Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Will Tackle Belcastro
(Bjr Harold Grove.)
Two teams Med ford and Chemawa
rival for many yeara. will face each
other In a renewal of aporta relations
of long standing. Friday night at 8
p. m. and Saturday at ( p. m on
the maple oourta of the Medford Sen
ior high school.
i The Redskins were forced to cancel
their footDau achedulea lat fall be
came of the economy policy of the
Chemawa, will Invade Medford for
the twogame eerlea which they have
held with Medford for many years
past. The Indiana use aa their main
weapon a fast-breaking offense which
hae proved fatal to many upatate
basketball quints. Medford uses the
alow break and the fast break com
bined. The Indiana will come to Medford
with some very tricky and accurate
onge exponents, noted for ability to
ring In apectactilar ahots. Their
motto ts to place the ball through the
hoop Jn any way. shape or form pos
sible. Coach Burgher has been releasing
a barrage of useful hints to the play
ers that will probably keep them busy
for the rest of the week, If they ex
pect to win Frldny and Saturday. He
haa almost had to turn doctor In bat
tling the colds which are bothering
the majority of the players.
The Junior high- and Tiger Ouo
hoopstere will play the preliminaries
for both nights.
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PORTLAND, Jan. 30. JP) Even
the "Oeeve eet to heem" fans were
aatlated here last night at the Labor
temple wrestling card, punctuated
with punches.
Bulldog Jackson, 100, Fairbanks.
Alaska, took two out of three falls
from Harrv Elliott of Eugene, erst
while referee. All three fall were
with hemmerlocks. With an upper
cut Jackson also felled waiter
Sneeze" Achlu.' referee named In
aplte of Jackson's protest.
Logger Heibert, 180. St. Holens, won
an equally wild two-out-of-three bout
from Art Perkins, 19, Detroit.
In his first one-hour bout, Don
Sugat, Salem, won from Totem Pole
Anderson. Vancouver Barracks mid
dleweight, who was fouled out for
two punches the referee ruled wore
too low.
Mickey Moaulre, 167, West Salem,
and Tommy Heine, 161, Burns, wres
tled a 30-mlnute draw.
TAOOMA. Jan. 80 WS Death by
a bullet from a stale highway patrol
man'a revolver last night ended the
career of Rudger (Terrible) Terry. an.
Tacoma wrestler and wrestling referee,
a an automobile aped along tha
highway toward Seattle. He waa shot
through the head.
The ahootlng. by Patrolman Cliff
Tolson, was described by authorities
afier a preliminary Investigation aa
A car containing four persons raced
by him at high speed late In the
avenlng. the patrolman said.
He started in pursuit on hla motor
cycle, but the car failed to atop as
hla siren sounded. He fired at a
tire, and missed.
Than he fired ajaln, but a bump
In the road deflected hla aim. he aaid,
and the bullet went through the rear
window of the automobile.
NEW YORK. Jan. SO. P) Tony
Cantonerl says he'll quit the ring
If he doesn't beat Cleto Locatelll.
Italian lightweight. In their 13-round
bout In Madison Square Garden Fri
day night.
"If I'm defeated," saye Tony, who
has held the featherweight and light
weight champlonshlpa during his
brilliant career, "I'll hang up my
gloves for good. But If I win I'll
hound Barney Ross for another chance
to retain the lightweight title."
E Wolfe's rolling scissors will ugiiin he seen In acllon here Wednesday
mien the Texas grappler meets I'ete licit-astro, Snrranientn. In the top half
or a double main event card. Ray Krlslile, Medford, and Frank ficmena
of Oklahoma clash In the other half of the bill.
(By Marvin Stevens.)
Central point won. 35 to 31. In a
hard-fought gome with Talent Satur
day night. The score at the quarter
was 5-3 In favor of the vlstlora. Tal
ent came back strong In the second
quarter to end the half 14-11 In their
favor. About five minutes before the
end of the game, Talent had the lead
with seven points, and It looked as
If the Central Point team was headed
for their first conference defeat of the
They had an eye for the basket,
and with their faat teamwork at this
stage of the game, they completely
upset the Talent team to end the
regular playing time In a 33-33 tie.
During the overtime period. A.
Ayera of Central Point was taken oil",
on foul and Talent converted, mak
ing the score 23-23. Bud Carr was
substituted for Ayers and aunk a
beautiful lone ono, giving his team
the lead. 34-33. and a minute later
Cased converted, giving the Pointers
a lead of two points, 36-23. A few
seconds later the whistle blew to end
one of the most exciting and best
games played on the Talent floor this
Kelty of Talent was high point man
with 10 points: C. Cased of Central
Point following with 9 points; Ar
graves next with 7: A. Ayera of Cen
tral Point with 6 points.
Lineups as follows:
Central Point Talent
D. Ayera (3) F ......Pepper (41
R. Virtue (3) F Argraves (7)
C. Casad (9) C Kelty (10)
D. culbertson (2)..0 Kamberg (2)
A. Ayers (6) O....- Moore (0)
Carr (sub.i Central point (ai; lar
yon (sub.) Talent.
Storm Hits Quebec
(AP) One of the worst storms In
manv years swept over Quebec's
Joaspe peninsula today and Imprison
ed two express iraina in mouunmuu,
Jerome Factor (left), son of John "Jake the Barber" Factor, waa
accompanied by a bodyguard at the Chicago trial of Roger Touhy and
three aaaoeiatea for the kidnaping of hla father. Young Factor appeared
a state witness. (Associated Press Photo)
Medford Elks all-star bowling team
Invaded Klamath Falla Sunday, where
they met the Klamath Elks In a alx
game match. The Medfordltea broke
even In number of gamea won but
lost In total pins. Heavy pin smash
ing featured the entire series. Olenn
Jester of the Klamath outfit total
ing 94SS for an average of SOS per
According to Roy Prultt. maestro of
tha local alleya, Jester clsimed he waa
rolling over hla head. Prultt, how
ever, says thla was modesty on the
part or the Klamath ace and that
Jester has all the ear-marks of a
real maple-masher. Jester and hla
teammate, Tom Wattcrs, the latter
described by Prultt aa the best south
paw bowler on the coast, rolled Ends
and Prultt In the doubles and the
affair produced real battle.
Prultt 197 304 174 194 166 335
Olll 301 173 167 160 184 19S
Rankin 156 179 316 166 136 101
DeVore 109 134 147 133 306 147
Eada 23? 168 180 190 334 190
048 838 873 833 807 938
Klamalh Falls.
Walters 191 201 186 198 181 189
Canfleld 193 166 133 160 164 166
Drl-coll . 171 164 161 163 164 144
Moore 173 324 178 196 187 324
Jester - 316 333 336 199 301 181
943 987 896 904 887 903
Prultt 331 301 193 187 193 168
Eada 197 176 208 319 146 191
418 378 400 408 338 349
Wattera 171 181 313 306 131 168
Jester 313 178 335 179 339 207
884 339 448 363 360 388
Olll 166 154 168 198 194 183
Rankin 176 187 215 141 163 176
343 341 381 3.18 356 359
Houston . 154 169 167 323 177 302
Moore 168 165 187 139 177 193
323 334 374 363 364 395
DeVore 154 188 153 170 109 183
Drlscolt . 193 143 149 161 300 191
Warrants Called.
School District No. 30.
Warrants numbered 339 to 350, In
clusive, are called for payment. In
terest will cense after this date (Janu
ary 31, 1934). Present warrants at
the Fnrmers and Fruitgrowers Bank.
Medford, Oregon, for payment.
Clerk District No. 90
Ni, ,7 ' ' -V' l I
iff- . '4.M.
; -si... ii
LarWtCi.aatttJl jf-Ji-,.
QUET next Friday at 6:30 p. m to l
the First M. E. church hall, a fine,
turkey dinner and an excellent pro
gram Is In store. If you haven't a1
reservation, call at once, 1473-W or j
326-J-2. Plate due.
Herbert E. Gaaton (left), assistant ts tha secretary of the treasury,
congratulates Henry Morgenthau Jr upon hla appointment aa secretary
to aucceed William H. Woodin, resigned. For several week: Morgenthau
has been actino aecretary. (Antociated Press Photo)
FOR RENT Good large house, cheap.
Phone 417-J-3.
FOR RENT Furnished house. Cill
101 Almond.
WILL BUY your county or school
warrants at a 6v discount, mints
Melodv Shop. Ill West Main St.
Tel. 33.
LOS ANOELBS, Jan. 30. (flV-One
of the longest tennis acta on record
for blg-tlme competition was written
Into the books here In a four-hour
match which ended early today with
Ellsworth Vines winning his seventh
match out of eleven against Bill Tll-
The scores were 6-0. 31-33, 7-8, 3-6.
Four thousand persons paid approx
imately 6.000 to see the tall Pasa
dena youth outlast hla veteran op
ponent after the second set had gons
44 games before Tllden could squsre
matters. The longest known prevl-
oua set on record for top-notch com
petition went 40 gsme.
Because someone stole the tennis
balla from the locker rooms, last A broken-down and retired old rall
nlght's matches were delayed half an road engineer, and a broken-down
now until a second cornunment and retired old locomotive that he
could be obtained. Aa a result, the j calla. affectionately, "Minnie," are -.he
Bruce Barnea match with Vlncsnt! real hero and heroine of "Dsnierous
Richards was cut to one set, with ! Crossroads." a melodrama of the rosi
Barnea winning 6-4. and the double! ing rail, now playing at the Rosy
Charley Chase In
Laurel-Hardy Hit
For the first time In his career,
etnc he attained stardom. Charloy
Chase, popular Hal Roach comedian,
la appearing In the cast of a picture
other than hla own.
Reading the script of "Son of the
Desert." the new Laurel and Hardy
full-length feature comedy, now at
the Holly, Chase was Intrigued by a
"good time Charlie" part In tha atoty
and he Immediately sought out D
rector William Seller and suggested
that he be given tho role.
When Seller recovered from the
ahock of a star offering to appear in
support of others, he immediately se
cured Charley'a algnature on the dot
ted line of a contract and then asked
the actor to explain himself.
"Why, therea no catch to It." ex
plained Chose. "I'm delighted at the
opportunity to work with Stan and
Oliver and the part, aa I see It, Is
made to order for me."
FOR SALE Improved acreage adjoin
ing city. Sacrifice. Terms. Inquire
723 McAndrews.
FOR SALE Good work horse. 1400.
Price 46. P. O. Box 362.
FOR SALE Orocery and building
16x33; living quarters and out
buildings: 300. Will tsko sedan In
trade. Sterling Foed Store.
FOR SALE 3 good milk cows And
model T Ford truck. 315 Cottage St.
ELDERLY woman wants housework,
city or country. Box 2374, Tribune.
608 So. Ivy.
305 Tripp St. '
113 Summit.
1028 East 11th.
call H. H. Brown. 105; after S p. m .
LARGE LOT Fruit and nut trees,
excellent soil. Sacrifice (250. Write
Box 56. Mall Tribune.
MARCH Hsnson Leghorns. 9c: Reds
10c. Dressler's Hatchery. Phone
FOR RENT Furnished stucco house.
201.1 Ft Main. Cell H. H. Brown.
105; after 5 p. m.. 1670.
FOR SALF Bsby bugjry and crib,
all 5 cottn.
FOR SALE n. FIpc. 1c machine.
714 cti. Ictt; perfect condition. W.
L. Locke, Murphy.
FOR SALE Fine quality iwd griin.
Hnnchrn barlry. bta.rd.Ms barley.
Federation wheat, Victor oat.
Henry Ntedermeyer, Tel. J'vllle 354
EMPTY TIUTCK'ilnfl tOnv. "a luff,
Cat., Friday, want a loud for there
or point en route. Hawley Trans
fer. Phono 1044-X.
Deplores Kellgfoiu Bickering.
To the Editor:
All' thla reltgloua- "I'm right and
you're, wrong, and if you don't go to
my church and believe- as, I believe,
you aro-golug to hell" remind me
of little boys lighting over which one'
Daddy la best. "My Dad can '.etc
your old man." "Can't nuther."
"Canl" "Can't!"
During the paat several months
there Ha,ve been a number of evan
gelistic meeting held In Medford,
and much arguing back and forth aa
to who la right and who Is wron-;.,
mere halr-apllttlng over doctrinea and
beliefs of the particular organization
holding the revival.
It seems to me that If the various
religious organizations could forget
their petty differences and follow
Christ's procepts and the command
to "love one another even aa X have
loved you." and teach a faith tn a
loving God, a God who Is ever ready
to forgive and forget our transgres
sions if we let Him, much could be
accomplished In Medford and vicinity.
But all such petty bickering as
has been going on will cause more
people to lose faith and to doubt the
eternal love of Ood than a year of
evangelizing can win to a belief.
Talent, January 29.
Report CollUion Howard McNa
mara of the CCC camp at Rand Ran
ger station, filed an accident .report
today with the city police concern
ing a collision on the road one mile
west of Hell's Gate bridge In Jose
phine county, with the state car
which Stat Police Officer C. M. Mal
colm of Grants Pass was driving
McNamara's report stated that the
accident occurred at the turn on a
one-way road. Bernard Zimmerman
of the camp was listed as a wit news
At the luncheon meeting of the
Medford Rotary club at the Hotel
Medford today, Lee Bishop and George
Henselman completed their argu
ments and rebuttal on the question:
Resolved, that tn International me
dium of exchange, based upon com
modity values, will stabilize world
trade." These two members ably pre
sented their affirmative and nega
tive points at last week's meeting. Lee
Bishop, handling the affirmative,
nosed out his worthy opponent in
the vote taken by the members of the
club following the Intensely interest
ing debate:
In hla argument In favor of an in
ternational commodity dollar. Bishop
reviewed his former talk, insisting
that a medium of exchange In ratio
with fluctuating commodity values
would bes,t meet the economic needs
if the future. He also explained why
the economic conference in England
last year was a failure. In George
Henselman's negative argument today,
the previous methods of managing
currency, such as the federal reserve
system In this country and the sta
bilization funds In England and re
cently In the Uni ted States, were
cited. World trade would be seriously
hampered through the establishment
of a commodity dollar. In his opin
ion, due to the herculean task of a
central board determining money
value from time to time based upon
commodity, values.
Both arguments were ably and
forcefully presented by Lee and
George and members of the Rotary
club enthusiastically applauded their
excellent debate. The program was
presented under the supervision of
W. A. Gates. Chuck Ellis presided as
chairman of today's meeting.
J. Vincent Roberts of Yakima.
Washington, R. C. Waterman of Oak
land. Calif., and Al Perry and Victor
Burse 11, both of this city, were guests
at today's meeting. A social evening.
In which the wives of Rotartana will
participate. Is being planned for Wed
nesday, February 7, according to Burt
Lageson, chairman of the entertain
ment committee.
. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 30. (AJ)
A light earthquake waa felt In Sacra
mento at 12:18 p. m., today.
Buildings trembled and swayed
gently. No damage waa reported.
Chandeliers In the state capltol
awung for several minutes after the
shock had passed.
A slight earthquake waa felt here this
afternoon. Occupanta of several tall
buildings reported they felt the
quake about 1:20 p. m., mountain
Btandard ttme. A lock In one build
ing was reported to have atopped at
1:19:30 p. m. No damage waa dona.
2 Pilots . , . Stewardess . . . Heated
quiet cabins . . . Lavatory . . . Both
day and night schedules.
l'iHrs. Portland
23iHr$. Seattle -
V Hrs. Sacramento
2'4 Hrs. Oakland
2 Hrs. San Francisco
5' Hrs. Los Angeles
iVt Hrs. San Diego -
Faatest service to Chicago,
Detroit, New York, Washing
ton and the East.
10 Off on Round Trips
Fare Includo Lunches Aloft
Hottls: Postal and Western Uoloa Oflcas
- 23.40
Appraising Land Ranger John :
Orlbble is spending today In the Ash
land district, appraising private land
In the Rogue River national forest.
Pump System . . Clean. Low Cost
Any Kind Any Amount
Tel. 631
Phone 642 We will haul away you!
refuse. City Sanitary Service.
Broken windows glazed
rrowbrldge Cabinet Works.
play was dispensed with,
Vines will return to his home town
today to find ha aaln la a hero.
Last fall he returned from a dlnai.
trous oeanon as an amateur, unsuna.
But by order of the city council, It la
Vine day In Pasadena todsy and to
night he meets Tllden there.
LONDON, tJn. 80. ( AP) The In
ternational wheat advisory mmls
sion, opening it third meeting to
day, does not belle v that Russia's
sloofwas from the eiport quota al
lowed her win mike much difference
In. the world situation.
A S7.000.000 bushel quota was Of
fered Russia under the nor Id pact.
Russia demanded a quota twice that
Delegate reresentlng the big four
eiport Ing nations Canada, Aunt rai
believe that by the time the quo
taa expire, July 31 RumIs will hardly
hava exported the 37.000,000 bushel
quota offered her, let alone ti dou
ble quota demanded. Lenders estl-
iate Russia hss not exported more
That beloved portrayer of quaint
anit venerable characters, cnio Sale.
Is the engineer, and "Minnie" la ac
tually Mixul No. nil ot the southern
Pacific railroad, once one ot the crack
flyers, now relegated, to swllchlnc
The program also Includes scenes
of the itrest undersea volcano "Krs
katoa" in action. Oraham McNsmee
describes thla unusual film. I
An Accurate Motor Tnn
up at regular intervals
pays for itself I
We'll Prove It!
slh nnd Riverside. Phone 118
YAKIMA. .Tan. SO. (API One
hundred and elx employes of the
Republic Publishlm company, rep-
the United Stales and Argentina j reeenllnt P40 years of service In all
tinner w. w. Robertson, cst.tered
last evenlna for a aurprlse dinner In
honor of the publisher of the Yaki
ma. Dally Repuhlle and the Yakima
Morning Herald. Employes at the
dinner had service records ranting
than 96.000.000 bushels already, and i from as years of constant et.iploy
hrr shipping season ts virtually ! ment to a group of four wrokrrs with
Fast Vicious Thrilling
Any Seat 85c.
8:15 P. M.
Children 25o
Wear Toggery
Work shoes and shoes for town
wear. Brown retan leather, solid
oak soles, plain toe and cap styles.
This leather adapted to barn yard
wear; extremely tough and dur
able. An exceptional buy at
Black chrome tanned leather, oak soles,
soft, pliable leather. Plnin toe styles. aKC45
Grouped to sell at
Special Group Nunn-Bush
Black and tan cilfskin, all lat
est styles. $0.50 to $7.50 values.
Reduced to
Friendly Five and For
tune Shoes and Oxfords
reduced to
Broken loU of brown and
black Oxfords; values up
to $5.00. Special
"Where your dollar
does its duty"
9C Wall Paper 9C
Folks, we have the largest selection
of high grade Wall Paper ever of
fered in Southern Oregon.
Over 50 Patterns to Choose from.
Special, per roll ...
Border to Match.
Special, per yard
Wall Paper Bundles.
3 to 6 rolls In bundle, close -out
Border to Match.
itprtAi. pr ronl
Vi price
We furnish wall paper, paste and labor. CA A A
Apply same for each room llTtl,',
One-Half Price Paint Sale Now On!
House Paint . . . Enamels . . . Flatwall
Floor Paint, etc.
y2 price
One Lot House Paint
White, ivory, cream and pray. (J A p
While it lasts, per gal 3) I .50
15 Day Special Offer
We will furnish Best Floor Varnish and labor sjaj
to finish your kitchen floors for only.... 5a2ieU
The Biggest Buy Yet
Pint cans Floor Enamel, Varnish, Stains,
Household Enamels ..4
Lb. can Floor Wax
Folks, these are the greatest bargains in
Paint and Wall Paper we have ever of'
fered, and you know what we have fea
tured in the past!
226-230 East Main
ow, iUie plant let Una a )csr.