Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Society anil Club Events Reviewed for Week
Edited by
Eva Nealon Hamilton
Easter Observance
Brings Guests To
Rogue River Valley
As the un rle today. religious
worship will begin In the Rogua River
valley to continue tnrougn vim ki
noon and evening In country and city
churches, where llllea will bloom
again In eelobratlon of the Joyoua
worda. "He la Risen," which will be
sung by all Christian peoples.
There will be reunions In many
homes and gay round of festivity
heslnnimr tomorrow.
A number of guests have been Aere
for the past week on Easter vaca
tions, among them Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Maentz of Palo Alto, Cal who
have been the Inspiration of much
entertaining. Miss Dorothy Roberts
arrived from the University of Ore
gon tor the week end to be guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Rob
erts, and the three were honored last
evening at an Informal buffet supper,
given by Mlas Betty Bardwell.
Mrs. Gain Robinson also entertain
ed last week for Mr. and Mrs. Maentz.
Other guests for the holiday who
have been much entertained are the
Misses Dorla and Helen Patton and
their house guest. Miss Iris Armes of
San Francisco.
Miss Mary Jarvle Thompson was
hostess at a bridge lunoheon yester
day, arrangod for their pleasure at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Burdette
Dodge. The Easter motif was used
in decorations and high prize at cards
was awarded Miss Cecil Humphrys.
Present were: Misses Doris and Helen
Patton, IrU Armes, Marjorle Mulhol
land, Mollle Browne, Dorothy Burgess,
Cecil Hpmphrys, Helena Salade, Ban
nla Hunt, Catherine Brandt and
Patsy and Mary Jarvle Thompson.
The three will be returning to
school this week and others going
south will be Edward Reames, who
has been house guest of Mr, and Mrs.
A. E. Reames, and Misses Elizabeth
and Frances Ferry, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. D. H. Ferry. The last throe
are students at Stanford university.
Fabrick Honored
'At Dancing Party
Thirty guests were Invited to the
Fabrick homo on Crater Lake ave
nue last week to Join Olen Fsbrlck
In the celebration of his birthday.
Spring blossoms wers arranged
about the rooms, lighted by tall
tapers, where dnnolng and a mid
night supper were enjoyed by tho
following guests:
Mr. and Mrs Bruce Bauer, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Hubbard, Mr, and
Mrs. Elbert Coleman, Mr. and Mrs.
William Hoath. Dr. and Mrs. B, O.
WJlton, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sanders,
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Olson, Mr, and
Mr?. Bob Ingle of Ashland, Mr. and
Mm, Al Seckatz, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McAllister, Dr. and Mrs. Dwlght
Flndley, Mlssss Viola Templeton,
Georgia Edwards and Genevieve
noddy, and Messrs. Jasper Reynolds,
Harry McMahon and Olen Fabrick.
lady Mons to Dine
Wednesday Afternoon
The Lady Lions will meet for one
o'clock lunohoon Wednesday at tho
home of Mrs. William Holloway, 333
Mae atreet, Mrs. Harold Parker was
assistant hostess. .
Cobbs Honored at
Surprise, Party
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cobb and Mrs.
Walter Cobb were very pleasantly sur
prised lsst Thursday evening at their
homo on South King, when about 30
friends called and spent the evening
In conversation and muslo. Mrs.
Oootimrtn and Mrs. Wood served re
freshments. ,
Baptist Missionary
Society Has Meeting
Mrs. J. K. Judy was hostess at her
home. 410 Newtown, lsst week to
members of the missionary society of
the Baptist church. Mrs. J. B. Lester,
chairman, presided. Scripture was
read by Mrs, B tenners n and prayer
offored by Mrs. Bowling and Mrs.
Topics were discussed by Mrs. Bowl
ing, Mrs, Crawford, Irene Judy, Mrs.
Simpson, Mrs. Barrett, Violet Judy,
Mrs. Lester and Mrs. Dally.
- Mrs. Piatt sang. "In the Garden'
and Helen Judy, "The Christ of the
Cram" and "When Irish Byes Are
F. U Club Has
Pleasant Meeting
The members of the P. L. flub of
the Rebekah lodge met at the home
Ethel Humphrey Tuesday for their
semi-monthly meeting,
A short business session wss held
and the remainder of the evening
was spent In practlco of the play,
"The Love of Mike," which Is to be
presented Thursday, April 8, at the
X. O. O. P. hall In this city. Plans
are formulated to also present this
play later in April In Ashland. Jack
sonville and Central Point,
The house was gaily decorated with
spring flowers, which gave a pleasant
atmosphere to the occasion. Delicious
refreshments were served after the
meeting was adjourned.
Th next regular meeting will be
omitted because of the state conven
tion of P. L. clubs, to be held April
31 at Junction City, The Medford
club plans a good representation.
Those present were: Lucille Cave,
Edna Hlldebrand, Bessie Thompson,
Ivft Walden, Viola Aldredge, Qeorgl
anna Hussoug, and the hostess, Ethel
Symphony Chased
A New Style Chased Effect by
Makers of Sterling
Exclusively at Larry Schade'i
Return From
Phtos by Bhangle.
Mr. and Mre. Charles Voofhles (Doris Danenihower), whose wedding
wm social event of early March 1 n Coronado, have arrived In the val
ley to make their home, and m uch entertaining In local society Is
planned In their honor. Mr, and M ra. P. Corning Kenly are hosts today
at their river place and Miss Prance a Sparrow govs ft luncheon for Mrs.
Voorhles' pleasure yesterday.
Supper To Honor
Mintos At Butler
Home This Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott N. Butler will
entertain with ft buffet supper this
evening, for the pleasure of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Mlnto.
Mr. and Mrs. Mlnto have Just re
turned from a week's wedding trip on
the Oregon coast. Mrs. Mlnto, Molvn
Parrett before hor recent marriage, Is
tho daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thoa.
N. Parrett and the sister of Mrs. But
ler. Mr. Mlnto, whose home Is In
Salem, Is i r lumber of one of Its
oldest pioneer families.
Purple and white lilacs will be used
about the living room, but the supper
taTjlo will be tho center of Interest In
the dining room with the lovely
brldo'n cake as centerpiece, flanked
with tall white tapers and white
St. Ann's Altar . '
Society to Meet
The regular business meeting of at.
Ann's Altar society will be held on
Tuesday afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock
In pariah hall,
Medforrt People To Attend
Opern In Portland
z Many Mod ford people- are saving
their pennies these days In anticipa
tion of a trip to Portland for ths
ergagemont of the Ban Carlo opera
company, April 16 to 81. And the
beauty of It all Is, tt won't take
many ponnlts, for the top price Is
one dollar, which might indicate
that America Is becoming a muil-
cal nation, if the words of many
old timers can be accepted as crit
erion. Their ery was that this could
not become a musical nation until
the price of opera was brought within
the range of the populace.
Posters, showing many of the
famous singers to bo heard during
the week of opera, wore placed in
the Office Supply windows here yes
terday and will be displayed later
at the Chamber of Commerce. '
Persons, planning to attend, are
urged by the Portlond office to make j
early reservations, as seat sales era
already underway. I
Fountain Lunches
Gardner Drugs
Chlropractlo and Phjrilothsraphy
Orpgon Llrsmo fl4
California Llrenso 9030
II Years In M.ufnrfl, Ore.
A departure fiont the sleek hnyltn
boh h;it one which conforms to
the hrsd. Jtit one of the hMr
drews pontile with our
ur rayxr
Art UilrAreJ'J'crx
41 S. Central Phone 363
Betty Fry lias
Birthday Party
Mrs. George Pry entertained yes
terday with a birthday party, hon
oring her little daughter Betty, who
was nine years old.
Twenty children enjoyed '-he party.
1 1 r.SSv Xmr-A m
From Our Clean, Sunny Bakery
Many Anticipate
Ball At Oriental
Gardens Tomorrow
Easter decorations and an abun
dance of spring flowers will give
beauty to the Oriental Gardens Mon
day evening for the annual after
Easter ball to be sponsored by the
American Legion Auxiliary.
The committee has been working
for many weeks on the plans and a
joyous celebration, appropriate to the
season, Is anticipated for all dance
lovers. ,
Pythian Club
Meets Tuesday
The Pythian club will meet av the
home of Mrs. Jeschke on South Peach
Tuesday evening, April 8.
V. 8. W. V. Auxiliary .
To Meet Wednesday
Colonel Sargent Auxiliary No, 18,
TJ. s. W. V. will hold their regular
meeting, Wednesday, April 4, at 7:30
p. m. in the club rooms at the armory
All members are urged to be present
at this meeting, and visiting sisters I
will be welcomed. Dinner will be !
served at 6:30.
Chrysanthemum Circle
Announces Frolic
The regular session of Chrysan
themum Circle No. 64 will be held
Wednesday at 7:30 oclock and all
members are requestd to be present.
After the meeting the public is In
vited to come to an Aplrl Fool frolic
and circus. There will be tight-rope
walking, and an animal eating man,
Bonapart, Dr. KUlem and an Hawa
iian village among the features. Cafe
terla supper will be served with dance
, "v..
N the construction of our new Plant we spared no effort or
expense to make it a model of cleanliness and efficiency.
The comments of the various tradesmen and bakers who
have come to inspect it from all parts of the coast have been most
complimentary. We believe that with this new plant and the
knowledge gathered from two generations of experience in the
baking business that now more than ever before Fluhrer's Breads
are the finest the market affords.
Spun Bread
Sander In Recital
Here On Thursday
Sebistlan Apollo will present Cyril
Sander In a piano recital at the Bald
win recital hall Thursday, April o,
beginning at 8:15 o'clock.
The very promising young pianist
will be assisted by Harold Corliss, well
known vocal soloist. An Invitation
to hear the two Is extended all music
lovers of the valley.
The piano program to be played by
Sander Includes:
Elegle .Nollet
At the Spinning Wheel...3enJ, Goderd
Valse w.WWHM.WWM...w...Ciiopln
Gulrlandea ,,,, ,. rwvinr
Berceuse ........Mosskowskl ,
The Butterfly .........Callxa Lavalleei
Intermission for songs by Mr. Cor
liss. Glockchenspte! Sptndler
Nocturne In F -sharp major...... Chopin
Fourth Maaurka. . .Oodard.
La Campanella
Paganln!, transcribed by Liszt i
Pythian a Celebrate
Holiday This Afternoon .
The Knights of Pythias and Pyth
ian Sisters will celebrate the holiday
this afternoon with their annual
Easter party, which will be held In
the lodge hall, beginning at 1 o'clock
and continuity until 5 o'clock.
Mrs. Pal ton
Visited by Sisters
Mrs. M. M. Dalton of Jacksonville
highway, enjoyed a visit with her two
Bisters, Mrs, John Kyle of Wenatchee,
Wash., and Mrs. Tina Hartley of
Kingston, Missouri, last week. Mrs.
Dalton and Mrs. Hartley had not been
together for forty-one years. Mrs.
Hartley Is making an extended tour
of the northwest.
There Are Good Reasons for
this Enthusiastic Acceptance
different in texture, more delicious than you've ever thought
bread could be and at NO EXTRA COST I
breads become dry and tasteless. The "different" texture of
SPUN BREAD a process which includes the intertwining of two
strands of dough makes possible this freshness along with
vastly superior taste.
under the long-established FLUHRER name. The CCO camps
were our testing ground before Spun Bread was marketed and
the one-hundred percent success here substantiated our early
belief that this product really is SUPERIOR.
School To Sponsor
Card Party Soon,
Carpenter Home
April 14, has been announced as
date of a bridge luncheon to be spon-
ored by the Valley school at "Top-
sides", attractive country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred S. V. Carpenter on
the Old Stage road.
A prize will be awarded the person
holding high score at each table, and
many tables are already being arrang
ed for the occasion. '
Job's Daughters
To Meet Monday
There will be a meeting Monday
evening at 7:30 o'clock of the local
chapter of Job's Daughters at the
Masonic hall, at which time a bridge
party will be enjoyed.
Wenonah Club j
Gives April Frolic . I
The Wenonah club held an April
Frolic on Friday evening at the Red
men hall. Dancing with Dickey's or
chestra, and cards were enjoyed.
Those holding prizes in pinochle
were: May Morris and Otis Hubbard,
high scores; and Maggie Ersklne and
Wm. Mtlnes low scores. The general
chairman for this affair was Nellie
Purdin, with the following commit
tees appointed by her: Dance, Flor
ence Rush, Harriet Watson and Sarah
To lie.- Cards: Carrie Mllnes. Candy
sale: Norma Martin. Refreshments:
Blanche RInabarger, Gladys Lawrentz,
Wilms Hayes, Ethel Bum, Mary Zun
dell, and Ruth Dalley.
The next club meeting will be at
the home of Dorothy Dickey In Ash
land In the form of a cowered dish
luncheon. 1
UST six weeks on the market, and SPUN BREAD has
revolutionized buying habits . . . every day finds new and
enthusiastic boosters for this sensational new product . .
NE of the outstanding advantages of SPUN BREAD
is its continued FRESHNESS ... the unique spinning
process HOLDS this freshness long after ordinary
PUN bread is new . . . although on the market here but
six weeks- we thoroughly investigated this new type bread
... it had to be good or it would not have been introduoed
- One of
rTfif :! H M ' uJJ'iliiMTO
Easter Egg Hunt
At Kuehnle Home
Mrs. L. P. Kuehnle entertained yes
terday afternoon with an Easter egg
hunt for the pleasure of her young
son, Jimmy, and his cousin, Tommy
Guests were Invited for the hours
from 3 to 4 o'clock. Present were
Jackie Llttrell, Lyndel Newbry, Mark
Miller, Alfred Dodson, Bobble and
Verne Sbangle and Tommy Frentress
and Jlmmjr Kuehnle.
Lady Elks to Meet
Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday afternoon the Lady Ska
will meet at the temple for an after
noon of cards and pool. Mrs. Van
Gilbert will be hostess for the after
noon and all wives of Elks are cordi
ally Invited to be present.
Delegates Home"
From C. A. R. Conference
Mrs. G. Q. D'Alblnl. Sr., president
of Gen, Joseph Lane society, children
of the American Revolution and Miss
Joan DeLosh, delegates to the seventh
annual state conference of the state's
society held In Portland on Maroh 34.
have returned and yesterday reported
Increasing Interest in the organiza
tion throughout the state. Two new
societies have been organized since
the 1933 conference. Mrs. D'Alblnt
spoke briefly before the conference
of the need of training the children
to know and meet their responsibility
future citizens. Miss DeLosh ap
peared on the program, giving the re
sponse to the address of welcome and
sang two solos, which won enthusias
tic encores.
A benefit tea Is being planned for
April 38 and friends are Invited to
Note the difference In Texture
of plain bread and Spun Bread.
Pltigonnl Air Cells tn Spun
Bread prevent free circulation
of drying air through the slices.
the Coast's
Olive Rebekahs
To Meet Monday
Olive Rebekah lodge. No. 38, will
meet Monday evening. April 3, at 8
o'clock for a regular business session.
Included In new business will be elec
tion of delegates to grand lodge.
Members who enjoy cards are cor
dially asked to remain after lodge.
The degree staff will meet at the
I. O. O. F. hall promptly at 7 o'clock
Monday evening for drill.
From New York
direct to you
famous New York tap dancer
and teacher, is on a teaching:
tour, and will conduot spe
cial classes for students and
teachers in
one day during
week of April 15
Do not pass up this wonder
ful opportunity. Knroll at
Phone 1111