jrEDFOTCD MAIL- TRIBUNE, rEDFQRD. OKECpy, FRIDAY MARCH 9, 1934. PAGE TWO EAGLE POINT HERD LEADS DECEMBER Clan D Two-year-Olds 1 Martha J. R. Mccracken. 'Volley View; 1102 Ibi. milk, 86 3 lbs. Int. Brlndle No. 3 William Bohnert Central Point; 760 lba. milk, 88.6 Iba. tat. Beasle C. J. Hunter, Talent; 778 lba. milk, 482 Iba. fat. Queen E. B. Poyer, Ashland; 6S7 lba. milk, 47.3 lbs. at. Fanny L. H. Oallatln, Valley View; 1147 Iba. milk, 45 9 lba. tat. Alice William Bohnert, Central Point; 1038 lba. milk, 44.8 lbs. tat, Blouom C. 3. Hunter, Talent: 735 George H. Stowell of Eagle Point lba. milk, 44.1 lba. fat. lbs. milk, 44.0 lba. fat. owns the herd that waa high for De eember In the Rogue River Herd Improvement association. Hl herd of 18 cows produced an average of 607 pounds of milk and 40.0 pounds of butterfat. . Charlea Luman of the Star Mar ket. Medford, had the high herd In Ibe over SO-cow claaa with an aver age of 676 pounds of milk and 29 6 pounds of fat. O. M. Goddard of Talent had the high herd In the lesa than 12-cow group. His herd produced an aver age of 755 pounds of milk and 29.8 pounds of fat. The two herds of over 20 cows, with the highest total average PARTT1SV1E TEETH TO STAY IN COURT BERKELEY, Cel., March 8 (CP) Mrs. wirhelmlna Levy's new teeth, that ahe wouldn't pay for because they didn't fit her. remained In th. fori custody of Judge Oliver J. Youngs o) RULE MODIFIED WASHINGTON. March 9 (API The administration consented today with reservations to modification of the antl-truat decree affecting Cali fornia oil companies, to permit -them j to enter Into a cartel agreement. It waa agreed at White House j conference that the government i would allow an appeal of . the oil companies for modification of Vic decree, with provisions insuring the ! rights of producers and others who may subsequently enter the Justness j to have non-dlscrlmlnatory access to I supplies. the aeveu months since the begin ning of the testing year belong to: L. H. Oallatln of Valley View, with an average of 4473 pounda of milk and 216.6 pounds or fat, and R. E. Roblson of Talent, wtn a total av erage of 3519 pounda of milk and 187.1 pounda fat. L. G. Oatea of Grants Pass and E. B. Poyer of Ashland own the high herds In the 12-20 cow clasa. dates' total average to dnte la 6026 pounds of milk and 306.6 pounda fat, and Foyer's Is 4728 pounds of milk and 267.9 pounds fn.t. , The two high" herds In the under 12-cow class belong to J. R. Mc cracken of Valley View, with a total average of 5386 pounds milk and 293.3 pounds fat, and W. E. Moor of Ashland, with a total average of 4856 pounda milk and 243.4 pounda fat. The honor roll cowa are as fol lowa: Class A Mai lire cows Peggy E. B. Poyer, Ashland: 1330 lbs. milk. 81.1 lba. fat. Sllkle Charlea Luman, Medford; 1829 lbs. milk, 760 lbs. fat. No. 16 L. G. Gates, Grant Pass; 1348 lba. milk; 67.4 lbs. fat. Ble Brlndle Dick Straus, Sama Valley; 1209 lbs. milk. 86.5 lbs. fat. Jean JR. Mccracken, Valley View; 1172 lbs. mw . 63.1 lbs. fat. Daisy William Bohnert, Central Point: 1178 lbs. milk, 61.2 lba. fat. Beas E. B. Poyer, Ashland: 800 lbs. milk. 6u.s lbs. ,tat... Class B Foiir-Vear-Oldi Peggy J. R. Mccracken. Valley View; 769 lba. milk, 63 8 lbs. fat. Orayback William Bohnert, Cen tral Point; 1094 lba. milk, 62.3 Iba. fat. . Bess J. R. Mccracken, Valley View: 1141 lba. miia, 61.8 lbs. fat, . Beauty C. J. Hunter, Talent; 924 lbs. milk, 54.4 lbs. fat. Queen Esther O. H. Stowell, Cen tral Point: 892 lba. milk, 63.6 lbs. fat. Isabel le Dick Straus, Sama Val . ley: 1017 lba. milk, 81.B lbs. fat. Susie E. B. Poyer, Ashland: 98.3 lbs. milk, 61.1 lbs. fat. May L. G. Oatea, Granta Pass; 887 lbs. milk, 49.8 lbs. fat. Clasa c Three-Vrar-Ulds Lena E. B. loyer, Ashland; 976 lbs. milk, 76.1 lbs. fat. Sllkle Maid O. J. Hunter. Talent; . 1057 lbs. milk, 05 5 lba. fat. Pansy Frank Schutewohl. Orantr Pasa: 1067 lba. milk. 69.2 lba fat. Betty W. L. Huxley, Ashland: 661 lbs. milk. 46.8 lbs. fat. Chub Lowe Brothers, Valley View: 871 lbs. milk. 44.4 lbs. tat. tonight, despite Mrs. Levy's plea that ahe be permitted to "wear them m the evenings." Dr. R. A. Kllnkenbear, who mada.1 the teeth, sued Mra. Levy for 615.1 Judge Young took possession of the disputed property.- Today Mrs. Levy wanted the teeth back. "Why?" asked Judge Young, "If they don't fit?" "Those teeth hurt me, Judge," lisp ed Mrs. Levy, "but sometimes I wore them in the evening anyway." ' Judge Youig kept the teeth and ruled that Mra. Levy would have to pay the 15 to Dr. Kllnkenbear be fore ahe could wear them, evenings or any other time. SOLACE IN SCRIPTURE CHTCAOO, HI.. March 0 (AP) Once a Rain Dr. Alice Wynekoop has turned to her Bible for coroiolntion. The 63-yenr-old vonv a physician, tinder a 35 -year sentence for the "operating, table" murder of tier daughter-in-law. Rheta, read the Psalm of David all yesterday morn ing. She hoped this would aid her recovery from the shock of Jury's verdict that she is guilty of murder. She renewed her protestations of Innocence. Her lawyers are prepar ing their arguments for & new trial. mm n T J '.i .xW':--, , III f0: Ml tji0iF w f:- i j I t &;u'J A ! t J f ill ! rf i in Jantzen To Open Argentina Plant PORTLANO, Ore., March B. (AP) G, Robert Dodgson, associated with the Jam re n Knitting Woolen Mills company here for 20 yeara. left to day for Bnenoa Aire, Argentina, to open the company'a atxth foreign unit, clarence Mencke. foreman of the knitting department here for several years, will be superintend ent of the new plant and will leave within a few weeks. DIABETES Diabetes greatly helped with won derful home remedy no needlea or strenuous dieting necessary. Don't overlook this ehanoe. All letters con fidentially answered. Myrtle Schep ers. Box 41S. Ashland, Oregon, Agent. GLORIA STUART Universal Pictures Star, en Joys a cup of S&W COFFEE between scenes of her latent picture"! Like It That Way." Mlas Stuart knows that de licious S&W Mellow'd Coffee Is soothing and restful after mental or physical strain. Take a tip from Miss Stuart. S&W Is genuinely good and so reasonnbly priced that every family can afford to enjoy this fine coffee. Be sure to see the charming new Nelly Dona for spring at Adrlenne'a. Priced from 1.95 to 610.95. XjeMed mineralIwater CRYSTALS sire Makes IS Gallons 79 MILK OF Pure P. 8, P. MAGNESIA Finest quality Ql ARTS CD i 19c I 37c PRINCE ALBERT Velvet Tobacco. Lb n 75c 3 BROMO SELTZER $1.20 SUe. 7Ql For Headache I 3w 3 CANNED HEAT STERNO. 10c Tins OC CREM0 CIGARS ror 10c !r 1.45 I 10-lb. Sacks I EPSOM SALTS 39c y FRIDAY, SATURDAY & MONDAY $2.50 Anderson's Tablets 1 7Q for Chronic Stomach tiNorderi I 1 w n -. viiuvi Mr I WW $1.25 "Betty Clair 2H l.h. FrMli. Guam nt ml ratuly APEX MOTH CAKES AND CRYSTALS 1.1c Cakes Kills Moths Overnight 19c 39c 25o Rollrite Cigarette Rollers S lOo Wildroot Wave Set Powder So 1 Dos. Genuine Aspirin Tablets, 5 gr 5 lOo Lifebuoy Soap. (No more B. 0.) ( 5c Baker's Chocolate Bars, nut or plain .... 3 PSYLLIUM SEED Blonde, Clean. IP. 1 Pound I OU c a AGRALAX Mineral Oil . CQn and Agar. Pints vJV - I I CIGARETTES Camels, Chesters 4 41.. Lnckies, 0. O'i I I 'w $1.13 Carton TUMS I0e Kite HI PLANE Toiivcro Corn roh 4 fa. PIP' 1 U C rrtKB K0TEX Sew Wondrnoft 14c 60c Mentholatum 44c 50c Analgesio balm 31o 30c Bromo Quinine 19c Rubber Gloves IV Value. 4 Ojb flood Ueltht . I bC luM the thing for "prey ing and Clardculng 35o Playing Cards 2Ro 20c Light Globes 15c 35c Zinc Ointment 17c Hot Water Bottles si. nil ll New Heat (mutator 59c It. i t'laiiiii. aa.il liis.isnia.rr-' V ILL. Oiao: Reprint from the Mall Tribune March I. ISM GROCETERIA Super Food MARKETS BREAD AND CAKES LIKE MOTHER MADE AEE& OTJS.ON YOUR CALENDAR! jl N Saturday, March 31 we offer a special treat for Easter, April' 1st. Since Jan. 18th six pure bred. Hereford steers from the Vern Brophy herd have been specially grain fed. These will come to our big holding cooler March 19th. They will go on sale Saturday before Easter a real treat for the Easter feast. v Best of all, there will be no extra charge for this fine beef. It's our treat our way of showing our appreciation of the way you responded to our efforts to put clean, healthy, finer quality meats within reach of all. 1.. "B.. " 0, " "a. 'hi. lo.. A - B.. L" tW W' a., it!''' Jo - r -e "o . "Be,.ea. 'fl ,."11,. J "rocfy or W fo5 o ."a. 'at... Oi fa. " r.1 "Off - PtaT- u.-'V SiNs?5 it. ' T". BAKERY Special introductory sale of our new Danish pastry. Danish Palm Leaves, 2 for 5 Danish Almond Rolls, 3 for : 10 Danish Butter Horns, each 5 Danish Almond Jam Slices, each 5? Danish Cinnamon Twists, 3 for :... 10 BREADS 1-lb. loaf .. .. 3 for20 lV,-lb. loaf 10 CAKES Wide variety of Betty Crocker Cakes every day 25 to 49 IB 'It, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs 19 Large Artichokes, each 5 Parsnips, 3 lbs 10? Asparagus, 2 lbs 13c4 New Potatoes, 3 lbs 23 Fancy Green Peas, 2 lbs .'. 15 Golden Rule Fancy Oranges, 2 doz 33? Large Sunkist Lemons, doz : 19 Arizona Seedless Grape Fruit, doz 33? Large Arizona Grape Fruit, each 5? Bunch Vegetables, 3 for 10c4 Breakfast Cereal Day in the Super Food Market A Dependable Source of Supply 25 (Juick Quaker Oats. Large pkg Crystal Wedding Oats Sperry's Rolled Oats Quick or plain. Large pkg Sperry's Rolled Oats Quick or plain. 9-lb. bag Sperry's Pancake.. Flour. Large pkg Sperry's Pancake Flour. No. 10 sack Bisquick -- Biscuits in a jiffy. Pkg Quaker Crackles. 3 pkgs Shredded Wheat Biscuit. The origin al. 2 pkgs 18 19 f8' 3 35c 15c 46 18 25 25 Post Toasties. 3 pkgs Posts Whole Bran. Pkg Cream of Wheat. Large pkg Sperry's Wheat Hearts. Pkg : Sperry's Wheat Hearts. 10-lb. sack Wheatena. Pkg Malt-O-Meal. Pkg. Grape Nuts. Pkg Grape Nut Flakes. Pkg. Roman Meal. Pkg 12 22 20 55 20 20 16 9 25 Pillsbury Wheat Bran. Pkg Dina-mite Pkg.- Corn Meal. White : or Yellow. Sack Wheat Flakes. Soerry's. Pkg Swansdown Cake Flour. Pkg. ....... Graham Flour; fine or coarse. 10 lb. bag Sperry's Farina. Large bag F 1 o u.r Mapleleaf, 49-lb. $1.63; White Rose . $1.73. Pillsbury, 49-lb. Thompson's Chocolate Malt ed Milk. Q ft (Table Tennis -j He Set Free.) 1-lb. canw w 18 20 21 19 25 37 47 S1 83 Sandwich Meat MorreU's Pride. 6 oz. flat can 10 . Figs Khoding's Adriatic or black. 2 lbs. in cellophane P & G White Laundry Soap. 10 bars Crystal White Laundry Soap. 10 bars Dash 214 lbs of White Granulated Soap Bob White Laun dry Soap. 10 bars Bishop's Cocoa. 1 lb. pkg Bishop's Ground Chocolate. 1 lb. can 29 25 25 19 19 13 29 SUPER MEAT MARKET More and more folks are learning the economy of buying the better meats our only complaint was from a customer who said the family ate it. all and she had none left for the cat.-That is the real economy of good meat no waste it's all used- and it's really cheaper in the end. Low first cost with real satisfaction is always your greatest bargain. Sauer Kraut. Qt Rolled Veal Roast Lb 10 I2vi Prime Rolled Roast of Steer Beef. Lb Steer Beef Roast. Lb VIA 10 Steer Boiling Beef. Lb. Bacon Real Corn belt bacon. 171a to 7 25 13' Bacon Sliced corn belt, Vi lb in cellophane Cudahy's Puritan Ham whole or part. (No f center slices re- I QC moved. Lb Shortening, 3 lbs 25c Pork Sausage Real Country-Style the finest Sunday breakfast Be sure to include some with your other meats. A Real Treat for Lovers of GOOD CHEESE A big wheel of Swiss Cheese the kind with the big holes. Pound 29c FOUNTAIN Regular Saturday Turkey Dinner Veal Cutlet or Baked Premium Ham Dinner Golden Pineapple Cream Pie 29c 25c 10c 6th at Grape TTC Delivery of $1.00 Orders. 6th at LI aaUUUa Central SAVING WITHOUT SELF-DENIAL Phone East Side 752 ; West Side 428 IQC301 IOEZ3QI iop(oaor iobqc c o : : c : 125 F.AST SIXTH ST. IOE3QC