PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JIEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUXE 8, 1934. FLOWER SHOW ARE Judges it ths snuusl flower show of the Medford Garden club, being conducted At the senior high school auditorium, have announced the fol lowing list of price winners: Class I. noses Sweepstakes: Mrs. John V. Kelly, Sunklst. Division I, 61ngle specimen, 1st. Mrs. John V. Kelly. 3d. Mrs. McCaskey. 3d. Mrs. John V. Kelly. Division II. t. Three Hybrid tea rosej 1st. Mrs. T. W. Miles. 3d. Mrs. Mccsskey. 3d. Mrs. Spllver. Division II. o. Three single rotes, 1st. Mrs. H. F. Cope. , 3d. Mrs. McCaskey. Division lit aAlngle spray of climbing roes. 1st. Miss Burr. Division III. b. Three sprays of a climbing rose. Division IV. a. Arrangement of rosea . In container. 1st. Miss Burr. b. Best bssket or bowl of climbers. 1st Mrs. McCsskey. Clau II. .Short stemmed Flowers, a. flweot peas. 1st. Mrs. csrtwrlght. 3d. Mrs. Helen Probst, Grants Psu 3d. Mrs. Bundy. e. Pansles. '3d. Mrs. Oommtll. 3d. Mrs. Alfred Carpenter, d. Miscellaneous. 1st. Mrs. A. Carpenter. Class III. Medium stemmed Flowers c. Snapdragon. 3d. Miss Margaret Hubbard. 3d. Mrs. J. A. Oammlll. d. Miscellaneous. 1st. Mrs. J. A. Bane. 3d. Dr. O. R. Slmklns. ' 3d. Mrs. J. A. Oammlll. Class IV. Flowering Sprays b. Sprsys ot shrubs. 1st. Mrs. Olen Arnsplger. 3d. Mrs. Paul Scherer. 3d. Mrs. Gilbert Stuart. e. Sprays of vines. 1st. Mrs. Swlgsrt. 3d. Marian Hamrlck. Class V. Long Stemmed Flowers a. Delphinium. 1st. Mrs. H. D. McCaskey. 3d. Mrs. Olen Arnsplger. d. Mr. Leland Mentzer. c Ulles. 1st Mrs. Salads, Sr. 3d. Mrs. Bundy. Sd- Mra. B. E. Wilson. d. Hollyhocks. 1st. Mra. E. E. Wilson. Class VI, Arrnngementa a. In glaas. 1st, Mrs. Neff. , 3d. Miss M. Carlton. 3d. Mm. J. Butler, b. In pottery. 1st. Miss M. Carlton. 3d. Helene Salade. t 3d. Mra. Ethel WlUlts. , e. In metal, 1st. Mra. C. h. Ooff. 3d. Mrs. Spllver. 3d. Mrs. A. Csrpenter. d. In baskets. 1st. Mrs, McCaskey, 3d. Mra. H. F. Cops. Sd. Jane Snedlcor. .In containers to match color of 'flowers. 1st. Miss M. Carlton. 3d. Mlaa M. Carlton, 3d. Mrs. Paul Janney. Class VII. Fruit and Vegetables a. Fruit In any container. 1st, Helena Salade, 3d, Mrs. Ben Harder, b, Vegetables In any container. ' 1st. Mrs. Rupert Henry. 3d. Mrs. Corbln Edgell. Class VIII. Miscellaneous a. Children's dlsplsys. 1st. Nancy Clark. 3d Troop V. Medford Girl Scouts. 3d. Julie Carpenter. b. Bouquets of special type. 1st. Margery Reich. 3d. borothea Olsen. 3d. Nancy Swem. c Tray arrangement of flowers by children. 1st. Nancy Clark. Class IX. Table Dlsplsys a. Breakfast tables. 1st Mrs. McCaskey, 2d. Mrs. Myron Root. 3d. Mrs. Ben Harder. b. Tea tables. 1st. Nannetto Rosenberg. ' 3d. Mrs. Clark. 3d. Airs, Swem. 0. Occasional tables. 1st. Mrs. Corning Kenly. 2d. Airs. Swlgsrt. . 3d. Mrs. Wellls. d. Terrace arrangement, 1st. Mrs. Walter Mulrhead. Class X. Community Exhibits 1st. Ashlsnd Garden club. 3d. Eagle Po.nt circle club. 3d Gold Hill Garden club. Class XI. Arrangements of Flowers, Fruit or Vegetables by Men 1st. F. O. Snedlcor. 3d 0. D. Thompson. 3d C. D. Thompson. Clam XII. Laudtcaps Garden 1st. drama Pass Gsrden club. Artistic arrangement for background 1st. Charles Voorhles. Individual table arrangement. 1st. Mm. J. Blsck. Outstanding Japanese arrangement. 1st. Mrs. Msru. Arrives for Jubilee w. E. Paul, of Seattle, district msnager for the Tex- i as OH Co., and A. J. Stevens, district msnager for the Firestone Tire Co.. arrived by train from the north this morning to spend the remaining day of the jubilee, Here for Jubilee Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Csnaday are down from Roseburu attending the Jubilee and Waiting rel atlves. Mr. Canaday was receiver of the land office for ten yeara and since retiring haa been practicing law. I gMafcl1lUIVI r f- I ei O 1 jubilee special We know you . are all busy entertaining your friends and trying to keep up with the Jubilee Program. With this in mind we are offering a special tomorrow which will eliminate your having to worry about dessert for at least two meals. We will feature our Deep Green Apple Pie 23c If you've tried this pie made from fresh Rogue River Newtown Apples, we need say no more if you haven't you have been missing something, We bolieve it's the finest pie ever made in' our Bakery. - s RUBBING ALCOHOL 23? 25c ASPIRIN TABLETS ygL ioc GEO. WASHINGTON Sbbaoco. CQi Full Found vO C EPSOM SALTS 1 lb. Package.... 10c ED0EW0RTH T0BAO0O 1 Pound Qftf Glnss Humidor 30C KLEENEX New 200 Sheets I OC KITCHEN HAND LOTION lane Oarr's . OOa Pints COG ROLL RITE TOBACCO ' 3 os. makes about i Cm 100 cigarettes IOC JERGEN'S PERFUMES Dram Stzoj 1 flf Assorted odors I UC I) Qiffffi 3E09 FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY Colored Sun Glasses ' 89 C Full Shield Driving type. II M Tlu. WWW "Zipper" Carryall Bags Qftr Light and nimble. fl.tS value ..... WWW Lavender Shaving Cream 1 9 C ttpnermi.. Me site, lathers well I WW $1.00 Adlarika 79 $100 Ovaltine union i.eadi:b BBo Kruschen Salts 57 ou,;"' oua.n Mil" Nervine 83 aiivkhtiskr 60o Alka Soltser .f) toiiacccm $1.25 Peruna Tonio 89 2 1 Cm BOo Lavoris tt5 r0R I 3C pu. I. Q & S. Tonio 79 ioc siin $1,28 Absorbine Jr Bo BROOKS TEBSON CIGARS 5 for 2(V BOo Milkweed Cream 39t watkbman $100 Italian Balm 792 fovntain vr.s QQ 2Bo Gillette Blades 19 "' BOo Payne's Tooth Paste..l9cS " BOo Williams Aqua Velva ;,9 KOTEX Lge DJerkiss Talcum 69 DBM0 1 Kr $1.00 Ponds Cold Cream ,79c ww WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP 9 3 for 2? $1,00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonio OOo Jad Condensed Salts ....... 2Bo Johnson & Johnson Taloum $1.00 Kurlash Evelash Curlers.. 79 - lit 19c 73 SEMPRAY Pink Complexion Ala Cake 47C POKER CHIPS Noiseless. AQf 75c value .. fwC KbDAK FILMS At CUT MUCKS CERTIFIED MINERAL WATER CRYSTALS Direct from Mineral Wells, Texas. CQ Makes IB gals. Introductory Special OOC There's Always a Saving at WESTERN THRIFT OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAYS Bad HOLIDAYS 125 East 6th Street Groceteria Super Food Markets BREAD AND CAKES LIKE MOTHER MADE You Will Like This Pioneer Cake! AFTER ALL, old favorites are really best. In' the search for new dainties we are prone to forget how we liked some of the old onessometimes we forgot them entirely . . . With many this was true of Burnt Leather Cake, until we revived the famous recipe of Mrs. Loora Applegate of Yoncolla, Ore. So hearty was the appreciation of this cake that we present it again Saturday. It was an early Pioneer favorite and it's the favorite in Medford today. Tomorrow this favorite Pioneer dainty Burnt Leather Cake, from the original Pioneer recipe TWO SIZES - 25c - 49c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Watermelons lb New Local Cabbage lb. . ........ ... . 2 Bunch Vegetables 3 for - 10 New Potatoes 5 lbs, 19 Summer Squash lb 5 Wax Beans 3 lbs 25 Green Beans 3 ?bs 25 Large Eggplant 2 for 15 Sweet Potatoes 4 lbs '. 25 Large Green Peppers 2 lbs. '. Cantaloupes, large, size 36 2 for Sunkist Navel Oranges, 126 size dozen Sunkist Oranges, 252 size dozen Sunkist Lemons, 360 size dozen - 25 19 37 20 - 23 Desert Sweet Grapefruit, 64 size 4 for .... 23 HOME PURITY BAKERY The Burnt Leather Cake which fouud favor in hundreds of homeB is just one of the many home style dainties here for the asking. Again this famous old pioneer favorite is offered for Saturday. It is real home quality, as are all Super JIarket bakery products. Be sure to get a Burnt Leather Cake and your Sunday supply of bread the same good home bread for 13 years. BREAD- The kind you got from Mother's oven! Mb. loaf 3 for 20c H-lb. loaf 10c Cinnamon Rolls, rich with raisins dozen . 20 Cookies, any kind or assorted, dozen 10 Super Meat Market Hero is the final proof that it always pays to buy at the Super Market with never a deviation from our pledge to handle none but jtlio finest steer beef, prices have been nt all times consistently low. Willi sanitation curried to extremes by the installation of the finest equipment the best meat money can' buy is yours at pop ular prices. What better rroof "That it costs no more to get thu very best?" Steer Beef Roast, tender 4 4 and flavory lb. .... ..... I I C Prime Rolled Steer 4 r Roast lb. . IVC (You inn cut It with a fork) Rhode Island Red r r Milk Fed Fryers lb.. . ZjQ White Fryers, rr ib 20c Rabbits, young OA fryers-lb . ZUC Swift's Sugar Cured 4 r Circlette Shoulders, lb. yC (No shank) Corn Belt Bacon, dry rr sugar cure lb ZUC (Any site piece) Shortening, r r 4 ibs ioc Weiners, p ib ... 15c FREE One 20-oz. rkg. Blsqulrk! Free to each purchaser ot a 19-lh. or ,44!!-lb. sack of PR1FTKD SNOW ' Home Perfected Hour Coupon will be Issued redeem able at the Sperry booth at the Industrial Exhibition The Super Food Markets OREGON PRODUCTS Del Rogue Tomatoes, No. 2i can 2 for ..... (Finest hand packed valley tomatoes) Real Egg Noodles, 6-oz. pkg. 10c 16-oz. . , (Oregon's Best Ever) Wheaties, 8-oz. pkg. 3 for ... . vv .. Sperry's Pancake and Waffle Flour, sack . (No. 14 sack) Pillsbury's XXXX Patent Flour 49-lb. . . Drifted Snow Flour 49-lb Postum Cereal, 1-Ib. pkg Post Toasties (Corn Flakes) 8-oz. 3 pkgs. Baker's Premium Cocoa 8-oz. can .... P. & G. or Crystal White Soap 10 bars ....... . 29c 20c 35c .47c . $1 95 .$195 . 19c 20c 10c .25c and other Money Saving Items! Lemon Fluff Salad Dress ing, pint 18c qt. . . Flavor Foods Mayon naise, pint jar 23c, qt. jar Oronite Cleaning Fluid J pint ......... (Cleans White Shoes) Mazola Oil, finest for salads, qt. 29c & gal. . ., 29c 43c 18c ..53c- White King Granulated s r Soap 2i-ib. pkg. ZyC White King Toilet Soap 6 bars . . . . . Bob White Laundry Soap 10 bars ........ .25c ,19c Z-MOR-U Coffee, now in o O vacuum jars lb , JjQ, Z-MOR-U Coffee, in a paper bag lb (Ground todayl) Alpine Milk, tall cans 4 for LJZ (racked In Mcdford-made boves you should use It) 28c 25. FOUNTAIN Turkey plute a dandy meal .... Steer Pot Roast and Noodles .... Baked Ham plate Fresh Raspberry Pie, a la mode Burnt Leather Cake, a la mode -..29 ....25f 25 -.100 10 SUGAR The processing tax of Vie a pound is in ef fect. BUY NOW: per hundred $4-79 GOLDEN WEST COFFEE A finer flavored blend packed in glass jars suitable for fruit and vegetable canning l ib. Jar 31 3 lb. Jar 90 l ib. Vacuum Can - oO 3-lb. Vacuum Can 87c GOLDEN WEST TEA Orange Pekoe with Pekoe, Vi-lb. pkg 25 Orange Pekoe with Pekoe, 1-lb. pkg 47r Green Japan, VJ-lb VJC Green Japan, l ib 37 Knight Packing Company Products Knight's Dill Pickles 12-oz. jar ...... 19c Knight's Gherkinetts 12-oz. jar 29c Knight's Plain Sweet . Pickles, 12-oz. jar .... ,23c Knight's Sweet Mixed Pickles, 12-oz. jar ...... 25c Buy any two jars of the pickles and get the dish for lOo Knight s Catsup, made in Medford from the world's finest (Rogue River Valley) Tomatoes 14-oz. bottle igc Knight's Tomato Juice Cocktail (from Rogue River Valley Tomatoes) No. 2 J can. . . 15c Be sure your favorite Hotel or Restaurant serves this fine Home Product I e o- 6th nt Central fith nt Grape Savins Without Self-Dcnial Gates & Lydiard Delivery of $1.00 Orders Phone: East Side 752 "West Side 428