PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORI). OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1934. Airplane Spin Meyers' Favorite Hold BEARS IN T Bob Meyira (right) former world's middleweight wrestling champion, nown demonstrating hi favorite 'weapon of offense the airplane apln. Meyers, who haa formidable mat record, will meet Sailor Franc, the tattooed wonder of Ban Diego, Cal.. in the main event of Mack Llllard'a wrestling how here Wednesday night at the Armory. In addition to the main erent. Bunny Martin, Cherokee Indian of Oklahoma, will face Roland Warren, Copco engineer of Klamath Falls, In a aeml-flnil, and George Bennett, Se attle, will tangle with Cecil Barrlck, Oranu Pass pride, in a curtain raiser. The first gong will be sounded by Vivian Beach, timekeeper, at 8:19. All seats, except sections o and D, will be open to general admission ticket holdera at a uniform price. Beats In the reserved sections may be obtalnod at the same price by thoae who are unable to reach the Armory early. S. F. OPEN FINAL 8 AN rRANCISCO, Jan. !. (AP) Thomaa Daniel Oreavy, 83-year-old trouper Of golf's winter "gold trail la the 1034 Ban Francisco national match play open champion. The youthful Albany, N. T., atar won the title and top money yeeter day when he derated Jim Thomson of Long Beach, 3 and 2, In the no hole linala of this section's annual links clasalc. To claim the winner's share of the 4000 puree It amounted to $811 Oreavy outlaated a brilliant field of 300 starters who teed off In the qual ifying round last week. He learned the game as a caddie at Tuckahoe. !. T., under one of the old maatera, Willie MacFarland. Three years ago, while still In his teens, he first attained national prominence by winning the professional golfers' championship. Slnos that time he haa been recog nised as a formidable contender, but hla victory yesterday waa hla most Important In the' yearly campaign that sends the proa on a coast . to coaat trek. The final divot duel of the most In. terestlng tournament ever put on here saw Creavy conquer Thomson with a flawleaa Iron game. Hla approachea. In the main, war mechanically per fect and hla putting waa highly accu. rate. Thomaon outdlataneed Creavy from the tee by 20 yards or more, but Creavy waa the master on the greens. On the morning round of the match the young man from Albany used ex actly 20 putta. Thomson only had to putt 88 times, which would be satisfactory most any other time. ,3-2, Vj NJ DM IN JiV BOWLING BRIDGE FINALISTS i nnn i miiTniirn am mum Stanford: Fred Canrlnua and Carl Jorgenson. St. Mary's; Jim Mualck and Ernie Plnckert, southern Calltor. nla: Sam 0111 and Art Carlson, Call' fornla; Harry Field, Oregon State. SAN FHANCISCO. Jan. 16. (AP) The Chicago Bears, national profes sional football champions hold their first workout hero today In prepara tion for their charity gridiron battle against a picked team of Pacific coait stara Sunday. The Bears arrived at noon yesterday but were ao besieged by official greet- ' ere and friendly well-wishers that 1 Manager Oeorge Halan called off ' scheduled afternoon practice. I mcjuaed on the western squad are Al Norgard, and Ernie Caddell of 1 M.F.RICE, PROMINENT ATTORNEY, SUCCUMBS R06EBUR0. Or., Jan. 16. pt M. F Rice, 02, prominent Roseburg buN ueM man and attorney, died at hla home here Sunday nlfht to! lowing ft long lllneM. Mr. Rice waa born April 31, 1871, near Oakland, where bU parent were pioneer, aettlera. Haircut 35c at Ray'a Barber Shop, 40 No. Front M. Oood worlt. (uaran teed. This la not a chleel, but meeting competition. 4 Dance, Rogue Elk, Saturday night, January 20. CCC CAGE TITLE Championship gemee In the CCC district basketball tournament will be Dlsysd at the senior high school gymnasium this week-end. according to Captain Bernard B. McMahon, wel fare officer at district headquarters. At 6 p. m. Thursday. Camp Appie- gat uam will play the Camp Cape Sebastian five. In the flrat of a series of three gamea. At 8 p. m., tne same evening. Camp South Fork of Rogue River will play the Camp Cape Sebas tian men. The final game in the aeries is scheduled for 10 a. m., Saturday, be tween Applegate Camp and South Fork of the Rogue River. The team winning two out of three games will be declared winner of the district. Each team competing In the finals has defeated all other teams In in section. CCC BOY KILLED IN I twice and plunged down ten foot em bankment, ten CCC boys escaped without a scratch. None of the other 14 Injured Is reported In serious condition. ! SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Jan. lfl. (AP) ' Cecil Loom la. of Baker, Ore.. Injured with 14 other CCC camp worker In ft-- truck-car collision her Friday night, died In a local hoipltal late Monday. Hts cheat waa crushed. I Although the truck turned over 1 1 A Big; Glasi of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer COFFEE ANN'S Main and Front o nniii 0 PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 18. (AP) A five-fall wrestling match between Robin Reed. 1S7. Reedsport, and Tommy Helna. in J. Burns, packed 1800 into the labor temple here last night, while hundreds more were turned from the doors. Reed took three falls straight after Helm captured the first two with re verse chin locka. Reed used a body press after a head-to-head collision and two more body presses to take his falls. . Bulldog Jackaon, 180. Klamath Falls, dlaablrd Jack Curtis. 18. Jack aon, Miss.. In taking a fall with a hammerlock. The bout went to Jack, son. but Curtis took the flrat fall with a body press, Mickey McQulre. 187, Weat Salem, took the odd fall, from Bobby Samp eon. 183. Seattle. Don Sugal, 181. Aalrm, took a one fall match from Tiny Simmons, 168, Belllngham. PORTLAND, Jan. 18 (Ti Thomas L. Turner, owner of the Portland club of the Pacific Coaat basebal league, announced today that the Portland team will open the IMS season In a new ball park with atands of ateel and ooncrete. The new park and sUUIum till be built here by Ralph B. Lloyd. Los I Angeies espltallat. Turner told the chamber of commerce members' tor rum luncheon today. The alte of the new par. has not been selected. Plsns for the new sta dium are In hand. H. R. Drinker. Lloyd'a Portland representative, said. The Portland Beavers will train thla season at Ventura, Csl Turner sa:d. where Lloyd has large oil Interests. Elks' Tourney. Watson . 168 183 182 473 Gates ............. 192 168 143 403 Brown 147 147 147 441 Holmea 110 107 174 301 Fabrlck 144 142 132 418 Handicap . . 87 87 97 291 Totals Erlckson Sherwood York Ferguson .... 203 848 834 829 2907 218 182 198 638 147 192 118 437 169 133 140 438 188 168 9i7 Strang. Herb 198 147 118 433 Handicap .... 79 75 78 128 Totals 968 885 775 2606 Tonight: Sollnsky and DeVorc teams. Individual and team standings for week ending January 12, 1034: Players Games Totals Aver. 609 617 519 506 90S 505 601 494 492 491 488 467 487 486 471 467 499 457 493 492 440 Bads DeVore 8 Sollnsky 8 Pnske, .,.,,....,...... 8 Gates 8 Rankin 8 Bowman ...................... 8 Erlckson ................ 8 Brayton ................... 3 prultt - 8 Olll t Strang, Herb ......4 3 Wataon 8 Orr, Bert 8 Guenther, Hugo....... 8 Guenther, Herb....... 3 Kelly 8 White ..... .... 8 Roatel ............ 8 Ehel ..... . 8 Sanderson 8 Fredetui ................. 0 Ferguson ..... .......... 8 Sherwood ................ 8 Thompson ............. 8 Klwood .................. 8 Orr, Eugene............. 8 Jerome ................. 8 Alenderter 3 Boomer ................ 8 Fsbrlck .... a Andrea 8 Baylor .......... ..... 8 Olmscheld ............ 8 Brown . . 8 Strang, Vlrj. ........ 8 Rose 8 Flegel 8 Vork . .................. 8 Holmea 8 Team fttamllnts. Team W. Orr, Eugene. ... 8 Elwood ........................ 8 Sollnsky 2 Dcvora .......................... 2 Erlckson 1 Wataon 1 Guenther 0 Saylor .. 0 Orr'a team wins the weekly prlr with 2685. Eads waa high Individual with 609. 444 438 431 431 429 428 426 425 417 413 413 404 395 393 368 869 362 358 L. 0 0 1 1 3 2 8 NEW YORK, Jan. 18. (AP) The first "grand national" tournament of the United States Bridge association la on Its final lap today, with little to choose between the two teams left after three days of elimination matches. David Burnstlne. Oswald Jacoby. Howard B:henken nnd Michael Gott lieb had a plus of 2050 points when the first half of the match 60 boards was concluded at 1:30 a. m. The caliber of their opponents Sidney Ruelnow. Walter Maicnvnn. L?c LanR don and L. Bachner left the reault still in doubt, however. Jacoby was In the limelight early In the afternoon when a long stand ing feud between himself and Mrs. Madeleine Kerwin. a woman expert, flared. Mrs. Kerwln had neen sched uled to broadosat he play, apparent ly without Jacoby's knowledge. When he found ahe waa to officiate he took public exception to a recent paragraph or here In a gossip column and flatly refused to play so long as ahe waa present, she withdrew. ITH BILL T Pet. 1.000 1 000 .667 .607 .3:13 .3H3 .(W0 .000 BOSTON, Jan. 10 (API Youth tri. umphed over skill, and Ellsworth vines stood even today with the vet eran Bill Tllden in their profesalonal tennla sertea. Each had two matches to his credit aa the weat 'coaat youngster and the old master travelled to Providence, R. I., for their next appearance. A crowd of 11,600, the largest ten nis gathering In New" England his tory, saw them fight It out last night at the Boston garden. The first set went to 26 gamea and waa lost by Vines on his own errors after a thrilling battle. The match score waa 1214. 4-8, 8-4, 8-1, 8-2. Helen Jacohe. holder of the worn en'a national title, was one of the spectators. - Cltr League. Poat (mice. E. Nichols 207 143 157 908 R. Slngler 153 197 159 4ti9 E- Roatel 169 160 92 403 Oould 90 104 108 300 Hugo Ouenlher... 143 194 140 447 Handicap 152 152 182 810 878 806 2391 Mall Tribune. F Huasong 136 97 146 W B. llagcn 110 133 195 398 A Hajen . 157 165 147 469 J. Murray . 123 113 143 381 Dummy ............. 133 . Ray Prultt ... 115 145 260 Handicap ., 70 5 85 721 720 831 2272 Tonight:' Bowman a Barber Stup' vs. Peerless Meat Market. I COUGARS. 30 TO 28 PULLMAN. Wash., Jan. 16. ( AP) The University of Washington, lone undefeated team In the northern di vision, ran Its victory atrlng to five here last night, eking out a thrill packed 30-28 win over Washington State College In the first overtime game of the conference hoop season. Just two seconds before the final gun. Clyde Wagner, Husky center, was given a chance to put the game on Ice with a free throw, but hla try went wide, and the teams went Into an overtime period. GLASS InMallM In Your Rrolcrn Windows Padgham Planing Mill hone Ml. 1309 Court St. A BUSTER BELL RESIGNS AS BENSON GRID COACH PORTLAND, Or.. Jsn. 18 f API Clarence (Buater) Bell, ex-Oregon Stat fullback, has resigned aa Benaon Tech football coach and will continue as Instructor In physical education. Hla successor probably will be Bcr non (Sklppyl Stivers, ex-ldsho quar terback who was Bells aatiataut last season. ( WRESTLING MEDFORD ARMORY Fast Vicious Thrilling WED. NIGHT BARGAIN PRICES Any Seat 56a, 8:15 P. M. Children 26o U fjiLi III Ffi s wIA'Sf f rr n 1-1 n i i s0 i f frV I III ? D w 5WJ itniiW fl 1 Ml kt 1 J' Bought When Woolen's Were Lowest! Save Money NOW On Ward's New Mighty Smart Suits At a Mighty Low Price! You'll Like the Styles You'll Like the Tailoring You'll Like the New Fabrics and Above All You'll Like the Exceptional Value We ain't get nny more of these suits to tell at $14.75. They were bought months ago when woolens were lowest I We knew they were good values then you'll know they are twice as good NOW I Come in and see for yourself try on one of the new over plaids or a young men's style in a smart new mixture. NcwTilues, browns, grays, smart new styles. L rm n m rr 01 ft TAKE YOUR CHOICE! Basket Weaves New checks Smart Plaids Fancy Blues -Bar tacked at strain points! -Long wear 2 ply rayon linings! -Smart patterns and styles! 117 South Central. Phone 288