DECEMBER 31, 1933.. . PAGE NTNE Guest of Ottomans Mrs. Alios Tay-, lor ot Portland 1 visiting In Medford at the home of Mr. and Mra. Milton Ottoman. Mra. Taylor and Mrs. Otto man are sister. Mrs. Hamlsh Here Afra. Robert Harnlah and daughters. Louise and Lucille, of Roseburg are guests in Medford of Mrs. Harnlsh'a mother, Mrs. c. F. Nlchals and family. Fliers Visit Friends The three army fliers, who spent the past several days In Medford, were guests while they waited for weather to clear, of old friends, Capt. and Mrs. O. L. Over meyer. They also called on the H. A. DuBuquea at ihelr home near Cen tral Point. Earl Barne. who was In command of the snips, knew the Over meyer and DuBuque In Nebra.Ni, where he was stationed at Fort Roa lnson at Craawford. With him were Lieut. Kerwln and Lieut. Motherwell. The three left yesterday In the pur suit planes for the south. Legion Directory of Paid-up Membership Medford Post No. IS. American Le gion Is starting a new innovation with the first of the year when the will publish a classified directory o. all It paid up members as ot Janu ary first. This directory will b vest pocket sin and will be carried by every member of "who' who" In the Legion. Members who have not paid their dUM aa yt art urged to do 10 Immediately in order that their name and bualne. wlU Appear in the di rectory. Local and Personal Charlea L. Wheeler, Jr., which was carried around on Sand Itland In a high gale December 17, waa pulled from the aanda today and proceeded to the port terminal here for a aur vey. ASTORIA. Ore., The McCormtck Dec. 30 (AP) t team freighter, To San Francisco Friday evening M: Dorothy Roger left on the Shas ta lor Ban rranclaco. Mrt. O'Neal III Mra. William O'Neal of Eagle Point la a patient at the Community hospital tor medical care. Ham mrt t Goei South Bill Ham mett left the last ot the week for San franclaco and Loa Angeles to apend several daya. Br. Roberta Returni Dr. Prank Roberta has returned to Medford from Portland, where he spent Christmas with hla family. License to Wed Lester D. Lowe and. Arietta Ellen Brown yesterday obtaln . marrlace license at the clerk's Get Marrlare LILcense A marriage license was Issued Saturdsy at the Jackson county courthouse to George V. Olllette of Ashland and Elinor E Taylor of Redding, calif. Return from Vancouver Captain Bernard B. MoMahon and Lieutenant Robert H. Soule of the CCC head quarter here, have returned to Med ford from Vancouver Barracks, where they spent the Christmas vacation. Has Large Pansles Mrs. Dsn A. Howard of Spring street called at the i Mall Tribune office Saturday after-1 noon with a bouquet of large pansles i taken from the large bed of them1 grown at her home. The Swiss giants were planted In August. Mrs. Howard ; n stated, and have been blooming for alx weeka. BEDFORD HAIL TTJIBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY. office in the courthouse. t Visitor In Medford Officer R. M. Mllea of the Oregon State police, ata tloned at Gold Beach, waa a visitor in Medford this week-end. To Football Game Captain Harold E. Stow Is leaving today for San Fran cisco to attend the East-West foot ball game on New Year's day. Lumsden In Medford State Police Sergeant Al. K. Lumsden of Portland was a visitor In Medford Saturday calling at the state police station. Myers Return Home Mr. and O. V. Myers have returned from Salem, where they were called last week by the Illness of Mr. Myers' mother. Her condition was reported as improved yesterday. Go To Eugene Mrs. A. J. Gould, sons Albert and Jimmy of Phoenix accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ayr on a two days' visit to Eugene to visit Mrs. Gould's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson. Undergo Operations Evelyn Doff of thla city underwent a major op eration at the Community hospital Friday. Mrs. Merle Haynes of Pros pect also underwent an operation at the hospital. t Mlnto Coming Here Harry M. Mln to, state police officer stationed at MoMlnnvllle, has been assigned to the Medford district to fill the va cancy left by the resignation of Of ficer J. C. Simpson. Lt. Bear Returns Lt. Eddie K. Bear returned to Medford Saturday from Portland, where he has been visiting his uncle for the past week. Lieuten ant Bear Is stationed at the CCC Camp South Fork of Rogue river. Attend Meeting Alfred S. V. Car penter, chairman of the CWA admin istration here, and Frank Hull, sec retary, attended the meeting In Grants Pass Friday of representatives of Douglas, Josephine and Jackson coun ties. rianes Leave Three new Boeing army planes, which have been held at the local airport for two days on account of weather conditions, left Saturday morning en route to Shreve port, 111., where they will be station ed. . Sell Only 3.3 According to orders received by the Medford COO head quarters Saturday concerning the sale of liquor In camp stores, only 3 J beer may be sold In them. No other liquors may be carried at the stores, the or ders read. a Burelsons Go South Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Burelson left last night for San Francisco, where they will spend sev eral days combining business and pleasure. They will return to Medford the last of the week with much new spring merchandise. Tuckers In North Mr. and Mro. W. P. Tucker are spending the holidays with their son and hla wife in Seattle. Mr. Tucker Sr. is bookkeeper In the county clerk's office here and Mr. Tucker Jr. Is a teacher In the Univer sity of Washington, from which he Is a graduate. Bounties Issued Warrants were Is sued at the Jackson county court house Saturday to J. W. Straube, Jacksonville, for two coyotes; B. F. Pankey of Butte Falls, for one coyote: H. c. Thomas of Butte Falls, one bob cat; Ben Oswald, Medford, one coy ote and one bob cat. Meet on Tuesday Veteran of Foreign Wars will meet on Tuesday evening at the Eagles' hall. It waa on nounced yesterday. Thla will be a reg ular home coming meeting, and all veterans are asked to attend Beer and refreshment will be served, and a good time Is assured all. Issue Manv Licenses Sheriff Wal ter J. Olmscneld stated Saturday that a number of license appllcatlona were being received at the office In the courthouse. It will be neeesssry for all passenger cars to have new licens es or temporsry sticker for the first of the year, he pointed out. Leave for San Francisco Miss Gladys Merritt who spent the holidays with her psrents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wilkinson, here, left last evening for her home In San Francisco. She was accompanied by Mlas Gladys Sturltn. who will commence work In the Mer ritt studio in the Bay city the first of the year. TocTlate toclassify WANTED Forge and antll. Hlway ; rsXCliaiie'c. khj, vi . ; FOrTs1RTRADE7 Rdstr; '37 Whippet sedan; 29 Old. coach; '3o Chev. delvy; '2 Ford coupe; -55 Chev. coach: '23 Doclee Rdstr. Hlway Exchange. So. of Tal ent. ! WANTED About 40 head of steers to ' feed on share basis. Earl B. Day. care Courthouse. rTdTcTrf.Pa7rtNCI All makes. Ex-1 pert servf-e Plione 668. Don's Radio Service. FOn SALE Orocerle at Franklin Orocerv 437 8 Central and at Pesch 3:. Orocerv, 330 N. Peach. Sunday and Mondav, 8:30 a. m. to 13 30 p. m. and S:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. , FOR SALE-Ho'jiteln family cow Trade for dry wood. Call Roy Nich ols. Central Point evenlnia. STRAYED 3 dsrk red cows. Bla.-k t:prd horn. Branded Bar . unr n with bell. Phone 1398. Harry Furca. Happy New Year! 8 Mat; 15c Kiddles 10c ttD02fiuE "total Eves 25c Riddles 100 Starts Today for 3 Days CONTINUOUS SHOWS TODAY AND MONDAY DOORS OPEN 1:45 Bewitching as an Angel ... but Dangerous as the Devil! . . . The Intriguing story of a beautiful Russian spy whose trembling lips lured whole battal ions to their doom I X&Mcr sir yr x VMttlPNlCHr-1 sfl "Dance and he reck leu . . . lore and be loved . . . for tomor row up may die." Thl waa the motto of the cliarmhii up? lUicvse heart belonged to the enemy but whnne life belonged to CJod and the Czart GILBERT i ROLAND V tt. . r . i n T T - wnue tie aougni uiamuiuus ijuvb 1 i U Mi TJJV .5 W iU . X'"Ofi ft.1. Ifl , m... U h. ':'.,. .v'-'. and fame to nln his son bnrk from with D Ralph Boots w MORGAN MALLORY Alexander KIRKLAND Irene WARE Storr from "Tli P-otul to Ht' bv HfTT friod M Tr V .it) 11 V Ami I ssW Vsw V... . . . And thanks for the aplendld mpport you have Riven us during the year of '33. And NOW! wind up the clock! Ready set! Gol We're off for a amash -banging, grcater-than-ever New Year, and there'll be tome twell ahowa In the old town tight through 1034. (to here'a "Thank" for the pat and a Promise for the future keep your eye on the Craterlanl STARTING TODAY The Romance Twenty Million Have Read... Now the Picture Fifty Million Will Love! A Picture that Storms the Heart and Cascades the Soul . . . and Will Go On Forever in Glory Undimmed! Too Long. You 've Been Robbed of Loveliness... Now the glorious art of Hepburn brings you the very soul of romance in Amer ica's grandest love story . . . just as you have loved it in the book . . . Something far more than a motion picture . . . For here you will meet old cherished friends who live forever in your heart . . . rz fix -"tGst-i . if i;'4TMm ' Zl.1 i It - ' , -:--'-"",.'.'l'"H. Ill . m jt "f A. m m assW IbbW s sT mm mt sW mm mm ml KM I V jjomm by LOUISA MAY ALCOTT JOAN BENNETT PAUL L U K A S FRANCES DEE JEAN PARKER EDNA MAY OLIVER Douglass Montgomery Henry Stephenson Th?'r all hsre . , . topsy-lnrvy "o . . .' trumpy ' "Aunt Msrrh" . . . dfft "HpIH" . . . fllrlntlous "Mfl" . , fnallrilnn "Anij" . , . "Frltr nrooln" . . . "Murls" . . Ihf bnv lint ilnnr . . . beautiful ".Mnrmre" , , , and cvn "Mnps", the dosl IP IN ALL YOUR LIFE YOU COULD SEE BUT ONE PICTURE . . . LET IT BE THIS ONE I Mat. 25? Klddlss Dime Eves. ( 35 Continuous ho Sunday and Monday Doors Open 1:4A 3 v .4wmi'ar!i'ttrvmK-mrKjtw'rwmm 80UTHERN OREGON'S FINEST THEATRE 2