MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY. .TUNE 17. 1934. PAGE NINE Bead every a 00 this page .. UI probably find exactly We thlni yon want to Ooj or tell . U U Ijnt there. edver ttse . . . It's pensive, effectlvei RATES Per word first injection (Minimum ate) docb additional Insertion. per word ' (Minimum 10c) Per line per montn. without copy changes 41.30 Phone 75 FOE WANT ADB LOST AND FOUND "Sir, pen. T. J. Enrlght engraved on barrel. .t ,t E5Srl-Womsn'. white -Id . n-atch, wlt.n, squuio turn to Tribune. ' - L-,.- rinn in or near Gro. No. a. Reward for return t Mall Tribune. nulova vrlst watch, Owner may have same by paying for advertisement, itiduuc LOOT Small white female pup Brown markings on head and ears. Bob tailed. 342 N. Front. LOST If dog missing, call 1818 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNQ MAN wants work for board. and room or win yy References. Box 1804, Tribune. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE will care for children evening, w......- Call 945-R. wr nttoT.v Hrtnendable lady wishes work bv hour or day. Housework or care of children, eto. 334 W 5th St. RESPONSIBLE woman will care children at her home. Call 1328. for WANTED Any kind of sewing by day Phone 835-W. WANTED FEMALEJIELP AnrtRlisarvE SALES WOMAN For Sales & Service Work, increasing demand for OHRAIS product in your locality requires reliable worn- . 55-40 vrs.. nereonallty, am bitious, work six hours five days week. Terr, protected, uooa omm. Earnings plus bonus. Experience de sired but not necessary. No Invest ment Training nrovlded. Furnish niiftinejui references, details about vmirself return mall. Addresa Oharls of Portland, 2S1 Plttocx Block, Portland, Ore. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light house work. Room, board ana wages, on West 13th off Park. WOMAN COOK. Must be good. Rose Hotel. Roseburg, Oregon. WANTED MALE HELP SALESMAN or distributor wanted for old established line. Many amor. ent. fast selling necessities including beveled tube patches, liquid glass cleaner, etc. High quality repeat products. Address Box 2260, Kansas City. Mo. "DEPENDABLE MAN For 46-stoie route, this county. Exper. unnec. No selling, distribute; collect. Should net $62 weekly. Write "Safe tyco 111", Huntington Beah. Calif." BE AN INDEPENDENT MERCHANT IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY. If you are honest and reliable I'll start you. without capital, In a gro cery supply business paying up to $47.50 first week; more later. De tatla mailed free. Albert Mills, 6503 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hust lers. We train and help you. Write Immediately. Rawlelgh Co., Dept. OR-27-SA, Oakland, Calif. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Several Choice openings in country . and towns for reliable men or wom- en. No capital or experience re quired. Write Mr. Thomas. Supt.. 426 Third St., Oakland. Calif. WANTED-MISCELLANE0U8 WANTED Good used drag saw. for cash. P. S. Matheny, Ruch. Oregon. LINCOLN and INDIAN HEAD Pennies wanted. We pay up to $47.00 each. Send 10c for buying catalog. Chi cago Numismatic Co., Box 1213, Chicago, III. WANTED flmall cash register, chesp. Pay cash. Box 1628. Tribune. LEAVING for Los Angeles Tuesday. Take two. share expenses. Phone 1031-J. WANTED TO RENT On or about July 1. furnlahed house. Medford. close in; 3 bedrooms preferrM Please mall description and rental price to Lieut. H. O. Preston. Dis trict Chaplain. C C. C. Headquar ters. Medford. Oregon. WANTED Lieht sedan, Call 1568-R. '39 or LAUNDRY completed, 503 -J. 80-: dozen. Tt "WANT ACREAGE, small or large, along Roeue River, railroad side. Reply to Mrs. CWR, Oen. Del., OS A Hill. Will pay caah for Bargain." EMPTY trurk going to Santa Roe r.:if lftrh nt June rjntt Intrf In tnere or po:nts enroiue. Hawk; Transfer Phone 1044-X. WANTED-MISOELLANEOUS LAWNMOWERS sharpened correctly with power grinder at your nome. Phone 289-X. TO RENT place eultable (or small poultry ranch. Box isae. niDune. WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or more, crusher, amalgamator aotisb price and where can be seen 411 Davis Blag. Portland. Ore WANTED Warrants. Redden & Co WANTED 3nd hand (urnlture. We buy. sell and traae oerryuaio uu Hand Store. 1903 North Riverside Telephone 383 WANTED Good used cream separ ator, medium size A. u ttamDun Rt. 4. Box 994. Medlord. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND KAIJIAVUKO ftuuawnuw. BRASS, COPPER and unk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 No Grape. Tel 1082 WANTED Baby calves. Rt. 1. Box 39o. Meuiora. FURNITURE re-upholstered. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. WANTED Wool, mohair, hides and pelts See us before you sen wool bags and twine for sale. Medford Bargain House. 37 N. Grape St Phone 1082 WILL care for elderly sick people In my home. Phone 437-a- WANT TO BUY 1939 Ford. cheap 833 W 2nd. WANTED Household gooda. stoves tools or what have you. Meaiora Bargain Bouse. 37 N Grape St Tel 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8 room modern house. 39 Myers. HOUSES for rent or sale. Call Harold H. Brown, 195. FOR RENT 408 Park Ave. 4-room nicely furnished home, electric range, oil Heatrola, lovely yard ana flowers, $25 Including water. Charles R. Ray, Realtor. Medford Bldg. Ph. 302. FOR RENT Close In, 3 acre home modem conveniences, garage, poul try house, fine shade. 820.00. Brown is White, Realtors, FOR RENT 5 room modem furnish ed house, 815.00. Key, 3is Apple at FOR RENT B o m e s. furnished oi . unfurnished Brown & White FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT APTS. 334 Apple. COMFORTABLE turn, apt., strictly private. Radio, etc. 518 S. Oakdale BACHELOR cabin and apartment, per month. 445 South Front. FOR RENT Furnished apts. Refg, hot water, laundry and garage Summer rates $26.00. The Berbsn, -10 Quince St.... - FURN. APTS. 229 No. Ivy. APT. FOR RENT Phone 201-H. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnlsh apartments. CargUl Court Tel. 195 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms on East side. Phone 1624-X. FOR RENT Large front room with 3 double beds. Hot and cold water Close In. 30 S. Fir. FOR RENT Room, Phone 280. with bath FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing rooms, with garage accommoda tions, moderate rates. 325 So. River side Ave. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E. Main. Rates $1.00 per day. ROOM AND BOARD 163 N. Oakdale. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 3 acre chicken ranch Large poultry houae. Lots of berries 14 mile from Medford. Phone 549-X, or call J. W. Jacobs, 604 Pine. FOR RENT Good location for fire works stand. 1508 No. Riverside. Phone 262. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model 6-21 Graham-Paige sedan for light used new model coupe. 122 Oregon Ter race, City. EXCHANGE Fura. re-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, fish poles and reels. Phone 980-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine tor light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE ESTATE -REAL 160 ACRES Lake Creek, Ore., for smsll improved acreage. Medford, Ashland, Gold Hill, No. California. Wallraff. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. LOVELY Coast Home, clear. Trade for Improved small place. Box 114, Bsndon, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acre re unqulshment. 6 scree bottom land, 3 cleared; two springs, large house; all stock with place. $600 cash. In quire Post Office. Trail, Oregon. FOR TRADE House at 1024 N. Cen tral St., for Portland or Salem property of same value. Will be at above address till June lwtn. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 9 acres, buildings, Inv provements Sacrifice Scherrnsr- nora, 1 mile west oi pnoenix. 6-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floo-9 fireplace, basement, oil burner. Will take Jackson county B'.dtr. sr. Loin stock for equity. C 8. Butterfle'd 409 Medford Center Bldg. AH EN you thiol of real es'.ate, Hunk of Brown Watt. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Late 1932 Ford coupe, ex cellent condition, light usage. Tel. 601. FOR SALE 1928 Chevrolet Truck. Would trade for sedan. Chastaln Nursery, Rt. 3. FOR 8ALE '25 Bulck Standard 6 pickup. 430 So. Fir. GOOD USED CARS 80-DAY GUARANTEE REASONABLE PRICES 1933 Ford DeLuxe 8 sedan 1929 Essex 2-door aedan 1928 Pontiac Landeau sedan 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe demonstrator 1929 LflSalle 5 passenger coupe 1934 Studebaker 8 sedan 1931 Plymouth coupe 1930 Chevrolet sedan ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 N. Riverside Tel. 18 AUTOMOBILE SPECIALS FINES! GRADE Western Oil, qt. 9c; gallon. 36c; 6 gallons, with can. 81.75: 1007 Pure Pennsylvania Oil qt. 15'ic; gal 62c; 6 gals. 83 00 SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STA TION. SELLING OUT Flak Tires. Tubes. Get our prices before buying SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE STATION. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 young Jersey cows Juji fresh. L. Mcculloch, Talent, Wagner Creek Road. FOR SALE Fresh cows. Scnultt. Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Female police dog. pure bred; price 810, or will trade (or something of equal value. Write Box 4040, Tribune. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS PURE Bronze turns, Cockeran's prize stock. $5. Jesse Nell. Rt 1. Ashland FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Sewing machine, phono graph with 116 records, bedstead, canned fruit. 410 Earhart. FOB. SALE 14 ft. 4-wheel trailer '$18 Medford Auto Wrecking Co., 16ia No. Riverside. FOR SALE Four folding steel cots with mattresses, also 2 rugs. Call evenings June 18-20 or 21 at 1013 W. 10th. WANTED Used cream separator, me dium size. F. D. Gaskell, Eagle Point, Star Route. FOr"salE Grain hny. Phone 355-R-2 FOR SALE Majestic table model radio, chenp. Box 1640, Tribune. CLOSING OUT Field Fence. Some real bargains. Hubbard Bros. Cor ner Main and Riverside. FOR SALE walnut dJnlngroom eet. Tel. 1166-X, evenings. CHERRIES FOR SALE Blnga, Royal Annes, and Lamberts, 2c lb., you pick them. Bagley Orchard, Talent. FOR SALE: A good young milk cow cheap. R. L. Doty, b. no. a, nowaru Ave., Berrydale. FOR SALE Exceptionally fine hay. Ph. 565-L-3. LARGE refrigerator, Easy washer. dryer type. Winchester pump snot gun. World Books. 304 8. Ivy. FOR SALE Marlon electric range. $12.50. Phone 790-L. ONE 8 ft. bath tub with faucets, ver? good condition, $16. Hotel Valandra, Central Point. 14 HAYRACKS for less than the lum ber cost and several thousand feet of lumber. Call Jubilee Headquar ters or Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Ice box, 1803 W. Main. good as new BAROAIN8 IN USED REFRIGERATORS ONE 5 14 cubic ft. Kelvinator: one 11 cubic ft. General Elec; one 8 ft. McGray Case Colled; one Vi ton Ammonia plant. Ice boxes and used elec. ranges. LEONARD ELECTRIC CO., Tel 427 FOR SALE Let us tell you how to kill Squash Bugs. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Hay salt, 138-lb. sacks $1.15. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Binder twine, hay salt, berry cups, fruit baskets, crates Monarch Seed it Feed Co. FOR SALE Dairy Fly Spray, 80s gal. Bring your container. Mon arch Seed As Feed Co. RED RASPBERRIES for canning. See sign 1 mile on King's Highway. Uncle's Berry Patch, or phone 774-R-3. FOR SALE Worm your pullets and turkeys with Lee's Gizzard Cap sules. Safest and surest. Monarch Seed e Feed Co. FOR SALE Baby corral, nursery high chair, bed, like new. 611 West 8cn ORDER your Young berries now. Phone 774-J-l. C. V. Trill, Hinge Highway. FOR SALE Cherries, all varieties mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point. W. J Gebhard. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register. Add ing Mnchlne. Typewriter, Boots Shoes, Hunting-Fishing Equipment 817 North Riverside. FOR SALE Combination safe. Jacksonville. 162. Call DENTISTRY Dr. Main. I a. Gov. 338 E FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms if desired Ail makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N Bartlett MISCELLANEOUS ASK US abcut saving Dearly 50 of your Automobiia insurance s a Kroechel. 33 H Grape St. DOGS examined free, and Bartlett. Dr. Stone. 4.h BUSINES8 CHANCES FOR SALE I!:-Way equipment Rent Gold Hill, Or. Inn Ca'e and $13 50 month BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Coffee Ann's. See Mrs Cecil Jennings. Phone 888. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ah lira cis JAChHO.N CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of luk ana Title insurance roe only complete rule System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 6, No 82 North Central Ave. upstairs. Expert Window cieanera LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1173 House Cleaning. Floor Waxing Or! ental Rug Cleaning specialty Job Printing MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Beat equipped plant in southern Oregon Printing of all kinds: book binding; loose leaf ledgers and blanks, billing systems, duplicating casA sales slips and everything In the printing lines. 28-30 N Grape Phone 73. Painting and Papenienglng U. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging Tel 646--W o.8 8 Grape Transt cr BADS TRANSFER 8s STORAGE CO -Otflce 1016 No central Phone 818 Prices right. service guaranteed HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X Wall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANING, lo per aq ft Mr. Black. 310 N. Bartlett. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. CARS, ETC. Prompt service and le gal rates. W. E. THOMAS. 45 S. Central.- state license No. S 157. Foot Comfort Week Sign of Summer To Be Observed This Is the time of year when side walks begin to sizzle and corns, bun- Ions and callouses, properly warmed up, kick up a fuss like nobody's business. Even new shoes seem to ex hibit a spoclal stubborn reluctance to "breaking In" and everything con spires to make the old "dogs" ache. Right at this point In the calendar, year after year for 18 years, Foot Comfort Week haa turned up and what a blessing It has been for thous anda of foot sufferers who needed something Just like that to prod hem into doing something for those aches and pains that could so easily make the summer the most miserable time of all the year I The mnn who really deserves credit for starting this' idea of an annual Foot Comfort Week is Dr. Wm. M School, the Internationally famous foot authority. Through thousands of shoe dealers and druggists Dr. Scholl has consistently offered the public special cooperation in the relief of foot troubles during this annual event. Now, after 18 yoars, the ob servance of Dr. Scholl's foot comfort week Is a nationwide affair. It would be Impossible to say hdw many peo people. directly and Indlrecly, have benefited from this dramatic focus ing of their attention upon the need for proper care of the feet. Dr. Scholl's foot comfort week ts now being observed at the M. M. de partment store. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Seed container 4. VIMt per-lntcntl)-9. Monkey 12. Literary fragment II. Matter of fromlnen ntereit o dlscusiloi 14, Statute 15. Blamable IS. Tablet 19. Pedal dlrlt 20. Percolate 22. Queen of the falrlei J6. Egyptian rtver 38. Orean of heftrlnic 29. Enplftih dynasty 31. Point 32. Mke Solution of Yesterday's Puzzts ElRlRlSllAlWlEClAf p u etMse moven ANT EiP A R Alp E T 5 He ras e ggpji. a z a A H AMQI N AMA C E S p a i iHE s y i. E VE RMgO AMpuS A 9E P ACTC HpL jj S 1 IBBE A LgjA S 1 A A C E BMA V A5 C A R P ElNlyMFIElwlHlElRlP 33. Tlnter 35. Depart 47. One versed In S6. MyBeMf the history 17. Work of took 3ft, A'lvertlnement M. Poom 39. Strike with (. Flow off the palm gradually 41. Character of Sft. Before DeinR mait 67. open noeiu 41, Animal" e neck 51. Kind of arti ficial fly for flihlng 19. Doleful covering 44, Deface 16. Had being 15 """"" ilo " " " " if " """"" Jm. 'um . 32 jg 31X- Sf 'LJOL-M4' ill UH- l!S!L IS 47 3fT 41 SO SI S2 'A ?. St. Mark's Church Holy communion 8 a., m. Morning prayer 11 a. m. Church school. 10 a. m. Ernest S. Bartlam, rector. Churrh of Christ Eagles' Hall, 317 W. Main. Sunday morning services 10:80. Subject: "Builders." Evening services, 7:45. Subject: Pitching the Tent Toward Sodom." Everybody welcome. Church of God. Corner of Haven and Holly streets. D. M. Clemens, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worahlp. 11 a. m. Young people, 7:30 p. m. Preaching. 8 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday, 7:43 p. m. .Mam Street Methodist Church Soutn N. D. Wood, pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Sermon by the pastor, special music by the choir. 7:00 p. m. Young people'a meet ing. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service. Come worship with us. First Baptist Church. W. H. Eaton, minister. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Children's Day program by the Sun day school, 11:00 a. m. quarterly rally of the Rogue River district B. Y. P. U 3:00 p. m. Young people's devotional groups, 7:00 p. m. Evening worship, 8:00 p. m. If the evening is warm the service will be held on the lawn beside the church. Plenty of chairs, singing from screen, special musical offerings and address i "Jesus and Folks." You are cordially Invited to enjoy these services with us. Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah's Witnesses are broadcast ing a lecture by Judge Rutherford over KMED every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:15. Judge Rutherford la considered the greatest Bible exponent of the pres ent age and his books of Scripture explanations are now translated Into 58 languages. His lectures explain that Bible prophecy la now being ful filled and by listening In 15 min utes each Sunday one will hear an explanation of world conditions and their outcome. Jehovah's Witnesses meet for study every Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at No. 103 Mistletoe street. All In terested in watch Tower Bible study are welcome. Full Gospel Tabernacle Newtown atreel near Main. J Lo- gan Stuart, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Mrs. Stuart, superintendent. Morning worship 11. Evangelistic meeting, 7:46. Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Bueno, missionaries to Corora, Lara, Venezuela, South Amer ica, will be at the Full Gospel church Sunday, speaking at the morning and evening services. Reverend Bueno wont to the mission field from Trin idad, Colo., where Reverend Stuart waa naator. Brother "Teddy," as we knew him then, was an active mem' ber In the church In Trlnldld at that time. We Invite the people of Medford to hear these fine young missionaries, Prayer meeting Tuesday evening, 7:43. Bible study Thursday, 7:48 p. m A cordial Invitation to all meetings Cross -Word Puzzle 11, Female heep 1. Knock 17. Electrified particle 20. Sewed lolnts 21. Picture stand 22 Sllppera with out quarter! or heels 28. Worship 24. Crystalline f salt 2$. Good cast adrift at aea with a buoy at tached 27, After aong of an ode 29. Summit 30. Steep, as flax as. Tropical reels 34. Chart agla 40. Clear light yellow 41. Remnants of combuitloa 4S. Frees 4". Dtmlnllh 47. Kind of knot 41. Mountain In Aala Minor 49. Metalliferous rock 50. Roam about Idly 11. Omni 12. Hietortral period 51. Primary color DOWN 1. Equality J. Unity I. Neat little u..l active 4. Hurried t. Kind of tree . Utilize ?. SI ill r of charity 8. Try !. Even thoug. 10. Crony Nszarene Church Corner of Jackson and Central. Sunday Bible school, 0:15 a. m. Preaching. 11 a. m. Evening service, N. Y. P. 8., 7:00. Preaching, 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Miss Scovllle will preach at both .-,.,,. T V. flian 1 Thtf MmIi ' All of Man's Needs." It. Peter"! Lnthrran Church (Missouri Synod) I. Main and Portland Ave. H. H. Young, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. No morning worahlp. Evening worahlp at 8 o'clock. Note the change In time. Establishing a Christian Home In the Fear of the Lord, ts the theme of the sermon. Young people especially are Invited. This is the first sermon of a series of sermons on the Chris tian home. The Sunday school teachers meet on coming Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The publlo It always welcome. Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church Fourth street at Oakdale avenue. Geo. P. Kabele, D. D.. pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school with good teachera and classes for all ages. 11 a. m. Morning service. Sermon: "The Problem of Sin." This Is a problem we all will have to face squarely sooner or later. The sooner the better. Special music by the choir. 7:00 p. m. Service In charge of the young people. All Invited. Dally Vacation Bible school will continue the coming week from 9 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. from Monday to Friday Inclusive. Church of the Foursquare Gospel Corner Fourth and Bartlett. Sunday services: 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. 7:45 p. m. Service In charge of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Feueratetn, south American missionaries. A rare treat la in store for those who attend this service. The Feuerstelns have been ten years missionaries In Venezuela, South America. They bring with them 160 beautifully colored elides which they will show 8unday night. These slides will be very Interesting and In structive. A cordial Invitation to all to attend. Wednesday, 8 p. m. Mid-week prsyer meeting. Saturday, 2 p. m. Children's church. The First Methodist Church. West Main and Laurel Streeta. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday school 9:46 a. m. Mr. E. J. Neumann, auperlntendent. Let us keep a regular attendance through out the summer. Morning worahlp 11 a. m. Sermon theme, "Declared to be the Bon of God." Tills will be the pastor's' last sermon of the conference year, Epworth leagues 7 p. m, Evening worship 8 p. m. Sermon by Dr. Edward Laird Mills of San Francisco. Dr. Mills Is editor of the Christian Advocate. He will bring us a fine message. Bo sure to hear him. Our splendid young people's chorus, led by Mrs. C. H. Paske. will sing both morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Salvation Army 411 EfiM Main Street, Capt, Q. R. Durham, commanding officer. 10 a. m. first seaalon of council of annual Young Peoples council of southern Oregon, Brigadier H&roUt MadMn, divisional commander for Oregon and Idaho, In charge, assisted by Adjutant B ram we 11 Collier, young peoples secretary. 13:18 p, m,, con vention banquet at Odd Fellows hall; 3 p. m., second session of councils. Sunday school classes will be held at 340 North Oakdale at 3:30 p. m. for young people not eligible for council Bcaalon. 7:30 p. ra., open air meeting at corner of Main and Cen tral; 8 p. m. great salvation meeting led by Brigadier Madaen of Portland. The councils are private but all are urged to attend the evening service. rirst Church of Christ, Rclentlst Authorised branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. - Services are held every Sundsjr at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 912 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunder, June 34, "Ood the Preserver of Man." Sunday school at fl:30. Applicants under the age of 30 may be admit ted. Wednesday evening meetlnga, which Include testimonials of Christian Science healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which It located at 901 In the Medford building, Is open dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m., except Sunday and holtdaya. The li brarian It in attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all au thorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The publlo Is cordially Invited to attend tha services and visit the read ing room. first Presbyterian Church William J. Howell, Minister Mrs. Wm. S. Ollmore, director of r llglous education The Bible school opens with gen eral assembly at 8:48. This will be our day for the Children's dty exer class and we urge every scholar to attend. Special muslo by the eholr under the dlreotlon of Mrs. Elsie C. Strang. Prelude "Prelude In X Major," Chopin. Anthem "Mother's Prayers," Ack- ley. Offertory "In Deepening Shadows" Stingtleton. Solo "Hymn of Thanks," prothert. Soloist, Maurice Duncan. Poatlude "March." Ewlng. Sermon, "Can the Church of Today follow ChrlstJ" Hear this sermon and the one next Sunday entitled "The Christian In the Jungle," If you really dare to face the facts, you will. The ebal lerwre to really think things through In these two sermons. During this service the newly elect, ed elders will be Installed. Lonely? Come in, tint It t friendly! church. ' First Christian Charm Ninth and Oakdale afreet. W. . Baird. minister. Bible school at 9:45 a, m. L, Gentner, superintendent. court Everyman's Bible class in house auditorium at B:4S. MArntno wo-Ahln h-fftn. ftf tnKft ....... Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m, Evening evangelistic service at 8 o'clock. Sermon subject: "The Nar row Door." Special musts by the oholf. Eftle Herbert Yeoman, director, both morn ing and evening. The Federated Churches Jos. M. Johnson, pastor. Central Point. Oregon 'The Risen Lord and the Great Commission" (text in Matt. 38) la the lesson In the Bible schools this week. What a wonderful consummation of all that has gone before In this year's study. Meet us In the Bible class. Our young people will make a spe cial effort to meet the needs of God's work In their department. We give urgent Invitation to all young people. Young people will take part In the evening service. The summer months are a special challenge to earnest Christian en deavor. This church will carry on In all departments of service. The paator'a measoge In the Sunday morning service will be on the sub ject: "The great need of water, and how to get It." In the evening ser vice the subject will be: "Our True Liberties." We wilt have good song services, and we welcome all. Missionaries To Speak Tonight at 4-Square Church Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Peuersteln, for ten years missionaries In Venezu ela, South America, will speak In the Medford Foursquare ehuroh, one ser vice only, tonight at 7:48. The Feuerstelns have with them a supply of beautifully colored slides covering their ten years' work In South America, which they will ahow at this service. These slides Include trips Into the Jungles showing the In dian tribes, also trips through the Andes mountains. This promises to be an Interesting as well as educational service, show ing conditions ss they are In the neighbor continent, and brought to ua by those who have made that country their home for ten years. The publlo la cordially Invited to attend. NEW YORK DAY BY DAY BY O.O.McIntyre NEW YORK, June 18. A Manhat tan summer evening, emberlng Its final glow, has a deathbed loveliness that few cities attain. All the tall mid town spires ore bedl toned In sleepy golden ehlmmer, A sorosry of tpanglee and sudden hush In a reeling world of realities. Even the v peral bells have a far-away lonell nasi and Fifth avenue Itself be oames tip toey. Broadway tor tn hour or so sleepwalks In a tort of drugged reverie. Suoh naive memor anda was filed away tblt sundown In a leisurely walk from the park with Karl Kltohen. No one can help loving this lunatle city when It suddenly sheds herah ness and becomes to toft. It Is be tween 6 and 7 p. m I Imagine, that rough drafts of odet and orisons to the metropolis ire dashed off. In the studios stubborn blobs of paint melt Into radiation. The most exquisite canvases of the city are those imprisoning the final anadows of a closing day, catching the calm that's the cyclone's vortex. A New York evening Is always a rebuke to the greedy, lustful farce of the daylight hours. I'm glsd, somehow, I sleep through the mornings. Ewlng Oolloway and I watched him talking to an attractive girl on Helen Oould'a 6th avenue corner, puffing at nis pipe. At intervale the casually took the pipe from hit mouth and took a few pufft, too. Then he went on his way; the, here. But after a few steps he turned and called to her. She had forgotten to return hit pipe. Every man at some tune or other nurtures a secret yen to twiggtrabout in a raxun Panama with both a front and back dip. But only a few rise to the occasion. The most accom plished westers that come to mind are Larry Waterbury, William Oaxton, aery cooper, Jules Boohs. Clark Ga ble and, of course, Jimmy Walker who, with Warner Baxter, comprise America's greatest pair of shapeau niters. For Sale 3. piece antlqu bedroom get. Solid walnut bed, marble top dreiser and marble top commode. Tbli get wai uted by 0. 0. Boekman, pioneer Oregon banker. The Antique Shop Jacksonville, Ore. 1 The Colony, If gourmet are teeur ate. U1U the tariff higher than any other city restaurant. The folded menus and the wine man. loooed grandly with a brass ohaln like a lord mayor, uggeet the lost but noble squat, brick Volsln on a rue Camhon Mim - p Th. run. ' I to 78 oente. Food Is good enoiurh. the room Intimately sedate and or. eheatraless. It haloes a mannered elegance. SubtlyIndeed. Its restraint makes everyone conspicuous. And that, messleuret et mesdomes, is a restauranfa crowning attolnmsnt. In mgser. noisier places, they employ a master of ceremony pest to achieve the same effect. In a glorified honkv-tv . skip fro mBroadway a nudist bar frescoea tto wails with various people importance and no Impor tance at all, caricatured In out ou$ wood au naturel. I'm grouped among the Broodwar columnists, it la not Important but I'm not, and never have been, one of the iruild. an t atlck one'a race thus tn a publle place. riuiuua permission. It typical Broadway, E UP TO DATE, ROBS ' CHICAGO. June ! (AP) A mod- em Jlnuny Valentine today robbed Mrs. Adolph Zukor. wife of the mov ing picture producer, of 888.000 worth of Jewels. The marauder, believed by detec tives to be an expert hotel prowler from the east, entered Mrs. Zukor'. room high up In a Loop hotel Just before daylight. So quietly and expertly did he work that Mrs. Zukor did not discover her loss until after he had disappeared. At about the same hour, a thief entered the room of Mrs. Josephine Scott of Milwaukee, one floor below In the tame hotel. There he took a handbag containing 830. A lew hours before the modern "Valentine" entered the hotel, Mi. Edward B. McLean of Washington walked about the World's . Fair grounds, a short distance away, wear- ing me lamout 8300,000 Hope dia mond, Guarded by three men, Mrs. MoLean laughed when asked tf the huge Jewel she wore woe the Hone diamond. "Of course tt Is," the said. "Dont you see the guards?" HIT, RlTSTARTS ACCIDENT SERIES SPOKANE, Wash., June 18. (TTP) A hit and run driver ran Into the automobile of J. S. L. Bennett, State Patrolman Warren Oreenberg saw the collision, commandeered the Ben nett car and gave chase. ' Seven blocks later the Bennett ear, with Oreenberg riding the running board, hit a ear driven by o. B. Rlchter, San- Leander, Calif.. The state policeman woe thrown from the ear and tuffered a broken leg. ' me mtoner car woe catanulted Into the parked machine of Htat- mar storaaelt. Mrs. Rlchter and her eon Clifford, were Injured. Both were put in a police ambulance. Three blocks from the hospital the ambulance oolltded with a car drives by W. E. Stanger. Today the principals were trying to figure out who owes who and how much, If any, Soviet Orator Here SAN FRANCISCO, June 18 (API The Russian Soviet consul general. M. O. Oellkovltch, wot scheduled ts leave here late today for Portland and Seattle, where he will address the chambers of commerce on condi tions In the D. 8. S. R. and on for eign trade. , ' -Insnll Loses Bound CHICAOO, June 18. (AP) Samuel Inaull, former utilities grandee, to day lost his second consecutive round tn hit fight to avoid trial In federal court on charges of using the mailt to defraud, I Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks for the sympathy of our kind friends during our recent bereave ment. Roy Moon end Family. HOLDERS OF MIDrORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS who have not depoiited with, and who have not recently been in correspondence with the district, will please com municate with the under signed at once. 0. ARN8PI0ER, Secretary Medford Irrigation District, Medford, Oregon On mm i our Car L lililliRMMlHll It. HhHI" U iui i