Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 01, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Leader Isolated in Ice Dug
out Keeps in Touch With
Main Expedition Force
Planes in Cold Storage
April 37. (Delayed) (AP) Although
laolated in an underground Ice dug'
out In which he la spending a lone
ly winter conducting meteorological
observations, Commander Rlohard
E. Byrd atlll la directing tha actlvl
tlea of his field camp 123 miles away.
Ha la doing It by radio.
Tha veteran polar eiplorar, com
pleting his first month ot aelf-lm-posed
solitary confinement, radioed
that ha was digging a third emer
gency tunnel exit from hla under
surfaco shack, In which are housed
his aclentlflc lnstrumenta and aup
plles. At Little America, the men are
putting tha alrplanea Into cold ator
age for safe keeping. The big Con
dor plane, with Ita wlngspread of
82 feet, now la being burled In the
snow and Ice, ,
Drifts had arisen around the land
ing atruta of the plana until the
lowor wing waa levol with tha enow.
Two deep passages wide enough to
accommodate the wings were cut un
der the lower wing aectlona and tbe
enow blocka which were bewn out
were used In building a alx foot
wall around the plane.
Tha flooring of tha passages will
be driven deeper and tha plane will
be lowered alowly by excavating un
der tha aklla. When tha shelter la
completed, the akls will be eleven
feet under the surface.
Tho finished hangar will follow
roughly an oversize pattern of the
plnno. There will be room enough
for the aviation unit to work on
tha engines and plane during the
winter as tha shelter will be roofed
over with a tarpaulin aa soon aa the
Condor la burled.
Two other planea will be aimliarly
accommodated. Connecting passages
between tha hangars will be con
structed. Diminished daylight proved tha
greatest obstacle and the men were
forced to start shovelling and digging
by tha light of a gasoline lantern.
The few houra of daylight were over
cast and bleak.
The weather has moderated after
aeven daya of snow, the temperature
atandlng at a mere S3 degreea be
low rero.
Children Enjoy
Special Meeting
First Methodist
About 50 boya and ulrla assembled
In the gym of tier Plrat Methodist
church after echool yesterday for the
first of a series of such meetings
conducted by Miss Evangeline Duff
or tno Duff Irish Trio, who ara con
ducting special evangelletlo meetings
at me cnurcn.
After a few mlnutaa of peppy and
iuiy onorua work tne children listen
ed to an Interesting atory about a
little Irish waif on tha atreeta of
Meetings for the boys and girls will
oa neid tomorrow and Friday. To
morrow afternoon la to ba reanut
scramble day.
Solo, duet, quartet and chorus work
are included In their training, and
Friday evening will be their apeolal
opportunity to demonstrate at the
evening services, though soma of
them will be singing or speaking or
ivory itiiing at each evening eervlce
Laet evening little Carl Burk made
a hit with the congregation when he
sang the little chorua, "O, say, But
Im Glad."
Evening evangelistic aervlcea beln
promptly at 7:30 and last about one
VANCOUVER, Wn.. May 1. (AP)
Hnry De Young, former high
chool principal of Lewliton, Idaho,
wan fortny Melfcted principal of the
Vancouver high school. He auceeeda
T. F Oalaer. who has been pra.
motd to superintendent of jichooia.
Cialafr tuiecceded De Oarla Reevea.
who resigned, effective thla spring.
All ktnda of .g , oltnka foi aaie
for rent, no hunting no treapaaslng
and other card for le at Commercial
Printing Dept of Mall Tribune.
Phone M2 wvil haul away your
refuae. city Sanitary Berriee.
White's Velvet Home - Made
Pure, Delicious and Refreshing
Ask your dealer. If they do not have it, call on tha places
named below.
Foster's Place
11th Street Grocery
Laurel St. Grocery
Onkdale Grocery
Camp Wltbus
Crystal Springs Dairy
Tel. 060
Special attention given to churches, schools, lodgos and
Numeroui transfers In the offic
ial personnel of the Med ford dla
trtct headquarters CCC. are being
made with the establishing of sum
mer camps. First LI ue tenant Wal
lace 8. Douglas, Med. -Re s., who has
been on duty at Camp Applegate
la to report at district head
quarters to act as assistant to the
district surgeon.
Contract Surgeon George Doane Is
assigned to Camp Applegate to re
place Lieutenant Douglas,
Also coming to district headquart
era for .duty, Is Captain Chauncey
L. Pierce, Inf.-Res., who hos been
with Company 1746 at Camp Lower
Pistol rlvar. Today, Captain Eben
S. Longfellow, Engr.-Res., Is relieved
from duty with Company 1633 at
Camp Tyee, and Is assigned to Camp
Agness, with Company 064.
Captain Albert A. Anderson, FA-
Res., la today relieved from assign
ment with Camp Agness and is go
ing to Company 1680 at Rand Rang-
station. First Lieutenant Elmer
E. Clonlngcr, Inf.-Res., will go from
Camp Upper Rogue River today, to
Camp Steamboat where he Is to be
on duty.
First Lieutenant HJalmar T. Gen
tle; Med. -Ren., will act on camp sur
geon for Camp Wineglass, In Crater
Lake national park. First Lieuten
ant Claire D, Wallace. Inf.-Res., now
with Camp Rand, will report here
today for duty at headquarters de
tachment, orders issued at district
headquarter say.
NEW YORK. (UP) -Phloxine, a
lye closely related to ordinary mer
curochrome, which when Irradiated
with actual, or artificial, sunlight,
can destroy cancer celta and leave
certain types of normal cells un
harmed, recently haa been announced
by John P. Menke, an embroyloglst
of Carnegie Institute. To date how
ever, the principle .has been applied
only to cultures of cancerous cells
outside the body.
When a small amount of the un
irradiated dye was added to the blood
which formed food for the cells In
culture, the cancer cells were unaf
fected until after having been sub
jected to sunllR.'it, or other strong
light, Menko report that when liv
ing cancer cells In the culture media
which contained the dye were sub
jected to light for five minutes they
died. Colncklentally, the healthy
normal cells forming the structure of
the cancer tissue were unhsrmed
and remained alive.
This dye absorbs the light and
becomes activated," Menke explained.
'In this activated condition the dye
produces chemical changes in the
protoplasm of the cancer cells, which
cause the cells to die." Why the Ir
radiated dye Js Total to cancer cells
and non-Injurious to certain of the
normal cells is not known.
Court Street Grocery
Jackson St. Grocery
Rose Grocery
Mickey Mouse Dinette
8ALEM, Ore. (UP) The state pro
duce dealer and peddler act, at end
of Its first year In operation, has
done much to stabilize the fruit
and vegetable markets of Oregon,
the state department of agriculture
announced today.
The act provided, for licensing of
produce peddlers andr prohibited
"dumping" at cut-throat prices by
out of state vendors and others.
Because . of many overlapping
classifications In tho act, the de
partment today Issued the following
1. Grower who peddle produce
they do not grow must have reg
ular peddlers licenses.
a. Retail peddlers must purchase
wholesalers licenses If they supply
any produce to one or more stores.
3. Wholesale peddlers, paying the
highest foe. ore' entitled to retail
licenses without extra cost, but they
must carry dual plates on their cars
If they sell retail. This Is for pro
tection of retail merchants.
4. Wholesale peddlers may obtain
commission merchants' licenses
without extra cost.
C. Carlot shippers must be llcensr
ed as either credit or cash buyers.
NEW YORK, May 1. (AP) Emma
OoMman aho of tha red, red rad
icalism of tour deandea ago said
farewell yesterday to the country
for which aha haa always had a
strange mixture of affection and
She slipped away from New York
City for Toronto, a few hours ahead
of the expiration tlmo of her 00-
day visa which permitted her to
come back for a visit and lecture
tour for the first time alnce her
deportation In 1010,
Fresh color for jaded rooms
If vou want lo pep up your home a bit, come and
pick out some of the cheery color schemes on our
Color Harmony Selector. They'll show up just by
the turn of dial !
Make kitchen hours
cheery hours
It is easier to work surrounded
by gay colored walls. And there
is no reason why Ihey shouldn't
be as sanitary and easy to wash
aswhitc.Just pick the righr paint.
Satin Eggshell Finish
Quart 4 Pint . . 65o
Gal, . $3.40
at surprisingly low prices
Sketches and Plans Given Free
"Buildors' Bureau of Information"
204 So. Fir St.
bight Successful Deliveries
in New York City Since
Experiment Started by
Physicians Two Years Ago
NEW YORK, May 1 (AP) Lab
oratory bablea, In a broad aenaa of
the word, have become a fact, It
became known today upon the birth
of twlna to a couple living In Long
Dr. Prances Seymour, woman ob
stetrician, confirmed tha mother's
claim to her "test tube" bablea and
aald there had been eight success
ful detlTerles In New York City
since experimentation in thla line
of scientific endeavor waa atarted
two yeara ago by herself and Dr.
Alfred Koerner.
Somewhat astonished that word ot
the birth leaked out, Dr. Seymour
said she presumed the parents were
happy enough over birth of the
children to be unable to contain
Hesitant to talk at flrat, ahe
later apoke fr.nkly to avoid public
misunderstanding, she aald.
Thirteen auccessful artificial in
seminations have been .made, ahe
said, eight of them deliveries bo far.
Eleven, ahe said, were actually the
offsprings of the husband and wife
concerned and different only in that
impregnation waa scientific. .
"The other two mothers are both
prominent business women." she
stated. "They wanted bablea but
wero unmarried. They felt they had
a right to have children. One now
haa a baby nine months old. The
other will give birth any day now."
In the first Instance, the physic
ian pointed out definitely, tho babies
are actually of the paronts' own
flesh and blood. In tha second, the
father Is anonymoua aava to 1 the
In the case of eugenic babies. Dr.
Seymour said, the fathers are care
fully picked and tested.
MONTREAL. (UP) One of the
most ambitious "clean-up weeks"
ever undertaken by any city la being
planned here for May.
Church, citizens, young and old,
business men, radio stations, the
aters, and manufacturers alike will
be asked to co-operate In cleaning
and brightening up the city.
Some of the activities planned In
School children numbering 150,-
000 and 6.000 teachers will co-operate
to keep yards and homes clean,
healthy and attractive, w.hlle 4.600
boy scouts will co-operate to prevent
fire hazards, prevent throwing of pa-
pers and refuse on streets, and oth
er odd Jobs.
Through the Junior board of trade
and with the co-operation of radio
stations, appeals to the public In the
Interests of the campaign will be
The Canadian Manufacturing Asso
ciation will ask all manufacturers
throughout the city and province to
clean up front and back yards and I
also make their property more at-!
tractive with gross, flowers and paint,
For woodwork, furniture,
toys and what-nots
Here's a brilliant decorative
finish that is especially good for
kitchen and bathroom wain
scoting tor breakfast room sets
and smartly modern occasional
pieces. Its colors are as lovely
as a rainbow.
lustrelacs Enamel
Pint Me.
H Pint loe
IlAerVs a double 1Sw i
here$ a double
neckline io ihis -fur-irimmed
spring coai
The oxford has -fagot .
shilchtng. An x
umbrella features
ihe 'bracelet handle.
Fur-trimmed frame collars are Im
portantly featured In many of tbe
dressy coat models being shown for
spring. Some of these framed effects
extend down deep revers, on others
the collar Is shallow and wide, rip
pling full at the front In jabot effect.
The coat model sketched here Is of
crepe in , runfco brown shade, with a
dyed squirrel trimmed frame collar
and an under neckline that fastens
on the left shoulder. This fastening
Is entirely covered by the fur-trimmed
The coat is tied on the left side at
the natural waistline with a short
NOW TOTALS $442,822
SALEM, May l.-(AP) Total rev
enue from the state liquor business,
including sales, licenses and privil
ege taxes, waa $443,822.08, It was
reported by the state treasurer's of
fice here Monday. The totals were
figures up to the close of business
yesterday and account for these
three classifications since the busi
ness was started in February.
The totals do not Include the
more than 918.000 in permits Is
sued to the present time,
Plan to attend the Factory Dem
onstration of CONLON AUTOMATIC
IRONERS, Thursday, May 3, at White
Sewing Machine Company.
j See the entertaining FREE PICTURE STORl(!
"Qentkmen Prefer Beep
A New Kind of Cooking School on fhe Screen
DO you know how to select tender beef? Which
is the tenderest part of a round steak? How to
make good brown gravy? How to make a turtle of
beef? How to tell when a roast is done?
These are only a few of many questions that are an
Bwered in this dramatic picture story, which has
been shown to delighted audiences from coast to
212 West Main. Phone 12. May 2nd. Showings at 2:30, 3:30, 8 p m.
elde-seam bow of self material. The
back Is form fitting, and the sleeves
are a modified bell shape.
The shoe shown In the lower sketch
Illustrates one of the favored threc
eyelet oxfords for smart street wear. It
Is of brown kJdskln with fagot stitch
ing in a design expressive of the wind-'
blown theme which is so prominent
ly featured In the new fashions.
Sketched also Is a new and inter
esting umbrella handle In a design
called "bracelet." The hand can be
slipped through It, making a smart
and convenient way to carry your
MERIDA, Yucatan, Mexico, May 1.
(AP) A woman registered at the
Hotel Itza here under tha riawe of
Mrs. Ludlow Smith, but who Is re
ported here to be the actress. Kath
arine Hepburn, has filed a petition
for a divorce. The decree is expected
to be granted within a few days. The
woman has reserved a seat in an air
plane for Miami.
. - You .ore,. Invited to the Factory
Demons trail on of Conlon Automatic
Ironers, Thursday.. May 3, at White
Sewing Machine Co.
For Garden fuwiDg Tel- 912-J.
Board of Control Authorizes
Storage Facility for 200,
000 Gallons No More
Pay Increases Prospect
SALEM, May 1. (AP) Authoriza
tion for the state purchasing agent
to proceed with obtaining storage
facilities for 200,000 gallons of gaso
line and to purchase gasoline lnde
pendently In or outside the state at
a price estimated at 6& cents un
der the present bulk Wholesale fig
urea of major companies, was grant
ed, unanimously by the board of
control here yesterday.
William Elnzig, purchasing agent,
reported the state had already pur
chased 30,000 gallons for delivery at
Salem for a price slightly under 12
cents a gallon. He further declared
the contract of the state terminated
today after which the state would
be required to pay 18 cents bulk
wholesale price Instead, of the 13
cents under the contract.
Big Saving Seen
Elnzig declared further that on
purchase of the original 200.000 gal
lons enough could be saved to pay
storage costs, estimated at about
$14,000, Thereafter the savings would
be clear to the state which uses an
nually about 2,000,000 gallons. He
stated that retail prices In Califor
nia ranged from 10 to 13 cents a
gallon and that the state could se
cure carload lots at around 12 cents.
Etnzig reported he had received
lettera of protest from Eugene, Doug
las and Lane counties of their gov
ernments paying the higher price of
gasoline, requesting aid from the
state In securing lower figures. An
attorney general's opinion will be
sought to learn to what extent the
state caii assist sub-dlvlslons of the
state government.
o Salary Raises
No further salary raises will be
approved by the board of control
under the salary reduction act of
1933 which terminates the first of
the year, If the statements of Rufus
C. Holman and P. J. Stadelman are
carried out. Both declared they were
opposed to further Increases at this
time. This statement was made after
a raise, declared previously promised,
was voted for L. L. Laws, auditor of
the flax Industry at the state pen- j
ltentlary, from $132 to $100 a month, I
The question of salary raises has j
been before the board for several i
months, under the law which re- j
quired board approval. Holman de
clared he was opposed to any raises
until a survey and adjustments had I
been mode throughout all depart
ments. The reduction act was for
the years 1033 and 1034, Stadelman
declared he was adhering to the law
In hla department of state and
would vote against any further requests.
coast, and will be presented for one day . only here.
We have a real treat in store for yoa A cooking school
on the screen, that brings you ideas and suggestions
worked out in famous diet kitchens. You will be
shown how to order the cuts best suited fcr various
purposes -how the cheaper cuts can be made tender
and tasty.
Many Incidents of by-gone daya
are recalled by a big display of his
torical relics at Oregon'a Diamond
Jubilee headquarters in the Sparta
building. They have been received
from all parts of the state and
range from old time gold scales t
spinning wheels.
. A Bible nearly 200 years old la
included In the display and on Its
yellowing pages has birth records
dating back to the 1700'e. Clocks
over a hundred years old are still
keeping time and ring off the home
as they did when covered wagon
trains rumbled across the plains, 4
Candle molds are numerous and 1
plans have been made for a demon
stration of candle -making next Sat
urday afternoon by James Pardee
of Medford at Jubilee headquarters.
The demonstration will be held is,
one of the headquarters' show win
dows. It Is probable other demon
stratlons of pioneer craft will be held
later during the month.
Medford and southern Oregon res
idents aro urged to bring in any
mementos they possess for exhibition
purposes from now until Jubilee
week. Their safe return Is guaranteed.
f IT JL M M. M. J
when you make
.your own yup
at one fourth the cost with
Admiral Byrd Picks His
Men! DO YOU?
FREES GARAGE la where per
sonal supervision Is more than
promise. phone 1B22.Y
As near as your Telephone -
A Whole
Quality Blocks Body Fir
Low Cost
Medford Fuel Co.
1122 N. Central. Tel. 6S1