"RAGE TWO MEDPOTm MATE TltTBUXE, rEDTOTW,. OTtEGOX. TUESDAY. .TTJS"E 12. "1934. THE OZARK SMILE GIRL FOR 1934 AUTO DEALERS 10 KEEP CODE RULES Automobile dealers of southern Oregon have received word from Roy O. Burnett, chairman of the Oregon state advisory committee that he has Just been Informed by Chairman Vesper of the National Control com mittee that marketing provisions of the Motor Vehlclo Trade code are not Included or contemplated In the re cent code statement given to the press by the sdmlnlstratlon. Mr. Burnett's wire emphasized the fact that the automotive code as followed by dealers of southern Oregon, Is not considered of. a' price fixing nature, and will be continued and enthusias tically supported by the administra tion. Most automobile dealers are sup porting the code, which has been en thusiastically received by the general public because of Its fslrness, accord ing to Mr. Burnett. A few aocalled chlaelers, however, are still profiting at the expense of honest dealers, the Oregon official stated, and rigid en forcement was- essentlAl to the effec tiveness of the code. Mr.. Burnett's statement was ampli fied by J. L. Miller, field representa tive for the National Automobile Dealers, association, with headquar ters In St. Louis. Mr. Miller address ed a meeting of the automobile deal ers of this section of Oregon at the Hotel Jackson last night. . ., - At the suggestion of Chairman Burnett of the Oregon state Advisory committee, the following telegram signed by southern Oregon dealers was forwarded to President Roosevelt: "We, the . following automobile dealers, members of the Southern Oregon Automobile Dealers associa tion herein 'assembled by resolution ratify code and are willing to pay for its enforcement Stop We consider code fair but there are a few chlselers profiting at the expense of honest I dealers stop Must have more rigid enforcement to make code effectlve. (Igned) C. A. Wlnetrout. w. S. Max well. Camera Automotive Service, Britten Motor Co., Coats & Hacket Co., Dan Kay,.. Perry Ii. Ashcraft, Claycomb Motor Co., Gates Auto Co., Pierce-Allen Motor Co., Eakln Motor Co.. Walter W. Abbey, Sandorson Motor Co., Meade Motor Co., Skinner Motor Co., Armstrong Motor Co., Rogue River Chevrolet Co." IIIWMMJW 11 ""r ttt""""""7T IfcAaisf 'XT -V Llvestorlc PORTLAND, Ore.. June 12. (AP) CATTLE: 2S: steady, unchanged. HOOS: 200: steady, unchanged. SHEEP: Ba; steady, unchanged. Portland Produce Miss Elaine Arendale of Sprlngilale, Ark., has been selected ovei 12 other entrants as the 1934 "smile girl" of the Missouri-Arkansas area embraced by the Ozark Playgrounds association. (Associated Press Photo) JUST AN OLD NAVY CUSTOM COOLER WEATHER T PORTLAND, Ore., June 12 (AP) Slightly cooler weather tonight una tomorrow In the Interior of. Oregon as 'well as. In the western coast region was predicted by the weather bureau here today. The forecast was for thunderstorm in ths mountains, and for some cloudiness In tho western area. The sun biased through cloudless sklea In eastern and western Oregon yesterday, bringing new high temper atures for the season, bltt In central Oregon thunderstorms brought rain. Umatilla had a 104-clegree mnxl mum, and It was 103 degrees In Pen dleton. Yaklma.and Walla Walla had 100 degries. In contrast, Marahfleld's maximum waa only 62 degrees. Other temperatures Included: Al bany H; Salem, Roseburg and Boise. 82; Eugene 90; and Portland, Bakor, Medford and Wolf Creek, 88 degrees. Phoenix, Arlr., with a maximum of 108 degrees, was the hottest point on the federal weather map. CLEARS BOOKS KmoSTON, N. C (UP) A one cent check Issued 19 yeara ago has been found at last and clerical em ployes of the Interstate Cooperage company, Belhaven, N. C, rest easy. The check was msde out to Hlnton Everett to cover a "shortage" In a previous check. Yeara passed and It did not come back. Recently an em ploye of the firm found It framed and hanging In the home of a mer chant who said he bought It from Everett as a ourloslty. The firm set about to find Everett, gave him a duplicate check, escorted him to the bank and told him to endorse It. The csshler handed him one cent. The company has that Item off Its "outstanding checks" column and Everett has his penny. 'I; -J' rl This may be one reason why graduates at the Naval, academy at Annapolis throw their caps In the air and shout when graduation exer clses are ended. Custom dictates that sweethearts of the graduates give them a kiss immediately after the ceremonies. So Helen Fisher of Annapolis and W. F. Cassldy of Fort Worth, Tex., are shown obeying custom's decree. (Associated Press Photo) PORTLAND. Ore., June 12 (AP) BUTTER Print A grade. 23c: parch ment wrapped cartons, 24c; quantity purchases, '2c lb. lesa; B grade, parchment wrappers, 22c; cartons 23c lb. BUTTERPAT Portland delivery: A grade delivered at least twice weekly. 20-21c; country routes. 17-1&3 lb.; B grade or delivery fewer than twice weekly. Portland, 17-18c; country routes, 14-15c; C grade at market. BOOS Pacific Poultry Producers' selling price: OverElze, 20c; freah extras, 18c; standards, 16c; mediums 16c dozen, (cartons 1 cent higher). Buying price of wholesalers : Fresh specials, 18c; extra 16c; extra medi ums 15c; medium firsts, 12c; pullets 12c; undergrade! 12c dozen.. POULTRY Portlsnd delivery, leg horns. U-12c; broilers, 12l4c; others unchanged. Cheese, milk, country, meats, on ions, potatoes, cantaloupes, strawber ries, wool and hay, steady and un changed. "Thank You!" Says Chairman Becsuse of the Impossibility of personally contacting the hundreds of southern Oregon men, women and children who so generously gave their time and elfort In the staging of Oregon's Dlsmond Jubilee, I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for their contribution. Their splendid co-operation snd unselfish elfort msde possible an event which will live In Oregon's history for years to come. Every member of Jubilee Committees Is deserving of prslse for literally months of energetic work, directed towsrd the ultlmste holding of the state wide celebration. Hundreds who psrtlctpated In the pioneer parade, the in dustrlsl psrsde and the pageant merit the sincere gratitude of the people of this stste for their unselfish effort to fslthfully depict esrly Oregon history, the life of those who crossed the plains and early modes of transportstlon In contrast with present dsy progress. The Oregon Dlsmond Jubilee wss an All-Oregon event In fact as well as name. Appreciation Is due scores of communities In this state, as well as California for caravans snd delegations which csme to Medford Isst week and to the press of the entire coast for generous co-operstlon. Favorable publicity of Inestimable value was secured through news papers, over radio and through news reels publicity that money can't buy. This community sdvertlslng Is. In itself, ample Justification for any expendi ture that might be made in stsglng the Jubilee. To me the chairmanship of the Oregon Dlsmond Jubilee Committee has been a delightful experience, haa brought me closer to msny scores of really fine southern Oregon citizens snd has convinced me thst the real spirit ot unselfish co-operstlon on the pert of people of this community ... a spirit that has made this "A Oreat Country," Is still predominate! E. C. "JERRY" JEROME, Chairman Dlsmond Jubilee Committee, Oats No. 3 white, 828. Corn No. 2 E. yellow, 837.50. Mlllrun stsndard, 818. Today's csr receipts: Wheat S, barley 1, corn 1, oats 2, hay 1. Wall St. Report Chicago Wheat CHICAGO, June 12. (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Low Close July 98 H 1.00 .98 V, .99 Sept. 08 1.00 .08 .90 Dec 1.00 1.02 1.00 V4 1.01',, Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., June 12. (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Low Close July .19 .794 .TO'i .19'i Sept. 7914 .79 .791j .79" Cash wheat: Big Bend blueatem 78 Dark'hard winter (12 pet.) 8314 Dark hard winter (11 pet.) 7814 Soft white, western white, hard winter, northern splrng and western red 78 NEW YORK, June 12. (AP) Stocks moved Into higher territory today and the trading volume, while still under normal, was considerably larg er than that of the preceding session. There was some profit taking In the last half hour, but gains of 1 to about 2 points predominated. The close was firm. Transfers approxi mated 960,000 shares. Today's closing prices for 32 se lected stocks follow:' Al. Chem. & Dye 14034 Am. Can 97 Am. & Pgn. Power 9 A. T. Ji T 118V4 Anaconda . 18 Atch. T. & 8. F. 88 Bendlx Aviation 18 Beth. Steel .. 3414 California Packing 3214 Caterpillar Tractor 2714 Chrysler 43 Coml. Solvent 24 Curtlss Wright 3 Du Pont 8914 den. Foods 33 Oen. Motors 331, Int. Harvest ......... 33 I. T. It T ... 14 Johns Msn ....M.W... 5114 Mont. Ward ......... 29 North Amer 17H Penney (J. C.) .............. 5814 Phillips Pet 19 Radio 714 Sou. Pac 2514 Std. Brands 2014 Std. Oil Ca 37 Std. Oil N. J .... 48 Trans. Amer 6 Union Carbide . . 42 United Aircraft 21 V. S. Steel . 43 SALEM, Ore., June 13. (AP) The body of James B. Llndsey, 58. who was drowned Sunday night while swimming in the Willamette river near here, will be shipped to La Grande, his former residence, for ser vices and interment. Leaves After Visit Mrs. Margaret Hembrokk. of Berkeley, left by train last night for Portland, en route to Chicago, after visiting In this city for a few days with friends. Minor Operation Mrs. E. F. Cham berlain, of Dunsmulr, Calif., under went a minor operation this morn ing at the sacred Heart hospital, and her condition Is reported good. NEAR FIRE DEATH ROSEBURO, Ore., June 13 (AP) Hsrry Kessler, 28, of Portland, driver for the Asbury Transportation com pany, is In a critical condition In Mercy hospltsl here as result of a crssh on the Psclflc hlghwsy a mile and a half south of Yoncalla at 9:30 o'clock last night. The huge transport truck and trailer, carrying a full cargo of gaso line, went Into the ditch, turned over, exploded and burned. Kessler wss burned when he leaped from the cab. of the truck directly into the flaming gasoline. He was rushed to Roseburg and is being treated by Dr. E. J. Walnscott, who states thst the mans Injuries are of a serious nsture. stste liquor control commission, and the state board of control. The board requested an audit before giving full consideration to salary adjustments and raises requested by the commis sion for nine of Its employes. It wss .Indicated no Irregularities were found in the audit. SALEM, June 12. (API Audit of the state liquor commission was com pleted here today by S. W. Starr, su pervisor of audits for the department of state, but will bo submitted to the secretary of state before being made public. P. J. Stadelman, sec retary, was expected here early this afternoon. Tho audit was authorized both by George McMorran, chairman of the ON YOUR. OWN 0 INDOSSERS BEOUDOBV do embarrassing questions or investigations no delays when you come here for money. We will lend you np to $300 on your own signatures (husband's and wife's) and security. You get the full amount of the loan in cash and get it promptly. Weekly or monthly payments to tuit your convenience. OREGON & WASHINGTON MORTGAGE CO. 15 South Central, V. E. Thomas, Mgr. License .No. S-15T Schilling Poultry Seasoning A delicious seasoning for soups, stews, all meat and poultry dressings. A REAL Select Green Fir Slabs, per load, 3 luuU lots $2l3 MEDFORD FUEL CO. 11-22 N. Central. Tel. 031 The clean Center Leaves are the ildest 1 Taste, TSetfek Visit southern Oregon Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tugman and famll, and Mrs. Mildred Christie and son. Nell, arriving here from Eugene on Friday, spent the week-ond as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Mattger on West Main street. While In southern Oregon, they attended the Diamond Jubilee festivities and visited Dia mond and crater lakes. Mrs. Christie Is Instructor of English and dramatics at the Eugene high school, and Mr. Tugman la managing editor of the Eu gene Register-Guard. Both are WJll known In Medford. The party return ed north this morning. ION HI PORTLAND, Ore., June 13 (API J. P. Lipscomb, manager of the Ore gon Home Owner Loan corporation, said today no action has as yet been taken toward appointment of a suc cessor to Edward B. Ashurst, who recently resigned as district manager of the Klamath Falls HOI.O office. Lipscomb said the Klamath Falls office Is temporarily in charge ot Sam Mothershead, district apprslser. He ssld he had yet made no recommen dation or report on a successor to Ashurst, who resigned to devote him self to his campaign for election as circuit Judge from Klamsth county. Eleo. Wiring, Repairing PHONE 90 ESSE II. M. Hush. Owner Uaitement. Medrori1 Dlilg. M COLOR for summer porches Splurse wilh color on the furnishingj that nuke your porcn so iiv.idic in summer, u yuu it uuuw shout colors (o use see our Color Harmony Selec tor!. They suggest Ihe gsjest combination! ! Fresh charm Tor furniture A pint or two of colorful fresh paint will lo wonders for wood snd wicker chairs snd tables. And it costs so little. The finish to use is Wipe outwear'n'tear Maybe your porch Moor omy neeiis a coat of two of fresh psint to give it new life. You grt a lough durable surface for wooJ or concrele wilh B-H Quick-Drying Porch and Floor Paint I Gallon . tfXM )unrt . Sl.no B-H Lustrelac Enamel OVICD'OKTiai Inl . i IMnt Shut Out Your Winged Enemies with our superior SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS While the weather is nice put a new roof on your house. Ask ui for an estimate on Cedar and Composition Shingles PORTER LUMBER COMPANY "Builders' Bureau of Information" 204 South Fir. Phone 124 We like telling you that Luckies are made of only clean center leaves. For the clean center leaves are the mildest leaves . they cost more they taste better. And we're proud of the fact that these choice tobaccos receive the benefit of Lucky Strike's famous process "It's toasted" for throat protection. But here's a point that's just as impressive: Luckies are round, firm, fully packed with long golden strands of fine tobacco no loose ends. That's why Luckies "keep in condition" why you'll find that Luckies do not dry out. Truly, Luckies are all-ways kind to your throat. eaves fr yr THESE ARE THEX p4 MILDEST LEAVES- ' f) VlP'5 : ) yfl f i - "It's toasted" " Lu-ways kind to your throat Only the Center Leaves these are the Mildest Leaves liQf iZtfi Tfet&b - i )