Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week
Edited by
Irva K. Fewell
Wedding Today of
Miss V. Frederick
and Noel Kellogg
At the lununtr homo or the bride's
parents, on Rogue river, Miss Virginia
Frederick, daughter of Mr. ana Mra. u
O. Frederick of Medford, and Noel
Kellogg, eon of Mr. and Mri. A. E.
Kellogg of thla city, will be united In
marriage this afternoon at ;
o'clock, with Rev. J. W, Haman of
the Or'nta Past Preab-terlan church,
Invitations have been Issued to 35
friend and relatives.
The bride will be attired In a dress
of white lace and net, and will carry
a shower bouquet of pink Columbia
rotes. She la to be given In marriage
by her father. Attending the bride
will be Miss Elizabeth enlder, her
cousin, who will wesr green voile and
lace, and a corsage of yellow rose
Following the ceremony, a recep
tion will be held. After short
wedding trip, the couple will be at
home to helr friends, at Carglll
court, In this city. .
Honor Mrs. Welch
With Bridge Party
Honoring Mra. Don Welch of Port
land, Mrs, Frank Perl entertained
Tuesday at bridge. Quests Invited
were Mrs. Bruce Bauer, Miss Dorothy
Nyewaner. Mrs. Hester Whitman, Miss
Katherlne Sweeney, Mrs. David Wll
cox, Mrs. Jack Porter, Mrs. Louise
Olsen, and the honor gueat.
Mr. and Mrs. Welch, who were
house guests here of the Perls this
week, returned to their home In Port
land on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Black
Bare Dinner Guests
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Black entertain
ed last evening at their river lodge,
Inviting three couplea for dinner.
Bailneat Meeting
Of Altar Society
8t, Ann's Altar society of the Ceth
olte church has announced that a
business meeting will be held Tues
day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the
Pariah hall. . ..
Itoay Club
Meet Tomorrow
At the meeting tomorrow, June 11,
of the Travel Study club, Mrs. S. A.
Krosohel will give paper on "Mod
ern African States,!' and Mrs. George
Oliver will review the book "Roll,
Jordan, Roll", Current events are to
be given by the members. The meet
ing Is scheduled for two o'clock at
the home of Mrs. J, O. Orey, 93 Rose
avenue. ', :
Rev, and Mrs. hleldT
To Reticle In Medford
Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Shields, who
have been at Enterprise, Ore., for
some time, are coming to Medford
early this week, to make their home
ha.-s, at 855 West Second street, ao
eordlng to word received here.
Rev. Shields was pastor of the Pres
byterian church In Medford for near
ly twelve yean, about 30 years ago,
and many of his and Mrs. Shields'
friends will bs glad to know that
they are planning to reside here.
Pocahontas Lodge ..
Plans Basket Dinner
Weatonka council held Ita regular
meeting Friday night with plans
completed for the association meeting
to be held at the Llthla park In Ash-
larra. it will be In the form of a
basket dinner at noon today.
Social night for the Pocahontas
lodge was announced for next Friday.
June 19. A dance will be held, music
to be furnished by Dlckey't orchestra.
After the business hour, refresh
ment were served by Irene Shirley
and Nellie Lalng.
Wedding Wednesday ,
Before an Improvised altar, banked
with pink and blue delphiniums,
lilies, and snapdragons. Miss Edna
Bottom was married Wednesday eve
nlng at a 7:o o'clock ceremony, to
Chester Sllllman of Grants Pass.
The ceremony wss read by Rev. W.
R. Balrd. pastor of the First Christian
church, at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
I, R. Foy.
The bride, attired In a long white
dress of organdie, end wearing a
short veil, wsa attended by Mist
Helen Porter, who wore a dreas of
pale blue organdie with a Dink sash.
The bride's bouquet waa predoml
nently pink rosebuds, while Miss Por
ter wore a corsage of pink blossoms.
William Heath was best man.
Mendelssohn's wedding march was
played by Miss Lois Herman. .
The couple will make their home
In Orants Pass.
To Wed Young Attor
j m
fclleu luck French (above) debu-
tante who Is to wed John Jacob Astor
in. (Associated Press Photo).
Mrs. Fred Wilmot
Installed as Head
Missionary Society
Honor duett
PHOENIX Mrs. 3. A. Blevlnt and
Mist Helen Glover were hostesses to
a group of friends at a pre-nuptial
. linen shower for Miss Opl Mont
gomery, at the home of Mra. I. Bris
coe. June 4. Refreshments were
served and the honored guest wsa
presented with many lovely gifts.
Those present Included M lines Fern
Briscoe, Viola Swisher, Sustnne
Bsrkley, Babe and Naomi Montgom
ery. Nance Johnston, Molly Johnston,
Mrs. Briscoe. Mra. Montgomery, the
hostesses, Mra. Blevlns, Miss Glover,
and the guest, Miss Montgomery.
Last Saturday afternoon, Misses
Mary Jarrle and Patsy Thompson, to
gether with a group of her school
mates, gave a kitchen ahower In hon
or of Mist Montgomery, at the
Thompson home.
Mra. B. A. Montgomery, the mother
of the bride-to-be. gave a miscellane
ous ahower at her home Wednesday
Chiropractic and Physiotherapy
Oregon License Vflt .,
California License 1028
H Tear In Medford, Ore,
Woman's Missionary society of the
First Christian church met Wednes
day afternoon for the regular month
ly meeting. The congregation sang.
'Sunshine in My Soul" followed with
prayer by Mrs. W. R. Balrd.
The president, Mrs. Allen Curry,
presided at the business period, and
asked that all missionary library
books turned In. It was voted to
have an anniversary tea Friday after
noon, June 18, with a display of
curios and sovenlrs from seversl for
eign lands In connection with the
tea. Reports were read and approved.
Forty-one mission books were report
ed read during the month.
After Mrs. James Grlgsby and Mrs.
Gerald Ban- sang "In the Garden" in
a pleasing manner, Mrs. R. L. Ray In
stalled the following officers for the
new yesr: President, Mrs. F. J. Wil
mot: vice president, Mrs. Everett
Esds; secretary, Mra. O. M. Hon;
treasurer. Mrs. P. o. Latham; litera
ture secretary.. Mrs. J. T. Davis, In a
very beautllul service, after which
the president, Mrs. Curry, presented
her. In behalf of the society, with a
beautiful basket of flowers.
Mrs. Eada had oharge of the mis
sion study class period, the first les
son of which was presented by Mrs.
Latham, starting with a review of the
pioneer work of our national mis
sionary society, , v, I-,: ;
Mrs. C. C, Pierce had charge of the
regular lesson with Mrs. Balderstonj
reading tne devotional service. Mark
8:34-37, followed by prsyer by Mrs
Orisp. Mrs, Arnold Bohnert sang a
very muni solo, accompanied bv
Mrs. Mabel Sims. Mrs. Pierce cave a
paper on "me unurcn on the Amerl
can Frontier," Mrs. Eunice Smith
gave a talk on "The" Gospel In
French." -- v 4
n auet, -into tne Tent Where a
Oypsy Boy Lay" by Mrs. E. Olson
and Mrs. Eunice Smith, accompanied
by Mrs. Hood; a duet, "The Wonder
ful Btory of Jesus." bv Mrs. o. o
Pierce and Mrs. John Frees, were given.
Mrs. wumot was caned upon for an
nouncement she might have concern.
Ing the beginning of the new year'a
work. After complimenting Mra.
Curry on her work and faithfulness,
having only missed one meeting In
wire jctire, sne appointed aa group
leaders for the ensuing yesr, Mrs.
David Hood, Mra. A. H. Gregory. Mrs.
I. H. Oove, Mrs. R. L. Ray, Mrs. Wal
ter Kindred and Mrs. Jack Hemstreet.
Mri. Curry expressed her apprecia
tion for the fine o operation of the
members, after which Mrs. Rsy pre
sented her a very lovely sift from the
' Hefreahment were served by the
hostess, Mra. O. O. Pierce and group,
Mra. Mildred Ba Were ton, Mri. M. B.
Harper. Mra. Louis Centner. Mrs.
John Freet, Mrs. Willie Coi and Mra.
Hugh Scovell.
Clueat Here of
Mist Miller
Miss Helen Holbrook of Klamath
Falls It the guest In Medford of Mist
Leabel Miller, over the week-end.
Entertaining At"-
Dinner Tonight
Mr. end Mrt. Frank Perl are enter.
taming this evening at dinner, hw
ing invited pr. and Mrs, Dwlght
nnniey ana Mr, and Mrs. William
Miss Helen Patton
Is Graduate Friday
BERKELEY, Calif., June 9. Among
the forty who were graduated from
the Anna Head school, California's
oldett private school for girls, here
Friday waa Helen Patton, daughter of
Mra. Hamilton Patton of Medford.
Miss Patton took an active part In
the colorful flower eeremAny, Id
which the graduating class Inducted
the junior girls as seniors.
This year's graduation exercises
were especially tlgnlflcant as they
formed a part of the celebration of
Mary B. Wllson't twenty-fifth year
aa principal. Participating In the fes
tivities were hundreds of Miss Wil
son's former students, many of whom
were ittle girls In braids and hair
ribbons In 1003 when she was chosen
to succeed the late Anna Head aa
A number hare daughters of their
own In the school now. One out of
every twelve Of the girls enrolled at
tne Anna Head school It the daugh
ter of a mother who waa herself edu
cated in thla famous old school.
Willett Musical
Pleases Audience
The musical evening, arranged last
Tuesday at the Baldwin recital hall
by Rosa Blackmore Willett, was well
attended and enthusiastically receiv
ed by mualo lovers.
A program of unusual merit was
cleverly and artistically rendered by
gifted students from the Medford
and Orants pass classes, and the
group of Irish ballade sung by James
Llum of Grant Pats, were warmly
The program follows:
Song of the Alps Ryder
Bill Lonlgan
La Cascade .Pauer
Norma Nelll
Caprlcant Wachs
Jimmy Llum
Prelude In O Sharp Minor.
................................ Rachmaninoff
Llebestraum jatreleikl
Legenda Albenlz
Frits OuetrJaff
When Irish Eyee Are Smiling.
- ....................... Sanderson
Friend o' Mine Ball
Jamea Llum, baritone
Autumn Chamlnade
Romance ......................arlmfeld
Staccato Etude ...................Rubinstein
Kathleen Bratton
Piano Concerto Mendelssohn
"Caprioclo Brllllante"
1st piano. Mra. Lydla Ouetalaff.
2nd piano, Rosa Blackmore Willett
P. E. O.'t To Meet
With .Mrs. Williams
Mrt. L. B. Williams will lie hostess
on Thureday evening at 7:80 o'clock.
at her.home on Peach street, to mem
ber! of the p, E. o.'a for their regu
lar meeting
Wrltert to Gather
At Hotel Holland
The local branch of the Oregon
League of Western Writer! will meet
at the Holland hotel Saturday after
noon, June 10, at two o'clock. All
members are asked to be In atten
Enjoy Jubilee
Before Trip South
Mr. and Mra. Charles H. Swanton
and Mra. L. P. Orundman of Seattle,
were gueata In Medford during Jubi
lee week of Mia. R. R. McConoohte.
They visited her with friends before
continuing to Los Angelet, where
they will make their home.
Association Picnic
Is Tuesday Afternoon
The Presbyterian Women'a associa
tion will hold a picnic Tuesday, June
13, beginning at 3 p. m. at the home
of Mra. B. M. Watts. Anyone who
has extra car room or wants trans
portation to the picnic Is requested
to call Mrs. O. L. Overmyer st 1375.
In esse of rain the affair will be In
the parlors of the church.
ouestt Hera of
Mr. and Mrt. Mertln a
Mr. and Mra. O. H. Mareln had a
guests In Medford Thursday, Mr. and
Mra. Raleigh Taylor and Albert Ssusr.
of Klamsth Falls. The Taylors are
former residents of Medford.
Visitors From Ohio
Kor Jubilee FeMlvlllei
Minnie E. Wyent of Sminrfteld.
Ohio la here to attend the Oregon
Jubilee celebration. She la visiting
at the home of her daughter and
son-in-law, J. W. Baker, 1603 North
Riverside. While here, she will alto
enjoy trips to the Redwoods. Crater
Lake, the Rose Festival at Portland
and other scenlo trips.
Mitt Patterson
Hostess at Lunrheon
Miss Mildred Patterson wai hostess
last week honoring Miss Venlta An
derson, bride-to-be. Luncheon waa
served at Miss Patterson's home at
Chlldera apartments, after which
cards were enjoyed, with prise for
high score going to Miss Anderson.
Other guests during the afternoon
were Mrs. Melvln Wright, Miss Vera
Humphrey, Mtas Dorothy Carllea, Miss
Oertrude Wattling, . and Miss Jane
Wedding Friday
At J;30 Friday afternoon Porotht
Lillian Meyer, daughter of H. O.
Mayer of Lake Creek became the
bride of Wallace W. Ragsdtle, also
of Lake Creek. They wire married
at the heme of the officiating minis
ter, Rev. D. I. Millard at 33 Tripp St.
In Medford, the combination rjng
service being used.
They were accompanied by the
brlde'a father, H. O. Meyer and the !
groom's mother. Roa Edith Jonee, all
of Lake Creek. The bride and groom
and their parents are all native of
Jackson county, all having been born
their home place near Lake
Creek. The newlyweda left Immedi
ately after the ceremony on a honey
moon trip to Lake of the Woods. ;
after which they will be at home to
their friends on their ranch near
Lak Creek.
Dinner Party Given
By Mrs. Carpenter
Preceding Pageant
Guests were Invited by Mr. end
Mrs. Leonard Carpenter to their home
Friday evening for dinner, after
which the party attended the pag
eant, "Oyer-Un-Gon" given aa a part
of the Jubilee celebration at the
Jackson county fairgrounds.
Invited guests were Mr. and Mra.
E. G. Burgess, Mr. snd Mrs. H. Jor
dan, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. V.
Birthday Surprise
For Mr. Williams
3. H. Williams of Beagle wss honor
guest at a surprise blrthdsy dinner
lsst Sunday given at the home of
his brother-in-law and slater, Mr.
snd Mrs. R. E. Boyles, also of Beagle.
Seated at the head of an attractive
ly decorated table, Mr. Williams was
presented with a number of birthday
girts and cards.
Those present for the occasion
were J. H. Williams, Mrs. M. A.
Parks, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Selgmlller
and daughter Marie, Mrs. A. B. Wil
liams and daughter Helen, C. R.
Williams, all of Beagle, and Mr. and
Mrs. Leo B. Williams and children
Gloria and Hugh, Mr. and Mra
Arthur Hess and son Billy, of Med
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Don Selgmlller
and baby of Grants Pass, Mrs. H.
A. Barnlck and children Edyth and
Phillip, of Portland, B. E. Bruce of
Los Angeles and the host and hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Boyles. '
Loyalty Club
Annonnces Meet
The Loyalty club of the Eagles will
meet at the hall over Whlllock's Gol
den Rule Wednesday. June 13.
The hostesses for the afternoon are
Mrs. Averlll, Tucker snd McEwen. All
members are urged to attend.
Invite Husbands
To Tuesday Meeting
The Past Mstrons of Nevlta chap
ter. Central Point, will meet at the
home of Mrs. Henry Hess Tuesday
evening, June 13, st 6 o'clock. Hus
bands of the members will be guests
for tne covered dish supper.
Picnic In Ashland
Saturday, Announcement
The D. A. R. will have Its next
meeting In the form of a picnic, Sat
urday, June 16, at Llthla park In
Ashland. Mrs. Frank J. Newman will
give the review, and Mrs. M. M. Mor
ris will be chairman of the toclal
'. -
Postpone Altar Guild
Tlonlc Thlt Week.
Altar Guild society of the St. Mark's
Episcopal church, will conduot the
picnic supper later this week, Instead
of Monday, as previously planned, It
was announced Saturday. Date of
the picnlo will be published later.
Garden Club Meet
Planned Thursday
The Medford Garden club will hold
Ita regular monthly June meeting
Thursday evening, June 14 In the
court house auditorium at 7:30. There
will be a short business meeting and
reports of the delegates to the state
meeting will be given.
The club wishes to thsnk every one
who helped to mske the show which
closed Friday night, such a success.
Especially does It wish to thank the
following business houses for their
Interest and co-operation. The Oro-
ceteria, Wurta" Gift Shop, Burk'a
Awning Shop, the Porter Lumber Co.,
and the 8. O. S. Packing House.
Also the Mall Tribune, the Foreetry
Service, the Library, the four garden
clubs which entered displays, the
Eagle Point Clvlo club, the Medford
Rote Osrdens, Mr. and Mrt. Raymond
Driver, Mrs. Ethel Wlllets, Mrt. Black.
F. H. Heum, Mrs. Maru and all who
worked on any committee.
May Louise Logan
Weds Mr. Gray at
Service in G. Pass
May Louise Logan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Kell of Gold Hill,
and Richard Donald Gray, ton of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Gray of River
side, were married Wednesday after
noon by Judge Grant W. Matthews at
Grants Pats, before a small group of
close friends and relatives.
Mr. Gray Is a graduate of Oregon
State college and a member of Kappa
Delta Sigma fraternity.
After the service Mr. and Mra. Gray
left for Portland and British Colum
bia by way of the coast route. Dur
ing the summer they will reside In
Ashland and In the fall they will go
to Kicniana, wnere Mr. Gray Is su
perintendent of schools.
Activities of
Legion Auxiliary
Husbands Invited
To picnic Thursday
Lutheran Ladles' Aid members will
entertain their husbands at a picnic
dinner Thursday, evening at seven
o'clock, on the lawn, at the home
of Mr. and Mra. Carl Flchtner, 616
south Holly street.
Following the picnic, gsmes and a
program will be enjoyed.
Guests of ' '
.Mlsi Nyswaner
Included smong Jubilee guest In
Medford, are Mr. and Mrs. Elery Hall
of Eugene, who formerly msde their
home In Ashland. They sre the guests
of Miss Dorothy Nyswaner while In
Lieut, and Mrs. Greene
Have Guests for Jubilee
Lieutenant and Mrs. Fred W.
Green of 606 South Central avenue,
have as guests from Corvsllls, Clyde
Shaw, and daughter Miss Clema, who
were In the city for the Diamond
Jubilee. Miss Shaw plans to remain
here for about two weeka.
flueiti In City of
Mr, and Mrs. Huhharri
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Oroth Of Palm
Springs. Calif., hsve been the guests
during the past week of Mr. and Mrs.
A. o. Hubbard here, attending the
Diamond Jubilee celebration, Mr.
and Mrt. Groth have a summer home
at Diamond Lake.
Mrt. Crawford lo Kntcrtaln
Members of Church Auxiliary
Next Tuesday afternoon at two
o'clock the Ladles' Auxiliary of the
First Bsptltt church will hold a com
bined business and missionary meet
ing at the home of Mrt. Raymond
All members and friends are cordi
ally Invited.
Regular social meeting of the aux
iliary will be held on Monday evening
June 11, In the armory club rooms.
A special program has been arranged,
and Mrs. w. A. Holloway will act as
All committee reports for the year
will be due within a short time, and
a special meeting will be called at a
later date, for that purpose.
Meets Tuesday
Phoenix Health Unit will meet
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Porter
at Holloway orohards, at two o'clock.
All members are asked to be present
and bring pieces for the quilt.
mi i
1 1 111
The Newest in Silverware
Select a Gift for the June Bride front
our Attractive and Complete
Smartly Waved
Hair Is Your
Best Attraction
At Murray's you get the
moat satisfactory
Art UcVlrclej-rrr
I 41 S. Central Phone 363
P.rthlan Club
Announces Meet
The Pythlsn club will meet at the
home of Mrt. Thomas Judge, on East
Main street Tuesday evening, June
Joint Meeting
Or Church Groups
The Foreign and Home Missionary
societies of the First Methodist Epls
copal church will meet Tuesday after
noon in a joint session at the church
parlors. Election of officers for the
home society will be held.
Mist McDonald Guest
Here of Parent! .
Miss Woodsum McDonald, of San
Francisco. Is spending several weeks
In Medford visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. McDonald.
Thimble Club
Picnic In Ashland
Chrysanthemum Thimble club No.
333, Neighbors of Woodcraft will hold
a picnic In Ashland park on June 14.
All members are urged to attend.
Luther League ' '
Plans Picnic
The Luther League of Zlon Luther
an church will have a picnic lunch
and business meeting on Tuesday
evening at the Jackson Hot Springs.
Fly to Medford
For Oregon Jubilee
Mr. and Mrt. o. E. Lee and daugh
ter Othelene of Eugene, arrived here
Saturday by plane from Eugene, to
spend the day at the alrshow. While
in the city, they are guests of Mrs.
J. H. Flhg. They plan to return this
afternoon In their ship, to Eugene.
Health Unit
Post Delphians To
Hear O'Neill Play
At Meet Thursday
The final meeting of the season of
the Post-Delphtans will be held at
the home of Mrs. T. J. Malmgren In
Phoenix on Thursday, June 14th, be
ginning at 10:30 a. m. Following the
annual business meeting and election
of officers, a picnic luncheon will be
served In the gardens of the Malm
gren home.
Thte afternoon will be devoted to a
very Interesting program of literature
and music. Including a book review
by Miss Frances Spsrrow. violin
selections by Mrs. C. I. Drummond;
a dramatic reading by Mrs. C. C.
Lemmon; songs by Mrs. R. C. Mulhol
land, and the reading by Mra. I. E.
Schuler of New York's most success
ful plsy of th year, "Ah, Wilderness".
Concerning the play, a recent Issue
of the American Magazine said: "This
remarkable play was written by
Eugene O'Neill, who Is, admittedly.
Amerlca'a foremost dramatist. His
fame has circled the world. Hi plays
are shown all over Europe, In Soviet
Russia, China and Japan. Until re
cently the critics thought they had
him pretty well pigeonholed. He
was grim and stark. He was a deep
sea diver Into the dark, high pressure
regions of the soul. Ho was. How
ever at the moment he Is breaking
all the rules. In New York's most
successful theatrical season for many
years, O'Neill Is out In front with a
marathon . running play called "Ah,
Wilderness." The name sounds suf
ficiently desolate, but the play Itself
Jumps clear out of earlier O'Neill
formulas. It la humorous, sympa
thetic, tender. . It telle with nostalgic
affection of the dotnga of an ordinary
likable American small-town family.
in this play no babies are strangled;
no tom-toms pursue a doomed ego
maniac through Jungles (Emperor
Jones); no stokers swear and sweat
and ahovel In the bowels of the ship
( Anna Christie) ; and no ex-Calvlnlst
mystics hurl themselves Into a roar
ing dynamo (Strange Interlude). In
stead, we see Nat Miller, a small-town
newspaper editor, and his wife, four
children, and a couple of In-lawa.
His son, sge 17, Is having his first
troubles with love, sloe-gin fizzes,
and Swinburne, and his parents are
mightily worried. The audience elghs,
chuckles remlnlscently, sheds a few
tears, and rejoices when the boy
comes through at the end. The more
advanced and radical O'Neill admir
ers are shocked. Why this play Is
vile with conventionality, it exudes
sweetness and light. It actually has
a happy ending."
Will Rogers, America's greatest
humorist, Is now appearing in the
lesdlng role of this remarkable play,
"Ah, Wilderness" with great success
on the stage In Lot Angelet.
Pupils Mrs. Moore
In Recital Tuesday
Pupils from the piano class of Har-
very Amoas Moore will be heard In
recital Tuesday evening. June 13, at
the Baldwin Piano thoppe. Everyone
who la Interested In the musical de
velopment of young people, Is Invit
ed to hear thla program.
Student Recital Is
Tomorrow Evening
A group of piano pupils, from the
classes of Miss Imogene Wallsce, will
be presented In recltsl Monday eve
ning, at eight o'clock, In the Bald
win Recital hall.
Those who will take part In the
program are Barbara Dorrls, Carol
Carkln, Nanette Rosenberg, Barbara
Kendrlck, Jimmy Kuehnle, Jean
Pythian, Bulls Plche, Phyllis Pyth
ian, Carlin Piatt, Jeanette Field,
Barbara Lemmon. Betty McDowell and
Mary Louise McElhose.
Tae W.C.T.U.
At Qlrla' Community club, Thurs
day afternoon at 2:?0 o'clock, the W.
C. T. U. will present Ita flower mis
sion program, honoring Jennie Cas
stdy, founder of the organization. An
Interesting program la being prepared
and all Interested persons are Invited
to attend..
Born, to Mr. and Mra. Leonard
Ramsey, a boy weighing 10 pounds
ana a ounces, at tne sacred Heart
hospital today. Both mother and son
are doing well.
Dodge and Plymouth
Prices Are Lower
Prices on Dodge snd Plymouth au
tomobiles end Dodge trucka havo
been greatly reduced, according to
W. W. Allen of the Pleree-Allen Motor
company, local Dodge and Plymouth
dealers. The new f. o. b. Medford
price, which Includes standard equip
ment, gasoline and oil. Is a low as
nine hundred two dollars for a Dodge
sedan and as low as seven hundred
two doners for a Plymouth sedan.
Mr. Allen says they also have a spe
cial new low price on a Dodge pick-up
truck and a Dodge one and one hai;
ton truck. The new model cars and
trucka are on display at the Plerca
Allen showroom.
All kinds of legal blanks tor sale
for rent, no hunting, no trespassing
and other cardt for sale at Commercial
Printing Dept. of Mail Tribune.
Complete Reasonable
Beauty Service
Permanent Waves
$1.95 to $5.50
Shampoo and Finger
Wave, Dry
Shampoo and Finger
Wave, Wet
Marcel and Shampoo
Our licensed operators use the
latest methods In rermmtnt
and Finger Waving.
rnone 4SI 91 . drape
Not How
Much Money
much money is
But how
Getting ready for the Jubi
lee made considerable mon
ey move and did much good.
It we keep money moving In
Jackson County for safe and
sane purposes our problem
will be solved.
Authorities say a million
more homes are needed in
the U. S. A.
This being true, would it not
be well to repair and repaint
what we have 7
If all who could, would,
times would be good.
Why not protect yourself
and help your community by
Protecting Your Property?
(Deposits Insured)
PHOENIX, Ore., June S. (Spl)
Members of the Medford and Ash
land Neighbors of Woodcraft were
guest at the speclsl meeting of the
Phoenix Neighbors June 7.
June 1, The Thimble club met
with Mrs. Lllllsn Coleman and con
tinued sewing on the quilt.
Berthold Hearn returned to Port
land Saturday to resume his duties
at the Mccormick Steamship cor
poration. Mrs. Kate Ferns and family of Sil
ver Lake, Ore., were Sunday dinner
guests at the Earl Briscoe home.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stedman and
daughter Irene, drove to Chlloquln
Saturday, returning Sunday with
Mrs. Riley Nyswaner. who Is vlsltlnz
the Diamond Jubilee. Mr. Nyswaner
1 expected Thursday.
June 18, there will be a reuular
school election at the Phoenix gym
nasium at 2 p. m., to elect a clerk.
and one director. All legal voters In
the school district may vote.
several Phoenix people portlcloat-
ed In the Pioneer and Orange pa
ades and pageant at the Jubilee In
Medford. The Phoenix Olrl Scouts aD-
peared In the parade at school chil
dren of fifty years ago.
Mrs. Etta Coleman and son Byron,
of San Francisco, are In the valley
attending to business and the Jubilee.
sirs. w. d. Barnes, Mra. Wilson,
mrt. j. McAbee, and Miss Mary Jean
Barnes are feeling somewhat Improv-
la an Important thing. Good teeth
In your head are even MORE Impor
tant ... for bad teeth can lead to
very serious complications unless
taken care of in time. I specialise In
I extraction and comfortable, beautl
: fill appearing replacements.
Safeguard your health visit
dentist regularly. Safeguard
purse . ,
.onvenlence and economy
note) San Pablo offers:
without Extravagance
Central Location
RATES: $1.00 to l.S
Directions to Hotel: sttv on
.Main Highway (San Pablo
Avenue) directly to loth st
ed after the severe nervous shock and
brulaea sustained when Mra. Barnea'
car was hit a week ago Saturday by
a car driven by a Mrs. Anderson of
route 3.
Mrs. Sybil Farmer, Treka, visited
relatives here Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Short, who I at Crate
Lake for the summer, visited with
relatives here Sunday.
Lee Denzer Is operating th form
er Pioneer fruit stand, selling fruit
and flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Quacken.
bush were dinner guest Monday,
and Avard Whitman waa a guest on
Thursday evening, of Mr. and Mrs.
D. Sloan.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sollss of
Compton, Calif., are visiting old
friends In Phoenix, and attending th
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Clark of Phoe
nix are expecting Mr. and Mra.
Hugh Clark and Mr. Clark's mother
and families from Republic, Ksn., for
a visit In the valley ahortly.
Some beautiful specimens of th
earliest gladioli of the sesson are
seen this week In full bloom In ama.
teur gardens along the highway.
The Vacation Bible school will be
gin Its summer term June 11 at th
pnoenlx Presbyterian church.
Eliminates Tkat
Break at tlieVVaist
The top front is separate, just
above the waistline, overlapping
the lower part so that it "Slides
away" when you sit down, pre
venting the usual break or
buckle in the garment at the
diaphragm. The MisSimpIic
ity brassiere ends that cross
diagonally at back, pull in the
diaphragm, waist and abdomen.
Of rayon flecked batiste, lace
and elastic. CTCfi
Modd4S52 "Y3"
. 0. S. Att. Off. rax. So. i.SS,ISS
Fountain Lunches
Gardner Drugs
The Broztell
A Distinctive Hotel
i f. m b. r .
f hit? a
lUt A'. ..V.. JT
IT IS EASILY accessible to shop
Dins Bnil thMlrlfHl randn
churches, libraries,
tran.porlnllnn lines.
parks anil
Ladles traclln without escort
mil appreciate the atmosphere of
ecurlly and rest It offers.
Every room with tub and ihower.
Room With Bath $1.50
Hotel Broztell
Fifth Ave. & 27th St., N. V.
3. SCOARMAN, Manager.