MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1934. PAGE STINK Mi, hs. ', '1 ! i a h i Read on this pog J0 Y nil! probably find MA exactly the thlni VV too want to boy or k u u V'l Isn't there, adver- tlse . . ,nex' !, i a pensive, elfectlvel RATES ... mh. inunction .-36 I par wuiu Minimum 35c) gcb additional Insertion, or word ... " iMinlmum 10c) Per line per month, without copy changes 1-40 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADB "LOST AND FOUND SSfESlcTtan kid driving glove' m fronTof court house Thursday. . push return to Mall Trlbunfc 1 LOST If dog missing- call 1518. WANTED MALE HELP Sr5r1SKr Rawlelgh route. ol ioram 25 . uiv ,-- Write waeklV and increase ioij.j. IiXiSSr. Rewlelgl. Co.. Dept. OR-27-S, Oakland, Calif. - n.Tnm . tPU T41 TEA AND COfTE. """"i""? , reliable national company more men '"v;, . " . v. . . ..nn-ressarv but must be ! physically able and willing to serv tected route and work 8 tora a. j dav. Routes pay up to a. week. Write Albert Mills, route mgr.. 6104 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. I 1 . - , ! STEDY WORK GOOD PAY kfvfral choice openings In country and towns for reliable men or wo- ; .,. No capital or experience re- ; 1 300 aaycu.-" ' - quired. Write MR THOMAS, fcupw , 426 Tlilrd St., Oakland, Calif. MAN Age 18-45. to qualify In Retail Merchandising Pld and Govern, ment Work. Experience not eswn E selected trail" Per sonal interview by writing Box 4-.. this paper. WANTED FEMALE HELP e3cperIenced" woman for cooking and general "housework: -References required. Box 223, TrlbunJ LADIES List names and addresses sparetime for mall order firms. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. Stamp brings details. Holt Service, . Ntchols, N. Y. ... WANTED Experienced waitress. Cof fee Ann's. WANTED Mlddleaged lady compan ion for elderly lady in country. Small wages, good home. Inquire 527 No. Bartlett. WANTED SITUATIONS XWorirwSr"noiaewxirK, experi enced. References. 114 Tripp. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Room, or. board and room by young man In private home. Close to buslneia center. Box 337. care Mall Tribune. Wanted Best automobile can buy for 8160 cash. Tel 1630 or 95-L. WANTED Raw furs, hides, pelts and wool Joe Konop. 120 So. Central. Across from Montgomery Ward -x WANTED Cat. driving, bull dozer operating experienced In dirt mov ing and logging. Box 132, Tribune. WANTED TO BUY 600 fect l'j" 3" Iron pipe. used. Must stand 80 lbs. water pressure. Box 126, Trib une. - WANTED Shakes or shingles for hay, barley, apples or walnuts. E. E. Foss. Talent. WANTED Wool & mohair. Top prices. Sec J. J. Osenbrugge. WANTED Wool, mohslr. hides and pelts See us before you sell. Wool bags and twine for sale. Medford Bargain House, 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1063. WANTED Heavv work horse. Isaacs. ' first place end Radio Station. WANTED rruckload of household goods from Sen Francisco or vicinity before April 1. Call 315. EMPTY furniture van returning from San Francisco last of month wants losd from there or points en rout Hswley Transfer. Phone 1044-X. WANTED TO BUY 10-ton mill or 1 more, crusher, amalgamator. Advise price and where can be seen. 417 Davis Bidg., Portland. Ore. WANTED Donations of used cloth Inp for relief piL-posea. The Salva tion Army. Phone 356. 411 E. Main WANTED 2nd hand goods and Junk. Pat's, 1508 Prune St Phone 547-L. WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford, cheap 333 W 3nd. WILL care for elderly sick people In my home. Phone 437-JL WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or whst have you. Medford Bargain House. 37 N. Grape St. Tel 1063 JUNK WANTED We tiav ch Mr JUNK BATTER IBS AND RADIATORS, ALUMINUM. BRASS. COPPER and Junk of all descnpt'.ons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 Noi Grape. Tel. 1083 WAN! TO RENT with or without house. 10 to 30 acres orcbtrd and aJIalfa ground. Box 3399, Tiiouns. WANTED--MIB0ELLANE0US FURNITURE re-upholtered, re-glued. re-flnlhed. Phone uoa-K. Tmoauu. WANTED Five hundred awe. dress 3334. car Mall Tribune. FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN. lurnlahed apt. an W. and. COMFORTABLY furnished front apartment in Man nriDun mag. Living room with fireplace; large dining room, kitchenette, dressing room and bathroom: hot and cold water, ateam heat and lights fur nished. Reasonable rent. Apply at Mall Tribune. FOR RENT 3-room furn. apt. Apply at 317 East Jackson or fnone nu-i. FOR RENT Partly furn. 3-room apt. close in; also sleeping room. mi oo. Fir. ' - FOR RENT Newly decorated apart ment. 806 W. Mais. ROOM for rent at 379 South Central. Phone 379-J. FURN. 3 or 3-room apt., garage. In quire 631 No. Bartlett. . . i . CLEAN, furnished apt. downstairs, 317 W. and. FOR RENT Furnished heated apart ment. Strictly private, sis bo. can dale. - 3-ROCM apt., Bartlett. downstairs. 344 N. FOR RENT Apts. 538 No. Riverside CABINS, 8 mo. 448 So. Front. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT S-room furn. house with sleeping porch. Redden ss uo. xei, 730. 3-ROOM house with large sleeping ! porch; close in. Inquire 125 .South Hoi v or call 731-x. :pOR RENT Strictly modern furnUh j ed stucco borne. 518 3. Oaidale. RENT 5-room house, bed rooms, on MUtietoe rooms, on Mistletoe. Inquire 375 So. Central. FURNISHED hoUM. 137 Tripp St. NICE 7-room house for rent. Call at 8n w, lotn. -J""--"- ""rrT XT " JTTX b0UK Inquire at 813 Katherlne. poR RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. Brown As White. ' : HOUSES 810. 813.50 end 815, water paidi wood range Pnone 105. . por RENT Furnished house. 816 inquire 105 No. Oakdale. F()R RHT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Improved 3 acre tract, garden land, close in. ean iruit ana ; - berries. 4J2 E. Main. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD 4 ROOMS, steam heat. 135 N. Holly. FOR heated sleeping rooms call I399-L ATTRACTIVE room 404 S. Grape- BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E Ma Rates very moderate. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Late 1925 Studebater coach in good condition for coupe or roadster. Ford or Chevrolet, pre ferred. Phone 774-R-4. FOR TRADE Model T truck wood truck. What have you? Mra. Moore, 1 mile south Talent on highway. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan. Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TWO bungalow In Oakland, Calif., modern. One clear, one with small mortgage. Want amall ranch 1 acre or more. Calif. Oregon Realty Co., 2533 Telegraph Ave., Oakland Calif. FOR TRADE 10-room house and four lota In Hood River; 8 room house and one lot In Portland, for Med ford property. E. D. Lange, Ruch, Oregon. t FOR TRADE 30 A. loose loam bot tom soil. Potato land. Clear. Want good home In Medford clear. W. O. Trill, Palm Bldg. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE your property for Los Angeles or Cali fornia property? Ses us; we can ar range a trade for you. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO. 44 N. Riverside HOME IN PHOENIX, OREGON to ex change; 3-room house, two poraves, good condition, garage, two lots good soli, for home nesr coast In Southern Washington. For informa tion write, E. C. Barkley, Phoenix, Oregon. EXCHANGE Six-room Oakland, Cal.. residence for Medford Box 8.7. 523 N. Front. FOR TRADE Willamette valley farm. 300 A., 615.000. Want river bottom farm near Medford of equal value. Box 11744. Tribune FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 46 ACRES, 10 In wheat, good Im provements, paved hwy., electricity. 6750. Take good car and cash. List your houses for rent. Demand heav ier than aupply. Homeseekers Ex change. 403 East Main. FOR SALE Six acres on Butt Fails road '4 mile from school house. House, barn and garage. Entire place fenced. Woods Lumber Co, WHEN you think of real estste. think of Brown 8t Whtle. LARGE LOT Fruit and nut tree, excellent soil Sacrifice 6250 Write Box 58. Mall Tribune. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Milk cows, young and fresh. Piione 31-F-13, Jacksonville FOR SALE Work and riding horse. M-dlord Riding Academy. Phon 838-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE Bred lows, feeder pigs; also Jersey bull, 13 month. W. W. Urge, WlUlam. Ore FOR SALE Team Keroy, Talent. of mule. Henry FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Pekinese pedigreed dog 9 months. Bargain. Ross, Route i, Grants Pass. - PEDIGREED Roller Canaries. Breed ers. Phone aoa, Jacksonville. Mrs. NoUle Finney. ROLLER canaries reasonable. 833-J-3 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS Reds 610 a hundred. White Leghorns 89 a hundred. Cftas. L. Oood. Box 356, Eugene Ore. FOR SALE Nine acre Poultry Ranch, barn & house, sacrifice for cash Mile west of Phoenix. Schermer- horn. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock eggs, 40c per setting. S. A. Leaverton, Ross Lane. ' 500 April Hollywood Leghorn chicks. 8c each. E. p. Ireland, Lozler Lane. HENS with chicks. Carley. Tel. 358-X FOR SALE Rhode Island day-old chicks and hatching eggs. H. M. Turnbaugh at Sweeney Poultry ranch one mile north of Medford at . Junction on airport road. RED setting eggs. Phone 4-F-4. HIGH grade healthy baby chicks. Reds, Leghorns, resdy March IB. Don't come Saturday, 538 Keene Drive. FOR SALE Russell's baby chicks, all breeds. Monarch Seed Co. WHITE MINORCA hatching eggs. P, D. Lofland, Central Point. PURE Bronze toms, Cockeron'a prize stock. 86. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1, Ashland FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model T Ford touring, electric waahlng machine. Bargain. Route 4, Box 77. FOR SALE '30 Plymouth sedan. 615 W. Second. FOR SALE 1 '29 Chev. truck: 1 '36 Chev. truck: 3 25 Chev coach es; garage equipment. George Mc Mahon. l',i ml. So. Talent. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE High grade piano, cheap, j (do vvenu. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BHLXi o IOOI. mi lu- i bole lee cream cabinet. Bargain for, quick aale. 316 N. Peach. FOR SALE Air compressor and Jack hammer. Call evenings, 304 South Grape. FOR SALE Jersey Black Giant hatch ing eggs; milk goat. L. O. Frlnk, Talent. FOR SALE Used bean sprayer, 300- gallon tank good repair, 223.oo. Valley View, Ashland. Harry Wea gant. DRY body fir. Ray Rlggs. Trail, Ore. j POTATOES Earliest of all. Netted Gems. Spratt Wells, Trail Ore. FOR SALE 3 wheel house trailer, built. Ins, excellent condition. Ith house from Stewart Ave., on west side of Kings highway. FOR SALE Oat hay 7.60; alfalfa $8.00. E. E. Foss, Talent. VERY choice long spurred Columbine plant. Phone 1173-Y. Call at 1003 W. llth. FOR SALE Grape vines, 7 varieties; ornamental shrubs and trees. Glas cock's Nursery. 364 Beotty St. FOR SALE Been sprayer. 300-gallon. perfect, 8200. Room 315, Medford Hotel. FOR SALE One-row horse drawn corn planter. J. A. Manke, Rt. 1, Medford. . tf FOR SALE 700 boxes good Newtown apples: orchard run. 25c box. W. H. Watt, Phone 468-R-3, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE Ferric citrate, sine sul fate, grafting wax. Iron sulfate. ' Baume testers. Monarch Seed Co FOR SALE Recleaned Kanota oats, 61.50 cwt. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE White Gold Seed Pota toes earliest white potato grown. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, baled or loose. Local. non-Irrigated alfalfa seed. Tel. 623-J-4. Otto Nleder- f meyer. IRON BEDSTEAD, springs, mattress, complete, 88. 215 Cottage. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms tf desired. AU makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 34 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Furniture, chairs, tables, beds. etc. 714 Wolch St., off W. Jackson. SAND, gravel, sediment, teamlug, plowing. Phon 913-J. HAY. wheat, barley, rolled or ground C. A. DeVo. Phone S33-J-2. A RAINBOW OARDEN of glad. 100 la roe No. 1 bulbs, not leas than 40 varieties. Value 85 or more for 82.50. One Jumbo Picsrdy tree. P. H. Reum. 923 South Otkdal. MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' Beautiful Silk Hose, slight ly Imperfect, 6 psirs 81.00. postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co, Ashcboro. N. C. CASEY'S CAMP Dining room now open under management or Mrs. Casev, where the pot.ular chicken or steak luncheon with hot biscuits will be served. PALMIST 323 Kennet atreet, dale. Berry; LAWN Mowera sharpened. Medford Cycle Shop, 23 N. Fir. Phone 261 NOTICE TRUCK OWNERS If you haven't got P U C plaws, get your eon lest on n for vour p. l. ana P D. insurance at once. Long or short haul. Cargo, collision, fir and theft. Association of Commercial Truck Owners, Pbon 1380, Room 13, palm Bldg. INCOME TAX Let ma prepare your Income tax return Yer of experi ence Both State and Federal ae now due. Fred L Col rig. 625 S Central. Phone 734-J. MISCELLANEOUS FURS cleaned, repaired and glazed , Coats relined. Medford Cash and Carry Cleaners. Phone 1700. THOROUGHBRED stallion Box 139. Spring street. MINING PROPERTIES if you have properly to sell or wish to buy See Geo. S. Barton, 33 N. Grape St. I BUY gold and lend money. Cecil Jennings, corner Front and Main. DENTISTRY Msln. -Dr. 1. H. Gove. 395 E. BUSINESS OH AN 0E S GOOD little business for ssle. Com plete equipment, cheap, 8300.00. Box 153. Tribune. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Tltlt and Title Inaurano The only complete rule System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 5, No. 33 North Central Ave. upstairs. Expert Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173 Houso Cleaning. Floor Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning specialty BUSINESS DIRECTORY Nursery Stack 'PLANT FILBERTS FOR BIG PROF ITS" Prices smashed on high qual ity fruit trees, shrubs, roses ana berry plants. Drive to W. B Bar num'a on Pacific highway. 3 miles south or Medford or pnone Bai-K-3 CARLTON NURSERY CO., CARL TON. OREGON. Painting am Paperhanglng M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- hanging Tel. 646 w. u.3 s orape Job Printing MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Beat equipped plant in southern Oregon Printing of all kind; book binding: loose leaf ledgera and blanks, billing systems, duplicating ca&b sales slips and everything in the printing lines 38-30 N Grape Phone 75. Transfer R.ns, THANKS' i STORAGE CO.- lmfi Nn n.ntml phon. J18 Office 1016 No Central Phone 315 Prices right service guaranteed HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack, era and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Price right 619 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X RE -N KING TRUCKING O. Trans fer and storage We haul anything at a reasonaole price. Ill No Fir Street Phone 333. Money tu Lend WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid balance. No other charges. See w. E. Thomas. 45 south central ground floor craterian Theater Bldg. State License No. S-167. Erring Solon Fnvored. OREOpN CITY, March 17. (AP) Donald J. Ryan, state representative from Clackamas county, and former county clerk, has been granted'untll March 36 to file a bill of exceptions In connection with hla appeal to the state supreme court from a recent conviction on a charge of converting trust funds to hi own use. Ryan Is under sentence to two yesrs in the state prison. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSt t. Moccasins 6. 8trlk gsntly I. Tablet 13. Medicinal plant 13. Engage or service 14. Unrefined metal It. Kind of bean 15. Beverage made by boiling ale with brsad 1L Plan of a town sit !0. views 21. Tear Into nar row and long . pieces S. Common con dlnient U. Deposited 25. Kind of dacirar ZD. Equine animal 30. Soft palate II. Staff 13. Mathematical Solution of Yterdy' Puxil H0Kl0RCTCUIDggTA5TE - 1 VEjjOPE RATION SOBKiMOVAKIPERy EREgPLPEDgCURSE SearSleglena estopr.wedle.d rNKggRELAXESI RHP NOTEBEDjgGUMp seersSalderHbeg arab Base Blo Ste ra tadShi pSseveTrail 1 TE RAT I VEElTTTE NIOIDIEIsnClA 41. rirst letter of on' statements nam thst may be 4S. Msta1 .. ,.Prvd 46. Precious iton St. military as 47. Alack Istant 41. Active: colloq. 49. Pigpen 60. Short for Anita II. Foot covering DOWN 1. Churn 35. Forblfls 36. Protective covering 37. Surfacing a street 40. Cspltsl of Korwsy ' p r r w5 i7 18 mf i"T wtl il - Ml 24 '0'''ZS Zl 27 28 32 2t Hp ' ' I'til'lVi 1 1 iVi H.I Idi'iaii- .eaiMatiBa asMssssssfaafsafsatn Me. tii fa laan saasnafSM mmmmm aiatssi tsjaaiw! 37 38 wi.4 ' mmf 7l J 41 " ! 33"" """ 45 it' M ' l- "A M I MP St. Mark's Episcopal. Rev. E. 8. Bartlam, rector. Holy Communion. 8 a. m. , Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning prayer, with sermon, 11:15 Main Street Methodist Church, South N. D. Wood, pastor Next Sunday at our regular preaoh- ing aervlces. our district superintend ent, Rev. P. N. Waldraven, will preach. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 8:45 p. m. Young people's divis ion service. Special music at tne preaching hours. Free Methodist Church Corner of loth and Ivy streets E. N. Long, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning messsge by the psstor at 11 o'clock. Y. P. M. S. will meet at 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ; 7:30. I Phoenix Presbyterian "' Ralph S. Peterson, minister. Church school at 10 a. m., J. O. N. Poling, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. . Sermon, "Lengthening Cords. C. E. Groups meet at 6:30. Evening worship 7:30. Young people of the Ashland gospel team will conduct the evening service. At the morning service there will be a spiritual emphasis of the every mem ber canvass. Church of the Foursquare Gospel! Corner Fourth and Bartlett St. D. W. Cameron, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Crusadera meeting, 6:45 p. m. (oung people). Evening service, 7:45 p. m. (evange listic). Subject: "The Signs of the Times." Wednesday evening, 7:45 p. m.. Captain Durham of the Salvation Army will be apeaking. A welcome extended to all. , rilgrhn Holiness Church 333 Haven St. C Edwin Cox. pastor. 9:45 a. m. Bible school. II a. m. rooming wornmp. oermuti , subject, "Grieving tne spirit. R:4S n m. Pre-Praver service. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic and praise : service. 8:45 a. m. Tuesday, prayer and Bible study, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, mid-week service. 7:30 p. ni. Friday, Cottage meeting. All are welcome to our meetings. Any desiring us to call upon them, we will gladly do so. The Full Gospel Tabernacle Newton St., off Main. .' J. -Logan .Stuart, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Every member of tha church In the Sunday school, and every member of the school In church Is the slogan. Let all members . be present. , Morning worship 11. The evangel- Istlc service 7:30 p. m. The Baptism j of the Holy Ghost will be the text for i .'veXgri. : s. Did more than the apostle have the experience? Ha, It ocen experienced ... Prayer meeting Tuesdny 7:30 p. m. Bible study Thursday evening 7:30. You are always welcome at the Full Gospel Tabernacle. Cross - Word Puzzle I. Harbor 10. Irish expletlvi 11. Former AlKerlan governor! 17. Ancient Italian family It. Advertise. ment 21. Long narrow board 22. Minced dish 23. Renews fer mentation 26. Trilby's Hyp notic master 21 Any subatanca which crys lalllzos In three form 27. Commotion; colloq. Oerman river 21. 30. Pertaining to Uranus 32. Death notice 34, MrJern actor .16. Like 37. Swine. 31. Dlllseed 39. Department In France 40. Mountain In Greece 41. BurMhlat pillar 44. Mountain: I. Title of Mo- hammed t. Consist of 4. Closed tightly 5. Demonstrative pronoun I. Be -he matter with 7. Oslns the up- per hand I. Wooden vessel to hold sand comb, form and water for 46. American a stone ssw humorist rriiRiAiGicisi St. Peter' Lutheran Church. (Missouri Synod) I. Main St., and Portland Ave, H. H. Young, pastor. Sunday achool at 10:00 o'clock, fol lowed by the Sunday achool social from 11:00 till 12:00 o'clock. No morning worship. Confirmation Instruction at 8:00 o'clock. Evening Lenten service at 7:30 o'clock. Theme: The Water and Blood . Flowing from the Savior's Side. The public la cordially inviteo to all services. First Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdale street. W. R. Balrd. minister. Bible school at 8:48 a. m. L. O. Gentner. superintendent. Everyman's Bible class In court house auditorium at 9:45. Morning wtshlp begins at 10:68. Anthem. "Tha Lord Is My Shep herd," Klnsey. Sermon subject, "The Oood Shep herd." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30. Special music by choir. Sermon subject, "The Birth of Nation." This sermon la not based on the movie of that title, but Is a real go pel message that you will enjoy. Come and hear It. Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah's Witnesses are broadeaat- Ine a lecture by Judge Rutherford over KMED every Sunday morning from 10 to t0:15 Judge Rutherford Is considered the greatest Bible exponent of the present age and hla book. plenatlon are now translated Into 58 language. HI lectures explain that Bible prophecy la now being ful filled and by listening In JS minute each Sunday one will hear an expla nation of world conditions and their outcome. Jehovah's Witnesses meet for study every Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Thursday afternoon at a o'clock at No. 102 Mistletoe atreet. All Inter ested In Watch Tow;- Bible study are welcome. Flrrt Presbyterian Church William J. Howell, minister ' Mrs. William S. Ollmore, director of religious education. Bible school opens at 9 :45. We have B-"M - ly trained, Christian teacher for ev- J ..... . 'ry gUI Come and bring tne family. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon, "The Lost Christ." Special mualc by the choir under the . direction of Mis. Elsie C. Strang; Mis Helen Jones, organist. Prelude, "Prelude." Hlller: offertory, "Andante," Beet hoven: anthem, "The Pains at Peace." bass solo, Mr. Don Newbury; poatlude "Andante Religious," Thome. Young people' meeting, 6:80. Evening worahlp, 7:30. "Another Parable." Make that special effort and at tend ohurch today; Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church Fourth St. at Oakdale Ave. Geo. P. Kabele, pastor. Morning service U a. ra. Sermon: The Spotless Sacrifice." Duet, "The ?iTrrZT " 1 Har man and M. O WuImb. Faith " " Med' HMnj. , 7:45 o'clock. Sunday achool meet at 10 . m. with good teachers for all claseee. Luther League 7 p. m. Subject, "The Holy Communion." Leader, the pastor. i Lenten service next Wednesday 7:46 p. m. when the Passion History and sermon aeries on "Prophecies Ful filled by the Sufferings and Death of the Savior" will be continued. The Ladles' Aid society will meet at the church next Thursday 3:30 p. m. Sack lunch. The general public alway heartily welcome to all services. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston, Mass, Service are held every Sundsy at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North akdale. Subject for Sunday, Mar. 18: Substance, Sunday school at 0:80. Applicant under the age of twenty may be ad mitted. Wednesday evening meeting, which Include testimonies, of Christian Sci ence healings, at 8 o'clock. The Reading Room, which U locat ed at 401 in the Medford Bldg., I open dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sunday and holiday. The librarian la In attendant from 10 to 4 at which time the Bible and all authorized Christian Science litera ture may he read, borrowed or pur chased. The public U cordially Invited to attend the service and visit the Reading Room. The Federated Churche. Joseph M. Johnson, pastor. Central Point, Oregon. Jesu Respond to ralth" I th 1 lesson title In the Btbl school this week. The scripture 1 found In Matt. 1 13:53-16:13. You will find a real Bible achool here, and you are wel- J com: 9 :45 la the time. t Young people are responding to the 'challenge of fslth and rvlc her. ! All young people will he weleom In the devotional service at 6 :30. A splendid program I prepared, also, for the opening of the church Mrvlce. i "With the Lips." or "With th ' Heart" will be the sermon subject In the morning church service; and In I the evening service th subject wVI be: "Tne Highest Service." We in vite al'. to enjoy these sessona of wor ship and fellowship with u. We are looking forward to the ! wek' pie-Easter service to begin on j P'lm Sunday. These ate to be special j wrvices for the purpose of preeent ; Ing Christ redemptive work. Special jemphasl will be put upon th cross. arm upon the empty tomb. We glvt I speclsl Invitation to strangera and to any who ar asking th way to th Christian lit. Church of God Corner of Haven and Holly St. D. M. Clemens, psstor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning worship period. Subject: "Taking Our stand for God." 7:30 p. m. Young people In charge of opening period to evening service. Clifford Dsvls, leader. Subject, "The Meaning of Salvation." 8 p. m. Evening service subject: Sanctlflcatlon by Two Works of Grace." 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Prayer Ser vice. Raymond Chapman, leader. All are welcome. First Baptist Church. W. H. Eaton, minister. 8unday achool, 9:45 a. ra. Morning worahlp, 11:00 a. m. Ser mon subject, "Christianity In Terms of Christ." Morning anthem. "How Firm a Foundation." eung by the cho rus choir. Mrs. Lester Mcrrlman will sing, "Believe and Live." Young people'a devotional group meetlnga, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Half hour of singing of favorite songs. Mrs. H. V. Warden, late of Pueblo. Colo., musical director and soloist, will sing one number. Pastor Eaton will give the fouth sermon In the current series on "The Divine Reason or the Cross." You are cordially Invited to share these services with us. The rirst Methodist Church. West Main and Laurel streeta. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Mr. E J. Neumann, superintendent. We art pleased with the progress our Sun day school Is making. As Easter ap proachea It Is quite essential that all be present each Sunday and on time. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon theme. "We Shall All Be Changed." Anthem "Open Our Eyes." directed by MIas Grace Jo Burnett. The Epworth Leagues meet at 6:30 p. m. 1 Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. A very j Interesting service Is planned for thlB evening. The pastor will discuss the there "If There Were No Easter." Have you ever tried to Imagine what this world would be like had Jesus never risen from the dead? Don't mis hearing this sermon. Mr. 0. A. Meeker will lead the song service. Monday, at 8 p. m.. a health lecture will be given In the parlors of the church. No admission, no offering of particular Interest to those who would enjoy good health. Men and n,Anun nipH.nllv invitarl All r - j - mtlmm. are welcome, Trayer meeting Wednosday at 7:30 p. m. Baptism of Holy Ghost, Text For Student's Sermon Contributed, Asthere ha been much teaching and preaching regarding the baptism of the Holy Ghost, many preachers atatlng that this experience waa only for the apostles, that It ha not been experienced since the early ohurch age; Rev'. J. 'Logan Stuart, pastor of the Full Qoapel Tabernacle ha an nounced from the pulpit that he will take for a text Sunday night, "The BaptUm of the Holy Ohoat," ahowlng from the Bible Just what Ood'a word say on the subject, and from history that the experience has been repeated through the entire church age Just as It was given on the day of pentecoet, that It recurred In the ministry of Martin Luther, John Wesley, and In every revival age, " Phoenix PHOENIX, March 16. (Special) Phoenix grange met at the grange hall Tuesday. At the close of the business meeting, refreshments were served by Mr. and Mra. Ed Stlllwell, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wood, Mr. nd Mr. Les ter Newbry. Dancing and singing were enjoyed following the supper hour. An hour was given to practice of th Third and Fourth degree team. Next practice will be Tuesday, April 3, instesd of April 3. Thursday olub met with Mrs. Doro thy Loffer, Thursday, for an all day meeting, with covered dish luncheon at noon. Twenty were present. ' Sunday evening service at the Pre. tyterlan church will be conducted by a group of young people from tho Methodist and Presbyterian churchea In Ashland. Plana are made for re ception of members on palm Sunday, March 36, here. Last Sunday, officer and teaoher of th Presbyterlon Sunday school, held a conference. Those present gsvo quarterly report all of which show ed an advance In attendance and In teret In the Sunday achool. It was declared on of th most lntereetlng nd worth whll conferences held by this group for torn time. A. H. Hearn. nd grandson, Bobble, pent th week end In Portland, with BerthoH Heam. Mr. W. D. Barnes mother, Mra. Wilson, his been reported on th sick list. Friend hop she will soon be well again. Mr. Ernest Reams Pnt Friday with Mrs. A. H. Hearn. Mr. Jessie Barkley hi been con fined to her home for several weeits because of eickneaa. Mra. Dav Watt, who - ha been spending the past several weeks with her daughter in Portland, returned home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coleman, of Medford, visited Louie CoVver las: Sunday, calling on Mrs. Dean, who la oonflned to her bed because of In juries sustained In a, fall, i Mr. and Mr. Frank Wilbur return ed from Los Angeles, where they have been spending several weeks, visiting, and apent last Thursdsy at the Hall croft home, before going to thalr horn at Hilt, Calif. Ray Thorberg who has been upend ing th winter In San Francisco, re turned to the horn of hi sister here last week. Those of Phoenix Orange who at tended Pomona t Central Point Sat urday were, Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Drake, Mr. Otto Caster, Mis Ilva Casttr. L. O. Csster was the Inspiration of a birthday party at hla home Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cas. ter, end son Otto and Norman of Beagle, Mr. and Mra. Roy Burleson and daughter, of Phoenix, Hre. Ray Edworda of Medford, Miss Elva Cas. ter, Mra. L. O. Caster, and the gusst of honor, L. O. Caster. Mrs. George Drake entertained with a dinner Sunday In honor of tha birthday of her sister. Mr. r:den Cor thell of Ashtsnd. Guests were. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Corthell and Mr. and Mra. O. C. Maust. Mr. and Mra. H. V. Marx. Mrs. c. A. Pickle. Rav Ward snrt Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lusk. Mrs. J. o. Vlall. Is still confined to her bed because of a broken hip. I'.r. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson ar repainting and kalsomlnlng their kitchen. Mrs. F. A. Denzer called at the R. B. Webster home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Reames called on friends about Phoenix Sunday. Mrs. Dave Walker entertslned with a luncheon Tuesday. Guests wie Mr. O. W. Oanaway, Mr. M. F. 8heet, Mra. t. O. Caster and Mrs. w. E. Pol. Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coffeen and family, Jean, Dorothy, and Jackie, were guesta at the Roy Burleson home Tuesdsy evening. EA E ASTORIA, Ore.. March 17. (API Further evidence. anDarentlv well au. thentlcated. of the presenoa off th "'vbou coasi 01 a strange, unclaaatfied creatures of tha sea, baa come to As- torla from at least two sources. Members of the crew of the Colum- " bla river lightship, who were brought ashore yesterday after a tour of duty, reported having had an excellent view of a creature between 36 and 40 feet long, with a slender neck about eight feet long and a head somewhat like a horse's. Several times the strange fish or mammal circled the lightship. One It came within 30 feet of the boat, Slgfrld Iverson and Ragner Ander son, veteran seamen, said. Never be. fore had they seen anything like It. It swam slowly about, eyeing the vea. sel. The head, they agreed, waa something like that of a horse, but with the mouth cut deeply back. Th rounded body waa never fully ex posed. Two short flippers were seen at th body Just back of the neck. From another source came similar report. O. J. Toftc, euperlntendent of Sand Island Jetty, and Will Wei- ler. government Inspector, said they saw tho 40-foot "colling body" of a sea monster. "It was awfully long," two agreed, "perhaps 40 feet and threshed and undulated In th shallow water." The creature' head remained under water, Weller said, adding that "it played about almost 30 minutes while- wewatched, and then It snaked Itself off Into deep water." ICY, DUSTY WINDS KANSAS CITY, March IT. (AP) Dust storms, accompanied by falling temperatures, swept the southwest today. In the ranch country northwest of Elk City, Okla., the blinding dust handicapped a bunt for 3-year-otd . Gene Carr. missing in rough country since yesterday afternoon. Dust storms were reported over th western hslf of Oklahoma. At Inde pendence, In aoutheast Kansas. F. L. Kenoyer, weather observer, reported dust atorm there that he described a "th worst In year." Amarlllo, Texas, reported a north wind of 40-mtle an hour voloclty, laden with dust, sweeping Into the Fanhsndle. Icy blasts roared Into Kansas from the snow fields of the northwest. Phon 642. We will haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. Call for Bid The Board of Directors of Howard School District 100, Medford, Oregon, will receive sealed blda up to April 9, 1934 for 30 cords of old growth body fir, to be delivered by July 1, 1934. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. RUTH STOCKS. Clerk. School District No. 100. Rt. 9, Box 113, Medford, Oregon. March 14, 1934. WANTED PARTNER For growing manu - fartui-lnj business; good returns to- active man. Small Invrtt ment required. All correspondence held confidential. Box 204, Mail Tribune On Your Car lil