MEDFORD MiH TTIIBUXE, 3IEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, MARCH 23, mi. PAGE NTKB If Beta every id on this page ... too wlU probably find erectly the thing you want to buy or tell ... U It lint there, ? tlie . . . It'i lne pensive, effectlvel RATES per word first Insertion.. (Minimum 25c) Bach uKlltlonal Insertion. per word i Minimum 10c) Jr Una Pr month, without copy changes .. $1.38 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST-Ladlea' small white gold dla-mond-atudded wrist vratch. with black silk cord. Generous reward. Phone 1020. ZrnXT'ti' kevs and drivers' I PARTY who took keys anc l o ( license irum vm b- - ' r return same to inuuire. tlons asked. Reward. STRAYED-Jerscy cow. Tel. 406-R 9. LOST Truck license plate T-51679. P.U.C. plate 777-1. Return to Eads Transfer. LOST If dog missing, call 1818. WANTED MALE HELP IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR GRO" m nrt household supplies at wholesale, and a wonderful nd maVA TJ .M) a weeK "'- 1 me your name Immediately, wo ex , perlence necessary. New Fora aeaau.pojj rent Partly furn. house. 613 given to producers. Aioeri, Route Mgr., uivu , clnnatl, O. MEN WANTED For Rawlelgh routes of 800 famlllea in Medford. Reliable hustler should start earning 825 weekly and Increase rapidly. Write ' Immediately. Rawlelgh Co., Dept. OR-27-S, Oakland, Calif. DIESEL ENGINEERING Men now being selected for training In this new mechanical field Those quail- ' fylng will be given preliminary theory, training at home then tak en to our Los Angeles or Seattle school for practical shop training on nearly every type of DIESEL ENGINES. Latest developments in automotive, aeronautic and heavy duty engine ehown by motion pic tures. Write for full Information and dates of free picture exhibi tion to C. F. Robertson. Registrar, Merrick's Court: Hemphill Diesel Engineering Schools, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle, Los Angeles, Denver. SOLE DISTRIBUTOR of Product State Oregon wants five lady rep sentatlves. Appointment by phone only out of town write Mrs. Brown, Medford Hotel. MAN WAJJTED To bsck snd operste road' stand. L. C. Gould, l'A ml. S. of Talent. GENTLEMAN leaving for Los Angeles April 6th or 6th. straight through wishes reliable person to help drive. No car expenses. Call Mlsa Bernlce Draper or write 655 N. 6th St., Grants Pass. WANTED Man for steady Job, dairy ranch. Chester H. Wendt. WANTED Young men to smudge. W. T. BIddle. Tel. 580-R-a. WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES mall circulars FOR US. Good pay. Stamped addressed envelope brings details. VITAHERB. Dept. L 617 No. Larchmont, Los Angeles, Calif. WAN TED Housekeeper for mother less home. Will have full charge. Box 365, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPING In motherless home by young unincumbered woman. Box 360, Tribune, EXPERIENCED girl wants housework. R. 1, Box 77, Talent, care Leater Newbry. WANTED To take oriere for chil dren's dresses. ses 2 to 14. For ap pointment call 1534-X. WANTED General housework. Good cook. References. Box 259. Tribune. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WILL pay cash for late model car or equity. Write full description. Box SIS, Tribune. WANTED Work team about 3500 lbs. Write details. Box 381, Route 1. WANTED TO LEASE 5 room unfurn. modern house. Phone 1304-L. WANTED To buy enclosed car oi equity. A. O. Tollefson, Shell Sta tion, 6th at Front. WANTED Small 697-J-2. cottage. Phone USED fruit Jara. Phone 266. WANTED Raw furs, hides, pelts and wool Joe Konop, 130 So Central. Across from Montgomery Wsrd Do WANTED wool mohair. Top prices. See J. J. Osenbrugge. a'lvmi VTrtfil mnhalr. hide, and pelts See us before you sell. Wool f . . . i. . Dags son iwine i?r r,e. ncuiu.a Bargain House, 27 N. Orape St. phone 1062. WASTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or more, crusher, amalgamator. Advise price and where can be seen. 417 Deri Bldg, Portland, Ore. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Donatlona of used cloth ing for relief purposes. The salva tion Army, Phone 358. 411 C. Main. WANTED and hand gooda and Junk. Pat's, 1806 prune st. rnone oai-u. WANT TO BUY 19J9 Pord. cheap. 333 W. and. WILL cre for elderly sick people In my home, pnone mi-a. WANTED Household gooda, stoves, toola or what bare you. Meaiora Bargain House. 37 N. drape St. Tel 1083. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS, ALUMINUM, BRASS, COPPER and Junk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE it No Orape. . Tel. 1083 WANT TO RENT, with or without house, 10 to 30 acres orchard and alfalfa ground. Box 3399, Tribune WANTED Five, hundred ewe, dress 3384. can Mall Tribune. Ad' FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished house, 331 So. Holly. Tel 1292-R. FOR RENT 5-room modem stucco home. Phone 639. FOR RENT 3-room house and 4 room house. Samuel Bateman. Tel 912-J. FOR RENT 4-room cottage. Reddy Ave. Phone 1700 before 6. FOR RENT Well furnished modem 8-room home, breakfast nook, baso ment and furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric refrigerator. 40.00, water paid. Phone 736. HOUSE for rent. Paint laddera for sale. 716 Welch. FOR RENT Homes, furnished or lmturnhK,- Brown & yi. KOUSES 810. 81330 and 816, water paid; wood range. Phone 105. FURNISHED duplex. Adults sleeping porch, ground floor. 213 S. Grape. A CLEAN house. Close In. Iqulre 219 S. Ivy. NICE 7-room house for rent. Call at 817 W. loth. 3-ROOM house with large sleeping porcn; close in. inquire soutn Holly or call 731-X. FOR RENT-Strictly modern furnlsh- . . , -r, N0 arape. FOR RENT 5-room house, 3 bed rooms, on Mistletoe, Inquire 375 So. Central. FOR RENT Furnished bouse, 915 Inquire 105 No. Oakdale. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Partly furn. apt. Phone 1177. FURNISHED apt. 330 So. Grape.. CLEAN, furnished apt. 217 W. 2nd. COMFORTABLY furnished front apartment In Mall Hrtbune Bldg. Living room with fireplace; large dining room, kitchenette, dressing room and bathroom; hot and cold water, steam heat and lights fur nished. Reasonable rent. Apply at Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Partly furn. 3-room apt. close In; also sleeping room. 20 so. Fir. FURN. 3 or 3-room apt., garage. In quire 534 No. Bartlett. 3-ROOM apt,, downstslrs. 344 N Bartlett. FOR RENT Apts. 535 No. Riverside. CABINS, $8 mo. 446 So. Front. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Or. sharea five acre or chard, one half Newtown apples, one half Bartlett pears. Charles R. 'Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Phone 303. FOR RENT OR SALE 4-room house, IS acres, close In 97.00 per month or sale. 523 No. Riverside. FOR RENT Improved 3 acre tract, garden land, close In. Part fruit and berries. 403 E. Main. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PLEASANT room. Tel. 727. near Courthouse. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD 4 ROOMS, steam heat. 136 N, Holly. FOR heated sleeping rooms call 13S9-L, ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 A. Grspe. BOARD AND ROOM at Rates very moderate. 716 I slain FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE Barley hay. hay or wal- nuta for lumber or shingles. B. m. Foes, Talent. FOR TRADE Milk cattle for stock cows. B. L. Dodge, Jr., 19 Geneva, POR TRADE Model T truck wood truck. What have you? Mrs. Moore, 1 mile south Tslent on highway. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for ught sedan Box 038. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE CLEAR house to trsde for larger and ' assume. Homeseekers Exchange, 402 E. Main. FOR TRADE Willamette valley fsrin. 300 A.. 115.000. wsnt river bottom (arm near Medford of equal value. Box 11744. Tribune FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Auto Camp-Dude Ranch Site on Tiller Trsll cut-off road. 80 A. ; in.wnn t.i-.rn star hM. pahlni 10-room tavern, store bldg., cabins, , garsge, dance hall. i ml. river front. Flshlna-. hunting, boating, i borae-back riding. 45 A, plow l.nd, ml. Irrigation ditch. Practically only logical location on this new 5.4 ml. hiehway. Extreme bargain. Call on , C. Parker, 1133 W. 0th, City. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE i FOR SALE 9 acrea. house, barn. Half ' price. Mile west of Phoenix, Scher- mernorn. FOR SALE 1 very choice section in block 1, Siskiyou Memorial Park. Box 518. Tribune. THREE-ROOM plastered house, elec tricity, '.i-acre ground. Corner Mc- Andrews Koac ana koss Lane. FOR SALE OR RENT Stock ranch. Inquire Skyrman, central Point. FOR SALE OR TRADE Will give deed and si ow purchaser to get Feaerai Loan on 389-acre grain and atock ranch. McAllister, Old stage roaa, west Central point. SACRIFICED FOR CASH SALE $1800 buys 30 acres. 10 cult., creek nottom, irrigates new a-room Bun galow, completely furnished, bam and outbuildings, 0 head cows and helfera, horse, poultry. Taxea 835. 18 North Fir. Phone 181. FOR SALE for 8400 100 acrea wood lot. W. Beeeon, 376 B St., Ashland. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & Whtla. LARGE LOT Fruit and nut trees excellent soil Sacrifice 8360. Write Box 86. Mall Tribune. FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 75 head of ewes, 130 lambs, with wool. Call 304 Jackson ville. See at Cass ranch, Little Ap plegate. SALE OR TRADE 1 fresh cow, Isaacs, 1st place N. Radio station. FOR SALE 1 team 1250 lbs., 1 team 1450 lbs., 1 team 1100 lbs. 30 heal of light horses. Med. Riding Aca demy. FOR SALE 200 weaner pigs; also 1 registered Jersey bull ana one reg istered short Horn bull. 'Call 1559. FOR SALE Fresh cows. Schultz, Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE or TRADE Fresh Jersey cow for wood or hay. Phone 3-X-2. Eagle Point. FOR SALE Team of mules Henry Kerby. Talent. FOR SALE DO QS PETS ROLLER canaries reasonable. 623-J-3 FOR SALE POULTRY OUR better quality chicks insure real profit. White Leghorns 8c, April IB, T,4c. Rocks and Reds 9o April 18. 8c. Catalogue. Jenks Hatchery, Tangent, Ore. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock setting eggs, 40c setting. Saylor, 10 North Riverside. HENS with chicks. Carley. Tel. 258-X PURE Bronze toms, Cockeran's prize stock. 85. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1. Ashland FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Easy Washer electric washing machine. C. R. Demmer, Phone 843. FOR SALE Furniture, , fruit Jars. chickens, poultry wire. 1006 soutn Peach St. Some Real Bargains In FARM TOOLS 1 corn planter; 3 Fordson tractors: garden seeder: fanning mm; a one horse cultivators; 3 feed grinders; oorn sheller: wood saw mandel; horse p. gas engine; 3 Cletrac trac tors; 4 power sprayers; 4 tractor disc; 3 wagons: tractor plows: wheat, $1.30 per cwt.; 114 Inch tire hose, slmost new, a bargain; 1 hay buck; 4 used mowers; 1 grain bind er; 1 corn binder. HUBBARD BROS., INC. Main b Riverside BERRYDALE 2nd Hsnd Store Bar gains Vi ton Yale hoist 10; stoves 8 to 13; cream separator $6; baby cribs S3 and S3; computing scales S16 and $36; Westlnghouse genera tor 4: Delco generator 10. Truck to trade for wood or furniture. 1603 No. Riverside. COMPLETE household furnishings, fruit Jars. Landau. 3 miles north Rogue River, east side Evans Creek. FOR SALE? Superior gladlolas. mod erately priced. W. J. Warner. Phone 349-M. FOR SALE Vaughn garden tractor 339 Mae St. VERY choice long spurred Columbine plants. Phone 1173-Y. Call at 1002 W, 11th. FOR SALE One-row horse drawn com planter. J. A. Manke, Rt. 1. Medford. tf FOR SALE 700 boxes good Newtown apples; orensrd run, ?ao box. w. a. Watt, Phone 468-R-2, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE r- Alfalfa hay, baled or loose. Local, non-irrigated alfalfa seed. Tel. 533-J-4. otto Nleder merer. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 3 N. Birtlett.- FOR SALE Furniture, chairs, tables, beds, etc. 714 Welch 6t off W. Jackson. SAND, gravel, aedlment. teaming, plowing, pnone HAT. wheat, barley, rolled or ground C. A. DeVoe. Phone 333-J-2. A RAINBOW GARDEN of glads 100 large No. 1 bulbs, not less than 40 varieties. Value $5 or more for 13.50. On Jumbo Plcardy free. P. H. Reum. 322 South Oakdale. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE '28 Chev. coupe; '28 Olda sedsn; '37 Chev, coupe; '30 Olds cosch; '26 Ford coupe: '28 Chev. dlvy; '29 Ford trk.: small air compresser; 1 portable air compresser lor mining. Hlway Ex change. So. of Phoenix. USED CAR BARGAINS Sold at Book Prices (Written Guarantee) 1910 Chev. Coupe 1932 Ford Ford. Mod. B3 or Sedan 1931 Willys 8, 2-door Sedan 1930 Bulck Sport Coupe 1931 Chryeler Conv. Coupe 1933 Chrysler Coupe ARMSTRONG MOTOR. 1N0. 38 N. Riverside FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model T Ford touring. electric washing machine. Bargain. Route 4, BOX 77. MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' beautiful Silk Hose, slightly Imperfect, 8 pairs. 41.00, postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co., Aaheboro. N. C REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS, Indian apolis. Mrs. Gertrude Stead, local representative. 833 South Ivy, iel. 930-R. -7"-J-. 'rVT PALMIST - 333 Kennet street. Berry. LAWN Mowers sharpened. Medford Cycle Shop, 33 N. Fir. Phone 261. NOTICE TRUCK OWNERS It you haven't got P. U. C. plates, get your application in for your P. L. and P. D. Insurance at once. Long or short haul. Cargo, collision, fire and theft. Association of Commercial Truck Owners, Phone 1380, Room 13, Palm Bldg. INCOME TAX Let me prepare your Income tax return. Yeara of experi ence. Both State and Federal are now due. Fred L. Colvlg, 625 8 Central. Phone 73S-J. FURS cleaned, repaired and glased Coats rellned. Medford Cash and Carry Cleaners. Phone 1700. THOROUGHBRED atallton Box 139. Spring street. MINING PROPERTIES If you have property to sell or wtsb to buy. See ueo. 5. Barton. 93 N. Grape St. 1 BUY gold and lend money Cecil Jennings, corner Front and Main. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Gove, 335 E. Main. BUSINESS DIRECTOR? Abstracti JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of ritlt ana i Title Insurance Thel only complete Title System Id Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 83 North Central Ave. upstairs. Job Printing MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant tn southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book binding; loose leaf ledgers and blanka. billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything In the printing tines. 38-30 N. Orape Phone 75. Transfer REiNKrNO TRUCKING 0. Trans fer and storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No Plr Street, phone 333. E.KDS TRANSFER As STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central, phone 315 Prices right, dervtie guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers snd movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices right S19 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X Expert window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House Cleaning, Floor Waxing. Orl ental Rug Cleaning specialty Painting nnd Paperhanging M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- hanging. Tel. 646 W. o,3 S Grape Money to Lend WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un. paid balance. No other charges. See W. E. Thomas, 45 South Central, ground floor craterlan Theater Bldg. State License No. S-157, Mail Tribune Daily across L Metal as it comes from the mine 4. Totals I. Grant, as territory 12. Irate 13. Place to sit U. English river 15. Frosts 17. Ostrlchllke bird 18. Tear apart 19. Singing voice 11. Expression of contempt IS. River Island 25. Shake !8. Spear 12. Wear away 12. Malt ba ve rage II. Shallow veanel It. Measure of length IT. Reposes Solution of Yesterday'i Puzzle B4. Dowry fa. Bathe 17. S-shsped moldinr iu. f lags SmSil and trim Short Jacket 13, it v?table "y. tJeftP n0,a !5.: Bgrtfrt or ; Km4a 11. Alcoholic Dutch mra bevemcea DOWN 12. Small pi. 1. Skip 1 I3 W X r f it r r r f 20 P 21 22 IB 3i WWM 'uUm. IdiiiU . - UiiUU -n. j . 11 WLJlMT lI li "" ii53 OWES Main St. Methodist Church. N. D. wood, pastor. Church school, 9;45 a. m. Sermon by pastor, 11 a. m. Young Peoples' meeting, 6:45 p. m. Sermon. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meet ing, 7:30 p. m. Every one welcome to all servlcea Free Methodist Church Corner of Tenth and Ivy Street. E. N. Long. Pastor. The Sunday school meets at 9:46 m.; Florence Blata, superintend ent. Message by the pastor at 11 o'clock Subject, "The Importance of Retain ing Our Christian Experience." Y. P. M. S. meeting at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Mid-week prayer service Wednes- dsy evening at 7:30. Phoenix Presbyterian Church Ralph S. Peterson. Minister. Church school at 10 a. m. J. O. N. Poling, superintendent. Morning worship at 11. A Palm Sunday meditation preceded by a baptismal service and reception of members. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Ser mon theme, "Night." Passion week will be observed lo cally bv a Ma unci v Thursday com munion service. The message will be j given through a service of music by the church choir. Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Corner 4th and Bartlett streets. , D. W. Cameron, paator. Sunday morning 9 :45. Sunday school (palm Sunday); 11:00 morn ing worship. Sunday evening 7:00, Crusaders' Meeting (young people); 7:45, evening service (evangelistic subject) "Slavery Days." Wednesday evening 7:45, preach. Ing service. Friday evening 7:46, special "noon Friday" service. Saturday afternoon 2:00, children s church. Every one invited to attend. Church of Cod. Corner of Haven and Holly streets. D. M. Clemens, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.' Morning worship period. 11. Sub ject, "Considering the Things We Have Heard." Heb. 2:1. Young people In charge of opening period to evening aervlces, 7:30 to 8:16. Wllbert Dale, lesder. Evening service, 8:15 to 9. Sub ject, "Second Coming of Christ." Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prnyer ser vice. Mrs. Mary Gustnfson. Subject, "The Church." Mrs. D. M. Clemens from Oakland. Calif., will be at services the coming Sunday and assist Mr. Clemens tn the work the coming month. Everybody welcome. First Presbyterian Church William J. Howell, Minister. Mrs. William S. Gllmore, Director of Ttel'glous Education. Bible school at 0:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11.' Sermon, "Christ the King." Special music by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Elsie C. Strang; organist, Miss Helen Jones: Prelude. "T,he Palms" Rambleaux Offertory. "Pastoral" Heller Anthem, "Fling Wide the Gates".... Stelner Soloist, Mr. R. E. Waldron. tenor. Postlude, "Processional" .... Mourland Evening worship at 7:30. Sermon, "Another Parable." This Is Palm Sunday. Let's make It a day of praise. Cross -Word Puzzle 11. Finish 16. Cleansing agent 20. Brazilian capital 22. Rather than 21. Summit 2H. Scent 27. Anarchists 28. Musical In strument 29. On the shel tered Sid. 20. That which brings hack II. Catch sud denly; colloq 11. Short sleep 38. Tipped 29. Female saint: abbr. 4L Of recent origin 12. Motnl fastener ii. Kind of duck 47. Short letter 41. Back of the neck 10. Wicked 51. Puts Ml. Pull sfter 112. Oon. by S HEAVE TORPOR N edac GR A, N T j P AT S TO M jLii RES S E5 e t iiy T A A I- EE iiBONE O P E NE D 8. Division of mankind I. First garden 4, Like fi, Scotch river . Holds back 7. Dwarf t. Course of pub- iio me BS. Unit of welghl f. During eternity O. Word of re-. 10. Put on fusal St. Mark's Episcopal Ernest S. Bartlam, Rector. Holy communion, 8 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a, m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11:15 First Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdale streets. W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible school at S:4ft a. m. 0ntner, superintendent. L. O Everyman's Bible Clsae tn court house auditorium at &:&. Morning worship begins at 10:5. Anthem, "Rosanna In the Highest" (Ash ford.) Sermon subject, "Who Crucified Jesus?" Christian Endeavor at 6:90 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30. .Anthem. "A Voice st Eventide" (Wilson.) Sermon subject, "The Miracles at Calvary." Thet First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel Streate. Joseph Knotta, Minister. Sundsy school, 0:48 a. m. Very 1m port ant for all to be present on time as this la the last Sunday before Easter. Do your part. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. 8er mon theme, "Triumphant Entry.' Solo by Miss Grace Jo Burnett, "Re joice Greatly, O Daughter of Zlon," by Handel. Epworti Leagues, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 o'clock. Ser mon theme, "It la Finished." Did you realize anything finished means something new begun? Be sure to bear this sermon tonight. Mr. O. A. Meeker will lead the song service. Prayer meeting Wednesday at T:30 p. m. The Full Gospel Tabernacle, Newtown, off Main street. J. Logan Stuart, pastor. Sunday school. 9:46. Morning worship, 11. Sermon text, "Christian Influence." The evening meeting, beginning at 7:30. Is evangelistic, good live song service. Mrs. Stuart directing. The subject for the evening message will be "The Day of Pentecost; and After," All who heard the sermon last Sun day nleht on the Baptlam of the Holy Ghost, will want to haar this Important message. We take the Bible for Just what It has to say. Come along with us. we will do you good. Prayer meeting Tuesday. 7:30 p. m. Bible study Friday evening. 1:30. The church Invites you to all her activities. St. Peter'i Lutheran Church. (Missouri Synod) E. Main street and Portland ave. H. H. Young, pastor. Due to the special service there will be no Sunday school nor Bible class this morning. A class of children will t con firmed In the Christian faith. The service begins a half hour sooner, hence at 10:30 o'clock. The paator will addreaa the olaas on the words of Christ: "Abide In Me." Mrs. Ernest Hueners and Miss Min nie Huencrs will render the beautiful selection. "Let Me Be Thine Forever" by Dr. N. Selnecker. The public Is cordially Invited to attend thla Impressive service. No evening service this evening. On Good Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock a service will be held In memory of Chrlat's burial. The Federated Churches Jos. M. Johnson, Pastor. Central point, Ore. "Confessing and Following ahrlst' Is the lesson title this week. The dill Scripture reference Is Mstt. 18:13-17:27. Get Into a Bible class. School opens at 0:45: "What Does Jesus Require of TJs?1 Is the subject for discussion in the Endeavor devotional service. Tlie missionary committee will have charge. Sunday begins the special pre- Easter worship atudy In the ehurch. We Invite all to Join us In this spe cial consideration of Vie great truths and event given us In the "Last Week of Our Lord." In the morning service the sub. lect will be: "His Goals and Ours.' In Ihe evening service we will study the "THumphsl Entry." Opening services .r. charge of the young peo ple. First fhurrh of Chrlit, flclenltst Authorized branch of the Mether Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Msss. Services ar held every Sunday at; o'clock, ehurch edifice, 313 Nr't Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, March : 36. "Matter." Sunday school at 9:80. Applicants under the age of 20 may be admit ted. Wednesday evening meetings, which Include testimonies of Chrtatlsn Sci ence heelings, at t o'clock. The reading room, which it lotated st 401 In the Medford building, Is open deny from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m., excent Sundays and holidays. Th librarian la tn attendanos from 10 to 4, at which time th Bible and ill authorised Christian Selene liter, ture. may be read, borrowed or pur chased. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the reading room. Medford Company of Jehovah's Wlttifsnea Sunday afternoon. March 30. Judge Rutherford wilt spesk from th Shrine auditorium In Los Angeles and will be heard over ft aNtlontl hook-up of 135 stations Including KMFD. Tune In end hear ft lecture on "World Control.' Jehovah'st WltnesMs are brosdo&s'. Ing a lecture by Judge Rutherford over KMED every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:15. Judgo Rutherford Is considered the greatest Bible exponent of the pres ent age and his books of Scripture explsnatlons are now translated Into 88 languages. His lectures explsln that Bible prophecy la now being ful filled and by listening in 18 minutes each Sundsy one will hear an expla nation of world conditions and their outcome. Jenovsh'a Witnesses meet for atudy very Sunday morning at 10:80 and every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Ho. 103 Mistletoe street. All Inter ested In Watch Tower Blbl study ar welcome, Memorial Park Building Erected k -. - " ' : " :. . - -v.-r :c HP! ijy One of the most attractive build ings to be erected in Medford in some time Is the Siskiyou Memorial Park administration hradquarters com pleted recently and now occupied by Dr. Mortenaen, general manager of the park. Leslie Van Doren, architect of this city, designed the Siskiyou Memorial Zlon F.vangrllcal Lutheran Church Fourth street eNar Oakdale Avenue. Geo. P. Kabele, D. D.. Paator. Palm Sunday service at '11 a. m. Sermon aubject: "God's Mind." An them by choir under the direction of Miss Genevieve Brown: "As Pauts the Heart," by Jacobs. "The Antichrist vs. the Christ" will be the subject at the 7:45 p. m. serv ice, the las' of the Sunday evening "Versus" series, Sundsy school, Msrtln O. Psulsen, superintendent, meets at 10 a. m. Parents are Invited to come with the children to the school and attend the pastor's Bible clsss. The Luther League meeta at 7 p. m. Topic: "Missionary Hymns." Miss Ruth Demmer, leader.. Holy week services on Wednesday and Thursday at 7:46 p. m. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Thuwiday evening, the anniversary of trle night when Instituted. Good Friday we Join In the union three- hour service from 13 noon to 3 p. m. In the Bsptlst church. The general public cordially in vited to all servlcea. First Baptist Church. W. H. Baton, minister. 1 Sunday school, 9:48 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00. Morning anthem, "Whom Have I But Thee?" sung by the chorus choir undor the direction of Mrs. H. V. Warden. Mra. Don V. Piatt will sing "The Palms." Mornlrur sermon by the pastor, "The Kinr Cometh." Young people's devotional ana uioio study groups, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30. Dr. Eaion will speak on "Why Did Jesus Die?" and Mrs. Rslph Raymond and Robert Raymond will sing In duot, "Ho Did Not Die In Vain." An outstanding festure of the evening service will be the presentation by requeat, of the mlsslonsry pageant, "The Pill Bot tle," given at the "Church Night" gathering last month. This drama has a fine cost and presents a vivid and gripping picture of experience in the work of medical missions In for eign lands. It will richly repay sn effort to see It. i You are cordially Invited to share these services with us. s E Just psst his 34th blrthdsy, Thomss (Tommy) Culberteon, superintendent of the Medford municipal airport, of late has been receiving considerable coaatwld attention for being the youngest airport superintendent In th United States, Culbertson has been Interested In aviation since he was old enough to realise what the term meant, and long before he was In high school he Shangla Photo. was pron to tudy flying In a boyish wy. When he became older, he took up aviation seriously and was flying hi own plan when he was hardly 31 yeara old. While airport duties demand all hours of the day seven days a week, th young uprlntendent declare he never enjoyed work better and Is looking forward to a life's caiter In hi present following. Portland Pioneer pssaes PORTLAND, March 34. (AP) Mr. Julia Week Whltcomb, as, Portland resident for 00 years, died at her horn her last night. She was born In Lowell. Mass., descending from the same life of New Engenders ; aa John Wlngate Weeks, secretary of (war in tn Harding cabinet. I Park structure. Other local Individuals and business firms employed In put ting up the fine building sre the following: L. S. Hicks, general con tractor: A. L. Vroman, plumbing con tractor: Timber Products company, building materials: Campbell Sheet Metal company: Hubbard Brothers, Inc., Roy Trumaln and the Standard Roofing company. ARBITRATION IN L EUGENE. March 34. (AP) De claring the firm conviction that the) police power of a city, county or state government, particularly pertaining to the administration of health lawa, la not subject to arbitration, county health officers of Oregon have goita on record In opposition to the new state law providing for a board of arbitration In the grading of dairies. Action through a formal resolution was taken by the county health of ficers at their annual meeting her. If the arbitration law remains on the statute books, they agreed, it may seriously affect the publlo health. The necessity of educating the pub llo In regard to lsolstlon for Infec tions, quarantine and proper treat ment, among other things, so that the people will reapond to the proper cooperative spirit, was stressed In sev eral addresses. It wsa said the health department should conduct Its relations with dig nity and a aympathetlo understand ing, and point out to Individuals the service to others they will render If they submit regulations. HERE INTERESTS First of ft series of religious con ferences to be conducted In the state. was held In Medford Friday at the Presbyterian church here, with Dr. Wslter L. Van Nuys of Portland In charge of the principal conference and Rev. Joseph Knotts, pastor of the Medford Methodist Episcopal church giving the main address of the evening. Nearly one hundred persons, repre sentlng practically all of the churches In Jackson county were In attendance. and took part In the five conference conducted by Rev. W. R. Balrd of the Medford Christian church, Rev. E. N, Long of the Medford Free Methodist church. Rev. Merle L. Ed wards of the Ashland Presbyterian church, Rev. J. T. LaRoae of the Med ford Nararene church and Rev. Qeorge P. Kabele of the Medford Lutheran church. A covered dish dinner was con ducted at 0 p. m. This was the third conference to be held in the northwest The nert. Is to be Sundsy In Portland. Boy flcout Plan 8POKANT5, Wash., Mach' 34. (AP) Boy Scout leaders of the northwest today were Inspired to executive scoutlng's 10-year plan following th closs of the Region 11 conference, at tended by high national officials. FOR EXCHANGE a home in beautiful Pasadena, California FOR A GOOD Medford Home that Is not Incumbered. Might consider good country property close In. Address Box 261 care Mall Tribune ft