HEDFOED" 3EOE TRTBTTJTE," 3TEDFOTHJ, " ORE'CTO', FBIDTT, TCXB 3, 193?. PXGE THRES r' L E RESOURCES HERE (Contlnuea trum page on) garbed In the cotum of their or ganlzatlous alao took part. There were many fine floata enter ed by the Grange of Jackson county. Officer of the Pomona, dressed Id whlto uniforms headed the march. The Bell view Grango entered a, flower-bedecked airplane with "a chorus of men and women within. Lakevlew Grange entered a float with little boya and girls, doing farm duties, and the Rosy Ann Grange, had among Its offerings an auto packed with children, and captioned: "This Is our most profitable crop." The Friendly Neighbors of Beagle, the Central Point Grange, the Jackson ville Grange, the Enterprise Grange, the Phoenix Grange, the Live. Oak Grange, the Applegate Grange,- the Eagle point Grange, and others also paraded. Many of the floata were decorated with wheat from this year's crop all long and full -headed In contrast to the drought parched acres of the middle west. An estimated crowd of 10,000 peo ple, chiefly from the rural sections of this county, lined Main and Sixth streets. Industries Shown The Industrial section of the par ade saw most of the Industries of the county represented with novel exhibits that covered the fleldv of manufacture. All the latest makes of autos were exhibited, Including a Ford, that emitted Its first put-put I back In 1909. There were plenty of horses also, ranging from high -spirited, blooded ji creatures to patient cow ponies of the ranges. The CCC participated In the march, with units of healthy, husky looking youths who carried axes and other tools of their work In the forests. County Agent Robert G. Fowler was chairman of the parade, and he started It off, practically on time. Me was aided by the cooperation of the Granges of the county. The Roseburg high school band, accompanied by a Douglas county caravan of 60 autos, arrived at 9:45 and entered the procession immedi ately. The Weed, Calif., high school band, was also late. Both these or ganizations by appearance and play ing made a fine Impression. Long Mountain LONG MOUNTAIN, June 8. (8pl.) Carlyle Natwlck Is 1U with a cold. . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kline called at the Frank Upton home In Central Point one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tesaltore and daughter. Rose Anne, and nephew, Guldo Valato of Oakland. Calif., spent Sunday afternoon at the Holman home. Those who attended the opening at the Oasis Cabaret In Eagle Point Saturday night were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Short. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hol man and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stowell and family, Mrs. Alice Nichols and brother Floyd, and Hugo, Henry and June Englehardt. Grace Holman has been picking cherries on the V. Tessttore orchard. Visitors at the Ross Kline home the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. FraEer of Eagle Point, Mrs. H. F. Whetstone of Tolo and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. Faye McAlplne of Washington spent the week-end at the Howard Short home. Mr. and Mrs. George Stowell and Mrs. Lena Stowell were shoppers In Medford Tuesday. Quite a number of people from this district have been attending the Dia mond Jubilee, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Stowell and three daughters, Irene, Verta, Bon ney Jean, called on friends In Eagle Point Tuesday evening. Locals Plan to Return Colonel Arthur C. Goebel, famous army filer, who yes terday was a visitor to the Diamond Jubilee celebration, said before de parting for the north, that he plans to stop on his return trip south, to do some fishing. His return schedule will also Include a visit to Crater Lake, he said. ) San Francisco Buttcrfat SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. (AP) First grade butterfat, 22 Vic fob. Saa Francisco. LlTHtOCk PORTTjAND, Or,, Jun 8. (API CATTLE 25, calves 60; steady, un changed. HOGS 300; (low, steady, unchang ed. SHEEP 350; 33c higher for spring Jamba. Spring lambs, good, $7-7.50. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore.. June 8. (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Low Close July .77!4 .77 .7614 .77 Sept. , .17 .18 .77 V4 .78 Cash wheat: Big Bend bluestem - .76 Dark hard winter (13 pet.).- .8 Ha Dark hard winter (11 pet.) .7614 Soft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring, and western red .76 Oats No. 3 white, 626. Corn No. 3 E. yellow, $37.80. Mlllrun standard, $17. Today's car receipts: Wheat 8, barley 1, flour 3, corn 4, oats 3, hay 1. 16c dozen, (cartons 1 cent higher.) I Buying price of wholesalers: Freeh j specials, 16c; extra 13c; extra me- ( dlums. 16c, Medium f Irate 11c; pullets, 13o; undergrades, 13o dozen. COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 80 lbs 8!4caQc; others unchanged. . CANTALOUPES Imperial Jumbo, $2.90; 36s, $3.50; standard 45s, $3.40 crate Yuma, $2.29$3.60 crate. STRAWBERRIES Improved Ore gon, $1(81.25 crate. WOOL 1934 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley, medium, 35c; fine or H blood, 33c; braid. 33c lb.; eastern Ore gon. 17 18 140 lb. Cheese, milk, mohair, cascara bark, hops, live poultry, onions, potatoes and hay, unchanged. Portland Produce Produce. PORTLAND, June 8. (AP) But ter Prints, A grade, 23c; parchment wrapper cartons, 24c; quantity pur chases V2O lb. leas; B grade parch ment wrappers, 22 'c; cartons, 2Zc lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery A grade delivered at least twice weekly. 2021c; country routes, 1718c lb.; B grade or delivery fewer than twice weekly, Portland, 17 18c; country routes, 14 w 15c; C grade at market. EGGS Pacific poultry producers' selling price: Oversize, 20c; fresh ex tras, 18c; standards, 16c; mediums, Good Meat Is the Foundation of all goods meals. The cocktail, the soup, the vegetables, the desert, every thing else may be just right but if the meat doesn't come 'up to your expectations .the whole dinner is ruined. We know how to give you the kind of meat you want. We buy our meat with the greatest of care and take great pride in selling really choice meat. We firmly believe that we can answer your problem of getting better meats. Phone 603 FREE DELIVERY at 8, 10, 2 and 4 Beef Roast Leg Veal Roast Good Cuts Young Beef Choice Veal lb. 9c lb. 15c Colored Fryers Fresh Dressed. AP. Very choice, lb. Leg of Young MUTTON Pound 12V2C MUTTON CHOPS 10c Rib or Loin, lb. Frankfurters, Bologna or Liver Sausage pound 15c Fresh Beef Tongues, lb. 2 Vkc Pork Steaks, pound 15c Boiling Beef, pound ...... Qq Sirloin or Rib Steaks Pork Roasts Rump Roast Bulk Mayonnaise and Sandwich Spread Flavor Foods an Oregon Product Pt. 17c Qt. 33c Veal Cutlets, pound 5c lb. 15c lb. 14c lb. 15c Tender Beef Lean Shoulder Cuts No Shank Boned and Tied No Waste FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Apricots for Canning per box 83c Asparagus, green, tender 2 lbs. ,.,. .,.,.,...,. . 15c Green Corn per dozen .. n,.,r,. ..... .-,.7. .25c Summer Squash (scalloped) 3 lbs. .... 10c Field Tomatoes 3-lb. basket, each . ,., . . 20c Large Cucumbers 3 for ,.10c New Potatoes, Shafter Whites 10 lbs. . . .,.T.,.,. .23c Stockton Red Onions 10 lbs. ..r..r..- . .25c Lemons, large size per dozen i iuA "t . 23c Oranges, fine for juice 2 dozen ... .25c Free Delivery Any SUe Order Tune In on KMKO Etery Morning t 8:15 for Dill Specials Chicago Wheat CHICAGO. June 8. (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Low close July ST', .90 H aH Sl'i Sept. J. 1.00V4 .97H .884 Dec. 1.0O3, .101 i $9i 1.0014 Silver NEW YORK, June 8. (AP) Bar silver quiet, ', lower at 45'4. Wall St. Report NEW YORK. June 8. (AP) Alter three week, of the dullest trading In years, the stock market came to life today with a substantial upswing. Gains of II to more than 84 a share were numerous, and transaction. In the stock exchange ran well over a million shares for the first time since May IT. Brokerage quarter. ..ttrlbuUd the rise to . combination of factors, In cluding news that President Roosevelt was preparing to act to prevent a general steel strike, rains over parts of the drought area, and Indications that general commercial activity wss holding up ressonably well. Today's closing prices for 32 selected stocks follow: Al. Chem. As Dye .. Coml. Bolv. Curttss-Wrlght DuPont Oen. Pood. Oen. Mot. . Int. Harvest. I. T. & T. Am. Can Am. & Fgn. Pow. . A. T. & T. Anaconda .......... Atch. T. & 8. P. Bendlx Avla. Beth. Steel California Pack'g ......... Caterpillar Tract, HmHH Chrysler 13Sl 88 V, U8V4 JS4 89 18 344 31 . 27 !i 43 ',4 WITH THE VALLEY TRADE IS THE VALLEY MADE Be Wise Buy Wise And Economize at the RELIABLE CASH GROCERY W. A. H0LL0WAY, Owner Phone 20 JUST TRY MB Service and you will realize the CONVENIENCE of the Reliable Way. The crowds will be terrific Saturday! JUST CALL 20 (We have three Phones for QUICK SERVICE) and an EXPERIENCED CLERK will take your order. If you drive down town for your groceries, use our FREE PARKING LOT. FREE DELIVERY at 8, 10, 2 and 4 Any Size Order FORK and BEANS van Camp's, 4 cans 25 . Cheese Tillamook, lb 19 TUNA FISH White Star No. Vi can ....19t GEM NUT OLEO ' Pound 10rJ Toastec" Whole Wheat Wafers Lb, 27d Two Schilling . . . . (Joffj&s I U VJ .-ess L.U. Jst 2 lb. 60c Knight's Tomato Juice Cocktail Lg. Vi can 2 for 29c li Knight's Pickles buy 1 Pint Jar and Get Fancy Pickle Dish for 10c Famous Sunshine Crackers, 2 lbs 29c Minced Clams, F. A. B., 7-oz. can, 2 for . . . . 25c Corn, whole kernel vac. pack Flag, 2 cans 25c Catsup, C. H. B., 14-ounce bottle 19c Royal Gelatin Dessert, any flavor, pkg. . . . 5c1 Post Toasties, 2 packages 1 5c FREE CROWN FLOUR CAPS FOR EVERY BOY IN TOWN Crown Best Patent Flour," 49-lb. sack $1.86 Snow Bird or Kitchen Queen Flour, 49-lb. sack $1.73 (A Crown Product) Shrimp, Olander, 5-oz. can 2 for Peaches, Sunblest, large Z'i can Certo 2 bottles . Corner Beef, Wilsco, 12-os. can ... -25 ...49 -19 3ugar is a very good buy now 100 lbs. .... $1.79 We have Several Good Buys in Soaps and Soap Powders FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BERRIES Loganberries, Blackberries, Youngberries, Raipber. tl e:: 3 boxes 25c Field Grown Tomatoes 3 pounds Local Cabbage pound Local Peaches 3 pounds Local New Potatoes 7 pounds Sunkist Navel Oranges, 100 sire dozen String Beans 3 pounds . 25 25 19 43t 25 BANANAS Extra Fancy Fruit 4 lbs 25c . SI', . SI. . 00 . S3', . 334 . 33i; . 13V4 Johns-Man. ........ I Jjnty Ward North Amer. Pfnnejr (J. C.) Phillips Pet Hadlo Sou. Pao, 51 "i . 38 i t?s . 30 1", 8td. Brsnds S'. Oil Cal. . St. OH N. J. Trans. Amer. Union Carb. Unit. Aircraft U. 9. Stel MARSH'S GROCERY 130 East Main Phone 252 Personal Attention Free Delivery Prompt Service Oregon Diamond Jubilee Money Saving Specials Drifted Snow Flour I Pkg. Bisquick FREE Get Coupon with 49-pound Sack $1.95 24-pound Sack $1.10 Tomato Catsup Knight's Rogue Hirer 14-os. bottle 19 Marshmallows Krause's Fresh 1 Pound 18 ROYAL Gelatin Dessert An Flavor I Package V CARROTS Turnips 3 bunches 10 COFFEE Golden West Glass Jars (f 1 pound J I C 3 lbs. 90c Ginger Ale Clicquot Club 2 pints 25 fresh mayonnaise in 90 seconds Quick moyonnalia maker and can of Wesson Oil N85C 1 VALUI BOTH jT ro9c!jp CHEESE 15 Hogue Valley Nippy Pound R00KW00D COCOA 2 lb. Pkg. 19' Rice Krispies 19 KeUogg't 2 pkgs. Knight's Sweet Pickles Bulk Pint 1& TOMATOES Local Hot House Ko 1 Pound 12'2 '2C CENTRAL MARKET We Specialize in Fine Grade Poultry and Meats of All Kinds. Get Your , Cold Meats Here for Jubilee Lunches 1 Choice Hens and Fryers, lb. . . 20c Home Rendered Lard, 3 lbs. . 25c Fresh Side Pork, lb. ...... 12c Choice Prime Rolled Roasts, lb. 15c Choice Beef Pot Roasts, lb. ... . 10c It's the Results That Count MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS have proved themselves so profitable and inexpensive that they have be come a household and business necessity. READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 75 PEOPLE'S MARKET ; 105 W. Main Free Delivery Phone 1058 m Grrrtlnn to our Diamond Jiitilli tlslloral Half food time and remember. th Teople's Market sella nothlnf but I He terjr best Nice Fat Hens For Stewing, each Colored Fryers Not Leghorns, pound Pork Roast Shoulder Cuts, pound Lard 3 pound Beef and Veal Roast Shoulder Cats, pound , 39c 24q 14c 25c 10c R. I. Red Kens and Fryers Rabbits Complete line of Lunoh Meat! . ?s . 87 . 45". . 33 43