MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1933. PACE THREE SAYS RESOLUTION Endorsing Med ford ' plans for the celebration of Oregon's birthday in this city next summer, a reolution was received today by E. C. Jerome, chairman of Oregon's Diamond Ju bilee, from W. W. Hammond. Chief Big Horn of the Grants Pass Cave men. The resolution, Chamber of Com merce officials stated this morning, expresses further that splendid co operation always forthcoming from Grants Pass. It reads; "Whereas, the 75th anniversary of the entrance to the Union of Oregon as a state occurs In 1934, and "Whereas, Med ford Is celebrating this occasion with a fitting celebra tion to be known as the Oregon Dia mond Jubilee and "Whereas, the celebration has been proclaimed by the governor of the state as the official celebration com memorating this event, "Therefore, be It resolved that we, the Oregon Cavemen, Inc., being the tribal owners of all lands from Med ford to the ocean, do hereby com mend the city of Medford for its foresight in providing this celebra tion and tender our service to the chairman of the committee In charge, assuring him of our hearty support. "Approved at the regular tribunal council held in the Domain of the Cavemen at Grants Pass, Oregon, on November 9, 1933, A. D., which is In the calendar of the Cavemen the ninth day of the tenth moon of the seventy-one thousand .one-hundredth year after the birth of the first Chief Big Horn. 'W. W. HAMMOND, "Chief Big Horn." ELKS BRIDGE TOURNEY IS SCHEDULED DEC. 1SI Friday, December 1, Is the date announced for the bridge tourney at the Medford Elks club to benefit the lodge Christmas fund which will make Santa Claus a real fellow to many Jackson county families. Through an error December 3 was given as date of the event yester day. Mrs. Ous Newbury will supervise the tournament. BACHELORS MUST WED OR QUIT CITY WORK FRANKFORT-ON -THE-MAIN, Ger many, Nov. 23. (AP) The burgo master here today ordered 1600 bach elors employed by the city to marry. Prima Donna Cows Want Classics On Their Dairy Barn Phonographs WARREN. Ohio. (jp The cow that used to kick over the milk pall when files bothered her now has daughters that kick Just as strenuously when Jazz invades the milking barn. Soft, seductive strains, such as the "Blue Danube Walts," floating down a row of stanchions from a phono graph result in h&her milk produc tion, Frank B. Neal, 77, who has ex perimented with animals for 20 years. declares. "Music is worth a lot more than rubber carpeting in a milking barn. but no self-respecting cow will stand for Jazz.' he ueclared. Will Replace Part of Feed. And melodies not only pay in in creasing production, but will replace part of the feed necessary to produce a given milk poundage, Neal claims. The proper music should result In 10 per cent more milk on 10 per cent less feed. Neal began experimenting in live stock feeding In 1913. Today he claims that feeding can be made to produce more calves from each cow, .more white meat on turkeys, fewer but larger animals In silver fox litters and stronger draft horses. Balancing Brings Results. It is done, he declares, by chang ing and adjusting the balance of feed given to the cow, bird or fox. A cer tain mixture of food stimulates calv ing, another will retard the number of animals in'fox litters and increase the size of each, and, by careful feed ing of turkey hens, he claims to have produced smaller birds with more white meat in answer to the demand for smaller turkeys for apartment families. Other contentions of Neal are that each breed of dairy cattle demands an Individual diet that a Holstem ration would not do for a Jersey cow and neither should a steer be fed on a dairy cow ration. "And," Neal added, "you have to feed three gen erations to get a race horse. He predicts a continuance of the swing back to horse -power on the farm. "In fertility alone the (horse is worth $25 a year on the farm and, furthermore. It is supported by what the farm produces." ARMS CONFERENCE TO GENEVA, Nov. 23. (AP) The steering committee of the disarma ment conference voted today to sus pend the parley until January. In the meantime International diplomacy Is .to be given full play in its efforts to save the dlsearma ment conference from oblivion and to bring Germany, which withdrew last month from the negotiations, back into the conversations. Real estate oi tnauraacu leave ; Jones Phone 698 Eads Fuel Oil Delivery has long Broken windows glazed by hose and pump. Call 315, Trowbridge Cabinet Works. ' -. p l' I t l u 1 I'lft.vlng soft music, not jazz, on a phonograph in the mllkluc barn will induce cows to (five 10 per cent more milk on 10 per cent less feed. Frank B. Neal of Warren, Ohio, declares after 20 years of experimenting with livestock. Wayne Lewis Wakefield, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer T! Wakefield, 710 Meade street, Grants Pass, passed away at his home Tuesday evening at 0:30 o'clock. He was born In Medford. Oregon, April 13, 1930. He leaves besides his parents to mourn his loss a sister, Mary Ann, age one year, grandparents Mrs. Mary E. Dartt, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wakefield, Doris Wakefield of Greenfield, Iowa, Dr. E. E. Babcock, Alden, Iowa; Vernon Wakefield. Lodl, California; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wakefield, Yreka, California; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pemberton, Green field, Iowa: Mrs. George B. Young. Medford, Oregon, and a host of friends. Funeral services will be conducted at Hall's Funeral Home Saturday, 1 :30 p. m., in Grants Pass. Inter ment in Siskiyou Memorial Park in Medford. Both Mr. -and Mrs. Wakefield were raised to manhood and womanhood in Greenfield, Iowa. Tftey were mar ried In Medford at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Young in 1928 and made their home here for three years. Suicide Chooses Own Undertaker PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 23. (AP) Strolling into the driveway of an undertaker's establishment here yes terday, Theodore Brown, 70, shot himself through the head. The wound was fatal. Relatives said he .bad been In ill health and was fear ful that a stroke which he suffered recently would cause his death. PHOENIX CIRCLE PLANS CARD PARTY DEC. 7TH PHOENIX, Nov. 23. (Spl.) At the last meeting of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Circle, No. 242, it was decided to hold a card party at the meeting on December 7th. This party will be held at the close of the lodge business session, to which the public Is Invitedt A small charge will be made, which will In elude refreshments. ELECTRIC RATES BE L ASHLAND, Nov. 23. (Spl.) A re duction in electric power rates to consumers in Ashland loomed today as the result of a proposal submitted to the city council by Councilman M. C. Llnlnger, chairman of the light and power committee. The proposed reduction would af fect those persons using electric cook ing ranges, resulting in an approxi mate reduction of one dollar per month in their bill and cutting the minimum from 3.00 to $2.30 per month. The average ran$e owner under the present rate, uses 250 kilowatt hours for which he pays $7.20. Under the proposed schedule, the monthly bill would be reduced to 86 20. No change Is proposed In the pres ent light rate. The moving idea be hind the reduction in rates Is that the person who uses the most electric energy should be given a better rnte than those who use it merely for lighting purposes. Another motive behind the proposed change is the fact that the city of Ashland in its present contract with Copco for sup plying excess energy, has effected a saving which will amount to ap proximately $1000 annunlly, and the city council desires to pass this sav ing on to the consumer. It was pointed out that there are about 150 electric range users in the city and that the proposed rate would reduce the monthly income for the electrical department about $150. but hope was expressed by various mem bers of the council that reduction of the rates would result in an In creased use of electric ranges and electric appliances in Ashland homes. While no definite action was taken on the proposal the sentiment of the council was heavily in favor of the Meteorological Report November 23, 1933 Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Friday but with fog. Little change In temperature. Oregon: Generally fair tonight and Friday but valley fogs west portion, becoming unsettled northwest sec tion. Little change in temperature. Temperature a year ago today: Highest, 50; lowest, 31. Toal monthly precipitation .03 inch; deficiency for the monuh, 1.57 Inches. Total precipitation since Sep tember 1, 1033, 1.47 inches; deficien cy for the season, 1.90 inches. Rclatlv humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday. 76 per cent; 5 a. m. today, 100 per cent. Sunrise tomorrow, 7:12 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 4:44 p. m. Ohservnlloiift Taken nt 5 A. M. 120(11 .Meridian Time 01 tj 7TTT Ifir B Unemployed Gather Courthouse Tonight K. J. Knutson, president of the Medford unemployment association, announced today that the regular meeting of the organization will be held this evening In the county court house auditorium at 7 :30 o'clock. Matters of Importance to the mem bership are to be considered, and all are requested to be In attendence. PRINTER'S ERROR MAKES AIR . STAMPS VALUABLE NEW YORK, Nov. 23. j-(AP) -A block of four air mail .stamps In which the airplane was Inverted by a printer's error in 1019, was sold to day for $12.100 a new high In the auct'on sale of the collection of the late Arthur Hind of Utlca, N. Y. The Scott Stamp and Coin com pany of New York was the purchaser. Boston - 58 38 .... Cloudy Cheyenne 38 .01 Cloudy Chicago 38 36 T. Cloudy Eureka 58 42 M Clear Helena 58 54 Cloudy Los Angeles .. 86 68 Clear MEDFORD ... 52 29 Foggy New Orleans ........ 2 58 .... Clear New York 62 44 .01 Cloudy Phoenix 82 46 .... Clear Portland 60 50 Foggy Reno 62 30 Clear Roseburg 60 42 Foggy Salt Lake City 60 38 Clear San Francisco 72 56 Clear Seattle - 58 54 .04 Cloudy Spokane 48 Cloudy Walla Walla 68 56 M Clear Washington, D.C. 66 46 Cloudy Oregon Weather. Generally fair tonight and Friday but valley fogs west portion becom ing unsettled nortnwesc portion; lit tle change in temperature; gentle changeable winds offshore. City Warrants Called for Payment. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand in the General Fund of the City of Medford for the redemption of Warranty Nos. 1244 to 1598 inc. Interest on the above wax rants will cease after November 24, 1933. OUS H. SAMUELS. City Treasurer. Sheet metal work of all kinds. Brill Metal Works. FUEL OIL, any kind. Quick service. Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631. Phone 542 We will haul away youi refuse. City Sanitary Service. Phone 315, Eads Transfer for mod ern, quick Fuel Oil delivery service. Modern Fuel Oil delivery. No spill ing. Eads Transfer. Phone 315. Phone 332, Relnking Trucking Co. for modern FUEL OIL deliveries. Son T? OUND, SO TIRM, SO TULLY KED i . w " j ' " j " ' j r ' , MEMBERSHIP DRIVE BY GRANGERS OF PHOENIX 10 ADD 10 PER CENT PHOENIX, Nov. 23. (Spl.) Grange ! meeting Tuesday night, November 28, j should be of Interest to all members 1 here. A basket dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock, for all members and their families. An Interesting lecture program will be given Immediately following the supper, which all Orangers and their families are Invited to attend. The business meeting will follow immediately. At the last meeting a membership drive was discussed and every mem ber urged to be on the lookout for new members and bring their names into the meeting Tuesday night. Main renson for this drive, is to Incroase membership during the next month over 10 per cent of what It la at present, and thus becomo an honor Grange. To accomplish this end, all names must be submitted by Tuesday night. A few names have been turned In already and several more prospects are In view. Ten of the memners met at the Grange hall last Tuesday and gave It a thorough cleaning. The group gathced early in the morning, and enjoyed a covered dish dinner at noon, and worked until the latter part of the afternoon cleaning. In another few minutes the struc ture would have been a complete loss, and Campbell, hlmeslf a CCQ member, spent most of the evening congratulating his fellow men for their action in suppressing the fire. Hart Slayers Indicted. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23. (AP) J. M. Holmes and Thomaa H. Thur mond, who confessed the abduction and slaying of Brooke Hart, 22, of San Jose, were Indicted today by the grand Jury on seven charge. Be correctly corseted in an Artist Model by Ethelwyn B Hoffmann Attend the Jacksonville Orange chicken dinner. Nov. 24, from 6 to 7:30, Jacksonville courthouse, 35c. HOME PROM FIRE CAMP KERBY, CCC. Nov. 23 (Spl.) Efficient effort of the CCC men located at Camp Kerby saved ; the home of J. B. Campbell of Selma from being completely demolished by: flames Saturday evening. Summoned by the newly Installed fire horn about 9:30 p. m. the boys quickly shouldered the constantly ready back pump and hurried some quarter of a mile to the burning structure. So rapid was the aotlon that the fire was quenched by the use of the equipment alone. This was after many of the boya had fought brush fire all day at Oak Flat. Plre authorities state that WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go If you feel four and mink and the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of ulu, min wl water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and vipect them to raaka you suddenly tweet and buoyant and full of unabine. For they can't do it They only more tha bowels and a mare movement doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile Into your Dowels daily. If this bile U not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It Just decays in tha bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You have thick, bad taata and your breath is foul, kin often breaks out in blemiihe. Your head achea and you feel down snd out. Your whole, system Is poisoned. It take those food, old CARTER'S LITTLE LIVBfl PILLS to get the two fiounds of bile (lowing freely and make you eel "up and up." They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle vegetable extracts, araaifng when It comes to making the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red VLiT label. Reaentasubstltute.2ocatdruft JfcY o iwi u. u. uo. ZmZZi WANTED TO RENT FOR 8 MONTHS PERIOD BABY GRAND PIANO Phone 1337-J CecOTlcnt lU. The f v It's easy to see why so many women prefer Lucky Strike. Luckies are fully packed with long strands of choice tobaccos, round and firm to the very tips. That means Luckies always draw easily, always burn smoothly. It also means no annoying loose ends to cling to lips or mess up the nice things in a woman's purse. And , every clay more arid more women are showing their appreciation by saying "Luckies please". Always tftcjincst tobaccos ALWAYS lite finest tvorttmanshlp ALWAYS Luckies please! H it's toasted " FOR THROAT PROTECTION FOR BETTER TASTS CUTT-EATTE Western Thrift Store 125 East Sixth Street (Next to Wurts Gift Shop) Friday, Saturday and Monday Selling Bring your list to Western Thrift and Be Assured of THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN HOLIDAY SETS lYiiuamR' Set, for Men fl.4S value Timely Olfta 89 Woodbury's, Acts for Men Sets for Ladlcw 89. $1.00 Cutex Manlnire Beta New Bukellte Box 89 Mello Olo Face Powder and and Perfume Hetd value 89. TOILETRIES REMEDIES 60o Cutex Q Q 11.60 Petrolagar qq HAND rltKMK jtC All numhern OjC I Hi. Mux Factor rn S1.00 Artlerlka 7Q niEAT. roi.n creamOIC -Eima ny OC 35c Jaia -J Q fl.00 Ilonkora rj n CIIEAM ROI'OE ..a 1 J C Reiliirlnit Aent I JC 11.00 lllnda 33c Vlcka O. lion. A Almond Tream I 1 C VAPO-RUB faJC HOc Elenja o loo Wyeth'a QA FACE CREAMS 4jC ASPIRIN, 3-nrnln LjC 30c Ipnno 5Q l.00 Smllh'a fZQ TOOTH PASTE aJ3C Hyr, llypophoaphltea .... Ok C SUNDRIES TOBACCOS 23c Modem p c BiiRler A for 1 r HAN. NAPKINS IDC rl. Tohnreo .. T IOC ili Cllllelle 1 Q 10c Dial Tarjet n RAZOR 111, AMES ltC Tuxedo, In Ion Leader OC 3-nuart Guaranteed Q Q 14-ox. Humidor "Q HOT WATER HOTTI.FJ7C UNION LEADER DjC $1.00 Vlnnl J Q 7-, Larue Hook ni imlTIIE KVRINOE ,.,'rjC Country ctentlrman ... a 1 C 5-Foot t f 80 -'rcmo 1 A C VRlNflE I.ENOTIIS 1UC Cliara tr. Box . y 1 rO MEDFORD 'S ORIGINAL CUT-RATE STORE 125 EAST SIXTH ST. aaSaaaCaaiaiii CABINET WORK cux Padgham Planing Mill Phone 521. 1309 Court St COAL HI-IIEAT I.ONO Hl llMNO UTAH'S FANCY I.IMP MEDFORD ITKL CO. im N. Central. Tel. 6.11