PAGE FIFTEEN You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1933. Why " Not Try a Want-Ad? Wajn to teli joui oom' Want to get rid at o" ind U nousebold tumuninf!) Oo ton oeed tool loi roui gar imi kn inexpensive Wanl-Ao fn in. MU Irtbun. Claamo Pan inll (ma answer thee and many o"" Pnl"n oroblema- H re Are the Rates: per word first insertion (Minimum 36o Each additional insertion. pat woro ( Minim hid loo) pet line pet month, without .lJc oopy changee 75 Phone LOST ANDFOUND or call 290-M. . LcSrtTMaltwe Persian cat; csllcl Muaclns. Tel. 753-W. fTDaTiTbrown kid glova for left jand! Pleas, return to Margaret Henaley. Mall Tribune. LOST II dog mlaalng. calllM- AJiTED M1SLELLANEQU9 toasted Party with large tractor l7t ac're of .wplj. .tump.. At TeleDhone 4ol-J. WF-TTPHOLSTERING. ltnlshlng. re-. gluTlngelepho WANTBD-Tol keep good for board. Good feed. Adolf scnuix. Beagle. Ore. w a mttd Light a-wheel trailer. WMe chealT Box W. JXpTED-Electrlo radio Must be reasonable. BoxJTUWn nrwTforeiderly sick peopl my home. Phone 437-S. WANTED - Household good, stoves tools Tor what nave you Medlord Bargain House. 37 N Orsp. St Tel 1063 . JUNB. WANTED We DV easn tor JUNK BATTERIBb W,J, R A b 1 A I O B 8 ""NU" BRASS. OOPPER lun 01 descriptions ,., u,inRO MEDFORD BAKOAirl HOUSE ,THre0. fel 1063 . - ; - ' nMj WANTED Raw Jura. Prices n' from 25 to 60. It ' Pf jou to trap. New and used traps for iia'.e. Medford Bargain House. Mea- ford. Oregon. 11 norm u.. Phone 1063. FOB HEN'i HOUSES FOR RENT 60 No. Peach; 1038 t Uth. First Insurance Agency. H. H. Brown. Tel. 105: after i. 1670. FOR RENT 5-room modern house, newly -finished. 39 Myers. FOR RENT Available December Sth, 104 So. Newtown and 716 East Jack son. First Insurance Agency. H. H. Brown. Tel. 105: after . 1670. FOR RENT 3-room house, 3 miles irom town. 7.t0 month. Call at Campbell Clothing Co. 6-ROOM modern cottage, 813.50. So. Grape St. 812 TOR RENT Dec. 1, i duplex; hex.; turn, or unlurn. 248 80. Riverside. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room stucco home. 518 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT 5-room unfurn. house, newly renovated. 26 cottage. FURNISHED 6-room house. I5. Can sub-let 2-room apt. Tel. 683-R. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apt. close in. 317 East Jackson or 749-Y. FOR RENT 931 Queen Anne. 4-room stucco home; : hardwood floors, flre plsce. electric range, easement and pipelesa hotalr furnace. 12500 and water. Charles R. Key. Realtor. Medford Bldg. Phone 303. FOF BENT 6-room house, partly furnished; newly decorated, clean 8th and Oakdale Call at 818 So Oakdale. NEAT modern furn. 4-room house. 336 Crater Lake Ave. FOR RENT 6-room house. 228 No. Central. Inquire at Klein the ,. Tailor. HOMES FOR RENT Call 636 FOI RENT -unfurnished. Homes furnished or Brown A White. HOUSES H0 812 80 and 815 water paid; wood range Phone 105 FOR RENT 7-room modern home. 3 oedrooms. C A DeVoe. 523-J-2 AAA Per niu"". u-.wu. tlVu w wZU w lot l 115 Willamette; fireplace, wash trays, hard wood floors; very modern. Key at Union Savings 4: Loin. 45 So. Cen tral FOR rent New modern 4-room house, with basement Redden it Co. TOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM furnished. 12 00; apart, menu; bath, garage. 831 w: jpa- FURNISHED APT Oil heat, private entrance. 518 8. OVada.a. FURNISHED apt.; r.vUo. c.l heat, pri vate entrance. 518 S. Otkdile. rOR RENT ApU 8S5 No Riverside FOR RENT 4-room aupi apart ment electric refriijeratoT and ranse nrcakfaet nxk furnace - otherwise un.'urnried eaons 4lu' rod RENT BOOM AND BOARD HOARD AND ROOM at 71 ft Main Rates vry moderate. TOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT In private home, heated room with board. iua w. win. ATTRACTIVE room. 404 6. Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BACHELOR cabin. 445 So. Front. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Hors for sheep, cow or chickens. Phone 434-T. TO EXCHANGE -Permanent. Vaves, trims, etc.. for poultry, fruit, vege tables, what have you? Medford Beauty Shop. N. Central. Tel. HI. FOR' SALE 10-tube Phlleo radio for direct current Kobler light plant. Box 1483, Tribune. FOR TRADE Ohev. truck driven 11,000 mile, for lata model sedan. 5. A. Bower. Murphy. Oregon. TO TRADE Battery radio set wood. Wltham Super Service. EWES and city property to trade for what have you? C. A. DeVoe. Ph. 523-J-3. FOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewing machine for light sedan Box 638. Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE APRICOTS. PEAOHBS. GRAPES Irt sja.. in arai anrtclt. C,1 COf) nd peaches. S acres V I w V U table and wine grapes: 4-room home, good fireplace, well concreiea witn ptpea w house, bam and chicken houses. Only six miles from Medford; lovely view of valley. Total price 1600 001500 down, balance 6. Taxes only 813.00 per year on this place. IDEAL STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH Near Medford. consisting of 54 acres, about 40 acres In alfalfa. 4 acres pears, good vsrletles; balance In corn and grain; excellent, deep, free soil; water available but not bond ed; good road, mile to school, only 6 mile from Medford. Splen did 7-foom plastered borne In good condition; cow barn, garage, chick en house. All stocked and equip ped. 6 cows, horses, all farm Im plement go for $8,000.00. Terms. Will consider clear home In Med ford aa part payment. Charles A. ' Wing Agency, Inc., Exclusive Agents. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS ' PEDIGREED roller canaries, all col ors. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Nellie Finney. Tel. 203. Jacksonville. Ore. ROLLER CANARIES. Phone 52S-J-3. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE At Livestock Sales Pavilion. Saturday, Dec. 3. Be sure and Phone 2S8-R for consignment of stock. Will sell horses, cattle, hoge and herd hulls. Sale starts at I p. m. s. Oreg. Livestock Auction Sales Co. Phone 268-R. FOR SALE Brood sows, big boer, P": tnrlftT stock. M. P. B f le MILK cow for Tel 133.K FOR SALE 3800-lb. team cheap for cash. Fred Lewis. Butte Falls road. FOR SALE Shoats. Stewart Ave. Leo Young, FOR SALE Weaner Scbulz, Beagle. pigs. Adolph TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1933 Chrysler sedan re possession. A real buy. Armstrong Motor Co., as no. mversiae. USED CAR SALE ALL PRICES REDUCED 80 to 60-Day written Guarantee 1931 Chev. Spt. Coupe. 1931 Ford Victoria. 1930 Bulck R S Coupe 1928 Chev. 4-door Sedan. 1920 Ford 2-door Sedan. 1927 Nash Coupe. 1933 Terraplane Coupe. 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan. 1929 Ford A Coupe. Also several good cars In older mod' els. Buy while cars are cheap. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. I NO. 38 N. Riverside. 10 K SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Japanese persimmons, large, sweet and delicious. Ripe, with no pucker. Call 881-R-4. Coker Butte Orcnare. '.".XI Z T r1" " POR SALE-Blcycle, water pump, or- gan. Phone 1522-Y. Free s Oarage. g.v.nS u.jr rt.n..... vivw?, 437 Bo. Central or at the peach fit. Orocery, 300 No. Peach. POR fiALK Newtown applea .ind Winter Neuls pears. Phoenix. VT.R RAT.F flaw-trio ti-siaihlno rr. ) n ln good condition. Bartaln for!y of Jsckaon. to me directed snd, cash. Must be sold at once. Phone datj on the Jftth day of November,; 1009-U i 1933. in a certain action therein. ; wherein Eva C. Marsh, a Adrnlnf- j FOR SALE Eur corn. 90c hundred. I tratrtx of the etat of Henry Everett M. L. Porter. Rt. 1. Phone 7-F-3. i fcUrah. deceased, as plaintiff, recov- ' lered judgment agalnat Wallace String FOR A ALB Ga ranire and water' rT and Lulu Stringer, huaband and! heater in good condition, priced I wife, the defendant, for the eum of reasonaDie. can 3-1-111. " ' ; TrXTTrTT- FOR .modern, quick Fuel Oil Delivery cau Heinxing Trucking to. w.45.l00 me 45, Dollars, which Judg give s. ite U Green Stamps. FOR SALE CHEAP EASY TERMS A Delco light plant. A 1 -horse electric motor, A refrigerator, electric, A piano: a new oil burner. Commercial Finance Corporation Phone 81. ITS ' Prices smashed on hlth qual- Ity fruit trs. hnib. rows and berrv plants. Drlra to W. B VT.I"w-"n nmnrr. ,..,.., .m num s on Pa-lfic Highway. S milts im,nt- together with tnt tost of Inl f.oiith nf Medfnrrt or Phone B.11.H.J. I " "ibjtt to redemption a pro- CAP.LTON NURSERY CO.. CARL- !d'd ?y '" of ,! J5?h.,r to-j nnvnni and Interest thst the as!d deiendani. I w.iiat ntrlnaer and Lulu atrlneer. APPLES rOR 8ALB De:irtou and 1 htuband an1 wife, had on In J7th Newtavna. sorted and wsshed. 35 toldar of October. 1P.1S. or now have In CIV pet 1ms. miu Orchard. Phons 611-R-l. TOR fi.VLE 2-p:t roofin4, per roll. ai.20; slightly damaged. Hubbard B.-o. Inc.. East Msin and Riverside. POR ALE Burrour:i. adding ma- rhmc Dayion coaiputiua FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE All kinds of apple and pears. Jo Mar; ranch. Tel. 133-L. FOR sand, grerel. eedlmsnt. fertlllMr and teaming. Phone eia-J. FOR SALE Hungarian re ten aeed Phone SJS-J-4. FOR SALE Oaed sewing machlnea all makes; terms tl desired All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co.. 24 N Bartlett APPLES from 30 to 75 cents a box In small or large lots. O. V. Myers Orchard, Phone 35S-J. . FOR SALE Bay, wheat, barley and corn. 0. A. DeVoe. Tel 523-J-3. BUSINESS OfforttvNUTIES FOR SALE Good going business for leas than coat. See the. Nugget Con fectionery. Jacksonville. PERSONAL GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT ana Palmist Truthful advice on business love, marriage Rainbow Auto Camp cabin 8 MISCELLANEOUS GOLD BOUGHT Redden 4e Co. our new prices. IF YOUR ROOF leaks phone No. 7. Timber Producta Co, lor inspection and repair. WE HAVE BUYERS for Gold Prop erties, both placer and lode. Send complete Information to Harry s. Pry & Company. 417 Davis Blag.. Portland. Ore. I BUY gold and loan money. Cecil Jennings, corner Front ana saain Authorized Frlgldalre Service other makes rap. Tel 427: night sos-x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract ol Title. Title Insurance Rooms 8 and 6. No. 3a North Central An. upstair. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of ntl and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert Wlnovw Cleaner. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel 1173 House cleaning Flou, Waxing Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty . Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTUO Three pet cent per month on un paid Balance No other charges See W E rhomaa 48 South Central ground floor Craterian Theater Bldg State License No 8-167 Transfer. BADS TRANSFER a STORAGE CO -Office 1016 No Central Phone 316 Price right Service guaranteed Kir INKING TRUCKING CO Trans. fer and storage Wa haul anything at a reasonaole nrloa. lil No Ff Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Spto'al livestock moving equlpmen. prices right 610 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X Painting and raperhanglng. I A BLISS Painting and paper hanging Tel 646-W 313 8 Grape Job printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon Printing ol all kind; oook binding; louae -leaf ledgere. and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash aales ellpa and everything to the, printing llnea. 28-30 N Grape Phone 75 LKOAL NOTICES Notloe to Creditor. In the County Court of the Btat of Oregon ior Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Louie A. Sr.. also known as Louis A. Salads, and L. A. Salade. De ceased. The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified by the Coun ty court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, as Executrix of the Estate of Louis A. Salade. 6r., also known as Loula A. Salade and L. A. Salade, deceased. All persons having claims agalnat aald estate are not!- 1 n.rt to nrcsent them, dulv vcrliled j w,trl proper vouchers, to the under- t signed, at the office of Rawles Moore. . ... Th,.tr. Biilldlnc. Medford. , mftr.h- from Mo- 1 vemoer atn. ia. tne am 01 m ' Rt.AVCHK T. ft A LADE. Executrix, j Notice of Sheriff's Mle. 'Itlon duly Usuw-d out of and un ler , the seal of the Circuit Court of tlie ; 1 Stat Of OrCZOU. In and fOT tllS COUn- (tto Hundred Twenty-nine and 00-lDO .22.00i rjollars. with c(u and dU- hlirf,mpnt. tnxed at Eighteen and ment waa enrolled and docketed :n the Clerk's office of said Court in said County on the 27th day of October, 1PM. Notlre Is hereby siren that, pur suant to the terms of the Mid execu tion. I will on the 21rd day of Decem ber. 10)3. at lO-oo o'clock a. m . at the front dxr of the CourthcuAe in the City of Medford. in Jackaon coun- ! "rpaou. - i ' P"Bl" lon for easn to t., ! nd to the foliow.n deerlbed prop. erty. situstM in th Coun'y of Jatk on. 6t'l of Oreon, to-wlt: Cosimenclnt: at tha southeast cor. Oer of Lot number one 111 In Biocll numbered three (S of the Ps'.m'a Ad dition to the City of Hertford, srtord- ; Ina lo the o.'iicial piat tereof now of record, and ruan;n thence eaAt to nue. In the City of Medford. Oregon, thence following in a generally north westerly direction along the west line of aald Oskdale Avenue to the north east corner ot said lot one (1); thence south alontr the east line of aald Lot one (1) to me place or commencing, at the southeast corner of said Lot ot.e (1). The premises hereby con veyed, being a triangular piece of property, adjoining aald Lot one (11 along the full east side of said lot, and lying between aald lot and the aald Oakdale Avenue, as said avenue Is Isld out, paved and now used In said city. Lots numbered one U) and two (a) In Block nui.iber three (31 of Palms Addition to the City of Medtord, ac cording to the official plat thereof now of record. Dated this 10th day of November, 1033. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By OLOA E. ANDERSON. Deputy. Notice of Sheriffs gsle. On the 9th day of December, 1S33. at the hour of 10:00 a. m.. at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Medford. Jackson County. Oregon. I will sell at auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow. Ing described real property located in Jackson County. Oregon, to-wlt; commencing 20 feet Nortn ana 648 feet East of the Southeast cor ner of Donation Land Claim No. 69 , In Township 37 South of Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence North. .10 mtn utea West 1518 leet; thence West 30 feet: thence North, 30 minute West, 1120 feet; thence East 995.76 feet; thence South 1 degree and 45 mlnutea West, 2645 feet to the County Uoad; thence West on the North line of the County Road 888 feet to the place of commencing, containing 57 acres. Also Beginning at the Northeast cor ner of Donation Land Claim Num ber Seventy-three (73) In Town ship Thirty-seven (371 South o! Rang Two (2) West of the Wlllam . ette Meridian, and running thence South on the East boundary of said claim. 40.38 chains to the Northeast corner of the land owned by Chris. Arnold.: thence West on ald Arnold north line, 32.136 chains: thence North 40.38 chains to the North boundary of said claim Number Seventv-three (78); thence East 32.196 chains to the place of beginning, containing 130 acres, excepting and reserving therefrom, however, the 57 acre of land described in the deed record d In Volume 80 at page 23 or .the Deed Records of Jackson County. Oregon, together with the tenc . ments. hereditaments and appur tenances tnereunto belonging, ex cepting therefrom a right of way heretofore granted to the Rogue mver vaney uanal comoanv. Said sale Is made under execution issued out of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, to me directed In the case of C. W. Ashpole vs. Daisy Bodge ana r. mwge, wue ana nusDana. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By E. J. LEACH. Deputy. THE GRANGE Phoenix Grange A covered dish dinner wa enjoyed by Phoenix Grangers Tuesday night. A general good time waa enjoyed while all gathered with their fami lies about the tables. Following the supper hour, the lecture program was given, which consisted of community singing led by Vaughn Quackenbush,' a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Delano Sloan, a aolo by V. R. Bonham and two ahort skit. "Do They?" by Mildred Ward. Vaughn Quackenbush, Et,hel Hockersmlth. Cora Chandler. Ada Bell and Mabel stancllff, and "To Market, to Mar ket," by Florence Drake, Mr. C. A. Pickle and Elva Caster. The pro gram waa announced by Pay Carver. The program wa cloaed with a ail Tribiine Daily ACROSS L Celestial aphere 4. Cut of meat 9. Sailor 12. American poet tt, German uni versity city M. Past tft. Dormant 17. Deeply rooted or firmly In G rat tied 19. Steering ap paratus 20. Flow hack ltlleva "J3. Narrow bod ies of (Mi tar 4. Masculine name 21. FcarlU 30. Grown ctrlt 34. Tha bndv of Solution of Yesterday's Puxxla G U AIR A N T E ElS MO U E T ELL fflf OT EPP TlEfe 3 E 5 L K WlA D Afsp P j ffS AIFE B U K AIN M Aipp gP Q" u n g e n im v a s atTe j gffgUTilG AVE R.WEgG AY k o Ggao u e pite t SIeId AlMAjKi T l CA I T R OTfeiElX C E L HEINLE ElSTlEBi51 Jewliti law Is. Women's (, loose dress ing gown E6. If. Sourr of hat f and power jjy, M. Owns Unrefined metal Kind of Isra Merriment Waa victori ous Repressnta 59. Sum up 40. t;radloatf O. liusilan n 1. Fotntsd tool T. Pr5 si. Disclose 63. Standards of conduct 10, or things L Qolf tarm DOWN 1 Lars marina ftih 1 r r itif r r r r w FT 75 7f TTj 75 umtt MfUu. yiliii,i Mllll WmM. J -WA ulUk mmm, ' !LZZZ"a ZiZflZZZZ mF' 51 Virginia Reel called by O. C. Maust. Trie business session wa held fol lowing the soclsl hour. A motion was carried that the North Phoenix achool be allowed use of the Grange ,hall for It program December 33, the school to pay to ward the light and wood, which was the proposition. Eight new names for membership were referred to the candidate com mittee. Reporta of various commit tees were Riven. AU ladles of the Grange were In vited by the home economlca com mittee chairman to meet at iher home December 6 to spend the after, noon together, and discuss a matter of Importance. Next meeting of the Grange will be December 12. At this time the program will be presented by the legislative committee, which already has made plans and Invited one of the play, cast of the Medford high school to present the play. Musical numbera will also be provided. The aecond meeting of the month will he December 36 and the pro gram will be furnished by the offi cers of the Orange. PORTLAND, Ore. (UP) A police war was averted narrowiy tn Port land through the honesty of a trusty In the olty Jail. Detective Grlslm was sitting In a chair asleep. Hla mouth wa agape when the trusty entered. He re moved Grlslm'e false teeth without awakening the sleeper. When he awoke Grlslm went into a rage, demanding the scalp of the thief, whoever he was. Detective Crisp, the only man In sight, denied ,he wsa the guilty party. Investiga tion, however, revealed the missing teeth In Crisp's back pocket. Only the trusty's confession pre vented a small war. YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK. Cal. (UP) California's winter sport enthusiast were cheered today by Vosemlte Indians' predictions that the park will have a heavy snowfall thla winter. , The Indians based their predic tions on the assertions that psrk squirrels are storing their winter supplies of acorn higher In the trees than usual and that sierra grouse have thicker coat of feathera. Bt. Falls Endeavor Program Centers On Thanksgiving Christian Endeavor society of Butte rail met November 26 at the Pres byterian c Jh u r c h. Carl Carson wss the leader, and the congregation discussed the topic, "What Have We to Thank God Tor?" Thia waa an observance of Thanksgiving day, and the young people'e quartet sang "Whey Day I Dying In th West." The Christian Endeavor aoclety meet every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock and everybody la welcome. Dane at Lake Creek Grange hall. Saturday night. Butte Fall orchestra Cross-Word Puzzie 10. Seasons for use 11. Waa carried IS. Type msas uraa It. Broom 2U Harmful 'ii. Ruff wrench Pronoun Rodent LUjuor Extinct New Kea land bird 31. Purpose 33. Incline the lietd 35. Delkate lllae color 34. Pur white clay from which porce lain ta insde 31. Tn what way 41 Regain strantrth 41. Short for a girl's name 43. In a line 44. Cipher 46. Chatnbtr In a atovo 4R. Log flout 41. Adh;slvi to. Anrlo-eaxoa slave S3. Pfifl ft 4. Hard: vreflx 17. Aloft ETElRsatlNISiEITI t. Flower t. Metallic ring ing vessel 4. That clrl I. Grew greda Uv imalttr I. elevated rail road: cnlloq. f. Proof of being elsewhere I. Range of knowltdra . Anrlnt Irtkb CUT STUDY DISEASE TAKING HEAVY TOLL OF DUCKS 6 ALT LAKE CITT. Utah (UP) In laboratories of tha U. 8. Biological Survey at th Bear River bay, migra tory bird refuge In northern Utah studies are being made to end a my tertous disease which h killed htuv dredR of thousand of wild ducks In recent years. Known aa "duck dUest," the ftrange malady killed more than 50, 000 wild fowl In the Canadian pro vince of Alberta alone this year, re port Mid- In earlier years the dla eae killed large numbers of the plrda throughout the United States and the northern Canadian provinces. E. R. Kim bach, special laboratory worker, who has been studying the dlnene and It poMlble treatment for 12 yenra. reported that experts be I leva t he dlwasc to be a form of botullnus poinonlng. Ducks, feeding upon portly decayed vegetable matter, become afflicted with a type of pto maine poisoning. Their neck muscles become constricted, preventing them from drinking, and they die of thirst. Enlargement of laboratories at the bird sanctuary, where between 4,000,- ooo and S.000,000 ducks are expected to mnke their home this winter, haa been provided by a tAB OOO NRA fund Hllotment. With added facilities, workers hope to eomplet Investlga tion of the duck dlseaM and to for mulate some campaign to end the terrific toll annually taken In bird life. Approximately 25,000 acrea of duck grounds are under water at the sanc tuary, built at a oost of 3f.0,000. S WOODBURY, N. J., Dec. I. (AP) Weeping In Joy and gratefuln1 Mrs. Audry Smith Clark, 34-year-old former Broadway dancer, was freed today In the slaying of her husband, Sheldon A. Clark, Jr., scion of wenlthy Chicago oil family. Failure of the Gloucester county grand Jury to return an Indictment against her after hearing 13 wlt news in ita Investigation of the shooting resulted In her release. The young woman wept In the hospital, where she Is recovering from a severe head Injury Inflicted by her husband shortly before .he wra killed November 30. She may leave the hospital tomorrow. "Oh, I'm so glad. sha sobbed. "Thank everybody, please." 1 TRAVEL SPEEDS An example of the manner In which air transport speed Is faclUtlng bust-1 ness transactions, ta disclosed .in a; communication received by United Air Lines from the American Fruit Grower. When purchsses by tha federal re- 1 lief commission were being determln l ed Isat month, the Northweat Apple Growers found It essential to have a representative in Washington by a certain date. Taking advantage of United Air Lines' one-dsy service from the Pacific northwest to the national capltol, tha representative sold 8300, 000 worth of apples to the commis sion. The whole des! wsa consum mated In a few days from the time the idea waa Inspired, aa a result of the travel speed possible. prrrsBUROH, Dec. i. rypr R. b. Mellon, president of the Mellon Na tional bsnk snd brother of Andret Mellon, died today at the age of 76. The multi-millionaire banker and philanthropist had been In failing health for a month and last Wednes day his condition took a turn for the worse. Death occurred at hla home early today. The aired, man lapsed Into uncon sciousness serersl hours before h'.s death. Three HurTwhen Cars Hit Head-On PORTLAND, Dec. L (Vp) Three persons were Jnjured here last night when automobiles driven by William A. Martin of Eugene and Charles P Fromong of Portland collided head- on at a highway intersection. Martin snff-fr-pd a severe head bruise and was taken to a hospital. Mrs. Fromong and her dughtr Nellie. IS, were cut snd bruised but were taken to thvlr home for treatment. Not atiperVltlou. WALLA WALLA. Wash (UP) PrU d.r. the 11th. held few qualm for Mrs. Al Cram. Sh knocked a mirror off a table. It did not break. A min ute Jater she knocked a table lamp to the floor. I.t merely bounced. House Blolen. 0 VANCOUVER. B. C. (UP) Stolen a ho'ise. Twelve yeara mo Mlse Jean Morris left for Scotland to visit. Re turning horn ah found nothln; but a vacant lot where onre her hous bad stood. , Real aatat 01 inauraacv 1CT I' ACQUITTAL yj 400, f hoot ted. Movie Recruit 'f : ' Joan Sheldon, 15, blonde Los An galea schoolgirl. It one of the newest bidders for film stardom. Her smlls helped her win a beauty contest at a town fair benefit where film seouta discovered Her, She formerly lived In New Orleans. (Associated Press Photo) ROOSEVELT TAKES WARM SPRINGS. Ga., Dec. l.-rUpi President Rooeevelt resumed hla va cation visit today a-fter a Joshing Jab at his monetary critics. Introducing s magician st last night's TliaukARlvlng party on the Warm Springs foundation, the Presi dent remarked he probably "knows some of the thlnga we are never able to aolve." and suggested "Perhaps he will put on something about the gold standard." Later, in opening his remarks as presiding officer of the Thanksgiving affair, Mr. Roosevelt noted the acts of the magician, Julian Boehn of At lanta, and of his ssslstsnce In one act by Qua Gennerlch. the presi dential bodyguard, who was called on by Boehn in a card stunt. "X suppose," said tha President, X have to have my chance at the press, so I will tell you now that there are certain papers In the United States thst you need not read tomorrow, because I am going to tell you what the headlines are going to be tomor row morning. They are going to ssy thst Dr. Julian Boehn Is going to be appointed secretary of the treaaury and that Gus Gene rich is going to head the federal reserve system." This wa regarded as the presi dential reply to the public and pres critics of his "managed currency" program which he has indicated quite clearly he will pursue. It wss hla first direct pun 110 ref erence to the monetary dispute since hla arrival here ten days ago. Meteorological Report December 1. 1883. Forecast s. MAtfrA mnA vlrlMit.V 7nrrflaslne cloudiness, followed by occasional rain tonight and Friday, ongniiy warmer tonight. Oregon: Increasing cloudlnesa, roi- tnvMri h nnaulnntvl rain rrent and snow or rain east portion tonight and Saturday, Slightly warmer tonight. Local Pot. Temperature a year ago today; Highest, 40: lowest, 39. Total precipitation, none. Excess or deficiency for the month, none. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, 10U3. 1.47 Inches. Deficiency for the season, 37 Inchea. Relative humidity at s p. m. yea terday 100 per cent; 5 a. m. today, 100 per rent. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 7:31 a. m. Sun set, 4:41 p. m. 71 Olty Boston . 88 P. Cdy. Cheyenne 44 34 Cloudy Chlcsgo .. M 38 P. Cdy. Eureka - M 38 P Cdy. Helena . 30 18 Clear Loe Anneles .. 90 48 Clear MEDFORD 38 It Foggy New Orlesn . 78 118 Clear New York 88 38 Cleer Omaha 84 38 .03 Rain Phoenix 89 38 Clear 'Portland 43 38 Cloudy I Reno .... 48 30 Clear iRosehurg . 48 34 Cloudy jsalt Lake 40 30 T Cloudy I Han Francisco 88 48 Cloudy I Seattle 44 .... 'spoken 38 34 ' Clear I Walla Walla 44 30 Clear Washington, DC 78 48 Clear Ahe. Hold Gold Traure- JARBRIDOE. Nr. (UP)-.WrecJter who burned carefully the floor tim bers of the old Blkoro gold mill here, found that th ash ft contained thou sand of dollar If) (old. Wall board when th cyantd so lution used in milling had solidified. aio war rich, in gold, It wa asld. DENTIFIEO SAY TEXAS OFFICERS EL PASO. Tex., Dec. 1 (AP) Ax- slatant District Attorney John Penn announced that a charge of murder will be filed today against Arthur 0. Wilson. 28, Cleveland. O., in connec tion with the slaying of Mrs. Irena Dlebolt, 28. attractive Cleveland widow. The widow's body was found near Van Horn. Texas, east of El Paso on Novamber 7. Sha hsd been beaten over the head with a heavy Instru ment. a cord tied tightly around her neck and all her clothing except silk stockings removed. Identification was established yes terday by Cleveland police who showed plcturea of the slain woman to Mrs. Frank Cheaka. Cleveland. Mra. Dlebolt'a atster. Sheriff Chrla P. Fox said that ha haa been Informed that Mrs. Dlebolt left Cleveland with Wllaon in Sep. tember for California In an automo bile bought by Mra. Dlebolt with part of 84000 she received In Insurant following the death of her husband. The etierlff said that a federal plant Inspection station crew on th boundary between Arltona and Cali fornia gave him a license number of car that passed through there east on November 2 that was found to have been Issued In Cleveland to Wil son. Inspectors at the station said that the driver had a "companion." PORTLAND, Dec. 1. WV-A loan of S3.5OO.000 to United St&tee Linen In dustries. Inc., will be granted by toe Public Works Administration, the Ore- gonlan said today, for construction of a linen factory In or near Portland, and for development of the flax in dustry 1n the Willamette valley. The article, based on a special dla patch from Washington, D. C, said tt Is expected that within five years, between 60,000 and 60,000 ocres of flux will be In cultivation In the Willamette valley, and that from 13, 000 to 18,000 persons will receive steady employment in the Industry. Will P. Llpman of Portland la presi dent of the United Statea National company. He has been In Washing ton, D. C-, several months in the In terests of the project. GERMANS REVIVE GAY NIGHT LIFE BERLIN. (Trp) After long month of anxiety, Oer man caterer and res taurateurs are heaving a lgh of re lief, for It develop that ven in th National Socialist stat a ludteloua measure of recreation will not b frowned ea. For a long time It wa touch and go. Serlous-mlnded Nasi leader em- phatlced th desirability of return to simple Teutonlam. It looked Ilk a long, hard winter for night clubs, . gala ball and banquet. Then Chancellor Hitler sea an tear at rest by prglng that "tha ldeaology of rugallty and th systematic cur. , tallment of demand" must be corn batted with every force. This bolshevlstlo Idea of gradual suppression th requirement of civ ilization would lead to th destruc tion of living nd of commerce." h aald. "Th decisive factor 1 not to curtail one's sell, but to better one self." Northwest Coast Warned of Storm PORTLAND. Dec. 1. CP) Storm wamtnaa were ordered up at Oregon and Washington coast stations today for strong eoutherly wind and occa sional galea tonight and Saturday. The weather bureau said blow of considerable Intensity waa reported moving In from the Pacific, Urge I'w of t'tah Copper. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah.(UP) UM of Utah topper in th manufacture of transmission llnea to the Muse. Shoals project waa urged In a measjc to Dr. A. E. Morsan, in charge 01 letting bids for material. It was sign ed by Ciov. Henry R. Blood of Utih. Mayor Louis Marcus, Salt Lake Cltv, and E. J. FJeldated. secretary of th Ogden chamber of commerce. quarts nrlnra piiir Health. OLINOHOUSE, Nev. (UP) Slx'.y pounds of quarts, panned out wttn pan and mortar, produced 81800 for Louie nrpo and Steve Maffl, leasera of the Dondaro mine here. They hev shipped 84000 worth of amalgam to date. Oldest Veteran fpl'li Ralls. WHEELER, Ore (UP) Believed to be the oldest living Confederate vet eran In Oregon. John Hlcki celebrat ed hi 88th birthday recently by w Ing and splitting his own firewood. dally chore for him sine he cam her 80 year ago. PORTLAND. Ore. (UPl An "X" snake )lamee twin of th reptll world wa exhibited her by Fred Reinklng. Th nak had two hearts and two bodies, th latter crossed Ilk the letter "X" nd Joined together. Both "anake" were complete tn phye lologteal detail. Beating tost can b reduced. For complete heating tfrrlc call art Schmldll, 4181663. iU.-dt:, IUm ihi ai o( tioiia Gad.t A;,