Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 14, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA'flE TWO
Society and Clubs
Edited by Eoa Nealon Hamilton
Rrhrarulfl Indicate
Splendid Production
Rehearsal of "The Rom Dawn.1
which have been under way tor the
put week, indicate a splendid pro
duction In preparation (or public
eyet on December 19. Many local
folk are devoting much time to the
preeenatlon aa participant! or spon
cora for the ahow, w,'ilch will be
taged under aueplcci of the Buelnesa
and Profeaslonal Women" club at
the Holly theater.
In the, cast are several people
known to all who have followed ama
teur theatricals here. Much dancing,
singing and elaborate costumes will
add beauty to the general theme of
the play, which Is particularly piea
Ins In times such si these.
Miss Eleanor McCaffrey Is direct
ing the production, In which will
appear 90 people.
There will be music by Beyntce
Morehouse Bolger and by Sebastian
Pocahontas Enteersln
With Dane In Party
' Members of the Degree of Poca
hontas vere hostesses at another
dancing party of the winter series
laafe Friday evening. Muslo was fur
nished by Dickeys orchestra. A
novelty danco number, much enjoy
ed, was arranged by the committee,
composed of Norma Martin, Esther
Dooms, Zelpha Armstrong, Mandle
Abbott and Bill Mllnes, who are also
making plans for the Christmas pro
gram and tree to be held Friday
evening. December 32.
Refreshments were served In the
banquet hall by the committee com
posed of Lena Ouenther, Evelyn
Btagg and Mattle Lumsn.
Next Friday the Wenonab club
will sponsor a card party at the
P. O. R. M. hall on Apple street,
and an Invitation Is extended the
Rarronp Leave Thursday
To Ball for Vienna
Mr. and Mrs. George Francis Bar
ron, recently of the University of
Oregon, whose marriage was an event
of last month In Portland, will be
leaving Ashland Thursday for Sac
ramento, where they will be guests
of Mr. Barron's mother, Mrs. Homer
W. Barron, and .his sister, Mrs. Psul
McCracken, before sailing ' for Vi
enna on December 30.
The two have been much enter
tained while visiting relatives in
Ashland and their trip abroad will
be followed with much Interest by
many Medford friends, especially in
muslo circles.
Mr, Bsrron returned to Eugene
Tuesday to finish his examination
for master of fine arts degree, com
ing back sgaln to Ashlsnd. Both he
and Mrs. Barron will study music In
Charity Ball Plans
Demand Much Interest
Christmas Is drawing nearer day
by day and plana for the msny
vents to grace the holidays are de
manding more and more time of
their sponsors. Leading among them
la the chsrtty ball to be given by the
CaMollo charity club at the Pythian
hall December 28. It promises to be
the most festive occasion of the
Yuletlde. Numerous committees sre
working on the plans and the names
appearing In the committee lists as
sure a very pleasant evening.
Mrs. Brewer Hostess
At Pre-Holiday Luncheon
Among the hostesses of the week,
tsklng advantage of Christmas' ap
proaeb, by doing a bit of pre-holldsy
entertaining is Mrs. C. M. Brewer. flho
invited friends to her home In Siski
you Heights yesterday for luncheon
and bridge and will entertain again
Covers were arranged for 19 yestr
day and there will be 16 guests Sat
urday. Bt. Marks Chilli""''""
Plans Luncheon
St. Marks Guild of the Episcopal
church will meet for cafeteria
luncheon Friday at the guild hall
at 1 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs.
M. M. Herman snd Mrs. Hnl Piatt.
The luncheon will be followed by a
business session, and an Invitation
Is extended all women of the church.
Spencer Alexanders
Entertained Here
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Alexander
and email son, Bobble, who .have been
guests from Portland for several days
of the F. J. Newmans, left this morn
ing by motor for Ban Francisco, ac
companied by Mrs. Harold Welch
stein, to visit Mrs. Russell Patter
son In the bsy city.
Following a short stsy In the south
they will return to Medford accom
panied by the Pattersons and young
son, all to be guests at the Newman
home for Christmas.
Considerable entertaining was ar
ranged here for the Alexanders early
In the week. Mrs. Rel (Viatel ft was
hostess at a bridge party Tuesday
afternoon feting her sister, the for
mer MariOn Newman, and t dinner
Tuesday evening for the pleasure of
the Portlanders. Mrs. Ted OeBauer
entertained at dinner In their honor
last evening.
Baptist Women to Meet
Mrs. James Campbell
An Invitation Is extended all wo
men of the Baptist 6hurch to en in
formal reception at the home of Mrs.
M. E. Coe, Oil West Eighth street,
tomorrow afternoon to meet Mrs.
James Campbell, missionary, recently
returned from China.
Th guests will meet first at the
home of Dr. Csrlow, 26 South Laurel
street, then continue to the Coe
home at 3 oclock.
Girl Scout Leaders
To Meet Tonight
A meeting of all Girt Scout lead
ers has been called for this evening
at 7:30 o'clock at the Colony club.
Instruction will be given by Mrs. M.
J. Llttlefleld, CJ Irl Scout csmp advisor.
Anothnr meeting has been called
for Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock at
the court house auditorium.
.Miss Kyswajier Hostess
At Luncheon Today
Miss Dorothy Nyswsner entertain
ed at luncheon and bridge at her
apartment today, using the colorful
Christmas motif In decorations at
the Informal affair. Covers were ar
ranged for Mrs. Frank Perl, Miss
Knthryn Sweeney, Mrs. Ted CKBauar
and the hostess.
Mesdame Prentice and
Cawglll Entertain
Among hostesses of the week were
Mesdsmes Ralph Cowglll and Harry
Prentice, who entertained at bridge
yesterday at the Pre n tic home on
South Newtown.
There ware three tables of con
tract In play.
Iiriimmonds Entertain
Guests at Dinner
Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Drummond were
hosts at dinner Tuesday evening, en
tertaining Judge snd Mrs. Earl B.
Day, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch snd
Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Durno.
D. A. R. Christmas
Party On Saturday
The Daughters of the American
Revolution are completing plans here
for their Christmas party to be held
at the home of Mrs. C. O. Murray
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock,
P. E. O. Group '
Meets This Evening
Chapter AA, P. E. O. will meet this
evening with Mrs. C. D. Thompson.
Mrls. Brltta Williams and Mrs. O. W.
Wakefield will be aastatsnt hostesses.
Late appropriate presents for Christ
mis. Initial snd personal stationery,
printed or lithographed oarda for men
or women, with or without leather
card cases, six les pencils and ruler
in leather case with coin pocket, name
printed in gold on each pencil and
case, all for $1.00. Commercial print
ing Dept. Mall Tribune. 38 N. Orspe
Elk lodge members from all parts
of the county will gather at the
temple tonight to participate In ef
forts that have always proved suc
cessful In providing funds for Christ
mas boxes of foodstuffs destined to
gladden Vie hearths of many homes
in need of those simple necessities
during the holiday.
A feed will be spread for hungry
lodgemen, starting at 7 o'clock, and
a brief lodge session will be conduct
ed by the officers, after which the
annual Christmas tree festivities will
start In the basement.
Exalted Ruler J. F. Fllegel urges
all members to make an appearance
tlUs evening to take part In the fes
tivities, the Importance of which can
be best realized when boxes are de
livered to needy .homes providing
Christmas feasts where there were
only bare boards before.
Assuring the success of cms of the
important features of the evening.
P. O. Blgham is the chairman of tho
refreshment committee, assisted by
John White, Ike Dun ford, Nick
Young, I. F. Andres, Paul Jennings.
Eugene Orr and Albert C. Wilson.
The tables will be groaning under
the loads of eats and, of course,
there will be beer to quench the
thirst of the dry.
Other committees named by Exalt
ed Ruler Fllegel are:
Relief H. N. Butler, Lewis Ulrlch,
T. E. Daniels, chairmen; Nick Young.
George Eads, Harry Marx, J. T. Da
vis, O. M. Selsby, J. D. Bell, E. H.
Sleight, Wm. Hammett, A. B. Cun
ningham and H. L. Arms.
Cashiers Roy Prultt, Fred Wshl.
Ward Beeney, Treve Lumsden Scott
V. Davis and Robert C. Hart.
Distributing Committee Miles
Cantrall, A pp legate; Paul Oodward.
Jacksonville; Dewey HUI, Prospect;
W. C. Clements, Lugle Point; Ernest
Rostel, Central Point; Andrew Hearn,
Phoenix; H. D. Reed, Gold HUI.
Purchasing Committee Leon Haa
klns snd Ralph KoozeT.
Solicitors O. O. Alenderfer, chair
man; O. C. Lemmon, W. W. Allen,
W. M. Clemenson, A. 8. Rosen baum,
W. A. Gates, &nner Hull, Clarence
Pan key, Roland Hubbard, R. E
Stearns, Ronald DeVore, Ernest L.
Barnes and Michael Beck.
Selling Committee Jerry Jerome,
Raymond Rcter; assistants, Robert
Norrls, Don R. Newbury, Herbert
Orey, Diamond Flynn, Everett Bray-
ton, Fletcher Flah, Stan Sherwood,
Rny Wright, Walter Olmscheld. Chas.
Campbell, Burt L. Lagrson, Earl York,
Cole Holmes snd John P. Moffatt.
Preparations have been entirely
completed for the evening, which
promises to bs without a single dull
moment, beginning with the opening
of the nights events at 7 p. m.
A Post-Repeal Gown
1 1 jfejaa
Even wearing apparel is affected
by repeal. Here the newest style
note streamlining la exemplified.
The new teardrop decolletage also
is a feature of the frock, made of
black crepe appllqued with fuchsia
satin. (Associated Press Photo)
LOS ANGELES, Oal., Dec. 14 (AP)
The strange story of how he con
structed an ocean view mansion for
the late Miss Margaret A. Keltt,
wealthy spinster, who ended her life
last April, without ever once seeing
the woman, was related to a Jury In
superior court by the contractor,
Nicholas Bums, of Beverly Hills.
The testimony of Burns was given
in an effort to show that Miss Keith
was of unsound mind when she left
her estate to her nephew, Albert G.
Allen, Jr., of Central Point, Ore.,
Allen, Jr., Central Point Ore., ranch
er. The wilt Is being contested by
Mrs. Mary Allen Towle niece or Miss
Keith, snd Mrs. Etta Keith Eskrldge,
sister of the decedent.
"I never met Miss Keith," testi
fied Burns, "but I received more
than 100 letters snd notes snd talked
to her once over the telephone con
cerning plans for the home and the
swimming pool."
Miss Keith, so attorneys for the
plalntin claim, in addition to keep
ing herself from sight, went outside
only at night and had her meals de
livered at her door.
The hearing was delayed today by
Illness of Juror.
NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Mme. Oanna
Walska, former wife of Harold Mo
Cormlck. arrived here today and said
the depreciated dollar abroad Is re
sponsible for her re-establish lng a
home In America.
Six weeka ago she csme here from
Paris to aupei use repairs on her
psrk avenue home. While they were
under wsy she returned to France
and made arrangements for closing
her Parts home.
"Happy birthday to you," la the
song officers should be singing to A.
G. Gterlng of San Francisco, housed
In the city Jail yesterday afternoon,
for he reached his 39th anniversary
Wednesday. And that was the start
of his trouble. He was celebrating
the event on an Independent stage
with Albert VanValen of Venezuela,
w.hen the two were thrown off in the
Slsklyous for allegedly disorderly
A state police officer was standing
by and the oelebraters were brought
to Medford, where charges will be
filed against them today, Th etwo
were en route to Seattle.
NEW YORK. Dec. 14 MP) Di
rectors of Bancsmerlca-Blalr Corp:
declared a special dividend of $3
payable Dec. 38 to stock of record
December 18. The dividend, the
board said. Is a distribution of funds
in excess of working capital require
ments under present conditions.
Phone 543 We will haul away youi
refuse City Sanitary Service
State board of engineering exam
iners of Oregon will conduct an ex
amination for registration of pro
fessional engineers at Its offices. 631
633 Railway Exchange building,
January 6, beginning at 9 r. m. Ex
aminations will be available In the
following branches of professional
engineering: civil, mechanical, elec
trical, mining, logging and cheml
The fee to take the examination Is
910. Application blanks to take the
examination may be obtained upon
request by sddresslng A. B. Carter,
secretary, 833 Railway Exchange
building, Portland.
AAA Payroll Over
Seven Million Is
Senator's Charge
Senator Dickinson (R., Ia.), declaring
"the public should know these facts,"
today handed to newspapermen a
statement that the payroll of the
agricultural adjustment administra
tion was $7,118,740 annually less the
15 per cent pay cut.
Dickinson said his computation was
made from official figures reported
to him by the Adjustment adminis
tration, but that It did not Include
per diem workers. He said the total
number of employes on the regular
payroll was reported ss 3704.
Meteorological Report
Dfcembe: 14. 1033.
Medford and vicinity: Cloudy to
night and Friday. Not much change
In temperature.
Oregon: Generally cloudy tonight
and Friday. Occasional light rain
in north and west central portion.
Slightly cooler east portion tonight.
Local Data.
Temperature a year ago today:
Highest, 44; lowest, IS.
Total monthly precipitation, 1.39
Deficiency for the month .09 Inch.
Total precipitation since Septem
ber 1, 1933, a 86 I
Deficiency for the season, 36
Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes
terday, 83 per cent; 5 a. m. today,
78 per cent.
Tomorrow: Sunrise, 7:33 a. m. Sun
set, 4:41 p. m.
Observations Taken at 5 A. M.
120th Meridian Time
& ji s 5 5 a 5
1 8 1 f f! p
Eureka .........
Los Angeles
New Orleans
New York
Phoenix ...... -,
Portland .
Heating costs can bs reduced. For
complete heating service cell Art
Schmldll, 418-1663.
Broken windows glazed by
Trowbridge Cabinet Works.
In accordance with the recently
reduced price for Ballroom Classes
DIO wilt also teach at this price,
per pupil sue
Christmas Display of
Saturday, Dec. 16
An unusual offer for one day only.
City, County and School warrant!
taken at par on the purchase of
diamonds Saturday at
Larry Schade,
Your Favorite Jeweler
since 1918
Elks' Charity Dance
SAT. NITE, Dec. 16
Tor Elks and Their Friend. $100 a Couple
Flashlights A Of
J-Oll Complete HrJC
Ootton 4 Q.
1-lb. Hospital I 9 C
Colonial Dame 7Qf
Toiletries OC
Bon Kora 7CJf
nedurer . I WW
Vicks Nose Drops QQa
Hoc Pile OOw
Jad Salts, Oono. -4Q
eoo site HwC
Zerbsts Cold Caps. 9Q m
SOc Sire aWJw
Antiseptio Solution
n. r. Quarta HOC
Kleenex 1 7f
Epsom Salt 5)Ql
s-it. HO C
Hair Brushes 9Qf
500 Value b3C
Ovaltine RClf
sine Sire O JC
Takara Powder- EQm
toe sin Ow C
Eno Fruit Salts AQ.
SMS Sir .. OOw
"Frank" Pipes OQfu
II Wl Valus www
"Genuine" Aspirin OQ.
loo Tablet. . b3C
Perfume Atomizers
sv viu
Tune 111 K.MEI) lhuiAl.t 4.1
A. M "The New llrai!."
Western Thrift Store
125 East Sixth Street
(Next to Wurts' Gift Shop)
Friday, Saturday & Monday Selling
For Men
Value QQn
i.m. OOw
Mello Olo Sets QQ.
Face Powder and Perfume, M..W ralue........-. Oww
Lander's Toilet Sets . 91 fi
Fare ronder, Toilet Water, Perfume, 3.1c value., b I W
Yard ley Shaving Bowls QQf
S1.S0 Value Veart Supply of Soap WWW
Baby Ben Alarm Clocks-
Value tloft or Loud Alarm
Pocket Bon Watches
$1.50 Value Guaranteed 1 Year
Box Stationery
sir Value. 54 sheet, and Envelopes
1 lb. Prince Albert 75
14-oz. Dial Tobacco 57
Cremo Cigars, box 60..$!,. 15
1 lb, Raleigh Tobacco S5
Cigarettes, Camels, etc.
Carton $1.03
AH Xmas Packages Wrapped
Salt Lake I
San Francisco .... 1
Seattle i
Spokane '
Walla WaUa ..... I
Washington, D.C. :
14 .40 SnOW
34 Clear
38 Cloudy
44 .30 Clear
36 .04 Cloudy
50 .84 Clear
38 .10 Cloudy
84 Clear
30 .18 Clear
34 Cloudy
48 Clear
43 .13 P. Cdy.
33 Clear
40 .38 P.-Cdy.
34 .10 Cloudy
80 J0 P. Cdy.
43 .08 Clear
34 .40 Rain
43 .30 Cloudy
38 .08 P. Cdy.
S mop HI
Every employe of a retail eataUllih
ment will contribute 35 cents a year
under new regulations prescribed by
NBA for financing the retail coda
Local authorities may make addi
tional eisessments. but no worker la
to give more than 81 annually to
ward expenses of code authorities,
national and local.
Retailers will be given new NRA
Insignia as rapidly aa they execute
assessment forma and pay their aa
seasments. Tie Insignia will carry
the blue eagle, the words, "We do
our part" and the name of .the di
vision of the trade In which the In
dividual retailer la engaged.
Ladles, get the new contract bridge
score cards, with Instructions printed
thereon, 10c for 35, st Commercial
Printing Dept. Mall Tribune, 38 North
Picture frames . made to order. K
D. Ross Co., 33 8. Orabe.
Safe: Non-Poisonous
For feminine Hygiene.
Ask Your Doctor.
Phoenix H. E. C. To
PHOENIX, Dec. 14. (Spl.) Home
Extension club of Phoenix will meet
at the Presbyterian church on Fri
day, starting about 10 . m. At
this morning meeting those having
charge of the sewing project, Mes
dames George Drake and Ralph Wil
cox, will conduct tAe meeting.
Covered dish dinner will be served
at noon.
During the afternoon Christmas
suggestions will be studied. All the
ladles of the community are Invited
to attend.
Bridge Span Falls.
LONGVIEW, Dec. 14. (AP J The j
steol draw span of a railroad bridge i
that crosses the Cowlitz river near
Its mouth, dropped from sight early
last evening , when the pivot pier.
built of piling, gave way.
Dance at the Rcgue Elk Saturday!
night. December 23. i
Just in Time for Xmas
mi m
mar i
Informal Showing of
by one of Portland'
oldest Exclusive Fur
Mr. Rimer is here personally
to help you select your fur
coat or jaquette.
Every coat is hand picked for
style, material and workman
ship. Only the finest pelts are
used in these garments. And
every garment is out of their
regular stock. Prices start at
Prices on furs will be higher
next season so why delay. Buy
Thur., Fri., Sat.
IVZ7 fsfZttl film .-C.
Here on way you can
make Chrlstmca joy last all
yrjir for many, maiiy yearat
It (rim betteir health to
the whole family. It glrea
tastier meiala to your table.
It (tlwa worlds of conrpniencft,
budget economy, pride and
ph'A5ure to the one who hat
the day-ln-and-dayHnt job
of raring for you and your.
Yet FrigidairecoetasolitUe
to buy and to uae! And the
new Standard model has Va
mora food sparer extra room
for tall bottleai liillnw,
ttainloM pomlain Interior)
automatic defrosting and
automatic Ice-tray release.
Your wife win like the
simple lines and sparkling;
Didux finish of this handsome
When yon select your Christ
mas Frigldalre, we'll affix
a handsome, sterling ailrer
gift medallion, appropriately
engTBTed with any Christmas
sentiment yon choose.
Vlll you come into our
showrooms today and take
a look? Ve'd like to show
you why Frigidaire win make
you a life-long Santa Claua.
inmi unit um
Holly Theatre Building. ph(me m