PAGE ELEVEN i Won can xmmmmmmnvthem&mm MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1934. n Beat every ad 0D this page -. " Ul probably tlod exactly the ttaini os want to buy 01 tell . . U It lint there. adver- Mw ,n"' pensive, effective! RATES Pet word first Inaeotloo. 3c (Minimum soc; itch additional Insertion. .10 pet word Per line per month, without copy changes Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND " takbVup a"tray"ateers. 500 lb. Ear mart. Owner may ha-ve same by piymg for adv. and pasture rent. Arnold. R. 4, Conor Butte Road. FJSSe'ToXeT same by paying for ad. Mall Trio une. rSsr " Small white female pup Bown markings on bead and ears. Bob tailed. 342 N. Front. LOST If dog missing, call 1616 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTEIHouseiteepeTrwoin fam ily, both adults. For salary and oth er particulars write P. O. Box 648. Medford. ' WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man to set up and run portable aawmlU. References. Bos 1647. Mall Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED girl wants housework. Phone 981-L. ELDERLY, dependable lady wishes work by hour or day. HouMWorK or care of children, eto. 234 W 6th St. RESPONSIBLE woman will care for children at her home. CaU 122B. jANTEDAny kind of aewlng by day Phone 835-W WANTED--MISCELLANE0U8 LEAVING for Chicago about July 1. Uke to have 3 passengers to share expenses. Box 6498, Tribune. - NOTICE HAVE 30 experienced thinners. If yon . - ... .hlnnlno rinne. let UU natcu juui come out and make you a price per . i;,n ...... mnnv. Phone bree. win j 258-W. HAVE POWER SPRAYER NOW Is the time to apray cherry treea for slugs. Phone 258-W. WANTED User cream separator, me dium size. F. D. Gaskell, Eagle Point, Star Route. . LAUNDRY completed, 50c dozen. Tel 603-J. LAWNMOWERS sharpened cqrrectly with power grmaer at juui Phone 289-X. WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or more, crusher, amalgamator Advise price ana wnere cbu ov ocsm . Davis blag., rortitmu. uio. WANTED Warrants. Redden & Co WANTED 2nd hand furniture. We buy sell and trade. Berrydale 2nd Hand Store, 1603 North Rlveralde Telephone 266. JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS ALUMINUM, BRASS. COPPER and lunk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape. Tel 1062 WANTED Baby calves 395. Medford. Rt. 1. Boi FURNITURE re-upholstered. Phone 969 -R ThIDault. WANTED Wool, mohair, hides and pelta See us before you sell Wool Bags and twine tor sale. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Onpe St Phone 1062 WILL care for elderly lick people in my home. Phone (37-X WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford. Must be cheap 333 W 2nd WANTED Household goods stoves tools or what have you Medford Bargain Bouse 27 N Grape St Tel 1092 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4 room part furn. hou.e Ask 444 N. Front. FOR RENT Partlv furnished 5-ro-rn house on pavement. Inquire at 216 So. Front fit. or call 1336-L before Bam. FOR RENT Fully furnished mod em home, cool and clow to busi ness section. See Jerry Barr, Jack son County Feed Co , 4th and Bart lett. HOUSES for rent or sale. CaU Haro'.d H Brown. 195. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished Brown White FOR RENT Close In. 3 acre home, modem conveniences, parage, poul try house, fine shade IJO.0O. Broa-n A White. Realtors. 4 FOR RENT 5 room modern furnish ed house, 115 00. Key, 218 Apple St FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. APTS. 229 No. Ivy. FOR EENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Purn. 2 room apt., shady lawn. 616 No. Central. FOR RENT Furnished apta. Retg. hot water, laundry and garage Summer ratea 123.00. The Berbin, 10 Quince St. PURN. 2 and S room apta. and gar age. 604 W. 10th. BACHELOR cabin and apartment, 18 yni uiuuiu. fin ouuu. nwih APT. FOR RENT Phone 301-H. FOR RENT Furnlehed or unfurntsh. apartment!. Carglll Court Tel. 405 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS TWO well ventilated sleeping room. Bath. Very reasonable. 132 Almond Street. FOR RENT Large front room with 3 double beds. Hot and cold water. Close In. 20 s. Fir, FOR RENT Room, Phone aeo. with bath FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing rooms, with garage accommoda tions, moderate rates. 325 So. River side Ave. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E. Main. Ratea $1.00 per day. ROOM AND BOARD 163 N. Oakdale. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 S. Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 3 acre chicken ranch Large poultry house. Lots of berries mile from Medford. Phone 849-X, or call J. W. Jacobs. 604 pine. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 19, 29 J. D. Hnrley Davidson and sidecar for light car. Merien Quacxenbusn, Rt. a. WILL TRADE Auto parts for car penter work. Brass Rail, 1120 south Rlveralde. EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, ftsb poles and reeis. roone uou-k. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for Light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE House at 1024 N. Cen tral St., for Portland or Salem property of same value. Will be at above address till June 19th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10 acres, irrigated, culti vated, house, barn, chicken pens, berries, orchard, near Medford. Will sacrifice. Box 175a, Tribune. .li- ,- .. .. HOME BARGAIN I Open 4-room modern furnished OOUU. home, on paved streot, lawn and flowers, all as sessments paid, nicely furnished, for only 6850. Excellent terms. it. on COCfin Suburban property loca WsVvlUVi itj on paved highway. 4-room strictly modern home, excellent condition, base ment and garage. Has Home Own ers' Loan on It and equity can be purchased on easy terms. Total price 62500.00. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC. 109 E. Main St. Phone 7i!8 FOR SALE Attractive four room . modern home, fine' location. A bar gain. Will take car aa down pay ment. 21 Kenwood avenue. FOR SALE or TRADE 160 ajre mountain ranch in Douglas coun'y. What have you? Route. 1, Box 334, Central Point. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown si Whtle. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1928 FORD Coupe, good condition . 109 E. 8th. FOR SALE 1928 Chevrolet Truck. Would trade for sedan. Chastain Nursery, Rt. 2. AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS FINES! GRADE Western OU, qt. 90; gallon, 36c; 6 gallons, with can. 1.76: 100 Pure Pennsylvania Oil qt. 15',?c: gal. 62c; 6 gala. 13 00 SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STA TION. SELLING OUT Flsk Tires, Tubes. Get our prices before buying. SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STATION. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A good young milk cow cnesp. r. l. uoty, k. no. a. Howard Ave., Berrydale. FOR SALE Jersey and Guerney milk cow. cneap. 407 so, Newtown. FOR SALE Freah cowa Schultz. Beagls. Ore FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Female police dog. pure. bred; r.nce 610. or will trade for something of equal value. Write Box 4040. Tribune. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS PURE Bronze toma, Cockeran's prlre stock 65 Jesse Nell Rt 1. Ashland FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APRICOTS RIPE Place orders. containers. Linn Orchard. Phone 34-X-10 F.igle Point. Victor Teaal tore, proprietor. FOR SALE 16 ft. boat and oara. 4 h. p. Evenrude motor snd trailer. Otto Kin. 408 Benson. FOR SALE Fancy apricots. H. C. vtara. rern vsiiey. ra. iw-r-ai. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County Feed Co., 4th and Bartlett Sta. FOR SALE Four folding steel cota with mattresses, also 2 rugs. Call evenmea June 18-20 or 21 at 1013 W. 10th. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Best grade Weatern oil, 8c per quart. Eastern, 144c per qt. Take advantage of these low prices now. Camp Wlthua Service Station, North Riverside Ave, RED RASPBERRIES for canning. See sign 1 mile on Klng'a Highway, Uncle's Berry Patch, or phone 774-R-3. FOR SALE Apricots. Old Hunter place, I1, mile Bast of Phoenix. FOR SALE Boat and motor. Cheap 346 Apple. GLADIOLA blooms. 25c dozen, deliv ered. Mrs. Dressier, phone 1569-Y. FOR SALE Equity In 5-room house, garage. 6300, terms. Balance due 1300 payable $10 mo. or will trade for cattle. See Jack at Safeway Meet Mkt.. Main and Holly. BERRY CUPS Jackson County Feed Co., 4th and Bartlett Sts. FOR SALE Fancy apricots, red vi rlety. Geo. Alford. Phone 19-F-3 FOR SALE 1 two-clrcult switch nct meter box. H. E. Armstrong, R. 1, BOX 443. FOR SALE Round dining table. 608 Katharine St. Ph. 558-x. FLY SPRAY Kill fllea and keeps them off cows In pasture, 00c gal lon. Bring your own container. Jackson County Feed Co., 4th and Bartlett atrcets. NICE large apricots for aale, cheap at Skinner's Ranch on Old Stage Road Phone 510-R-3. FOR SALE 1 56-Inch mill saw, A.I shape. Cheap. Parson Bros. Garage, 4th St. near Riverside. WANTED Used cream separator, me dium size. F. D. Gaskell, Eagle Point, Star Route. CLOSING OUT Field Fence. Some real bargains. Hubbard Bros. Cor ner Main and Riverside. FOR SALE Exceptionally fine hay Ph. 565-L-2. . FOR SALE Marlon electric range. 312.80. phone 790-L. BARGAINS tN USED REFRIGERATORS ONE 5)4 cubic ft. Kelvlnator; one 11 cubic rt. General Elec; one 8 ft McGray Case Colled: one V2 ton Ammonia plant. Ice boxes and used eiec. ranges. LEONARD ELECTRIC CO.. Tel 43' FOR SALE Let us tell you how to kill squash Bugs. Monarch Seed oo. FOR SALE Hay aalt, 125-lb. sacks Si. 10. Monarch seed it Feed Co. FOR SALE Binder twine, hay salt, ecrry cups, iruit oasxets, crates Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Dairy Fly Spray, 90c gai. onug your container. Mon arch Seed Ss Feed Co. FOR SALE Worm your pullets and turkeys with Lee's Gizzard Cap sules. Safest and surest. Monarch Seed it Feed Co. ORDER your Young berries now Phone 774-J-l. C. V. Trill, Klns Highway. ' BOAT TRAILER. Cash Register. Add ing Macmne. Typewriter, Boots Shoes, Huntlng-Flshlng Equipment 317 North Riverside. FOR SALE Combination aafe. Call Jacksonville, 16a. DENTISTRY Dr. 1 Main. fl. Gove 336 B FOR SALE Used sewing machines, ail unifies: bcruia lr aesirea Ail makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co. 34 N Bartlett. MISCELLANEOUS ASK US about saving nearly 60 of your Automobile Insurance. S A Kroschel. 33 N. Grape St. DOGS examined free, and Bartlett. Dr. Stone. 4th BUSINESS CHANCES TOR SALE Hi-Way inn cafe and equipment. Rent 613 50 month Gold Hill, Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ahstracts JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ol I'ltu and rule Insurance The only complete rule System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title. Rooms S and 6, No 63 North Central Ave. upstairs. Expert window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1173 House Cleaning, Floor Waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty Job Priming MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon Printing of all Rinds; oook binding: loose leaf ledgers and blanks, billing jystema. duplicating caah sales slips and everything in the printing lines 38-30 N Grspe Phone 76 Painting and Papernanctng at. A. BLISS Painting and paper banging Pel 646 w o.S S Grape BADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No Central Phone 116 Prices right serves guaranteed HA W LET TRANSFER Expert pack. era and movers special livestock moving equipment Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-Z (tall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANINO. lo per SI ft Mr. Black 310 N Bartlett. Money tu Lend MONEY I.OANED ON FURNITURE CARS, ETC. Prompt service and le tal rates W. E. THOMAS, 45 S central, state license No. 8 167. LEGAL NOTICES Vol Irf to rrftHtom In the County Court of thf fltatfl o! Orrfon for the County ol JacJuou In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza beth Coulter, deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given that I have been duly and regularly appointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an or der or the county court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon June 18th, 1934. and all credltora having claims against ssld deceased are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, with vouchers thereunto attached, and all persona owing said estate are notified to pay their said Indebtedness to me at the office of G. M. Roberts, my at torney, in tne Medlord National Bank Building, Rooms 201-203, Medford, Oregon, within aix months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 18th day of June, 1934. LOUIS POHL, Admlnlatrator of the Estate of Elizabeth Coulter, deceased. Phoenix PHOENIX, June 30. (Spl.) At the ' annual school election held her : Tlinsi ID D -MM3 I W ! Marjorle Wilcox were unanimously of Marshfleld, who were looking at a reelected as director and clerk, re-: mine on OalLs creek, spent several spectlvely. j days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thursday afternoon, June 31st, the;Cnu"le McMerrlck. Circle will hold their regular meeting; Mra- Marlon Lance has been con In the form of a memorial service, j flned to ner for several days Important business Is to be trans-! wlt lumbago. acted and all members are urged to Mr antl Mra- -Hmand and chil attend. 1 4ren of Bend returned to their home Member, of Phoenix Circle motored I J '9, "PT.n,g MrTv V to Ashland Monday night for the pre- j M "' s slater. Mra. V. Cer sentatlon of the Grand Guardian's ' "v . ,,,., . Album to the Acorn Circle of Ash-1 land. i Ray Maust of Santa Rosa, Calif., i la visiting for two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C: Maust. I He will return to reaume his summit wor":- j Miss Leona Schumaker of San Francisco Is here for a week'a visit with her aunt, Mrs. 8. Weir. Senior-Intermediate Christian En deavor Society of the Presbyterian ' church la planning a cooked food ' sale in Medford Saturday to raise '. money for the summer conference. I Medford Young People's Society . accompanied by their pastor, Rev. W. J. Howell, had charge of the evening ' services at the Presbyterian church, June I7th. The service was In the I form of a summer conference rally. I Helen Wilson of Medfoi 1 presided, Speclal music waa furnished by the i Phoenix group, Including a violin solo by Bruce Wilson. New teachetre at the Dally Vacation Bible achool Include Wm. Cottrell and Mrs. Frank Marshall. The vaca tion school will continue through the Friday morning aesslon, followed lm- mediately by a lunch at noon. The ! plcnc arrangements are In charge of 1 Mrs. Bert Stancllff. Closing exer-1 clses of the Bible achool will be held Sunday evening, June 34. Plana are being made to have this open with the candlelight worship service In the church auditorium , with the vested Junior children's choir. After the worship service there will be three Bible dramatizations In the Sunday achool auditorium. The prl mary department will present "The Baby Moses": Juniors, "Joseph." and I the Intermediates, "Oood SamarttanM These plays are being worked out by the children themselves as a project. ..B .wVK..o w.. society enjoyed a plunge party and welner roast at Jackson Hot Springs last Saturday evening The regular meeting of the Thurs day club, which was postponed last week, will be held at the club rooms Thursday, June 28. Mildred Ward and Esther Wilson are on the refresh ment committee. Florence Graves, accredited Piano Teacher. Studio, 220 No. Oakdale. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Quickly Children's game Hebrew measure East Indian police sta Moris Epoch Room in a harem Be One that re volves Convenes Breathe heavily In sleep Brail fan parrots Oriental ship captain Was In debted Gn&winr animal Blunted Essay upon a sped no theme Builds Dinner course Not In Burn Still That which one ts bound to do Fairies Flower Solution of Yeiterdat Purxle TH Rjyj SHOES PALSl ORE lis O R A T R0 MP E SWE ETT 41. Browned or warmed 49. Change 52. Flnlsl 53. Night before 54. Cuble meter M. Kind of flP-l. 6C. Nominal value of stock 57. Measure used to express the relative fineness of gold ' I2 I3 Y K tH 17 la W I" Jp fi n 1 if i mml 1 W 2i 22 p; 23 24 B. ZS "S" iililFllI Mzi -JLiLiMi Jo Wf,3' 33 33 34 nwai aSMMi H M assvss. iu(ui MSssMSssa ssstHls Mm MHkl hssssssM Mlsssssssi 38 40 WTl W42 ' 7 4d W-4 SO SI si w lZZZZ 55 1 1 wt 1 1 wk 11 11 Foots Creek FOOTS CREEK, June 30. (Spl.) The Foots Creek school house, which j burned June id, wu built some aa i years ago when C. C. Carr was chair- ! man of the school board, but since the consolidation of this district with Gold Hill four years ago has been used by the Sunday school. It was . a well built two-room school and i was left well furnished with piano, etc., for the Sunday school. Fred Champlln and slaters, Mrs. Kettle and Mrs. Jones, have given the use j of their house for the Sunday school ' and Sunday school was held there : June 17. Their kindness Is very much appreclted by the community. ' i Mrs. Floyd Lance entertained the Past Noble Grand club of the Gold Hill Rebeckah lodge a. tier cabin June 14, at a potluck tunch. Mesdames Hlttle. Ferguson, Hammersey, Carter, Reed, Gorham, Cook and Kell were the members present and Mrs, Ma rlon Lance and Ruth Lance were ' guests. HOT J Uall.nil ' children spent June 17 on Blrdseye I creek. Mr. Wright and W. Swayne of nrnwnnhnrn inri CIvHa Mftrt.ln nf ( Blrdseye creek visited at the George ! Ltnct home j,me 14. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reames sold ! their aervloe elation at Frultdale and i moved here June 17 and will stay i with Mra. Reamea alster, Mra. Mc Merrlck, until they find a location. Mr. and Mra. Tony Ross and daugh' ter, Theresa, of Gold Hill visited with relative! here June 16. Until her recent marriage, Mra. Rosa was Amy Koster. Henry Miller and Joy Davidson left June 19 on a prospecting trip and will be gone several days. Mr. and Mrs. George Koster spent Jim 17 on Blrdseye creek visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ned Coverdale and daugh- ter. Mra. Victor Blrdseye and daughter. Mary, returned home June 14 from the Grants Pass general hospital. Mr. and Mra. H. Moe and twin daughtera of Grants Paas called at Riviera June 17. Mrs. George West of Medford spent the week end with her mother, Mrs, Pauline Wahl, and slater, Mrs. Lou Miller. Williams Creek WILLIAMS CREEK, June 20 (Spl.) Miss Sofia Igo, who has been visit ing at the Joe Varner home, has re- turned to her home at Bend, Ore. Mr and Mrs. Li D. Howard, Miss T.vnn.u- ouinian and her mother. J Mr8i w p qaMM of Los Angeles, ! werc d(nner gUMt8 at the P B Wood ,nome gunday, A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vineyard laat week. A pot luck supper waa served at the Orange hall Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibson were rein stated. Mrs. Joe Varner was chosen aa a delegate to the state grange, as Master Harry Sorrels was unable to attend. The grange had as visitors Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bulllngton have been Cross - Word Puzzle 10. Worship 11. Exposed :7. Positive elec tric pole 19. Reliable "I. Depiction of the beau tiful It. Hy liable used In ichool yells 'J4, Showers snow and rain 37. Loud noise :t. Before JO. Withers 32. One who pays court to 31. Exclamntlon of rebuke .14, Pigpen 3ft, Klocutloniet 31. Mediterranean illlnt ? sel It. Run away to marry 40. Profit 41. The Greek D 44. Stair 44, Uurdcnsome work 4t, Feminine name M. Notable period 51, Steep flex I lEElAMAlTlAlRl mum ' N E DOWN 1. Consumed I. Roman (rod dens ot Seace Iven 4, Containers 5. City In Italy e. Pertninlnr to the ankle 1. PSit X. Kscuret 9, Chinese form of obeisance PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER IN WEST 77 fV-t ill VakiUM'' ...-.'.;:.,...."".". vv Mra. Anna Curtla Dall, only daughter of the President and Mra. Roosevelt, left the train at Truckea, Cal., to motor to Lake Tahoa on the Nevada aide. She will establish a residence at Cal-Neva, lake re aort, and it waa asaumed that divorce proceedlnga were In prospect. Mra. Dall is shown leaving the train. Left to rlQht: , secret service man, Mrs. Dall and Samuel Piatt, Reno attorney. Mra. Dall's daughter, "Siatie" is standing in front of her mother and her aon, "Buzzle," can not be seen. (Auoclated Press Photo) picking cherries in Ashland and' bringing back some for their neigh-, bora, j The small house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hammond waa broken Into recently And a quantity of i canned fruit and Jams stolen. It Is thought the theft occurred grndua-; tlon night, as every one In that vlcln- j tty waa at the hall. The houso has not, been occupied since the death of Mr. Hammond's mother. Friends are sorry to hear of the In Jury of Arthur Parrnr when his truck load of logs was wrecked near Hitch. He lost control ot iie brakes while going down a hill. One of the logs crashed through the cab, pinning him down. No bones were broken, but severe c u ta necessitated several stitches on his head and face. He Is In the Jacksonville hospital. Mrs. Lawrence Purdln and Betty visited relatives In Medford from Monday to Thursday lost week. Henry Bcnnct, who has been at the C. W. Roberts home for the last six months, left Monday for Portland. SLATED SALEM. June 30. (AP) The an nual homecoming event at the state tuberculosis hospital at Salem will be held Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of thla week, It was announced today by Superintendent G. 0. Bel linger. The event waa started to provide former patients an opporunlty to visit the Institution, check on their health progress since dismissal. If necessary, and to renew acquaintance with the staff and note developments it was announced. Umatilla Harvest Earliest In Years PENDLETON, Ore.. June 20. (AP) The earliest wheat harvest In Um atilla county In many years Is getting under way, with some ranchers In the Echo, Nolln and Pilot Rock sec tions already In the field, and others ready to begin work soon. Harvesting la expected to be gen eral by July 4, which Is the usual time for starting of operations. Phoenix Endeavor Plans Food Sale The Christian Endeavor .Society of the Phoenix Presbyterian church is sponsoring a baked food sale Satur day, June 33. The ale will be held in the Thurs day Club rooms In the Engle build ing. Phoenix, and proceeds will be used to send delegates to the summer conference at Olendale, Oregon. POLICEMEN'S 'DOGS' DO BETTER IN WHITE SOX NEW YORK. (UP) Scores of New York policemen, who have to do lot of thinking about the welfare of their feet, protested an order forcing them to wear black socks when In uniform. They said white ones "are easier on the feet." SWIMMER IS DROWNED AFTER SAFELY ASHORE LA SALLE, III, (UP) Raymond Memrm Ifl, went swimming: rame out of the water safe and sound. stood on the river bank pulling on his trousers; got a foot caught In one oi me pants legs; loppied into the water; drowned. Hit rs Mnstodim's Tooth Found. CONCORDIA. Kan. (UP) A mas todon toot hi weighing 13 pounds, has been discovered in a gravel pit near here. Roy Durham, who found the relic of prehistoric days. Is active in siinVsanlriAlf.l .s. W In tlil nart ,h. .i,. ..h ... p,rfll' prf.rv1. showinn the' u . ..... i.. Its enamel formation snd a huge nerve channel. WINDOW OLASti r sell window g;ass ind will replace your broken windows reasonably, Trowbridge cab. met Works U! I: &fl: MS! Courthouse News i Furnished oy the Jackson C'oumj Abstract Co, 131 G auth Street) Mnrrlnpp MrenNes. Claude E, Brlce and Jean Mack eclan. Joseph W. Glllnsky and Leona Daughcrty, , Clifford E. Davis and Bessie Ann Shewmakc. Samuel A. Me tea If and Sally Ray son, Roy Harris and Elsie Colby. Elton B. Hood and Sylvia L. Han kins. Harry Stone and Sella Faye Or ay. Circuit Court, Lloyd K. Lamb and Vera T. Lamb. Divorce. Claude E. Brlce and Jean Macklean. Etta Moss vs. Oris Crawford; as executor. To cancel deed. Fred N. Rorden, et ux, to W. K. Blackburn, et ux. To quiet title. Otto Karris vs. B. da Cathellneau. Lien. State of Oregon vs. Willis W. Ire land. Unlawfully selling Intoxicating liquor. State of Oregon vs. J. Frank Stroud. Unlawfully selling intoxicating liquor. Fred Sickens, et al, vi. W. N. Carl. Injunction. State of Oregon vs. O. R. Taylor. Larceny of livestock. Probate Court, Harold O. McCoUum, a minor. Guardianship. Estate of Frederick Burke, deceased. Probate. , Dan A. Howard assumes business name of "Howard Equipment Co." Estate of W, J. Crowson, deceased. Probate. Estate of Elizabeth Coulter, de ceased. Probate. RmI Estate Transfers. Frank Chllders, et ux. to O. M Richardson, W. D. to i Int. In lots 8 and 10, blk. 28 Cold Hill, 110. Thomas Buddy to James W. Smith, W. D. to lot In blk. 1, Jacksonyllle, 9250. L. W. Hardin, et ux, to Bells Bray, ton, W. D. to land la DLO 39, twp. 30 8.. Tl, 1 East, 10. E. V. Csrter to Anna M. Carter, QCD to lot 14 and part lot 13, Prscht's Add., Ashland. 11.00. Arthur J. Williams, et ux, to Clar ence H. Cook, et ux, W. D. to NE Of NW, NW of NE, sec. 33, twp. 38 8., R. 4 West, $10. R. L. Ysrnrouith. et ux, to L. L Henehsw. et al. W. D. to E'4 of NE of SW of BE, sec. 83, twp. 84 B., R. 1 West, 100. Mathew P. Nelson, et ux, to W. H. Dark, W. D. to NVi lots 1 !n(l 2. blk. 4, Ross Add. to City of Medford, 10. C. W. McDonald, trustee, to Theo A. Olass, et ux, QCD to land In DLC no. ee, twp. 37 8., r. a w w. m., i. Walter J, Olmscheld, sheriff, to Theo. A. Olass. et ux. Bh. D. to land In DLC No. 6(3, twp. 37 8., R. 3 W., I3088.6S. Central Point Lodge No. 103, Jnde uendent Order of Odd Fellowi to Min nie J, Moore, QCD to lot 9. blk. 8 In the Odd Fellows Cemetery of Central Point. Oreion, 820, Prank Ostrsnder, et ux, to Wilbur Martin, et ux. W. D. to Isnd In sec. 21. twp. 38 8., R, 8 West, 82000. Mary A. 8eet to Mrs. H. D. McNslr, W. D. to lot on Qulncy street, Ash Isnd, 810. Orsce M. Wilson, et tlr, to Roy W. Wilson, deed to lots 8, 9. 10, It and 13, N'i lot 4, blk. 3, Meeker's Add., Medford, 810. Anna M. Carter to C. W. Portmlller, et ux, W. D. to E. 40 ft. lot 13. all lot 14, Prscht's Add., Ashland, 310. J. P. Watson to Exa V. Watson, deed to lot on N. Riverside, Medford, 310. George P. Putnsm, et ux, to Chris tina A. Putnam, W. D. to 8 acres tn 1 DLC 6B. twn. 97 8.. R. i wsst. I00. clt" ' MMfnrt to Jsm H. Owsn QCD 10 Unci In DbO A3, twp. 37 8., QCD to land In DbC 92, twp R. 1 West. II. Ethel W. Bog. et Tlr, to Evelyn Durno, et Tlr. W. D. to lot In sec. 20, twp. 97 8., R. t West, 810. Evelyn F. Durno, et vlr, to Ethel W. Bob8, W. D. tn lot 10. blk. 1, Glen Osk subdivision, Medford, 10, I TAKE CARE RES! OE FAMILY By Edward Seattle United Press Staff Correspondent BERLIN UP ) Many a German farmer is searching for a non-Aryan grandmother. It la the result of the "Crbhof" law promulgated laat October by Minister of Agriculture Walt her Darre, ana radically changing the land Inheri tance system to provide that farm may pass to only one heir. Farmers like the provisions of the law protecting their holdings and crops from auction or attachment in satisfaction of private debts. But there is one condition which ha many of them worried. It la a clause providing that the heir, supposedly the relative best suited to work the farm, Is obligated to give the rest of the family a prop er education and to provide for them In case of need. The malcontents declare this Is ab solutely Impossible under present ag ricultural conditions, especially sine the law forbids the contraction of debts on all farms In the "Erbhol" class. They Insist the measure simply encourages their relatives to sponge on them, and that they themselves must hire extra hands to do the work formerly taken care of by communal effort of the family. Non-Aryans cannot become "Erb hof Bauer" peasants. They muat re main "Landwrlte" farmers. And a non-Aryan by Naal law Is anyone with a parent, or grandparent of Jewish, or colored blood. Peasant has become an honored word In Nazi Oermany, but the farmers say It has Its disad vantages. Many lawyers, It la reported, have developed as a sideline the assistance of dissenting farmers to discover un Oorman' ancestry, much as firms in other countries help the socially, minded to unearth gorgeous, if doubtful coat of arms. There is a possibility, however, that the "Erbhof" law will be allowed quietly to lapse, as have other Nasi measures. It is very difficult to ad minister, especially in the face of lm- ' portant resistance. Critics point out that it almost compels those members of a family left without an Inheri tance to drift Into the cities, In dt root opposition to the Nazi drive ta get rid of urban over-population by a back to the land movement. Meteorological Report June 20, 1084 Forecasts Medford and Tlolnlty: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday; not mueli change In temperature. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday; probably showers In ex treme east portion; slightly warmer in northeast portion tonight. . . Local Data Temperature a year ago today! Highest 83; lowest 48. Total monthly precipitation .88 in. Deficiency (or the month .13 Inches- Total precipitation since September 1, 1933, 10.88 inches. Deficiency tor the season, 8.70 Inches. Relative humidity at 8 p. m yes terday 32; 8 a. m., today 82. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 4:38 a. m., sun set, 7:49 p. m. Observations Taken at S A. M 120 Meridian Time Boston ... Cheyenne Chlcsgo . Eureka ... Helena ... 62 80 . 02 60 P. OrtT. Cloudy Rain P. Cdy. Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Oloudy Clear .. 68 72 - 80 .. 90 68 98 -.100 70 78 78 74 , 70 .. 68 Los Angeles MEDFORD New Orleans .. New York Omaha ....-... Phoenix . Portland Reno 68 .68 70 .01 70 54 88 62 82 T. 84 84 62 84 68 Roseburg Salt Lake San Francisco Seattle Spokane 74 Walla Walla 76 Washington, DO. 82 'PIE TRAYNOR' TAKES . PIRATE MANAGERSHIP PITTSBiniOH, June 30 P) Har old "Pie" Traynar, veteran third base man of the Pittsburgh Pirates, bas been appointed manager of the club. He succeeds Oeorge Gibson, pilot for three yea.s. Traynor's appointment cornea In the midst of a slump by the Pirates who have lost seven of their U.t eight games and tobogganed Into fourth place, hard pressed for that position by Boston Braves. Cf On "VCV KSZSJ 9