to Its application to any or all objects to bo won today has created contusion of purpose, political, so cial and economic. Knowledge with out purpose results In fragmentation, the spawn of chaos. This was the Insanity 'ot the last congress, JJowever the orderly regi mented processes of the "New Deal" will assemble this Junk knowledge and create from It an Intelligent de sign, intelligible to one and all, as the way out of the financial, politi cal, soolal and economic miasma tha world wallows In today. Under the leadership of F. D. Roosevelt, president of these United States, we can hope to build a new social culture without a parallel In western civilization, replete with progreaa In the arts and In the sci ence of statecraft, that will reflect greater enlightenment and humanity in our own lives and In our attitude toward the people of other lands. What think you, reader? Q. I, MAXWELL. July , 1934. WINDOW OLAStt we sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cao inet Works. All kinds of lega, blanks for tale, tor rent, no hunting, no trespassing snd other cards for sale at Commercial printing Dept. of Mall Tribune. Fred Feary, former national am teur heavyweight champion and later a professional boxer In weatern rings, la selling automobiles In Stockton. Csl. Phone 543 We'll dam away your refuse city Sanitary Seme. mm M -esv I 3't