MEDFORD MAIL TRD3TJXE. MEDFORD, OREGON, "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931 PAGE SEVEN Local and Personal Franey Visits Here -Jack Franey of Klamath Falls, is a local business visitor in Medford this week. m Here on Business L. A. Roberts r&s business visitor in Medford Monday. Ashland. Tidings. t Nurses To Meet The Graduate Kurses association will meet tomorrow ntght at the horns of Mrs. C. D. Bean, 88 Geneva. Tommy White III Tommy White, local high school student and bas ketball player, was reported Ul at his home yesterday. . I Callers at Plnehurat Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monroe of Medford were callers at Plnehurat Inn Sunday Ashland Tidings. t Mrs. Lynch Goes North Mrs. T. B. Lynch of 137 South Ivy, left yester day for Calgary, Canada, for an ex tended visit with her mother, who Is in poor health. Goodnight Recover V. I. Good night, local state highway engineer. Is back In his office at the court house. Mr. Goodnight has been stck with the flu for several days. O. M. Selshy Better Confined to his home In Medford for several weeks past due to severe illness, O. M. Sele by was reported today to be show ing Improvement. Speaks on Radio Mrs. Welter Olm scheld will speak on national defense in a broadcast from station KMED tomorrow noon at 12:45 o'clock. All Interested persons are asked to Listen In at that time'. f A. .ml J M I) I "I'll Follow You"... Says MisSlmpllclty to the more or less elusive waistline, Tht cross-strap back (exclusive in MlsSlmpllclty) gives you a high bust and outlines your ribs so you may wear your belt wherever you choose or none at all. Model 37 IS Is of peach pre-ahrunk batiste and elastic. Lace forma the uplift ami bust and Incrustation on the front .... MS5 implicitq' Ptf. N. 139:198 CINDERELLA SHOP South Central Avenue Back From California James O'Brien, former state police officer stationed In Medford, returned yes terday from California points for a few days stay in this city. am Hlatts Visit Ashland Miss Haael Hiatt, Gertrude Hlatt and Rayford Hlatt of Grants Pass, and Vlctorlne Hlatt of Medford were tn Ashland Sunday visiting their mother who Is In the Community hospital Ashland Tidings. Expected Back Friday Major C. C Armstrong, district CCO commander. Is expected to return Friday from an Inspection trip which Is taking htm to CCC camps at Cape Sebastian, Pis tol River and Port Or ford along the coast and to Camp Rand along the Rogue river. From North Dakota Norton Ander son of North Dakota is a visitor In Medford, having stopped here on his return from California. Mr. Anderson stated that this city seemed to have undergone considerable improvement since his visit here last year, when the depression appeared quite obvious. tt On C. C. C. Inspection Trip Karl Janouch, supervisor of the Rogue River national forest. Max Rands, in spector from the regional forest of fice of Portland, and W. L. Jones of the local forest service office were spending today on an Inspection trip to the Elk Creek OOC camp. In Medford Yesterday Ralphael Benson, well known rancher of the Central Point district, was among the visitors in Medford yesterday. He has Just completed the sowing of a large acreage of barley and Is look ing forward to heavy yields In view of recent rains. Mrs. Coltrln Returns Mrs. Geo. E Coltrln and son Eaton, left Tuesday for their home in Taft, Calif., after being called here by the death of Mrs. Coltrln 'a father, Jim Dinitens. While here they were guests of her brother, Wallace Dlnken, and wife at their ranch home at Beagle. Lageson on Radio Raymond Lage- son, popular baritone. In his "Local Songs" program over KMED Thura- dsy morning at 11:15, will introduce another new song, "Longing." words and muslo by Miss Edna Newbry of Talent, arranged by Fred Alton Hslght. New Guard Station Members of the Oarberry OCC camp have complet ed the construction of a new fire guard station at Thompson Creek, C G. Hoover, camp superintendent, re ported when in Medford today. In previous years, fire guards in that section made their summer neaoquar- ters In private buildings. Baby Clinic Thursday The regular monthly baby clinic will be held at the county court house Thursday af ternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Mothers are asked to call the health department, phone 1359, for appoint ments. Children under six years of age will be examined. The clinic will be directed by Dr. C. I. Drummona and the county nurses, as usual. Loaned Pioneer Pictures A number of Interesting photographs of early days In Jacksonville and southern Oregon have been loaned by Emll Brltt of Jacksonville for use in con nection with Oregon's Dlsmond Jub ilee celebration in Medford and Jack aonvllle next June third to ninth. The pictures were taken many years ago by his father, Peter Brltt, the first photographer to set up a studio in Oregon. One view especially interest ing Is that of a New Year's celebra tion in the Jacksonville Chinatown Of 1853. Here From Portland W. A. Ross of Portland was among upstate business visitors in Medford today. Have Tonsils Out N. E. Norrls of Medford underwent an operation for removal of his tonsils at the Com munity hospital today. Little Shirley Ornsby of this city, also had her tonsils out at the hospital today. Continuing City Audit R. H. Leah, er and George Muhle of the Ray H. Leaher company, certified public ac countants of Portland, have begun the auditing of books at the city recorder's office, following the com pletion of similar work in the city water office, where a new system of bookkeeping was lso installed. Reports C. W. A. Work As a re sult of C. W. A. activities, city streets In Central Point have undergone con siderable improvement during the past few weeks, Ed Brown, Central Point businessman, said when In Med ford today. There has been consider able grading work and addition of new gravel. Showing Moving Pictures Henry Petri of the local CCO headquarters has been spending the past several days on the coast showing moving pictures of paper manufacture to members of CCC camps at Camp Se bastian, Port Orford and Pistol River. He li expected to return to Medford this evening. Elected to Honorary Ross Knotts, son of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Knotts of this city, was recently elected member of the PI Gamma Mu, which Is a national honorary social science fraternity. He has also been selected to represent Willamette university at the Pacific Forensic League meet at Stanford university, March 26. Ross will represent his school in the de bate contests. Had Poems Published Verne Espey, former local resident, now of Grants Pass, is among the successful writers of poetry during the past winter. He had several published in well known magazines and has sent others out for consideration, Mr. Espey. who Just returned to Grants Pass from Port land where he spent several weeks, was among the visitors in Medford to day. Swan sorts Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Swanson of May wood. Cal., were guests here for the past ten days of Mr. Swanson's mother, Mrs. R. R McConochle of 1015 West Twelfth street. Mr. Swanson left yesterday for Bremerton, wash., to board the U. S. S. Oklahoma, and Mrs. Swanson will remain here as guest of Mrs. McCon ochle for a month before Joining him In the northern city. Snow-rail Is Light Although rain fell heavily In Medford and valloy regions yesterday, snowfall was light In the mountain sections, according to reports today. Snow covered the ground in the higher altitudes but quickly melted away, giving rise to further apprehensions that water from the usual spring run-off will be far under average this season, unless heavy storms soon make their ap pearance. Snowmen Meet Tonight Further plans for the Crater Lake ski car nival March 18, will be discussed at the Rogue Snowmen meeting at 7:30 this evening at the Chamber of com- merce. All members are urged by Glen Fabrlck, president, to attend. An interesting program for the car nival Is being developed, and will particularly feature ski Jumping from Heads Cast Craterian Comedy TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CARICATURE CHARLES RUGGLE9 WILL PAY CASH for men's second hand suits, hats and shoes. Will H. Wilson, 33 No. Front St. SMALL Furnished. House. Call at 331 APP1- ! FOR SALE Fracttcally new. Westing-' house Automatic Electric Range. Cheap. R.imstrom, 2'? miles north Central Point on Pacific Highway. MINE BUYERS are requesting us to secure for them good Qold proper ties. If you wish to sell, writ Harry S. Fry fc Company, 417 Davis Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. FOR . RENT 30 or 40 acres grain land. fenced. Mile so. ana mile E. Beagle. Mrs. A. L. Reed. WANTED TO TRADE 13 gusge Win chester pump, good condition, for 16 gusge pump or double barrel 13 guage. Call evenings. Otto Heck ert 417 N. Oakdale. LOST Spare Truck Tire and rim be tween Medford and Lake Creek. Re ward for return. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALS Plymouth Rock eggs, 40c per setting. 3. A. Leaverton, Ross Lane. FOR SALE Farmer's surveying in strument. Thomas V. Williams. FOR RENT 2 -room Mm. apt. Water and lights. Inquire 317 . Jackson, phone 749-Y. FOR SALE Success bearded seed bar lev, H.35 cwt. E. H. Niedermeyer. Tel. 687-R-l. I WILL PAY CASH for a collection of old postage stamps; preferable those Issued before 1893. Write descrip tion, price. H. S. Davis, 1101 N. W. Hoyt, Portland, Ore. FOR SALE M i dd!e "alWKi liors T for riding or work. Phone 447-L. FOR SALE or 'TRADE Purebred Jer sey bull. Young, gentle. Want Guernsey. Phone C. A. DeVoe. DANCE at Dreamland Hall with PEB STONE'S MELODY BOYS Wed. Nite Good Music Gents 25c Ladies 10c FOR SALE 31 SpCl1 Carbine rift, 120. New gun equipped with right,. Cal levenlngs. Otto Heckert, 417 N. Oakdaie. Is This Too Good for Your Cough? Creomulslon may be a better help than you need. It combines seven major helps in one the best help known to science. It la made for quick relief, for safety. Mild toughs often yield to lesser helps. No man oan tell. No on knows which factor will do most for any certain cough. So careful people, more and more, are using Creomulslon for any cough that starts. cost is a little more than ft single help. But your druggist guar nntccs it, so It costs nothing If it falls to bring you quick relief. Coughs are danger signals. For safety's sake, deal with them in the beat way known. (Adv.) Phone 1300 for Towing or Wrecker Service Anywhere Anytime Lewis Super Service With Charlie Ruggles as J. Plnic ham Whinney, a bank clerk on a hol iday with his wife Mary Boland, and a cast that includes such well known laugh getters as W. C. Fields, Alison Skipworth. George Burns and Oracle Allen, "Six of a Kind" should, and of the ultimate in screen amusement. Judging from the spontaneous laugh ter that greets almost every new line, j the players have ad-libbed and lm-, proved as much as they have stuck to the script. "Six of a Kind" opens a four-day Mil BW" miii i mi a E II from all reports, has all the essentials run at the Craterian theatre today..' a natural Jump now under con struction near Government Camp. W. R. C. To Meet The Women's Relief corps will hold their regular meeting at the Armory Thursday at 2 p. m. John Carkln Here John Carkin. formerly of this city, now of Salem, where he is a member of the state tax commission, arrived this morning from the north to look after his property interests here. He went out ; to his ranch this afternoon and will probatyy spend several days In the valley, dividing his time between city and country. j Miners Are Numerous There -have j been more miners In the hills dur ing the past winter than in many years, a recent survey by Joe M. Thomas, local mining man, revealed. Mr. Thomas reported the great ma jority of the gold panners were able to realize sufficient revenue to make expenses during the winter months, while oth'ers made exceptionally good wages. He said estimates Indicate a weekly average from (1200 to 11500 in new gold. Classes at Girls' Center Anyone in terested in Joining a class in dancing, dramatic art, social culture, etiquette or basketball, is asked to come to the Girls' Community club (the former Y") this evening at 7:30 o"clock, at ejj Last Times BIG TONITE Executive STARTS TOMORROW Adolph Menjon. Greta SUkj In "Clmi Queen Murder" Matinees H - JSmB, Evenings at 6:4.1-8:00 Compare our pictures with all the others regardless of price! Mats-15c Eves-25c Kiddies-1 Oc Ends Tomorrow Night Gay Comedy of New York's flight Life! Mary Carlisle Sally 0 'Neil Dorothy Burgess ALSO M.Lr:i l r.n PHimr sliwrlis . IV. A tKl-S&I i 'Before Midnight' plus The Thrill Hunter' Cood" For what ails you! ;A WW kmer eiirhaYliii Sjl "Ij Mat. 1:45 p. m. Ere. 6:1.1 3 DAYS OPENS TODAY The Set Up Is a Luxury Farm Where Gorgeous Girls Make Weak Men Strong and Strong Men Tremble ... , pWWMtWSJWN(pSBU. It 13 I i food for what ails you Com on down lo Iht form and pick peaches! Feoil you! eyet on the horveit of the world't beauty crop I laugh yourielf lick at the Heolth Farm promoters who find forming unhealthy . . . . ! SEARCH FOR BEAUTY with the 30 International "Search for Beauty" Conteil Winner! and UMtrMtt'OUM IDA IUPIN0 DOtUT UMSTD0HG MMOUUSON I0SC01 MINI T0IY WINS A Paramtunt Picture rxmm i: : rti a : -XS) $ . PLUS SHORT REELS which time classea will be organised. Mrs. Hamilton Pat ton will give in struction In social culture, Mrs. I. E Schuler will teach dramatic art and Engllah; MIaa Marjorte Kelly, athletics, and Mlas Marjorle Ooff, dancing. All interested girls are invited to join the classes. Beauty Winners In Holly Picture Hollywood's world-wide search for perfect beauty was six time reward ed when two glrla and four boys, out of the thirty which Paramount Im ported from every English-speaking country, were given long-term screen contracts. The thirty, fifteen glrla and fifteen young men, were assembled for the picture "Search for Beauty," now at the Holly, by a series of International contests. The picture feature the -thirty winners along with Larry "Buster" Crabbe, Ida Luplno. Robert Arm strong, James Gleason, Roscoe Kama and Toby Wing. The story concerns the attempt of crooked promoters to cash in on a health magazine and health-farm racket with two Olympic Gamea winners as their unwitting foils. HURRY! HURRY! This Big Attraction Ends Tonite Richard Barthelmess "Heroes For Sale" with Aline MacMahon . Loretta Younu AND i "Beauty For Sale" with .MADGE EVANS ALICE tlRADY OTTO KRUOKR MAY ROBSON Starts Tomorrow LIONEL BARRYMORE In a picture great enough to crown his whole career "ONE MAN'S JOURNEY" A Drama of Devotion with MAY ROBSON DOROTHY JORDAN JOE McCREA FRANCES DEE Shows 1:45 6:45 9:00 SOUTHERN OREGON'S FINEST THEATER I 11 ' Mats . 26o Eves - 35o Kiddies lOo STARTS TODAY FOR 4 DAYS SIX Great Comedy Champs in ONE Big Riot! A carnival of nontenflral comedy that will leave you limp with laughter! Chaille and Mary , . looking for romance on a second honeymoon , . Burnt and Allen , . , tagging along to help pay expenses . . . W, C. Fields as the , wild and woolly sheriff who be lieves Charlie u bank robber Alison 8k I p worth . . foolish, fat and funny . . onner of the hotel where they all park their weary bodies! I n lj fit - Here are three naturals when tt romea to comedy teams ... all Joined to jet her for one big com edy hit! . , And here's a picture to make you forget, you ever had any troubles! with CHARLIE RUGGLES MARY BOLAND W. C. FIELDS ALISON SKIPWORTH GEORGE BURNS GRACIE ALLEN Where there', ne Mnne . . . there's ne feeling! . i Even irhen Iher try to he nerlnm , , . they're funny! ADDED ATTRACTIONS George Oivot Chas. Judels In "How D"Ya Like That" "I Like It That Way" with Leon Belasco and his Band Oraham MacNamee Nowsreel