MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 27. 1934. PAGE SEVEN mrmfi OIL II n a : ii : Sx Real) aver ad on thla pate . . . roo will probably rind exactly the thing you want to buy or Mil ... U U lent there, adver tise .. It'a Inex pensive, etfectlvel RATES Per word tlret Insectton J rUlnlmlim 2fiei Bacb additional Insertion, . per word . c (Minimum 10c) Per line per month, without copy changes ti3i Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST II dog missing, call 1516. WANTED MALEHELP MAN WANTED To "bach" and op erate roaa stana. ij. -? mue suuwi u DIESEL ENGINEERING Men now being selected ior n"is new mechanical field Those quali fying will be given preliminary theory training at home then tak en to our Los Angeles or Seattle achool for practical shop training on nearly every type of DIESEL ENGINES. Latest developments In automotive, aeronautic and heavy duty engines shown by motion pic tures. Write for full Information and datea of free picture exhibi tion to C. F. Robertson. Registrar, Merrick's Court; Hemphill Diesel Engineering Schools, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle, Los Angelea, Denver. GENTLEMAN leaving for Los Angelea April 5th or 6th, straight through wishes reliable person to help drive. , No car expenses. Call Miss Bernice Draper or write 056 N. 6th St., Grants Pass. WANTED FEMALE HELP SOLE DISTRIBUTOR of Product State Oregon wants five lady rep sentatlves. Appointment by phone only out of town write Mrs. Brown, Medford Hotel. WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPING in motherless home by young unincumbered woman. Box 269. Tribune. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANT small house and garden plot in exchange for labor; Young man and wife. References. Caretaker. Phone Central Point 111-X-l. WANTED Active party with 500 for good growing business In Medford. Box 286, Tribune. WANTED To make your drapes or curtains. Experienced. Mrs. Geo. Taylor, 417 King St. WANT To borrow 1600. Can furnish gilt-edge security. Box 528, Tribune. FURNTTe-upholstered. Phone 069-R. Thlbault. WILL pay cash for late model car or equity. Write full description. Box 516. Tribune. WANTED Raw fura, hides, pelte and wool. Joe Konop. 120 So. Central. Across from Montgomery Ward Oo WANTED Wool & mohair. Top prices. See J. J. Oaenbrugge. . WANTED Wool, mohair, hides and pelts See us before you sell. Wool baga and twine for sale. Medford Bargain House, 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or more, crusher, amalgamator. Advise price and where can be seen. 417 Davis Bldg., Portland, Ore. WANTED Donations of used cloth ing for relief purposes. The Salva tion Army. Phone 356. 411 E. Main WANTED 2nd hand goods and Junk. Pat's, 1506 Prune St. Phone 547-L. WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford. Must be cheap. 333 W. 2nd. WILL care for elderly sick people In my home. Phone 437-X. WANTED Household goods, stoves, tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House, 27 N. Grape St. Tel 1062. JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTER EES AND RADIATORS, ALUMINUM. BRASS. COPPER and unit of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 No Grape. Tel. 1063 WANT TO RENT, with or without bouse. 10 to 30 acres orchard and alfalfa ground. Box 3399, Tribune WANTED Five hundred ewes, dress 2334. care Mall Triouna. FOR RENT -HOUSES FOR RENT House and ranchETET FOR r"ent 6-room modern" stucco home. Phone 629. FOR RENT 3-room house and 4 room house. Samuel Bateman. Tel 813-J. FOR RENT Well furnished modern 5-reom home, breakfaat nook, base ment and furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric refrigerator. MO.00. water paid, phone 738. FOR RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. Brown & vl"t? 3-ROOM house with large Meeplng porch; close In. Inquire 125 South Boll; or call 731-i. FOR RENT HOUSES A CLEAN bouse. Close In. Iqulre 219 S. Ivy. NICE 7-room house (or rent. Call at 817 W. 10th, HOUSES 10. U.50 and 15, water paid; wood range. Phone 105. FOR RENT Strictly modern turnlsh ed stucco home. 618 s. Oaxdale. FOR RENT Partly furn. house, 513 No. Grape. FOR RENT 8-room house, 3 bed rooms, on Mistletoe. Inquire 375 Bo. Central. FOR RENT Furnished house, 15. Inquire 105 No. oakdale. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Partly urn. apt. Phone 1177. 4 ROOMS, steam heat. 135 N. Holly. 3 FURNISHED apts with private baths. Rosewood, 249 So. Riverside. CLEAN, nicely furnished large apt. with sleeping porch. 213 So. Orape. CLEAN, furnished apt. 217 W. 2nd. COMFORTABLY furnished front apartment In Mall Hrlbune Bldg. Living room with fireplace: large dining room, kitchenette, dressing room and bathroom; hot and cold water, steam heat and lights fur nished. Reasonable rent. Apply at Mall Tribune. 3-ROOM apt., Bartlett. downstairs. 344 N. FOR RENT Apts. 626 No. Riverside. CABINS. 8 mo. 445 So. Front. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. $1.50 per week. 627 North Oakdale. IFOR RENT ROOM BOARD FOR heated sleeping rooms oall 1399-L. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 S Orape. BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E Main. Rates very moderate. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Improved 3 acre tract, garden land, close In. Part fruit and berries. 402 E. Main. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly Im proved farm near Eugene. Will consider modern home in Medford as part payment. Box 534, Tribune. EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholstering for lumber, wood, fish poles and reela. Phone 969-R. TO TRADE Barley hay, hay or wal nuts for lumber, apples or shingles. E. E. Foss, Talent. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light seden Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE--WlUamette valley farm. 200 A., 15,000. Want river bottom farm near Medford of equal value. Box 11744. Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 -room house and lot. cheap; trade for care, some cash. William W. Drumm, 322 S. Central. OPPORTUNITY SALES One, two and three-acre homes; five, ten and 20-acre farms, stock ranch es, timber, and city homes. Business Exchange, 33 No. Orape. FOR RENT House and ranch. Prunes for sale. Call 10 Rose, or phone 717-Y. FOR BALE 1 very choice section In block 1, Siskiyou Memorial Park. box oio, Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT stock ranch, Inquire Skyrman, central Point. SACRIFICED FOR CASH SALE 91800 buya 20 acres, 10 cult,, creek bottom, irrigated: new 4 -room bun galow, completely furnished, barn and outbuildings. 6 head cows and heifers, horse, poultry. Taxes $35. 15 North Fir. Phone 181. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & Whtle. LA ROE LOT Fruit and nut trees, excellent soil. Sacrifice 250. Write Box 58. Mall Tribune. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 75 head of ewes, 130 lambs, with wool. Call 304 Jackson ville. See at Cass ranch, Little Ap ple gate, SALE OR TRADE 1 fresh cow, Isaacs, 1st place N. Radio station. FOR SALE 1 team 1250 lbs., 1 team 1450 lbs., 1 team 1100 lbs. 30 head of light horses. Med. Riding Aca demy. FOR SALE 200 weaner pigs; also 1 registered Jersey bull and one reg iatered Short Horn bull. Call 1559. FOR SALE: Freah cows. Schultz, Beagle, Ore. FOR 3ALI5 Team of mules. Henry tteroy. raient. FOR SALE DOGS PETS ROLLER canaries reasonable. S23-J-3 FOR SALE POULTRY. PARKS BRED TO LAY Barred Rocks chicks, 12c; setting eggs, 75c. Start ed o'ltcks 4 and 6 weeks old. Jesse Nell, Ashland, Oregon. BABY CHICKS Reds (10 a hundred. White Leghorna ,9 a hundred. Chu. U Good, Box 356. Eugene, Ore. FOR SALE Chickena, wire. logging chokers, light plow. 1005 So. Peach. RED SETTING BOOB. Phone 4-P-4. PURE Bronze toras, Cockeran't price stock. 15. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1. Ashland. HENS with chicks. Carley. Tel. 3S8-X OUR belter quality chicks Insure real profit. White Leghorns 8c, April 18, 7'ic Rocks and Reds 9c April 18. 8c. Catalogue. Jcnka Hatcher, Tangent, Ore. I FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE Plymouth Rock setting eggs, 40c setting, savior, 10 norm Riverside. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ruga, breakfaat aet, bed. lamp, wall, mirror. 517 E. Main. OOOD PASTURE for 13 head atoclt or more; 1 Bucxeye incuoaior. aau egg. Inquire 240 So. Rlveralde. CLOSING OUT our stock of Dodge repair part left on hands, will give 50 discount on any of these parts In our stock. Eakln Motor Co.. Hud son and Terraplane dealer, River side Ave. 1st door south of Western Auto Supply. FOR SALE Easy Washer electrlo washing machine. C. R. Demmer, Phone 849. Some Real Bargain In FARM TOOLS 1 corn planter; 8 Fordson tractors: garden seeder; fanning mill: 3 one horee oultlvators; 3 feed grinders; corn sheller; wood saw mandel; Hi horse p. gas engine; 3 Cletrao trac tors; 4 power aprayers; 4 tractor disc; 3 wagons; tractor plows; wheat, 81.50 per cwt.i I'A Inch fire hose, almost ue, a bargain; 1 hay buck; 4 used mowers; 1 grain bind er; 1 corn binder. HUBBARD BROS., INC. Main & Riverside FOR SALE Superior gladlolas. mod erately priced. W. J. Warner. Phone 349-M. VERY choice long spurred columbine plants. Phone 1173-Y. Call at 1002 W. Uth. FOR SALE 700 boxes good Newtown apples; orchard run. 25o box. W. H Watt. Phone 468-R-2, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, baled or loose. Local, non-lrrlgated alfalfa seed. Tel. 523-J-4. Otto Nleder meyer. FOR SALE) Used sewing machines, all makes; terms if desired. All makes rented and repaired, white Sewing Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Furniture, chairs, tables, beds. etc. 714 Welch St., oft W. Jackson.. . SAND, gravel, sediment, teaming, plowing. Phone 912-J. HAY, wheat, barley, rolled or ground O. A. DeVoe. Phone 523-J-2. A RAINBOW GARDEN of glads. 100 large No. 1 bulbs, not less than 40 varieties. Value 85 or more for 82.50. One Jumbo Plcardy free F. H. Reum, 922 South Oakdale FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1929 FORD ROADSTER, priced for quick cash sale at 8100 under the market. Phone 341-J-3. . USED CAR BARGAINS Sold at Book Prices (Written Guarantee) . 1930 Chev. Coupe 1932 Ford tord, Mod. B2 or Sedan 1931 Willys S. 2-door Sedan 1930 Bulck Sport Coupe 1931 Chrysler Con v. coupe 1932 Chrysle Coupe ARMSTRONG MOTOR, INC. 38 N. Riverside 1 FOR SALE Model T Ford touring, electric washing machine. Bargain. Route 4, Box 77. MISCELLANEOUS REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS, Indian apolis. Mrs. Gertrude Stead, local representative. 523 South Ivy, x'el, 930-R. PALMIST 323 Kennet street, Berry dale. LAWN Mowers sharpened. Medford cycle Shop, 23 N. Fir. Phone 291. NOTICE TRUCK OWNERS If you haven't got P. U. O. plates, get your application in for your P. L. and P. D. insurance at once. Long or short haul. Cargo, collision, fire and theft. Association of Commercial Truck Owners, Phone 1380, Room 12, Palm Bldg. INCOME TAX Let me prepare your income tax return. Years of experi ence. Both State and Federal are now due. Fred L. Col rig, 528 8 Central. Phone 735-J. FURS cleaned, repaired and glased. Coats rellned. Medford Cash and Carry Cleanera. Phone 1700. THOROUGHBRED stallion service Box 139. Spring atreet. MINING PROPERTIES If you have property to sell or wish to buy. Bee ueo. a. oarton, 33 n. urape St. I BUY gold and lend money. Cecil jenmngs, corner front ana Main. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Gove, 235 C. Main. BUSINESS CHANCES FORCED SALE Lay's Auto Camo, south city limits of Ashland: 8W acres lovely grove, 18 bldgs. includ ing store, garage, service, station; 700 ft. frontage on New Siskiyou highway: 200 feet on U. S. 99. Pries 810,500, including equipment: terms. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Tltlt and Title Insurance The only complete Title System is Jackson county. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 6, No. 82 North central Ave upstairs. Expert 'wfhdiw Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1172 House Cleaning, Ploor Wsxlng. Ori ental Rug cleaning specialty. Painting and "Papertianglnf M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- nanging. Tel. tuo.-w. o.s a urape Money to Lend WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid balance. No other charges. 8ee w. E. Thomas. 45 south central ground floor cratenan Theater e.og. bum License no. B-iov. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BADS TRANSFER Si STORAGE CO.- Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 315 Prices right, aervlue guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X Job Printing MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book binding; loosa leaf ledgers and blanks, billing systems, duplicating caah sajea slipa and everything in the printing lines. 28-30 N. Grape Phone 75. Transfer UE'NKINO TRUCKING O Tr a os ier ana storage, we oaui anjtmng at a leaaonable prlc. Ill No. Fir Street, phone 332. LEGAL NOTICES flynopili of Annutl Btittroim of THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. of London, In th Kingdom of Grtit Britain, on me imriy-nm nay or uemDr. i33. ram to the Insurance Commissioner of the 8tit of Ore gon, pursuant to lav: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up unuea hums Deposit capital. 9 too, 000,00 INCOME Ntt premium! received durlne the year a.auG.iai.TH Interest, dividend! and rents received durlne the year 339,059.16 Income from other tources re celred during the year T8,82r.S4 Total Income 13,674,642.06 IHfiBCHfiEMENTfl Net lossei paid during the year lneiiwine adjustment expenses. Ri.215.Hi4. 12 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 0 Commissions and salaries paid during the year I. UO. 485. 86 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur nz the year 143.422.0 Amount of all other expenditures 1.220,023.41 Total expenditures ?3,T ASSETS Value of real eiUti onel (mar ket value) Value of (-locks and bonds otm ed (market value) 15, fl I.oajif on mortgages and trilateral. etc.. Cash In banks and on hand Premiums in course or collection written since September SO, 11133 Interest and tenfs due and ac crued TO.495.7lt 20, S3!). ST Other miscellaneous assets Total admitted suets $7,165,031.27 LIMUI.IT1FR Oros claim for iwts unpaid, plus estimated adjust merit ex penses 9 SS4.647.S5 Amount of unearned premiums on alt outstanding risks 3,552.743.12 Due for commission and brokerage 20,000.rt0 All other liabilities 19S.000.Ofl Total liabilities, except capital. f4, 155,390. 67 Capital paid up de posit capital..! 400,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities .... 3,609,640.80 Surplus as regards policyholders. .3, 000, 640. 60 Total T.lA!.o:t.9T BUSINESS IN OREGON' FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year f 63.7fi0.4l Losses paid during the year 17,017.32 Louses incurred durlne the year.. 18. Hfl. 52 Name or Company, The Iindon k Lancashire Ins. Co.. Ltd. Name of Unlted . States Manager, flilbf rt Kincan. c Statutory resident attorney for service, Dudley Q. Allen. Wm. V, fJllmore, Manager Pacific Department, 332 Pine Street, San Krnnrlsco. Calif. McCURDV-DANIELS INSURANCE AGF.NCV, INC. Resident Agents, Medford, Ore. SynnpMs of Annual Statement of THE CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY of Ban Francisco. In the State of California, on the thirty-first day of December. 1033. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the Slate of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stork paid up. $1,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $1 ,303,454.02 Interest, dhidendi and rents re- cefverd during the year 217,281.06 Inenme from other sources receded during the year 10,706.11 Total Incomi 91 ,651 .4 42. OR Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Pretentious mansion T. Diminished 15. Humbled Li. Word of honor U. Wagon track 16. Turn aside 18. Pronoun 19. Peer Oynt's mother 20. The Greek long E 31. Lateral 23. Mark of a blow 28. Units 28. Snug room SB. Book of the Bible 81.' Disturb 33. Silkworm 84. Exist 35. Chaperon 88. Approach 43, Tavern 48. Heroine of "Lohengrin" 48. Govern 46. Malt liquors 48. Philippine savsge SO. Derive (1. Fifty-one 62. Pertalnlnr to the positive electric pole Solution of Yeitardty'o Puxxlo OLEA C A U E BIITO t A pul u aTd e s affir AV sTeTc U R El EDUCATlE D A RE D I RECT6 HM O W AT OP J N I NEjMJOE S E L E C tIOBGRAO E S CONCERT 5 E 5TCT5 A L E AfjE R A5 K E L U l D I A LB gS E Vpf N SgR ANA IsIoIrIeUtIeIeinIsIIisInIa p 15. Ball and fare well S6. Called forth SI, Anln1.1l that builds nest 60. Ridicule 1. Parts of a golf course DOWN L Exhibit ostein atlously Z 3 A 5 6 Hp 7 8 ? to It Z 2? 3o pip Jl 32 iiiijlllill is sj mis si m m iri rr DISBURSEMENT! Net losses paid during the year Including adjuftruent expenses. $ 740,000-38 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 50,000.00 Commit) lorn and taliriei paid dur ing the year Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year T 4.013.1 9 Amount of all other expenditures. 210,308,21 Total txptn-iltures 91,602,671.95 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar ket value) $1,010,336.00 Value of stocks and bonds oned (market value) 3,781,324.50 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 487.251.66 Cash in banks and on, hand 100.35S.5i Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1033 201.T7T.10 Interest and rtntt due and ac crued 4S.149.83 Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 1,932.06 Other admitted assets 15,230.12 Total admitted assets 14,666,260.50 LIAB1LIIT1E8 Gross claims for losses unpaid. . .1 197,312.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 1,003,979.45 Due for commission and broking 8,000.00 All other liabilities 134,877. IS Total HsbllifV except capital. $1,024,068. 63 Capital paid up. .$1,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities ,T42,191.ST Surplus as regards polleyhfildtrs . .82,743.191.87 Total $4,666,260.50 BUSINESS IN OREOON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year 68.122.43 Losses paid durlne the year 27,64 6. IH Losses Incurred during the yesr.. 82.773.10 Name of Company, The California Insurance Company. Nam of President. J. C. Griffiths. Jr. Name of Secretary, V. J. Robinson. Statutory resident attorney for service, Fhtllipi B"VctRTV-r)AN!ELS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Resident Agents, Medford, Ore. Synopsis of Annual Statement of the NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York. In the State of New York, on the thirty-first day of heeember, 1933. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. $2,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $4,828,721.17 interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year T29.T39.16 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 6S8.7S3.14 Total Income 86,217.243.47 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year Including adjustment expenr-es. $1,963, 933. 26 Dividends paid on capital stock dnrlnc the year 800.000.00 Commissions and salaries paid dur lne the year t. 647.495.80 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year 155.1 H. 98 Amount of all other expenditures. 8,643,073.97 Total expenditures $8,209,6)8.10 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar ket vlue) 0 Value of stock and bonds owned (market value) $17,288,266.00 Loan on mortgages and collater al, etc B.500.00 Cash In Dsnks and on hand.... 094,760.09 Premiums In course of collection trrltfm liwf Sontemher .10. 1!)33 085,833.88 Interest and rents due and ac crued 89,683.75 Total admitted assets $19,344,043.72 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid.. $ 886,434.81 imntinr nr unMi-nrf nrpmtumil fin All outstanding risks V 5,449.1 15.88 Due for commission and brokerage 32,000.00 All other liabilities 1,81 1.472.50 Total liabilities, except capi tal ..; $ 7,979,053.25 Capital paid up . $2,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities . . . 9,314, 990. 4T Surplus as regards policyholders, $11,384,990.47 Total $lft.344.043.72 BUSINESS IN ORFiON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year ...$ 29.548.08 Losses paid during the year... 16,463.10 Losses Incurred durlrut the year. 18.071.9" Name of Company, Niagara Fire Insurance Company. Name of President, Bernard M. Culver. Name, of Serretarv. C. V. McCarlhv. Statutory resident attorney for service, Ron. A. H. Averlll. Insurance I ommlssioner. McCURDY-IUMELS INSURANCE AGENCY. INC. Rerident Agent, Medford, Ore. Cross -Word Puzzle I. Branches of learning 10. Toward 11. Omits In pronouncing; It. Stop or check Ing device 17. Moving wagon 22. Bmall fish 24. In that case 36. Issuing forth 37. Painful to the touch SO. Sea. eagle 82. Shake spearean king IS. Operated an automatio telephone tt. What no one can do to bll life 17. Compass point 3. Wrinkled 40, Football Mara 41. Holds back 44. Doleful 47. Japanese rice beer 1. Maltreats S. Hlddan 4. Like I. Urant, as territory I, Article ex pressing tbe views or policies of newspaper 7. Monkey 5. Obstruct II. Masc niaMTTime K4. Poenf R7. Alteristlve Sfl. 8ymS1 for seietilum Sjnopils of Annual Statement of tbi ORIENT INSURANCE C0MMNV of Harllord. In the State of Connecticut, on the thlrty-flrst day of December, 19:t3, made to the injur nee (omnusilontr of the Stata of Oreaon. pursuant to lai ; CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. $1,000,000,00 INCOME Net premiums rtcc!ie4 during tbs Kr 9 1,33 1,011.39 Intcreit, dhidenrls and rents re ceived during the year 340,969.93 Income from other sources received during the ear 84. (ST. 90 Total Income 11,821,045.32 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year including Adjustment etperuei.$ 6SS.9S9.00 Dividends paid on capital stock during Ilia )ear 250,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year 538.S15.7B Taiti, llceniea and fees paid dur ing the year 94.673.45 Amount of ail other espenditurei. 514, 931. S7 Total expenditures il,0$3 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar. kit ulue) 9 459, Value of stocks and bonds owned (market talue) 4,366, Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc rash In banks and on hand 860, Premium In course of collection written since September 30, 1P33 347, Interest and rents due and ac crued S6, Other miscellaneous assets 3, 447.45 731.91 0 216.78 110.24 333.81 Total admitted assets 5, 573, 695.24 I.IABIUTIK8 Gross claims for losses unpaid In eluding estimated adjustment expenses 1 234,218.55 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 2,170.064.14 Due for comml-Mon and broketagt 15,000.00 All other liabilities 151,000.00 Total liabilities, except capital. $-,573,282. 69 Capital paid up.. SI, 000, 000, 00 Surplus over all liabilities .... 2,000,412.55 Surplus u regards policyholders. .83,000,412.55 Total .$5.573. H05. 24 Bl'SINE88 IN OREGON FOR TUB YEAR Net premium, received during the year $ 21,228.32 Losses paid ilurine the year I.OKR incurred during the year., 0,776.52 Name of Company. Orient Insurance Company. Name or .'resident, Gilbert Kingan. Name of Secretary, A. H. Murphy. Statutory resident attorney for service, Dudley Q. Allen. Mm. W. fillmore. Manager Pacific Department, 332 Tine Street. Pun Kranrkeo, Calif. .1. W. WAKEI'IEM"). Agent. 10; East Main, Medford, Ore. SyuopMs of Annual statement of THE FRANKLIN FlflE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, In the Slit of Pennsylvania, on the thirty-first day or December, 1033, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the Stat of Oregon, pursuant to Is: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. I 3,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $ 4,410,337.3 Interest, dividends and renta re ceived during the year 717,630.03 Income rrom other hources re ceived during the year 29-32-36 410,023.79 Total Income 5,538,801.18 IHBhTRREMENTS Net losses paid during (tin year Including adjustment -vpenm.9 2,241,298.12 IHi Minds paid on capital stock durliiR the year 600,000.00 Com mi's Ion mid salaries paid during the year 1,637,873.69 Taes, licenses and fees paid dur ing ihe year 101,055.89 Amount of all other expenditures "0-22-24-2fl.27-28-20.31 33-40 1,562.448.72 Total expenditures ..f 6,13,175.03 AHHMn Value of real estate owned (mar ket value) I I6f.120.52 Value of stocks and bonds owned (convention value) 14,325,658.00 Loans on mortgages and collater al, etc 651,750.00 In hanks and on hand 1,000,639.30 Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1D33 1,001,267.42 Interest and rents due and ac crual ni.73f.00 Total admitted assets $11.258, 172. 3 LIABILITIES Cross claims for lnes unpaid.. $ 861,000.00 Amount or unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 0,114,255.00 Due for commls'lnn and brokerage 0 All other liabilities 26-37-30 ,. S, 620. 908. 41 Total liaMHHei, except capi tal .... ............. 9,408,183.41 Capital paid up. 83, 000, 000.00 Surplus over all liabilities ... 4,762,008.13 Surplus as regards policyholder! . I T, 782,001.83 Total S17.238.172.24 BUSINRM IN OREGON FOR THE VEAR Net premiums received during the year I 46,428.10 Louis paid during the year.... 14,580.84 Lossei Incurred during the year. 14,814.84 Name of Company, The Franklin Fire Insur ance Company. Name of President, Wilfred Kurth. Name of Secretary, Vincent P. Wyatt. Statutory resident attorney for service. W. B. Ravmiiscn, CHARLES A, WING, AGENCY, INC., Agents, Medford, Ore. Notlre of Guardian's Sale of Real Property. Notice Ts Hereby Olven that the undersigned gunrdltui . of the estate of Kendal Dufur, a minor, will 011 or after the 18th day of April, iwa. at 10:00 a. m.. at the offlc of 0u Newbury, In the Medford National Benk Building, in Medford, Jackson Countv. Oreaon, offer for sale and will aell to the highest bidder for caflh, all of the right, title, estate and Interest of the said named Kenciai Dufur in and to the following de scribed real property, situated m Jackson County. Omion, to-wlt; Lots one to four, Inclusive, and Lots thirteen to eighteen .inclus ive of Block 13, also Lots thirteen and fourteen, Block 37 of the Olty of Gold Hill, Oregon; The West half of the southwest Quarter, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and all that part of Lot 4 lying West of OaUs Oreck in Section 21. Township 86 South, Range 8 West of the Wil lamette Meridian: Also the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 38, Township 3(1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian; The North half of the Northeast quarter and Lot 1 fleotlon 30, Township 39 South, Range 3 West I 01 me Willamette Meridian; said sale to be made at private ea.e tin pursuance of an Order of the ) County Court of Jackson County, Ore 'son, made and entered of record on June IB, 1033, in Volume 40 at psges 187, IBB or tne journal or said court. OARRIE O. PL'HU Ouardian of the Estate of Kendal Dufur, a minor. COAST LUMBER QUOTA NEAR LAST FIGURES SEATTLE, Msrch ST. (AP) Th west cosst division', lumber quott i for the second three months of 1034 will probsbl be tbout the asm. as ! test quarter, the West Coast Lum- I bermen's Association said today. Al though the national output ha been cut about ten per cent, or M.OOO.OOO i feet. Definite production allotments i from Washington, D, O. tt xpected ithu week. LARGEST MIRROR POURED FOR USE T E 18-Ton Mass of Glass Cast As Scientists and Scribes Watch Ten Months Will Be Required to .Cool CORNWCI. N. T., March 37. (UP) In the eerie glare of a scene re sembling a mad alchemist's labora tory, engineers Sunday poured 18 tons of white hot molten glass for the world's largest telescopic mirror. Shielding their eyes against tne blinding Irrldescence, 200 scientists, astronomers, research engineers, news papermen and other special guests watched the pouring from tiers of platforms In the main building of the Corning Glass Works. Wear Ilent Shields. Below them a ecore of workmen. wearing asbestos shields to protect their bodies from heat no human could stand, scurried about, guiding the transfer of the gloss In huge slid Ing ladela from tho melting furnace to a mold - which will not be per mitted to cool for 10 months. A scientific gamble the stakes a closer view than man has ever had of the universe about him it will be more than three years before the great concave surface Is ground and given it reflector backing. Even then the whole experiment may be a failure unless the glass emergca from Its long process of pouring, cool ing, aneallng and grinding free from strain and In one piece. Accident Mnra Work. An accident in tho pouring increased the odds against a perfect mirror In which scientists might clearer pictures of the world about us than they have ever had. Several cores In the mold broke. After hasty consultation, engineers decided to continue pouring with the expecta tion of boring core holes when the mirror cools. This will be a pro longed, difficult task with possibility of the project being ruined. The cores were designed to provide holes In the back of tho mirror Into which metal fingers would project, clamp ing the reflector at the bottom of the telescope. The pouring process required about 13 hours. Inside the main building were two smaller structures, one a furnace In which stood 20 tons of molten pyrex boro-elllcate glass under heat of 3800 degress farenhelt. From this workmen guided the ladels, each carrying 600 pounds of glass, to the mould In a smaller structure re sembling a large esklmo Igloo. Work men call this the "dog house." i Prilled for Weeks. The men had been drilled for weekn to avoid accident to themsolves or the mirror and their movements co ordinated perfectly as they moved along narrow platforms between the furnace and the dag house. Super visors gripped in their teeth shields of colored glass to protect their eyea. They gave orders by gesture because of the roar of gas burners. Conversa tion was Impossible, Spectators were unable to look Into the furnace as the doors were lifted for a few moments at a time to per mit Introduction of ladels. Nor could human eyea bear to look upon the white glare of tho class as It slid along ''overhead tracks to the mould, guided by the asbestos enfolded work men. Damage Viewed, Openings were provider n the aide of the dog house throu&rt which an engineer made Inspection at Inter vals. His warning signal when he discovered the broken cores electrified the spectators. Technical experts rushed to view the damage. After consultation they decided to continue the pouring, although they said the danger of creating flaws In grind ing out holes is tremendous. If the reflector la a succesa when It comes from the aneallng furnace nearly a year hence, it will be aent to the California Institute of Tech nology, where optical experts will begin thd tedious process of grind ing the leni. The mirror wilt have a diameter of 901 Inches and will be 34 inches thick. Corning waa thronged at on circus day. Special busses brought visitors from nearby cities, although only a few oould see the pouring. Employes of the glass works were permitted to watch for IS minutes each. ... i ii. n Although no definltfl ; nnounce ment as to ths enrollment of CCO men for ths coming term has been re oelved by district headquarters hers, It is expected, according to army of flclala at headquarters, that the re enrollment wilt probably start about April 10. According to the present plans, 193 men In this district who did not re enroll, will leave by train Friday with 125 men from the CCO district s,t Eugens for Poit Sheridan, III., where they will be discharged April B. Veteran enrolled In ths camps art recommended by the Veterans bu reau In Portland, while the Juniors (age 18-2ft) are selected through ths county relief agency, and the forestry men through ths federal employment office In ths city where the forestry headquarters srs located. Dr. Hiyes hu returned and returned practice. STATE BEER TAX DELINQUENCIES INCUR PENALTIES Many Brewers, Wholesalers and Dealers Will Be Forced to Pay Additional Sum for Non-Compliance SALEM, March 27. (AP) Many; manufacturers, wholesalers and deal ers subject to the privilege tax oa beer and light wines, will be forced to pay the additional penalty charges for delinquent payments, it was observed by the state liquor headquarters here today when It was reported that but 912,343 In ' these taxes have been paid to date. Th payments were due to bo in Vie mail last Saturday. Protests Made. The privilege tax covers the period from December 10 to March 10, but since the law went into effect oa March 9, 90 days after adjournment of tho legislature since it was a rove nue measure, it waa reported that protests have been made because of the retroactive feature. Sovcral smaller tax payments were made un der protest. The receipts should be much la excess of this amount, headquarters officials reported, but until the or ganizatlon gets under way further, no estimate can be made of ths amount due. Statements of sales ar also to be filed with the liquor com mission, but as yet have not beea received. Rain ecr Pays Cp. Of the total sum, the payment by the Raineer Brewing company of Portland totaled fifty per cent, while the second largest payment was mad by the Lost River Dairy company of Klamnth Falls, a distributor, to th amount of $1,180. These two pay ments alone Indicated that but ft small percentage of the tax hu been paid, officials announced. Tho privilege tax calls for 62 cents a barrel on beer ,t 4 per cent alco holic content and under, and $1 ft barrel on all over that percentage; 3 1-3 cents a pound on malt syrups and 2S cents a gallon on all wines under 14 per cent alcoholic content. The tax is payable but once in the state, either by manufacturer or wholesaler, or retainer, in the event he buys direct from outside the state. Penalty provided Is 10 per cent and 1 per cent a month additional for delinquency. Warehouse Clearance 10 WINDOW SASH assorted sizes, to go at 60c each, 7 HOTBED SASH 3 feet by 8 feet, to go at $1,00 each. 1 PAIR FRENCH DOORS 2-8 by 6-8 eaoh door. Priced at only $5.95 pair. 2 SCREEN DOORS 3 ft. by 7 ft., with paneled lower half, to go at $1.95 each. 2 SCREEN DOORS 2-6 by 6-8 with paneled lower half. Only $1.65 eaoh. OAS PLATES We have four - ea 1J " n to burn Flamo gas. While they last, $1.95 each. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP 5 in. intake. Slightly used but in excellent shape. 600 gal. per minute capacity. Price $45.00 cash. GOAL BROODER Reposses sed 500-ohiok ooal broodor with canopy for only $4.95. OIL BROODER Slightly used 600-chick size. We guarantee satisfaction and furnish new wicks, One only to go at $6.95. COOK STOVE-Slightly dam aged warehouse stock. Regu. lar price is $22.50. One only to go at $17.50. 117 S. Central. Pbone 286 kiinffitwrnli