Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 07, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
"Enryfliw in Southirn Ort
Rtadt till Mall Trlbum''
Dally except tatwdiy
Publlihed by
tt-H-U It 9U BU
Ao Indtpeodiot Nmpaptr
Batcrw) M weoniJ ilm vttUr t Utttford,
Orffoo. QaAtt Act Of Mireb I, 1819.
ft Hill In AriruvB
Dillj, ottt retr 10-00
Dally, ill tonttai S.Tfi
Dtllr. M BODtb ')
R PsrrW In AdTMM MMforrJ. AlOUod,
MckiODTllli, Crtra) Point, ftuuli, Wont, Oold
Bill ind an Hlchvan.
Dally, OM yev f0O
Dally, alt months
Dally, ooa bddUi .60
All Urna. eub la ufim.
Omcltl papf of Um City of Mtdford.
Officii! piper of JackMO County.
Beectrtni fitfD Uaud Wirt BwtIm
1b AuoeUUb Pratt la axehujialy wtitltd to
tha uh for Dumlcatlon of all om oupateoai
eradltad to It or othenriia credited Id tbla paper
ind alao to tfaa local oea ouhiuhM acrois.
All rlfbta for publication of apodal dlapaldM
Serein art tin raamaa
Adrtrtlflng KepmenUtlm
Offteca la N Tori, Cnleaio, Detroit, Boa
rraocliu Lot Angelaa Beattla Portland.
Ye Smudge Pot
' By Arttinr Perry.
Then I aoma talk of stabllshlng
Stat bank. Just think of every
body who swept out a bank, while
working hU way through high actio"!
running for bank president I
A Nevada man, a divorce complaint
eitea, naa nos epoicen to ni wue ior
three years. Hla lawyer will ae forth
he waa waiting for her to get through
Complaint haa been filed against
motorcyclists who wake people up,
with the coming of dawn. An effort
should be made to get at the root
of this evil, and do something about
the people who wake the motor
cyclists up.
A farmer towned Saturday, waving
a newly purohased curry-comb In op
position to the Saloa Tax. It Is a
noor ourrv-oomb that won't work both
ways, but that Is what alls the Sales
Tax. . .
(Pendleton East Oregonlan.)
; Martin Cabanakt, the Pendle
, ton tailor, has seven children and
Is proud of every one of them.
"Umaplne," the rascally Indian
mixed up In the last Indian war,
Is dead and we are glad of It.
Husbands should take the E. O.
home and' let their wives see what
Is going on. We have been re
quested to make this request.
(0 Years Ago Ool.)
. . 'see
The Administration announces Its
Intention to abandon Its "prlee-flx-Ing"
policy. Aa a matter of uncom
plicated economics, and no regard for
what effect It would have on Bul
garia, It looks the thing that needed
fixing, Is the pocket boon. It Is gen
erally agreed that If the pocketbooxs
are fat, the prices will fix themselves.
And, a wallet oan't recover from an
emia unless something la put In It.
to take out.
One of these .days, one of the nu
merous ladles traipsing over the Mid
dle West with No. 1 Bandit John
Dllllnger. will get ahot while rushing
out the back-door of a road house with
John, Then the sheriff will get edi
torial scoldings for lack of chivalry
and poor aim.
e e
adeshow oratory la a high form of
eloquenoe beside which atump-apeax.
Ing and Jury-pleadlnga are merely
branches of hog-calllng. (New York.
. er.) The Public Speaking Class dl
solves Into thin air.
So want new deals for under dogs,
The masses, we believe,
Are those for whom the tears are
And whom they would relieve)
If rotors are so Ignorant,
And uninformed and dumb,
Some candldatea,
Who tempt the fates,
Are likewise going some.
Through all the bedlam, claim and
And racket going on,
We think It simmers down to this,
With all the Issues gone:
The voters want to pick The Man,
With some hoss sense endowed,
And decency
This year will win the crowd.
(Oregon Voter.)
PORTLAND, May 1 ( AP) Knights
of the covered wagon, the gaudy ban
gles and the horse tradee the Serbian
Gypsies gathered here Sunday from
all over the pacific northwest to
honor their patron, St. Oeorge. Mora
than 100 of the tribe making Ita
headquartera In Portland were present
for an all-day dinner featuring plat
ters of roast aheep with onions and
garlic, small pigs roasted whole,
chicken and cheese cakes.
Tot Quasi) irwiuHt m-h .
Sam Insult, J. P.
Q A1IUEL INSULL has already
J ion. Whether or not he
remains to be seen.
The aged financier on his arrival today, makes the first pub
lio statement regarding his case,
years ago.
He admits he erred grossly
broken the law or been dishonest.
Well, the lowest type of criminal is entitled to the benefit
of the doubt. Legally his innocence must be assumed, until his
guilt has been proved.
Even' those who feel most strongly against Insull should
reserve judgment, as far as his VIOLATION OF THE LAW
is concerned, until his trial is
DUT technically innocent or
" Samuel Insull represented that type of insensate greed, and
financial exploitation, which more than any other one thing,
brought on the collapse of 1929, and which also more than any
other one thing, the Roosevelt administration is resolved to
Whether or not Insull actually BROKE the law, we don't
know no one knows but that through stock promotion, holding-company
manipulation, and all the tricks and dodges of high
finance, he did make himself a multi-millionaire, at the expense
of proper service to the people, no informed person denies. .
A S has been previously pointed out in this column, the trag-
edy of Samuel Insull is probably the tragedy that he came
TOO LATE. We, at least, will
he was no more a criminal than
was a criminal. Very likely he
and power companies of the
tried to do with U. S. Steel.
that a subsequent period of great prosperity, made his effort
SUCCESSFUL; it was Insull 's tragedy that a subsequent period
of economic collapse, made his effort end in DISASTER.
Thousands of small investors profited when Morgan won;
thousands of small investors lost all they had when Insull lost.
Public opinion aoolaimed Morgan, publio opinion wants Insull 's
BLOOD. But ethically speaking it is highly probable that these
two men played the same game, and shared identical views as to
what is right and what isn't, in the administration of Big Busi
ness in this country. .
XW course this diagnosis may be entirely wrong. J. P. Morgan
was strictly speaking an honest man, and what he did, he
did within the law. Evidence may show that Insull was dis
honest, and that what he did violated the law.
But if such is the case we will
enough and smart enough, to
usually smart and able enough
obtainable, and never disregard
The point is what Morgan did
the unwritten law that is publio opinion but what Samuel
Insull did, was a violation o that
TPIMES hove ohangod. What
eration ago in Big Business, is no longer according to Hoyle
today, and it is all to the good that this is true.
Whether Insull is oonvioted
represent a type of American idol that was once worshipped in
this country, but is no longer.
self and the devil take the hindmost, charge all the traffio will
bear, the publio be damned, etc,
small extremely capable (and extremely ruthless) group with
TOO muoh money; and the great majority of the people with
NOT ENOUGH, it was the idol of the "billionaire" and ex
treme selfishness; against the IDEAL, of a competence and true
publio service.
The lntter has won or at least this paper BELIEVES that
it has. And behind all this talk
is the determination to consolidate this victory, and make it
impossible to create J. P. Morgans and Samuel Insulls, in this
country, at ony time in the future.
BY O.O.McIntyre
NEW YORK. May 7 In the man.
ner of Arnold Bennett's Journal: A
lady told me ahe waa lunching today
with her husband
not seen slnoe
divorcing him
bitterly ten yeara
ago. It auggeat
ed lunching with
a cadaver. More
than any youth
of hla years I am
Impressed with
Hoy Howard's son
He la following
In hi father's
Ink-stained steps
in Indianapolis,
after Yale and
press bureau experience in Europe and
the Orient, reading copy and living
witn his society bride In a ISS-a-month
apartment. Today I made a
vow to work three hours a week on
my autobiography.
Writers should not read their mall
until after dinner, a custom I hare
followed five years. A hsavy mall
can disarrange- thought the whole
day, My barber, who knows so many
things, tells me Kipling waa famous
at 31 and La Place became greatest
of French astronomers under 20.
Shelley died at SO.
Brisbane could probably tick off,
sans reference, a hundred such ex
amples of youth triumphant. Some
one at breakfast said men who rub
hands together while talking should
be avoided. Probably as flimsy as
condemning Inability to look one
squarely In the eye. Many ahyly
honest men csnnot do that.
Ernest Hemlngwsy. bsck from a lion
hunt, ought to turn out a best seller
on such an experience. But hla bull
tight title, "Death In the Afternoon,"
wants beating for aptness. A little
often makes a brisk sal for a medl
ocr book. "O n 1 1 m e n Prefer
Blondes," for example. Unabashed
ribaldry of youngsters Is startling.
An egg.faced Jerkin, waiting In the
Waldorf foyer the other day, greeted
par, buckleberri tit. ."Jill ajjiuu-
M and F. D.R.
been convicted by public opin
will be convicted by the courts,
since his flight to Europe, two
in judgment. He denies he has
guilty, there is no doubt that
not be surprised to learn that
the late J. F. Morgan the First,
merely tried to do with the light
Middlewest, what J. P. Morgan
It was Morgan's good fortune,
be surprised. For a man able
do what Samuel Insull did, is
to secure .the best legal advice
within the law, did not violate
unwritten law.
was according to Hoyle a gen-1
or acquitted, he will continue to
It was the idol of, each for him
etc, etc. It was the idol of a
about the Roosevelt New Deal,
petl" And swung off merrily, arm
In arm. Those were fighting words
back yonder.
I catalogue women Instantly aa silly
or serious, liking both kinds. Indeed,
there Is no type of femininity I find
distracting, save the elbow nudgers at
tense moment of a play. Pannle
Hurst has added a Siamese oat to
the eoo In her study. Complete: Two
monkeys, two cats, a parrot, a Pekin
ese and Scottle. All living In amex
Ing tranquility. A white Russian wolf
hound Is the most decorative of all
domestle pets. They are remindful
of Dolores In the Follies. All ani
mals suggest personalities. Clarence
Mackey, a chipmunk: Vincent Lopes,
a aeal; Wilton Lackeye, a tired blood
hound, and so on.
Bob Davis, who has knocked about
the Malay Junglea, doubts authen
ticity of a vigorous python biting
Frank Buck's arm In that film. He
thlnka the cinema python waa a worn
out, playful apeclmen. v The python
constrict like a whiplash. Davis tells
of a Malay boy coaattng rapidly down
a steep hill at night on a bicycle. A
python stretched aoroas the moonlit
road. In a flash every apoke of the
wheels and every bona In the boy's
body were crumpled. Still Buck re
mains a hero to me. Wakeful. I like
In the dark to close my eyes and form
a sort of surrealist movie grey
squlggles, blurred shoots, flashy rock
et and spinning phantasmagoria. In
the whirl there Is usually a face aug-
geattng a stretched film of Polly Mo-
ran riding a broomstick.
A lady lrrNew Orleans tweaks my
curiosity Inquiring about my harvest
of words. I figure the totsl crop an
nually mors than S0O.0O0. likely a
ellm estimate. Damon Runyon prob
ably surpasses any modern write In
output. Hla total probably excels
that of all the round table boys. M.
called my attention on a walk from
the theater this tvenlng that the
moon waa only beautiful on a large
expanse of water. I recalled the time
we saw It aalant palm trees In Flor
ida upon which orchid were growing.
W agreed that wa breathless.
What Cluy de Maupassant could do
with this on I A woman under the
marque of a declasse hotel In the
40s hallooed to me some evenings sito
rather late. Supposing she wanted
to k direction, J HaltM, At to
Personal Health Service
By William Brady, M.D.
Signed letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene out lo dls.
ease diagnosis or. treatment, wlU be
elf-addressed envelope Is enclosed.
Ink. Owing to the large number of letters received only a tew can be an
swered. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions
Address Or. William Brady, IDS El Camlno, Beverly Hills, Cel.
Whenever I visit the national shrine
at Mt. Vernon I go Into a trance In
which I work out in complete detail
the plana for
elan destine ne
cropsy on the re
mains of the first
p r e s tdent. But
back home again
or far from the
a p o t, broaching
my scheme to
colleagues whom
I should desire as
accomplices, the
Idea seems almost
as foolish as most
of my oolleaguea
mink it Is. Still, you never can ws
much without an autopsy, and that
applies with psrtlcular empnasis w
the last Illness of Oeorge Wsshlng-
on the other hand. I wonder now
long any discernible trace of organic
tissue (discernible, mas is, to m.
skilled pathologist) would be pre
served In such soli aa wasningwu
was burled In and In the manner of
auch burial.' As I sit there and lleten
for the muffled oars of the rownoat
In which the four of us would arrive
for the nlght'a work, I tentatively
turn over a bit of the soil with the
toe of my shoe, and wonder whother
it Is of the character that favors
These armchair pathologists who
make no doubt at all that Washing
ton took cold from getting the neck
and shoulder of his cost wet with
snow while he waa out riding the
afternoon of December 13, '70 and
then sitting down to dinner without
troubling to change to dry things
when he returned from his ride In
sult the quality and character of the
man, it seems to me. Washington
was no mollycoddle. He waa alwaya
accustomed to the most vigorous out
door exercise. It Is simply Impossible
to think of him ss timidly avoiding
exposure while his soldiers were en
during the terrible winter at vaney
The latest to account for the last
Illness and death of Washington In
this stultifying manner la a Wash
ington ear, nose and throat specialist,
who goes Into a trance and Imagines
Washington consulting him. "You
must remember, Mr. Washington,"
this droll little specialist admonishes
a 300 pound man, who atanda e feet
3 Inches In height, "that you are not
as young aa you once were and cer
tainly not aa strong , . .'Our advice
that you go to a mild warm southern
climate for the winter. If you elect
to remain In your Virginia home on
the Potomac, be especially careful to
avoid undue exposure In cold, wet
weather , , ." And much more along
the same line. This commentator de
duces from the authentic records that
To My
The Voters of Jackson County, con
atttutlng the Sixth Senatorial Dla-
trlct of Oregon:
I am a candidate at the coming
primary for that position formerly
held for several term by Senator
Dunn, who la known ss the grsnd
old man of the Senat which we
admit, he la one of the only two or
three of 30 .senators who are past
70. The Senate la composed of men
between it and 85 yeara of age.
It haa been 25 yeara since my op
ponent waa County Judge, and at
that time that county business con
stated of a small part of what It has
been the past ten years, during which
time I waa a member of the County
Court. I have had a large part In
the road Improvement of the county;
Including the selling of the last Issue
of road bonds and the retirement of
more than half of all the road bonds
Issued and outstanding; taking care
of the O. It C. funds so prudently
that wa could retire the road bonds
mentioned; having funds to build our
courthouse, and still leave $300,000 In
the county treasury for the further
retirement of road bonds. During
my term of office the county war
rants were alwaya at par, even during
the panic yeara of 1031 and 1033.
The county audit ahowa the
funds are accounted for and tne
courthouse bills paid for as let by
the contracta to the lowest bidders,
with no discrepancies. It completely
refutes all misleading statement and
exonerate me In every detail, and I
believe you by your vote will do the
ssme. The audit Is open for Inspec
tion In the olerk's office, to any In
terested taxpayer.
I am placing my name before the
voters of Jackson County for the posi
tion of State Senator, believing that
I am qualified by my experience for
the position I seek, and feel that I
can give as good or better account
of my stewardship there a I did In
the county affaire.
The most Interesting and upper
most subject before the voters at
this time is the sales tax or school
relist bill. It haa been referred to
the people tor action and will be
decided by the voter on May 18th.
Their decision should be final. 1 will
abide by their decision at all timet,
as this is a democratic form of gov
ernment where the majority rulea aftl
I will be governed by your vote.
The sales tax. If passed, will relieve
Instant I noted the mood was one
of coquetry w both gav a quick
atart and turned away embarrassed.
Her husband waa once rather a warm
friend. I had dined at their home
I like a Jaded bachelor' Sutton
Place apartment at cocktail time
when the fly and roguishly rouged
ladlea on the make drift In. A merry
rlngle to the wis guy talk. Flro
ftaught banter covering ateeltrap
trickery. Such ladle Ignore m com
pletely. M. suggest It might be they
think I'm a bouse detective Caeca
invldia estl
(Copyright, 1034, McNaught Syndi
cate, inc.
1. v!
tpX V.J
answered by Dr. Brady if a stamped
Letters should be brief and written In
Washington died of suffocation,
brought on by edematous swelling of
the larynx from a atreptococcus In
fectlon. His guess, of course. Is sj
good as any other. But If the spec
ialist, when he Is not In a trance, ever
diagnoses streptococcus Infection In
an actual caae, he had better not try
to make the patient, the public or
the health authorities think It all
came of getting the neck, shoulders
or hair wet.
Personally I am partial to the
theory that Washington contracted
diphtheria from some of his slaves
on one of his rounds and that this
brought about hla death In two or
three days. His own reluctance to
pay any attention to hla Illness, hla
resolve to "let It go as It came," hla
assurance that he never took anything
for a cold, would be quite In keeping
with the early stages of diphtheria.
In that atage the patient doesn't feel
very 111.
. Other doctors opine It was pneu
monia, some form of angina (chok
ing), edema (dropsical awelltng) of
larynx or lungs Incident to chronic
nephritis. It doesn't matter to me.
I'm going to let Oeorge Washington's
bones alone.
178 Calories a Bottle. -Please
tell me whether beer Is fat
tening and how many calories does
it contain. P. T. L.
Answer The report of the analysis
given by the brewer of the best beer
says It contains 0.4 per cent protein.
no fat, fl.O per cent carbohydrate,
per oent alcohol by weight, and this
would give 71 calories from the carbo
hydrate, 6 calories from the protein,
and 101 calories from the alcohol (as
suming one can oxidise or burn all
the alcohol), or a total of 178 calories
In the bottle of beer. A pint of milk
yields 325 calories.
What, No Fnysicianr
Will It be harmful for me to take
the calcium lactate for aick head
aches If I have a goitre? Mrs. R. O. D.
Answer Certainly you should take
nothing your physician does not pre
scribe or approve.
Skilled Dentist can Match Teetn.
One of the finest dentists In the
city put a porcelain Jacket crown
on my tooth. He promised It would
look exactly like my own teeth. But
It does not match my teeth at an
and looka very bad. L. A.
Answer If your complaint la Justi
fied and the dentist Is a reputable
one, of course he can remedy that.
Any good dentist can match the pa
tient's teeth.
(Copyright, 1034, John F. DUle Co.) ,
Ed Note: Readers wishing to
should send letters direct to Dr.
communicate with Dr. Brady
William Brady, M. D., 269 E. Ca
mlno, Beverly Hills, Col.
about one-tenth of the total tax load
The other nine-tenths of unpaid de
linquent tax la a different problem
Some of It Is school funds as well as
county, city and district funds. It
going to be a serious matter for the
county to function If larga deiin
quenoles continue, which they will
until commodity prices rise.
Some method will have to be found
to refund county warrant so the
county and school can receive cash
to operate. I believe by my expert
ence I can be of valuable assistance
in the legislature to solve that prob
lem. The county cannot at this tlmo
foreclose on delinquent property and
resell to obtain the funds, as prop
erty has little value now and ahould
wholesale tax sales take place all
value would be destroyed. A rep
resentative of the people cannot look
to the Interest of the state alone, but
must look to his county welfare as
well, i
The county courts of the stst dur
ing my tenure of office Initiated
many needed reforms and new laws
which have been passed ana become
laws In aucesslve session of the legis
lature. During my term of office I worked
with the district attorney, read and
studied law and court decisions so
that we were able to save Jackson
county from all costly litigation. I
have helped to draft bills presented
In the legislature, which give me
valuable experience along those lines.
As to my qualifications: I am a
farmer by calling, have had 30 yeara'
experience as a bank director, 13
yeara as a llveatock ahlpper and feed
er, six years chairman of Rogue River
Valley Irrigation district, tne first to
qualify for federal funds on account
of It fine financial condition, and
lastly my years of experience on the
county court. I have never been ap
pointed or selected by any secret com
mittee of whatever name, nor a party
to any Intrigue, but have come out
aa a candidate by the solicitation of
friends who have asked that I place
my name before the voters for the
position of state senator at the com
ing election.
I would urge you as a civic duty
to attend the polls on May 19th to
vote. Will appreciate your vot. My
slogan: The People's Candidate. My
record and experience your protection.
(Paid Adv.)
Many Medford people motored to
Klamath rails yesterday to attend the
Joint mutation of Knlxhta of Colum
bus councils from Bend, Klsmath
Falls and Lakevlew.
The southeastern Oregon district
wa well represented at the Initia
tion and the banquet, which folloaed.
at which covers were arranged for
M guest.
on the
Day's News
w ox Montana, speaking in Detroit,
"Attacking Amarlct-'i monetary and
economic evils by remonetlslng 11
ver Is the untried but CERTAIN
means of ending the depression,
ivt There's an old hunting proverb,
you know, to the effect that "there's
luck where there's lead flying"
meaning that If you shoot at ran
dom Into the air yoi MAY hit some'
If we keep on passing lawa to end
the depression, we MIGHT finally
stumble Into one that would work.
E AN WHILE, alo7of people old-
11 fashioned In their views, perhaps
cling to the opinion that If fewer
laws had been passed and fewer ef
forts made to end the depression
WITHOUT WORK we would be farther
along the road to recovery.
GETTING back to Senator Wheeler's
speech, what is the chief mpne-
tary evil In America today?
Nobody knows, of oouree for SURE,
that la. But It is highly probable
that the principal trouble with our
money these days Is that nobody Is
Just quite certain what It will be
worth a month hence or year hence.
Tinkering with silver wouldn't make
us any SURER, to say the least, as to
what our money will be worth In
the future.
A N OTHER question, suggested by
T Senator Wheeler's speech:
What la this country's chief eco
nomlo evil?
npHERE are plenty of answers to
1 to that question, but the trouble
Is that so few of them are alike. The
doctors know the patient Is sick, but
they can't agree on the diagnosis.
A lot of them insist that the trouble
la organic and grave, and that serious
measures are necessary including,
perhaps, a few major operations.
Others think the patient is merely
run down and weak and If given the
opportunity for rest and quiet, will
recover nicely.
!HE brain trustera and the more
enthuslaatlo of the new dealers
are In the first group and the general
run of conservative business men
are to be found In the latter.
PUT aa elmply aa posslbl, here 1
ON IB economlo evil In this
People who have money are atlll
afraid that If they lend It they WON'T
GET IT BACK. A long a people
with money remain In that frame of
mind, business recovery will be slow.
They will remain In that frame of
mind until their confidence In the
ability of borrowers to earn enough to
repay Is restored. The trouble with
so many new laws and new schemes
Is that they have a tendency to
SHAKE confidence, Instead of restor
ing It. ' .
FROM an of ehlsyou will probably
gather that this Insignificant
writer Is one of those who would pre
fer to see the patient given the op
portunity for a little rest and quiet,
In the hope that a naturally strong
constitution will pull him through,
rather than seeing him subjected to
further serious operations. ,
Well, you wouldn't be far wrong.
Is This a Threat?
To the Editor:
In advocating Electa Fehl for the
county Judgeship, I feel perfectly
Justified In assuring the voters of
Jackson county that there wilt be.
In the case of her election, an ef
ficient, consistent carrying out of the
policies adhered to by her husband,
Judge Earl H. Fehl.
I wish to stress the fact that Electa
Fehl Is perfectly competent to do this.
She ha for years been the constant
companion of her husband In every
detail of hla service to our people.
When during the last year his work
waa made inexcusably difficult for
him by his political enemies. It wa
his wife who ably carried on the edit
ing of the Paclflo Record Herald. She
haa always co-operated fully with
him. giving generously of her Intelli
gent sympathy a silent, but most
efficient partner in all hla public
It need cause no misgiving that
she Is not a Iiwyer, but rather should
It be csuse for congrstulatlon. The
American public cannot soon forget
the words of wsrnlng uttered by U. S.
Attorney General Cummlngs, and the
president of the American Bar asso
ciation, that the entire association
must undergo a drastic cleansing or
It would disintegrate from aheer cor
Personally I have observed no evl-
dence of a reformation In the ethical
standards of the Southern Oregon Bar
association. So It la Just as well that
Electa Fehl Is not a member of this
It has been my privilege to see a
great deal of her during the last 18
months and I recognlre In her a
woman of courage and Integrity, of
consistent loyalties, and of persistent
effort In the face of adversity.
The votera of Jackson county are
(ortunste Indeed that Elect, Fehl h
Mother Jailed
For Burning Girl
,-"3' " t4t'
f aaV-!
1 ft
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Mr. Marguerite Reed, 29, wat
sentenced to 30 day in Jail at Lake
wood, N. J., charged with burning
th leg of her daughter. Ether, 6,
with a red hot poker. The woman
admitted In court that she had
burned both her children on aeveral
occasion, and declared she "knew
of no other way of making them
mind." (Associated Pros Photos)
offered to serve them In the capacity
of county Judge.
I support my contention by quot
ing the immortal Jefferson:
"The whole art of government con
sist In being honest."
Mays. , Excelsior, Minn.
CHICAGO, May 7. (AP) A merci
less sun, beating down on the parched
prairies of the north central states,
gave no prospect of relief to the
drought stricken areas today.
Only some moderation In the high
temperatures of Sunday was predicted.
High temperatures ruled the na
tion generally yesterday with the
central west taking the brunt of sum
mer's preview. By mid-afternoon they
had soared to 100 degrees at Sioux
City, Iowa, breaking all records for
May. .
In Chicago the mercury Jumped
to 92.1, smashing the all-time heat
record for May 8. The previous high
was 86. One death was indirectly at
tributed to the heat.
Hot winds swept parts of Nebraska,
passing to the drought peril. Kansas,
Missouri, Wisconsin and Minnesota
remained rainless and the moisture
deficiency in northern Illinois reached
61 per cent since January 1.
Around Wausau, Wis., forest fires
menaced the village of Moslnee site
of the moslnee paper mills. Seven
families were made homeless. Mill
buildings and Moslnee residences,
parched by the long dry spell, were
soaked with water to remove the
danger of flying sparks.
? The lower Ohio and Mississippi val
leys and their adjacent sections were
more fortunate. In some Instances
the weather bureau reported heavy
rainfall In these areas.
Warrants Calif d
School District No. 30 will pav war
ranto No. 363 to 397 Inclusive at the
Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank. In
terest will cease on this date. May 1,
SIgntfd: S. S. ABBOTT.
District Clerk.
We regard an invalid coach call as
an emergency; we keep our invalid
coach ready nt all times to answer a
call on an instant's notice.
In a critical moment, split seconds
count; that's why we don't waste
time. One calls, and shortly the
hurrying wail of our siren comes
sweeping toward the scene.
Flight .o Time
(Medford and Jackson County
History From the File, of Tbe
Hall TrlboDe of to and 10 (ears
May 7, 192.
(It was Wednesdsy)
Th. nuntv court relects the appll-
cstlon of an Oklahoma tourist, with
five children, for a loan of 1300 to
get back home.
Radio Is heard In Oregon Caves, at
a point 1600 feet down.
Officials doubt that the body of a
young man found In Rogue liver la
that of Hugh DeAutremont, sought
for the Siskiyou tunnel murders.
Public Utility commission issue a
ruling that beauty parlors can cut
hair, but not ahave patron' necks,
unless they pay a barber's license.
Th king of Denmark snubs Mary
Plckford and Douglaa Fairbanks,
during visit to Europe.
May 7, 1014.
(It wss Thursdsy)
April rslnfall above average f other
years, and was .38 of an Inch.
"Her Sin, or Teara and Pearla," at
the It: "Night Along the Nile, -or
Egyptian Love," at the Isla; ''Ken
tucky Blooda" at the Star, and "When
We Were 31" at the Page.
May Heath, Dorothy Newman, Laura
Dates. Louise Qulzenberry, and Elisa
beth Gore among Medford grade pu
pils who win musical awards.
A number of home guard teamsters
employed in hauling on the Central
Point division of the Pacific highway,
have quit In disgust, and gone to
yelling on the street about there
being no work for them and their
horses. On the Central Point work
they received from to $1.86 per
dsy, for two-yard hauls, and Imagine
they should have from $5 to $5.65 a
day. Those who are yelling the loudest
are those to whom feed waa advanced
for their stock, and deducted from
the pay check.
(Cunttnueo irom Page One)
Glass bill over his protest from th
floor of the senate.
Speaking of new buildings, the
famed American Legion lobby has
purohased a building of ita own for
$125,000. .
Copyright, 1934, by Paul Mallon.
Buzzing In Ear
Caused By Bee
MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 7. (AP)
Howard Wlchgelda, two years old, of
St. Francis, complained to his parent
of a buzzing In his head.
At emergency hospital surgeons re
moved a bee from the boy's ear.
Drop In st Tahoma Beer Parlor and
Sandwich Shop. Pleasant evening as
sured. 38 miles north Medford on
Pacific highway.
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