MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WOMEN BATTLE OCEAN STORM CROWD VIEWS LYNCH VICTIM'S CHARRED BODY; GUARDS MAN TANKS M ' 4, V " ft ' tei f . f--rr f wist n ft. " r t Throe women, who, with eight men were aboard the yacht Slnaloa, en co-operative ita cruise when It lost Ita rudder en route from Honolulu to San Francisco, helped man the pumps to keep the vessel afloat until it was picked up by a coast guard cutter off San Francisco. . They were (left to right) Dorothy Chllen, Long Beach, Cal.; Mre. Ada ; Wynn, Honolulu, and Hazel Pardue of Long Beach. (Associated Press M iff " t Tanks manned by Missouri national guardsmen, ordered out by Gov. Guy B. Park, failed to stop a mob of 7000 at St. Joseph, Mo., which pulled the doors from the county jail and seized and hanged Lloyd Warner, 19-year-old negro accused of criminally attacking a white girl. Left: one of the tanks alongside the jail entrance. Right: part of the crowd of 7000 persons In the mob after Warner's body was drenched In gasoline and burned. He was hanged from the tree shown in the center. (Associated Press Phtos SNOW AND ICE BRING NEW BEAUTIES TO NIAGARA DIRECTOR PICKS BEAUTIES FOR "SCANDALS" FILM 8r The scenes have changed at Niagara, famous honeymoon resort. Old man winter came down from the north to decorate the cataract wtth fantastic shapes in snow and Ice. Here's a view of frosty beauty from "suicide point." (Associated Press Photo) A REAL LONG DISTANCE WEDDING Rejects NRA Code if 8 This may not look like It, but it's a wedding ceremony at least one half of one. Bertll Clason, In De troit, Mich., wed Slgrld Carlson In Stockholm, Sweden, by transat lantic telephone with all principals In the ceremony connected on the line by ear phones. The bride groom, an engineer. Is seated at the mouthpiece. Standing Is his brother, Ragner Clason, and at right is John D. Watts, who offi ciated. (Associated Press Photo) 7 . ai if-J t I - S f 'tf ' if y 4 11 I " jf v- Here's George White, musical comedy Impressario, and a piano-ful of beauties he selected to dec orate the first of five annual editions of "Scandals" for a Hollywood motion picture studio. His first day's work Involved picking 75 girls for the film edition of his Broadway show, but (t appears ho likes his work. '(Assoclatd Press Photo . HEALTH CHAMPS CUT THEMSELVES A SLICE OF MEAT Walter 8. Qifford (above), presi dent of the American Telephone and Telegraph company, In a letter to Hugh 8. Johnson, said his con cern did not want to come under the NRA code because It is non competitive In character. Johnson said he would impose a code con tainlng labor provisions ir neces sary. (Associated Press Photo) mm :'"s:.' V i. J . Adjudged the nation's healthiest 4-H youngsters in connection with the International stock show In Chicago were Shirley Caroline Drew, 17 (left), of Fayette, Mo., and Clfsta Millspaugh, 16, of Mt. Pleasant, la., who tied for honors among girls, and Glenn L. Sherwood, 19, of Lamed, Kas.. healthiest boy. Hera they are sampling a bit of de luxe roast beef. (Associated Press Photo. A HALE WINE TRAIN WELL MET INDIANS HONOR SAINT IN PAGEANT .Jii,, tW - "c WOULD VOID DAUGHTER'S ADOPTION I Tne first trainioao of wine to cross me country in 14 years rolled iut of the west and these beauties were on htnd to meet It when It reached New York. They were rewarded with tasty samplt frem the lia i n 'I Sirs?, (Atiscuted Prcn Pha'-oi 5 fc'Li'u,'.,:VA,""f v Victor Kotow (left), salesman-father of Sylvia Sidney, has brought suit In New York to determine the legal status of the diminutive film star. Kosow, shown with his attorney, Jacob Gelfand, seeks to have Miss 8idney's adoption by Dr. Sigmund Sidney set aside on the ground! ha was not notified. Dr. Sidney married the former Mrs. Kosow several years after her divorce and adopted Sylvia, ..Associated Preti Ph&toj Blending pagan and Christian ceremonies. Papago Indians honored the memory of St. Francis Xsvier near Tucson, Ariz., with a proces sion, feast and dancing. Part of the procession, with vested Indian altar boys preceding the catafalque bearing a statue of the saint as Franciscan monks and worshippers follow, Is shown. (Associated resi Photoj s WYNEKOOP AS LOTHARIO AT FAIR t- ,"7; Hf;--, ft v j Car " ? ,t 4k Est "W V T '.). Earle Wynekoop, widower of Mrs. Rhet. Wnekoop victim In the Chicago operating room slaying, Is pictured when he was known as "Skyride Mike" at the world's fair last summer. With him Is Mary Gerken, who explained she was not a sweetheart of Wynekoop, whoso "datebook" Included names of 50 young women. (Associated Prese Photo) HOW SENATOR AVOIDED A CROWD us? r Senator Tom Connally of Texas, chairman of the committee Inves tigating the election of Senator John H. Overton In Louisiana, Is shown orawling through window from the fire eacapa Into the women'a washroom In order to get In to the committee hearing room In New Orleane. A huge crowd had blocked the front entrance to the building. (Associated Press Photo) CROSS COUNTRY RUN VICTORS ' jf Tom Ottey (left) of Michigan State wen the annual cross-country championship run of the International A. A. A. A, and Joe Mangan of Cornell finished second. Ottey finished the alx-mlle rsce at Van Cortlandt park, New Vork, In 30 minutes flat. (Assoclsted Press Photos) WORLD'S SMALLEST BARBER SHOP iH i J ; FER0.S BARBER SHOP ..HAIKCUT.W J ''Mi. Fsrd Werner's barber shop at the Grand Coulee dam site In east ern Washington Is so tiny he has to step outelde to strop the razor. It'a a "close shave" no matter how you figure It. He was one of the first settlere In the new town where the huge Grand Coulee dam will b constructed, (Associated Press Ehotol . 1