PAGE PIVbi FIRESTONE, HERE ON VISIT, BRINGS Wall St. Report WIT GROWERS HEAR GOOD NEWS The directors of the Medford cham ber of commerce and a hastily assem bled group of Medford business men gathered at the Medford Hotel at luncheon today to welcome Leonard K Firestone, son of Harvey Firestone, nationally known tire manufacturer. Unassuming- friendly and altogether charming, Jjeonard Firestone made a decidedly favorable Impression on business and professional men of this city who had assembled to honor him. Especially interested were his listen ers in the optimJstic message the youthful tire executive broughto to this city and his words bear consider able weight as they reflect the opin ions of his famous father. Leonard Firestone may be considered an au thority on business conditions him self as he Is prominently Identified ' with the sales organization of the great Firestone company and Is sales manager of the western division with headquarters In Los Angeles. "Reports from every section of the United States and sales of our own products In practically every city of the country Indicate a definite up turn In business' Leonard Firestone tol dthe chamber of commerce mem bers. "In my opinion, the govern ment must put teeth in the enforce ment of codes in fairness to business organizations living yp to the spirit and letter of present agreements. There 1b certainly no place for chls slers in the nation-wide recovery program." Mr. Firestone praised the adminis tration's recovery efforts and, while not subscribing to all phases of the program, confidently predicted con tinued economic improvement. "The plan of a fairer distribution of labor, with less hours and more men at work, is right" the speaker said. "It is a means of distributing wealth over a greater number of people of all classes and will remedy some of the harmful effects of machine produc tion." "I am more interested in Just what will happen during our next depres sion" Leonard Firestone said. "That Is why I am Intensely interested In efforts now being made to eliminate many of the causes of our present economic condition." A tribute to the Medford chamber of commerce was paid by the youth ful tire executive, who has. been con stantly In touch with the local or ganization and is familiar with the enthusiasm and work of that civic or ganization. Before Introducing Leonard Fire stone, George Henselman, who acted as chairman of the extemporaneous meeting introduced A. J, Stephens, manager of the Portland district who accompanied Mr. Firestone to this city. Curt. Hopkins, manager of the Firestone Service stores in Medford and Mr. Firestone's host, was also In troduced. ' Following 'the meeting, Leonard Firestone was asked his opinion of the CWA activities and its effect upon general business conditions by a Mall Tribune representative. This much discussed phase of the national recovery program was also praised by Firestone who said: "The CWA program is vastly better than a dole. Constructive work Is being accomplished throughout the country and men and women of all claases who are actually In want have been given an opportunity to work and earn. This should favorably af fect business, although we have not noted the result yet to an appreci able extent, due to the fact that it is Just underway. This plan should aid much in the hastening of better busi ness conditions In all sections of the country.". When Mr. Firestone leaves this city for his home in Los Angeles, he will take with him boxes of famous Rogue River valley pears, provided by fruit growers of this community. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. (AP) Spec ialties pushed upward In a rather quiet stock market today, while the majority of Issues were content to follow a steady routine. Heaviness of grains was a retarding factor, al though there was little selling pres sure evident except in a lew spots. The close was mildly irregular. Trans fers approximated 1.550,000 shares. Today's closing prices for 32 se lected stocks follow: Al. Chem. At Dye 150 Am. Can 9814 Am. & Fgn. Pow ........ 0 A. T. & T 115V4 Anaconda .....-....-.... 14 Atch. T. & 8. F. 56 Bendlx Avla 18 Beth. Steel 36 California Pack'g 314 Caterpillar Tract. '. . . 25 Chrysler .. 62 ft Coml. Solv ........ 33 Curt iss -Wright 8V4 DuPont 01 Gen. Foods ... 36 Gen. Mot .. 364 Int. Harvest. . ... 41 L T. & T 14 Johns-Man . .......... 60 Monty Ward 23 Va North Amer 15 Penney (J. C.) 55!4 Phillips Pet 16 Radio 7 Sou. Pac 21 Std. Brands 23 St. Oil Cal 42 St. Oil N. J. 46 Trans. Amer 6 Union Carb . 47 Unit. Aircraft ......... ... 33 U. S. Steel 47 TRANSIENT CENTER WILL OPEN HERE; AT (Continued from page one) the center. Medford has taken no initiative In the matter and Is spend lng no money In the establishment of the center, Mayor Wilson added Through his interview with Mr. Reynolds yesterday, he stated that he understood that the department's idea Is to get away from "real relief" work, by keeping the men at home and at work. They will be cared for at the transient center but for a short peri od of time. There will be a camp for work located between this city and Klamath Falls. Deny Sending Transients. No statement was made here today regarding the claims of Ashland that relief funds have been withdrawn from that city's Helping Hand Mis sion, through establishment of the transient center here, but the claims that transients had been sent from the county relief commltee headquar ters to Ashland was emphatically de nied by Alfred 8. V. Carpenter, chair man of the committee. The state ment appearing in the Wednesday Ashland Tidings claimed that a man named E W. Anderson arrived in Ash land with the story that he had been sent, there by the Medford office. Further protest to the change of location of the center was expressed in the editorlsl columns of the Ash land nw.paper. It was understood here, when the state director made tfc change in location, that support would be withdrawn from the Help ing Hand Mission in Ahland. The change was one, city officials tore emphasized again this afternoon, over which they had no influence. Ch:.-M Wheat CHICAGO, Dec. 14. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close Dec. .8354 M4 .81 .81- May .8574 -86 .84- July .84 .84 .82 -83-Vi ST. IN FINAL RALLY Finishing with a strong offensive drive in the closing minutes the St. Mary's All-Stars defeated the Sams Valley town team, 28 to 15, Wednes day evening on the Sams Valley floor. Joe Patton led the All-Stars in scor ing, netting a total of 17 points. Ward was high point man for the Valley team with 6 points. St. Mary's All-Stars tangle with the Ashland Spartan club tonight. and Prospect town team Friday night at Prospect. Summaries for last night's game: St. Marys Sams Valley Smith (4 Ward (6) Patton (17) Wilson 4 Quiaenberry (6) Dusenburg (2) B. Lewis Abbott Sakralda v Mc'.Oona (2) Substitutions: St. Mary's Wilson (1): Bingham. Referee Ray Ward. In a preliminary game the Sams Valley high school defeated the St. Mary's high school, 33 to 19. Buster of S. V. H. S., was high point man with 20 points. Smith of St. Mary's caged 9 points. ley" this afternoon. B. J. Newcomer of Yakima and R. H. Robinson, chemist at the Southern Oregon sta tion, were also on the short after noon program. 4 ' . BIRTHS (Continued from page one) betlc patients was another field for j development, Rosenberg . said. j Bureau Work Reviewed Rosenberg said one problem was to present the Base pears to the con-! sumer In an Improved edibility. He reviewed the work of vie pear bu reau for the year, and said that the j main effort had been to reach fun-, damental facts, to aid in the market- j lng and sale of pears. William Horsley, secretary of the Northwest Fruit Industries, said that. : under the marketing agreement of the AAA governing pear prices, etc., "we can say .we are beginning to see out way out of the darkness." Horseley declared the minimum price fixing clauses ,had been bene ficial. "There has been plenty of 'chiseling,' but while they were lay ing awake nights to beat us, we were laying awake nights to keep them from it." He declared: "The pear marketing agreement Is the only one that Is working, and it will be per fected as the powers of the control board under the blanket license be come operative." Shortage of the crop and the for eign exchange rates were also listed by Horsley as aids to northwest growers the past season. Paul Scherer, scheduled to read a paper on the Northwest Fruit In dustries, Inc., work, was ill and un able to attend. His paper was read by Horsley. Pear Pack Increased J. W. Mayo, general manager of the Nortli Pacific Canners & Pack ers, said, despite the depression, there had been an increase in packed pears since 1929; that the per capita consumption of canned pears over the world showed a gain; that they were growing as a European food, and that the British trade treaty would "no doubt contain clauses covering canned pears." Mayo also said that "Oregon pears and prunes were now placed on a par with California peaches and apri cots in eastern chain store adver tisements. A. 8. Peters of Hood River explain ed the growth of water shipments In this district and that it was hoped the Bonneville dam locks would be made large enough to permit water ! shipments direct. Both Mayo and Peters were Wed nesday afternoon speakers. L. G. Gentner, entomologist of the Southern Oregon experiment sta tion, was scheduled to speak on "In sect Control in the Rogue River Val- Born. to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pow- : ell. a daughter, weighing 7 pounds, i B ounces, at the Community hospital Wednesday night. ! Phone 542 We will haul away youi refuse. City Sanitary 8ervtce. TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY LOST Pair of child's wool glow. Phone laa-A. USED cleaned brick and dlmenalon lumber. Inquire 34a No. urape d. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house: adults. 508 Austin. WANTED Boys to sell Xmas trees: also trees for sale. Apply oaiujuaj ( morning, 17 S. Peach St. FOR RENT Furnished house. Te'. 319-R. FOR SALE Red apples. Myron Root & company warehouse, 11th and Fir ts. GENT'S diamond stickpin, 8 dia monds: wouia msB a otoux.. lady's ring: cost $320; will take $100. Grand Hotel. Thomas Vogel. Dr,trT.TT?v MM ATTENTION Now Is the time to select your breed ing pens. Bee our aipiy wi w. erels at the Monarch Seed it Feed Co. store. Also write us for prices on baby chicks and hatching eggs. Our nine years' of continuous trap nesting, careful selection of breed ing birds, has made It possible for us to be able to give you the be English, Hollywood and Hanson strains. We have a limited number of cockerels for sale at this time. Write to MONTCRBST RANCH. Hilt. California. AUCTION SALE Saturday, Deo. 16 at So. Oreg. Livestock Pavilion, lo cated on old Medford-Central Point hiway. Will sell horses, cattle and hogs, and if you have any livestock to sell be sure and bring them t" this sale. Call 258-R for particu lars. We'll be seeing you at the Auction. So. Oreg. Livestock Auc tlon Co. WANTED Girl for housework. Call evenings at 814 E. 9th. FOR SALE Bennett and Newtown apples. W. J. oebhard. 54 mile N. Bear creek bridge, Central Point. FOR SALE 3-room partly furnished house. $800: $150 down. Inquire 820 W. 13th. FOR SALE 50 head cattle cheap. Op posite Howard school, old highway between Medford and Central Point. 3-ROOM furnished apt.; bath, heat and garage. 534 N. Bartlett. HALF-BOXES extra fancy Christmas pears: also good Newtown apples. W. H. Watt, Phone 468-R-3. 'Rats' Says Owner When Wine Cache Found Dried Up MODESTO, Calif., Dec. 14 (UP) Frank Vaccaro Bald "rats" gloom ily today. . He whistled when he went to his attic, for when Modesto went dry In 1917 he had stored there a large stock of wines of 1910 vlntcge. Repeal sent him to the attic again after nearly 14 years. Long rows of empty bottles were all that he found. Rats had nib - "-ki away. Park authorities announced that more persons visited Mt. Lassen in California this year than In any pre ceding single year. t Turkey growers in Tulare, Cal., con ducted a demonstration to Instruct consumers in preparing the Thanks giving feast. One Sure Way to End Coughs and Colds Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulslon, an emulsified creosote that Is pleasant to take. Creomulslon Is a new medical discov ery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and Inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosote is rec ognised by high mcdlcsl authorities and one of the greatest healing agen cies for persistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles Creomulslon contains, In addition to creasote. other healing elements which soothe and heal the. infected membranes and stop the Irritation and Inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach. Is absorbed Into the blood, and attacks the seat of the trouble. Creomulslon Is guaranteed satis factory In the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and is excellent for build ing up the system after colds or flu. Your own druatist i, authorized to refund your money on the spot If your coujjh or cold is not relclved hy Creomulslon (Adv.) GLASS In. tailed In lour Oroken Window, Padgham Planing Mill rhone 521. 1309 Court 81. VV? -ssSJ ScS j ; CsTwrta 'artar No paper label to cut! No lid to pry loose! T W have perfected the tin to matoh the perfect Baking Powder. Best of all it now costs you less. Truck from 13 states visited the Hmbur? section of Jaclwon county. North Carolina, for ahipmenu of cab bag Uat season. PHOTO MAILERS Injure safe delivery of your photo graph)i through the mall. All iIjm SWEM'S GIFT SHOP Vy Htibbard'i havtVf Jf first cholcfc gifts m for all members o A A the family. Loo I I over the httchc equipment f o ) GIFTS For the Kids And Mother And Dad Ball Bearing Holler Skates, special $1.45 Ail-American Footballs 69c Full Grain Cowhide Footballs $1.05 Boys Boxing Glove Sets $3.80 Official Cowhide Basket Balls $3.95 Professional Horsehide Striking Bag3 $3.35 4-Paddle Table Tennis Sets $1.90 Steel Chest with Tools for Boys $5.00 New Counselor Bath Scales, 5-yr. guarantee $4.95 New Health Rowing or Reducing Machine $7.60 naff ON EVERYTHING Only 8 Days To do your Christmas shopping. Here are a few of the many Goodies of fered by Pay'n Takit Fri day, Saturday and Mon day Savings. jl ' 1 3 11 CANDIES of Superior Quality SATIN MIX 2 lbs... 25c CHOCOLATES Old Fashioned Cone Shape 2 lbs. . 29c PEANUT BRITTLE Chuck Full of Peanuts lb. . . 15c FRENCH CREAMS Stuffed Centers and Bon Bons lb. . . 20c HERSHEY BARS 4 for .... 15c Cigarettes Prince Albert Milk Camels, Carton $1.00 Pound Tin Xmas Pack Maximum Tall Cans Starch Jello Kingsford Corn 1-lb. Package All Flavors 75c 4 cans 25c 2pkg.15c 3 pkg. 17c P 1 Del Monte 4 A. meappie No. l Can, Crushed, can I UU Salad Dressing JUSU 29c Pop Corner 8 ozcn7y2c Catsup soBottie 2 bottles 17c Marshmallows 1 Pound Box 19c NUTS WALNUTS Oregon Grown Soft Shell pound 19c ALMONDS Large Size 2 lbs.. ...25c FILBERTS Oregon Grown. Large Size 2 lbs.... 39c BRAZILS New Crop 2 lbs ... . 25c MIXED NUTS Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts and Brazils 2 lbs..... 29c Corn Peas Tomatoes Cheese Golden Bantam. No. 2 tins. New Crop Seedless. No. 2 can. Highway. 1Yi can, Ladino. Local made, Pound 2 cans 19c Raisins 3 cans 29c Hominy Flakes 3 cans 28c Nucoa 2S Corn Meal 3 lbs 1 7c 2 lbs. 19c 10c 16c Yellow or White. A 4 9 pound bag, I" Pancake Flour Large package 17c Soap Powder Large package. 15c Baking Powder 25o Baking Soda K. 0. can Large package. 1 9c Shortening jSL. 6 lb. pail 79c 2 lbs. 13c Oats Pure vegetable Sun Ripe. 9 pound bag 35c Coffee Specials ' AIRWAY EDWARDS !00 Brazilian DEPENDABLE Blended Quality Vacuum Packed at a Saving. 3 lbs. 55c 2 lb. can 49c Flour Savings BLUE SEAL Pride of the West Quality guaranteed. Hard wheat. Blended Flour. 49lb.bag$l83 49lb.bagSl 35 fts?AiagiiJTi 5J Potatoes Klamath f. S. No. Vi. 50.1b. bag Squash Sweet Potato. Pound Apples Spill, Tlrlliloun, New. town or JonalliHttH. Bos Grapefruit 9 Portion !. 3 for Oranges Sttwt ind Juicy Dozen Cranberries Orr jon Orown , 2 Poundg 45 1 69 11. 10 25' 7 1 We have been reading so much about good country sausage lately that we have decided to feature sausage that REALLY IS country sausage, and is made in the country by a very prominent farmer of this com munity who raises good pork and makes sausage of it. This is the only market in town handling it, so come in and try some of Mr. 0. 0. Hoover's Pure Pork Country Sausage. 2 lbs. 25 BACON Eastern Mild Sugar Cured Buy it by the slab The Slab 89c ClinDTCMIllft WIIUII I blllllU gj Best Orade Vegetable t) Shortening in 45 pound cans The Can 25 HENS Fancy Fresh Dressed. Fine for boiling or fricassee Each 33 7 COME SHOP AND SAVE AT 113 NO. CENTRAL 1