PAGE SEVEN You Can't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933. Why Not Try a Want -Ad? Wajri to Mli yotu oom Wuii 60 set rid ol tew oddi and ID6a IS nouaenold furnlablngat lent mxpnlT want-Ao m th Mall rrtbun oiuuileo Pag will nod Ch un tc tbas and many otht porplexing arobUma. H re Are the Rates: per word flrrt mrti (M1nlmnm .oJ Each addition) tnaartlon. pai word (Minlrr"ITn 10b) per Una pet month, without copy change 11JS 75 Phone LOST AND FOUND LOST Pocketbook. papers 'and cur- U w..-n Hillo nrt RArtlBtt. Suitable reward for return. Dr. Van Valzah. 204 a. Main ot, ruuiic LOST 11 dog missing, call 1S1B. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Housekeeper motherleie home. Two In family. Stat age and salary. Complete charge. 1597, care Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Married man with a boy orrtwo to work on orchard and larm land on shares. Must be good or chard man and good with horses. Otherewlse don't apply. Equipment on plac. Box 1441, Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WILL . pay cash for wood burner cir culating heater. O. O. Hull. Route 1, Medford. WANTED 2nd hand Tuxedo In good condition, size 38 or 40. Box 1439, Tribune. ,rm .nin- I, mint. Mich . will help share expensea full or I part way. eoxnoia, nt. 1. WILL PAY CASH for cheap, light. closed car. Phone 1138-J. WANT TO BUY 1929 Ford cheap. 333 W. 2nd. HAVE your furniture re-upholstered, refthlshed and reglued. Tel. 969 -R. Thlbault. EDGAR JOHNSON wants to buy your furs at the Peerless Market, 12-14 No. Bartlett St. WANTED To keep good team horses for board Good feed. Adolf Schulz. Beagle, Ore. ' WANTED Electrlo radio Must be reasonable. Box 268. Tribune. WILL care for elderly sick people In my home. Phone 437-X. WANTED Household good, stoves tools or what have you duedford Bargain Bouse. 37 N Orape St Tel 1062 ' JUNK WANTED W pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES & R A D I A I O 8 S ALUMINUM BRASS, COPPER A unk of ail descnotions MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No Orape Tel 1062 WANTED Raw fura. Prices advanced from 35 tq 80. It will pay you to trap. New and used traps for sal. Medford Bargain House. Med ford. Oregon. 27 Nortb Orape St.. Phone 1063. FOR HEM HOUSES TOR SALE 81400.00 or rent 810, 641 Pine. Brown and Whit or writ owner, I.Jarl, Boring, Oregon. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, also lights and water, Oak Grave district: 68 per month. Tel. 4-F-3. TOR RENT S-room house; garden "pace, fruit; adults. 508 Austin St. Humes for rent Call 698 FOI RENT Home, furnished or unfurnished. Brown 81 Whit Houses H0. aiaso and I6 water paid; wood range Phone 100 FOR RENT 7-room modern home. 8 bedroom. O. A. DeVoe. S23-J-3. Ann per month, fl-room house on W-U " Hb Willamette: fireplace, wash tray, hard- 9 wood floors; very modern. Key at Union Saving 8s Loan, 45 So. Cen tral FOR RENT House, close In. Tel 319-Y ROOM modern cottage, $12.50. 812 So. Orape St. FOR rent 8-room unfurnished houae. newly renovated; built-in. 26 Cottage. fOH RENT 3-room furnished apt 'lose m. 317 East Jackson or 749-Y FOR RENT one of the nicest tmtur n.shed 5-room modern bungalows l;l fit?, newly painted and papered. nw curtains throughout, new lin oleum on kitchen, bathroom and Pantry fioora, electric water healer, new heatrola and built-in fixtures, nil In tin-ton condition. See it st '23 w. lltn and call next door. Ni "nill children. ATTRACT! VB room 4U4 S. Orape POR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent Sleeping rooms. Gloria Pan Apt., 375 So. central. fOR RENT Sleeping room, rent very "asonabl. 222 So. Holly. FOR RENT APARTMENTS VPNIj!HF.D APT Oil heat, pnvat . Mwio;, jy gj ca., , TOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD I HOAHD AND ROOM at 718 t Uala MURRAY ABSTRACT 00 Abstract Bate very moderate, 0 ti,, tltlt Inauranoa. Room 8 . - and S. No. (3 Nortb Central At.. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS upatalr. BACHELo'r cabin. 4 60. Front. 8g7n-ic7ner: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. LET OEOROE DO IT IW IU1 - - - .. Houae cleaning Floo Waxing Ort TOR 6 ALB Conn O melody aaxo- antal Rug Cleaning, apacialtj. phone, ellver horn, gold bell, pearl keys, plush caae; almoet new: coat Money to Lend. 145. aell tor J. Phone U73-W. - - - ... . - - WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE FOR EXCBANOB " WT MODEL AUTOS -i.-..- - m.,.,...i,. .r n. -L n Thre pr oent per montb on un- FOR SALE OR TRADE Model T Ford Paid balanoe No other ohanje See coup. 101S N. Central. Tel. 315. W. E. Thomaa 46 South Central. round floor Craurian Theater .Idg. Stat License No. S-1S7. 11,000 mllea, for lata model aedau. 8. A. Bower, Murphy, Oregon. Trantrer. EWES and city property to trade !or retnkino TRUCKING Cj Trina- what have you? C. A. DeVoe. Ph. rer and atorage. w naul anything 83-J-'- . M reasonable prioa. Ill No. Fir FOR SALE OR TRADE Wnlta electrlo - 8t!tl p'"'n .333- sewing machine for light sedan EADS rRANSFER STORAOB CO. Bo 638, Tribune. offio 10 IS No. Central Phona 316 ' Price right. Seme guaranteed for sale real usTATE' j;:,j?.;.-.,;:r:' : r . x t. -. HAWLET TRANSFER Expert paok- FOR RENT OR SALE 1 acres good and mover Special livestock garden land, imall house: reason- moving equipment, rtlce right able rent. oo. McClaln. Phoenix. 810 Nortb Riverside. Phona 1044-X FOR SALE 159 acres timber, a -room painting and raperhanging. log cabin, or trade for valley acre- at?, improved or unimproved. n. uray. Rout 1, box 378. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown it White. FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS SPECIAL PRICE on all roller canaries. Phone 202 Jacksonville. Mrs. Nell1 ! nnney. I ROLLER CANARIES. Phona 523-J-2. FOR SALE POULTRY PURE Bronze toms Cockeran's prlae stock. (5. Jesse Nell, Rt. 1, Ashland. FOR SALE Turkeys. Phone 538-J-t. Mrs. D. W. Luke. PURE Branre toms Cockeran'e prlr.e atock 15. Jesse Nell, Rt. 1, Aahland. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Black mare S years old. Inquire Beagle Post Office. FOR SALE Black gelding, weight 1500 lbs; 3 Hereford calves. Linn ranch, close to Jacksonville. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES ONLY 4 used cars left and want to dispose of these within a week o have CUT the PRICE again. Call and take advantage of the CLEAN UP PRICES. Eakln Motor Co., South Fir St. BRAND NEW SEDAN at a real bar gain price, too. Hasn't run a mile. Regular price $1125. Will sacrifice for quick sale $820 and will accept State, County, city or School war rant at par. Terms for part. Here , 1 a real opportunity so act at once Remember, this la NOT a demon strator and la brand new In every respect. Address "Car Owner", care Mall Tribune. FOR SALE 1S33 Chrysler sedan re possession. A real buy. Armstrong Motor Co.. 38 No. Riverside. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -13-oz. army tarpaullna at miooara ros. WOOD burning cook stove, also heat ing stove. 109 E. 8th St. GARDENING, shrub, moving, prun ing, spading, estimate free. 307 Bessie. WILL sacrlftce radio for balance of contract. Box 1392, Tribune. FOR SALE Hungarian vetch seed. Phone S33-J-4. APPLES from 20 to 75 cent a box In small or large lots. O. V. Myers Orchard, Phone 258-J. FOR SALE Bay, wheat, barley and corn. C A. DeVoe, Tel 623-J-3. FOR aALE Used tewing machines all makes: term 11 desired. AU make rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co.. 24 N Bartlett "PLANT FILBERTS FOR BIO PROF ITS" Price smashed on high qual ity fruit trees, shrubs, roses and berry plant. Drive to W, B. Bar num's on Paclflo Highway. 3 mllea South of Medford or Phone 851-R-3. CARLTON NUI1SERY CO.. CARL TON. OREGON. FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertiliser and teaming. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE CHEAP EASY TERMS A Deico light plant. A 1-horse electrlo motor. A refrigerator, electric, A piano: a new oil burner. Commercial Finance Corporation. Phone 81. FOR SALE Gaa range and water heater in good condition, priced reasonable. Call 341-R-l. FOR SALE All kinds of apple and pears. Jos Mary ranch. Tel. 132-L. PERSONAL GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT and Palmist Truthful advice on buslneas lov. msrns Rainbow Auto Camp cabin 3 MISCELLANEOUS MONEY LOANED on typewriters tnd radios. Cecil Jennings, Main and Front. FURS cleaned, repaired and glared. Costs rellned. Medford Cash and Carry Cleaners. Phone 1700. GOLD BOUGHT Redden 81 Co. Get our new price WE HAVE BUYERS for Gold Prop erties, both plscer and lode. Send complete information to Harry d. Fry & Company, 417 Davie Bidg.. Portland. Ore. 1 BUY gold and loan money. Cecil Jennings, comer Front and Main BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of ntl and Title Ininrane. In only complete fllle 9 j f 1 e 10 in teuuuu tUUOlJj . BUSINESS DIRECTORY M- A BLISS Painting and papar. banging. Tel. S49-W 818 8 Orape Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing or all kinds: book binding; loose -leaf ledgera, and blanks, billing systems, duplloatlng caah sales slips and everything in the printing line. 28-30 N. Orape Phone 75 LEUAL NO HUES Farm Allotment Statement Notloe of Farm Allotments and of Maximum Acreages of Wheat for 1934 Under Contracts for Members of the Wheat Produc tion Control Association of Jack son County, state of Oregon. Listed below are statement of the allotment which have been determ ined for membera of the Jackson County Wheat Production Control As sociation. These allotment are to hold for the duration of the present wheat contract, and they are the basis up m which adjustment payment are to b made. They have been determined by the County Allotment committee after careful consideration of the "ap plication statement. Every effort he been made to have these allotment aa accurate a possible. The maximum acreage which may be sown to wh?at for the 1934 crop on each farm, under the reduction requirements of the contract, is also listed. The Jackson County allotment, which has been calculated from rec ords of the United State Department of Agriculture, Is 131.021 bushels. This 1 the total number of bushel auoied to the county under the wheat plan. The total of the Individual allotments. Including those allotmenta which could hav been assigned to farms which are not participating under th wheat program, must be In line with the county allotment figure. The number of non-partlclpatlng farmers In the county is 231; the a?erage total wheat acreage for these non-partlcl- j patmg farms during the base period 1 01 tu acres; tne rotai average wneat production on these non-partlclpatlng farms during the base period la 143. 462 bushels. In listing the Information below. "A" means acres In farm; "Allot" means the Individual wheat allotment for the farm;' "Max." A" means the maximum acresge of wneat which can be eown on the farm for the 1034 crop, under the contract. Signed : CHAIRMAN COUNTY ALLOTMENT COMM. FRED C. HOMES JOHN NrEDERMEYER. DICK STRAUS. Ashland. Billings, Ralph. 120 A., Allot. 281 bu., Max. A. 16. Chaney, R. N., 30 A., Allot. 112 bu.. Max. A. 6. Dunn, George E 296 A., Allot. 621 bu., Max. A. 37. Edward. A. C. nd A. T, 341 A , Allot. 577 bu.. Max. A. 54. Ellenberger. A. J 560 A., Allot. 180 bu., Max. A. 20. Homes. Fred C, 360 A., Allot. 2040 bu.. Max. A. 130. Home, Fred c, 330 A., Allot. 478 bu.. Max. A. 26. Homes. Fred C . 300 A., Allot. 1063 bu.. Max. A. 181. Jordan. Archie P., 100 A., Allot. 134 bu.. Max. A. 6. McAllister. H. M.. 187 A., Allot. 440 bu.. Max. A. 51. McAllIeter. R. A., 552 A., Allot. 093 bu.. Max. A. 33. Rapp, Fred. 155 A., Allot. 711 OU . Max. A. 22. Werth, Louis M . 280 A., Allot. 329 bu.. Max. A. 15. Central point. Bohnert, otto H-, 40 A., Allot. 180 bu.. Max. A. 6. Bohnert. Otto H., 30 A., Allot. 252 bu . Max. A. 14. Bohnert, Otto H, 47 A., Allot. 636 bu.. Max. A. 31. Bohnert, William, 97 A., Allot. 562 bu., Max. A. 18. Benson. Rafael and Bui. 180 A., Allot. 1050 bu.. Max. A. 45. Hatton. Wllllts, 168 A , Allot. 153 bu , Max. A. 15. Upton, Frank 300 A , Allot. 445 bu . Max. A. 38. Whetstone. H. F, 146 A., Allot. 117 bu.. Msx. A. 10. Wrlilit, W. T. 146 A , Allot. 1689 bu.. Max. A. 81. Medford. Beall. R. V., 153 A., Allot. 546 bu.. Max. A. 37. Caster, L. A., 147 A., Allot. 238 bu.. Msx. A. 34. Crow I. Harold. 160 A.. Allot. 404 bu.. Max. A. 20. Clemens. J. E, 67 A , Allot. 186 bu : Max. A 11. Flnley. Everett J, 60 A , Allot. 691 bu.. Max. A. 33. Plnlv Ot'tM. jf 1ft a at bu., Max. A. 18. I Gore. W. H., 668 A., Allot. 6656 bu.. I Max. A. 3V). Kliumnn, Jessie May, 70 A., Allot. 334 bu.. Max. A. 10. Knlps. W. O., 60 A., Allot. 191 on . Max. A. 9. Maury and Richardson, 74 A., Allot. 094 bu.. Max. A. 38 I Man and Richardson. 70 A . Allot. 37e bu . Max A 17 Me. Warren D., 243 A, ABot. 434 bu.. Max. A 29. Olerm. Andrew, 150 A, Allot. 308 bu , Max. A. 13. Burch. James A , 160 A , Allot. 148 bu . Max A. 15. Rav. M. 200 A . Allot. 133 bu , Max I A 9. IWortmsn, 3 F. 170 A.. Allot. 10J6 ' )?u, J4, A. 41j Sams Valley. Abbott. S. 8., 80 A., Allot. 48 bu. Max. A. 8. Blschoff, Rudolph, 80 A, Allot. 203 bu.. Max, A. 19. Conway. R. M., 240 A., Allot. 505 bu., Max. A. 37. Eddlngton. William W , 320 A , Allot. 471 bu., Max. A. 31. Prink. Jarne L.. 160 A., Allot. 172 bu.. Mx. A. 31. Garrett, Olen, 340 A., Allot. 633 0U.. Max. A. 36. Hall, John W.. 160 A. Allot. 306 bu.. Max. A. 17. Hughes. Edwin P., 73Vt A., Allot. 160 bu., Max. A. 8. Koger, Mik. 40 A., Allot. 68 bu., Max. A. 4. Koger, Mike. 40 A., Allot. 177 bu, Max. A. 14. MoCarvel, Frank J., 160 A., Allot. 468 bu.. Max. A. 43. Morgan, George E , 1 A , Allot. 78 bu.. Max. A. 3. Schule, Max A , 133 A., Allot. 168 bu., Max. A. 8. Schulz. Adoiph, 128 A . Allot. 178 bu . Max. A. 14. Sprouae, L. J., 340 A , Allot. 76 bu., Max. A. 11. Straus. Dleadrich, 240 A, Allot. 899 bu., Max. A. 43. Thompson, William E., Ill A., Allot. 374 bu.. Max. A. 19. Treeham, Otto R., 160 A., Allot. 353 bu.. Max. A. 26. Weaver, Jame E, W A.. Allot. 410 bu.. Max. A. 18. Williams and SeegmUler. 200 A., Allot. 170 bu . Max. A. 14. Wilson. Owen T.. 300 A., Allot. 335 bu., Max. A. 18. Five Year Average. True. Mark P., 138 A Allot. 322 bu., Max. A. 17. Webster. Ben R., 352 A., Allot. 940 bu . Max. A. 46. Hamlin, Lloyd E., 50 A., Allot. 116 bu.. Max. A. 9. Wright. W. T., 55 A.. Allot. 421 bu.. Max. A. 31. Wright, W. T., 48 A., Allot. 508 bu.. Max. A. 28. Bolz. R. F.. 92 A., Allot. 610 bu.. Max. A. 47. Oore. W. H., 300 A.. Allot. $10 bu . Max. A. 86. Heuners. John H., 843 A., Allot. 1105 bu.. Max. A. 48. Isaacs. C. W., 81 A.. Allot. 322 bu , Max. A. 16. Nledermeyer, Henry and John. 338 A , Allot. 860 bu.. Max. A. 34. Von der Hellen. Car) A.. 256)4 A., Allot. 348 bu.. Max. A. 14. Walch, Loyd, 380 A.. Allot. 448 bu. .MUX. A. t-i. Day. Earl B. 482 A . Allot. 266 bu.. Max. A. II. Orant. Walter A. 1S6 A., Allot. 339 bu.. Max. A. 34. Blgham. Alletta B., 125 A.. Allot. 291 bu.. Max. A. 37. Nealon, Harry R., 92 A., Allot, 302 bu Max. A. 29. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary A. Hepler. deceased. Notice 1 Hereby Given, that the undersigned ha been appointed ad ministratrix of the etat of Mary A Hepler. deceased, and all persons hav ing claim sgalnat aald estate are hereby notllled and required to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, sa required by law. at the office of her attorney, Jesse Patterson, at room 7. In the Palm building, Medford. Jackson County. Oregon, within six months from the date of the last pub lication of this notice. OLA B. HEPLER, Admlnltratrlx of the Estate of Mary A. Hepler. deceased. First publication Nov. 20. 1933. and the last publication Dec. 18. 1933. Knlln, tn ,''.- . In the County Court of the Stat ol u,tB" "u ior jHcason county In the Matter of the Estate of James Martin Brown, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given to all per sons who have claims against the Es tate of James Martin Brown, deceased. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Lines of Junc tion , 8. Free J. Insect that sucka the juicei ol planes 14. Weirdly 16, Blaze 17. Small rue 13. Sing in the Swlaa faaK- Ion 19. Theme :0 On top of W .. Small tumor 2t. Not many 24. Familiar ap pellation of a former president . 25. GodOeps of urowlnc vegetation 37. Allude 29. Heinunerata 30. Insect's egg ."2. Mournful 33. However i Indian mul berry IT. fawning a by ns tt. Deaerv 41. Smoother an4 glossier 41. Tending to eat away 4&. Plana of town aitea 46, Settle money upon 4". Oulded ii. Feminine name (0. Playing card Solution of Yesterday's Puult 5 1 T r Pirr P8asrrl mm ji EGO RAM GRE N I P w p ME D A N enp ut A 5 SAME 5 mTeemp 11. Con den led moisture of the air Sr.. Orow old 84. Separate fi$. Drive away (to. Aa far ai 81, Hall and fare well 12. Old soldier: COlloq. M, eagle 5. Make epeeehea: humorom I?. Amount glvn besldee that atlpulated !. Poem 70. Subterranean worker u , m i ' mi SL Miuiihlum : , .:m , M 35 M ,.,.; 3 36 3)J 5 I! 35 ! wF 1 I r wt- 2L V : ''"', VZZM"L mi z HIM PrT" pr 1 111 to present sstd claim properly veri fied to the undersigned, O. H. Bent son, at the office of Boggs and Bent son. attorneys. 128 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon, within six (8) months from the date of the first publication of thla notice, which date la the 30th day of November. 1933. O. H. BENOTSON. Administrator. Boggs and Bengtson. attorncya. Call for Warrants. School Dial. No. 16. Notice la hereby given that there are funda on hand for the redemp tion of Warrant numbered 30. 31, 32. 33, 34, 35, 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41, 43, 13. 44, 45. Interest cease on this Oth day of December. 1933. Warrant pay able at First National Bank, Medroid. Ore. AUGUST WALRUFF. Clerk School Dlat. No. 16. Call for WttTonM. School Dlat. No. fl. Notloe Ut hereby given that thers are fund on hand for the redemp tion of all warrants up to and In cluding number 397. Interest ceaaaa 6n thla th 8th dav or December. 1033. EARU LEEVER. Clerk of School No. 6 Central Point, Ore. Meteorological Report December 11. 1933. Forecasts. Met1fo: and vicinity; Ruin tonight and Tuesday, Not much change In temperature. Oregon: Rain tonight and Tues day. Cooler northwest portion tJ nlght. Local Data. Temperature a- year ago today: Highest. 37; lowest, 3. Total monthly precipitation, 61 inch; deficiency for the month. .50 inch. Total precipitation since September 1, 1933, 2.08 Inches: deficiency for the eeason, 3.4! Inche. Relative rumtdity at A p. m. yester day, 92; 8 a. m. today, 100. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 7:30 a. m.; sunset, 4:40 p. m. Ohf-ervatlotid Token al A u. m. 120 Meridian Time. t ? fir Boaton 22 10 .... Cloudy Cheyenne 00 40 .... Cloudy Chicago 3 10 T. Cloudy Eureka 60 46 .... Cloudy Helena 20 14 .08 Cloudy Los Angeles . 70 50 .... Cloudy MEDFORD 42 31 ... Foggy New Orleans 72 62 ... P. Cldy New York 28 20 .H Snow Omaha 42 10 ... P. Cldy Phoenix 76 Portland 60 64 .04 Rain Reno ....... 52 34 . .. Cloudy Roseburg 62 42 T. Rain Salt Lake ... 54 36 .... Cloudy San Francisco.... 60 50 .... Cloudy Seattle 44 Spokane 38 36 .28 Cloudy walla Walla 0 30 T. Cloudy Washington, D.C. 34 30 .12 P. Cldy Christmas cards, all klnda and prices, printed or blank. Order now time la short. Mall Tribune Job De partment. Cross-Word Puzzie 12. Inclined to copy 13. Disparage 16. The present moment 21. Writing Implement 23. Gave food to 2G, (ncltea to an attack 28. Renowned 29. Danger 31. Article 33. Affirmative 34. Serpent 36. Describing by resemblance 8S. Depart 38. Asiatic palm 39. Cutting machine 40. Streud for drying 42. Oreek letter 44. Staff 47. Uneasy RO. Any monkey 2. Tltiv A3. Partlclea 1.4. Prevent t&. Preceded by nine 17. Search care fully KR. Done 19. Suspleioua: slang SI. Egyptian aotar disk ft. Wine cask 16. Collection of facta T. Ne-jkple" 1. Lumlnoti heavenly body 72. Myself ig ; Q P 71. Re more than 73. Scarcely e.iouch T4. Kind of tree 7a. Toor DOWN 1. Kind of shrub 2. Urowing out I. Stage player 4. I'nrent: coltotj. a. Bend In timber t. Appendage to a legisla tive bill 7. Disease 5. fltaln . Behind 10. Agricultural , Implement 11. Chance AST C E R CY J T E. N T5 gies Trail TRAIL, Dee. 11 (Spl.) Mr. and -Mrs. Carl Dawson returned horn to Chlloquln thla week-end after visiting over Thanksgiving with hi parenta here. Mr. and Mrs. Trr.n Howe and daughter Wanda returned from Stock ton. Cal., December . Mr. and Mr. Ralph Watson and son Carol returned from Roseburj December 3. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green and Mr. and Mra. Boyd Tucker visited at th S. W. Hutchinson home Monday. Mr. and Mr. Ed peno. We Rag dale nd Linn Neeley visited Thanks giving with Mr. and Mra. Boyd Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie SefiAeaman were dinner guests at the Harry Merrlman home Thursday. Mr. H. T. Swingle mad a business trip to Medford and Phoenix Thurs day. Mr. and Mr. Craford were dinner giieat at Mr. and Mrs. Ash's Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Seggessman are lonvfrur necember 11 for n extended visit In Eugene, Marshfleld nd Port land. Mis rvrla flanHrv of Roeu River. Mis Jean Whitney of Medford. Doc nrimn, nrf Wilbur Tucker from the forest service work, were guet over the week-end t tn oya mcaer home. Mr mnA Mm. Harrv Merrlman and eon Lee were dinner guest at th 3. w. Hutchinson horn Wednesday evening. Mrs. Will Burke has returnea w nr home here where she I grsdually Im proving from her recent operation. a mimiMf tl netslvbor ladlea gath ered at Mrs. E. E. Ash's Thursday . tA MMiit. Present were Mea- dame Crafford. Merrlman. Howe. Cuahmsn and Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meriman ana E. E. Ash wer In Medford Wednes day on business. Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson returned g,inHv liavlnff .nent the latter week-end visiting friends In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson enwr tallied with a dinner Friday. Invited were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meriman. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Blaess. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Seggessman, Mr. and Mr. Bovd Tucker and Mr. ana aire. Hutchinson. Antelope antelope. Dee. II. (Spl) Mr. and Mra. Bob Ltndsey and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Biggs on December 1. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Blgham, Mr. no Mrs. Jim Kneeland were In Med ford ehopplng, December 9. Mrs. Bob Llndsey and Mrs. Wal lace McDowell were In Medford on business, November 29. Mr. and Mr. Bill Walsh and chil dren. Mr. and Mra. Dale Stoaka and dnughter, and Mr. Nell von der Hel len attended tne program av ' Antelope achool November 29. Mr. and Mr. Henry Owene and son Eddie. Mra. Ethel Bttmpson and daughter, and Mrs. Stlmpson' uncie attended Sunday school at the Antel ope achool house December 8. Harvey Stanley was elected ai li ter of the Elgl Point Irrigation protect to succeed O. C. Boggs. Mrs. Helen Culbertson wss ux prised December S, going to Sunday school that day to learn that number of people were going to have lunch with her, but It was a pieas ant surprise when they arrived horo when ech guet began to uniou lunch boxes. The occasion wis In honor of Mr. Culberton' and Mr. Henry Owen' blrtluday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owen and on Eddie, Mrs. Owen' uncle, Mr. and Mr. Luther Day nd daugh ter. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Stanley and son Darren, and Jerry Bellow. Mr. and Mra. Luther Day vUlted Mr. and Mr. Prank Seymour of Copco. Calif., November 19. Luther Day cut hla finger badly December 4 while chopping wood He was rushed to Medford for med Iral treatment. Mrs. Jsck Wood ha as guest her sister and family from Los Angele and Idaho. Mr. nd Mr. Emnwtt of Los Angele and Mr. and Mr. Hurley Wilson nd children of Idaho. Mr. nd Mrs. Harvey Stanley and son spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Stanley' parents, Mr. and Mrs John Rader of Eagle Point. Mr. nd Mr. John flreb. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blgham and daughter. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Stanley called on Mr. and Mr. B. K. Riggs Decern br 3. People of the Antelope dtatrlct wish the party who took th flag pole rope the night of December woulo please return It. There will be no questions asked. Thla make the third time the rop ha been stolen, nd twice thl year our school ground have been used for a corral for stock. ' Antelope Literary flub met Dec embr S. A good program wa lven A number of Granger from Eagle Point took part. Mra. Mlttleateadt, Mrs. Floyd Barrett. nd Mia Tetta Olson gave a vocal trio, accompn led on the piano by Mia Olson. Miss Olson and Mm. 3. O. Spencer gave a reading. A play was given, those tsktng part were: Mra. J. C Spencer, Miss lona Eerie, Donald Arena snd W. . Davie. There wr several reading given by the peo ple of Antelope. Darrel gave a vio lin nolo. All hop th Eagle Point ers will come again. Those who tMnded th "llterry" at Antelope December from Eagl point were Mr. and Mr. J. C. Spen cer. Mrs. Floyd Barrett, Mis Donn Earle, Mm Vetu 0!on. Mr- nd Mrs. A C. MltMesteadi, Mr. Harris and Mil. Loltl 1a Bcojr.. Table Rock TABLl ROCK Deo. 11. (SpM More than 1M persona attended the Thanksgiving aupper at the achool houae November 38 by the Commun ity club. A buslneH meeting waa called by the president Mr, frank Meyer. Plana were voted upon and committee appointed for a commun ity Christmas tree. Owing to the new law forbidding houae-to -houee so liciting arrangements were made for donations for Chrtatmaa candy. The Mel Atklna family drove to Vhland Sunday to vlit Lee mtnn who la a patient In the hospital there. TiankglTlng gueata here last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyd- lard and children, of Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Bert hold Barnum and chil dren. Billy, Patsy and Berthold Jr., of phoenix: Mr. and Mra. wm. Lyd- lard of Medford, at the home of Mrs. Margaret Lydlard: Mr. and Mra.; R. X. Nealon had aa gueata Mr. and Mrs. J. San ford, Richardson and son, Donald, of Beagle: Lane and Mra. Cordelia Richardson and brother, Al Bell, of Medford. Mr. and Mra. Fred Smith and chil dren, Luc lie, Ernest and Wayne; Mr. and Mra. Frank Meyere and son. Ivan, spent Thanksgiving as gurata of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blgham of Antelope. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Sage and family. Harry, and Marlon Nealon. were the gueata of the O. T. Wilson 'a at Banu Valley. Mra. Louis Toung of Central '- r. ; waa a buaineas visitor here last week. Mra. V. R. flrhafer will entertain j the Table Rock Women's club on December 13. Mrs. Chaa. Angle and daughter I Shirley, are In Aahland to be near i Mra. Angle's father, Mrs. Briggs, who la very ill.. The rain storm of the last few day have wet the ground to a suf flcient depth to allow plowing and cultivating to go ahead In a eatia foctory manner. Mel Atklna and family are moving today Into the Pendleton home - cently vacated by the Hulls. Mr. Atklna will farm the place. K. R. Hull family left Wednesday for Marlines. Calif., where MY. Hull will be employed In the Dfane nurs ery. The Hull family resided here for more than -0 years, during most of which time Mr. Hull waa fore man of the Modoc orchard, where he succeeded in building one of the flneat orchard properties on the coast. Mr. Hull stll I ret ulna his ranch property In the Sams Valley district and the many friends of the family are hoping they may again decide to make their home here. Mra. Margaret Lydlard and daugh ter Mlaa Grace, are closing their home here this week and will move to Medford to spend the winter months. At the special achool election last week, Newton Meade waa elected dir ector to complete . t) unexpired term of Sam Newman, who haa moved to Washington. Mra. John McBrlde returned re cently from , a two weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Hubble, In 8an Francisco. Mies Evelyn Hamilton, Instructor In the Central Point schools, apent the week-end with her parents here- Annual ditch cleaning operations of the Table Rock Improvement company waa commenced this week by a crew of men under the sup ervision of K. O. Hamilton. Moat of the crew hired are stockholders In the company. According to figures from the county assessors office, the school levy for the coming year In thla dis trict shows an Increase of nearly a mill. For tha past several yesra the levy has shown a alight decrease. 4 Anderson Creek ANDERSON CREEK. Dec. 11. (Spl.) Steve Lunak has completed his log ahsullng to the new Inn that Is being built near the Jackson Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry were In Ash land Wednesday on business. Edward Smith was In Medford Monday afternoon on business. Jark Rledell was painfully Injured when felling a tree, but Is much Im proved. Mr. Don lea waa In Medford Tues day on business. Howard Haltman returned home from Lakevlew to visit hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haltman, recently. Mr. and Mra. Frank Marquess went to Ashland Thursday on business, Mr. Beeson of Ashlsnd was here on business Thursday. Frank Casey went to Butte Falls visiting hi brother Friday. Miss Ruth Maya spent Tuesday af ternoon with Mrs. Ethel Shann. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rledell were In Medford Thursday evening on bust- Louis Close of Klamath Falls was on the creek visiting friends Satur day. Not Ire. Late appropriate r,-senU for Christ maa. Initial and personal stationery, printed or lithographed cards for men or women, with or without leather card cases, alx lead pencil and ruler tn leather case with coin pocket, nunc printed in gold on each pencil and case, all for al.00. Commercial print- in Dept. Mall Tribune, 38 N. Orape St. Warrant Call tVhnol pist. No. 83 warrant num bered 107 to 191 Ino. r called for payment. lntret to ceaa Decern oer 11, lf.13. Warrant payable at First National Bank. Medford. Oregon. MRS. BBSS1E POOL, Ciaik, scboc-1. put. No, 01. JOBLESS MARCH 10 IRK UNDER BANNER OF CI 2,500,000 Now Employed Credit Co-ordinator Sees Recovery Coming Would Fire CWA Politicians WASHINGTON, Deo. ll(AP) De velopments today from various an gles of the administration's program included announcement, that a.aoo. 000 men now are employed by tha civil works administration, the al lotment of 41.588.3flt from the pub lic works fund for project In 31 atatea and RFC purchases of bank stok aggregating 933.900,000. Other activities included an en thusiastic statement on the recovery outlook by Henry Bruere, federal credit co-ordlnator. as he returned to hla post sa president of the Bow ery Savings bank In New York, pur- cnase oy tne surplus relief corpora tion today of 0050 hogs; and a. move by Harry L. Hopkins, civil works ad ministrator, to remove CWA directors whose appointment were "baitd on political consideration." Making known purchases or pre ferred stock and capital notes in US banks for the Northwest Ban corpora tion, operating In eight etates, to gether with a 3.000.000 olan to Va Union Investment Co., a subsidiary of the corporation, Jesse K. Jones. rfo chairman, said: This lanie amount of added capl- tnt should multiply itself many tlmea in the extension of credit and In aid of the president's recovery program ror tnia very important section of the country." The states In which the Northwest Bancorporatlon banks are located in clude Wisconsin Minnesota, Iowa, Nortn and South Dakota, Nebraska. Montana and Washington. in setting his employment flgura at 3,500,000, Hopkins said Inability to obtain sufficient tools and tha failure of some of the proposed "work relief project to meet requirements accounted for his program being ap parently behind schedule. President Roosevelt planned to have 4,000,000 men a work by December 15. F WHITCHURCH. Hmphlr. Enf, Dc. u AP) A uddn fir roar ing through th oount horn of Mr. nd Mrs. Leander J. Mccormick, Chi. cgona early Sunday, caat tragedy ovr a wek-nd .houa party by caus ing th dsath of a paar of Franc and a Brltth army captain, and toft tn mansion virtually in rulna, Th victim vara th Duk D I Tramollla, a lTench cavalry offlcar nd premltr duk of franc, and Cpt. J. H. B. Rodney of London, brother of a British pr. Mr. Rodnay. th former Prance Strickland Lovell. daughter of Rob. ert P. Oldham of Seattle. Wash., waa gravely Injured In a 30-foot jump to eftCAp th ble. At th Royal Hampshire hospital. Winchester, wher h and nrr hut band vera taken, and where th cap. tain died, an operation vas per formed upon her for aerlou plnat Injuria. Hospital authorities said later her condition wa critical. The gueata had apent a quiet, hap py evening about the rural English flrcaldea of the McCormlck mansion, and vera looking forward to th morning when a hunting party wa planned. Mra. McCormlck waa th first to b awakened by th amok and th crackle of flmea. she aroused her husband and with utmost course t.ley ran through th hall of th blazing house shouting warning to th guest and servant. The duke's body wa found by po lice when they searched th debrU later. -- BOISE. Tdsho, Dec. 11. f API Two convict who eacpaed from th state prison farm laat night, one of them coming under the fir of th warden gun a few .hour later, ver back In their cell tonight. The two are Alfred Minder. 98, serving one to U year for grand larceny In Ada county, and Albert Marner, 29, sentenced to 13 year to lire for a robbery committed In Latah county. . Minder returned early thl morning to th prison farm to report they had gone only "for t good tlm." On Your Car M i:)li TOE.'fr...