Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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pilgrim Hollnesi Church
333 Haven Street.
C. Edwin Cox, Pastor.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Easter
Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m
'Resurrected Life."
Evening service, evangelistic.
Midweek prayer meeting, . Wednes
' day evening at 7:30.
Our district superintendent, Rev.
Paul Nerlng. will be with us Wed
nesday evening. All welcome.
Adrent Christian Church
Corner Welch and JerVaon
Easter program by Bible school,
9:45 to 10:45.
Eaater sermon at 11 by Mrs. O. A.
Thursday evening, April 8, Dr. O.
R. Jenks, former president of Aurora
college, Aurora, 111., will apeak. Dr.
Jenks Is a gifted and Interesting
speaker and It Is hoped many will
take advantage of the opportunity of
hearing him.
All are welcome to any or all of
these services.
Phoenix Presbyterian Cburch
Ralph S. Peterson, Minister.
Easter sunrise service, Racier hill.
Easter breakfast at 7:30 In church
parlors; J. O. N. Poling, superintend
ent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser
mon, "Immortality. Special Eas
ter music by choir.
Christian Endeavor at 6:80.
Evening worship at 7:30. Reports
of Youth Spiritual Emphasis con
ference by the young people of the
Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church
Fourth Street near Oakdale Avenue
fioft p TCnhit?. D. D.. pastor.
Our Easter day services will begin
with the singing of the glad taster
hymns in Sunday school, beginning
at 10 a. m., and the study of the
vwm lesson, adults being lnviten
to come to the pastor's class for
"Our Victory Through Christ." will
be the theme of the Enster sermon
at the 11 a. m. services. Special
music at this service.
Anthem by the choir under the
direction of Miss Genevieve Brown:
iTnw rim and Beautiful the Morn."
by Holton. "Christ Arose" to be sung
by a quartet. The church will be
iiiitifiiiiv rfppornted with Easter
lllllea and other flowers.
A special service for the baptism
of children will be held at 3 p. m.
wVion those who have unbaptlzed
children are invited to bring them
to be brought into covenant relation
ship with the Savior and to receive
the baptismal grace.
The confession of Thomas when
his doubt w overcome by the
ritM Rovinr "Mv Lord and My God,"
will be the subject for the Luther
League meeting, Beginning a .
p. m., with Miss Dorothy Andren as
A program of songs and exercises
by the members of the Sunday
school will be given at the evening
service, beginning at 7:45 o'clock.
Those who have no church home
in ti flnmmunltv are specially in
vited to come and worship the risen
Savior with us, and to enjoy uib j-jj
oub services of the day.
Medford Company of Jehovah's
Jehovah's Witnesses are broadcast
ing a lecture by Judge Rutherford
over KMED every Sunday morning
from 10 to 10:15.
Judge Rutherford is considered the
j greatest Bible exponent of the pres
ent age and his books of Scripture
I explanations are now translated Into
i 58 languages. His lectures explain
j that Bible prophecy Is now being ful
filled and by listening In 15 minutes
each Sunday one will hear an expla
nation of world conditions and their
Jehovah's Witnesses meet for study
every Sunday morning at 10:30 and
every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at No. 102 Mistletoe street. All inter
ested In Watch Tower Bible study are
The First Methodist Church
West Main and Laurel Streets
Joseph Knotts, minister
Attention is called to the change
In the time of the Sunday school
and morning church service.
Sunday school, 0:30 a. m. Special
Easter programs in each department,
Let everyone be present and on time.
We should have a big attendance
Morning worship. 10:30 a; m. The
first part of the service will be de
voted to the ordinance of baptism
and the reception of members. The
church will be beautifully decorated
with Easter memorial lilies and other
appropriate flowers. The sermon
theme Is "The Message of the Empty
Tomb." The following music is plan
ned: Organ prelude "Spring Song, by
Processional "Christ the Lord Is
Risen Today," by Davidica.
Chimes "Golden Harps Are Sound
ing." by Harergal.
Anthem "The Shout of Victory,"
by Ashford.
Offertory "Cantlcme D'Amour.' by
Sheppard: "Seven-Fold Amen," by
Stalner; "Easter Postlude," by Hoa
mer. The Epworth League will meet at
8:30 p. m.
Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. An
other fine service fittingly closing a
great Easter day. Sermon theme "Go
Tell." The organ numbers will be:
Introduction from "Poet and Peas
snt" Overture, by Von Suppe: "Pray
er" from the Octette, by Schubert:
anthem. "God So Loved the World."
by Stalner.
Miss Grace Jo Burnett will direct
the large chorus choir morning and
evening. Morning organist Is Mrs.
Henry Huenergardt. Evening organist
is Miss Josephine Power.
Lecture Tuesday evelng by Captain
Anderson of Tacoma.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday at
7:30 p. m.
Quarterly conference and official
board meeting Wednesday, 8:30 p. m. I
First Presbyterian Church
William J. Howell, minister
Mrs. William S. GUmore, director
of Religious education.
Bible school, 0:45. The Easter les
son will be taught and everyone not
attending Sunday school is invited.
11 &. m. Morning worship. Ser
mon: "The Assurance of Immortal
ity." Special Easter music by the
choir under the direction of Mrs.
Elsie C. Strang; organist, Miss Helen
Anthem, "Awake, Thou That flleep-
est" - Stalner
Anthem, "All Hail the Power of
Jesus Name" Lyon
Prelude. "He Shall Peed His
Flock" Handel
Offertory, "I Know That My Re
deemer Llveth" .. ................ Handel
Postlude, "The Heavens Are Telling"
Evening musical service, 7:30. TTie
choir will give us their Easter musi
cal service. See special notice for pro
gram. ,
We welcome everyone.
St. Mark's Episcopal.
Ernest S. Bart lam. Rector.
Holy communions 7 and 8 a. m.
Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.
Holy communion and sermon,
11:15 a. m.
Processional, "Jesus Christ Is
Risen Today" ........ Worgan
Office of Holy Communion In E Flat
by Alfred J. Eyre
Kyrle Elelson
Glorl tibl
. Gratlas tlbl
Hymn, "Jesus Lives, Thy Terrors
Now" H. J. Gauntlett
Anthem, "Why Seek Ye the Living
Among the Dead" - W. E. Brown
Soloists Mrs. Arthur Warnock. Mrs.
Royal E. Bebb, Mr. Fletcher Fish.
Sursum Corda
Agnus Del
Gloria In Excelsls Old Chant.
Nunc Dlmlttls J. H. Gower
Recessional, "Come Te Faithful"
A. S. Sullivan
The public cordially Invited to all
these services.
Free Methodist Church
Corner Tenth and Ivy Streets.
E. N. Long, Pastor.
There will be an Easter program In
connection with the Sunday school.
The Sunday school will begin at 8:45
a. m., followed by an Easter message
by the pastor at 11 o'clock.
V. P. M. S. will meet at 6:30 p. m.
The evening message will be given
by Mrs. E. N. Long at 7:30.
The Church of the Fourwiuare
Corner 4th and Bartlett.
D. W. Cameron, pastor.
Sunday morning 9:45, Sunday
school: 11:00, morning worship (The
Resurrection Morn),
Sunday evening 7:00, Crusaders'
meeting (young people); 7:45. even
ing service, subject, "The Seven Dis
pensations." Wednesday evening 7:45, the Tim
merman evangelistic group from Los
Angeles will be here speaking, with
several numbers of instrumental
music and songs.
Friday evening 7:45, prayer meet
ing at church.
A cordial welcome extended at all
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
East Main Street and Portland Ave.
H. H. Young, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock fol
lowed by an Enster egg hunt. The
risen Savior rose also for the Justifi
cation of your child. Won't you en
roll it In Sunday school so that It
! can learn of Its Savior? Our Sunday
school under the able leadership of
Mr. E. Hueners. Is glad to serve you.
i No service this morning.
Evening Easter services at 7:30,
with celebration of Holy Commun
ion. Preparatory service at 7:00. "Doubt
ing the Resurrection of Christ" will
be the subject of the Easter ser
mon. ......
The choir will render special Eaater
The church council will meet for
a short meeting after service.
The Sunday school teachers meet
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In
the pastor's study.
The public is always welcome at
St. Peters.
First Christian Church.
Ninth and Oakdale streets.
W. R. Balrd, minister.
Bible school at 9:45 a. m.
Centner, superintendent.
Everyman's Bible Class In court
house auditorium at 9:40.
Morning worship begins at 10:55.
Anthem. "The Lord Is Risen In
deed" (Wooler).
Soprano solo, "I Know That My
Redeemer Llveth" (Handel) Effle
Herbert Yeoman.
Sermon subject, "A Grave in a Gar
den." During the church service, two
services will be held for the children
In the church basement.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
In the evening the choir, under the
direction of Effle Herbert Yeoman,
will present a sacred concert. A very
fine program has been arranged. It
will begin at 7:30.
There will be baptismal services
both morning and evening.
Church of God
Corner Haven and Holly Street
D. M. Clemens, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Easter
Morning worship period, 11 a. m.
Subject: "Our Hope in Christ."
Young people in charge of open
ing service, 7:30. Bessie Shewmake.
leader. Topic: "How Does the Res
urrection Affect Christian Youth."
Preaching service. 8:00 p. m. Sub
ject: "Walking In His Steps," 1 Jon.,
Prayer service Wednesday, 7:30 p.
m. Mrs. O. O. Hunt, leader.
All are urged to attend these serv
ices and get acquainted.
First Baptist Church
W. H. Eaton, minister
9:45 a. m. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Morning worship.' Easter
sermon by the pastor. Easter music.
6:30 p. m. Young people's groups.
7:30 p. m. Eaater musical evening.
Cantata and other musical specials.
Musical program, morning:
Organe prelude, "Introspection,"
Ladles' quartet, "The Easter Story."
Offertory, "Thine Own," Lange,
Anthem, "Why Seek Ye the Living
Among the Dead?" incidental solo by
Mrs. Ruth Warner Bunch.
Solo, "All Hall the Risen King!"
Miss Helen Judy.
Organ postlude, Grand March,
Organ prelude. "Angelica," Msrtel.
Solo, "Calvary," Rodney; Mrs. Les
ter Merrlman.
Ladles' quartet, "He Is Risen."
Mesdames Merrlman, Raymond, Fin
ley, Neff.
Offertory, "Memories," St. Clair.
Solo, "My Redeemer and My Love,"
Dudley Buck; Mrs. Ruth Warner
Men's chorus, "On the Cross of
Cantata, "Death and Life," Shelley;
me cnoir, Mrs. H. v. warden, con
Mrs. O. C. Falling, organist.
The Full Gospel Tabernacle.
Newtown St., off Main.
J. Logan Stuart, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45.
Worship and communion, 11 a. m.
"The Rising, Living Christ" will be
the theme of the Enster morning ser
mon. Special vocal and instrumental
numbers suitable to the Easter ser
vices will feature the program of the
The evening meeting will begin at
7:30. Rev. F, L. Smith of Ashland
wilt bring the evening message, using
for a text, "I Shall Bo Satisfied When
I Awake In Thy Likeness."
We invite you to enjoy the blessing
of this Easter time with us.
Prayer meeting Tuesday evening.
7:30. Bible study Friday, 7:30 p. m.
A cordial Invitation to all.
Everyman's Bible Class,
Everyman's Bible Class will hold Its
Easter service in the auditorium of
the court house, beginning at 9:40.
The program will be as follows:
Song, "America."
Song service led by w. R. Balrd.
Vocal solo Miss Eleanor Curry.
Vocal solo Ralph Waldron.
Scripture lesson.
Vocal solo A. J. McDonough.
Enster message "The Battle Over
An Empty Grave," W. R. Batrd.
Closing song.
All men, young and old, are in
vited. The service will be over In
time for the men to attend any
church service in the city.
The Federated Churches.
Jos. M. Johnson, pastor.
Central Point. Oregon.
"The Risen Christ" Is the title of
the Easter lesson this week. John
30:1-6 Is assigned to us; but let us
study the resurrection story in all the
scriptures. Our school opens at 9:45,
and all are welcome.
Young people's societies will also
be studying the Easter message In the
evening services. All young people
are urged to attend the young peo
ple's devotional services. 6:30 will
be the time for our service.
Our Bible school will give an Easter
program from 10:45 to 11:30. Parents
are especially Invited to hear this.
The pastor will speak on the subject,
"The Power of Christ," and will re
ceive new members Into the church.
A baptismal service will be held at
the Christian church In the after
noon, when candidates for baptism
will bo served In the holy ordinance.
Our evening service will close the
series of meetings. There will be first
a program of Easter music, then a
Gospel message by the pastor. "Shall
We Give the Church, or Christ, First
Place" will be the subject.
Main Street Methodist Church, South
N. D. Wood, pastor
Easter services at this church con
sists of a program of music, recita
tions and readings by the Sunday
school, beginning at 10 o'clock, clos
ing with baptismal service for Infants
and children.
At eleven o'clock, program contin
ued with special Easter music. A
short address by the pastor, baptism
of adults and reception of members
Into the church membership.
6:45 p. m. Young people's program
and service.
7:30 p. m. Special music, congre
gation singing and sermon.
Yes. you are welcome.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Authorized branch of the Mother
Church, the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Mass.
Services are held every Sunday at
11 o'clock, church edifice, 312 North
Oakdale. Subject for Sunday. April
1, "Reality."
Sunday school at 9:30. Applicants
under the age of 30 may be admitted.
Wednesday evening meetings, which
Include testimonies of Christian Sci
ence healings, at 8 o'clock. reading room, which is located
at 401 in the Medford building, Is
open dnlly from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m,,
except Sundays and holidays. The
librarian is in attendance from 10
to 4, at which time the Bible and
all authorized Christian Science lit
erature may be read, borrowed or
The public Is cordially Invited to
attend the services and visit the read
ing room.
Th Salvation Army
411 East Mln Street.
Capt. O. R. Dunham, Commanding
At 11 a. m. morning holiness and
worship service. Captain Durham will
speak on the subject, "He Saved Oth
ersHimself He Could Not Save."
Sunday school at 3 p. m.
Young People's Legion service a4
3:15 p. m. All young peopls are in
vited. Special Easter service at 7:80
p. m. at the corner of Main and Cen
tral. Special program of music and
song at 8 p, m. The Salvation Army
band will render the selections,
"Love" and "Come" and two numbers
I will be given by the Salvation Army
songsters. captain Durham will
speak at this service. All services
will be held at the Army headquar
ters. Come and worship with us.
GLENN YVONNE Cosmetlo Special.
Powder, lipstick, rouge, 93 value for
08o. Woods DrtiK Co., Main and
I Central.
Church of the Nazarene
John T. LaRose, Pastor.
"Easter" In Its Inspiring and prac
tical effects upon life and character
will be the central theme around
which the paBtor will build both ser
mons Sunday.
Easter service at 11 a. m. Program
of music and songs by the choir,
featuring numbers by the male quar
test composed of J. A. Jennings, first
tenor; H. M. Von Stein, second ten
or; Fred Hall, first bass, and Loren
Scheel, second bass. Also the mixed
quartet composed of J. A. Jennings.
Fred Hall, Miss Helen Scheel and
Miss Anna Scheel, Sermon by the
pastor on "The Rellzed Presence."
Evening service at 7:30. Songs by
the mixed quartet; ladles' trio com
posed of Ethel Scheel Komstad, Helen
Scheel and Anna Scheel; Miss Lois
Herman, soloist. The pastor will
psak on "Coming Forth."
Other services for the day:
Sunday Bible school at 9:45 a. m.
Young People's Society, meeting in
two groups, at 6:30 p. m.
Sunrise Eaater service by the young
people, meeting at the church at
6 o'clock.
Midweek prayer and Bible study,
Wednesday evening. 7:30 to 9.
Yes, you are welcome here.
Now On Display
1 New 1934
$995 up
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In Medford and Rogue
River Valley Churches
Tour rhtirrh, whether It be In Medford or other
Valley communities, ha prepared services Impres
sive ami tniplrlng. Appropriate Easter miiMr, too,
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Yon owe It to yourself to avail yourself of the
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... Now when the even was come, he sat down
with the twelve . . . and as they were eating,
Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it,
and gave it to the disciples, and said, take,
eat; this is my body. And he took the cup,
and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,
Drink ye all of it ... So transpired the last
supper, of Jesus and his disciples. And though
he knew the one among them had betrayed
him, he raised not his voice in wrath; but in
prayer to God. ' The power of his faith has
changed the entire history of the world. The
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
North Oakdale ERNEST S. BARTLAM, Rector
Church of The Nazarene
Comer Jackson and N. Central.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
First Presbyterian Church
South Holly. WILLIAM J. HOWELL, Minister.
Salvation Army
411 East Main CAPT. 0. R. DURHAM, Commander.
message In his teachings, ever though torn
and distorted, remains everlasting. Not alone
as a symbol of the miracle of his birth nor of
his resurrection but purely as the greatest
expression of faith ever to be known. That
faith, hope and heartfelt, good will toward all
must forever be an inspiration to mankind;
and eventually lead the weak to" become
strong, the evil to become virtuous, the tor
tured to know peace. Today, Easter Sunday,
we can only echo the song which he left ever
in our heart and soul. Praised be his name . . ,
First Christian Church
Ninth and Oakdale W. R. BAIRD, Minister.
First Methodist Church
West Main and Laurel
Main Street Methodist Church
West Main and Oakdale N. D. WOOD, Pastor.
First Baptist Church
North Central Avenue W. H. EATON, Minister.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Fourth Street Near Oakdale Avenue