Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 14, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Hal Haight Slated for Med
ford Managerial Berth Is
Word Four-Team Circuit
Ideal for Local Area
- (By Bill? Hulen)
With the coming of warm weather
and the ending of a tangled, up bas
ketball aeason, sport fans and ath
letes alike of Medford and vicinity are
siasm k DHwnBiii
Already, some talk hae been heard
around Medford for the formation of
a Southern Oregon league, while
players have been loosening up their
arma and aharpenlng their batting
, yes for the paat month. .
Whether there la a league formed
thla year or not, It la practically a
cinch that Medford win nave a team
In the field.
Ilalsht to Head Bogues.
Hal Haight, manager of last year's
Medford Koguea, who finished rourm
In the Southern Oregon league laat
year, will probably be at the helm
again thla summer. Haight, a hard
hitting, nice fielding shortstop, did
a fine job last year and, In case he
manages the Rogues this season, Mea
1 ford tana will be sure of having i
hustling-team on the field.
Medford haa the materia! to pro
duce a really fine team, one whlcn
would ask no odds from any semi
pro outfit In the state. Such playera
aa iiaignt, noiiara, vuuiiii, nn"Rwi
Lslmt. clarence and Harry Dunn.
' Prltchard, Lake, the Harrington boys,
Coleman. Christiansen and others,
would form tne nucleus 01 a powci-
, rul outfit. : .
League Ideal Setup.
So far aa fans and players alike are
concerned, the formation of a league
la by far the more attractive setup
than seeing and playing independent
: It Is better in every way. A Uiro
nlaylng Independently will lean to a
rather listless brand of ball and for
a good reason. Nothing is at etase,
there la no real incentive for winning,
la's more lust recreation with them.
But, tf they are playing league ball,
are trying to get to the top. are really
In there playing to win In order to
better their percentage, it manes mr
a better game to both player ana fan.
. Time to Orgonlae.
Now, thanka to the excellent wea
ther, la undoubtedly the proper time
to start organising a league If one Is
to be formed. . Starting early, a longer
season can naturally be had, giving
plenty of time for baseball Interest
to rise to the point It should.
-As to a league setup, the Ideal
would be, Medford. Grants Pass, Ash
land and , Klamath Palls, as those
(towns are renlly the only largest
wnlch could support a league team
within a fairly small area. .
However, that la practically Impos
sible aa Ashland cannot play Sunday
ball within the city limits and Oranta
Paw seems to prefer independent,
playing on their home field every Sun.
day against clubs from Portland and
the northern part of the atate.
Last yesr Medford tied up with
Ashlsnd, Klamath Palls, Esgle Point.
Coqullle and noseburg to form the
southern Oregon circuit, which : Co
qullle won.
Four-null league Best.
Perhaps trie best bet this cummer.
for a four-club lesgue anyway, would
be Medford. Roseburg, a smaller place
such as Talent. Eagle Point or Jack
sonville and Oranta Pass, providing
of course -that Oranta Pass would
agree to enter. Hilt Is also a possl
blllty, being a red hot bsseball town.
The same goes for Crescent City.
Coqullle Is really too long a Jump
for valley teams and vice versa, while
Klamath Falls, without Frisco Ed
wards, who has returned to Salem,
la atlll very unsettled as to a Pelican
However things go, whether
league Is formed or not, Medford fans
ran be sure that they will not go
wimout ineir onseDau wis summer.
City League.
Standard Oil bowlers took a fall
out of the Bowman Barbers last night
In their City league match, winning
two out of three from the tonsorlal
Ists, who have been roosting In third
place In the league, . .
The Plche Hardware and Poetofflce
crews roll tonight.
Bowmsn's Barber Shop. ,
1 3 S : .
O. Wslsh 158 180 160 487
C. Bowman IBS J47 134 436
C. Hayden . ..... 162 193 177 633
F. Diamond .181 139 168 469
Handicap . 87 . 87 87
CARAVAN PLANNED I Is Mr. Grimes 'Boined Up?1 1
pwsVsMaaaaaMaMswaasMlsu1'!-' ;jji.iMi a a s a
. ' ?m
rsaijaiiasussssMaca v MOBaaamna '
926 879,
Standard Oil.
S. Stark 130 169
O. Boomer ............ 103 136
E. Clevenberg 133 181
K. Kerr .......... 133 167
H. Plnneo 113 166
Handicap 169 169
761 944 877 2682
Class A Singles
1st 2nd 3rd Tot.
Erlckson ..... 172 218 166 665
Handicap ........ 22 11 11 33
Totals 183 920 176 688
. Class B Singles
1st 2nd
Smith 140 125
Handicap 17 17
3rd Tot.
176 441
17 81
Herb Strang
Handicap ..
, Totala .....
. 216
..... 91
... 236 302
1st 2nd
Bert Orr . 180 167
Handicap . Id 16
Totals 198 163.
Class C Slnglea
let 2nd
White . .. 187 160
Handicap - .. 11 11
Totals .............. 198 161
lat 2nd
Vlrg- Strang ... 176 186
Handicap 11 11
Totals 1. 187 197
' . 1st 3nd
Hussong 116 144
Handicap ............ 16 16
Totals ... ... 130 159
183 492
3rd Tot.
190 986
21 . 63
211 649
3rd Tot.
187 604
16 48
173 662
8rd Tot.
180 617
U 83
191 650
3rd Tot.
176 637
11 83
188 670
8rd Tot.
201 460
16 46
Motorists Urged to Register
at C. of C. and . Get
Stickers Crew at Work
On. Jump for Sunday
PORTLAND,. Ore., March 14. (API
Ah Wing Lea failed to follow up
ins lew solid puncnes ne landed, and
lost a decision here laat night to
Ernie Cavelil. Walla Walla Italian, In
lu-round Bout.
It took several minutes to revive
Soldier Benny Cordova, 153, Vancou
ver Barracks, after Paul Karch, 168,
Portsmouth, oaught him with a right
to mo oun in tne tnird or a sched
uled six-round bout.
Over a six-round route Dick John
son, 164, Portland, was able to take
a decision over Jackie Drews, 159,
How fir it California? In miles
it's no nearer than It was last
year. But in dollars it's a great
deal nearer. Rail and Pullman
fares have been greatly re
duced on Southern Pacific.
Our dining cars serve low cost
"Meals Select"
Here are examples of new
fares good in coaches and
chair cars, also in Tourist
Pullmans (plus berth) :
To One 'ay Roundlrlp
LOS ANOEI.ES 16.M 26.70
PORTLAND . 8,69 11.33
LONDON, ng., March 14. (AP,
Only five American horse were left
among the 84 r.oated today In the
:ni acceptances for the Grand Na
tional ateep.echasing cluslo at Atn
tree March 33.
J. Metcalfp Theraa and Patron
Saint were added to thorn; previously
Bcratoiea, leaving only John Hav
(Jock) Whitney's Thomond II and
Lone Eagle, F. Ambroao Clark's Sor
ley Boy, J. B. Snow's Delanelge and
M, D. Blalr'a Prlnw Cuwrry,
The Australian, -who la not above
talcing a furtive punch at an oppo
nent, as he demonstrated here laat
week against Les Weeks, has discov
ered Viat Swede Anderson, fireman
wrestler, will be the third man In
the ling when Grimes meets Fireman
Ray, Friable here Thursday night.
Frlsble and Anderson are buddies and
Mr. Grimes can see no hope of get
ting away with anything against one
871 2870
183 All D1 caravan ox Mediord and county
lift 343 residents next Sunday In connection
177 480 with the second annual Crater Lake
131 433 Winter Sports Cornlval at Oovern-
,9 sae I ment Camp In Crater Lake National
lot- :; rare. Cars will leave the chamber
of com me r -a building at 0:30 In the
morning, arriving at Crater Lake In
ample time for the carnival program
promised to be filled wltft thrills fur
hlahed by a group of the outstanding
ski artists of the west.
The caravan will be under the dl
rectlon of the Medford chamber of
commerce as last year and stickers
are available there. Motorists are
urged to register as early as possible
at that office to Indicate how many
machines will be Included - In -the
drive. The national park service has
provided parking area for several
.hundred cars and arrangements have
been made to handle the traffic ef
Ski Star May Come,
Information was received today
from John W. Scnuler. president of
the Mt. Shasta Snowmen, that 'It Is)
quite probable Sigurd'' inland, pro
fessional Jumper, will be at Govern
ment Camp Sunday to give a number
of exhibition lumps, Ulland has
national reputation for his Jumping
ability and has performed before
thousands of spectators in the snow
sports centers of the nation. Ap
proximately ten Jumpers to take part
in the A and B Jumping contests
will also bo present from Mt. Shasta.
s A crew of 13 men, recruited from
among the unemployed, are working
this week finishing the Jump from
which 300-foot leaps are expected.
The men ie working under the di
rection of Alfred Ohrn, forme. na
tional ski Jumping champion, who
will Also take' part In next Sunday's
contest. Ohrn Is the only American
born skier to have held a national
championship. "Hard fought compe
tition is expected in the -Jumping
contest, especially In view of the en
try of John Elvrum and HJalmar
Hvam and other Cascade club ski
Jumpers. At least ten Jumpers will
represent the Band Syk liners, a pio
neer snow sports organization, and
nearly as many will represent the
Crater Lake Ski club of Klamath
county and the Rogue Snowmen of
Medford and Jackson county.
- Herrlre Chin Rare Planned.
Members of the local service clubs1
are urged to . enter1 a one-mile
ski - races for such - organizations
from Medford, Klamath Falls and
Bend. A wandering trophy, "The
Carterplllar Cup,',' will be awarded to
the winning club whioh hold It for
one year until the races of the next
season. Experience or ability do not
figure Into this event and It Is ex
pected to draw quite a number of
entrants, especially from . Medford
which is expected to bring the cup
to the Rogue river . valley for the
first time.
Plans are also going ahead for the
slalom race. aom thine new and dif
ferent In this section, and which K EGA IN PORTLAND LEAD
in un b un aeon W w pu I wcu .
Court Nowt'Has Matter for
Consideration Decision
Expected in MayThurs
day Crime Anniversary
Lf8 GRIMES, Australian wrestler,' shown above, applying tits com
bination .body scissors und arm hold, Is "burned up." ' '
fireman while the other Is looking.
Charlie Hansen, Seattle muscle
kneader, and Rocky Brooks, Cana
dian strong man. will wrestle In the
other half of the double main event
Ira Towne and Henry Cunter. a
pair of amateur llght-heavlea from
Grants Pass, will stage a preliminary
of three three-minute rounda for' the
championship df Josephine county.
10-Year-Old Hag
Surprises All By
Win at Caliente
14. (AP) All the world loves a
winner, but not even his owner
thought old Kickapoo, 10-year-old
gelding, could be one when the
horses lined up for the fifth race
here yesterday afternoon,' a five
and one-half furlong sprint for
selling platers.
Old Kickapoo won by a half
length from Flyfaat with Chub
third, but not a ticket had been
sold on the horse to win In the
mutuel machines.
NEW YORK, March 14. f AP) A
few hours after he had been defeated
In a wrestling match, Jack Hurley,
professional athlete, was killed today
In a fall from his room on the
fourth floor of the Hotel Lend, In
West 44th street.
Hurley was thrown at the New
York coliseum, last night by Emilk
Dusek of Omaha, Neb.
Speeds of more than 86 miles per
hour have been made In these events.
Local peoplo planning to attend
the carnival are urged to procure
tickets early to avoid confusion at
the carnival grounds. They can be
'procured at 'the chamber of com
merce or at TPie Toggery from Harold
Larson at a low cost.
For Garden Plowing TL..013-J.
II iT 1
i mi vei
.Would be St. Patrick's first
exclamation If he were here to
taste Snlder's Speoial Sham
rook Brick on sale all this week.
We are pleased to solve your problems as
a hostess by offering; different molds for
all occasions.
Phone 203, or drop in at your favorite
confeotioner for Snlder's Frozen Desserts.
North Bartlett.
PORTLAND, Ore., March 14. (AP)
Jefferson .high school today was
on top once more In the struggle for
basketball supremacy In the Port
land league, with Franklin high only
half a same behind.
Jeff beat Franklin, 24 to 31, here
Tuesday, while Lincoln defeated
Roosevelt, 42 to 31: Washington took
Benson, 30 to 17 and .Commerce
downed Clrant, 33 to 31.
Fielder Jones of
. Diamond Fame Dies
PORTLAND, Ore., March 14. (AP)
Baseball has lost another great
leadei Fielder Jones, w,ho gave . the
game the immortal "hltless wonders,"
the Chicago White Sox of 1908. -.
The man who led a team of feeble
hlttera to an American league cham
ulonshlp and followed with a world
aeries triumph over the Chicago cubs,
died last from heart disease.
Canzoneri Wins
Nod Over Mexican
LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 14.
(AP) Tonyy Canzoneri, clever crafts
man of the ring, added the name of
Alberto Arlzmendl to hla long string
.of victims today. ...
The New . York Italian decisively
outpointed ' he bouncing Mexican
lightweight here last night In a 10
round bout before 11,600 fans the
Olympic stadium's largest fight crowd
In better than threo years,
SEATTLE, Wash., March 14. (AP)
The Seattle Open Golf association
has been formed with A. A. (Bob)
Littler as president, with plans to
bring some .of .the nation's leading
golfers here for a .2000 tournament
next November or December..
A copy of the answering brief of
the atate of Oregon In the appeal of
L. A. Banks, former local agitator.
serving life In state prison tor second
degree murder conviction, was receiv
ed today. It was filed with the
state supreme court last Saturday,
and the appeal la now In the hands
of that Judiciary body. The state
brief was prepared by L. A. LUJeqvlst,
special attorney general; District At
torney George A. Codding and Deputy
pistrict Attorney George w. Nellson.
Attorney FrankJ. Lonergan of Port
land, now a candidate for governor,
and Charles A. Hardy of Eugene ap
pear aa counsel . for Banks.
Tomorrow Is the first anniversary
of the slaying that brought a tragic
cumax to the Banks-Fehl Inspired
turmoil In this county.
Refutes Error Claim
. The answering brief cites the law
extensively to refute the eleven de
fense claims of errors by the court,
and holds that the Instructions of
the court were "fair, Impartial and
thorough In all respects.'
- Numerous cltatlona are filed to
support the action of the court In
refusing to allow the defense alien
ist to give hla view on whether or
not Banks was insane at the time
Of the actual firing of the fatal shot,
but in hie right mind immediately
before and after. The defense held
that Banks suffered from "transitory
mania." The state holds this was
"Invasion of the realm on conjec
ture." The defense contention that ' As
sistant Attorney General Ralph E.
Moody was guilty of misconduct dur
ing his, closing arguments by refer
ring . to Banks "as a coward hiding
behind tho skirts of his wife, and a
supreme egotist, with never a
thought of his fellow ' men," is held
legitimate argument and that under
the law and opinions cited "those
who commit murder cannot be
aqueamish ss to the 'characterization
of their crime."' Quotations are made i
from Banks' testimony on his own
sanity to show "he was an egotist." i
iso Persecution, Is Claim
The defense claim that Banks was
a. victim of 'persecution" and "over- !
whelmed with civil suits" Is viewed i
as a straw and "the records show the :
civil suits were to. money due and j
owing under legal obligations Incur- i
Introduction by the atate of a .38
caliber gun found In the Banks home
after the killing, and held by the
defense to he "prejudicial," Is con
tended by the state to ba , "Imma
terial." "The fact ,the gun was found
In the house Indicates possession,
and naturally brings a denial of own
ership." The evidence supports the
state contention "the Banks home
was a veritable arsenal," the brief
The brief sets forth that Bank,
waa Indicted - for criminal libel and
criminal syndicalism "by a grand
Jury that was friendly to him." and
cites the Banks editorial wherein he
referred to the .lain officer as a
"bondlt." .
Defense allegation, of "misconduct
of bailiffs" is met with the fixed
rule of Jaw, "no Juror can make an
affidavit to aet aside his own ver
Case History Given
In a brief Tjlstory of the case the
answer says: "Bank, was honorary
president of the Good Government
Congress, a small group of misled peo
ple some but youths, and otnera
experienced men of radical tenden
cies. Revolution was advocated by
Banks.' 'the document sets forth.
It is forecast that a decision on
Wie appead may possibly be reached
by May 21, when the blgh court holds
Its eastern Oregon term, or by mid
summer at the latest.
In order that the city of Medford's
plana for a clear-up and palnt-up
campaign may coincide with the drive
to be waged by the Chamber of Com
merce in anticipation of the Diamond
Jubilee celebration, City Superinten
dent Fred Scheffel today announced
& change In dates of the drive. It
wlu start May 1, lnatead of in April,
as previously announced.
In thla manner the city depart
menta ' will co-operate with the
Chamber of Commerce In one ' big
Ben All. Shrine tempi of Sacra
mento, Cal., unanimously voted last
night to accept an invitation of Mi
lan temple to come to Medford on
June 3 as honor guests at a southern
Oregon ceremonial. Word of thla ac
tion was wired to J. C. Thompson
today by O. O. Alenderfer, potentate
of Hlllai temple. Thla will mean
that the uniformed marching bodies
of Ben All win appear on a great
parade planned by Medford for the
spring ceremonial and membera of
the California temple', divan and no
bility will come to this city In a
body for the Shrine festivities.
The spring ceremonial, to be held
here Just preceding the Diamond Ju
bilee celebration, promises to be ens
of the most elaborate and colorful
sessions In southern Oregon Shrine
history. The coming of Ben All's
uniformed bodies and divan, who
participated in the memorable HlUah
ceremonial of 1029, will assure the
success of the long-planned affair
and Fottentate Alenderfer la now
preparing his committees to handle
the gigantic task of staging the event.
Illustrious Shrlnera from all western
temples will be Invited to attend
the ceremonial here aa Blllah's guests.
There will be a St. Patrick's COOK,
ed FOOD SALE, Saturday, March 17,
at the Economy Meat Market, spon
sored by the Daughters of the Union
Veterans of the Civil War.
m -is
Learn To Knit
Needle Arts Shop
Class starting Thursday
Honr. 16 to 12 i. m.
MRS. F. G. THAYER, Instructor.
33 North Central
for Towing or
Wrecker Service
Anywhere Anytime
Lewis Super Service
Fast Vicious Thrilling
Any Seat 65c. Children 25o
.Ladino Clover. The supply la Urn.
tted. Arrange for your requirements
now. Priced from 60c to 90c per
pound. Medford 8eod te Feed Co.
, All kinds of igal blanka for sal,
for rent, no hunting no trespassing
and otbei cards for sale at Commercial
Printing Dept. of Mall Tribune.
Bring Your Car In for'a
by the new
Weaver Hair-Line Method
' whioh corrects
I M eft
i ' i
1 V'CpS' TuAl
All Work Carrying a
if not
This is the latest and most ac
curate equipment made for the
purpose of checking and cor
recting steering troubles.
IffiSSl this year. TtrepobBc
Rfcetgnngl recognizee tfi Buick
new land of motortef, finer
a well as different with all
the onfailint dependability
and performance for, which
Buick is noted. . . .Wrtbont ques
tion, this finer motoring begins
with the gliding ride as only
Bnick gives it. Safety and
convenience and ease, in the
form of Buick's new center
point steering, its new vacnom
power brakes and its new auto
matic starting, hand in hand
with the alluring beauty of
Buick's new styling in the sym
metrical windstream manner. ...
The dominating feature of Brock
ownership is satisfaction, grati
fying and enduring. The buyer
knows that Buick owners regard
their cars with something Uka
the affect km they give to a friend.
Don't yon want to own the car
which will be a true friend as
long as you have it?
BUICK far934
Young's Service Shop
Southern Fbtlflc
J. C. CARLE, Agent. Tel 34
So. Riverside.
H6 N. Front.
Opp, S. P. Depot.
Phone 616
Phone 102