Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 25, 1934, Page 8, Image 8

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Medford Mail Tribune
"Evryon in Sou t hit n Ortgon
Rtid. thi Mill Triiim1'
Dallf Bicept Siturdlj
HubllitiNi or
3 5-3 T -3 9 N. VU 8L PtutM fb
Ad Independent Nipattf
Entered u itcood etau mattet it Uedford,
Oreioo, under Act of Hirco 8, 1870.
Rv Hill In Adrian
Dillj, oni rear $5.00
Dally, Hi aonltu -
Daily, oh oodU) u
Rt farrier In Adanee Medford. Albtand,
Jiebootllie, Central Point, Pbocoli, Talent. Gold
BUI and oo Uibjt.
Dally, one year $6-00
Daily, Us months 8.35
Dally, one bodUj .60
All terma. eaah In adraac.
Official papn of tot City ot Madord
Otriclal paper of Jackson County.
BecelTini rull Leaied Wire Serrle
Hit AtioclatM. Presa ta uelutlrely entitled to
Um uae for nublleation of all oewi dlipatchei
credited to It tit otbervlH credited lo thli paper
am auo u mt iwi. new punuma net-tin.
All rlgbte for piihlleatloo of apedaJ dUpatene
nerein ira auo resrnea.
Adrer tiling Kepreaentatlfu
Office Id tin York, Chicago, Detroit, Ban
rranclieo U Angela Seattle Portland.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
The city council of Portland 1 con'
templatlng an ordinance, which pro
vides among other thing-, that
"pretty little girls will not be al
lowed to dance among the patrona or
beer placee, nor alt on -the laps of
tired business men In public." If the
tired business man la aa tired as he
claims to be, why don't he go home,
or some other place suitable for rest?
Nature has started to curb crop
production, In these parts, In her own
distinctive style and rugged manner.
Nature was restricting crop production
before the government thought of It,
as a means of creating ri-osperlty.
. and furthermore, wlthovv-j (he aid of
a college professor, or the alphabet.
There la considerable offhand cussing
of both agencies.
The all-around efficiency and gen
eral worth ot the state police has at
last, as long expected, proven too
much for upstate thinkers, who now
propose Its abolishment. The charge
la made that the organization does
not earn Its salt, and duplicates the
worlc of the sheriff. There- Is this
much about the notion: If It had
not been for the state police, thli
county, by tnla time, would be offer
ing a reward for the return ot Its
courthouse, and no questions asked.
Judge Colvlg, 80, returned from
Portland, end Is as well as could be
expected, after watching the Portland
ball team try to play for a week.
The New Jersey pants presser, sen
tenced to 30 days In Jail, and fined
100, for charging a nickel less than
the NRA code specified for creasing
trousers, probably takes no stock in
the fevered speeches of administra
tion leaders, denying there Is any In
tention ot establishing a dictatorship.
A friend requests that we print the
first name if his wife, and "tease
her." He can do his own teasing, j
and his own running,
. .
The Newberg Graphic devotes about
a foot of apace on its editorial pago.
to elucidating the aubject: "And,
What Is a Republican?" Approxi
mately ten Inches of space could
have been saved by simply stating:
A Republican Is a citlren who for
got to get mad at Hoover In 1033.
J. Kort Hall, the horticulturist, Is
atlll worrying about a number of
things that will never happen. It la
a custom with him to have his Dally
Dosen Frets. His outstanding fret
was fretted more than 30 years ago,
to the effect thst "In five years there
would be no fish In Rogvie river." He
also once scorned the idea that the
"tractor would ever displace the
No. 1 Bandit John Dllllnger and
gang of associate cut-throata has
again vanished, aa if swallowed by the
earth. HI elualveneas Is puzzling and
disconcerting, and no particular credit
to law and order. Besldea endow
ment with abnormal bloodthirsty
oussedness, he also seems to possess
clairvoyant powers, which enables
him to keep one or more Jumps ahead
of Justice. On at least five occasions
the gent had a hunch to depart. Just
about the time the posse came around
the turn In the road. He la always
going out the back door, aa the offic
ers open the front gate. There has
even been some sympathetic whining
In hla behalf. All who have been In
his company, alnce he oozed out ot
the Crown Point, lnd Jail and causet
a slump In the demand for lady aher
Iffa, have remarked upon the atu
pendouaness of his bankroll. They
aay It Is ot sufficient size to chore
a horse, or cow. And, therein lies
most likely the secret of Mr. Dlllln
ger's knack of having the earth swal
low him. The Dllllnger bankroll Is
bigger than the reward, and the hosts
would rather have hold of the bank
roll, or a portion thereof, than any
part of Mr. DIUInger. When captured
.--dead or alive It will be discovered
John la broke.
. A
1 Coinage of Daniel Boone half-dollar
coins, which would be sold at a
premium, has been proposed for fin
ancing Kentucky's bl-centennlal cele
bration In honor of t.'ic famous pio
neer's arrival In that state,
Rufus Holman -
QEVERAL days ago an upstate grange asked Rufus Holman
to cither resign as state treasurer, or as candidate for gov
ernor. It uid not like the idea
two offices at the same time.
Yesterday the' redoubtable
which took the form of an emphatic "no!"
Not only will Rufus refuse to resign one office until he is
elected to the other, but following his coronation as governor
he will appoint his own successor as state treasurer, for only
thus can the Holman principles "of progressive government,
which have been so long delayed,
"Any other action," observes the great Apostle of political
righteousness "would be playing right into the hands of the
power trust, other selfish interests and my political enemies,
and thereby would tend to defeat the entire purpose of my
election." . '
THERE, ladies and gentlemen, you HAVE Mr. Rufus Holman !
Anrl Via man anrnnllv TtFTTKVF.S it f
OTHERS may have their doubts of the greatness and jndis
pensibility of Rufus Holman, but NOT Rufus Holmdn.
The present State Treasurer is CONVINCED that if he
should resign and take his chances on getting another job, as
governor, (as an ordinary human being might do) the state of
Oregon would go into a fatal tailspin AT ONCE. If he could
have his way he would not only hold two state offices at once,
he would hold ALIi of them for he is convinced he is not only
the most able and honest man
the ONLY one. ,
THIS has always been Mr. Holman's belief. When appointed
n liia rirp-pTif nrmitinn hv fjnvprnnr Mpipr. Via fftftlr thft
v ..... j.. t Y .v . - , -.- x
of the most efficient state treasurer in Oregon's history, Tom
Kay, a finer, squarer, public official never lived. But did
Rufus take the time to pay his predecessor a passing tribute,
even hint that he would uphold the policies and principles of
his predecessor so suddenly taken by death t
No. At that solemn hour Rufus, as usual, ONLY THOUGHT
OF HIMSELF, and how fortunate the state was to have a man,
as honest and efficient and progressive as he, to handle its
RUFUS HOLMAN,- if psycho, analyzed, would probably be
classified as an Egocentrio Introvert. He suffers from
delusions of persecution and delusions of grandeur. No one can
convince him the Power Trust is not constantly on the warpath
to do him in; no one can convince him, that if he should fail to
win whatever political race he may enter, that all the forces of
righteousness and fair dealing, would NOT go down with him.
Such supreme self confidence, such collosal egotism is con
tagious. A man who believes so thoroughly and exclusively
in himself, can't fail but impress others particularly those who
are not politically sophisticated, and who ARE IMPRESSION
ABLE. And that in the last analysis is the secret of Rufus
Holman's strength.
What Should Be Done?
THE conviction that recovery is being held back is the basis
of the outcry against the "brain trust", and the reason why,
in spite of the collapse of Dr. Wirt 'a charges, the "brain trust"
is increasingly unpopular. It is also the cause of the inflationist
Sentiment in congress. That sentiment expresses the view that
the depression is due primarily to a derangement of money,
which has destroyed prices and profits, and not, as AAA and
NRA imply, to a lack of "planning" and control in the economic
structure. ; . .
The administration has been acting on both theories. It has
a monetary policy which tends to raise general prices, to restore
profits, and to stimulate enterprise. It has a policy of regimen
tation, which raises prices here and there but in no intelligent
relation to other prices, which obstructs profits and discourages
entorpriso. The two policies are now grinding one against the
THIS conflict has to be solved. J.I is the main business before
the country, before congress, and before the administration.
There are three possible ways in which it can be resolved. Tho
regimentation could be redoubled and reinforced and the at
tempt made to run agriculture and industry under government
control. This is the direction indicated by the Bankhead cotton
bill. To take this road is, however, impossible. Congress would
not permit it. The country would not tolerate it. Tho admin
istration does not desire it. The second way is the one that
congress is threatening to use. It consist in imposing upon
tho banking system an inflation of sufficient power to overcome
tho inertia of all the restrictive measures. This is a dangerous
and disorderly way to reach a sound objective. The third way
is for tho administration itself to release enterprise by abandon
ing some of tho measures that constrict it and by revising
others. This is the way of common sense. 1
FOR the monetary policy as now set up, supplemented as occa
sion demands by the use of the powers the president already
possesses, is a most powerful engine for recovery if only it is
permitted to operate. It can creato immense supplies of new
money provided channels are opened through which new money
can flow into industry. It would be the height of folly not to
use it when, by using it intelligently, as the British are doing
with a similar monetary engine, it is almost certainly possible
to bring back to tho people work, security, and peaco of mind.
To do this is in no sense to abandon the hopes of tho "new
deal." For, as tho president himself has frequently said, all the
particular devices of tho past year are purely experimental and
should bo modified when they do not work. Experience has now
shown that some of them thwart enterprise and retard recovery.
Thoso devices ought without the slightest compunction to be
revised so that they will not thwart enterprise and retard recov
ery. Walter Lippniann in N. Y, Herald Tribune.
An order of parole was signed yes
terday by Circuit Judge H. D. Norton
for George K. Cease of Seattle, who
has served 38 of a 60 day sentence
lor tranporuuon ot liquor, upon
The Great 'I Am
of a state official trying to hold
Rufus handed down his answer
be promptly put in effect."
in Oregon public life, but he is
condition that he pay a $350 fine.
Cease, coppersmith, has a Job at
nil trade In the navy yard at Bremer
to. Wash.
The order state that during his
confinement, Cease has been a model
prisoner and trusty, and hat per
formed much useful work around the
Ftasonal sales of fawn fert Hirer In
MUslsalppl are about double those lor
Ui ma period last year.
Personal Health Service
By William
Signed letters pertaining to personal health aod hygiene not tu dis
ease diagnosis or treatment, will be
self-addreesed envelope Is enclosed,
Ink. Owing to the large number ol letters received only a few can be an
swered. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions,
Address Or. William Brady, Wi El Camlno, Beverly HlUs, Cal.
First, you must have a clear con
science, or none.
Second, it Is essential that you de
vote at least an
hour or better
several hours
day to some form
of honest work,
that is, working
with your mus
cles, and It does-
n't matter
whether this
.shall consist of
scrubbing the
floors, sweeping,
doing the wash
ing, ironing,
painting the
porch, building a dog kennel, spad
ing the garden, shoveling the side
walk, skating, playing baseball, walk
ing to the office or doing the
Braay symphony or swimming or
working out In the gymnasium, or
running or hiking. Anything to make
you healthily tired. If the exerciaa
Is taken out In the "air, sun, wind,
snow, heat, cold or rain, It is all the
better medicine. Is it not so?
Third, unless you are already over
weight, It Is 'well to take a bedtime
snack If you retire more than three
hours after your . regular evening
meal. This night lunch may be any
thing that appeals to your taste, ex
cept alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee,
cocoa or choloate. Any food or com
bination of foods that you like or
dinarily and digest ordinarily will be
quite suitable for the sleeping ra
tion. Don t pass up a treat Just be
cause some old duffer Imagines this
and that Is "Indigestible" or causes
nightmare. If you are already over-
nourished, or under-worked which
amounts to the same thing prac
tically you stuff In additional fuel
at bedtime at your own peril and
who cares about your peril anyway?
Fourth, have sleeping equipment
that allures rather than the uncom
fortable bed that makes a night's res;
Fifth, to bathe or not to bathe be
fore retiring Is a purely individual
question. Do as you like or as you
feel about that.
Sixth, be thankful if and when
you can have cool air, and If pu3-
slble moving air, to sleep In, of course
with comfortable covers to keep you
warm. On stormy nights the un
bleached muslin window screen will
provide Ideal ventilation. On very
hot, still nights an electric fan Is a
blessing, that is, If you are not super
stitious about the refreshing draft.
Seventh, say your prayers and slip
Into bed. Do your belly breathing ex- I
erclse. When this is done, set your-1
self to spy out subconsciousness.
That Is, Just as a pastime try to
catch yourself as you drift into ,the
BY O.O.Mclntyre
NEW YORK, April 25. Not many
New York husbands, the dears, are
to be left alone with the dog and
Ice - box while
wives and chlld-
dren go holiday
ing this summer.
More than any
summer In tne
past five this Is
to be a season at
home. Trie ma
jority who set
aside a vacation
fund are using It
for Income taxeiv
But the na
tional 111 wind
blows e x cellent
for nearby re
sorts of Long Isittnd and Jersey over
the week-end. Generally speaking.
New York will take Its vacation in
small sporadic doses. Already second
rate country Inns nearby with wain
scoted parlors, evening fires And ten
things arc popular.
One of the twists of the times is
the enormous increase in bicycling
parties on Saturday and Sunday, This
too, is the time of year when tho
private mansions on the upper East
Side are boarded. The only show of
life was the plpe-pufflng Janitor in
an area way at sundown.
Scarcely a dozen of these homes
are eo shuttered this summer. A real
estate expert discovers that six years
ago only 18 per cent of the occu
pants of apartment houses on Park
and upper Fifth avenue remained In
town during the hot months. This
summer 80 per cent will remain.
Roxy seems to have leaped from a
frying pan Into a bed of soft coul
roses. His 1100.000 a year salary hid
been shaved to half that amount plus
the bedevilmenu of internal strife
Today his moving picture house en
gagements are netting 13.000 a week
for himself. And with restored healin
and spirits the old sparkle has re
turned to his eye. He was so 111 !ur
a while that he wouldn't play poker,
which gives one an Idea.
If there la an ear palate here are
some of the names of pwpl and
and things tha ttlckle mine: Church
Ill Downs . . Foxhall Krene , . Marco
Polo . . Oliver Twist . . Minnehaha . .
Wapplngcr Falls . . Mo ad ow brook . .
Yaphank . . Blng Crosby , . Oliver
Onion . . Houndsdttch . . Benjam'n
De CaeMeres . , Kokomo , . Anita Loos
. . Walla Walla . , Yakima Jake . .
Montauk Point . . Bombardier Well.
Billy Lreds Is most Unpredictable
of the yjung yachtsmen. His ocean
going boat is always undpr steam and
ready to go. He may be playing golf
at Westchester or dancing at May
fair and of a sudden like that de
cide to be off. In a few hours, with
a group of cronies, he will be headed
for Nawiu or where-not. He returns
ro port wUh the ssmr pre.-iMon, Trie
cr Huff
Rcueed Jjueieat la the lamuui
Brady, M.U.
answered by Ur. Brady u a stamped
tetters should be brief and written. In
twilight zone between waking and
sleeping, and see If you can discover
what you dream. Takes considerable
practice to snatch back Into con
sciousness the merest fragment of the
dream, but sometimes you can do It,
and It is most diverting.
Eighth, you're off.
Some persons keep pencil and paper
handy to Jot down memoranda of
their dreams. X do not advise this,
but If one can write down a mere
word or so, without turning on the
light or coming wide awake again, It
makes a most Interesting record,
There are legends of great discoveries,
Inventions or solutions of perplexing,
problems having been snatched out of
dreamland In that way. ,
Sugar Obsession.
Your article regarding the action of
sugar on a tired-out person prompts
me to ask Why I get a headache If I
take any sugar -on such an occasion,
whereas, If I take some food con
taining starch but no sugar, It re
freshes me and satisfies me and gives
me no neaaacner n. 1. u.
Answer I give up. Only explana
tion that occurs to me Is that you
have some peculiar obsession against
sugar. Sugar Is the easiest of all foods
to digest, the most quickly assimilat
ed, and the best emergency ration
when exhaustion impends and re
freshment is needed to enable one to
carry on in the effort. Many people
whose education has been neglected
acquire morbid notions about sugar
from the teachings of freaks and
In the case of kidney stones or
gravel la It better to remain in bed
or to have plenty of physical exer
cise while they are passing? Mrs. O.
V. N.
Answer If there Is not too great
pain It Is better to keep reasonably
active and get a fair amount of gen
eral exercise dally.
Pure Milk.
Our four children range from 15
years to 15 months. We get raw milk
for the baby, and so-and-so's Vitamin
D milk for the rest of the children.
Is this better than raw milk? I stilt
give the baby cod liver oil, and he
gets -his sun bath every day. Mrs.
C. A.
Answer Provided your physician
approves the milk, plain raw milk Is
best for all the children, I wins.
After a year a baby needs no cod liver
oil, as a rule.
(Copyright, 134, John F. Dlnne Co..)
Ed Note: Readers wishing to
conimunlcnte with Dr. Brady
should send letters direct to Dr.
William Brady, M. D., 2fi5 E. Ca
mlno, Beverly Hills, Cal.
Pole, NiJInsky, premier dancer of the
Russian Imperial ballet, resulted from
Intimate details of his tragic life in
the recent exciting biography penned
by his devoted wife. NiJInsky, upon
whom the black curtain of" forgetful
ness fell at 30, has been for 15 years
In a Swiss retreat, alternating star
ing out of a window blankly at the
bleak Alpine world about htm and
penciling pad after pad with queer
meaningless whorls and arabesques.
I was one of those press agents,
fresh every hour, at the Hotel Ma
jestic where NiJInsky, as did Pavlowa.
lived during New York triumphs. He
was then a young man in his 20's.
strikingly noticeable because of a
panther tread and the Mongolian
obliquity of his eyes. The graceful
and esthetic nature of his art made
him apear unusually efteminate.
When he ran up or down stairs it
suggested a swan float. He was the
first person I ever saw hatless on the
street. I talked to him frequently.
He was then. I have learned, showing
mild symptoms of his mental afflic
tion. Although I thought his strange
ness due solely to the bewilderment
of a foreign land and the vast gulf
In our conversational medium, He
spoke only Russian and French, with
a few worda of English.
It so happened I breakfasted in the
hotel grill each morning at 11, about
six table removed from Pavlowa, I
recall her beautiful Boston. But most
vivid of all memories was a time she
was excitedly called from the table
by some bloused and booted moujlk
aside, with a movie beard, and in her
haste tripped slightly on a doorslll.
That la something to tell the grand
children. Old Pappy saw Pavlowa
stub her toel
When the blods in our lown got all
rum led up for a dance their costume
was called a full dress suit. In Cin
cinnati later they were called evening
clothes. Then In New York merely
"tails." Now someone calls me to
come to dinner nd says: "White tie."
I have a notion to go wearing only
(Copyright, 1934, McNaught Syndi
cate Inc.)
Eternal Destiny
Rests With Each
Says Evangelist
"Man," declared Evangelist McKay
last night in the revival campaign
at the Free Methodist church, "is a
king and alts upon a throne and
sways a scepter of universal control.
That throne Is not an earthly throne.
that scepter is not a material acepter
but. It is over the realm of your Im
mortal soul. Freedom of moral
choice la a right which the Creator
will always hold sacred, not only In
time, but In eternity. We settle our
own eternal destiny by tne choice
we make," declared the speaker.
Tonight Rev. McKay will delvler
his great message on the subject: "The
Bible Under Fire."
This la one of McKay s outstanding
messages and has won Recognition by
Bible scholars all over America.
Four proof will be given, the
rvangelst dr-taros, that the Bible l-
divinely Inspired.
Si 'ip4
"4. -'::t
u ' --.. uminiirngni 1 a.lllllaaiii"rel
Motion pictures offered to the public have In their making thrilling eplsodea not flashed upon the
screen. For example: Jean ParKer uett) had a narrow escape during a film sequence when a trained
mountain lion went berserk and almost attacked her. Trainers roped the crazed'anlmal In the nick of
time. Ann Dvorak (center) was bitten by a rattlesnake while on' location. First aid remedies per.
mltted her to go back to work In an hour. Patricia Ellis (right) got an unscheduled thrill while play.
Ing the part of a trapeze performer. She slipped from the trapeze while hanging by her knees. A net
below saved her. but her back was wrenched. (Associated Press Photo-
on the
Day's News
WHEN you go to bed, do you go to
sleep at once as soon as you
'hit the hay," to use a familiar ex
pression or do you lie awake for any
where from a half hour to HOURS?
IF YOU go to sleep at once, you're
physically lucky.
But If you have to count sheep.
fir repeat over and over some sooth
ing phrase, or concentrate deter
minedly on making your mind a total
blank, in order to get to sleep, It's a
sign that MENTALLY you're above
the average. -
At least that's what the scientists
tell us, and the scientists are sup
posed to know everything.
IT WORKS like this:
1 If you aren't much of a thinker
that is, If you are more active
physically than mentally your mind
Is at rest when you go to bed, and you
drop off to sleep quickly.
But if you ARE a thinker, If your
mind is working constantly at some
problem or other, your mind ISN'T
at rest when you go to bed, and this
mental restlessness keeps you awake.
NAPOLEON, you know. Is supposed
to have slept only about four
houis out of the 24 not, probably,
because he didn't need more sleep,
but because his mind was so busy
going over schemes of various sorts
that he couldn't get to sleep.
T UT, If you don't get to sleep
U easily, don't Jump too quickly to
the conclusion that you're a mental
It may be only a NERVOUS STOM
ACH that keeps you awake.
Diagnosticians tell us that nervous
stomachs are responsible for a lot
of the sleeplessness that curses
NERVOUS stomachs are pretty apt
to be the result of over-eating,
or wrong eating and neither over
eating nor wrong eating,- you know,
is anything to be particularly proud
YOU are familiar, of course, with
the goose-bone prophets, who pre
dict the weather by watching the
conduct of Insects, birds and animals.
Most of us laugh at them, but
there's really a little more to their
prophecies than we generally give
them credit for.
IT'S AN old saying, you know that
when swallows fly low, rain may
be expected.
Swallows feed on Insects In the air,
and when rain Is coming Insect fly
lower to escape the coldness of the
upper air that precedes a rainstorm.
But that way, the swallow predic
tion sounds ressonable.
HORSES and oUtl. as you've
always heard and may have ob
served, stretch their necks and sniff
Cur nlll be nn truck April ?7 and
UR. Arrant now fnr jour Hnv Salt
'eqnirf meitt.
3;n Norm Hhrrll
i-""-"1 II ff II 1
o v. teas. URh';MA 'sa'.iwwi'iVUa o as! I m & -.. SB- it
the air when rain Is coming.
They smell the perfumes that are
diffused into the air from plants and
flowers as a result of Increasing mois
ture In the air.
And when birds cease to sing, rain,
or perhaps a thunder storm may be
expected. Birds, more sensitive than
humans, feel the changes In atmos
pheric pressure that precede a storm,
and are depressed by these changes.
THESE signs, of course, refer to
short-range weather predictions,
and have sound reasons back of them.
It Is pretty generally agreed that all
long-range weather predictions are
The political pot In Jackson county
has started to simmer and candi
dates and their workers have started
Intensive hand shaking, card distrib
uting and general campaign- activi
ties. It is expected that within the
next ten days the oratorical stage will
be reached and the first of the stump
talks broadcast.
To date, most of the campaigning
has been confined to the rural areas
wlt,h house to house visitations. A
political meeting is scheduled for to
night at Talent with Henrietta B.
Martin as the chairman, and Attor
ney A. C. Hough of Grants Pass, cir
cuit Judge candidate, and Amos
Walker, candidate for sheriff, pres
ent. Hough and Walker were among
the candidates endorsed by the re
vived "Good Government Congress"
at a recent meeting.
State Treasurer Rufus C. Holman;
Republican candidate for governor, is
scheduled to Invade southern Oregon
within the next two weeks and make
a speech. Treasurer Holman has
been advised he has 6000 votes in
this county. Holman recently denied
the report he would pardon L. A.
Bnnks and Earl H. Fchl, former lo
cal agitators, serving state prison
terms 'or murder and vote stealing.
Political gossips hint that Holman
will be asked by his strongest sup
porters hero to issue a more em
phatic "no" on this question.
Other gubernatorial aspirants are
scheduled to follow the state treas
urer into this section in the quest
of votes. '
As usual in political maneuvers,
canards are abroad, one being "if the
county audit was made public It
would set the county afire." The
audit is on file in the court house
and can be seen by anyone. There is
nothing secret about It. Voters con
fronted with this canard are request
ed by county officials and others to
Inspect it and see for thems'.vea.
The school relief sales tax holds
the center of Interest for local voters,
and Is scheduled to become warmer
within the next month.
BOISE, April 25 (API The North-
west Roads company of Portland, with
a bid of $66,299, was today awarded
the contract by the Idaho bureau of
highways for the laying of one mile
of bituminous concrete in Lewis ton.
Some 947.0000 people visited the
library of congress In Washington
during the last year,
Astronomers say a person of aver
age eyesight can see about 7.000
Flight o Time
(Medford and Jackson County
History From the Files of The
Mall Tribune of 20 and 10 Year
April 25, 1924.
(It was Friday)
Miss Frances E. Wilson of Gold H11T
wins prize In forest slogan contest'
"Save on Man, the tree I
Shelter tor thy posterity."
Charles Murphy, Tammany chief,
Horace Bromley, George Gates and
A. S. Rosenbaum attend a Grants Pass
Tourist travel so far breaks last
year's mark, and all hotels are full
to overflowing every night.
Farmers object to proposed raise In
parcel post rates. -v
Rain is badly needed in the Sam
Valley district. .
April 25, 1914. 4
(It was Friday)
Four Americans killed in Mexico
City, and "war now seems certain
Freakish weather causes orchard
. Fine prices for fruit this fall pre
dicted by fruit shippers.
A ladles' sewing circle In one of
the valley cities Is nearly disrupted
over the question of dues. Five cents
per meeting Is the sum fixed, and
many of the ladles refuse to attend
on account of the exorbitant dues. "
Army starts buying valley mules for
Uric in .YlCAiVO.
Mrs. Herman Purucker entertained
a few guests Wednesday with a thtm
ble party and luncheon. The room
were attractive with California pop
ples. -
. .4
The bankers' code was signed laafc
night by members of the Southern'
Oregon Bankers' association, in meet
1 ing at Grants Pass. ' '
The agreement .has been submitted'
. to Washington and will become ef
fective as soon as approval is re .
I celved from there. Attending the,.
meeting tram i.nis city were: J. A
Perry and son, Allan Perry, of Med
ford aNtional bank; Richard Payne,"
Oris Crawford. Ralph Sweeney and'
Kenneth Chllders of the First Na-"
tional bank.
Verhoyansk, Siberia, "is" known as
the coldest inhabited spot in th
Convenience and Economy
Hotel San Pahlo offer,:
without Etrnnganrr
Central Location
BATES: Jl.00 to $1.75
Directions lo Hotel: Slay on
Main lllfhnat (San Pablo
Avenue) directly to tOth St