MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE. MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1934. PAGE NIXE V Local and Personal J-'rom Fort Klamath Alfred Castet,' Fort Klamath business man, waa a iaitor in Mdford Wednesday. i Mr. Flndlay Leaves Mra. Harry T. Plndlay left on Wednesday evening's " Shasta for San Francisco. Voorhles to Portland Colonel - Gordon Voorhiea is spending a few ; days In Portland, having gone north -c- Wednesday evening. c- S Flndley In North Dr. Dwlght Flnd ley left here Wednesday on the South f s em Pacific for Portland. Trace of Rain A trace of rain fell in the Medford area between o p. m. yesterday and 6 o'clock this morning, the federal weather bureau reported. Hay Sloneker 111 Ray Sloneker, member of the city polict force, is reported seriously ill at the Sacred Heart hospital. Dr. Hayes Home Dr. James C. Hayes has returned to Medford from several days spent in Portland. He arrived here this morning on the Oregon! an. 1 Practice for Pageant Several local people were in Ashland Tuesday even In, according to the Daily Tiding. attending practice of the symphony orchestra for the Jubilee pageant. Leaves for Knst Mrs. Gust Peter son left by train last evening for Des Moines, Iowa. En route, she will visit friends in McCook, Neb., Creston, la, and Yankton, S. D. v Lieut. Shepard Leaves Lieutenant Frank V. Shepard, U. S. N., left on the Shasta Wednesday evening for San Diego. He has been on duty with the CCC in Oregon. Ficks Move Here Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pick and daughter Virginia, who have resided in Jacksonville for many years, have moved to Medford and are now making their home at 608 Newtown. Asked to Register Those having available rooms for the Diamond Ju bilee visitors here the first week In June, have been requested to register their names at the Jubilee headquar Daniels in- Medford J. A. Daniels of the Rogue River auto camp, on the highway north of Medford, was a business caller in tne city tnis morn ing. Mr. Daniels represents the Alas ka Steamship company in his com munity and reports the sale of four tickets to Alaska yesteraay. Klatt Is Held State police have been advised here that Ernest n.i ! n. neane. 32. wanted by Klamath Palls officers on charges of larceny by embezzlement, has been mu m Tsi Ancttleft. according to word from E. W. Blscailuz, sheriff of Los Angeles county. Klatt. Biscanuz said, will not waive extradition until he confers with his wife, who is en route to the southern city. In Medford Today Fred J. Mc pherson of Crater Lake, was a visitor in Medford today. Miss Reynolds Better Miss Dorothy Reynolds, patient at the Sacred Heart hospital, was today said to be Improving. Undergoes Operation Hazel Jack of this city underwent a major op eration at the Community hospital today. Mia nrn In Ilr&'nlrnl Mi. Noll a Green underwent a major operation at the Community hospital this morning. Returns Home Leo Potter, who has been a patient In the Community hospital receiving treatment for a fractured leg, was able to return to his home In Central Point today. Powell in Medford A. E. Powell, editor of the Central Point American. was in Medford today, and said that Central Point was planning to enter floats in the Jubilee parades. Roberts In City Contrary to a news Item in the Mall Tribune this week, Attorney George M. Roberts did not leave for Cincinnati, Ohio, but is remaining In Medford. Brings In Ouns R. E. Nealon, county commissioner from Table Rock, called at the Diamond Jubilee headquarters this morning. and brought two guns, dating back to the 19th century. n West Improved LeRoy West of 531 Marie street, employed at Gil- man's dairy, was reported Improved today at the Sacred Heart hospital, where he was taken yesterday for treatment of infection in his right hand. Jones Returns Bill Jones, road superintendent for the Rogue River national forest, has returned to the local offices from an Inspection trip In the Tiller-Trail district. A road crew is now at work on the construc tion to Ragsdale Peak lookout. Need Parade Entries Jubilee pa rade committee Is anxious to get the names of local young women who will participate In the pioneer parade dur ing the Jubilee. Persons to ride in the stage coaches, buggies and wagons are needed, the committee said today, Suffer Slight Injuries Frederick H Johnson of 230 South Central avenue and I. S. Wilson of 24 Genesee street suffered cuts on their hands and arms about 9 o'clock this morning In an automobile collision on the North Pacific highway near the Rogue River rese company. Aiirea a. S&hlev oi Jacksonville, driving truck, made a lefthand turn at the cheM company, and badly damager the Johnson car. To Show Pictures Roxy Ann Grange will meet Friday evening, May 18, at the Red Top schoolhouse. Dur ing the lecture hour, scheduled at 8 p. m-, Horace Bromley of the Cali fornia Oregon Power company win show several reels of pictures. No Money Appropriated No money has as yet been appropriated for em ployes at Crater Lake national park, and It was announced today that trips to the lake to seek employment would be futile. Announcement will be made through the paper by park of ficial when authorization is received. Miss Rice Visitor Miss May Rice, who worked in the Southern Pacific ticket offices in Medford a number of years ago, is in the city visiting Mrs. Richard Calder. Miss Rice, wno is now retired from the Southern Pa cific company, has Just completed a tour around the world, having re turned to San Francisco this week. Fine Cast in Craterian Picture Dusky Roman Eddie Cantor In "Roman Scandals" opened at the Studio theatre today. This is the pop-eyed comic's fourth annual screen musical comedy. Ruth Etting, Gloria Stuart, David Manners, Edward Arnold and Veree Teasdale are 'his companions as he frolics among the gorgeous slave girls gathered for the pleasure of a Caesar; in and out of prison dungi eons or flying over dusty roads at the reins of a thundering chariot, with lives at stake. Eddie t plays a wistful, dewy-eyed lad In 7eat Rome, Okla., whose Im agination carries him back to the aid of beauty in distress In the Rome of the Caesars to fantastic compli cations in court Intrigue, ending In a stirring chariot chase, with the emperor's soldiers in hot pursuit of Eddie who has gained possession of a court secret. Of course Eddie es capes back, In fact, to West Rome, Okla. L.vWiri. ri.Wlffi" I mm G. E. Obenchain Republican Candidate for SHERIFF JACKSON COUNTY PRIMARY FRIDAY I will make every effort to con duct the office In a businesslike way. I belong to no organization except the Grange, and have made no promises whatever. X am a gardener and have dealt with Medford business men for many years. ,il 20c Any "Time ii. Chil dren 10c Tonight and Fri. DEATH LURKING IN EVERY CLUE The most sinister murder that ever confronted Char lie Chan.. Would he DARE to solve it ? sr.. .a I Warner Olana !Tfi j Heather Angel I ! from a novtl I .8 N j ft ' b Isrl Pmtt Blaaan Ji I i j, "! ALSO ; lol Alarm Peter In Palestine jr VI hat the scotch started News j f Hr Mat. 1:1.1. tir. : 'lllillll!!llll!ll!lllll!lllll!IIIIIIH,'l 7:00-8:00 Adult! 25 Klddles-lOo . LAST TIMES TONIGHT ' Edw.G.Robinson"DarkHazard" Tomorrow and Saturday 2 Z'Z FEATURES Mystery . . . Ro mance. . . . Thrills . . . stalking hand In hand through treacherous unex plored swamps and mansions of Trlnl dad Islet NIGEL BRUCE HEATHER ANGEL VICTOR JORY ftlSQ A scene from the cast of "Melody In Spring," at the Craterian theater for three days starting today. Lanny Ross, lamed on the radio and star of the "Show Boat", hour, has the leading dramatic role, with Ann Sothern playing opposite. Mary Bo land and Charlie Ruggles, two favor ites here, again are cast as Mr. and Mrs., the parents of the lovely Miss Sothern. whose romance with Lanny does not meet with parental approval, who think only of their dog biscuit factory and Charlie's hobby of carv ing bedposts. Walt Disney's newest Silly Sym phony, the sequel to the tremendous ly popular "Three Little Pigs." is on the same program, titled "The Big Bad Wolf." Double Bill On Rialto Program Ke n Mavnard in ' Honor of the Range." comes to the Rialto theater tomorrow for their double r feature program for two days. pen of Earl Derr Blggers takes Char- He Chan over the most difficult trail of crime and clue It has ever been his experience to tread. Piles Go Quick Without Salve or Cutttnc. "Murder In Trinidad." a mystery story of the swamps on the Island of Trinidad, occupies the other half of the program. Hawaii, opens today at the Roxy theatre. Warner Orland, famous for the portrayal of Charlie Chan In past screen successes again has the role of the philosophizing policeman who finds clues where others deign to tread. This latest story from the vigorous Thousands of sufferers from Itch lrur. bleedlnc or protruding piles have learned that quick and lasting relief can be accomplished with an Internal medicine. Neitner salves nor cutting remove the cause. Bad circulation of the blood in the lower bowel causes piles. The veins are flabby, the bowel wans weaK the parts lifeless. To end Piles an Internal medicine should be used to stimulate the circulation, and restore the effected parts. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt was the first to discover a real Internal Pile remedy. He called his prescription HEM-ROID, and prescribed it for hundreds of patients with a marvelous record of success and then decided every PU sufferer should be able to get HEM- ROID tablets from their own druggisc with a rigid money back guarantee. So why waste time on external remedies or worry about an operation when Jarmln's, Woods', also McNair Bra, of Ashland, say "No matter what kind of Piles you have, one bottle of HEM-ROID tablets must show you the safe clean way to get rid of your Pile misery or money-back." 3 Report Accident Accident reports were filed wlththe city police here, concerning a collision here yesterday, smashing the windshield and radiator of a national park truck. Edgar Cook of CCC company 1634 of Camp Wine glass was driving the truck Into which Joe Beaker, 19. also of that CCC company, drove his truck. Cock, required to stop suddenly by a car in front, did not signal In time for Beaker to avoid a crash. Witnesses listed were Edgar Cook, Alvln Cash and Day E. Hlnes. The two trucks were en route to the Oregon Caves, where a CCC spike camp Is beint; established; depicting the most recent adventures of that bland Chinese detective from CHARLIE CHAN FILM OPENING AT ROXY "Charlie Chan's Greatest Case." Shows 1:45 7:00 - 9:00 sojaiasp Mr3. Murphy came into the store the other day and told us this "Your New Spun Bread is far better than any bread I can make in "Moan" home. c IT.:, Ride Im Cow boy . In this reckless, excit ing, daredevil ad rent tire of a cow - puncher whose only law waft the bark ing ftlx-ahnoterl HERE YOU ARE FOLKSY ANOTHER BIG HIT! Hilarious Comedy! Ravishing Girls! Glamorous Romance! Matchless Music! Breath-taking Spectacle! Eome never visioned such beauty as the Gorgeous, Glamorous Girls ,. . more luscious than ever ... in scenes to lift you from your seat with their rapturious thrills 1 And EDDIE . . . funnier than ever, as the Goldtvyn Girls make ruins of Rome . . . and a wreck out of CAXTOKI 2 1) SAMUEL GOLDWYN & iii EDDIE . CANTOR IN ROMAN SCANDALS RUTH ETTING GLORIA STUART VEREF.TKASDALE'EDWARD ARNOLD DAVID MANNERS-ALLAN MOWBRAY STARTS TODAY! For 3 Big Days Adults 20e Children 10c SOUTHERN OREGON'S FINEST THEATRE I KtSAa Mats . . . 25c Eves . . . 35c Kiddies . 10c 3 Days Starting Today! mi ! i unsm HE'S BIG! :IW 1 HE'S BAD! ,1fe5f - Walt Disney's SILLY SYMPHONY The Successor to "Three Little Pigs" "THE BIG BAD WOLF" The THREE LITTLE PIGS RED RIDING HOOD All In Technicolor ALSO EZZ3 A new screen lover . . with a voice and a personality -you'll rave about ... In a lively, tuneful, comedy" romance of a boy and a girl . . . with a couple of foofy parents hanging around and making things toughl Hear Lanny sing "Melody In Hprlng" . . "The Open Road" . . "Ending With A Kiss" I ' m' L A N.N Y ROSS CHARLIE RUGGLES MARY BOLAND ANN SOTHERN Sunday I A screen event you can't miss I FREDRIC MARCH . . . In Mi greatest role ttnc "JeckyU And Hyde" "Death Takes A Holiday" nulldlngs tnpplel Trains smash I Mnera are wreckedl But no one can die while Death Is on his holiday! " 'OhOR OF THE RANGE" !ZIIZIZllSMTirrlTl' '(Sw"'smZ!mmIMSw!!ZZ!M