Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1934, Page 12, Image 12

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Army and Navy Know Their Controlled Power
Personal Physician Was
;. Southern Sympathizer
" Doctor's Wife Reveals
Personality Won Family
T NEW YOHK. (UP) tww historical
facte about Abraham Lincoln' have
J i tat come to light through the en-
terprlse of Margaret Deland, who dia
covered that the wife of Llncoln'i
family physician, Dr. Robert Stone,
had a considerable store of personal
reminiscences which bad never be-
, fore been recorded. Mrs. Deland has
begun the recording of these remi
niscences In an article published by
the Woman's Home Companion.
It la Interesting to note that Lin
coln's health, during his Incumbency
of Vie presidency, was In the hands
of physician who was generally re
garded as a southern sympathizer.
Dr. Stone's wile was, In fact, a cou-
. sin of Robert E. Lee, and It was even
gossiped around Washington by
southern sympathizers that Lincoln's
klndne&s to Mrs. Stone was "an ef
fort to Ingratiate himself with Gen
eral Lee against the time when Lee
should take Washington.
The Civil war was already under
. way when Lincoln first sent for Dr.
Stone to come to the White House.
Mrs. Stone was shocked by the sum
mons. She felt that' any connection
between .her family and Lincoln
would be regarded by her Confeder
ate friends as traitorous act against
her cousin, General Lee. But her
husband decided to go.
"A doctor oan.'t choose his pa
tients," Dr. Stone explained to her.
, "I don't know why he wants me, be
cause he must know my southern
Another guest In the house, a rabid
southern sympathizer, urged Dr.
Btone to go. "It's the. opportunity
of your- lite, this man remarked.
"Go and kill himP
Depicted above Is Earl B. Gilmors, preaident of the Gilmora Oil Company, and Commander F. H. Kelley
of the U. S. S. Pennsylvania, flogihip of the Pacific fleet, diictining the controlled power feature of modern
anti-craft guns, Below is pictured Gilraore executives inapecting a huge 14 -inch Army Coast Defense gun at
Fort MacArthur, Calif. The latter can fire infallibly at a target 23 miles away becauae the power of the slow
burning smokeless powder behind the 1860 pound projectile is controlled. Gilmora engineers point out that'
this same controlled power feature Is achieved with new Gilmore Red Lion gasoline, just announced this week,
which directs and sustains sower on the piston head for the full stroke.
But Lincoln personality soon won
over the hostile family. "My hus
band loved Lincoln, and couldn't see
anything wrong with him, except his
manners," writes Mrs. Stone. "Of
course the poor man had no man
ners." t
When Lincoln died, the Stones
were under suspicion. Mrs. Stone, to
overcome that suspicion, bought all
the crepe she could find In the avail
able stores and covered the entire
front of the doctor's house with it.
She explained her action by saying:!
"It was known that I was General I
Lee's cousin, and people had gone so
mad with hate that I thought theyj
might burn our house down."
When soldiers came to get Dr.
Stone to go to Lincoln's bedside on
the nlght( of the assassination, there
was some doubt as to whether the
summons was an ordinary profession
al one, or an arrest with a drum-head
court-martial in prospect. Mrs. Stone
ran down the steps of her house
after the soldiers and screamed at
them, "Don't let any harm come to
my husband!" Then, when the sol
diers paid no attention, she stood
weeping on the sidewalk, sobbing:
"They will kill my husband, Just be
cause I am Lee's cousin) They are
beasts, those Yankee soldiers!''
But It turned out that the doctor
was not wanted as a spy or traitor,
but in hopes that he would be able
to alleviate the president's suffering.
The .historical Importance of Mrs.
Deland's new effort Is that it shows
very clearly Lincoln's broad ml nded
nesa and tolerance. In employing as
his personal physician a man whose
affiliations with the enemy were very
close and intimate. Lincoln Judged
Dr. Stone a man of simple honor,
who would never th-se advantage of
his contact with the White House,
and when Lincoln reached a Judg
ment of this kind he Invariably stood
by It, through thick and thin. 1
Edifice Dedicated To Venua
and Rome and Designed
By Emperor Hadrian Slat
ed For Reconstruction.
United Fres Staff Correspondent
ROME. (UP) The largest of all
the temples of Imperial Rome, dedi
cated to Venua and Rome and de
signed by the Emperor Hadrian, Is
about to be restored.
For centuries the massive gray
granite and white marble columns
of this temple lay broken and aban
doned underground on the alto Just
as they had been pulled down In
one of the savage Invasions of the
barbarians In the last centuries of
tho Roman empire.
Some 60 years ago they were un
earthed, and a project was put for
ward by the archeologlsts for re
building the temple. The
scheme never came to anything, but
In 1004 the celebrated curator of
Roman antiquities, Qlacomo Bonl,
put forward the same Ideas.
Awaited Mussolini
The restoration of this biggest pa
gan temple of Rome, however, has
had to wait for the word of Musso
lini, who approved the plan for the
work as soon as It was put before
It was only recently that Rome
archeologlsts, headed by the direc
tor. Dr. Antonio Munoz, have been
able to discover the precise location
of the temple, the distance between
each of the huge granite marble col
umns and their precise position.
There are 64 large fragments of the
original columns, most of them meas
uring from 42 to 16 feet in length.
and about three and a half feet in
diameter. It Is calculated that these
.mpostng fragments, when put to
gether and Joined with iron coup
lings and cement, will make about
44 colmuna of the asms height as
moss ox tne original temple.
The Location
The temple of Venua and Rome
stands on the southeastern corner of
the Forum, almost opposite the Coli
seum, and near the recently built
Via dell'impero or Empire Way. The
temple was a kind of double one.
since It was dedicated to the dlvlnl
ties of Romo and Venua, the latter
being a special patroness of the Jul
ian gens or family, that Is, of the
original family which started wlt&
Julius Caesar.
Besides putting the old columns
in their former positions and trac
ing out the original lines of the tem
ple, tho. shape of the building will
be suggested rather than actually re
constructed. At the same time, when this, huge
monument of marble and granite Is
raised once again opposite the Coli
seum and the new roads opened, the
effect will be striking.
The annual Girls' league April
Frolic Is to be held Friday evening,
April 30, at Medford high school. This
Is to be a costume party for only the
girls, and three prizes will be award
ed for the most clever costumes, one
for the- prettiest costume, one for the
most comical, and one for the best
looking couple.
The same decoration committee In
charge of the decorations for the
"Leap Year" dance last Friday, are In
charge of decorations for tomorrow
The Girls' league representatives,
with Ethel Slagle as chairman, are
arranging the program which will run
from 8:15 to 9 o'clock, followed by
dancing until 10:30. All parents are
most cordially Invited to attend.
The re fresh me., l committee Is as
follows: Lois Frazee, chairman; Helen
Judy. Owen Krous, Doris Upp, Pearl
Rawhauser, Frances Luman.
The clean-up committee will be:
Alice Mae Shirley, chairman: Mildred
Buckles, Barbara Holt, Gwen Krous,
Hazel Moffet, Maxlne Robinson, Eve
lyn Herman, Bonlta Hammack.
PARIS. (AP) Slit skirt,, slashed
with th deepest cuts seen since the
first silt skirt startled the style
world before the war, are here with
the springtime mode.
Patou has launched, slim, sinuous
evening (rocks slit In front to a
point sometimes above the knee or
slaebed up the back of a pronged
train. The gowns, designed of white,
sapphire blue, almond green and
nasturtium orange crepe or satin are
generally fashioned with high front
and fairly low back decolletes which
often widen to cover the shoulder.
Most of them are designed wlttl a
little coatee or cape which may be
tossed easily over the shoulders "to
keep women from shivering while
they wait for their cars." Sometimes
the coatees match; again, they con
trast with the color of the frock.
Sun-ray pleated yellow chiffon capes
and shell pink moire coatees go with
black frocks, while saphlre blue
gowns are accompanied by wraps of
the same shade.
Daytme frocks put their silts above
the waist, many of them being slash
ed in the back or front of the bodice
and faced with a contrasting color.
Most of them are designed of black
crepe or black satin lightened with
touches of pale green, shell pink or
dead white. One black 'crepe trim
med with white neck touches Is silt
up the back of the waist to reveal
a white crepe Inset.
Summertime frocks to wear la
town show many two-toned or tri.
colored effects. Most of them are
fashioned of dark crepes, micro
scopic prints or plaids, and are worn
with a little cape or slcoveless Jacket
of the same fabric.
One smart silk of black, white and
red shallow plaid Is topped by a
little waist-length cape, while a navy
blue crepe worn with a sleeveless
Jacket of the same fabric has a big
white butterfly Jabot splashed with
blue dots the size of a quarter.
Threo colors blond ' in another
striking costume. It Is a simple
black crepe summer suit with a,
black and white striped taffeta vest,
touched with emerald green at tty
neckline and worn with an emerald
green straw sailor tilted over one eye,
Mule Kick Worth $10,000
BOISE, Idaho. (UP) A mule kick
suffered by Frank Evans while serv
ing In the army, brought him $10,.
000 recently. Evans was awarded that
amount by federal district court oa
a war insurance policy.
N 3674
WINES of wines march respectfully behind
the authentic quality achieved by these
gay wines of tho Golden Age. Obtain
able wherever discriminating wine pal
ates attend. Lyons Cordials and Cocktails
are also available.
an nUNCiscO
lOi ANGElIft
TNT is used for shattering effect be. JSff T jm?? Mm! SJV1
cause It exert'i it, terrific energy la Jr S Mm' JfitW'" w JrM$m$mk
every direction. Inferior gasoline,, like MpMtsglPw5''' X jsrW0tmm!' w ft
TNT, when Ignited, do not burn uni- I - X f , iW ft
formly but throw a part of the uncon- JP AmtjMv f A2 JP4ftdKw''' w B
trolled energy against the cylinder walla WS t V!; S JF' JiKf K
and head... without giving the piston A Y'jg X J f &,SXm
time to take advantage of the power. JtJl?'' JyVj at tK
New Gilmore Red Lion Gasoline per- JF S'jT ' jir f "1
forms like modern, slow-burning, tmok- Jfr sr J sjr jf '(cliwXS.
less powder in a M-lnch naval gun. The Y jm ; Ml .C?,!VX V
new Controlled Power fuel ... with in jfS.X i V
scientifically correct mixture of tetra. Kat ' f vS
ethyl lead ... ignites uniformly... con- r y m-rr v . 1 v
centrating the "push" against the piston J N A Vv Vv
head for the full stroke because the gas XV ,T VVVX
. pandsgraduaily. XO V 'AV
Now ready for you. . . this sensational
achievement of Gilmore, a Controlled
Power gasoline that actually per
forms like highly developed smoke
less powder in a 14-inch Naval gun.
Smokeless powder is slow-burning...
the gases expand uniformly, putting
the tremendous driving force against
the base of the projectile... sending it
infallibly to a target 18 miles away.
Gilmore has masterfully applied this
secret of Controlled Power to gaso
line. The great energy of perfected
motor fuel (many times that of pow
der) is concentrated on the piston
head for the full length of the stroke!
This amazing gasoline is the superb
attainment of years of research and
development... and to it has been
added just the scientifically cor
rect proportion of tetraethyl lead.
With Gilmore Red Lion, these mi
croscopic flakes of tetraethyl lead
work wonders! When ignited they
burn evenly throughout the vapor
. . . providing a sustained, concen
trated, complete power "push."
Gilmore Controlled Power-Gasoline
absolutely eliminates pre-explosion
and damaging motor knocks. There's
no dissipation of energy against the
cylinder walls. Only surging, Con
trolled Power singing in your motor.
Test this surprising Controlled
Power today! With new "Fortified"
Red Lion gasoline you'll skim
through the traffic. . . zoom up the hills
. . .glide over the highways! Yes.jusr
try it and you'll roar with Gilmore!
JSk. ' vP1 j!Pk. Wna . sm turn