MEDFOED MHL TRIBUNE, 5IEDFOT5D, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933. PACE FTVE Local and Personal Moret lov. .fair, of a mlllloni Broadway playboy. Victor McLaglen'. "Laughing Life ' complete the bin. Visiting Here Mil Jean Allen of Portland 1 Tlaltlng Mr. and Mr. w. D. Barnea at their home In Fhoent. Brommer In Ashland Carl Brotn mer apent Friday In Ashland attend ing to business matters, the Ashland Dally Tldlnga states. Ouest of Mrs. Taylor Mrs. Anna Oannaway was a visitor in Ashland Saturday, the guest of Mrs. Fred Tay lor. Fined 1 Fsye Boot, 3, was fined (10 In city court this morning on charges of being drunk In a public place. She 'M arrested Sunday night by city police. Martlndale Here W. J. Martlndale, trafflo agent for the Railway Express agency, with headquarters In San Franclaco, Is spending today In Med ford. attending to ousin e e Forfeits Ball E. B. Small. 28, ar rested Saturday night on charges of being drunk In a public place, fore- felted 1 " wnen near In city court this morning. " im. Armstrong Here Mrs. Clare H ..trnnr arrived in Medford Satur day evening from San Francisco to complete arrangement for the family to move to rorv w-.. Win Tryouts John Kakkerup of Trail, sophomore In Industrial arts at Oregon State college, was among the four person winning the -H club radio tryout at station KOAC recently, according to word received Has Car Stolen-JI. U. Mitchell of M7 Franquette street, Medford, had bis Ford sedan stolen from the ga rage at his residence Saturday night, according to report placed on tils with the city and state police. Taylors In Portland Representa tive and Mrs. Glenn O. Taylor are visiting in Portland this week, fol lowing the close of the legislative ses sion In Salem. They are expected to return to Medford about Wednesday. Cold a Tear Ago According to the weather report today, It was ex actly a year ago that the minimum of three degrees above wro was reacn i .t Medford. The highest temper ature on that date waa recorded as SI. Bicycles Stolen Norman Oliver of 1537 'Bryant street had hla bicycle stolen from the Rlalto theater Sunrl v. Tvirted to oollce. Richard Boh'uchard of 108 Geneva, also had bis bicycle stolen from the same the ater Sunday. Inspect Work A. O. Waha of Port land and supervisor Karl L. Janouch of the Rogue River national forest office are spending today Inspecting the work being done by the men In the camp at Elk Creek and Evans Creek. Mrs. Mvers Improved Mrs. Rllty 1 Myers of Central Point, who had her right hip broken May 15, Is now able to go about the house without her crutches. Mrs. Myers' complete re covery waa considered remarkable by the attending physicians, a she will be 78 year old her next birthday. Blcvcle Found The bicycle belong ing to Delbert Nelmoyer of 845 Pine .treat, wa found Sunday In the va cant lot between Fifth and Sixth streets on Bartlett yesterday accord ing to city police. Nelmoyer bicycle was stolen on Saturday. Mis. Wilson HerV-juiM Lulu Wil son. Who ha. been attending . Behnke walker Buslnea. college n Pl .. di t.hi week In Medford, "si tag her parent, Mr. and Mrs. O. K Wilson. Miss Wilson motored to Medford with Mr. and Mr.. J .. wr Portland visitors last week. Unit to Meet The third meeting of the Boxy Ann extension unit wll. be held Wednesday. December 13. the home of Mrs. Mabel Thornton, t with vegetable cookery a the eubjecr,. Every lady in the community 1 in vited to attend. Mrs. Frank Hansen and Mrs. Charles Hoover will be lead er.. Each lady Is requested to bring Irult or other dessert. Visit In Medford - H. O. Malsnn ,.i .tat nollce headquar ters in Salem, accompanied by Max Flanery of the Oregon State license department and Carl oabrielson. head . ..... iinM htireau. also ol or me aw . . .r visitor in Medford Sun day at the state police ''dtlu'lr',! -hw north. They had been to Sacramento, Cal.. on a busi' nes trip. r rme Collision Charles Pe'- . J point, in filing n accident report with the city pollre today, stated thst due to fog he was unable to avoid the eollllon with the truck of R. T. Llndsey Esgle Point waa driving. The accident occurred one mile above Trail on the Crater Lse highway Saturday afternoon at 13:30 o'clock. Shopping Here-Mrs. Anions Mendes of Hilt came to Medford today on the Shasta to attend to business matters. and do some Christmas shopping. To Visit Here Mrs. Joe Francis of Hilt, Cal., Is in Medford visiting .er daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cowan. Mrs. FrancU ar rived on the Shasta today. In Scottsboro Case Return North The University of Washington football team, which Sat urday was defeated by the University of Southern California, 13 to 7, was on the Shasta this morning, en route back to Seattle. Spelrs Reports C. L. Spelrs of 400 North Front street and J. H. Jones of 512 Pennsylvania avenue were driv ing the cars which collided Sunday evening at 8:45 near the Jackson hotel, on Central avenue. Accident Near Bridge An accident report was made today by W. H. Hun ter of Vancouver. Wash., stating that hi car was damaged Sunday after noon at 1 o'clock when it was struck by a trailer on a car Don Dowler was driving. County Judge Earl B. Day and family were listed a witnesses. File Report R. M. Bumham of 134 King street and John Shurtleff of 320 South Ivy atreet placed accident reports on file with the city police today. Mr. Bumham was driving the cart that collided with Mr. Shurt leff. at 8 p. m. Sunday, one mile beyond Jacksonville In the highway. MoMannls Here Hugh McMannis. representative of the Railway Express company, with headquarter In San Francisco, Is here aiding In the ship ping of Christmas turkey.. Mr. Mc Mannis ha onnounced that billing clerks will be put to work here han dling the shipping of the Christmas pears. Guches Files Report Merle Ouches of route two. Medford, filed an acci dent report with city police Sunday, concerning a wreck -at 12:30 a. m. Sunday. J. W. Morrison of the Thomas Addition was driving the other auto mobile, the report shows. The car Guches was driving waa owned by Nve Bernhelsel of Medford. Lloyd Morrison. 17, uffered llght Injuries. Listed a witneses were Earl Guches and Nye Bernhelsel. "Showboat" schedule The forestry service truck which carries films ahowlnz scene, of foreet fire, and forest observation work In the state, will be at COC camp at South Fork of the Rogue river thl evening, ac cording to the schedule. On Tues day it will be at Camp Applegate. on Wednesday. Caroerry; Tnursaay, n.or by, and Friday will return to Med ford to be shown at the local schoo's. W. V. Fuller of the state forest office Is in charge of "Showboat. Decline In Death Rate The tuber culosis death rate In still declining, though etll high among those oe tween 15 and 45 years of age. Three reason for till decline, according to the National Tuberculosis association are: 1. Providence ha favored us during the depression for there have been no severe epidemic soi any mnu. 2. The momentum of past activities sanatoria, public health nursing. clinics, etc, carried up through. 3. The sacrifices of physicians, nurses, and other kept the wheels running. Health ' departments and sanatoria have continued to function with meager funds. Cheaper food, low wages, employe loyalty, enabled them to do so. Joel McCrea Star Of Double Feature Program at Rialto Another double bill consisting of two major flrt-run feature picture, open, at the Rlalto theatre tomorrow for a three day run. "Chance at Heaven," with Joel Mc Crea, Marian Nixon and Ginger, Rog er, featured and "Bondage", atarrlng Dorothy Jordan, will be the two fea ture to be shown, with selected short reel rounding out the program. "Chance at Heaven" waa written by Vina Delmar and I a story of a small town boy In love with a country girl who la awept off hla feet by the Infat uation lavished on him by the city debutante. An elopement with the sophisticated girl makes him realize how much he carea for hla rustic sweetheart. "Bondage" picture the unthinking cruelty to which a careless society subject an unfortunate victim of It baser passions. The story Is convinc ingly told; the acting exceptionally fine, particularly that of Dorothy Jor dan. The world may consider an un wed mother an outcast, but to women she arouses their deepest sympathies. Of such material Is the plot of "Bondage" written. Alexander Klrk. land has the leading male role. "Ann Vlckers" taken from the sen sational novel by Sinclair Lewis and starring Irene Dunne and Walter Huston, and "Above the Clouds", an exciting film story of the newsreel cameramen, play at the Rlalto for the laat times tonight. An Innovation was Introduced at the Rlalto yesterday when attendants passed through the audience with cushions and house slippers for rent and sandwiches for sale. , 4. . - - -v. - Mr.. Victoria Price testified at the noted Scottsboro case, being tried at ' Decatur, Ala., regarding the alleged attack at Hey wood Patterson, who was convicted with ilx other negroes In 1931. (Assocl ited Press Photo) Pioneer Killed. OROVILLE, Calif., Dec. 11. (UP) David Helntz, 00, Honcut, Calif,, pio neer, died today from Injuries and shock Incurred In an automobile acci dent near Honcut last night. His two daughters, Mrs. Vilct Smullln and Mrs. Adah House, both of Honcut, were seriously Injured. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 11. (API- Seven bridge workmen were reported trapped In a pneumatlo tank at tne bottom of the Missouri river near here late today by fire which severed the line carrying them oxygen. CRATER 'REPEAL' 1VIEET SCHEDULED TONIGHT Tonight' the night of the Craters' "repeal session," which doesn't have anything to do with the constitu tionality of the Knox bill, but a lot to do with the approach of Christmas. Toys for the poor kiddles will be received tonight and each member of the organization is asked to bring one along. Dinner will be served at the Hotel Medford at 8:30 o'clock and will be followed by election o: officer and special holiday enter talnment. 1 War Days Recalled By Craterian Film All the frenzied excitement of New York', celebration of Armistice day. November 11. 1018, I seen In "Only Yesterday." which 1 now playing at the Craterian. Hundreds of dellrlou celebrant throng the downtown atreet, shout ing, dancing and blowing home, fill ing the air with confetti and giving themselves over completely to ex pressing their Joyous relief at the ending of the World war. Ordinarily atald cttlzena Join In Impromptu pa radea. bearing aloft hastily, made slsns such a "If. All Over But the Shouting," "We Paid the Price" and "The World la Safe for Democracy." Millionaire and laborera dance to gether In Joyous abandon, and aol diera and sailors suddenly become bo som "pals." Mystery Picture On Holly's Bill On. of the strangest and most baf fling of murder mysteries now show ing on the screen of the Holly theatre when the picture, "Prom Headquar ters," Is shown. In fact it la a double murder case for a second killing, pre sumably to cover up the first crime, takes place In police headquartera It self. The startling disclosures that come about through the police Investiga tion Include a blackmail plot and Communications He Invites Inspection, Also. -To the Editor: Tour Sundays' Issue of December 10th contains a communication sign ed "J. L. Kershaw," whose dairy is nearly opposite the Red Top school- house, east of Medford. In closing, Mr. Kershaw states "My place Is open for public Inspection at any and an times." I think that a Just fun. wish all consumers of milk would visit the sources of their milk supply frequently; it might help both them and the producers. Nearly all these latter have offered this same courte ous invitation. Possibly the most in teresting time to visit the dairies Is during milking and bottling periods. CHAS. W. AUSTIN, ' ( Regular Communication of R terries Chapter, O. E. S. Wednesday evening, Decem ber 13, 8 o'clock. Election of officers and social night, Visiting members welcome. HATTIE M. ALDEN, Secy. fOO LATE llf CLASSIFY LOST Small black spaniel puppv Reward for Information as to wnere abouta. Tel. 591-R-2. FOR SAIjE Very cheap. Party leav ing IO WD. I iv ttio nvauwiB, a- mlnster rug, 1 dresser, 1 upholster ed rocker. 1 dining-room set. Phone 341-R-2. Party Quieted When Neighbor Resorts To Gun PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 11. (UP) When a party In progress next door disturbed him, Dr. O. A. Clark fired a shot through the window of the apartment where many persons were present, police reported today. Dr. Clark assertedly told offi cers he was suffering from a heart ailment and that he fired the shot Into the party to frighten them Into being quiet. Police confiscated Dr. Clark's gun and bullets and said M15S Betty Willson, who waa hostess at the party, and a Mr. Mitchell would file charges today against Clark. Clark waa released after questioning by police. HELD BY POLICE Charges of obtaining money under false pretenses were to be filed In Justice court this afternoon by Chief of Police Clatous McCredle against Thomas P. Calhoun, 38, who was lodg ed In the city Jail Sunday. Calhoun allegedly passed a worthless check tor W on the Welle Taxi company, drawn on the First National bank. Chief McCredle said that Calhoun1 had admitted he had no bank account in Medford. and according to the of ficer, Calhoun attempted to cash a , check at all of the hotels in Medford. I Charges of burglary not in a dwell-' lng were to be filed today in Justice court against W. C. Pool, 18, of Butte Falls, who was arrested Sunday by state police. 1 Although the Christmas rush Is not under way as yet at the local post office, R. O. Beach, assistant post master, said today that all prepara tions have been made to deliver the extra cards and packages within the next two weeks. Four federsl fgrest service trucks nnd one national park truck will be used, Mr. Beach said, and a crew of seven men, with the exception of the truck drivers, have already been lined up for work. Concerning the mailing of Christ mas cards, Mr. Beach said that those benring only names or impersonal greetings mny be mailed, unsealed for a cent and a half. However, those with a personal message will be con sidered first class mall, and two cents will be charged for those to be de livered locally, and three cents for those going outside of the Medford district. There will be no delivery of mall on Christmas day. Robber Sentenced. PORTLAND, Dec. 1 1 . Clarence L. Copley, convicted Friday of assault and robbery while armed, waa today sentenced to serve 17 years in aUte prison. The charge was filed after the collector for a chain grocery com pany waa robbed of (900 by two men. East Side Circle to Meet The East Side circle will meet tomorrow for luncheon at the home of Mrs. B. L Sanderson near Central Point. ASI PLAYERS WILL WEAR NUMBERS BOTH SIDES On the election ballot prepared by the University of Oregon alumni, for selection of officers and dlrectora for 1934, the name of A. E. Resmes of this city appears as one advanced for position of director. Attorney Reames is a member of the class of 93. Ralph H. Cake. 13, c: Portland, has bee nnominated for the office of pres ident, and Joe Free It. '31, aa candi date for vice-president. He also comes from the Rose City. The ballots re ceived In the mall today are due back In Eugene by December 31. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. (AP) Soon after the opening of the coast conference meeting here today a reso lution was passed requiring football players of the conference to wear numbers on both the fronts and backs of their Jerseys. Heretofore only a number on the back was required. STOP ITCHING It's amazing how this tormenting trouble wherever It occurs yields to soothing Kesinoi afcaHlajaWkei z taki&etiLfay Shows 1:1. 1:00-9:00 H22aSIEC3 E. Eve. . M Kiddles . S.V , 3Sr . 10. .1 7 J ay TJ,i Last Times Tonight Freilerlo Bush, Cary Grant in 'The Eagle and the Hawk' Start. Tomorrow Jack Holt In 'The Woman I Stole Ends Tomorrow Night A GREAT PICTURE! Made even great er by the superb artistry of the screen's brilliant ' new star! ... an actress so modern, so vital, you'll nev er forget her! WANTED Furniture for living-room end bedroom. 917-R. LOST Fuel oil tank cup. Reward. F. B. Samson Co., 229 N. Riverside YOUNG MAN, accustomed to stock. want ranch work. Would take nay In payment. Phone 341-J-2. FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut. 921-X. Tel. MOTHERS Will care for children afternoons, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday: 15 cents. Age 8 to 8 Other days on request. Mrs. Kath- erlne Walker, 510 Beatty St. Tel. I 823-J. STRAYED 7 head young cattle Owner call tor tnem. w. B. Drawn, Rt. 1-381. FOR SALE A few choice Bronze and Bourbon Red torn. Phone 4-F-ll, Eagle Point. FOR RENT Furnished apartment in Mall Tribune building: light, heat, hot and cold water; furnished verv comfortable: reasonable rent. Apply Mall Tribune orrice or fnone o. FOR SALE Newtown apples, 25o and 35 per box. Barred Rock roosters. Tomkln strain breeding stock. Wolf Ranch, 1 mile south Phoenix depot. LOST Two saddle mares, black and bay. Reward. 624 &. Hamilton. GUARANTEED Paint and Roofings: Direct from manufacturera to con sumers. Attention county school board. Let me figure with you. Tel. 1512-X. H. F. Fredette, 1111 West 4th. Warrant Call. School District Number B. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand to pay warrants num bered 155 to 210 Inclusive, dated April 13, 1933, or prior. Interest to cease on the 11th day of December, 1933. Warrant payable at the First State Bank of Eagle Point. EDITH WEIDMAN, Clerk, School DlatrlctNo.9. Ph. 668 for Expert Radio Repairing. All makes. Don's Radio Service. Medford's Newest Retail Lumber Yard Lumber Shingles Roofing Cement Doors Windows ASSORTED m il.niNO jrEClAl.TIES i8 mm Timber Pims Company LOG HURRY! HURRY! Ends Tomorrow Nite MARION- Dawes J: . riraV.: "J If yon want to smile, laugh, cry and cheer don't mias "Peg 0' My Heart". And Don't Mitt Walt Dimey'i Silly Symphony, "Lullaby Land" Watrh Tomorrow's Taper For Special Announcem't Big Double Bill Now Playing HE BLACKMAILED HER MOTHER f and the price he demanded was THIS GIRL'S LOVE! i I QUARTERS Warner Bret.' Ittttf Anavttk novehywith- 6E0RSE BREUT MARGARET UKDSAY ALSO Victor McLaglen in "Laughin At Life' PLUS SHORT SUBJECTS Shows 1:45 6:45-9:15 SJEI Mala. . , 15o Eves . . 2.1o Kiddles . 100 We do not misrepresent Neither Do We Follow the Big Bad Fox's Policy of Doing So!. When We Advertise "2 Major Features" On the Same Bill, You Can Be Sure They Are From Major Producers! Starting Tomorrow 2 MAJOR FIRST I RUN FEATURES 1 w'm 'Mtm& ',mvm?vmfrfw X--;,f'fr Ab's Plcture eau- . , rJ,V'i' tiful in its romance . . . 4v2 """-v tender and touching in its jT W lmS story... .far greater than V' '"W- . 1111 it eM un unin i X I f (fi WWW V7 r HE HAD TO u a nnu Akir rim JW MAItKl uncwiHt TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH HE LOVED THE OTHER JOEL NCS10A GINGER ROGERS MARION NIXON ANDY DEYINE FROM THE STORY bj VINA DELMAR AN R K O RADIO PiaUR6 RLUS Dorothy Jordon in "BONDAGE" A Fox Picture Is an uimrd mothrr a menace to locleljf 1 Hill : , LAST TIMES TONIGHT Irene Dunne in" Ann Vickers" I'rnm Hie Srnwtlonsl glmlalr I.enls Novel PLUS Above the Clouds" Orratr flight plrtnrc since "Illtlnlble" with MARGARET S U L L AVA N , JOHN BOLES Edna May Oliver Reginald Denny Billie Burke Benita Hume and 90 other featured players ON THE STAGE Tomorrow Only Mat. and Eve. JOHNNY ROBINSON and His Famous Band STARTING WEDNESDAY The screen's most glorious love story since "7th Heaven" YOU may think it even greater! There's was a love born of the fragile dreams Of two hungry hearts I A Good Firm To Trade With. Medford End of No. Central.