Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1934, Page 7, Image 7

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Local and Personal
t. Portland Dr. and Mr. . L.
Boomer of this city lelt last nlgut
to ipend two weeks In Portland.
gouthwlck In Town R. H. South
wick, recreation foreman of tba Union
Croak COO camp, apent yesterday In
Medford, and returned to camp last
Mining Man Here A. A. Newharn,
veil-known mining man from toe
Oranta Pass region, and Mra. New
man, nave spent the paat three daya
in Medford.
Here for Week Mlsa Hortenae Van
Hollebake, of Oakland, arrived on the
Shaeta thla morning to epend a week
In thla city visiting with her alster,
Mrs. B. A. Calklna.
Lea tea for Eugene Mlaa Corlno
Bpurgeon. of Eugene, left on the train
thla morning for her home, after
having apent a week In Medford aa
the house guest of Mlsa Ethel Moore.
Attorney! Return E. E. Kelly,
George Roberta, and Porter J. Neff,
local attorneys, returned on the train
..i.. fmm Salem, where they
have attended a aupreme court case.
Day In Ashland P. E. Nlchola and
..i vnrk nnat office employes, end
their famlUea will spend today In
Ashland, with a picnio rancuton iu
Llthla Park and golf In the after
noon. .
v. xivrf i creek Mra. O. O. Wlmer,
of thla city and two sons, Donald and
Aiuin lAft. hv train vesterdav for M7T-
tle Creek, Oregon, where they will
epend tne weea-ena vuuviu w.w
Family Arrives Oapt. Robert Dens
nt trin Annleeate CCO oamp.
waa In this city yesterday to meet his
wife ana tnree cnnurcu, ww a..c
by train from the south to make their
home here.
aim Rant Mra. Oertrude Gates, in
structer In domeatlc science at the
senior high school, left on the train
Friday night lor Montreal, ana win
atop en route at ssn rrancieco, vai
ego, and Minneapolis.
Arrives from Vallejo Gregory T.
Martin, who la affiliated with the fac
ulty of the University of Santa Clara,
arrived on the Shasta yesterday from
Vallejo, and will spend two weeks
visiting southern Oregon.
T T-rln OT. T. TAnAK. SU
perlntendent of construction of tho
forest service, ana J. aa. muu.
glonsl forestry Inspector from Port,
land, spent yesterday on a road In
spection trip to Ashland.
nruta Haiti and lTriwr V O. D'.
iiKt-i imi rnev. who returned
yeaterday from a business trip to
Klamath Fans, reports neavy iitiuia.
in the Klamath region, and also a
frost which killed several potato crops
vmItm iipnri in furies Mark Car
ter, route 3, received head Injuries
In an accident Friaay as me comer
of 13th and Central when his car was
hit by an auto driven ny mwin mar
ton, rout 3, due to slippery pave
r fmaAm Mr and Mrs. Tj. A. Dell
are leaving Monday" for a month's
vacation at Saskatoon, Seek., Canada.
ir rbu ! minimr of the western
Thrift atore and A. 0. Thompson, of
oeatue, wiu nave cntu-ge 01 ow.o
during his absence.
Mrs. Bllea Released Mrs. Prances
Biles. 1834 North Riverside, who was
arrested for allegedly robbing pursue
at the Dreamland dance hall, was re
leased by city police yesterday. The
complaint was filed by Ethel Spltzner,
115 Willamette avenue.
Turhm rA it. of o. Mlaa Qer
trade Ahlatrom of Ashland, instruc
tor at the Jackson school, during the
paat year, and Miss Eleanor Curry,
instructor at tho Roosevelt school,
plan to leave soon to attend the Unl-
veralty of Oregon aummer school,
ThMw nriirfi nut Smllev Parker
trjLni.!nt. vrin was arrested Friday
on drunkenness charges, waa ordered
out of town in City court yeswrosy
Airmrf in. And Dan Lane. In
diana of the Jubilee Indian village,
were also ordered out of town for
Accident on Riverside An accident
on South Rlveraide, at the intersec
tion of Barneburg road, was reported
i. vtAiiry. jitation Frldav in
volving J. H. Maassen, route 4, and
L. R. Baker, of this city. Tne report
ahowed that Baker failed to stop st
the intersection and waa driving with
no lights.
Um n.hhrt iMrmm Mrs. Edith
Gebbert, a pioneer realdent of Oregon,
lert on tne enasta yesterday ior u-a.
home in Portland. She has been In
Medford over Jubilee week, and en
hA,v. mill .Inn fnr Mveral visits.
Mrs. Gabbert and Earl 0. Oaddls of
this city were acquainted when they
were children.
Accident at Fairgrounds An acci-
.ii tli. iwvrth ntranca of tho
fairgrounds was reported at the city
police station Friday involving a CCC
truck driven by Louis Fallest, head
quartera detachment, and an auto
owned by the McCurdy-Danlels In
surance Agency. The machines backed
into each other.
Mlsa Taylor Here Miss Grace Tay
lor of Eugene Is a week-end visitor
in Medford.
Visits Granddaughter Mra. Luem-
da Petree of Lakeview is visiting at
Crater Lake with her granddaughter,
Mrs. B. R. Pinch.
Return from Eugene Mra. Annie
Brown and daughter Genevieve have
returned to Medford from spending
several daya in Eugene.
Located In Medford Carl Inman of
Eugene haa been spending the pas:
wwk in ueoiora. Having been sent
nere by the Standard on company,
Returns from Lakeview Mr. and
Mra. Earl Jonea have returned to Med
ford, from Lakeview where they were
cauea oy tne death of Mrs. Jones'
mother, Mrs. C. E. Eccleston.
To Diamond Lake Included in a
party motoring to Diamond lake last
evening, to apend the week-end, were
Mr. and Mrs. Csrl Otto of Stockton,
Calif., Mr. and Mra. E. C. Ferguson
and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Koozer. They
plan to return to Medford today.
when Mr. and Mra. Otto, who have
been attending the jubilee here, will
leave for their home.
Liquor Supervisors Leave E. R.
Morris, district supervisor for the
Oregon state liquor commission, and
w. E. Berry, assistant district super
visor, who have been at the local liq
uor atore during Jubilee week, will
return this morning to their head
quarters in Eugene. The liquor store
announces that with the Jubilee over,
regular hours will be resumed, from
11 a. m. to 8 p. m., on week days.
and from 10 a. m., to 10 p. m.r on
Culy New Manager A. B. Evanr,
general agent for the Ohio National
Life Insurance Co., announces the as
polntment of O. N. Culy aa district
msnager for the southern Oregon ter.
ritory. Mr. Culy wss formerly with
tne Oregon Mutual Life and for sev
eral years has been one of their lead
ing producers. E. L. Maguln, who Is
sn experienced Insurance man, and
who has also been very successful as
a bond salesman, will be associated
with Mr. culy.
8warthouts Here A. E. Swarthout
and family of Tulsa, Okla., were In
Medford today renewing acquaintan-
cea with George Codding and fami'.y,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Smith, Mr. and
Mra. Everett Trowbridge, and other
friends. Mr. Swarthout waa formerly
bookkeeper for the Medford Sun in
1911 and 1912 and went to Indepen
dence, Kansas In the employ of the
sinciair-prairle Oil Co., from where
yeara ago he was transferred to Tulsa,
Okla. The Swarthout family drove to
Crater lake today and will then drive
to Eugene to vlalt Mr. S war thou t's
brother and will then drive through
eastern Oregon and back home.
Spends Jubilee Week Here Miss
Leone Larm, who has apent
week visiting in thla city, returned
yeaterday by train to her home In
Wallowa, Ore.
From San Franclae o William
Frohnmeyer, of San Francisco, arrived
m this city on the Shasta yesterday
to visit his brother. Otto Frohnmeyer,
local attorney.
From Redmond Mr. snd Mrs. Chas
Harrlaon and nephewa Kenneth and
Hubert Hayea of Redmond, Ore., were
guests of Mr. and Mra. S. C. Godlore
during Jubilee week.
Leaves After Visit Miss Mildred
McElllgott of Grants Pass returned to
her home yesterday by train after
having spent the week visiting In this
city with Miss Marlon Cobb.
Gueats of Mrs, Ping William C.
Jones and daughter Cleo are the
guests In Medford of Mra. H. J.
Ping, having come here from Laurel,
Mont., to attend the Jubilee celebration.
Back from Colorado Paul Andrewa,
35 Vancouver avenue, who has been
trip to Trinidad, Colorado, ar
rived home reoently. He wae accom
panied on the trip by his sister, Mrs.
Leo Sevlck.
Leave for Portland (Mrs. E. S. Sev
erance of Jacksonville, and daughter
Florence, left laat week by motor for
Portland, where they plan to remain
for a week. They formerly resided in
that city.
Get Flower Containers Persons who
had exhibits at the Medford Garden
club show laat week at the senior
high school, and who failed to call
for their containers, yesterday, will
find them at 303 North Oakdale.
Guests of Billings' Mr. and Mrs.
O. O. Clarke of Stockton, Calif., sn
visiting County Commissioner Ralph
Billings and family of Ashland for a
few days. Mr. Clarke la an appraiser
for the Federal Land bank of Califor
Visitors In Medford Mr. and Mrs.
Wllford Henry of Klamath ralla, and
Mra. Henry's sister, Miss Margaret
(Bobby) Reld of Eugene were visitors
In Medford Saturday afternoon. Miss
Reld is spending the week-end as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry.
Fish at Crater Lake Mr. end Mr
Floyd Sparka of San Francisco and
Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside of Tulare,
Calif., spent Saturday forenoon at
Crater Lake, where they made a fine
catch of fish. In the afternoon, they
left for their homes, via the Redwood
Praises Pageant J. ' W. DeSouza,
from the legal department of the atate
highway commission at Salem, and
son, Billy, arrived in Medford Friday
and remained over yeaterday for tne'
ending day of the Jubilee. Mr. De
Souzs had high praise for the pageant
"Oyer-Un-Gon," and stated that It
waa a remarkable performance. He is
the brother of Postmaster Frsnk De
Guettlatfs Here Mr. and Mra. Ted
Ouetzlaff of Ashland, accompanied
by bis mother snd Mrs. Queulaff.
alster, were visitors In Medford Thurs
day for the pioneer parade.
Leaves CCC Work Dr. George B.
Dean, who has been camp phyelclan
for the Applegate CCO company, hss
been relieved from duties there, ac
cording to district headquarters.
Relieved from Duty Captain James
H. Barbln, QMC (Inf.) will be relieved
from CCC duty, to return to his reuu-
lar post at Vancouver Barracks, June
13. Captain Barbln, wno la now on
leave to San Francisco, plana to re
turn here Monday.
To Olve Talk George M. Boyd,
lighting engineer for the Westing-
house company, will give a talk on
Illumination, at 7:30 p. m, Monday
evening, on the main floor of the
Copco building. An invitation haa
been extended all who are interestea
in lighting.
Miss Tracy to Eugene Miss Isobel
Tracy, of Claremont, Cal., who has
been visiting for the week-end In this
city with the Misses Dorothy snd
Marjorle Goff, left on tne Shasta yes
terday for Eugene. Miss Helen Harrl-
man, of Lakeview, Ore., who la also
vlaltlng with the Mlssea Ooff, will
remain In Medford another week.
Assigned to Umpqua Post John
Grlbble, senior ranger In the local
forest service, has received an ap
pointment to the Umpqua National
forest tor the Port Orford cedar
timber sale. Grlbble will leave 'or
Myrtle Point, to take up-his new du
ties there, next Wednesday, and ex
pects the work to be completed by
Love Pined S5o Roy M. Love, of
this city, who figured In an accident
last Monday on the Pacific highway
near Jackson Hot Springs, was found
guilty of reckless driving in JusMce
Court at Ashland Friday, and fined
50. Love, who pleaded guilty, ap
peared before Justice of the Peace L.
A. Roberta. As he will leave June 11
for National Guard encampment,
Love'a Jail sentence waa auapend'id.
and he was given until August 1 to
pay his fine.
In Roseburg Delegation Included
In the delegation from Roseburg,
which visited Medford Friday were
George Smith. Hotel Roseburg: Al
Bashford, president of the chamber
of commerce; W. C. Harding, secre
tary of the chamber of commerce; F.
L. Crittenden, Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.;
M. R. Brown, Southern Oregon Gas
corporation; John Ewell and hla Ump
qua Chiefs; Wm. F. Harris, member
of the city council; Dr. L. A. Dlllstd.
dentist; J. A. Harding, Umpqua ho
tel; Horace Berg, creameryman and
Clyde Adair, creameryman.
Lodge meeting, June
f(KY 11, 7:30 P. M.
A cool, restful retreat enjoyed by
hundreds of Jubilee guests during the
past week waa the Christian Science
Monitor exhibit room In the Jackson
County Bank building. Fragrant
flowers from Medford gardens made
thla place particularly attractive.
Clippings and pictures from the
files of the Monitor pasted on black
cardboard were effectively placed
about the display room through the
courtesy of Medford, Salem and Ash
land Science churches. One of the
interesting seta Illustrated the new
three million dollar Christian Science
Monitor publishing house In Boston,
Mass. Subjects to appeal to every
Individual were grouped for conven
ient perusal by Jubilee visitors.
Feature articles concerning Oregon's
Industrial and recreational centers
were shown along with stories and
photographs of mining In Jackson
ville. The Christian Science Monitor,
an International newspaper, waa first
published in 1908, its pages number
ing only twelve. Since then It
growth has been constant, the latest
improvement being the addition of
an eight page weekly mags tine section.
Kach afternoon ft story hour waa
featured for the children in a spec
ially decorated corner. A comfortable
lounging room for women was also
Entomologists of North Carolina
Stat college recently went to Hen
derson, N, 0., and ended an Infesta
tion of ants that had defied common
household methods of eradication.
WINDOW GLAS& We sell window
glass and will replies your broken
windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab
inet Works.
. New Paralysis Cases
LOS ANGELES. Cal., June 9 (AP)
Fourteen new cases of Infantile
paralysis In the city and nine in the
county were reported by health au
thorities today, bringing to 565 the
number of cases reported for the en
tire county since the disease started
spreading about two months ago.
Mllltla Camp Neara
ASTORIA, Ore., June 9. (AP) A
tralnload of artillery, guns, caisson
and ammunition carts arrived at
Camp Clatsop last night In prepara
tion for the arrival of 3,000 men of
the Oregon National Guard who will
be here Tuesday for the two weeks'
summer encampment.
Shows Today
Back Again . . By Popular Demand!
... It Is the policy of the Rlalto
Theatre to show ONLY first-run
pictures, there does come a time
when a veritable flood of phone
calls, letters and Inquiries about
ome picture will cause us to
break that rule ... and this II
one of those times!
So, Here It Is!.
WUl Bo(ers' greatest role . . sur
passing anything he has erer
made before with this characteri
zation of the mellow . . . kindly
. . . shrewd horse-trader of the
old school who mixes philosophic
wise-cracks with his sharp dealing
In "hosses"!
(End of W. Main off
J'ville Highway)
Medford'a New Open
Air Pavilion . . .
Dance to Dinty Moore'i
Original Little GianUl
Every Bun., Wed. and Sat.
Men Ladies
35c IOC
in "The Farmer's Fatal Folly"
"Shades of Cairo" Newireel
Ml !
If m
i9K .... WSN.
V rVJi t '
JL""' ;
1000 and one new thrills . . . never before
has any screen brought you such adventure
. . . such breath-taking romance 1 Truly the
thrill-spectaole of the age I
YOU'LL SEE the nerve tlnfllne race to the Elephants' nurylnj OrounJ a fortune In Ivoryl
. , . 100 roaring lions, in a wild Jungle attack ... SO thundering elephants In mad stampede!
ISO apes with a handful of humans at their mercy I Ta nan's sensational battle with a man.
eatlnt crocodile! . , Two solid hours of amatlng adventure that will leave you spellbound!
:Mf Edgar Ric
From the Famous Stories by
Rice Burroughs
. Mil '":
Thelma Todd-Patsy Kelly Comedy 'Babes in the Goods'
Oddity "Vital Victuals" Graham McNamee News
Shows Today
Li c
Mats ... 25o
Eves ... 35c
Kiddies . 10c