PAGE NINE You Can't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here IfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WdM'l to tell ioui DonuV want to get rid 01 tw odds urn nds in Household furnishings! oo you need tools tor roui gar ten? A" inexpenaive Want-AO iq tn. Mall ITlbune Classified (age UI "no answei te these, and msnj othei perplexing sroblems. H re Are the Rates: Pet word first insertion " (Minimum '18c) Bach additional Insertion. per word i Minimum 10c) Per line per month, without copj changes 75 Phone LOST AND FOUND FOUND Brown fox fur.. Call at Trib une otllce. . . FOUND Brown aid glove. O' call at Mall Tribune office. LOST Xf dog missing, call 1618. WANTED SITUATION i WANTED A good cook nd house keeper must have work. Can go Jny place. Mr,. Edna C. Pettersen. Rt. 1. Box 168. Medford. WANTED MALE HELP To quail y In quic ; you learn. Low tuition ana Complete employment service. Die- . eel Power Engineering Schools. 33u 20th St., San Francisco. SALESMAN We are now allotlng ter- rltory to sell our Adv. Calendars ler j next season, iiarge wiuu.. . - . vanced business sold Immediately after Jan. 1st. Our men make mon ey Commissions fiald weekly. Ex cellent territory open. Write today. V. S. Walsh, 156 Second St.. San Francisco. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Transportation to Oakland Dec. 26. Share expenses. Refer ences exchanged. Box 1789, Tribune. WANTED Used cars. Pay cash. HI way Exchange, So. of Phoenix. WANTEd""-To borrow 81300 Good security. Box 1574. Tribune. WANT TO BUY 1920 Ford cheap. 333 W 3nd. Must be EDGAR JOHNSON wants to buy your furs at the Peerless Market. 12-14 No. Bartlett St. WANTED Electric radio. Must bo reasonable. Box 268. Trlbune: WILL care for elderly sick people In my home. Phone 437-X WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you Medtord Bargain House. 27 N Orape St Tel 1062. JUNK WANTED We nay cash lor JTTNK BATI-ERIEb & R A Dl A JOBS ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER lunk of il descriptions MEDFORD BARGAIM HOUSE 31 No Orape W 1063 WANTED Raw furs Price, advanced from 3S to 60 It will pay you to trap New and used traps tor sale Medford Bargain House. Med ford. Oregon 27 North Grape St.. Phone 1063. FOR KENT HOUSES FOR RENT Small house. 801 N. Cen tral. 5-ROOM house for rent. Tel. 1658. 60 NORTH PEACH 8 rooms, oil stove, good condition. First Insuranw Agency, Tel. 105. after 5. H. H Brown. 1670. MODERN HOME Close In. 104 So, Newtown. First Insurance Agency Tel. 105. after 5. H. H. Brown. 160 FOR RENT 716 East Jackson. 208 Summit. First Insurance Agency. Tel. 103. after 5. H. H. Brown. 1670. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnish ed stucco house Phone 279 FOR SALE 81400.00 or rent 810, 61 Pine Brown and White or write owner, 1 Jarl. Boring. Oregon. KOMES FOR K.E.VI CSlI 8 4 mi RFJJ'l ITmes furnished or unfurnished Brown ft Whit HOUSES klO. 612 60 and 818 watei osld: wood, range Phone 105 FOR RENT 7-room modern home. 3 oedrooma C A DeVoe. 523-J-2 "6-ROOM modern cottage, 112 50 So Orape St FOR RENT Huuse. close in Tel 319-Y FOR RENT 3 -room furnished apt close in. 317 East Jackson or 749-Y FOR RENT One Df trie nicest unf'ir nifhed 5-room modern bungalows m city, newly painted and papered, new curtains throughout, new lin oleum on kitchen, bathroom and pantry Hours, e'.ectric water heatci. new hcuroia and built-in fixtures, all tn t:p-top condition. See it at 7.J3 W 1 itn jr.d call next door. No small chdren. rOK HI NT H ItMSHEll ROOMS FOR PENT Comfort lhle. on wnient f;:rn:shed room. 19 Mistletoe Si Phone 638-W. ATTRACTIVE ranee; heat. rfvtm. seosrst ent 220 No 6akdi:t. FOR heated ileepirg rooms call 1399-L ATTRACT! VI rooms, 4u4 & Grape, FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND ItOUM at Rates very moderat. IIS a. Main FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE for electric washing machine, fresh Jersey cow. Second house west from gas plant. 'TattrT', All.UttilUll, JUL SM. I GOOD hard wood for sale or trade for good young cow or heifer coin- j inn lresh. Marvin W. Johnson, care Box 375 or phone 40-X-l, Central Point, Oreg. WILL TRADE Ford Coupe for motor cycle or blmotorcycle. withrow, 31 Berrydale. FOR TRADE Ohev. truck driven 11.000 miles, for late mode, seaau S. A. Bower, Murphy. Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Cottage at 108 So. Oak dale. inquire next door north. BACHELOR cabin. 445 So. Front. STORE ROOM FOR RENT After Jar uary 7, store room 17x60 feet, on Orape street, adjoining Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent to rl(rit party. Apply at business offlco Mall Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown 6t White. FOR SALE POULTRY POULTRY MEN ATTENTION Now tne time to select your breed Inc nens. See our display of cock erels at the Monarch Seed & Feed Co. store. Also write us for prices on baby chicks and hatching eggs. Our nlno years' of continuous trap nesting, careful selection of breed ing birds, has made It possible for us to be able to give you the best English, Hollywood and Hanson strains. We have a limited number of coskerels for sale at this time. Write to MOUNTCREST RANCH Hilt, California. PURE Branze toma Cockeran'a prize stock $5. Jesse Nell, Rt. 1, Ashland FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 2800-LB. eluded. Talent. TEAM, 8100: M. F. Baker. harness In hlghway So. FOR SALE Shoata. Leo Young, on Columbus off Stewart Ave. Tel. 7-F-4. FOR SALE DOOS AND PETS PEDIGREED ROLLER CANARIES Wllltng singers; lasting gift; reas onable. Mrs. Jack Thrasher. Jack sonville. Phone 173. FOR SALE Boston Bull puppies make an Ideal Christmas present. Priced reasonable. J. G. Cameron, Phone 437-W. SPECIAL PRICE on all roller canaries. Phone 2C2 Jacksonville. Mrs. Nellie Finney. ROLLER CANARIES. Phone 823-J-3. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR QUICK SALE Model T Ford 610. Chev. Del. 825. Inquire 208 Clark or 33 N. Grape. HOLIDAY SPECIALS GOOD USED CARS All Prices Reduced. 30-Day Guarantee. 1931 Ford Victoria Coupe. 1928 Bulck Light 2-door Sedan. 1928 Pontlac 2-door Sedan. 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan. 1929 Ford Coupe. 1930 Bulck Spt. Coupe. 1927 Hudson Brougham. 1931 Chrysler 8 Coupe. Also a number of cars under 8100 ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 25-TON cspaclty custom mill at Jack sonville want custom ore to run Special rates. FOR SALE First cutting pure alia. fa In stock. John Newcomo, r. 3, box 141, Medtord. Ore. A RAINBOW garden of glads. i00 large No. 1 bulbs, not less than 4') rarities. Value 5 or more for ..5C. One Jumbo Plcardy free. F. H Ileum. 923 South Oakdale. FOR SALE Basket crib and tso drop-side wooden crib, ivory finish. Inquire at 1331 North Riverside Ave. FOR SALE Used sewing machines all makes; terms if desired AU makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co. 34 N Bartlett FOR SALE Hungarian retch seed Phone 633-J-4 FOR SALE Bennett and Newtown apples. W. J. Gebhard, mile N. Bear creek bridge. Central Point. APPLES from 20 to 75 cents a boi in small or large lots O V. Myers Orchard. Phone 258-J. FOR SALE Gaa range and water heater in good condition, priced reasonable. Call 341-R-l. 'PLANT FILBERTS FOR BIG PROF- lTS"price smashed on high qual ity fruit trees, shrubs, roses and berry plant. Drive to W. B Bar num's on Pacific Highway. 3 miifc South of Medford or Phone 851-R-3 CARLTON NUllSERY CO. TON, OREGON CARL - FOR sand gravel, sediment, fertiliser and teaming. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE CHEAP EASY TERM5 A Delco tight plant, A 1-horse electric motor. A refrigerator, electric. A piano; a new oil burner. Commercial Finance Corporation, Phone 31. FOR SALE AU kind of app'.es nd pear. Joe Nary raacix Tel. 132-1 FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS HAY. wheat, barlev, rolled or ground C. A. DeVoe. Phone 623-J-J. FOR SALE Furniture, chairs, tables, beds, etc. 711 Welch St., off V. Jackson. MISCLLLANEOl'S TC - 0rpUL.runrgan' nd sell ing. P. D. J: P. L. Insurance, gas; representing member In dealings with public official, etc. Get mem bership from Association of Com mercial Truck Owners, 33 N. Orape St. MONEY LOANED on typewriters and I radios. Cecil Jennings, Main and Front. FURS cleaned, repaired and glazed. ' Coats rellned. Medford Cash and Carry Cleaners. Phone 1700. GOLD BOUGHT Redden & Co. our new prices. WE HAVE BUYERS for Gold Prop erties, both placer and lode. Send complete Information to Harry S. Pry & Company. 417 Davis Bldg.. Portland. Ore. BUT gold and loan money. Jennings, corner Front and Cecil Main JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete title System In Jackson County. uiibpav abstract CO. Abstracts ol Title. Title Insurance Rooms and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave upstairs Expert Wlnoow Cleaner. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel 1173 House cleaning Floor Waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three pet cent per month on un paid balance No other chargea See W E. ' Thomaa 45 South Central ground floor Craterlan Theater Bldg. State License No s-157 Painting and raperlianglug. H. A BLISS Painting and paper banging Tel 646-W 318 S Grape Job printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book binding; loose -leaf Ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing lines 28-30 N Grape Phone 70 Transfer. REINKINO TRUCKING Co. Trans fer and storage We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. . Phone 333. BADS TRANSFER oi STORAGE CO. Office 1016 NO Central Phone 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed H A WLEY 'TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment crlces right 818 Nortb Riverside Phone 1044-X St. Mark's Episcopal. Corper Oakdale and 5th St. 8 a. m. Holy communion. 10 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:15 a. m. Morning service. Church of God. Sunday school, 0:49. Preaching, 11:00. Christmas program, 7:30. Sunday, December 34, every one welcome. A present for the kiddles. Free Methodist Church Corner Tenth and Ivy Streets. E. N. Long, Pastor. Our Sunday school meets, at 9:45 a. m. Christmas message by the pas tor at 11 o'clock. The Christmas program will be given Sunday at 7:30 p. m. and In connection with the program the pastor will give a brief message. You will be welcome. Church of the Foursquare Gospel Fourth and Bartlett Street D. W. Cameron, pastor Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. Crusader's meeting, 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. Wld-week services Wednesday and Friday, 7:45 p. m Evangelist Ann Olson brings her , closing message Sunday night, Dec- Masquerade Ball." Don't miss this message. Everybody welcome. Medford Company of Jehorairs Witnesses, The Medford Company of Jehovar's Witnesses are broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford over KMED every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:15. These lectures are given by electrical transcription and will be repeated on Thursday at 4 p. m. The subjert of one to be given Sunday. Is "Sinners in Purgatory." Jehovah's Wltnesws meet for study every Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Wednesday afternoon t 3:00 o'clock at No. 102 Mistletoe street. All interested In Watch Tower Bible study are welcome. St. Peter Lutheran Church (M'wouri Synod) E. Main St. and Portland Ave. H. H. Young, pastor. Sunday school at 9 45 o'clock. The ! last Christmas program rehearsnl will be held at this time. All children are urged to be present. No Bible class. Spefml Christmas service at 11.00 o'clock. Theme: How Mav We Ever Retain the True Christ mas-Joy? Spe cial selection by the mixed quartet. No evening worship. The Sunday rvhoot ChrlMmaa pro gram will be given Monday evening. De. 25th at 7.30 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to these special services. Main Street Methodist Church South N. D. Wood. Pastor Sunday services a follows: 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Christmas sermon by the pastor. 6:45 p. m. .Younfl People's serried 7:30 p. m. Cantata, entitled "The Last Corral," rendered by the chjir. A cordial welcome Is extended to all who may wish to attend our serv ices. First Christian Church Ninth and Oak dale. W. R. Balrd. Minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m.; L. a. Centner, superintendent. Everyman's oiDie ciaao m courv uvuw uun, at 9:45- I Morning worship begins at 10:56. rtimiPm. uiury w ii. mo 1 est" (Matthews). Sermon subject. "The Christ Who Came." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Carols by the, choir under direction of Effleiof Herbert Yeoman: 'Voices of the Sky" Sunday school, 0:45. We sre anx (Hemans), "Women's A Capella Cho-1 loue to have every member of the rus." Sermon subject, "Star Trails school with us todav. to Christ. No mid-week services this week. Christmas Services at the Sscred Heart Catholic Church High mass at 8 a. m. Christmas morning. Bass solo. "Holy Night." sung by Harold Corliss, before mass. Offertory, "Adeste Fldells". Recessional hymn. "Angels' Song". Stewart's mass In D minor will be sung by the men's choir. F. I. Nande, I tenor; Earl Foy, tenor: Foy, tenor: Neal Foy, , tenor; Raymond Miksche, baritone W. H. Stewart, baritone: Harold Cor liss, basso, Sebastian Apollo, organ ist and director. The second mass will be at 10:30 a. m. followed by benediction. Music by St. Mary's Academy choir. Phoenix Presbyterian Church Ralph S. Peterson, minister J. O. N. Poling, church school supt. Church school 10 a. m. At the opening worship period of the church school, Tolstoy's Christ mas story, "Where Love Is God Is Also." Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon: "A Sense of Vocation." The choir has planned the follow ing Christmas numbers: Quintette: Shelley's "Hark. Hark My Soul ", Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sheets. Mr. and Mrs. Lelno Sloan, Henry W. Frame. Trio: "The Shepherd's Story", Mr. and Mrs. Delno Sloan, Myron Sheets. Christian Endeavor Christmas ves per service 4 p. m. Miss Marjorle Poling, presiding. No evening services. First Baptist chnrrh W. H. Eaton, minister 9:45 a. in. Sunday school, Christ mas lesson. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Ladles' quartette. Pastor's sermon subject, "Emmanuel." 6:30 p. m. Young people's devo tional groups. 7:3(V p. m Christmas evs musical program: Christmas Carols Everybody "There Were Shepherds" Ladles' Chorus Mrs. Neff, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Worden, Mrs. Merrlman, Mra. ' Stennerson, Miss Judy "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" - Mrs. Worden "O Little Town of Bethlehem" - - Miss Evans "Silent Night" Mrs. Piatt "Christmas Lulls bye" Ladles' Quartette Mrs. Mertlman, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Worden, Mrs. Neff. "The Message of Christmas" The Pastor Baptismal service. You are cordially Invited to chare these programs with us. ACROSS) 1. Catch sight of 5. Unit of work 8. Minute particle 12. Deal out spar ingly 13. Variant: abbr. 14. Garment 15. First man 16. Art of flying IS. Companions :o. Writing fluid 21. Played th first card St. Meant 2h. Own: Scotch 27. Hefore .'S. Imitated 32, Vinegar bullies U. Mexican dlsb r,6. Pack down S7. Children's frame It. Beheld 57. Hold ths at If i i Mail Tribune Daily Cross-Word Puzzie I ; I Solution of Saturday' Punla ALA R0P c ameIfIa I M P sMflk S A H I leftf! S 51. Addition to a bulldlns S3. Other DOWN 1. Kind of cheesa I, Soft drink: colloq. I. Rare metal 4. Arabian country tention I JJ. Town in Ohio Historical period 47. Sfnlns SO. Also t. Operatic song M. Vice Horn fi. Iteprtundert (7. Went down W" LlIM M O ft. A L AJL!N.s!kELss.ON TONESROLL S i ca n t e JL!i-lsAlJL kiQEjT i fII" n 1 L 1ba1rda1ct1$ t a v ' 2 3 4 Iff 6 7 II6' ? 7STr I i j- IS ;vg: lb 1 ""W'' HP JZl, jmL wrw, mmm 40 1 - is 43"" 44 vm. 7E S.41 48 4f 'P; "my'i. To st si W31 -a ytt : JM I 1 kr I 1 rfr I 1 I John T. La Hose, pastor. Christmas In Song and Sermon wtll be the theme of all services In this church Sunday. For the morn- ing worship hour the pastor will speak on "The Guiding Star," a prac-i subject: "The True Christmas) Joy at tlcal and spiritual Christmas message. Jesus' Coming Again." There will be a number of Christmas t 7:30 p. m. Christmas pageant: "The songs by members of the choir. At i Holy Night" by the choir and Sunday the evening service the choir will lead school presenting the Christmas story the congregation In singing Christ- in song and action along the lines mas carols and songs. The pastor will ; used In the medieval church, from speak on "A More Excellent Way." A which the modern drama took Its Christmas message that will last thru rise. There will also be a brief pro the year for all who hear it. Sunday gram of exercises by the primary chll- school meets at 9:45. Every class and teacher Is on the upgrade. Mid-week ' prayer mtlng In the church Wed nMfiay evening from 7:30 to 9. The Young People's society will present a candle light service at 6:30 sunday evening. Sure, you are welcome hers. First Presbyterian Church Mra. William S. Ollmore, director religious education. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon: "A Christian Message." special muslo by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Elsie C. Strang. Miss Dorothy Reynolds guest organist. Anthem, "Sing O Heaven,," Tours: soloist Mrs. Maurlne McClure Duncan, soprano. Solo, "Gesu Banblno." Yon; auloist, Mrs. Katherlno Wendt. I Evening worship, 7:30. Prayer, ; Mabel Annlng; scripture, Lloyd NICh nlHin "Q.nlra Dntu..... ch.n(,v. 81o. ..;.,.. -,,,;, ,.. Comh. ,,, ..,, -,.r ,. Engllah. Drama sermon, "The Dust of the Road." The singing will be led by the young people's orchestra. Everyone welcome. The Federated Churches. Jos. M. Johnson, pastor. Central Point, Oregon. "A Vision of World Peace" la the title of our lesson In the Bible schools this week. The scripture Is In Isa. 11th chapter. Only Jesus, the God man, can accomplish this. What a Christmas lesson. Go to Bible school somewhere. There Is a very apodal work for young people these days. We want all who can do so to take advantage of the inspiration and hMp to be found in our young people's devo tional services. A special Invitation Is given to young people who are home on vacations. Some "whys" and "hows" will be the subject In the morning church service: and In the evening we in vite you to enjoy with us the special Christmas service of song and ser mon. Bring your friends to this ser vice. Full GospM Church. II Newtown street. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, It a. m. Young people's meeting, 6:80 p. m. The church Christmas tree and program. will be In the evening, be ginning at 7:30. with a congregational song service. Songs with a Christmas message, followed by the Christmas program of recitations, songs and other numbers. A short message by the pastor upon God's great love gift to this world, Jesus Christ, John 9:16. Then the giving out of the Christ mas sack to the children, consisting of candy, pop corn balls, nuts and oranges. The young people of the church are also giving a number of baskets to the needy of our city. You are cordially Invited to come and enjoy this splendid program filled with true Christmas spirit. Other services of the week are: Tuesday prayer meeting. 7:30 p. m. Thursday mid-week service, 7 :30 p. m. A welcome awaits you. J. H. Carver, pastor. IT. New Zealand tree 19. Let It stand 23. The bitter vetch 31. Artificial barrier In a stream 25. Deed 26. Masculine name 2. Relating to the duties of a minister 10. Note of Uuldo'e scale JL Condenicd moisture of the air it, Flnlal of a spire 34. Viscous black liquid 35. Eons 37. ftoneset 40. Of recent orlrln 41. Threefold 42. r,xtra part 4H. Malt beverflfcea 44. Prima donna 45. Itelsted 41. Metal con tainers 49. Seasoning herb (1. Animal of tne deer family If. Serpentine (lib E H S H E W rIvore A G ME N T L A, B ill I. Character la "Uncle Tom's Cabin" . TVep porre 7. Wearisome routine . Alt III 9. Labor 10. AltiFicsl In strument 11. Repair 7. Ion En ill ah Lutheran Church W. Fourth St. at Oakdale Avs. Geo. P. Kabele, D.D., pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning service. Sermon dren. The general public Is cordially invited to enjoy this service with us. Presbyterian Christmas Service. Tonight at 7:30 the young people of the First Presbyterian church will present their special Christmas ser vice. Much time has been spent In the arrangement of an Inspiring pro gram and all citizens from seven to seventy are Invited to attendv The main feature of the program will be the presentation of the drama. tiiied sermon, "Dust of the Road." This production has been given in various other parts of the coast and ia a prlte-wlnnlng drama. It Is the story of a man who tried to sell his soul for thirty pieces of money. Those taking part in the production are: Keith Phillips as Peter Steele: Elea nor Todd as Prudence Steele; Delmer Wright aa the uncle and Don Dar nellle as Judas Iscarlot. The drama was directed by Darn telle. Several other numbera will be given In addition to the dramatisation and the full program la as follows: Prelude by the Young Peoples Orchestra. Invocation by Mabel Annlng. Scripture reading by Lloyd Nichol son. Reading "Seekers," by Rebecca Cha ney. Solo, "Silent Night" by Frances Combe. Reading, "The Star," by Alice D. English. Dramatized sermon, "Dust of the Road." Benediction by Rev. W. J. Howell. Post hide by the orchestra. In addition to this program there will be a abort period of congrega tional singing of Christmas carols, ac companied by the orchestra. Everyone should come and bring the family. The First Methodist Chnrrh. West Main and Laurel Streets. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday achoo at 9:45 a. m., Mr. E. J. Neumann, superintendent. We trust no member will be absent this Sunday. Parents should come with their children to Sunday school; and children should stay with their par ents for church this Christmas Sun day. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon theme. "The Supreme Reason for the Incarnation." The following will be the special music rendered: Anthem, "O Little Town of Bethle- Anthem, "O Lltt leTown of Bethle hem" by Redner, Duet, "And There Were Shepherds Abiding In the Field." by Wilson, sung by Mrs. H. V. Worden and Mrs. W. O. Andrews. Offertory, "Silent Night." by Bash fqrd. , Anthem. "The Birthday of a King," by Neldllnger. Postlude, "Christmas Recessional" by Maxwell. Mrs. Henry Huenergardt, organist. The two leagues will meet In Joint session at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship, 7:80 p. m. The Sunday school will present Its an nual Christmas program, observing a "white Christmas" by each person bringing gifts for the needy. The following program, and pageant will be presented: Christmas program, Flrat M. E. Sun day school Sunday evening, December 34. 7:30 o'clock: Processional Young Peoples choir. Song Congregation (Mr. Clarence Meeker, leading.) Prayer Rev. Knotts. Scripture Lesson Howard Poffen- barger. Song Congregation (Mr. Meeker leading.) Beginners' Department, Exercise Beverly Whitman, Bar bara Olson. Douglas Coe, Carl Burk. Joan McDuffee, Charm sine Brault. Song by department. Piano Dorothy McKerusls. Song "Away in a Manger." Primary Department. Exercise God's Great ( Love. Recitation Odllle Ann Persons. Recitation Joan Burk. Offertory Duet, Josephine and Helen Power. Christmas Manger Berries. Prologue: Norman Batteries. Processional: "Onward, Children, Onward." Angela Naomi Jenkins, Hasel Dressier, Velma Stubblefield. Kings Arthur Batteries, Charles Johnson, Billy Thorndlke. Shepherds Lyle Jarmtn, Homer Morris. Donald Linn, George Codding. Six Children Ann Drysdale, Mellsa Persons, Jerry Warren, Ethel yn McBee, Ann Conroy. Joan Burk. Choir of Intermediate Olrls. ' White Gift Ushers Class of Inter mediate Boya. Benediction. L OF SALEM, Dec, 9S. (API Final con sideration of the five Oregon coast bridges would be brought up at the meeting of the public works board meeting next week. J. M. Devers, at torney for the .tat. highway com mission wired to the department her today. Devers said ha conferred with the finance board yesterday, and while he did not learn their action as yet. he believed they were satisfied with the plana, snd a favorable report was expected. For CAREFUL Fuel Oil Delivery. Ph.' JU. EAtvJ. Operating under NRA regulation. Society and Clubs Edited by Eva Nealon Hamilton Kenneys Celebrate 55th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kenney of 812 l Bennett street, celebrated their 58th i wedding anniversary yesterday at i thelr home and at the same time the lowing luncheon at the Hotel Med blrthday anniversary of Mr. Kenney, ford. who wss 78 years old. The Kenneys were married at Jack sonville December 33, 1878. Mrs. Kenney was formerly Miss Rose Ulrich. They have threo children: Miss : Frances Kenney of this city, who was with them for the anniversary obser-' vance; Mrs. Mervyn Kentner of Cali fornia and Chris Kenney of Jackson ville, and five grandchildren. Miss Betty Vilm Hostess to Group Miss Betty Vllm will be hostess on Wednesday. December 37 to members of the Oeneral Joseph Lane society, Children of the American Revolution, at their annual Christmas party. Each member Is requested to bring an In expensive gift for the tree. Miss Mary Jarvle Thompson of Phoenix will talk on the customs In the Orient, and all members of the society are urged to attend. Membera are also requested to bring their dues. Masons Announce Election Results At their regular Annual election Friday night tie following were j elected and appointed to serve Med ford lodge No. 103, A. F. A. M., for the ensuing year: Worshipful ! master, V. A. Norrls; senior warden, Fred Purdin: Junior wnrden, O. O. : Horner: secretary. Geo. B. Alden; treasurer, J. A. Perry; senior deacon, C. M. Houston; Junior deacon, L, L. Sanders; senior steward. Charles W. Reames; Junior steward, Enrle M. Grey; marshal, G. Q. D'Alblnl; chap lain. H. F. W. spllver; tyler, A. H. Willett. - Husons Entertain On Friday Evening Mrs. Ina M. Huson. and Mr. snd Mrs. Darrell Huson entertained on Friday evening at the latter's home. 45 Llndley avenue, for the employes of their two stores, with a Christmas party. What the Girl Scouts Are Doing On December 13, 1-.'. and lfi train ing courses for Brnwnle and airl Scout leaders were conducted by Mrs. M. J. Llttlefteld, regional camp ad visor. Brown Owls and Tawny Owls met December 13, at the Colony club. Singing, games snd handicraft were the main points of the course, Mrs. Llttlefleld explained that It was bet ter to have handcraft, games, and "lots of fun" than to spend too much time passing tests. Thursday night captains and lieu tenants met at the Colony club. Mrs. Llttlefleld gave an instructive talk on the troop and Its functions. She em phasized the fact that the court of honor, both short and long, should be the governing body of the troop: that the captain and lieutenant should stay In the background. She said that scouting is the only place where the girls can express them selves ss far as government Is con cerned; that In their' homes, school, and clubs everything la planned for them and they must follow a set of rules. But the scout troop Is differ ent; It Is whst the scouts make It. Friday night the meeting was held In the court house auditorium. The court of honor was discussed again and an outline was drawn showing how much time should be given to each part of the week's program. Then games were learned to help the scoute pass second class tests, sig nalling with the Morse code and learning the points of the compass were the msln points of the evening. All the leaders feel that they are much better fitted now for leading scouts, snd they sre looking forward to Mrs. Llttlefleld'. return next year. Alleen Latham resigned as chair man of Troop I at Ita meeting last Monday, since so few were present s, new chairman waa not elected. Aa the fifth part of their first aid course the scouts learned and practiced arti ficial respiration. Then they review ed bandages. Troop VII had a Christmas party at Its meeting last Monday. After patrol corners severel of the scouts put on a very clever program, Namea were given the scout, to send their Christ mas cards to In Salem. At the close of the meeting the scouts enjoyed a tree and gifts. On Friday, December 31, the scouts of Troop VII went csrolllng. They sang at the homes of several of the membera of the community commit tee, and then went to the home of Mrs. Leonard Carpenter where she served the Scout, hot chocolate and cookies. Mrs. R. B. Qreen. at whose home trie girls sang, gave the scouts a box of candy which pleased them very much. Mrs, C. 0. Smith helped the scouts. The Dark Hollow Brownies held a Christmas party at Its meeting last Wednesday. The meeting was given over to playing singing games. Before closing the Brownie, had a tree with gifts and candy canes. The Roxy Ann Brownies slso had a Christmas party at their meeting last Thursday, The meeting consisted or msglo and plsylng snlmal games. Then the Brownies had a tree with candy canes before leaving. Short patrol meetings were held during the meeting of Troop II last Monday. They decided to hold a long court of honor on January 7. Then the scout, took gifts and sang yule- Hde selections at the Sacred Heart hospital. Miss Eleanor Curry led the scout. In tbclr carols. Club Will Enjoy Holiday Luncheon Mrs. Oeo. B. Alden will be hoeteai Friday to members of her card club at a Christmas party and bridge, fol- Covers will be arranged at luncheon for Mrs. A. C. Hubbard, Mra. M. M, Herman. Mrs. A. F. Stennett, Mra. J. H. Butler, Mrs. Maude West. Mrs. H, O. Frohbaeh. Mrs. G. H. Maasdam ahd Mrs. Alden. P. T. A. Notes Membera of ths Washington P. T. A. enjoyed a covered dish luncheon at the December meeting. A Christ mas program followed. The Waah- ingion acnooi trio, Rodnev Stead. Ralph Seeley and Eugene Bennett, sang a group of Christmas songs, and Jay P. Igo gave a delightful Christ mas resdlng. Rv. Bslrd gavs a short talk on Christmas spirit In connection with community life. The association voted a gift of money to be expended for gifts tot the children's Christmas trees. The last feature of a most delight ful afternoon was the p. T. A. Christ mas tree toward which each person had contributed a gift for the luncH room. rresbvtcrlan Intermediates Plan Candlelight Service intermediate Christian Endeavor of the First Presbyterian church will conduct a special candle light service In their regular meeting room Sun day evening at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. B. Ollmore, supervisor has announced. nil ooys and girls of Intermediate age, who are Interested In the aervlc have been Invited to attend. Betty Jean cuntllff will be leader. and severs! special numbers will be given on the program. M Piisrllla Circle Conducts Meeting Mrs. Sam Bate man who resides on Maple street was hostess on Wednes day to membera of the Prlscllla circle. An enjoyable program was given, which Included a duet by Misses Ruth Leclero and Jan tte Trill, ac companied by Mrs, Goodman. Mrs. Jenkins sang "Silent Night, Holy Night." In German; Mrs. Bats man wing a number In Danish, and ! little Floyd Whlllock gave a reading. 'Several German songs were sung by iKis, jenxins and Clood man. Christmas Party Is Enjoyed by Fifty Dogree of Honor Protectlv. associa tion held Its annusl Christmas party In the Women's Club room of th. city hall, Thursday evening. Over fifty members snd friends were pre. ent to enjoy the lovely Christina tree and decorations which gave th. hall a festive air. Santa Claus was present and re membered both old and young. The following program was given; A group of Christmas carols led by Beast. Hubler, Lewis Parker accompanist; gultsr solo, Dwlght Albright; whist ling solo. Mrs. Goddard: duet. Seller, Lewis Parker: son. Hubler; resdlng. Ad, bee Seller. Th. remainder of the evening waa spent In games and dancing. KMED Broadcast Schedule Sunday. 10:00 Judge Rutherford. 10:18 News Digest, Mall Tribune. 10:30 Holly-time. 10:45 Morning Melody. Monday. 8:00 Breakfast News, Mall Trlbun.. 8 :05 Musical Clock. B:1S Peerless Psrsde. 8 :30 Friendship circl. Hour. 9:80 Morning Melody. 10:00 Weather Forecast. 10:00 Eb and Zeb. 10:18 Musical Notes. 10:30 Christmas Vignettes. 11:00 Grants Pass Hour. 11:18 Quartette, Parade. 11:30 Mirror of Family Life. 11:45 Tone Pictures. 12:00 Mid-day Revue. 12:15 Radio Rendezvous. 12:30 Newa Flashes, Mall Tribune. 13:30 Martial Melodic 1 :00 Varieties. 8:00 Classified Edition of Air. 8:00 Songs for Everyday. 3:30 KMED Program Review. 8:35 Musical Echoes. 4:00 Musical Cocktail. 4:30 Masterworka Program. 8:00Cec'.i and Sally. 5:15 Hi.o Serenade. 8:3081 and Elmer. 5:45 News Digest, Mall Tribune. 8:00 Medford Theater Clulde, 6:15 Al Plche's Greetings. 6:20 Dlnner-Dsnce Music. 6:30 The Voice of Rlcherd Crooks. 6:45 Holly-time. 7:00 The Black Ohost. 7:15 Helen Bellevue. 7:20 Eventide. On Your Car TV