PAOE FIVE Society and Clubs Edited by Eva Ncalon Hamilton LEGION PRESENTS ITS PROGRAM L WHY AIMEE WANTS A DIVORCE E rEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGOX, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1933. v ! NG YEAR Garden Club Meets Thursday Evening The Medford Garden club will bold Its regular monthly meeting Thurs day. Jan. 4 at 7:30 p. m. In the court house auditorium. J. A. Perry, who haB taken some excellent moving pic tures In British Columbia and south ern Oregon, will show them Thursday evening and the Garden club Invites all, who are Interested hi seeing them to be present. Luy Pupils In Recital Friday Dance students of Ruth Marie Luy will be presented In recital Friday evening at Hunt's Craterlan theater. and a splendid program has been i arranged by Miss Luy and her assis tant, Zoe Dell Lantls. piano accompaniments will be played by Mrs. J. W. Antle. "Don't Worry Club" ' I Has Meeting The "Don't Worry Club" met at the j nome oi Mrs. is. ivereon on Ross Court Thursday afternoon for a one o'clock luncheon. The afternoon was spent in playing various games. South Side Circle To Meet Tuesday The ladles of the South Side circle of the Baptist church will meet Janu ary 3 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the home of Mesdames Miner and Boshear, 404 South Grape street. St. Mark's Altar Guild To Meet There will be a meeting of St. Mark's Altar Guild Monday evening, January 8, at 6:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Jack Porter. Each per son Is asked to bring a covered dish. Mndleys Entertain At Holiday Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Llndley and daughter, Willette, were hosts at their home, 215 East Jackson, Wed nesday evening at 7:30 dinner. Christ mas decorations added a cheery note to the rooms, where dancing was enjoyed following dinner. The affair honored Mr. and Mrs. Glen Geer, guests from Wenatchee of the Ltnd leys. Lady Elks Meet For Cards Tuesday Trs. Lady Elks will meet for pool and cards Tuesday afternoon, Janu ary 2 with Mrs. Darnellle, hostess. SUICIDE LEAP IS CLUE 10 BRUTAL CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 30. (IP) A man's suicide leap from the Superior high-level bridge here tonight result ed In the discovery of the hammer murder of a woman. An hour after motorists had seen a man Jump from the bridge rail and bounce from a tug Into the Cuyahoga river 110 feet below, coast guards re covered a body tentatively Identified as that of Joseph dl Pocl. Tracing an address given In a bank book Issued to dl Pocl and Mrs. Mae Gross, 34, police broke Into a disor dered .bedroom and found her body. The room showed evidence of a ter rific struggle. The blood-stained ham mer used In beating her to death was in the room. After neighbors said dl Pocl had oc cupied the room for five months, and reported seeing him leave half an hour before he Jumped from the bridge, the police began a search for Mrs. Gross' husband to Inform him of the tragedy. The Grosses lived at an other address. Two other men killed themselves by Jumping from the bridge Thurs day. They were Robert Townes, 55, and Robert M. Lockwood, 30. BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 30. (AP) A communique from the president to night said 40 radical rebels had been killed and more than 30 wounded In a battle last night between loyal Ar gentine troops and more than 300 rebels who crossed Into Cottlentes province, Argentina, from Brazil. While the government clafmed nor mal conditions had returned to the country today, last night's battle ap parently was a final flareup In an abortive revolution, from which Presi dent Justo blamed the radical party. The presidential communique added that the Corrlcnte revolters, among whom It said were numerous Brazil ians, were well armed with rifles and machine guns. NEW YORK. Dec. 30. ( AP) A "fon: cam" harnewing the Infra red rny and deslened to extend the visibility limit of ships' navigators from two to four times, has been devised by Flavel M. Williams, mas ter mariner. The camera has been Installed for the first time on any ship on the liner Manhattan, it was announced tonight, and will become part of the shin's regular equipment next Tues . day. A peach tree in Charlotte. N. C, bore tto p?rfe:t pa::;e in 1st Oc tober. s:t?r producing a regular crop during Uie mxunei. ARGENTINE REDS REVOLT DUELLED FOG CAMERA FOR SHIPS DEVISED Pythians Observe New Year Monday The annual New YMr'a nnr.v tn which the Knights of Pythias are In viting the public, will be held at the Pythian hall M O n rl a v mvmnina Knights, Pythian Sisters and their irienas are invited. Cards and danclnr will the evening's diversion with music furnished by Dickey's orchestra. The conimtttee for the occasion Is com- posea or j. w. Nixon, Ed Schackle, W. L. Walden. Mrs. J. w. Nixon. B. B. Harwood, Elizabeth Temple. Act,'. .'ties of Legion Auxiliary By Mrs. Goodwin Humphrey The officers of the American Legion Auxiliary wish to extend greetings for a bright and prosperous New Year, to all auxiliary members and their friends! Of special interest to auxiliary members Is the varied mass of legis lation affecting the veteran, which will be offered in the two houses of congress when the seventy-third con gress of the United States begins its first regular session. The greatest of these to be considered Is the Pour Point Rehabilitation program of the American Legion. Legionnaires should let their senators and congressmen understand that they want them to support the legion's four-point bill rather than introduce bills of their own to amend the economy act. Hulldlng Hrlilcr Club To Meet Thursday The Building Bridge club will meet 1 inursaay afternoon at 3 o'clock at the parish hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Rose Schleffelln, Mrs. A. Duff and Mrs. W. H. Smith, Royal Neighbors Meet Thursday , The Royal Neighbors will meet for their business meeting Thursday eve ning. foreign Missionary Society to Meet The Foreign Missionary society of the First Methodist Episcopal church will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Meeker on North Central. VOTE NRA RETURN DAWSON, N. M., Dec. 30. (AP) Casting a unanimous vote at a gen eral mass meeting here today, 300 striking coal miners at the Phelps Dodge corporation mines decided to return to work Tuesday without their strike leaders and to submit their de mands to the arbitration board pro vided in the NRA coal code. All of the miners will be rehired, with the exception of Tellesoforo Gal legos and Doney Jones, president and vice-president of the United Mine Workers of America local, who have been dismissed from the payroll and who late today were notified by the sheriff to leave the company houses which they are occupying, company officials said. World News At a Glance (By the Associated Press) Domestic ( SHAWNEE, Okla .Wilbur Under bill, southwestern desperado, captur ed and seriously wounded by posse. WASHINGTON National banks re port gain in deposits, more assets and higher loan total. WASHINGTON Speaker Rainey sees no silver remonetlzation law un less Roosevelt approves. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Grand Jury votes 11 secret indictments In connection with lynching of negro. WASHINGTON Roosevelt signs retail food and grocery code affect ing 480,000 stores. MIAMI, Pla. Women endurance fliers land after nearly ten days In air. DENVER Tuberculosis patient asks to die In lethal gas chamber in place of condemned youth, JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. President Roosevelt indirectly asks legislature to guard against return of saloon in liquor bill. Foreign BUCHAREST Martial law declared after bomb explodes near botly of sln'n premier in railroad station. MOSCOW New Industrial plan In four years would triple 1932 produc tion and make Soviets virtually self sufficing. I UrtUU L FACE DRINK BAN CHICAGO. Dec. 30 Mayor Ed ward J. Kelly is going to try to get Chicago women away from the bars. "Womanhood," he said in announc ing his decision, "should be held on a higher plane." Since the return of legal liquor wo men in Chicago have been sitting down on stools in front of bars, sip ping their drinks with the men, and the mayor. aftr studying the situa tion announced that he was opposed to the practice and would ask the city council to amend the liquor licence ordinance to stop it. The announcement was made in a statement, after which th mayor ltt for a Abort vacation. tit Vf vi m N V t VV wsh ttsi The American Leaion s legislative program for the Impending ses sion of congress was presented to President Roosevelt at the White House by Edward A. Hayes (left), national commander of the legion, and John Thomas Taylor (right), vice chairman of the legion's national legislative committee. (Associated Press Photo) MINERAL OIL IN PEANUTS SPEEDS PARALYSIS CURES TUSKEGEE. Ala., Dec. 30. (API Discovery of a mineral oil In pea nuts that has aided in the recovery of infantile paralysis victims and in nouncea axiay oy ur, ueorBe Carver, noted negro scientist and head of the research department of Tuskegee institute. Dr. Carver said the tissue building properties in the oil were accidentally discovered, after he had used it as the base for a beauty lotion. Dr. Carver said he used it in the treatment of two young boys, one 13 and the other 14 who had suffered from infantile paralysis. Improvement was noted early in the tests. Dr. Carver said. After nine applications of the oil, which was massaged into the affected limbs, one of the subjects who had Mjeen warning witn.crut.cnes was a me to walk with the use of only a cane. The other boy, less severely af flicted, had Increased use of his leg and Joined other boys in playing football. TAX COLLECTION UREAU FORMED WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (API Attorney General Cummlngs an nounced today that a new depart ment of Justice division had been created to deal with all tax matters, civil and criminal. Another change in the depart mental setup was the abolition of the civil and admiralty division. Work heretofore performed in this division will be distributed among other de partmental branches. The new tax division will defend suits brought in the United States court of claims for tax refunds. This formerly rested with the claims di vision. The changes, to take effect January 1 were not expected by the depart ment to result in a material decrease in expenditures. Cummlngs said the office of the assistant solicitor general, created June 16 and held at present by Angus D. MacLean, henceforth would pre pare executive orders and opinions and compromise matters In litigation. NEW YORK, Deo. 30. (AP) De spite the fact that women In Ger many have been sent back to their cookstoves, the status of women throughout the world Improved dur ing,. 933, In the opinion of Mrs. Car rie 'chapman Catt, veteran suffrage leader and now active In the cause of peace. Killed In Mystery mm The body of Jullsn C. Whitman (above), San ,;rancisco financier and former stock exchange official, waa found on lonely Jersey Island In the San Joaquin river delta re gion in California. A revolver was found near his side, but police said evidence pointed to murder and a search for a myster.sus astatlan: was begun. (Qaoriei Moulin photo froai Associated Press) !:!: Astoria Discovers It's In Washington, Gotham Paper Errs ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. 300. () Oregon has lost another land mark. This time it's the city of Astoria, presented by a New York newspaper to the state of Wasn ington. A copy of the paper re ceived here shows a photo of the cruiser Astoria recently christened Bremerton, and the caption says the cruiser was "named for the Washington city which gets its name from John Jacob Astor, fur trader." The residents here insist Astoria is still on the Oregon side of the Columbia river. SCANT HOPE FOR WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. (AP) In the face of a reported growing senti ment for remonetlzation of silver, Speaker Rainey said today that such a move would not reach sufficient strength to gain enactment unless President Roosevelt gave It his sup port. Senator Thomas (D., Okla.), a leading Inflation advocate, made three suggestions. Including free coinage of gold and sliver, which he . said would settle the monetary Issue. With the administration apparent ly studying a proposal under whlcB the treasury would commandeer all the gold In the federal reserve banks, preparatory to revaluing the dollar, officials expressed the opinion that present laws gave the treasury auch sreat authority the action could be taken with the stroke of a pen. 1 BUCHAREST, Rumania, Dec. 30. (AP) A decree invoking martial law and rigid newspaper censorship was promulgated tonight as the govern ment prepared for relentless action against any violent aftermath of the assassination of Premier Ion O. Duca and an attempt on the slayer's life. The entire country was made sub Ject to the martial law order, effec tive at midnight, and military sur veillance was provided for newspapers so mat Provisional Premier Constan tine AngeieKcu, Duca's successor, would have a free hand In quelling tne anti-semltlc iron Guard party, ATLANTA. Dec. 30 (AP) Terry Druggan. one of Chicago's ,pre-repeai beer barons, today waa sued by the government for 2G7,702.54 and In tcrest for alleged unpaid Income taxes. The suit, filed in federal court for the northern district of Georgia, is similar to one filed yesterday In Chi cao. , It represented taxes claimed to be due frnm the years of 1923, 1923 and 1024. Credit was given for 944.000 the government ohtalned from the ale of a house Druggan owned In Miami. Druggan now la serving a sentence of two and a half years In the federal penitentiary here for income tax evasion. Philip Dumont, former University of Iowa mu.eum aAljttsnt, llata 8d4 species of birds as Inhabitants of lows. Severin Battery Service Sftertn and Mtiltnnmnh Bnlterles. Complete Auto Klertric Service. N. Bherslde Phone 300 RUMANIA RULED -BY MARTIAL LAW BEER BARON SUED FOR UNPAID TAXES I wmm TO SOCIAL PEACE PORTLAND, Dec, 30. p) Inau guration of a "new deal" m educa tion as the greatest contribution teschers can make in 1934 waa urged at the closing session of the 34th an nual convention of the Oregon State Teachers aasociatlon when Dr. Frank W. Hart, professor of education, Uni versity or California, discussed "the place of public education in the new deal." . "We must turn our attention from better and bigger machines to human needs." he declared; ."from the mys tery of the molecule to the mystery of the mind; from the' behavior, of the electron to the behavior of mo rons." Dr. Hart argued that the only valu able task for our schools in these days of soelal upheaval and complex ities Is to teach social science in place of the physical sciences. "The is the beginning of a na tional movement." he continued, "to elevate social science to supremacy in every school of the land. I believe that one-fourth of every child's study should be social science. "That is the way to educate for a fearless, courageous, straight-thinking generation of young people able to meet problems on a high plane of political intelligence." LIFE WEARY MAN DENVER, Dec. 30. ( AP) A man who wanta to die pleaded today to give his life for that of Walter Rep pln. whose 18 years of scurrying be fore the law seem doomed to end in Colorado's new lethal gas chamber next Friday. Walter C. Dunham, moribund Colo rado Springs tuberculosis patient, made the plea in a letter to Gov ernor Edwin C. Johnson. Reppln, for mer Newark. N. J., youth, is "con demned to die for the murder of Vin cent Regan, Colorado Spring taxi driver. "Since I doubt that you will com mute Reppln's sentence, I wish to offer to take his place In the gas chamber," Dunham wrote. "Reppln is only 18 and I feel sure he will make a good citizen. That Is why I will gladly take his place in the lethal gas chamber provided Rep pln Is set free after my execution. "I am suffering from tuberculosis and I am supported by the commu nity chest of Colorado Springs. It is doubtful If I will ever be a good self- supporting citizen. "Will you please let me take Rep pin's place and set him free?" The governor did not comment on the letter. Previously, he said he did not find any facta that warranted his Interfer ence with the death sentence Im posed by the court on Reppln. Philip Hornbeln and David Rosner, Denver attorneys, after a conference with Governor Johnson, said they would take steps Tuesday to appeal the case. A SELF-SLASHER MADISON. Ia., Dec. 30. (p) In critical condition from knife wounds In the chest and abdomen, Lt, Col. Ralph D. Bates of Blooming ton. 111., waa removed from a Santa Fe train here late today and taken to a hos pital. Col. Bates offered no explanation except to say he was "sorry he did It." Investigators said he stabbed him self numerous times about the heart and abdomen with a small pocket knife.. Col Bates retired from the army about ten years ago. Austria Budget VIENNA, Dec. 30. (P The gov- e-rnment of Chancellor Englebret Dollfuss decreed its 1934 budget to- day total expenditures for the year of 1 ,900,000.000 schlliinga ((current ly about 342,0uo,000). f Ataooata county, Texas, is rated by the census bureau as the leading watermelon producing county In the United States. RETIRED OFFICER SPECIAL NEW YEAR OFFER Lowest Possible Prices FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY DENTAL WORK AT PORTLAND PRICES Doublo Suction Plates That Fit 1 ,1 Here you see one reason Evangelist Aimeo Semple McPherson Hut ton (lower left) wants a divorce. Filing an unexpected cross complaint to her husband's suit and asking a separation and elimination of Hut ton from her name, aha objected to David (shown at piano) associating with "scantily clad show girls" and being photographed with them. She added that they caressed and kissed him, too. (Associated Press Photo) T OLYMPIA. Way.h., Dec. 30. (AP) Before the Washington legislature ad journed today for the New Year's holiday, the house put everything in order for action on liquor control legislation next week. Taking drastic stops, the lower chamber wrenched all pending liq uor bills, including the Steele state stores measure which passed the sen ate from the house liquor control committee. T.hls action literally dis solved the liquor body composed of 33 members and sent the rum bills to the rules organization minus the numerous amendments adopted by the committee. Plans of the rules committee are to bring the Steele bill on the floor Tuesday In the same .form It passed the senate two weeks ago, make ev ery effort to block liberalizing amend ments, and rush lt through the lower chamber. It's To Weep PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 30. (AP) Even the Judges may weep at their own decisions at the Pacific Inter national Livestock Exposition here next year. For the first time in the United States an international on ion show will be held, in connection with the exposition. All breeds of geese in the United States are descended from the wild gray goose. They have been domesti cated for centuries. Object Of Manhunt 'a. i est i,n Police of Chicago and mldwtit state, are conducting a widespread search for John Dllllnger (above), desperado sought as the leader ot a band of escaped Indiana convicts. (Associated Press Photol 4 I M.I Satisfaction on All Work DR. THOMPSON BEST FOR LESS" Opp. I't National Hank m l:nt Main , Phone 70 E KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 30. (AP) R. E. Eddy, his present wife, hts former wife and their children sat down to a reunion dinner tonight. "Believe it or not that's what the world may say," conjectured Eddy. "But aren't we happy?" "We're setting a new style," said Mrs. Clarence Bunco of Oms,ha, who was the first Mrs. Eddy for thirteen years. Their four children, now all married, were present. Mrs. Anna Eddy, who has been Eddy's wife for the past 13 -years, was there with her three children by former marriage. Mr. Bunco and four grandchildren completed the group. Mrs. Bunce and Mrs. Eddy Jointly prepared the meal. "When Vie present Mrs. Bunce and I decided long ago we weren't really mated, we let lt go at that," Eddy explained. Coke, a comparatively new product In Texss, will furnish an estimated 50.000 tons of export business from Galveston during the winter months, Repeal the E Entertainment starts at 11 Dancing from 12 to 3 Monday Morning I For Elks and Their Invited Guests Invllpd RUf!s munt have Invitation cards, and present same at the floor. Curds may he sreurcd from the fiance committee or the Secretary of the lodge. Committee In Charge: ROBERT RTRANO, chairman STAN RHUKWnon GROVER CORUM ADMISSION $1.25 A COUPLE CjSjE; sincere ir fPJ WISHES r is FOR A V-J SUN Full of Prosperity and Happiness CONGER FUNERAL PARLOR WEST MAIN AT NEWTOWN BERLIN, Dec. 30. (AP) Buoyant optimism regarding Germany's eco nomic and political future was ex pressed today In New Year's wishes that almost every person of import ance in public life sent to German, newspaper offices. No papers will appear Monday and, consequently the greetings were com municated a day earlier than usual. In accordance with tradition. Pres ident Von Hlndenburg felicitated th army and navy and admonished them, to continue, "to do your duty and obtain the faithful fulfillment ot your obligations." Chancellor Hitler reserved hts wiF.'ies for January 1 when he will address the president at an annual New Year s ceremony. "For the first time In years," said the greeting of Count Lutss Schwerln Von Kroslgk, Industrial leader and former finance minister, "all figure concerning our economic life show1 an upward trend." IN LOS ANGELES It's The SIXTH and SPRING STREETS "Ctt IMt Hasumd Habit" SENSIBLE RATES $1.50 per day up without bath $2.00 per day up with bath CONVENIENT LOCATION U?e check aonr car at tits door and eturn it mnen qoo are readq for it CAFE and GRILL POPULAR PRICES oanquet Rooms oeautii Parlor oarber Shop FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICE H. C. FRYMAN, Proprietoi HARRY 0. WAOENER RUSSELL H. WAOENER Maniicrs Blues at the A. ELKS' ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY At the Elks Temple Sunday, Dec. 31 IMxr .