V BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1933. PAGE SEVEN Four Camera Studies of Katharine Hepburn, Star of "Little Women" at Craterian Today Constance Bennett in Rialto Film The fascinating blonde beauty of Constance Bennett Is her greatest ally In gaining war secrets from the ene my her role being that of a Russian spy In "After Tonight," at the Rialto treatre for three days starting today. On the same program, Ralph Mor gan, Boots Ma I lory and Alexander Klrkland are featured in "Humanity." "After Tonight" shows Miss Ben nett behind the Austrian lines during the World war. Gilbert Roland, in the featured role opposite Miss Bennett, Is an Austrian Intelligence officer who falls In love with the beautiful spy. "Tugboat Annie" at Studio i ,... y r -r.iK i with Marie Dressier as Annie, re-1 doubtable feminine skipper of Puget Bound, and wallaca Beery as the 1r-1 SET NEW RECORD FOR TIE ALOFT Ml AM A, Fla.. Deo. 80. (AP) Back to earth after spending nearly ten days In the skies. Frances Marsalls and Helen Blchey tonlcht laid claim to a new woman's rcfucllnd endur ance flight record of nine days, 31 kours and 42 minutes, k AAlmost exhausted, they brought I their oil-spattered plane down to a perfect landing at the municipal air. port at 10:45 a. m today after bat tling frequent rain squalls and chop py winds. The women, happy but showing fatigue, ended their arduous venture aloft Just as a ,iur black cloud op ened up with a downpour that drenched the cheering spectators, who ru,hed out to greet them. In established a new record or 1.17 hours and 43 minutes, the fllera exceeded by 41 hours and 37 min utes the old mark of eight days, four hours and five minutes, set by Mrs. Marsalls and Loulite Thaden at Val ley Stream. L. I., August 33, 1933 After flying t'iroiish and around rain squalls last nlphl. while their plane was bounced about by rough winds, Mrs. Marsalls ami M!m Rlchry dropped a noU- to their grountl crew, saying they would land shortly as they were "very tired." The rpfueiine ship look to the ekles to lead the endurance p'.ane In. The fliers taxied "P to a linear. Just as another rain sq'iall descended. United states farmers :n IM : jl tSan t-c rq.i.v.il-:-.: cf JI-DOCO hoi; shrrjj k., oomnared ilh 13. 000,000 10 year, ago. Roland Is called upon to capture and send to execution the girl he loves. How he answers the challenge to heart and conscience la revealed In a powerful climax to an absorbing story of daring adventures and tender love. In "Humanity," the story concerns the struggle of a young doctor who, against his will, must choose between a strictly ethical career and one that Is not too honorable. And Intermingled with this struggle la the greater one concerning the choice of love one that offers strength and happiness and. another that offers sparkle and gaiety. responsible but lrreslstsble Captain Terry, Tugboat Annie," opens at the Studio today. IN FLORIDA POOL MIAMI, Pla., Deo. 80. (AP) Waves whipped up by a brisk wind defeated the efforts of all except two con testants to capture championship lau rels today In the final matches of the Olympic stars meeting In the Miami Blltmora pool. The three-dsy tank carnival- ended with a cumulative total of 12 records established and four equalled. Leon ard Spence of the New York Athletic club, and Anne Oovednlk of Chls holm, Minn., finished with three na tional records each as the meet's leaders. Members of the Women's Swim ming association of New York cap tured one national record and three lirsts In the concluding afternoon's competition, with the other national record going to Miss Oovednlk. PlouyninB surely through tne wave los&cd water, List Llndsirom of the women's association, bettered by one luii second the previous time In the uatioual 75-j m a back stroke. She swam the short course la .60:3-6 sec onds. Miss oovednlk triumphed la the uutiunel 100 meter short emirse breast ttrskc event, clipping one and onc iiith seconds lroin Agnes Geraghty's Liianipionship time ol 1:38 4-6, estab- i iiaiica at St. Augustine, Fla., in au- ! iiist, luao. j Miss Lindstrom s lime gave her tlw icfoid captured at Seattle In 1931 by ' uawn Olisoti. ;. . r. Coulali Uel;ed. WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. (API oei.ator McNary o Oregon, the Re publican leader, today postponed the pjrty cor.Ierenre schedu:ed lor Tuei d.iy until aft-r receipt of president IjikMvcH'i annual niese to cou-grt-t. Beauties More than a score of the 250 beautiful chorus girls appearing In the unique dance and underwater numbers of the Warner Bros. Immense musical picture, "Footllght parade' now at the Holly, were selected from the campuses of several California universities, "Footllght Parade," a romance of back stage life, carries an all star east headed by James Cagney, Joan Blon de), Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, and Frank Mcllugh. Y At the Smoke House alleys Friday night James Murray won a turkey In the sweepstakea by tipping over 842 ten pins for his three games. Hal Halght won a case of beer with 628 pins, and Roy Prultt won third prize with 599. The following bowlers passed the 600 mark. V. Doty 692 Geo. Gates 592 Geo. Eada 873 J. V. Watson 659 Ralph Burgees 552 0. Walsh 540 L. Watson 545 Jack QUI 541 Al Hagen 630 Payette 510 Jack Hltzler 806 Kext Wednesday the Valley Ten Pin League atarts on a short schedule at the Smoke House alleys with ten teams entered. The entire schedule has not been completed awaiting the entries of a few more teams. Wednes day night Elk Creek meets the Lum bermen an dthe City Cleanera meet the Mall Tribune. Thursday night will also be set aside for league bowling. Bowling Record December 29 111 A. Stoehr 164 16T 160 481 R. Clancy i8 149 160 847 Handicap 59 58 69 871 3S 849 2085 1 2 P. Erlckson 164 196 185 833 0. Wslsh 1B 148 179 513 Handicap 34 34 34 872 878 398 1148 1 i t O. Pumas ISO 157 190 477 Dr. Lantls . 151 175 107 403 Handicap 85 86 88 18 867 892 1076 13 8 C. Walsh 169 188 171 498 P. Erlckson 139 138 182 456 Hsndlcap 31 31 31 829 334 184 1047 Tnee., Jan 2nd Prultt and Prultt vs. Erlckson and Walsh. Rankin and Olll vs. Eada and Ce Vore. Averag Standing W. Prultt U Ouenther , 9 Lantls 9 Eads 12 Rsnkln 9 Eada Clancy 4 AUTO GLASS render. Body Radiator Repair Oenernl Hheet Melel Light Htructtirat Iron RRII.L MF.TAL 1VOKKS 109 K. 8th St. Phone 418 HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of our friend and Patrons Prince Auto Electric Complete aulo electric repairing .01 No. HhrMde Brighten Holly's Revue Film HURT BY BLAST John E. Rohr of Manteno, 111., who pitched the Lake of the Woods CCC camp baseball team to the champ ionship of the Med ford district last summer, and whose pitching was so outstanding that Saturday he was to .have been signed up by one of the Pacific Coast league's prominent teams, Is now in the Veteran's hos pital at Roseburg, with serious' in juries to his eyes, face and hands as the result of a blast. Rohr was assistant leader at the Lake of the Woods camp this sum mer, and with the rest of his com pany was transferred to Camp South Pork of Rogue river, where he was Injured Thursday. According to Major James R, Bib- Ighaus, headquarters physician who took Rohr to the hospital, the young man had stepped near a hole where two blasts had been placed, and fail ed to go off. As he got near the hole, the powder exploded, severely burning Rohr's face and hands. ATLANTA, Dec. 30. (AP) Bobby Jones showed the home folks today there still was magic In his clubs. 1 Atlanta named Its newest and only 18-hoIe municipal golf "course In honor of the former grand slam champion and. In playing the first dedicatory round over the layout this afternoon, Bobby spanked out a 07, four under par, to give his pay-as-you-go public links Imitators a record to shoot at for some time. What can f MFAMipfn fyfVN - lift MEMBER., THE ORDER OF THI 80U)ltl ULI With a new year before til, what can we do to achieve thote things of the flesh and the spirit, which sre deareH to uf The new yenr fires us a new opportunity to strive greatly, dare wisely, and win to the ftircess we rarh hare In mind. To une the new year well and wisely Is the net pOMtble resolution; If we do thla, our heart' desires cannot fall to become frailties, PERL FUNERAL HOME Mf)ltUUCU2A OFFICE OP COLIN TV CORONER. SIXTH AT OAKDALE -PHONE 47 STEADY INCREASE PORTLAND, Ore., Dm. 30. p)-A statement that unemployment ha been reduoed in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and. Montana, "up to 00 per cent" by the public works and civil works administration project-, was mode here totday by Marshall N. Dana, regional advisor for the public works administration. "The PWA and OWA have dented deeply the unemployment emergency and have brought substantial relief to many thousands In the four states," he said. The Increased employment, Dana said, "Is chiefly credited to the OWA as a division of the general public works administration. During the year to come the employment effects of PWA projects will be seen in the em ployment of large additional numbers. Due to the necessity for careful en gineering, legal and financial analysis of allocation to public bodies, thru PWA, the time element In getting work underway has necessarily been Increased." flAN PRAW7ISOO, Dee. SO. A aurvey of Oregon employment made in 11(5 representative firms by the federal reserve bank of San Francisco indicates the state payrolls poured 37 per cent more Into trade channels In November than a year ago, and where 100 men were then employed, 130 are now at work. The normal seasonal decline took place from October to November in fact, It was slightly more than sea sonal, due to the unusually long sea son In the food products Industry holding up October employment. The Oregon employment Index, showing perceneoge of actual employ ment compared with the 1028 month- we do? 10 DIE AS PLANE BRUSSELS. Dec. 30. roll ing in from the coast was believed responsible for a crash today of the Imperial Airways London-bound plane Apollo which fell LI ice a flaming coffin with ten dead after colliding with a wireless pylon near Ruysselde, 14 miles from Burges. An official description of ths aoct dent said the craft fell "like a mor tally wounded -bird" and that the ab sence of any cry from within the cabin led to the belief that all In side, Including eight passengers said to be Britons, were killed Instantly. Five members of the air station staff were burned about the face and hands In attempting a rescue. Bodies of the victims were so charred that Identification was almost Impossible. The plane was reduced to a shapeless mass. Ths tragedy occurred between Oa ten and Burgess at 1:05 p. m. The craft, used on the Cologne -Brussels-London route, was flying from Brus sels, where five of the passengers boarded It. The others were taken on at Cologne. The wireless most was broken in half by the impact. When the ma chine struck the ground spectator rushed toward It but the gasoline fed flames prevented them from get ting near It. ly average, was 77 In November, com pared with 91 in October, and 61 in November, 1033. When this Index was adjusted for seasonal swings, it stood at 76, against 83 In October, 69 In November last year. 2GWDGO A GREATER Irapetui to the bail neu of our community and of the nation. Reemployment . . high er wages ... the American Business Man is justifiably confident in the outlook of our country for 1034. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK "A Departmentized Bank" Building permits In th city ol Med ford totalled 968.729 during the year 1033. the records revealed yes terday. Thla sum Is made up of 110 permit. The amount la small compared with the 1933 figure, which was 343.317. The latter, however, Included the construction of the Jackson county courthouse, general contract for which totaled i 190.000. The 1933 valuation will, in reality. be as per cent higher than the t68, 720 placed on the books, as several phases of construction were not repre sented in the original permit. Hilarious Film Opens At Roxy "International House." with a cast of stage, screen and radio favorites h ended by Paggy Hopkins Joyce, W. C. Fields. Rudy Vallee. Stuart Erwln, George Burns and Oracle Allen, starts at the Roxy today. The plot deals with a group of big business representatives from all over the world who are assembled In a Chinese hotel to outbid each other on a marvelous new Invention. The complications that result are highly humorous. W. C. Fields, as the oocentrlo Pro fessor Quail, has the leading comedy role. He starts out from Mexico on a non-stop flight and he mistakes Wu Hu. China for Kansas City. Burns and Allen are the doctor and nurse, and everybody at ths hostelry Is slightly oraoked. A three-track highway from Fred ericksburg, Va., to Washington has Just been completed at a cost or (3,000,000. NEW YEAR GREETINGS To our many Southern Oregon friends and customers. May the New Year bring you happiness and prosperity. We have been happy to serve you in the past year and hope to see you often in 1934. Pierce Allen Motor Co. Dodge and Plymouth Sales & Service South Riverside Phone 150 With the ringing down of the cur tain on the year 1033, Medford and Jackson county will realize the close of one of the most dramatic years In their history, which gained for this section International notoriety as a result of the sweeping political tur moil. The restoration to normal civic life has been rapid. And Jackson county, with thank ful hearts for the return of pesos, new hopes for a year of prosperity. COLVIG PICTURED IN LITTLE PIG FEATURE An Interesting photograph In the. Los Angeles newspaper reveals the voices of 'The Three Little Pigs," popular Walt Disney film. They are Pinto Colvlg, formerly of this city, who sang the tunes of the Industrious third pig: Dorothy Compton. Imper sonator of the pig, who built his house of twlga. and Mary Noder, who played the part of the first little pig, who built his house of straw. Colvlg also taks the role of Pluto, the pup. In the Mickey Mouse come dies. Ore aed Biallloi. Purchased LkMwd by Stita ol CilUol WILD B ERG BROS. SMELTING AC REFINING CO. Ot&ou: 742 Mtrkct St.,Sn FrturaKO Plant? South Sn Funciico OF i