Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Medford Mail Tribune
"Evirvont in Soutlmn Ortflot
Riadi till Mill rrlbUM'
Otlli Kietpi aturday
Pubiutwd or
Ift-Sf-SB N. Vu 8L PtUH 16
UOHRK. W. (.(JUL, Edit
Ao ludtpaodut Nmptpw
Cnier td u Meant clw mttw it Mtdoni.
Oregon, under Act tt liueD g, HI 9.
fi ilall In Adtinct
Daily, ojc rur I&.OU
Diili. ill nuotbi J.Tft
Datlf. MM awoU) 00
Bf Curler U Adfto Mwlord. Alblind,
JackonrillB, Cwtru Poiol, Pbotnlx, Taint. Uold
Hill tad oo Wgiisan,
Dally, om nit MOO
D&lli. iU awnUM
Dally, om mooti. .00
Ail tarau. tub Id utuka.
Official paper Of Uw Cltj of Medford.
Official oaper of Jaciaoo Couoty.
UmwItIm ITiiII uaMd Wirt 8erHe
ft Asaodlaa Hren ta ascliulrelj aoUtlad U
tb um for DubueatloD Of alt oen aupaieow
credited u U w ottttrvlM credited to Ut paper
and also to toe local oewi pumUhed Herein.
All rifhta for putiiluiloo of ipecUl dltpatebe
oarelo ire am rwerea.
(.dieftlilrri KepreaentatlTea
Office lo tin York. Chicago, Detroit, Sao
frwelMO l Ancelea Seattle Portland.
Ye Smudge. Pot
By AJtrjui ferry
Its the Perfect Time
"CHRISTMAS hag been celebrated on the 25th of December
for a very long time. Did you ever happen to think how
fortunate that iat We mean that Christmas should come in
For December at least so it seems to us, is the zero month
of the year, just as three o'clock in the morning is the zero hour
of the night and day. It is the month when all nature, and
therefore man is at the lowest ebbj when the sun is farthest
away and shines the shortest time; when vitality in the bulb of
life is steadily sinking, and its ability to resist extinction on
one hand and, conserve its forces for a new birth on the other,
appears most doubtful.
"PIIEN comes Christmas! :
A new note is suddenly struck in the Old World symphony,
a note entirely out of key with the note of nature, foreign to
what is really going on, all over the surface of the globe, as the
dance of life slows down, a note that proceeds not from mater
ial conditions, but solely from the heart of man.
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will
toward menl" Good will toward men, that new note sounded
nearly two centuries ago, the note of human brotherhood.
And its symbol is Santa Claus, a roly-poly, pink-cheeked,
merry old gentleman, with white whiskers and a pack on his
back full of good things for old and young but particularly for
the children.
How fortunate it is! How obvious it is that Christmas could
not and should not-come at any other time.
For then, as at no other time, it symbolizes the triumph of
man over nature, the heart over the head, the SPIRITUAL
over the PHYSICAL. . ' . .
So come on Ye Mcrrie Gentlemen, things haven't been so
good, in fact perhaps in many ways they have never been
worse, but TOMORROW it's a Merry Christmas and WEEK
from tomorrow it's a Happy New Year!
Personal Health Service
Uy William Brady, M.D.
Signed letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene not to dis
ease diagnosis or treatment, nlll be answered by r. Brady If a stamped
neir-addressed envelope Is enclosed, letters should be brief and written In
Ink. Owing to the large number of letter! received only a few can be an
swered. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions.
Address Dr. William Brady, 2G5 Kl Camlno, Beverly Bills, CaJ.
The Laws Delay
T August 23th, 1931, former U. S, Senator Luke Lea of
Tennessee and his son Luke Lea, Jr., were convicted of
violating the Btate banking laws. There was no question of
body, may all suffer from their guilt. There was no question the bank, whose funds they
book, and be busy all the 'lad manipulated, failed, and thousands of depositors lost heav
coMiiia year keeping the ily. some all tliev possessed.
But have Senator Lea and his son ever been punished! No.
Thev have not even been sentenced.
sn ci3.8'r!dS exciKbt his whyf Because, with money and influential friends behind
coming old folks over an election, them, they have appealed and appealed and appealed,
that really makes no difference which
ay it goes. TPHEY appealed three times to the supreme court of North
Carolina, and every time lost; they have appealed twice to
the supreme court of the United States, and lost; they have
, i, - b t . i - : ....-
Abe Cunningham's boy Bill, Is back i'i"" 8"""""' "i uul m men ciim-
from tho campus, and haa a bum dition and lost; they have appealed to a Tennessee state judge
hoof' ... on a writ of habeas corpus and lost ; they have appealed from
thRt decision t0 the Me 8uPren, court of Tennessee and lost;
erai have rainbowa around their and they are now going to appeal to the U. S. supreme court
shoulder.. flgain
Every judge and governor who has heard their pleas have
Yet after TWO AND ONE HALF years
Friday was the shortest day of the
year, and only extended to the middle
of last feature in a pitcher ahow.
Tlie Vern Brophy dog la wearing a
thing for a dog belonging to a two- 1'lllcd against them
fisted cowman of the old West, and they are still free, and still pleading, and who will deny that as
the wide open spaces. , . , . . ,
. long as their money holds out they will continue to be !
F. DoSouza la tho new postmaatar. ;
poftomel a8t. "".npiflS isn't an isolated case. The courts of this country are
P. calllaon. coach a't -Old Oregon" i Ktmtr fuU l them- Th9 Salem RPital Journa1' fr0m
pent a few hours here laat week, be-, which the above facts are taken, also points to the ease of Hugh
nrurwe'und,; urra,'.'!BlBck' f e011nty clcrk f Polk this ho was
lui coaching. convicted of larceny of publio money May 26th, 1933, but has
Young men have 'atartod playing j "over been sentenced, sucji action at last report having been
marbiea again, and tha gambling ! oxtended to July 14, 1934 1 In the opinion of that paper sen-
presldenta, Insurance agents, mem-, tenu0 will probably bo suspended indefinitely.
Correspondent writes from
tory town:
My doctor says I must have
my tonal Is re
moved by cut
ting. I asked
him If It Is not
better to have
them burned
out by elec
tricity and he
said they could
only remove
two - thirds of
the tonsils that
way on account
of some of ton
sils being be
hind a pillar. Then he said the
burning sears some pus In and
there was more danger ot In
fection . . .
I take It the correspondent refers
to diathermy extirpation of the ton'
alls. There Is no "burning" In that
No doubt Dr. John J. Practitioner
still harbors a vague notion that the
diathermy method la merely a kind
of modern revival of an ancient at
tempt to dispone of Infected tonsils
with the electric cautery that was
burning with a vengeance, and not
a few victims suffered the 111 conse
quences of such crude maltreatment
before the method was discarded.
But I do not hesitate to say that
any practitioner who tells you the
diathermy method, in competent
hands, Is less effective or less satis
factory than the guillotine and snare,
the standard tonsillectomy. In com
petent hands. Is entitled to the de
gree granted above.
This practitioner, apparently, la
bors under a misapprehension con
cerning the diathermy method, for
which we may thank the apathy and
KUplnenesa of the rank and file of the
American Medicnl Association (of
which, remember, I am a member or-
For unfortunately for the dignity
of the American Medical association,
an employee of the association saw
fit to publish rashly condemnatory
editorial articles about the diathermy
or electro-coagulation method before
he quite grasped what It was all
about. This hasty condemnation, this
going off halfcocked, worked much
harm, for a lot of the plodding prac
titioners of the country took It as
authoritative," tho, heaven knows.
he Is not and was not an authority.
for he had never used, the method
In practice and In all likelihood had
never even seen It used by a compe
tent physlclnn. The truth is that
at the time of the editorial outburst
!., M. D., L. I. A. R, ETC.
partly against me personally (for
promoting the new method in my
health column) and partly against
the method the difficult technic of
diathermy extirpation of the tonsils
had not penetrated the wilderness
much farther west than New York or
possibly Pittsburg. Within a year,
however, the brighter boys saw the
light. Then the volatile editor slip
ped another little editorial comment
on the method Into the official or
gan for the medical association, and
this time praised It with faint damns.
Thus his policy continued undaunted
and today depraves the national med
ical organization like a carcinoma.
A few years ago I printed a series
of articles telling the unflattering
truth about tonsillectomy and no
physician ever ventured to question
my assertions of fact or to refute my
criticisms of that crude operation.
Why not? Because at that time all
the good doctors were busily learning
the difficult technic of the diatnermy
method, and all the bad ones, the old
fogies, the brass throat specialists
were wise enough to preserve silence.
Silence, you know, la the last refuge
of a charlatan.
Very Good Honey.
Please tell me how much honey mat
be heated without Injury. I assume
the heating in cookery detracts from
the wholesomeness of food. W. H. D.
Answer Prolonged cooking destroys
Vitamin C In freBh vegetables or in
milk. But If your diet Includes a
fair variety of fresh raw fruits or
relishes that need not worry you.
Heating does not render honey less
wholesome or digestible.
A New Generation of Iron women.
I have Just finished my third month
on your Iron and ammonium citrate.
It has done me a wonderful lot of
zood. I feel like a new woman. Had
no trouble getting it at various drugl
stores. A. a. M.
Answer Fine. All I ask now is
that you be kind to your husband. '
Starch, Starch, siarcn.
What bad effects will the eating of
excessive amounts of corn staron
have, in pies, puddings, gravy, etc.?
L. H.
Answer It la wholesome food. The
effects would be no different from
the effects of eating too much wheat
flour or potato or bread. Obesity,
(Copyright, 1933, John F. Dllle Co.)
(Medford and Jackson County
History From the Files of The
Mall Tribune of 20 and 10 Years
Flight 'o Time Vol
December 24, 1924
(It Waa Monday)
AH Medford and Jackaon county
ready for "the moat Joyful Christ
mas." Business good, and everybody
Manzanlta trees in bloom, due to
the warm winter, hill resident report.
Dorothy Newman Is home from the
University for Christmas.
Crater Lake due to get large sum
for road work.
DeAutremont brothers reported in
St. Cloud, Minn., with three girls.
Snow reported melting fast In hills,
and lack of moisture Is predicted for
nxt spring.
December 24. 1923
(It Was Wednesday)
Food and monev will ha 0lvn tn
25 families of the city and county.
wno inrougn adversity would not have
a happy Christmas, by the Associated
The high school basketball team
haa returned from northern Califor
nia, where they played three games
and lost all of them.
init'irtrks n
(Continued from page one)
haps some of the valves can be fixed.
New phases may be added.
The best guess now Is that he will
heve to get a bigger and better gyros
cope to acquire the price altitude he
is seeking.
A recent Issue of the consumers'
guide (AAA) asked people to write
In their ideas on the milk situation.
The first 100 replies showed a ma
jority blaming Inefficient distribu
tion for the high cost of milk. Most
of the answers approved government
control of distribution, but felt the
time was nor yet ripe for city-owned
jnllk distributing plants. That may
come eventually but not now.
Win Reifler'a general statistical
board quarters look almost as big as
the NRA's, which confirms the sus
picion that he Is going to do more
than merely co-ordinate statistics
. A,,.- HsnortTn.nts. There are
indications that he will gradually take
over most of tne government .i--tlatlcal
The hungry Democratic political
leaders are getting some plums out
of the national emergency council.
Representatives slated for selection
In Ohio and Indiana are Herbert
Jones. Zanesvllle. Democratic county
chairman, and Richard A. Werneke.
Democratic leader of Terre Haute.
Observers report the TVA has
brought quasl-prospertty to the Ten
nessee valley already because of the
army of men It has put to work
down there.
The AAA reorganization will go
even further than already Indicated.
The next adjustments are due in the
licensing and enforcement division.
The AAA Intends to see to It that
marketing agreements are adhered to.
Booster Stuff
GRANTS PASS. Ore.. Dec. 23. (P)
For Christmas decorations, one lo
cal fancier today picked pansles meas
uring 3li inches across the bloom.
They grew outdoors without covering.
He said they were stunted by the
Wanted: Upright steam boiler, 3 to
5 horse capacity. Address or call at
612 So. Riverside.
People out about one o'clock this
morning were surprised to see a
human being, shy even the proverbial
smile standing in a September morn
attitude In front of the Mission on
South Front street. Police and citi
zens approached, and the figure duck
ed. It was not determined whether It'
was a man or woman. The actions are !
supposed to have been caused by!
drink, and If so, it was cold enorgh
to sober tne party in record time.
Charlie Barnes, son of J. C. Barn?s
has written a letter to Santa claus.
and wastes no time on details. It -w.w:
"Sante: ' ,
Bow-wow, kar. tick-tick, topp'e.
shoot. Charley Barnes."
Santa Claus will understand that
Charles wants a dog, car, watch, top,
and gun.
Today Only
Continuous Shows 1:30 to 11 fm;
4 ionu xouno
Also RUSS COLUMBO, "That Goes Double"
Flip Cartoon "BULLONEY" and News Keel
Ed. Note: Readers wishing to
communicate with Dr. Brady
should send letters direct to Dr.
William nraily, M. I).. 205 El Ca
mlno, llcverly Hills, Cal.
bere of the legislature, service station
attendants, etc. The rules of the
game are so complicated a veteran
lawer can't comprehend them.
A mild reform wave hit Jim Bates,
the barber Frl.. and he expressed op
position to all the vices, such aa
spending money, blasphemy, and
dressing up.
Dock Robinson, tho Sultan of
J'vllle, is over a pain and again spoof
ing the fair sex, aa they were spoofed
in pioneer dsys.
Agitation haa practically ceased. It
la not known whether the agitators
have given up In disgust, or are
thinking up new devilment.
A victim of the Depression called
last week and besought the price of
pancakes. He should have asked for
the price of getting his C. Chaplin
mustache shaved off.
All psrta ot the state were doused
with a good rain last week, which la
what we get for being loo far from
Portland, and not close enough to
Work Is progressing on the road to !
the Roxy Ann psrk atop that noble
eminence, with govt spondulicks. The
peak of Roxy Ann should be brought
up to a point, and then knocked off. i
Everybody will have to climb up
there some hot dy next July to at- I
tend tha tnrm.l H.Hi-iinn
to a speech. This will be more eiclt- "r rBANK "XKIN8
Ing than a countr fair horse race, "'AUFORNIALS. burdened by debt
It is feared. . like the people of other tatee.
Several have new autoa. and are proves a bond Issue of 1170,000.000
w w tifte wry were oenina
Whyt Because the defendant has money and influential
friends, and our legal procedure, particularly tho constantly
abused right of appeal, deals out one sort of justice to a mau
with money and friends, and an entirely different sort to a man
without them.
Does anyone douht for a moment that if some penniless bird,
had stolen a dollar from that Tennessee bank, or a five dollar
bill from the clerk's office in Polk county, he would have been
behind the bars, less than two weeks after the crime!
And yet some people wonder why there is increasing dis
respect toward our courts, and a rising popular demand from
one end of the country to the other, for RADICAL KflFORM
in our courts and adopted methods of procedure.
The WONDER is that the people of the country as a whole,
have suffered such an outragoous situation so long in SILENCE!
on the
Day's Nezvs
by accident, Instead ot
to dam the Sacramento and 5aa Joa
quin rivers.
Debt, you see, staggering aa Its to
tal Is getting to be in this country,
still doesn't deter people from voting
bonds In order lo get things they
HP HE purpose ot the dams will be to
the wheel
Tom and Jerry will be swlwrd to
day, but many doubt If hot water
and an egg will Improve the blend
whiskey any. The blend whiskey wi'is
the blue ribbon for alcoholic vlleness.
Your corr. has been requested to
play a Joke on a lady, and get his
bide punctured, as she used to be
No. 2 girl on the OAC. Olrla Pistol
team. We did not enthuse a bit over I
the idea, and stand accused of not flood, provide power, Improve navl
"T""' gallon and prevent ruin of lands In
"i." "i. nctiM. ui mo na
tion at heart 'have started to ask, I
"Whose ox Is gettl-.g gored now?" A ,
majority of the people have no Idea. ;
m,t .,pect u,., m.ny will agam y , ., upon whiCh the
be gored by the political bull, be-1 , . . , 1 .
tween now and May 18. I whole future development of North-
T. OeBauer passed a mllepost be- '. ,rn California agriculture' depends,
tween the 90 and 40 mark Thurs.. The other purposes are merely aide
TJ!;.nr!!,l,",t cnrmln issues, included In order lo get rots.,
noon luncheon, after which all pres-
ent returned to their work Inatesd of Pl,n, of l"!atlon water Is what
playing bridge, until the worst lj has Northern California wants.
to cook his own aupper, I
conserve Irrigation water, prevent
the delta region through encroach
ment ot salt water.
The REAL purpose la consedvalton
where the water wlU be used, votes
almost unanimously for the bonds.
Southern California votes heavily
against them.
When It comes to voting taxes
more bonds, you know, MUST mean
more taxes self Interest la the domi
nating factor.
IS CALIFORNIA wise to Tote to add
so heavily to Its bonded debt?
As to that, only time can tell. They
DO need water badly down there. But
they need also to secure reduction of
burdensome taxation, and that can
come about only through reduction,
not INCREASE, of public debt.
THX French government, we read, la
preparing rigid quotas on United
States Industrial products for next
year. That Is to say, the French are
preparing to limit sharply the amount
of our products they will buy. '
If that is the case, the thing for
us to do Is to limit sharply the 1
amount of French products we will i
buy Including wines, ot which they ,
have a vast surplus for sale.
What la sauce for the goose Is sauce
for the gander.
((OUT," you will say, "If other na
O lions are to refuse lo buy what
True enough, probably. But for
eign trade Isn't as Important as we
have come to think It Is. Even In
the big years, when we were lending
money to. other peoples In order to
enable them to buy our surplus, for
eign trade amounted to only about
10 per cent of our total business.
It Is much less now. We could
probably get along without it ano
ther, If we had to.
THE nation's 1033 potato crop, we
learn from Washington, Is valued
by the department of agriculture at
$222,867,000. Production for this year
Is figured . at 317,000.000 bushels,
which Is a SMALL crop.
This writer does not have at hand,
at the present moment, the figures
showing the value of last year'a much
larger potato crop, but Is quite cer
tain it was materially leas than the
value of this year's smaller crop.
It Isn't the big crop, by any means,
that Is worth the most money. Value
dependa on price, and price depends
on supply and demand.
When supply Is too big, price la too
Oo!d Iias brn mined at Oia
1), Cal, tot 84 jears.
we hare for sals and we, In our turn, 1
. . i ,g iptua. w uitj ii I'tu.i UN
CALIFORNIA, where! "oris hare tor sale, fortlgn trade will
the dams are to be located and languish and die."
We Extend to Our Patrons and Friends
Our Sincere Wishes for a VERY MERRY
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Childers.
.ff fJ Grand and Glorious .
' N. Christmas
nt x ? Entertainment
' '$'-!$ Sur, big song; hits, 50 girls
l"""'!.!' J? picture that will make you
j ; fl f'.Jf glad you're alive,
Sportlight Pooch the Pup Cartoon
News Hollvwood Diet
Starts Tomorrow 4'3f$k
Continuous Shows 1 :30 P. M. to 11 :00 P. M.
The Show of the Century
III a, .jfls v?
With 14 Stars and 200 Glamorous Beauties
Also OUR GANG in "Mush and Milk"
Cartoon, "OPENING NIGHT" News Reel
. w. -a
Q"yy PLAYING Continuous Sunday and Monday
4 uwit caitou't li)
SJ? 1
Gice Ut
House tm . ioico arts - our coorra . iion mot
touni wimtii w c nnn ikiiii oaiisohii - cast siant
f on
l-A 2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M,
, 6:00 P.M.
$t 8:00 P.M.
1 10:00 P.M.
p Matinee
)ft 25c till
6 P.M.
6 P.M.
Matinee 25c
Evening ,. 35c
Kiddies 10c Anytime
"Spite Flight"
Charlie Chase Comedy
"Cracked Iceman"