PA"0T5 FJGHT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1934. 33LOND jSGODDESS; A Now Serial SYNOPSIS: Frank Orahame, the explorer, and hie pal Spin Wintlow. a ttunt fiver, tuet have rescued Janice Kent, the movte etar, Irom a anno which had abducted her and were taking her into Mexico. They are convinced that the abductore were led bu a man named Ortega, who had been in Uollywood oe tentlbly to arrange with the pro, ducer Uybero tor a picture to be taken in Mexico. But Frank oan not determine Ortega'e motive, and in addition ie puttied became ae he drove the abductore away Irom the car in which he found Janice, he eaw again the man with the vultur ine profile whom he had eeen peer ing into the window of Uyberg'e offlce d h"rt fhile before, Frank is del"' 'ire than a catual interr" ' . ... Chapter 11 THE RETURN FRANK ilanced about him. The driver the man be had struck with hl gun was gone. The other two men were not In view. The non descript car looked oddly desolate with Its gaping doors. He frowned, considering. His lm- pulse waa to follow one of the men. He realized that the capture of one or all of them would effectively stop the peculiar and mysterious perse cution of Janice Kent That they were aerlous about their business he did not doubt. Ruefully he put bis hand to bis side where bis assailant a bullet bad gouged the cloth. But Wlnslow's arm needed attention. And certainly Janice must be on the verge of hys terla from the ordeal which she had undergone. "I'll roll the stones back off the road," he said. "Spin, you climb In the back with Janice." He turned to the glrL "We bad an accident. His arm's bad. You'll have to make It as . easy tor blm as you can during the trip back to Callente. The road looks pretty bad If this Is a sample, ex planations later." He rolled the rocks from the road, and got In behind the wheel. He suc ceeded In turning the car on the nar row road, and beaded back up the coast. He drove an hour In silence. busied with his thoughts. During tbat time they passed ona lone car going In the opposite direction. As the headlights flashed upon them, Frank looked back. One of tbe girl's arma waa around the flyer's shoulder; the other was braced against the Inevitable lurching of the automobile. Her glance met hla briefly; ber lips parted In a warm mile. Frank turned back to the business of driving. A fine girl; one In a mil lion. She1 was reacting magnificent ly to the situation. A quick throb of exultation surged In his breast aa be thought of how she bad clung tbat Instant to him when be had taken ber from the car. He felt his face flush with a sensa tion of delight strange to him when he remembered that she had pressed ber cheek against his coat Tbere waa no doubt that she had done so: to Frank there waa no question as to why sbe had done so. Allowing for a natural Impulse of gratitude and of nervous reaction, ellll she could have thanked him otherwise. Tbat sbe had not thanked him but bad made that small gesture, led blm to one conclusion; tbe gesture bad been one of affection. He loved Janice Kent of that he waa sure: that aha returned bis regard seaAied Incredible, but be waa aura thwshe did. . ' As a swain Frank realized that ha bad much to learn. Lurking In tbe background of hla mind was a small goblin of thought that tbere might be something elementally wrong with his reasoning If tbe emotions be felt could be called reason since subconsciously be appreciated tbat all lovera believe that because of the very intensity of their emotion It must be returned In kind. The wish la father to the thought But Janice had pressed her cheek gainst his coat He swung tbe nose of the car Into the paved highway and headed for tbe atone columna that flanked the grounds of Agua Callente. The tlrea crackled over the graveled patio. He drew up before the hotel entrance. "I'll arrange .for a cottage for Janice," he ssld, "and get a saw bonea tor you, Spin. I'll phone My berg Inside." To an attendant he gave quick In structions, and passed Into the hotel. THE house doctor had come and gone. Spin was resting easily. There waa a reek of ether In the air. Tbe doctor had diagnosed a dislo cated ahoulder, inatructlng Frank to hold his friend so. while be pressed In the Joint Janice Insisted that sbe stay tn the room and help. Tbe doctor had demurred, Frank eipostulated. and Spin himself had told ber In that KMED Broadcast Schedule Bunds? in.-oo Judge Rutherford, lecturer. 10 3ft News Digest, Mtll Tribune. 10:41 to 11 OO Morning Melody. Monday t-.txt Frirndthlp c ircle Hour. t :00 Breakfast News, Msll Tribune. i:0 Musical Clock. 8 -.15 Peerless Psrade. 8:50 Shopping Guide. ft:0u Prlendihlp Circle Hour. :0 Morning Melody. 0:OO Weather Fn recant, 10:00 Musical Notes. 10 :S0 Marching Aloni. 11:00 Orante Pssa Hour. 11 :lt Vignettes. 11:80 Quartettes Parade. 1 1 :46 Tons Pictures. 12:00 Mld-clsy Revue. 18:10 Chamber of Commeros News. 13:18 Radio Rndesvous. 13:80 News Plashes, Msll Tribune. 13 :80 Populsrltls. 1 :00 Varieties. JSO Mabel alack, demonstration. fcy Herbert Jensen faintly bitter way of bis that ac tresses made lousy nurses and to gel the hell out of there. Janice bad given blm a verbal wal lop In return. Sbe'd said with a placid detachment, "I'll bold the mask. Doctor, while you pour the chloroform. The man's Just afraid I'll And out about his past when he talka going under. But he'a not near ly so bad aa be thinks he Is. He'll probably alng psalms. I'll stay." Vaguely Frank remembered that Janice had been splendid while they had worked over the unconscious Spin. Deft, capable, yet unobtrusive, she bad been Invaluable. The meta morphosis from akllled actress to the subordinate but efficient part of doctor's assistant waa amazing be cause It was absolute. Frank and Janice walked from the hotel room where lay Spin, to the detached cottage that waa to be the girl's for the night Light from the Casino slashed Into the mild sky. Musle from the bidden patio followed them aa they walked; bursts of distant laughter and of muffled conversation were synco pated by tbe sound of Ivory balls rattling about the spinning wheels In the gaming rooms. The moon was a newly minted silver coin flung hlgb above them. The world, to Frank, was a very good placeto be air e In. Janice was sate It waa enough; explanations could come another time. He was In love with her, be realized with sud den conviction Spin Wlnslow's cyni cisms about Janice Kent's ambi tions, tbe vague memory of tbe non marriage clause ot ber contract with Consolidated, her wealth, her beauty, ber aura of nnattalnablllty had shrunk this night but she re mained, walking by hla aide, clinging a bit ttredly to hla arm, the weary, sweet girl with whom be waa In love. AT tbe doorway of ber cottage, she turned her face, a bit white In the moonlight to Frank. Her vole held the busklness of fatigue when she said: "Good night, Frank. You've been auch a dear Oh, I don't mean that How absurdly trivial words arel I mean " Frank caught her In bis arms. She did not resist but lay there an In stant, looking at him. Her eyes were wide the deep blue of them bad darkened to black. They hinted, meltlngly, of surrender, Frank kissed her. Her lips against his were cool and detached a curi ous aloofness that caused Frank, In a brief flash, to think of tbe figurines of the Virgin he'd eeen In remote niches of lost churches found in for gotten Jungles. Did he imagine UT or did for a fleeting instant ber lips tremble against bis? Abruptly she was out ot hla arma and her hand on the door-knob. Frank halt raised his arma. "Please . . " she said. "I'm very tired." Waa It fright he saw In her eyes? no but tt was an odd timid ity. "I'm sorry." She seemed to say that to herself. "Frank, forget that, will you, please." Her breast rose and fell with quick, short breaths, but the alarm had gone from her eyes. f "I love you, Janice," said Frank. The words were husky In hla throat Janice put up her arm In a gesture ot halt protest Suddenly she laughed, a little trill that ran through half an octave. The aound of It seemed to throw a cloak of re straint between them. Frank's arma dropped to bis side. The girl's slen der figure took on a new poise. She said hurriedly: "We mustn't be silly. You must go now. ioa Oh, how mournful you look I" Her little laugh broke on a half note. Swiftly she drifted against Frank. She ehook bla arma In a small ges ture of good-humored protest She stood on tip-toe. Lightly her lips brushed bis a fleeting feather ot fragrance, then ahe waa gone. But ah waa not gone from Frank's mind. He stood, staring at the door and rapidly running back through the strange trail ot events that had brought them to this spot There were so many chances that they might never have met Suppose, for one, tbat he had not madly de cided to follow ber car that day In Hollywood. Or suppose that ha had not telephoned her house this very evening He halt raised his hand to touch his Hps, then turned and walked back to tbe hotel. He was tn a glow of anticipation, bemused and yet clear upon one point His regard tor Janice. tCtrvet. I'll, h Hertfl lev) Tomorrow. Mvbtr makes a do slilen of moment agent. 3:00 Clssslf led Edition of Air. 8:00 Songs for Everyday. 8:30 KMED Progrsm Review. 8 :39 Drrsmlng the Walls Away, 4 :00 Rythmical Cocktail. 4 .30 Maaterworka Program. 8:00 Interlude. 6:18 HUo Berenaders. 6:30 Popular Parade. 8:4s News Digest, Mall Tribune. 8:00 Medford Theatre Guide, 8:18 Al Plena's Sports and Pish Plashes. 8:30 Dlnner-dsnos Program. 8:30 A Kuluah Lullaby. 8:46 Ray and Ar.dy. 7:00 Traumert. 7:18 Helen Bellevue. 7:80 to 8 :00 Eventide. Cuba rntov Nominated. WASHINOTON. Jan. 37. (AP) President Roosevelt today sent to the senate the nomination of Jefferson Caffery or loulsiana, aa ambassador to Cubs. t - - ThS Oth ANNUAL STATUS BAN QUET st th Plrat M. B. church hall la to be held Friday, Pobruary 3. Reserve nt ones a place at your homa atata labia bj calling 1473-w. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jan. ST. (AP) climaxing threats with a dy- S'MATTER POP TAILSPIN TOMMY mMf-5 S Lh- aSf? (Copyright 1934, by The Bell syndicate, Inc.) 5 "W tifS&S rl A "fir 1 fT"J, - 1 1 osrztr tS7&o- - &yrsA-& ccwrrAeeq frO&EST f,ioSrVnv pTirlyiSTfe- SsQg- BOUND TO WIN What Ben Saw! ' By EDWIN ALGER Fb?t Hf k !1;P 1 M .'J?" I I"HVI HERE'S THE eNTRANCe I I ( VMHERE IM THE WORLD VS THftT J W SPOOKS ' JSOff I through -F?!? ?ASHE JeisMi To THE TOMB? I'LL. DOUSE OULL.GREEN LIGHT COMING I !" KHOSTS ' WCVi'fr' i THROUGH THE- TUNNEL! fflllMVfe TH,S UOHT AMD GO THE 1 FROM? AND OH , OH GOSH I ji I SJ!? ' V" f;J-L faaiaiuia liffij m Jk REST OF THE WAV V THE OFJHRTTHING I ! &MiIMrfooF) litN NoTSVrfLe SI lite (LwlKmmmmh3m9wz THE NEBBS Hot Stuff m 1 ir-l I l LEM SLIDBft IS A MATIve OP MOftTUVILLE MER MAI OEM WAMC VJAS MIWMie MOMCHER amo here 3 we MEETS TWO OF TUE VILLAGE COT OP3--CCO FBIENJOS, ROV BRETT. AtoO Why ER10IE KIAXvWELU 1-21 BRINGING UP FATHER tilNCE THAT KID BEEN VI-brriM- WERS THIS DUACE BEEN LIKE a SOIL-ES PACTOW' 7. II! II There's No Guesswork in Tribune A. B. C. Circulation ' namlte bomb, an unidentified person early today destroyed a small barber; threat that unless be charged "regu hhop operated at Washougal by Em- lar" prices direct action would be est Rasmuasen, a 'cut-rate" shop ! taken against blm, owner, ! . , The explosion occurred about 3 a. BALEM. Jan. 27. (AP) For the first m. It tore a hole three feet In dl-i time In two months, the weekly re ameter In the floor and wrecked the ! port of the state industrial accident Interior of the small shop. commission on Oregon industries llat- , itasmuasen opened nis place uo - cember 11 and operated at reduced "Two Locomotives Heading' For A Bump!" ajiiL la nts lCC ll W-M 1 X . p-iisjc. - !T ,z; WTD COME. BACK. MECE 1 1 lfe.UU THE FOLKS OO 5AW ME AWO 1 ARRIEO MU3TA 3TRUCW: OIUA ot WAV FCOmIZA OLD MAM 13 A LITTLE BEMIajD IM y AIJr GOIM Tc3 WRITE THE. ESJD VOUR. r L VUii ar 'J I Iit I I II 111 r I III l i I t -M't ' . V. I w " . ltw T-"f KFX II T I r.--?rf I I 7 T I Ly ' i I r J 1! ri taaW - IL, True auA a s. a. r otim r. Z. . -lm CSt3a I I I I I II I t"k" " ' T ' ' " 1 t.,., I I I III I M I I 1 I I I I II I I 5EMTATELEOTAM TO HER MOTHER SAtlM' THAT HER C.HII.O LOMEiOME-MOW shsll comb av rates. He said he had received I 1 ea no latencies. Acciaenu reported In the past week numbered 317. By C. M. PAYNE . X u.a. a. .it i.uie.l w I . s- r a . , - TO SEE Uiuar I H VAAS LOOItllO' PLI iun TP-1 I 'CM JTU ID 1 1 - SOT WORDS OSJ II L III I ti hi h i nif i mirn i lAllANl LMtU IN PEN SCANDAL i NEW YORK. Jan. 37. (AP) The HAT TROUBLE srtrua wrta family r MOVIES, P15P0SWS OF ' WON RftCV UNDER SEW STAMPS UP o IE SOME LATE-COMERS 6E1" BV t-X7 you iOiot.whv DID VOU &ENIO A TELEGRAM 6A-tlK)C THAT CHILD WA"b LONESOME? existence ot a direct link between Tammany Hall and the "world's worst prison." where gangster over ed It over 1700 leaser prisoners living In misery, was charged today. Harry M. Shulman, prison expert and author of a detailed report on conditions at the welfare Island pen itentiary, declared that whenever a certain Tammany leader telephoned the prison, the warden would Jump KEElS 1& MhKE SURE fHftfHW IS SECURE. FlUTjs HUf MISSING Htt-filRHS UP JUHlOR fEEf SEWS DOWN1 DISCOVERS "(HKf MEAN WHILE HKf HAS BEEW BRUSHED OUT OF WS HAND BV LATE-COMERS SQSJfEZlKS Pi , RETRIEVES if, RESTORES it 1b 0RI6INAL SHAPE AND DECIDES JfS Bf tER OFF UNDER. SEAT AFfER AIL (Copyright, 1934, by The BetJ Byndlbete, SHELL GET FAT WISH-.. , ., I HE MAGGIE SHE HA kio one to Plan" with- ) up as if shot from a catapult and rush into a telephone booth. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. (AP) The American Olympic committee will be urged not to accept Germany's Invi tation to compete In the 1938 Olym pic gamea at Berlin at Its meeting here February 4. it became known today. By GLUYA5 VVTLUAM3 UHPER. -MS SWOCrfUS tf BWK ftrt) lfe ORDINAL WOT, AT DECIDES 1b MOLD If IK ttfe HAND TOR, SP1TE-KEEPIK6 MOVES WrM TAMILV TO BETTER 5EATS,R MEMBERMS fOD LATE HE HAS LEFT HAT UNDER OTHER SEAT By GLENN CrIAt'FIN and UAL FOBBEbX By SOL HESS By George McManus WELL-THE CHILD 6 J MOTHERliSENDINt HER LITTLE bllTElR TO KEEP HER CONlCVMsTY-