MEDFORD MAIL TRIBTJOT, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAT 7, 1934. NINE JAILED FOR I Med lard city polio put In busy wak-nd taking cure of the drunks. Bin being placed In Jell Saturday and Sunday. Evelyn May Aiaricn, m, th only woman arrested, was taken Into city court thla morning, and ordered by Police Judge A. D. Curry to leave town. She waa an rout to ugene, to Tlalt her father, ihe said. Robert A. Stewart, 68, arrested Sat urday evening, waa fined 110. He waa unable to pay the fine, and waa ordered to report for work thla after noon to the city street department, Floyd I. Bryant, 46, alio arrested Sat urday evening, waa acheduled to re port to court May 11. Fred Ruddy, 42, waa fined (10 by city police judge on charges of being drunk In a publlo place. Pet Summers, 50, charged with being drunk and who also tried to get Into the residence at 803 South Grape street, reports show, was ordered1 by Judge Curry to leave town. Robert T, Cox, 30, arrested on a drunkenness oharge Saturday night, was released on 10 ball, as was Harry A. Thuburn, 111), who waa drunk on the street, according to officers. Three young men, Evan W. How ard, 18, Richard W. Cummlng, 30, and Harvey J. Dutton, 38, are being nem In Jail while officers Investigate charges of their stealing gasoline Sun day night. ON UNITED PLANES (Continued tium pig one) will be marked at : p. m. today with the departur of th last army plan for Boise. At 7:30 a. m. tomorrow United Air Unas again will fly the mall for the first time sine general cancellation of airmail contracta last February. Return of the mall to United will mark resumption of airmail service from Portland to California points, which waa not flown under army schedules. Airmail will leav Portland for Med ford and California point at 10:30 p. m. dally; for Tacoma and Seattle at 7:90 a. m. and 5:80 p. m., and for th ast at 7:35 a. m. and 10:35 p. m. Arrlvala from th south will b at 7:05 a. m.; from Seattle at 7:15 a. m., and 10:15 p. m., and from the east at 7:10 a, m. and 5:15 p. m. SITE SELECTION MADE Finding approval, th sit for the Rogue River National forestry ware house ha been selected, and th building Is to be established on th MoAndraws road, sst of Bear creek, bout a helf mile north of the present warehouse, forestry officials an nounced. The structure la to cost 130,000, and It I estimated by those In charge of th work, that beween 75 and 80 per cent of th amount will be expended In Medford, WASHINGTON, May 7 (AP) The NRA today decided to Impose a code upon th telegraph Industry. Hugh 8. Johnson, as chief, made the announcement of a atrlngent cod to be Imposed over the objec tion of Western Union, American Telephone and Telegraph company, end RCA Communications, Inc. If th plan Is carried through thla will be the first code forced on an Industry by NRA. B BR WICK, Pa., May 7. (AP) The body of William H. Woodln, th frail smiling man who piloted th nation's treasury department thru th 1033 banking crisis, lies In th family mausoleum In Pins drove cemetery, six blocks from where h waa born. President Roosevelt's secretary of th treasury, who resigned several JOHN D. GOSS For Democratio Choice ' ai U. 8. Representative Senator Ooaa Is a forceful speaker and an experienced legis lator. H has had lift-long con tact with lumbering, manutactur 4ng, ranching, mining and general business a owner and attorney, and I peculiarly qualified to rep resent th first district. Will work for economies and tax relief: establishing and financing of settlers; federal distribution of Bonneville power; contubutloiu by U. S. to counties In proportion to federally-owned land, and fed eral aid for mining and prospect ing. 100 PKR CENT RQ08KVKLT Paid adv. . FIGURES IN TAMMANY SHAKEUP ' These men are figuring in the ahakeup of New York's Tammany Hall, which was climaxed by the ouating of John F. Curry as leader. James J. Hlnes (right) and Edward J. Ahcarn (upper left) dominate the confused scene. Hlnes, though hs voted for Curry, was accused by the latter of leading the revolt Ahearn is a candidate for Curry's post. Grovsr Whalen (lower left) was mentioned as a possible member of a committee which may be named to take over the leadershlo. fAssocI ted Prssa Ph months ago because of til health and died last Thursday In New York, was committed to his final resting place yesterday while thousands of his fellow-townsmen looked on In mourn ing for the man they knew as neigh bor. Butte Falls BUTTE FALLS, May 7, (Bpl.) Butt Fall baseball team defeated Eagle Point baseball team Sunday, 38 to t. Olyd Moore's orchestra gave a baseball benefit dance at the Wood man noil May 5. Paul Hlgley and family of Santa Monica, Calif., arrived May 1, and have moved Into one of the Dupre houses. Mr, Hlgley Is Jo Kent' nephew. Arthur Woodrow accompanied Mr. Hlgley from Santa Monica, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Hallett of Klam ath Falls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kont. Mrs. O. A. Hallet and grandson, Charles Rogers, who have spent two months with Mrs. Hallet's daughter, Mrs. Joe Kent, accompnnled Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hallett to Klnm ath Falls to live with them. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Thomas have a baby daughter, weighing six and one half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson and son of Temp, Arizona, arrived in Butt Falls last week and are visiting Mr. Pearson's grandmother, Mrs. Har riet Taylor and aunt, Miss Hazel Tay lor. They left May 5 to visit other relatione on their tour. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Drlskell are having their house wired for elec tricity. Mrs. Homer Kent consulted a doc tor In Medford on Tuesday. Sha has been 111 two months. Her mother, Joe Kent, Is taking car of her. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Huddle and baby, Sally, of Treka, and Mrs. Clyde Han sen of Central Point, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patton Sunday. I NEXT SUNDAY is Mother's Day n sure and send her a card, we have thrm In endless variety. SWEM'S Kodak Book Gift Shop lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll a .. m m. a p LUA iM l on yam flowMJ Coos!, Radio, Amta, er with do Irak users required fast the signatures of husband and wife. You get the roil amount of the loan prrnaptry do dWkjctkms no delays. SmaJHereksy o moottsly papr- , jausuged to sot yam Warrants Cashed. Oregon & Washington . Mortgage Co. 45 8, Central. W. E. Thomas, Mgr. License No. S-1SJ 3HHJ5K55?! U U U U U V 11 Grade school children attended the high school matinee Wednesday. Thursday evening the seniors of the Butte Falls high school gave their class play, "A Poor Married Man." Edgar Tungate was "the poor married man." Emmett Oott was a country doctor; Frank Llnstrom, a popular college boy; James Tungate, a black; Beulah Hereford "the too much mother-in-law"; Frances Stone, the charming daughter; Falllene Iackaon a little freshman; Ruth Moore was a college reporter. Graduation announcement of the Butte Falls high school seniors are out. There are eight graduates, Frances Stone, Beulah Hereford, Rose Smith, James Tungate, Emmett Oott, Frank Llnatrom, Falllene Jackson and Ruth Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Casey have moved Into one of the Slmervllle houses, Mrs. Oscar Hlglnbotham and son, Dean of Medford spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Alberts and ohlldren and Mrs. Dolly Jacks visited Fish Lake Sunday. Mrs. Everett Moore will entertain the Hustlers' club next Thursday afternoon at her home. There will be a mothers' Day pro gram at the church May 13. HW.ilH Wiring; and Repairing Phone 90 Medford Electric B, M. DUSII, Owner Basement, Medford Bldg. Adrienne's Ji Figures Regain Their Youth . . .with MisSimplicitq The dhgorul puO of the loos brassiere ends that cross in back, raises the bust, molds th robs, indents the waistline and Sat tens the abdomen smoothing away years, as well m pounds, from your figure. The model pictured b of rayon satin and firm elastic with a lace uplift section.' Jf" Model 331J J ft llhOfhl.V I.MMM EFFICIENT BASIS (Continued now page one) Asked earlier today If he would request the Immediate resignation of the commlaelon, which he could do for cause on 10 days notice, the gov ernor Informally declared he would give them a chance to work out- their problems first. The letter to the commission re ferred to the steps In the formation of the commission for control of the liquor traffic and cited their respon sibilities and "extraordinary and ar bitrary powers." These, his letter In ferred, did not Include rejection of the sense of the legislature In reduc ing salaries nor the board of control In opposing any salary increases for staff members. "In accordance with my recom mendation." the letter stated, "the Oregon legislature In special session last November enacted a law govern ing the manufacture, sale and distri bution of alcoholic beverages, and a supplementary act appropriating the y Sf AM PAKE) net revenue derived therefrom for unemployment relief." The letter was expected to be ready at the meeting of the liquor com mission set for this afternoon In Portland. The governor's letter went to all three members Qeorge McMorran, Eugene; Alex Barry, Portland, and James D. Burns of Condon, . WARD CO. SAFE The knob on the safe at Mont gomery Ward and company's store on South Central avenue was knocked off, but the safe not opened, city po lice were notified this morning. No one had been to the store since Sat urday night, and it was not readily determined at what time the build ing was burglarized. Entrance to the store was gained through a window on the south side, and a hole was cut Into a large rug hanging over the window, according to officers. Three cheap suitcases were taken, and a few small articles. Oregon Weather Oregon: Cloudy tonight and Tues day, with showers; moderate temper ature; gentle changeable winds offshore. FOILS BURGLARS ISnufhuL STANDARD OIL SYMPHONY HOUR Broadcast (or your enjoyment orer th Pacific Coast Network of NBC Try Thursday, 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. A clasa of 3ft was confirmed Sun day morning at St. Mark's Episcopal church, with Rt. Rev. Walter T. Sum ner, D.D., delivering the sermon. He was assisted by Reverend E. S. Bart lem, rector of the local church. One of the largest congregations ever to attend the local church, was present, many having to be turned away. The 35 confirmed was the largest class conducted at St. Mark's. Bishop Sumner, who waa accom panied to Medford by his wife last evening confirmed a class at Grants Pass, and Tuesday will confirm a class at the Ashland church. He will then continue to Rose burg, M a re h field and other coast points. IFLING OF Chief of Police Clatous McCredle was notified today by Postal In spector Steven A. Morse, that Tom Oalley, 22, arrested here last week, has Velvet-smooth in power and "velvet" for your pocket book two highly satisfactory results whenever you use Tetraethyl Standard! You may get whole horsepowers of added energy delivered to your motor when you use Tetraethyl Standard Gasoline. That's one reason why it pays to use this superior motor fuel. Every quality Quick Starting, Acceleration, Anti-Knock, Mileage and Speed ! Unsurpassed in every one that's Tetraethyl Standard a better gasoline for every car including yours! It's worth trying. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA u nsu toss been Indicted by the federal grand jury, and bond set st 11600, on charges of stealing a claim check from a mail box near the Riddle Junction. Dalley, whose home is In Great Palls, Mont., was arrested by Medford officers when he attempted to cash a S40 claim check here, which had been made out to Stanley E. Elsen mann. LEO POTTER INJURED BY FRACTIOUS CALF Leo Potter of Central Point, who waa pulled about his farm yesterday by an unruly calf, la In the Com munity hospital today. His left leg waa badly broken In the fracas. The calf, In an effort to get away from Potter, wound his owner up In the rope, causing the break. I AT C. OF C. TONIGHT There will be s meeting of the Southern Oregon Boat club at the Chamber of Commerce building to night at 7:30 o'clock. Harold Grey an nounced this morning. All members, and persons interested SCENE i Sams as when you had your first crush on Somebody. Think of velvet and you'll have a picture of the smooth power of STANDARD Gasoline with Tetraethyl Lead anti-knock fluid. 17 T. AH In boatln are urged to attend th meeting. Refreshments will t served following the business session. COPS BLUSHINGLY PINCH PRANCING GIRL NUDIST NEW YORK, May 7 (UP) Blush ing furiously, a squsd of polios ap prehended Jeanetts Dubois, 31, aa she pranced through a residential district In the nude today. Unable to recall where she lived, she was taken to a hospital. Admiral Byrd Picks His Men! DO YOU? FREES' GARAGE Is where per sonal supervision Is more than a promise. ph(me 1B22.Y As near aa yoar Telephone DRY SLABS A Whole load Quality Blocks Body Fir Low Cost Medford Fuel Co. 133 s. Central. Tel. bJl , r