JIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1933 PACE SEVEN Local and Personal ; I Holly's Star Leave for South Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Flynn left early Saturday for Oasand and San Francisco, Cal. In Oranti Past Don Ross and Lloyd Williamson of the local Copco offices were business visitors In Grants pass Thursday. Hedrlck Returns E. H. Hedrlck. superintendent of Medford school, has returned to the city from spend ing several days on business In Salem. In Medford Saturday Lee Port of the Star Ranker station spent Satilr day in Medford at the offices of the Rogue River National forest office, at tending to business matters. . . . Grant Dies Dillon B. Grant, father of Mrs. W, E. Blake of Ashland, and former mayor of Ashland, died Thurs day at his home at Toledo, Ohio, ac cording to the Ashland Dally Tidings. Cummlnss Fined For falling to have a PUO permit, William R- Cum mlngs, who resides near Medford was fined $10 In Justice court Saturday. He was arrested Thursday by state police. Mrs. Phetteplaoe Better Mrs. Irene Phetteplace, who underwent a major operation at the Community hospital last week, was reported resting com fortably at the Community hospital yesterday. Fined S10 William Ludwlg of Butte Falls, arrested Friday by state police for having void California license platea, was fined 10 and costs In Justice court Saturday. Ludwlg paid the 14.50. mm mm Til Mrs. Rena Collie of the West s;de pharmacy, who has been 111 for tne past several aj, reported In an unimproved condition yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dodge on King street. Dannrf tivMent A. C. Gottlg and Roy Moon, both residing on route two, were driving the automobiles Which collided on South Bartlett street be tween Eighth and Main streets yes terday at 12:0S p. m. i .--.. fin a. s. Rosenbaum district freight and passenger agent for the Southern racmc cuuiy"j turned to Medford Saturday on the Oregonian from the north, where he has been attending to business af- fslrs. Return from South Mrs. L. Un t. A. Salade. Jr., OBIOUB KUU turned to Medford Saturday morning w Ehijitk from San Francisco, t.hv have been on business since Wednesday, having left Medford on Tuesday. Self-Denial week Members of the Circle society of the First Christian church, are urged to observe self-denial -wk, starting today, and contin uing until Thursday. The offering will be taken at the next meeting of the Circle society. mn i ftTP Ifj CLASSIFY Leave for North Stat polica of-j ficera who left Saturday for .Salem to attend to buaineas affair .were Jeff Bean of Klamath Falla, Mace Pewtherer of Oranta Paaa. J. Eric Tucker of Marahfield and Sergeant enn k. Ambrose of Coqullje. All are la the third atate police district. Ministers to Meet The Rani River Valley Ministerial association and the members' wives will meet at the Presbyterian church for a covered dish luncheon Monday. November 26 at 11 a. m. All ministers and their wives are urged to attend. A program will be given after the luncheon. Slmktns Pledges Glenn Simlclrs of Medford. Junior In chemical engin eering at Oregon State college, was recently pledged to Phi Lambda Upst- lon. national honor society in chem istry. Pledgee to Phi Lambda Upstlon are selected for their high qualities of scholarship, college activity, per sonality and special ability in the feld of chemistry. Report Scarlet Fever Dr. J. C. Smith, county health officer, reported Friday that in spite of a scarlet feyer scare at the Murphy school only one case has been found to be suffering the disease, and that In a mild form. the Oranta Pass Courier stated. The health officer examined e!ght children suspected to be also affected by scar let fever, but found them to have common colds, he said. Has Slot Machine R. C. Gearing of the Shady Springs Auto camp at Ash land was fined $25 and costs of M 50 in justice court here Saturday fol lowing his arrest Thursday by state police on charges of possession of two slot machines. He was given 90 days in which to pay the fine and costs, Six machines were seized last week by county and state officers. Gear ing's' machines were turned over to the sheriff's office. , Mrs Christian Honored A group of former school friends honored Mrs. John W. Christian with a surprise shower last Monday evening at her home on North Holly street. Present were: Misses Rachael Wooldrldge, Flonnle Hoelare, Pern Hoffman, Ber nlco Hoffman, Virginia Dunlava, Jua nlta Corum, Wanda Wolzak. Glenna Abbott, Maxie Thompson. Cathryn Mann and Mesdames Robert Hern don, and Ray Yarnell, and the honor guest, who received many lovely gifts. RE-UPHOLSTERING, finishing, re- . . miAvi- Qflo.R: Thlbault. glueing. -- - SALE OR TRADE Fordson tractor, heavy awe .cu""-"-" - Other tools at oyr; tie- " son St. sTeinn. wnhhurd saUSSh easy to cut, l.00 per hundred de livered. Cheaper than potatoes. With each 300-pound order, we give twenty pounos no. -- 'iff ill1 m Calling attention to an amazing swing-about In the moral viewpoint of the cinema, Mae West, the screen s newest sensation, whose second star ring picture for Paramount, "I'm No Angel," now playing at the Holly theatre! believes that the American people have reached that time In their consideration of life and love when they want to hear a spade called a spade. She cites the sensational success of her last film, "She Done Him Wrong," as an argument in proof of her belief. Miss West asserts, however, that the public Is uninterested In sex, crudely presented. It wants laughs, comedy and wit along with It, she theorizes, and that's what she alms to give 'em in her pictures and plays. ' Mae exemplifies her theories In "I'm No Angel," an original story. In It, she portray a circus Hon tamer, hard-boiled, ambitious, cap tlvator of man after man. But when the film ends she has one man for keeps, a millionaire bachelor, "tall, dark and handsome". Cary Grant. The pictures was directed by Wesley Rug- gles. Edward Robinson at Rialto iiiiiWi fcaffiwr'Wisa' itiifcf-. . " ' 1 i i '',',;"''''''';';,'"TT.7'fr'' IRENE DUNNE IN "THE SILVER CORD" A mother who uses her apron strings to their fullest length to re tain her sons In a sort of slavery called mother love, la defeated by Irene Dunne as the star of "The Sliver Cord," which cornea to the Studio theater today. This picture invades sacred terri tory because of the general concept of sanctified mother love; but It re vcnls the subconscious evil behind that very tradition. The normalcy of daughter-in-law's affection for her husband find a rival In his mother's inordinate love for him. Irene Dunne scores a peak dra matic triumph in her characteriza tion. The program a'.so Includes the Walter Disney cartoon, "The Three Little Pigs," which features the pop ular song hit, "Whoa Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" This Silly Symphony all color cartoon has been shown in more theaters and repeated oft ener than iny other short subject ever made. City Warrants railed for Payment. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand in the Oenev.l Fund of the City of Medford for the redemption of Warrant Nos. 1344 to 1598 Inc. Interest on the above war rants will cease after November 24, 1933. OUS H. SAMUEIiS. City Treasurer. COMEDY TEAM IN "HER FIRST MATE" "Her Fist Mate." featuring Slim Summervllle and Zazu Pitta, opens at the Roxy theater today. It is all about a candy butcher on a Hudson river steamboat who had successfully Stilled his wife into the belief that he was a great sailor man and whose one ambition was to captnln a sea-going vessel. Zssu saved and pinched until she had enough to buy a boat. But it was a ferry boat, and It blew up on lta first trip. 4 See the smart Turtle neck Sweaters at Adrienne's. Brown. Blue, Red, White . . . And they only coat 1.5. Edward U. Robinson and &-av Francis, both with an army of ad mirers, are co-starred In "I Loved a Woman," playing today and to morrow at the Rllato theatre. I Loved a Woman ' Is a smnsti- i lng love drama centering about a i meat packer who makes himself a I world figure first through his love ; of a woman and then through his hatred of her. i Burelson's Buying Christmas Goods Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Burelson left Saturday night for San Francisco on a buying trip. They will select Christmas merchandise for Burelson 's ladles' ready-to-wear store In prep aration for the pre-hollday buying season. Women's apparel will also be pur chased for a special event which will be featured in the near future at Burclson's. 4 Eagles' Benefit Dance at Dreamland Thanksgiving night; 50c couple. Jackson School Entertainment Enjoyed By Dads On Friday, Nov. 24. the Jackson school "Daddys" had their "night out." Those unable to attend missed a grand turkey dinner 'as well as a splendid entertainment. The entertainment planned by Mrs. Chas. Thompson ran as follows: Community singing led by Dr. B. W. Shockley, with Miss Jeunesse Butler at the piano, solo by Merland Touefson. Oroup of songs by Jackson school's boy quartet, George Barlow, Paul Sparks, Dwagne Metcalf and James Eddy, directed by Miss Gertrude Ahls trom. Dances from the Eve Benson Stu dios including, Joan Buchter, acrobat ic, assisted by Aklkl salto. Ruth Har wood and Gretchen McAllister tap and Jewel Deter, Russian toe. These numbers were accompanied on the piano by Miss Mary Oeen brugge. A welcoming address was delivered by H. W. Oustln, Jackson school prin cipal. Boivman to Speak At Kiwanis Meet C. R. Bowman, superintendent of county schools, will be the speaker Monday at the luncheon of tne ai. wants club at the Hotel Medford. He will speak on the financial condition of the county and state scnoois. Music for the program will be fur nlshed by the Medford high school Girls' Glee club. Phone 333. Relnklng Trucking Co for modern FUEL OIL deliveries. RADIOS New, used, rebuilt. If your radio Is old or unsatisfactory call 668. We sell, repair, trade In or -change. See the new Stewart warn er and Crosley. Dons Radio Service, 423 E. Main. FOR SALE: White enameled bed Maple sewing rocker chllds' rocker Chllds' dresser Chllds" desk with chair Chllds' desk with chair 5 Corning Court. Phone 110. ..3 00 300 .. 2.50 3.50 . 2 50 . 3.00 FOR RENT Six room house furnish ed close in, 20.00. Three room house furnished, 16.00. For Sale 40 Acre ranch, 15 A. cultivation, balance timber and pacture. Lots of wood. Good six room house unfurn ished. Price H500.00. A good buy. 30 Acres- 4',4 acres under water. Balance creek bottom land. 8 acres clover, place fenced and cross fenced. Good house and garage, also barn and chicken houses. Clear. Price (3150.00. Terms. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO. 44 N. Riverside SALE OR TRADE Dairy ranch. One of the best paying propositions In Jackson County. Valued at Twelve Thousand Dollars. No Incumbrance. 24 head of fine dairy cows. Modern cow barn equipped with every con venience. Average income about 15 00 per day. Will take unincum bered property for first payment. What have you. or will sell an easy terms. This valusble property wlU be disposed of at once to the one making best offer. J. C. BARNES Phone 910-Y. 20 N Peach St EAGLES' Thanksgiving BENEFIT DANCE Thursday Night Dreamland Mn.lc by the Oregon Lumberjacks DANCE BAND AdmUMoti 5oc Couple Today rraSTrr andMon. 1 rii' J IV !L Continuous Shows Today Greatest Short Ever Made Walt Disney's Silly Symphony in Technicolor "THREE LITTLE PIGS" Featuring Feature Picture, IRENE DUNNE in "The Silver Cord With Joel McCREA FRANCES DEE ERIC LINDEN LAURA HOPE CREWS Twenty Million Wives Will Cheer Also Our Gang Comedy Pathe News 11 Shows ESWSSmSSaSSi Mats . . 15o 7:00-9:00 H Kiddies lOo TODAY and MONDAY Lips of THUNDER ... on Lips of FIRE! EZZ2 ?s33 v i mm m i, wm ami h SSM W'rf4fV! a TEN inn.. ...A.w Wm4 A combination of man and woman the devil himself ' couldn't top! Imagine the clash the drama the explosion when she whlpcr at last that she loves him htm and many other men! fc.1 us MTHE MIGHTY M J pM vaJulVj. 11 AND THE DIVINE II together in... HOMED, ry a Genevieve TOBIN ADDED "Kins; Zilch" Cartuon II "Women of Many II 11 tends" IJ w PatheNewi 11 A First National Shows 1:45 3:30 7:00 9:00 MaWjrjos.aftilii.waaLlgAi..tOTTnisaiimsiasMwr, iMa t m i i 11 m tm wi u iV." : SOUTHERN ORF.RON'S VINKST THF.ATRF. riyiiauMTTfBaiir an miimi urn n Matinee 25o Evenings 35o Kiddies 10c How! Until Tuesday Night! YOU SAID ST-iEOFORD! it's Her Greatest! Three Cheers for Beloved Marie! it .1 "1 May you have many more Happy birthdays! . . . And may you give the world many more pictures like "Christopher Bean". . Like all the hun dreds of others who turned out last night to celebrate this hit We Salute You! sub t i i M I t 111 III III ML II hi Her Birthday Out To America with HELEN MACK BEULAI1 BONDI H. B. WARNER How fitting that Lionet Barry mort it co $ tarred with Marie Drttiler in thii picture of the year's great tlage tuceettt 1 STARTING TUESDAY a YEARNING fOR CARESSES... but chained U3 foo career.' Also Carefully Selected Short Subjects! HIT FOLLOWS HIT! . . . COMING NEXT Myrna Loy Primo Camera Walter Huston 0 .ym-,AmfW-m'mmr miirLrJmTi