Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1933, Page 7, Image 7

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munlcatlon to all county adminis
trations Tuesday, announcing that
every man on the Job should work
CmCAOO. ni., Dec. 1. (AP) The
strike of approximately 6000 work
men at the Union stockyards was set
tled early today, at least temporarily,
when the employer organization
agreed to a ten per cent wage In
crease, pending further negotiations.
Within a few minutes after ' the
agreement was reached, pickets were
withdrawn and the strikers started
back to their Jobs.
lum college, of Greenville, Tenn., was
left 95000 from the estate and after
the death of a daughter an additional
$2500 goes to the college.
BOSTON, Deo. 1. (AP) Judge
Henry Nichols Blake, OS, the oldest
graduate of Harvard law school and a
prominent figure In the early days of
Montana, died today at a hospital.
Saturday, the payday. In order that
the United States treasury checks
could be handed the men as they
were In their proper places.
NEW YORK. Deo. 1. (AP) Oeo.
O. Moore, who died April B, left a net
estate of IS44.075, a transfer tax ap
pralsi.'. filed today showed. Tuscu-
Be oorreoti) corseted in
sn Artist Model by
Ethel wyn B. Hoffmann
Dripping radiators repaired. Brill
Metal Works.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 1. (AP) The
government yesterday notified liquor
Importers It Intends to um repeal
to bring about a lowering of tariff
barrlen against American products
In foreign countries, through alloca
tion of liquor Imports after Decem
ber 0.
Edward Q. Lowry, Jr., economic ad
visor to the treasury department, at
the opening of hearings on a pro
posed government code for Importers
of beer, wine and spirits, predicted
keen competition among foreign
countries to get American liquor bus
This will militate against domestic
distillers and brewers.
Due to " growth of eoonomlo na
tionalism" in foreign countries In re
cent years, he. said, American prod
ucts have been discriminated against
- and the administration feels that
through Importations of liquor, an
, opportunity Is ' afforded to correct
"some of this."
Familiarly known & quarter of a cen
tury ago as the "teeming turf'e
mightiest mite." Tod Sloan whose
brilliant career aa a Jockey and that
of a spendthrift was the talk of three
continents, waa near death In a coun
ty hospital today.
Sloan, reputed to have apent more
than el.OOQ.OOO in two years on pam
pered whlma, beoame a patient at
General hospital last night, having
been removed from the home of Mrs.
Jack Cudahy In Hollywood where he
had resided the last six years.
Physicians said he had cirrhosis of
the liver. They held out little hope
for hla recovery. They aald his dis
ease was traceable to hla unchecked
life a life that led him to the
world'a choice race tracks, to bowery
barrooms and swank Engltah homes.
He waa born Jamea Todhunter Sloan,
but hla compantona called him
"Little Toddy."
BOSTON, Dec. 1. (AP) Helen
Jacobs, national tennla champion, to
day reported to federal authorltlea
she had received several threatening
and obscene letters and appealed to
the authorities for help.
Miss Jacobs, a resident of Berkeley,
Cal., who haa been the guest of Miss
Alona Friend of Marblehead and
Brookllne since her default victory
over Mre. Helen Wills Moody, reported
the receipt of the lettera to the de
partment of Justice office here. ,
the aecond time, Comptroller Oeneral
J. P.. McCarl held today that Pord
Motor company products are eligible
for government contracts.
This waa ruled In an opinion given
the department of agriculture aa the
result of an attempt by Hugh 8. John
aon, the NRA administrator, to keep
the northwest Motor company of
Betheada, Md.. a Pord dealer, from
receiving a contract for Civilian Con
servation Corpa trucks.
(AP) President Roosevelt today told
the boys of the Civilian Conservation
camp near here that he hoped con
gress would continue the CCC for an- VMT.
"I hope that when congress con
venes." he said, "It win continue the
civilian conservation corpa for anoth
er year. It haa been of great good to
the countryalde and of benefit to
PORTLAND, Dec. 1. (AP To
Insure proper Issuance of pay checks
to civil work administration workera
throughout the state, Raymond B.
Wilcox. CWA chairman, aent a cdm-
"Bridge Widow" to
Add Zest To Game,
Culbertson's Idea
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. (AP) A
"widow" for contract bridge waa
iiwrested today by Ely CulDertso.l
for consideration In future Im
provement of the frame.
The widow' would consist of
four cards dealt face down In the
middle of the table, while each
player waa receiving 13. The win
ner of the auction would look at
the widow, select one card himself
and paa one to each player as the
declarer desired. ,
CulbeMson thinks a widow would
add a rest of uncertainty to the
game and :n addition promote
.!!"i! plav hy the "l-ef
Wards b uy toys for Millions of Christmas Stockings
No Wonder Wards are Famous all over America for
Steel Coaster
Haa Headlight.
Speedy I $3.95
Doll Buggy.
Back Reclines.
Fiber $5.98
Sturdy a n t a
Headlights. 31
Inches $5.79
Clear All Tracks for a Big Value!
Electric "Limited
Ward value 1 Two pullmaru,
observation, tender, 8 curved
tracks and headlights that show
me way i
, $1.69
Horse Shoes
For Indoors
Only 98o
Racing Scooter
Easy to Steer
Sturdy 70c
5 98
Mechanical Train
Blazing Headlights!
18-Inch Baby
Doll. Fully
Dressed $2.79
Wooden Chest
Gilbert Tools
13 pea. .. $1.19
Tinker Toy.
itnrdwood. 7 2
rods . .... 59c
Driven Dump
Truck . $1.98
Fire Chief
Auto la Bed!
Lights! .... $1.29
Popeye Walks
Wind him.
Wood 290
Steel auto
Pump Truck,
Light $1.19
Erector Set
Colored parts.
A value! $1.00
Tubular Steel Velocipede
BoH-Beorrngj CC0Q.
Red and black. tajd
Load beD.Rearstep.
Engine has a brake to
avoid accidents. Loud bell.
Tender, 2 pullman cars, a
fine observation car and
eight curved tracks!
Baby Doll, Sleeps,
Fully Dressed.
Booties, too..
Table Tennis.
Two Paddtes.
42-ln. Net. 29c
Ed. Wynn Fire Bowling
Chief Game Varnished.
Funl $1.19 pins
Cnrinlshed Set China Tea Set
Table and D es e o r a t ed
Benches $2.69 15 pes 290
Speedy Coaster Wagon
Auto Body Steel ft
Balloon Tires. Roll. $j49
er Bearings.
Blackboard on steam Bnajne ABC Mocks Toy Trurk Set Movie Ma
Easel. 23"4" Safety Valve linn nil Corners Motorcycle ohlne. Big
high $4.25 Whistle .... $1.19 Only 29c 8 pes. $1.29 saving . $3.98
Every girl s secret wish I
Gorgeous Silk Hose
Even efficient women suc
cumb to flatteringly sheer,
bore silk, foil fashioned
hose ! Lisle reinforced feet.
See the Low Pricel
Slips of
SWU Creoe
No belter (rift investment
at this low price. Women
tan have slips they need.
Firm weighted silk, dark
imported lares, adjust
ahle straps. Bodice or
California lops. Flesh,
Tea Rose. Sites J4 to 4.
Everybody Likes to Give Them I Everybody Likes to GET Them I
89o OTV
red or blue kid; JvF'
her sole. Low I
- I
Brown calf leather,
felt lined. Padded sole
and heel. A sensible
Brown felt, brown kid Sjllt
tip, deilsn on front. Wjry
A "knockout" style! imSSi
It, brown
deiltn o
iiJfis 69c
Wool skin sheep
b'.nny slipper. Very
cute. Save at Wardtt
Instant Dialing to Call Lettersl
12-Tuhe Radio
$.00 Down
$7.50 monthly, plus
carrying charge. $79.95
Wards finest radio . . . greatest of Wards
great radio values! Instant Dialing no
numbers to remember Shadow Meter
Tuning, Kromatic Tuner, Automatic
Volume Control, and a big 12-inch Super
Dynamic Speaker! Licensed hy R.C.A.
and Hazeltinc. The most marvelous radio
we have ever sold!
Start Your List With This
Big Value! Men's
Wool Sweaters!
Buy him a worsted slip
over. Heavy, half wool, as
sorted f a n o y weave.
knit-In designs. Tan,
maroon, navy, royal,
blnrk. 36 to 44.
A Sensible Christmas Gift I
Men's Practical
Warm Sweaters
A practical sport ooat
water that will make
his Christmas morning
merry! All wool, firmly
knit, built for style and
service. Murk or brown,
ft to 46.
He wants it!
You save on it
$4 down, $5 monthly,
Small carrying charge
It has stainless steel
mudguards, River
side mate tirea, all
chromium plate fit'
tings. A value!
Fabric Gloves
29c ,
Welcome giftsl
Tailored or fan
cy stylos in
washable fabrics.
New Neckwear
For AW
Bold stripes, of
small figure.
and plain col
ors. HanoVmsde
Men's Shirts
Pfoto or Fancy
Good, Jutl-ait
tailored whites.
Aew ties. Sot.
Boys' Pullovers
Shaker knit. All
wanted shades
Assorted pal'
terns. Sites 26
te 36.
Crib Blankets
For Glftl
Cate bonny de
sign. 3 sateen
bound. Pink,
Una. 36 x 40.
Panfy Frocks
( i EaiWaW
Print batista,
peroUe, broad
cloth. Pastelsi
1 b 6. For lifts.
HeWsoeM Hal Cnpe
Silk Prints,
Cfve dress lengths of this smart
labrfc at Christmas I Rich col
re, ht gay patterns. Solid col
on, loo. 38 Inches wide.
Shoots 1500
loot beam. I
cell battery.
Nickel . plated.
Elec. Lantern
1000 ft beosr
StnrdVI 8 ha.
high, lias a pow
erful battory.
5-inch bead.-
Hour 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 n.m. 1 17 S. Central
Open Saturdays till 8:30 p. m. Phone 286 ;
G3 0 CI t? 0 0 O 6 0 V?
. v.Vl ' . t -J
I, sMSaaaMalsaaasaaaaaaaariasfcBjiaia