"PAGE TWO rEDFOKD "MAIL TUTBTTE. MEDFORD. DREG OX. SUXD AT. TCXY 8. 1931 tW,S.Wt.SHS,t,W Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week Edited by Irva K. Fewell it' Mrs. Bac& Invites River Colony Folk In for the Holiday Entertaining on the Fourth of July were Mr. end Mr. C, N. Black, who Invited to their river lodge about 20 guests, Including membera of tha river colony from Son Francisco, vacation ing at their homea on the Rogue. Among those present were Mr. and Mra. Fran): O. Noyce. Mr. and Mra. Fred K. Burnham. Mr. and Mra. B. N. Carllle. Mra. P. H. Lyon and the Black's houae gueata, Mr Horn and Mra. Rutherford, all of Ban mnclsco. Mr. and Mra. Leonard Carpenter, Mr. and Mra. E. 0. Burgeaa and Mr. and Mra. Alfred 8. V. Carpenter and their houae gueata, Mra. J. Dlabrow Baiter and daughter, Marguerite, of PhoenU and Pasadena. On the evening of the Fourth the Leonard Carpentera entertained the Alfred Carpentera and their gueata. the S. M. Tuttlea and Mlaa Margaret Hubbard at their home on the hill, where fireworks were enjoyed. Mra. Baker and daughter, who have been vlaltlng here the paat ten daya. left Thursday for British Columbia. A mueh-entertolncd vlaltor In the valley la Mra. C. V. Blmpaon of Fort Mason at Ban Franclaco, who la the houae gueat of Mlaa Anne Llvlngaton. The latter waa hoateaa at a luncheon complimenting her one afternoon the paat week, and laat evening Mr. and Mra. Leonard Carponter invited Mra. Blmpaon, her son, Mlaa Llvlngaton and Archie Llvlngaton to dinner. On Tuesday, Mrs. H. D. McCaakey la to be hoateaa at a buffet luncheon and a theater party for the pleasure of Mra. Blmpaon. Invltationa are being Issued to 11 guests, who will attend the ahowlng of "The Houae of Roths child," in which Oeorge Arllaa Is fea tured. ' . Saturday evening Mra, McCaakey ' waa hoateaa at a buffet aupper for the Balade family group. . A houae gueat this week-end at the home of Colonel and Mra. Oordon Voorhlea. la Douglae Burrell of Port land, who la returning north from Santa Barbara, Calif. Weatonka Council Installs Officers The Weatonka council had inatal latlon of offlcera by the dlatrlct deputy, Pocahontaa, Qladya Dooms, aaatated by Roaa Young. The follow ing offlcera were Installed! Prophet ess, Bernlce Searai Pocahontas, Mabel Quackenbuah; Wenonah, Sarah Tolle; Powhatan, Richard aingler: acouts, Blanche Rlnabarger and Bernlce Wil son: runners, Carrie Mllnea and Nor ma Martin; countelers. Mildred Ward and Dorotha Watklns; warrlora, Frank Martin, Win. Mllnea, Bud Lawrents and Ed Bhaokel! guards, Walter Wil son and O,. A. Hubbard. An Interesting report was given by Sisters Nellie Purdln. Esther Dooms. Bernlce Wilson, Zllpha, Armstrong and Brothera Jack Dooms and Oeorge Armstrong who vlalted the council at Alameda. Calif., at the home coming meeting of the Great Pocahontaa of California. Refreshments were eerved by Oladya Dooms and Frances Moffatt. Friday, July 13, there will be Inltl , atlon and the team captain, Jack Dooms, requests that all degree team membera be present. Woods Will Attend Conference at Milton Rev. and Mra. N. D. Wood will leave Tuesday morning for Milton, Ore., where they will attend conference and asaembly of the Methodist church South. They will be accompanied by Virginia Goodman and Cherokee Seller, who will also attend asaembly. Auxiliary Meeting ' At Mrs. Wilson's Home Next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock the Ladles' Auxiliary of the First Baptist church will hold a combined business and missionary meeting at . the home of Mra. E. M. Wilson, 340 South Riverside. All membera and friends are cor dially Invited. H Past Noble Grands club To Meet nt Rlckert Home Past Noble Orsnd club will meet at the home of Dr. and Mra. J. D. Rlckert Friday evening, July 13 at A:30 o'clock for a covered dish dinner. Husbands of the members will be guest for the evening. The dinner will be served on the lawn at the Rlckert residence on Valley View drive. Camp Accepts New Membera Royal Neighbors camp No, 4713 met Thursday evening In business session. New members were accepted. Refresh ments were served by the committee. Neighbors Ora Lester, Ellen MoRae and Amy Crawford, Neighbor Marie Qantebeln will be hostess at a covered dish supper and lawn party at her home, 615 West Eleventh street, July IB. Mr. Van Dyke Entertains at Ashland Mrs. Frank Van Dyke of Ashland and a group of her Medford frlenda enjoyed a no-hosteits dinner at her home Friday evening. Mlaa Laura Drury, Miss Barbara Drury and Mlaa Ellow Mae Wilson of Medford at tended. Mlaa Harriet Baldwin, who Is an Instructor this summer at the Southern Oregon Normal achool, waa also present. Cards were enjoyed during the evening. 1 rp worth League F.lecta Officers At tha meeting last Sunday of the Methodist church Epworth League, the organisation waa divided Into the High School league, and the College Students' league. The latter group elected offlcera. They were: Mildred Walker, presi dent; Helen Power, first vice-president; Florence Neumann, aecond vice president; Jeanette Trill, third vice president; Joel Cowden, fourth vice president; Josephine Power, secretary; Arthur Cook, treasurer; Luella Corn, song leader and Ross Knotta, plaulst. DIAGONAL STRIPES ARE POPULAR i n ' - - -zh m l miisassspsspssssesssaseislssaasj Diagonal stripes, fashion's touch of smartness this season, era hown to advantage In gowna worn by these two film actresses. Batte Davis at left wears a cocktail gown of blaok and white. A satin eve ning frock Is worn by Margaret Lindsay. The color Is main with s diagonal stripe of gold. (Assoclsted press Photo) Mrs. Getchell and Daughter Gloria to Tour Through East Miss Gloria Getchell, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Delroy Getchell of this city, who haa been attending the University of Washington during the past year, la leaving for the east with her mother and Miss Leila Condltt of Seattle, for a trip through the New England atates. The trio plana to travel east from Seattle by train to Minneapolis, then continue by motor to Chicago where they will be Joined by frlenda .on a motor trip through the New England states. They are to spend some time with other frlenda at Pelham Manor, Now York; Bristol, Providence and New port In Rhode Island and also visit the ancestral home of Mrs. Oetchell's mother In Boston. For three dsys during the Fourth of July holiday Miss Catchall was a gueat at the house party given at tha home of Mr, and Mrs, Archie Clarke on Balnbrldge Island, In compliment to members of the debutante group, Mlaa Getchell was a luncheon hostess on Monday, ac cording to the Seattle Dally Tlmea. A photograph of the local Miss ac companied the "portrait of aummer" In the Georgian room of The Olympic, as reviewed by Virginia Boren, Of her luncheon, Mlsa Boren aald: "A group of oharmlng young girls gathered at the table where Mlaa Gloria Getchell, daughter of Mrs. Delroy Getchell, entertained In com pliment to Miss Leila Condltt and Mlaa Dorothy McCash. Mrs. Oetchell Is taking her daughter and Miss Con dltt east Boon for a leisurely trip along the Atlantic coast and through the New England states. 'Quests of Mrs. Oetchell were Mlsa Condltt, Miss McCash and the Misses Ruth Buachmsnn, Dorothy Tupper, Lucia McAualand, Virginia Mason. Katherlne Poe and Kay Cunningham. Miss Oetchell wore a very pretty frock of light blue silk crepe with match ing blue-brimmed hat, on which she wore smart blue flowots." Leave Teday For Meatus Mrs. Harold Dajg and children are leaving today for their home In Seat tie. being accompanied by Mra. Dsgg's mother. Mrs. R. W. Clancy and Mrs. Helen Conroy, At. Ann's Society To Hponsor Card Party St. Ann'a Altar society la sponsor ing a card party Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mra. O. A. Dallev, 704 South Oakdale avenue. An Invitation haa been extended to all ladles of Medford and the community. Mrs. Jena Jensen, assisted by membera of her committee, will be In charge. Irene Shirley Entertains Club The Wenonah met at the home of Irene Shirley for the Tegular covered dish luncheon and business meeting lost week. The new officers took over their respective duties. They are as follows! President, Blanche Rlnabar ger: vice-president, Harriet Watson; secretary and treasurer. Carrie Mllnea; reporter, Florence Rush. Guests for the aftsrnoon were Mra. Alice Lewis and Mra. Dorothy Scrip ter. Assisting the hostess were Gladys Dooms and Blanche Rlnabar ger. The next meeting will be a card party to be held at the home of Frances Moffatt, 937 South Oakdale. on July It. Fountain Lunches Gardner Drugs Miss Ramstrom's Engagement Told Mr. and Mra. H. Ramstrom of Green Acres, near Central Point, are todsy Announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth, to Stanley L. Stark of this city, son of Mr. and Mra. William L. ' stark of Hlllaboro, Ore. No date haa been set for the wedding. , -i Miss McFadden Is Married Saturday To Maynard Grove VALLEY VIEW The L. O. penlond home was the scene of a pretty wed ding last Saturday afternoon At four o'clock when Mlaa Jeannette McFad den, daughter of Mra. L. O. Penlond, became the bride of Maynard O. Grove of San Francisco. The groom'a sister and brother-In- law, Mr. and Mra. Clay Wltham were their attendants. The bride wore an enaemble suit of blue silk. The room was beautifully decorated with bae keta of large gladioli. Mrs. L. Frlnk sang "I Love You Truly." Rev. Sidney Hall of Ashland used the Impressive ring service before the following guests; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Borg and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gardner. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Stratton, Mra. Frlnk of Talent, Dr. and Mra. Chas. Bagley, Miss Mary Bagley and Chas. Bagley, Jr., of Duluth. Minn.: Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Buah and family of Medford, Mr. and Mra. C. Wltham and son of Medford, and Mr. and Mra. L. O. Fen- land. After congratulations the guests drove to the Ed Borg home, aunt of the bride, where a lovely buffet luncheon was served. Mr. Orove Is In business In Bon Francisco. Mrs. Grove grow to womanhood In Talent and Ashland, graduating from Ashland high school three years ago. She graduated in May this year from the Stanford School of Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Grove left that evening for Lake of the Wooda where they spent two days. They left for San Franclaco July 8. to make their home. Monday afternoon Mra. F. Bush, Mrs. W. A, Stratton and Mrs. E. O. Osrdner entertained at Mra. Gard ners home for Mrs. Grove with a shower. After games, the girts Here opened by the bride and refrosh- ments were served. Those present were: Mrs. Clements snd daughter Elaine of Ashland. Mra. Bd Roblson, Mrs. Geo. Oslbralth, Mrs. O. Goddatd, Miss Eleanor Powers. Mrs. Ed Borg, Miss Dorothy Borg, Mrs. Bagley. Miss Mary Bsgley, Mrs. L. o. Penland, Mrs. T. Bell and the hostess. Mllnnary Society To Meet on Tuesday In the Flrat M. i. church parlors, the Home Missionary society and the Foreign Missionary society will con duct a Joint meeting Tuesday, July 10, at a:ao p. m. The Home Mission ary society will entertain. Mrs. S. C. Koppen Is In charge of the program and Miss Mac Phlpps, Mrs. B. F. Van Dyke, and Mrs. E. S. Hcdgler will be hostessea. A general Invitation has been issued to all ladles or the church and especially to members of the younger set, . Miss Thomas Weds Roger Mitchell at Burlingame Church Friends in Medford of Miss Mary Elizabeth Thomas, who formerly re sided here, will be Interested in the report of her marriage reoently to Roger Mitchell at Burlingame, Calif, An account of the wedding follows: Mlsa Mary Elizabeth Thomas of San Mateo was married to Roger A. Mitchell of San Mateo at an attrac tive ceremony read on Saturday eve ning at t o'clock in the Burlingame Methodist church. Rev. H. E. Mllnea read the service before approximately 600 guests. Garlands of stocks and yellow daisies with golden privet decorated the altar and there was a profusion of Douglas gladioli, ferns and palms, White satin made In princess style and-trimmed with French rose point was worn by the bride. The dress, a French copy from Molyneux, was fashioned with a long trsln and with long tight fitted aleevea. The veil, which had been worn by her sister, Mrs. 0. Carlton Evans of Portland, Ore., was made In Roman coronet style and trimmed with pearls and orange blossoms. The bridal' bouquet was of orange blossoms, lilies of the vslley and white rosebuds. The bride, teacher at the Little Oxford achool, Burlingame, la the daughter of Mrs, L, I. Thomas snd the late John laaac Thomas. She came to the Penlnaula four yeara ago from Medford. Ore. Her going away costume was a blue French model with blue and white accessories. She was given in mar riage by Fred Fenton, who first Intro duced her to the bridegroom. Mrs. C. Carlton Evans, matron of honor, wore yellow organdie made In bouffant style and she carried Tails' man roses. Bridesmaids were Mlsa Dorothy HArnlsh of San Francisco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. H Or nish, and Mrs. Fred Penton of Bay wood. The former was In blue snd carried Brlarcllf rosea and blue del phinium, and the latter wore pink and carried a like bouquet. Norton Mitchell was the best msn and th ushers John Thomas, Jock Goggiran, and Frank Argo. Mrs. E. Young aang "All for You" and "I Love You Truly" with Mrs. Henry Woods presiding at the organ. Mrs. Thomoa. mother of the bride, woe in blue laco with hat and acces sories of the same ahade and her cor sago was of gardenias. Mrs. Ruby Oleun of San Frsnclsco. mother of the bridegroom, was In black lace with matching accessories. Carl Kuhe, son of Mra. B. Kuhe, was the ring bearer and ho carried a white satin pillow trimmed with French rose point lace, similar to that which trimmed the'' wedding gown. Joan MoBrlde, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rcxford McBrlde, was the flower girl, and In blue organdie, ahe mirica n arm basket with sweef pens. . Only members of the bridal party and a few out-of-town guests were at the reception at the home, 313 Harvard road, San Mateo, following the ceremony. Horns dsoor.tiAn. Mrs. McLean were In pink and white with sweet peaa and gladioli used to carry out the motif. Mitchell, son of Hoaer c. Mith.u of San Mateo and Mrs. Ruby alenn of San Francisco, Is connected with cne r-irst National bank of San Mateo. Mitchell and hla bride have de parted on a two weeka' wedding tour to Los Angeles and vicinity and after July 1 will be at home at 117 Park road, Burlingame. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. snd Mrs. 8. W. Mays of Colusa, and aome friends of the bride, groom from Marshfield. Ore. Pythian Club Meeting July 10 The Pythian club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Wslden on North Riverside. July 10. Tho Knights are also invited. Mrs. Morse "" Hnstesa at Tea VALLEY VIEW-Mra. J. H. Morse entertained a number of friends at a tea Thursday afternoon In honor of her granddaughter, Mlsa Eather Chlldera who recently graouated from the Stanford school of nursing, and with her Mend. Miss Lola Neslo or San Francisco haa been enjoying a three weeks vacation here. They re turned Friday to Can Francisco where Miss Chllders la employed. Miss llammett Lfsfs rnr South Miss Billle Hammett left Friday evening on the Shasta for Los An geles, Joining Mlsa Mary tine New of Portland, who waa also on the train going to that city. The two plan to remain In Los Angeles tor a week. ! then return to San Francisco where 1 they will spend a week with a soror- Ity slater. Mlas Mary Elizabeth Lacy. 1 The three young ladles are affiliated i with PI Beta Phi at the University ot Oregon. i ' Mrs. Kdtrard n. McLean of Wash ington. O. C, shown as she sailed from New York recently, for London. Silo Is wearing the famous Hope dia mond at her throat. (Associated Press Photo.) Rebekah Lodge Has Installation Work For Official Group On Monday evening, July 3. Grace Hamlin, district deputy president, assisted by Lona Bergman as deputy grand marshal and staff of eight noble grands, Installed the fallowing omcers or Olive Rebekah lodge No. 38! Noble grand, Beatrice stubble field; vice grand, Irene Sherley; re cording secretary, Mary Wiley; treas urer, Carrie Rlckert; chaplain, Oath- erlne Satterlee; conductor, Olive Pence: warden, Kate Young: R. s. N. a., May Stuart: L. S. N. O., Lottie Howard; R. S. V. G., Dorothy Scrip- ter; u. s. V. o., Margery Pearson; outside guardian. Elsie Mallard: in side guardian, Cera Wilson, and mu sician, Caroline Leaders. Carrie Mc Dannel was elected degree staff cap tain. Eight young ladles, dressed in white, and corrylng wands of pink and green, acted as guards and added much to the beautiful InatallAtlon ceremony. After the Installation the noble grand declared a recess and Joe Ann Mote, granddaughter of the district deputy president, dressed In butterfly iraiume, presented each or the elec tive officers and the deputy marshal with a beautiful gift, Mrs. Gaul pre sented the dlatrlct president with a large basket of flowers from the Past Noble Grand club. The F. L. girls club also presented flowers. Refreshments were eerved by the Brother Rebekoha. Kitchen Shower Honors nrlde '"" rr TALENT Mrs. H. Good gave a kitchen shower st her home Tuesday evening honoring her slater, lona Bates who was married to W. Dooms of Medford Friday. About 35 guests were present. Pollyanna Chib To Draw Names Royal Neighbor Pollyanna club will meet for a farewell party, Wednesday evening, July 11, with Florence Lolng at her home, 360 Beatty street. All members urged to be present, as names will be drown for the ensuing term, Mrs. Ovennyer Will"" Entertain Grace Circle Orace Circle of the Presbyterian church has postponed Its picnic, and will meet on Tuesday, July lo with .urs. u. 1.. overmyer. The group In chargo of the entertainment will be Mra. Al Llttrrll. Mrs. Earl Llttrel! Mrs. Diamond Flynn. Mrs. ' Oliver, Mrs. Charles Reames. Mrs. B. O. Hor ding, Mrs. Charles L. Wood. Mra. c. W. Spencer and Mra. Herbert Meusel. Luncheon Meeting At Colonial Club To Honor Visitors Membera of the auxiliary to the National Association of Letter Car rlera met on Friday with Mrs. O. O. Sanden at her home In Jacksonville, and made plans for entertaining the delegates to the state convention, which la to be held here next Saturday. The headuarters for the association will be held at the Medford hotel, where Mrs. R. t. Swan will be In charge of the registration. A lunch eon is being planned' for the auxiliary at the Colonial club, and In the evening the two groups will enjoy a dinner dance at the Medford hotel. Sunday tbe delegates' will motor to Crater take, the guests- Of the local association. Between one hundred and one hundred and fifty delegates are expected to attend from all parts of the atate. Committee In charge of the enter tainment is Mrs. Bert Freeman and Mrs. J. R. Clary of Ashland and Mrs. Lester Lewis of Medford. Relief Corps Entertains Group from Central Point The Women's Relief corps held a regular meeting Thursday arternoon. Two applications for membership were read. Members of Central Point corps were guests and refreshments were served. Pleasurltes Plan Evening's Entertainment The Pleasurltes are making pre parations for a pot luck dinner to be held Monday evening, July la In the Girls Community club rooms at 7 o'clock. An interesting and entertaining program Is being planned and all the members and frlenda are invited to be present. At the last meeting Harold Orove favored the group with several musi cal numbers. Miss Betty Mae Chllders gave a reading, Lewis -Parker enter tained with some clever readings and the girls' quartet from the Excelsior club sang. Miss Elaine DeVrles had charge of the devotional meeting, which was impressive, closing with a vocal solo by Miss Harriet Whit. Miss Beulah Gore Hostess at Bridge Mlsa Beulah Gore was hostess at three tables of bridge Friday even ing, honoring her house guest. Miss Rathryn Orne, of Eugene. P-lae at high score went to Mlsa Fredericks Brommer. second to Miss Orne, and consolation to Miss Maxlne Rau of St. Helens. Ore., who haa been visit ing Miss Mary Snider. Evrelslor Club Dinner Is Friday The Excelsior club announces a pot luck dinner to be held In the Girls' Community club room on Bortlctt street. Frldoy, July 13, at T:00 o'clock. The committees In charge have been working hard to make this o pleasant evening and all members are urged to be present. Friday, Juno 30. the ciud enjoyed a swimming party ot Jackson Hot Springs, after which a camp lire meeting waa held and picnic supper aerved. DR. H. P. COLEMAN Clilropractlo and Physiotherapy Oregon License 64 California License Sots 14 Yeara In Medford, Ore. LARRY The Schick Dry Shaver Is Economical There are no blades fo buy nothing lo Bharpcn or repine. You need no brush, creams or lotions. BBtMBsassrssMa I.I1T MK SOI.Vr, VOI R rROIU.EM I II make a henutirul plate tor vnu that lll Improve the whole ap pearance of onr month. They don't have that "falte" look that Is so un.fhtly. Hundreds ot Southern Oregon people uill recommend my plates because they look natural and are comfortable lo wear. Leach Home Scene Of Family Re-Union A family reunion was held on the 'Fourth of July at the home of Mr. iand Mrs. H. L. Leach In this city. which waa attended by a group of relatives Including Mr. and Mra. P. O. Reese, and their sons, Paul, Jr, and Chorlea, of Horrlaburg, Pa. Other membera or the party were Mr. and Mro. Charles Bousaum and, daughters, Ethel and Audrey. Tho group hod not been together for 38 yeara, and the day spent together was moat enjoyable. On Saturday the Reese family mo tored to Crater lake for the day. Carnation Club Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday Carnation club will meet on Wed nesday instead of Thursday, with. Mrs. John Hubler at 859 Esst Ninth, street. The gathering will be con ducted at 3:30 o'clock, and all mem bers are urged to be present. Mann's Semi-Annual REMNANT SALE Starts on Wednesday July 11th Miss This . . . Don't Sale! . . . dfllMANNSiy t-Aj wm MIDFOOT! i""""" -tl OWN It. IjjijtMiaMBBlliM iJUaV V fhMl What will I do to keep Sonny and Sister fed, clothed hs-Jr What will I do to keep Sonny and Sister fed, clothed and in school . . . It's almost impossible to find a job and take care of the children at the same time. If only we could have foreseen the future, I know that Bob would have made some provision for our future so that I would not have had these terrible responsibilities and worries to cope with. Bob was so thoughtful in other ways, why didn't he prepare for this great emergency. Safeguard of Your the Future Family! YOU do not know when you will be deprived of your position m head of your fnmily . . . you will want to safeguard their future no matter what happens . . . isn't it better to divide your property yourself to assure finan cial independence and freedom from worries for those you love? . . . You know, better than anyone the best disposition of your savings and property . . . Why not be sure that you are the one to decide? Don't Delay! arrange NOW to see our trust officer Talk over YOUR problems with him you'll find him glad to assist you and capable of intelli gently advising vou. The First National Bank "A Departmentized Bank"